Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of SADL, a library for learning all sorts of (timed) automata and performing sequence-based anomaly detection. * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 the original author or authors. * * SADL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * SADL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SADL. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import jsat.distributions.empirical.kernelfunc.BiweightKF; import jsat.distributions.empirical.kernelfunc.EpanechnikovKF; import jsat.distributions.empirical.kernelfunc.GaussKF; import jsat.distributions.empirical.kernelfunc.KernelFunction; import jsat.distributions.empirical.kernelfunc.TriweightKF; import jsat.distributions.empirical.kernelfunc.UniformKF; import sadl.anomalydetecion.AnomalyDetection; import sadl.constants.AnomalyInsertionType; import sadl.constants.DetectorMethod; import sadl.constants.DistanceMethod; import sadl.constants.FeatureCreatorMethod; import sadl.constants.KdeKernelFunction; import sadl.constants.MergeTest; import sadl.constants.ProbabilityAggregationMethod; import sadl.constants.ScalingMethod; import sadl.detectors.AnomalyDetector; import sadl.detectors.VectorDetector; import sadl.detectors.featureCreators.FeatureCreator; import sadl.detectors.featureCreators.FullFeatureCreator; import sadl.detectors.featureCreators.MinimalFeatureCreator; import sadl.detectors.featureCreators.SmallFeatureCreator; import sadl.detectors.threshold.AggregatedThresholdDetector; import sadl.detectors.threshold.FullThresholdDetector; import sadl.experiments.ExperimentResult; import sadl.input.TimedInput; import sadl.interfaces.ProbabilisticModel; import sadl.interfaces.ProbabilisticModelLearner; import sadl.modellearner.PdttaLearner; import sadl.oneclassclassifier.LibSvmClassifier; import sadl.oneclassclassifier.clustering.DbScanClassifier; import sadl.utils.IoUtils; import sadl.utils.MasterSeed; import sadl.utils.Settings; /** * * @author Timo Klerx * */ @Deprecated public class Pipeline implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4962328747559099050L; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Pipeline.class); // TODO move this to experiment project @Parameter(names = "-mergeTest") MergeTest mergeTest = MergeTest.ALERGIA; @Parameter(names = "-detectorMethod", description = "the anomaly detector method") DetectorMethod detectorMethod = DetectorMethod.SVM; @Parameter(names = "-featureCreator") FeatureCreatorMethod featureCreatorMethod = FeatureCreatorMethod.FULL; @Parameter(names = "-scalingMethod") ScalingMethod scalingMethod = ScalingMethod.NONE; @Parameter(names = "-distanceMetric", description = "Which distance metric to use for DBSCAN") DistanceMethod dbScanDistanceMethod = DistanceMethod.EUCLIDIAN; @Parameter(names = "-mergeAlpha") private double mergeAlpha; @Parameter(names = "-dbScanEps") private double dbscan_eps; @Parameter(names = "-dbScanN") private int dbscan_n; @Parameter(names = "-smoothingPrior") double smoothingPrior = 0; @Parameter(names = "-mergeT0") int mergeT0 = 3; @Parameter(names = "-kdeBandwidth") double kdeBandwidth; @Parameter(names = "-debug") private final boolean debug = false; @Parameter(names = "-aggregateSublists", arity = 1) private boolean aggregateSublists; @Parameter(names = "-kdeKernelFunction") KdeKernelFunction kdeKernelFunctionQualifier; KernelFunction kdeKernelFunction; @Parameter(names = "-recursiveMergeTest", arity = 1) private boolean recursiveMergeTest; @Parameter(names = "-aggregatedTimeThreshold") private double aggregatedTimeThreshold; @Parameter(names = "-aggregatedEventThreshold") private double aggregatedEventThreshold; @Parameter(names = "-singleEventThreshold") private double singleEventThreshold; @Parameter(names = "-singleTimeThreshold") private double singleTimeThreshold; @Parameter(names = "-probabilityAggregationMethod") ProbabilityAggregationMethod aggType = ProbabilityAggregationMethod.NORMALIZED_MULTIPLY; @Parameter(names = "-anomalyInsertionType") AnomalyInsertionType anomalyInsertionType = AnomalyInsertionType.ALL; @Parameter(names = "-svmNu") double svmNu; @Parameter(names = "-svmGamma") double svmGamma; @Parameter(names = "-svmEps") double svmEps; @Parameter(names = "-svmKernel") int svmKernelType; @Parameter(names = "-svmDegree") int svmDegree; @Parameter(names = "-svmProbabilityEstimate") int svmProbabilityEstimate; @Parameter(names = "-seed") long seed; @Parameter(names = "-trainFile") Path trainFile; @Parameter(names = "-testFile") Path testFile; @Parameter(names = "-trainTestFile") Path trainTestFile; private