Java tutorial
/** * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package savant.file; import*; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import savant.api.adapter.FrameAdapter; import savant.api.adapter.TrackAdapter; import; import savant.api.event.GenomeChangedEvent; import savant.api.util.Listener; import savant.controller.*; import; import; import savant.exception.SavantEmptySessionException; import savant.util.Bookmark; import savant.util.DrawingMode; import savant.util.NetworkUtils; import savant.util.Range; import savant.view.variation.VariationController; /** * Class which represents a Savant project file. * * @author tarkvara */ public class Project { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Project.class); // 1: original version // 2: added mode attribute to track element private static final int FILE_VERSION = 2; private enum XMLElement { savant, genome, reference, track, bookmark, control }; private enum XMLAttribute { version, name, description, uri, range, length, cytoband, mode }; private Genome genome; private List<Bookmark> bookmarks; private List<String> trackPaths; private List<DrawingMode> trackModes; private List<String> controls; private String reference; private Range range; private String genomePath; private static XMLStreamWriter writer; private static XMLStreamReader reader; public Project(File f) throws Exception { try { createFromSerialization(new FileInputStream(f)); } catch (StreamCorruptedException x) { try { // Not a serialization stream. Let's try opening it as a compressed XML file. createFromXML(new GZIPInputStream(new FileInputStream(f))); } catch (IOException x2) { createFromXML(new FileInputStream(f)); } } } /** * Create a fresh Project object for the given published genome. May include a sequence * track as well as additional auxiliary tracks. */ public Project(Genome genome, URI[] trackURIs) { reference = genome.getReferenceNames().iterator().next(); range = new Range(1, 1000); this.genome = genome; trackPaths = new ArrayList<String>(trackURIs.length); for (URI u : trackURIs) { trackPaths.add(u.toString()); } } /** * Read old-style project files stored using Java serialization. * @param input */ private void createFromSerialization(InputStream input) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { ObjectInputStream objectStream = null; try { objectStream = new ObjectInputStream(input); while (true) { try { String key = (String) objectStream.readObject(); if (key == null) { break; } Object value = objectStream.readObject(); if (key.equals("GENOME")) { genome = (Genome) value; } else if (key.equals("BOOKMARKS")) { bookmarks = (List<Bookmark>) value; } else if (key.equals("TRACKS")) { trackPaths = (List<String>) value; } else if (key.equals("REFERENCE")) { reference = (String) value; } else if (key.equals("RANGE")) { range = (Range) value; } } catch (EOFException e) { break; } } } finally { try { objectStream.close(); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } } private void createFromXML(InputStream input) throws XMLStreamException, ParseException, IOException { trackPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); trackModes = new ArrayList<DrawingMode>(); bookmarks = new ArrayList<Bookmark>(); controls = new ArrayList<String>(); String genomeName = null; String genomeDesc = null; String cytobandPath = null; List<ReferenceInfo> references = new ArrayList<ReferenceInfo>(); reader = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(input); int version = -1; boolean done = false; do { switch ( { case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT: switch (readElement()) { case savant: version = Integer.valueOf(readAttribute(XMLAttribute.version)); Bookmark r = new Bookmark(readAttribute(XMLAttribute.range)); range = (Range) r.getRange(); reference = r.getReference();"Reading project version " + version); break; case genome: genomeName = readAttribute(; genomeDesc = readAttribute(XMLAttribute.description); genomePath = readAttribute(XMLAttribute.uri); cytobandPath = readAttribute(XMLAttribute.cytoband); break; case reference: references.add(new ReferenceInfo(readAttribute(, Integer.valueOf(readAttribute(XMLAttribute.length)))); break; case track: trackPaths.add(readAttribute(XMLAttribute.uri)); try { trackModes.add(DrawingMode.valueOf(readAttribute(XMLAttribute.mode))); } catch (Exception x) { // Mode attribute is invalid or missing. trackModes.add(null); } break; case bookmark: Bookmark b = new Bookmark(readAttribute(XMLAttribute.range)); b.setAnnotation(reader.getElementText()); bookmarks.add(b); break; case control: controls.add(reader.getElementText()); break; } break; case XMLStreamConstants.END_DOCUMENT: reader.close(); done = true; break; } } while (!done); if (cytobandPath != null) { genome = new Genome(genomeName, genomeDesc, URI.create(cytobandPath), null); } else if (references.size() > 0) { genome = new Genome(genomeName, genomeDesc, references.toArray(new ReferenceInfo[0])); } } private