Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *   Copyright 2016-2016 spccold
 *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *   limitations under the License.
package sailfish.remoting.protocol;

import java.util.Arrays;

import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf;
import io.netty.util.Recycler;
import sailfish.remoting.RequestControl;
import sailfish.remoting.constants.CompressType;
import sailfish.remoting.constants.LangType;
import sailfish.remoting.constants.RemotingConstants;
import sailfish.remoting.constants.SerializeType;
import sailfish.remoting.exceptions.SailfishException;
import sailfish.remoting.processors.Request;
import sailfish.remoting.utils.PacketIdGenerator;

 * sailfish binary request protocol
 * <pre>
 * 1-- magic(2 bytes)
 * 2-- total length(header length + body length, 4 bytes)
 * 3-- header (8 bytes)
 *    3.1-- direction + oneway or not + heartbeat request or normal request + serializeType (1 byte)
 *          --request(1)(eighth high-order bit)
 *          --oneway(1)/twoway(0)(seventh high-order bit)
 *          --heartbeat request(1)/normal request(0)(sixth high-order bit)
 *          --serializeType([0~31])(five low-order bits)
 *    3.2-- packetId (4 bytes)
 *    3.3-- opcode   (2 bytes)
 *    3.4-- compressType + langType (1 byte)
 *          --compressType(four high-order bits)
 *          --langType(four low-order bits)
 * 4-- body ((total length - header length) bytes)
 * </pre>
 * @author spccold
 * @version $Id:, v 0.1 20161011 ?8:44:48 jileng Exp $
public class RequestProtocol implements Protocol {

    private static final Recycler<RequestProtocol> RECYCLER = new Recycler<RequestProtocol>() {
        protected RequestProtocol newObject(Recycler.Handle<RequestProtocol> handle) {
            return new RequestProtocol(handle);

    private static final int HEADER_LENGTH = 8;
    public static final int REQUEST_FLAG = 0x80;
    private static final int ONEWAY_FLAG = 0x40;
    private static final int HEARTBEAT_FLAG = 0x20;

    public static RequestProtocol newInstance() {
        return RECYCLER.get();

    private final Recycler.Handle<RequestProtocol> handle;

    // request direction
    private boolean heartbeat;
    private boolean oneway;
    private byte serializeType = SerializeType.NON_SERIALIZE;

    private int packetId;
    private short opcode;

    private byte compressType = CompressType.NON_COMPRESS;
    private byte langType = LangType.JAVA;

    private byte[] body;

    private RequestProtocol(Recycler.Handle<RequestProtocol> handle) {
        this.handle = handle;

    public void recycle() {
        if (null == handle) {//some objects don't need recycle
        heartbeat = false;
        oneway = false;
        serializeType = SerializeType.NON_SERIALIZE;
        packetId = 0;
        opcode = 0;
        compressType = CompressType.NON_COMPRESS;
        langType = LangType.JAVA;
        body = null;

    public void serialize(ByteBuf output) throws SailfishException {
        try {
            // write magic first
            // write package length(not contain current length field(4 bytes))
            output.writeInt(HEADER_LENGTH + bodyLength());

            byte compactByte = (byte) REQUEST_FLAG;
            if (this.oneway) {
                compactByte = (byte) (compactByte | ONEWAY_FLAG);
            if (this.heartbeat) {
                compactByte = (byte) (compactByte | HEARTBEAT_FLAG);

            output.writeByte(compactByte | serializeType);


            output.writeByte(compressType << 4 | langType);

            if (bodyLength() != 0) {
        } catch (Throwable cause) {
            throw new SailfishException(cause);
        } finally {

    public void deserialize(ByteBuf input, int totalLength) throws SailfishException {
        try {
            byte compactByte = input.readByte();
            this.oneway = ((compactByte & ONEWAY_FLAG) != 0);
            this.heartbeat = ((compactByte & HEARTBEAT_FLAG) != 0);
            this.serializeType = (byte) (compactByte & 0x1F);

            this.packetId = input.readInt();
            this.opcode = input.readShort();

            byte tmp = input.readByte();
            this.compressType = (byte) (tmp >> 4 & 0xF);
            this.langType = (byte) (tmp >> 0 & 0xF);

            // read body
            int bodyLength = totalLength - HEADER_LENGTH;
            if (bodyLength > 0) {
                this.body = new byte[bodyLength];
        } catch (Throwable cause) {
            throw new SailfishException(cause);

    public RequestProtocol heartbeat(boolean heartbeat) {
        this.heartbeat = heartbeat;
        return this;

    public boolean oneway() {
        return oneway;

    public RequestProtocol oneway(boolean oneway) {
        this.oneway = oneway;
        return this;

    public byte serializeType() {
        return serializeType;

    public RequestProtocol serializeType(byte serializeType) {
        this.serializeType = ProtocolParameterChecker.checkSerializeType(serializeType);
        return this;

    public int packetId() {
        return packetId;

    public RequestProtocol packetId(int packetId) {
        this.packetId = packetId;
        return this;

    public short opcode() {
        return opcode;

    public RequestProtocol opcode(short opcode) {
        this.opcode = opcode;
        return this;

    public byte compressType() {
        return compressType;

    public RequestProtocol compressType(byte compressType) {
        this.compressType = ProtocolParameterChecker.checkCompressType(compressType);
        return this;

    public byte langType() {
        return langType;

    public RequestProtocol langType(byte langType) {
        this.langType = ProtocolParameterChecker.checkLangType(langType);
        return this;

    public byte[] body() {
        return body;

    public RequestProtocol body(byte[] body) {
        this.body = body;
        return this;

    private int bodyLength() {
        if (null == body) {
            return 0;
        return body.length;

    public boolean request() {
        return true;

    public boolean heartbeat() {
        return this.heartbeat;

    public Request toRequest() {
        Request request = new Request(oneway, serializeType, compressType, body, langType);
        return request;

    public String toString() {
        return "RequestProtocol [heartbeat=" + heartbeat + ", oneway=" + oneway + ", serializeType=" + serializeType
                + ", packetId=" + packetId + ", opcode=" + opcode + ", compressType=" + compressType + ", langType="
                + langType + ", body=" + Arrays.toString(body) + "]";

    public static RequestProtocol newRequest(RequestControl requestControl) {
        RequestProtocol protocol = RequestProtocol.newInstance();
        return protocol;

    //less objects, don't need recycle
    public static RequestProtocol newHeartbeat() {
        RequestProtocol heartbeat = new RequestProtocol(null);
        return heartbeat;