static final boolean abort = true; /** * @param args * @throws IOException * @throws InterruptedException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (abort) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This class is no longer supported! Use SADL main class with smac command"); } final Pipeline sp = new Pipeline(); final JCommander jc = new JCommander(sp); if (args.length != 1) { logger.error("Please provide the following inputs: [configFile]"); jc.usage(); System.exit(1); } jc.parse(args); MasterSeed.setSeed(sp.seed); try { boolean fileExisted = true; final ExperimentResult result =; final Path resultPath = Paths.get("result.csv"); if (!Files.exists(resultPath)) { Files.createFile(resultPath); fileExisted = false; } final DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try (BufferedWriter bw = Files.newBufferedWriter(resultPath, StandardCharsets.UTF_8, StandardOpenOption.APPEND)) { if (!fileExisted) { bw.append(ExperimentResult.CsvHeader()); bw.append('\n'); } bw.append(df.format(new Date())); bw.append(" ; "); bw.append(Arrays.toString(args)); bw.append("; "); bw.append(result.toCsvString()); bw.append('\n'); } System.exit(0); } catch (final Exception e) { logger.error("Unexpected exception with parameters" + Arrays.toString(args), e); throw e; } } FeatureCreator featureCreator; AnomalyDetector pdttaDetector; public ExperimentResult run() throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (debug) { Settings.setDebug(debug); } if (featureCreatorMethod == FeatureCreatorMethod.FULL) { featureCreator = new FullFeatureCreator(); } else if (featureCreatorMethod == FeatureCreatorMethod.SMALL) { featureCreator = new SmallFeatureCreator(); } else if (featureCreatorMethod == FeatureCreatorMethod.MINIMAL) { featureCreator = new MinimalFeatureCreator(); } else { featureCreator = null; } if (detectorMethod == DetectorMethod.SVM) { pdttaDetector = new VectorDetector(aggType, featureCreator, new LibSvmClassifier(svmProbabilityEstimate, svmGamma, svmNu, svmKernelType, svmEps, svmDegree, scalingMethod)); // pdttaDetector = new PdttaOneClassSvmDetector(aggType, featureCreator, svmProbabilityEstimate, svmGamma, svmNu, svmCosts, svmKernelType, svmEps, // svmDegree, scalingMethod); } else if (detectorMethod == DetectorMethod.THRESHOLD_AGG_ONLY) { pdttaDetector = new AggregatedThresholdDetector(aggType, aggregatedEventThreshold, aggregatedTimeThreshold, aggregateSublists); } else if (detectorMethod == DetectorMethod.THRESHOLD_ALL) { pdttaDetector = new FullThresholdDetector(aggType, aggregatedEventThreshold, aggregatedTimeThreshold, aggregateSublists, singleEventThreshold, singleTimeThreshold); } else if (detectorMethod == DetectorMethod.DBSCAN) { // pdttaDetector = new PdttaDbScanDetector(aggType, featureCreator, dbscan_eps, dbscan_n, distanceMethod, scalingMethod); pdttaDetector = new VectorDetector(aggType, featureCreator, new DbScanClassifier(dbscan_eps, dbscan_n, dbScanDistanceMethod, scalingMethod)); } else { pdttaDetector = null; } if (kdeKernelFunctionQualifier == KdeKernelFunction.BIWEIGHT) { kdeKernelFunction = BiweightKF.getInstance(); } else if (kdeKernelFunctionQualifier == KdeKernelFunction.EPANECHNIKOV) { kdeKernelFunction = EpanechnikovKF.getInstance(); } else if (kdeKernelFunctionQualifier == KdeKernelFunction.GAUSS) { kdeKernelFunction = GaussKF.getInstance(); } else if (kdeKernelFunctionQualifier == KdeKernelFunction.TRIWEIGHT) { kdeKernelFunction = TriweightKF.getInstance(); } else if (kdeKernelFunctionQualifier == KdeKernelFunction.UNIFORM) { kdeKernelFunction = UniformKF.getInstance(); } else if (kdeKernelFunctionQualifier == KdeKernelFunction.ESTIMATE) { kdeKernelFunction = null; } final TimedInput trainInput; final TimedInput testInput; if (trainTestFile != null) { final Pair<TimedInput, TimedInput> pair = IoUtils.readTrainTestFile(trainTestFile); trainInput = pair.getKey(); testInput = pair.getValue(); } else { trainInput = TimedInput.parse(trainFile); testInput = TimedInput.parse(testFile); } final ProbabilisticModelLearner learner = new PdttaLearner(mergeAlpha, recursiveMergeTest, kdeKernelFunction, kdeBandwidth, mergeTest, smoothingPrior, mergeT0, null); final ProbabilisticModel model = learner.train(trainInput); final AnomalyDetection detection = new AnomalyDetection(pdttaDetector, model); final ExperimentResult result = detection.test(testInput); System.out.println("Result for SMAC: SUCCESS, 0, 0, " + (1 - result.getFMeasure()) + ", 0"); // IoUtils.xmlSerialize(automaton, Paths.get("pdtta.xml")); // automaton = (PDTTA) IoUtils.xmlDeserialize(Paths.get("pdtta.xml")); return result; } }