static XMLElement readElement() { String elemName = reader.getLocalName(); return Enum.valueOf(XMLElement.class, elemName); } private static String readAttribute(XMLAttribute attr) { return reader.getAttributeValue(null, attr.toString()); } public static void saveToFile(File f) throws IOException, SavantEmptySessionException, XMLStreamException { GZIPOutputStream output = new GZIPOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f)); writer = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter(output, "UTF-8"); writer.writeStartDocument(); writeStartElement(XMLElement.savant, ""); writeAttribute(XMLAttribute.version, Integer.toString(FILE_VERSION)); LocationController locationController = LocationController.getInstance(); Range r = locationController.getRange(); writeAttribute(XMLAttribute.range, String.format("%s:%d-%d", locationController.getReferenceName(), r.getFrom(), r.getTo())); writeStartElement(XMLElement.genome, " "); Genome g = GenomeController.getInstance().getGenome(); writeAttribute(, g.getName()); URI cytobandURI = g.getCytobandURI(); if (cytobandURI != null) { writeAttribute(XMLAttribute.cytoband, cytobandURI.toString()); } if (g.isSequenceSet()) { writeAttribute(XMLAttribute.uri, NetworkUtils.getNeatPathFromURI(g.getDataSource().getURI())); } else { for (String ref : g.getReferenceNames()) { writeEmptyElement(XMLElement.reference, " "); writeAttribute(, ref); writeAttribute(XMLAttribute.length, Integer.toString(g.getLength(ref))); } } writer.writeCharacters("\r\n "); writer.writeEndElement(); for (FrameAdapter fr : FrameController.getInstance().getOrderedFrames()) { // Frame may have zero-length track array if user saves while the "Creating track\u2026 progress-bar is up. TrackAdapter[] tracks = fr.getTracks(); if (tracks.length > 0) { TrackAdapter t0 = tracks[0]; URI uri = t0.getDataSource().getURI(); if (uri != null) { writeEmptyElement(XMLElement.track, " "); writeAttribute(XMLAttribute.uri, NetworkUtils.getNeatPathFromURI(uri)); writeAttribute(XMLAttribute.mode, t0.getDrawingMode().toString()); } } } for (Bookmark b : BookmarkController.getInstance().getBookmarks()) { writeStartElement(XMLElement.bookmark, " "); writeAttribute(XMLAttribute.range, b.getLocationText()); writer.writeCharacters(b.getAnnotation()); writer.writeEndElement(); } for (String p : VariationController.getInstance().getControls()) { writeStartElement(XMLElement.control, " "); writer.writeCharacters(p); writer.writeEndElement(); } writer.writeCharacters("\r\n"); writer.writeEndElement(); writer.writeEndDocument(); output.finish(); writer.close(); } private static void writeEmptyElement(XMLElement elem, String indent) throws XMLStreamException { writer.writeCharacters("\r\n" + indent); writer.writeEmptyElement(elem.toString()); } private static void writeStartElement(XMLElement elem, String indent) throws XMLStreamException { writer.writeCharacters("\r\n" + indent); writer.writeStartElement(elem.toString()); } private static void writeAttribute(XMLAttribute attr, String value) throws XMLStreamException { writer.writeAttribute(attr.toString(), value); } /** * Initial tracks which are loaded when the file is opened. The ProjectController needs to know * this so that it can determine which Track.ADDED events are part of the loading process, and so * that it knows when the project has actually finished loading. */ public List<String> getInitialTracks() { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); result.addAll(trackPaths); return result; } /** * Load the project's settings into Savant. */ public void load() throws Exception { GenomeController genomeController = GenomeController.getInstance(); genomeController.setGenome(genome); LocationController.getInstance().setLocation(reference, range); if (genome == null) { // Genome is in the form of a sequence track. Load it first so that the other tracks // will already have a genome in place. genomeController.addListener(new Listener<GenomeChangedEvent>() { @Override public void handleEvent(GenomeChangedEvent event) { GenomeController.getInstance().removeListener(this);"Received genomeChanged"); for (int i = 0; i < trackPaths.size(); i++) { String path = trackPaths.get(i); DrawingMode mode = trackModes.get(i); if (!path.equals(genomePath)) {"Adding ordinary track for " + path); FrameController.getInstance().addTrackFromPath(path, null, mode); } } } });"Adding sequence track for " + genomePath); FrameController.getInstance().addTrackFromPath(genomePath, DataFormat.SEQUENCE, null); } else { // Genome in place, so just load the tracks. for (int i = 0; i < trackPaths.size(); i++) { String path = trackPaths.get(i); DrawingMode mode = trackModes != null ? trackModes.get(i) : null; FrameController.getInstance().addTrackFromPath(path, null, mode); } } if (bookmarks != null && bookmarks.size() > 0) { BookmarkController.getInstance().addBookmarks(bookmarks); } if (controls != null) { VariationController.getInstance().setControls(controls); } } }