Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of SADL, a library for learning all sorts of (timed) automata and performing sequence-based anomaly detection. * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 the original author or authors. * * SADL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * SADL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SADL. If not, see <>. */ package sadl.models; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.IntFunction; import java.util.function.IntUnaryOperator; import java.util.function.ToIntFunction; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import gnu.trove.iterator.TIntIterator; import gnu.trove.list.TDoubleList; import gnu.trove.list.TIntList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TDoubleArrayList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gnu.trove.set.TIntSet; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; import jsat.distributions.ContinuousDistribution; import jsat.distributions.Distribution; import jsat.distributions.MyDistributionSearch; import jsat.distributions.SingleValueDistribution; import jsat.distributions.empirical.MyKernelDensityEstimator; import jsat.linear.DenseVector; import jsat.linear.Vec; import sadl.constants.AnomalyInsertionType; import sadl.constants.ClassLabel; import sadl.detectors.AnomalyDetector; import sadl.input.TimedInput; import sadl.input.TimedWord; import sadl.interfaces.TauEstimator; import sadl.structure.Transition; import sadl.structure.UntimedSequence; import sadl.structure.ZeroProbTransition; import sadl.utils.CollectionUtils; /** * * @author Timo Klerx * */ public class TauPTA extends PDTTA { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7222525536004714236L; transient private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TauPTA.class); TObjectIntMap<Transition> transitionCount = new TObjectIntHashMap<>(); TIntIntMap finalStateCount = new TIntIntHashMap(); private AnomalyInsertionType anomalyType = AnomalyInsertionType.NONE; private static final int SEQUENTIAL_ANOMALY_K = 20; private static final double ANOMALY_3_CHANGE_RATE = 0.5; private static final double ANOMALY_4_CHANGE_RATE = 0.1; public static final double SEQUENCE_OMMIT_THRESHOLD = 0.0001; private static final double MAX_TYPE_FIVE_PROBABILITY = 0.2; List<UntimedSequence> abnormalSequences; int ommitedSequenceCount = 0; @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((abnormalSequences == null) ? 0 : abnormalSequences.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((anomalyType == null) ? 0 : anomalyType.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((finalStateCount == null) ? 0 : finalStateCount.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((transitionCount == null) ? 0 : transitionCount.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!super.equals(obj)) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final TauPTA other = (TauPTA) obj; if (abnormalSequences == null) { if (other.abnormalSequences != null) { return false; } } else if (!abnormalSequences.equals(other.abnormalSequences)) { return false; } if (anomalyType != other.anomalyType) { return false; } if (finalStateCount == null) { if (other.finalStateCount != null) { return false; } } else if (!finalStateCount.equals(other.finalStateCount)) { return false; } if (transitionCount == null) { if (other.transitionCount != null) { return false; } } else if (!transitionCount.equals(other.transitionCount)) { return false; } return true; } public AnomalyInsertionType getAnomalyType() { return anomalyType; } private void setAnomalyType(AnomalyInsertionType anomalyType) { checkImmutable(); this.anomalyType = anomalyType; } public TauPTA(TObjectIntMap<Transition> transitionCount, TIntIntMap finalStateCount) { this.transitionCount = transitionCount; this.finalStateCount = finalStateCount; } public TauPTA(TObjectIntMap<Transition> transitionCount, TIntIntMap finalStateCount, TauEstimator tauEstimator) { super(tauEstimator); this.transitionCount = transitionCount; this.finalStateCount = finalStateCount; } private TauPTA() { } /** * WARNING: The input is changed (transformed to TimedIntWords) * * @param trainingSequences */ @Deprecated public TauPTA(TimedInput trainingSequences) { super(); trainingSequences = SerializationUtils.clone(trainingSequences); final TauPTA initialPta = new TauPTA(); initialPta.addState(START_STATE); for (final TimedWord s : trainingSequences) { initialPta.addEventSequence(s); } // remove transitions and ending states with less than X occurences final double threshold = SEQUENCE_OMMIT_THRESHOLD * trainingSequences.size(); for (final int state : initialPta.finalStateProbabilities.keys()) { final List<Transition> stateTransitions = initialPta.getOutTransitions(state, false); for (final Transition t : stateTransitions) { if (initialPta.transitionCount.get(t.toZeroProbTransition()) < threshold) { initialPta.removeTimedTransition(t, false); } } if (initialPta.finalStateCount.get(state) < threshold) { initialPta.finalStateCount.put(state, 0); } } // compute event probabilities from counts for (final int state : initialPta.finalStateProbabilities.keys()) { final List<Transition> stateTransitions = initialPta.getOutTransitions(state, false); int occurenceCount = 0; for (final Transition t : stateTransitions) { occurenceCount += initialPta.transitionCount.get(t.toZeroProbTransition()); } occurenceCount += initialPta.finalStateCount.get(state); for (final Transition t : stateTransitions) { initialPta.changeTransitionProbability(t, initialPta.transitionCount.get(t.toZeroProbTransition()) / (double) occurenceCount, false); } initialPta.addFinalState(state, initialPta.finalStateCount.get(state) / (double) occurenceCount); } // now the whole stuff again but only with those sequences that are in the initialPta // do not remove any sequences because they should occur more often than the specified threshold addState(START_STATE); for (final TimedWord s : trainingSequences) { if (initialPta.isInAutomaton(s)) { addEventSequence(s); } } // compute event probabilities from counts for (final int state : finalStateProbabilities.keys()) { final List<Transition> stateTransitions = getOutTransitions(state, false); int occurenceCount = 0; for (final Transition t : stateTransitions) { occurenceCount += transitionCount.get(t.toZeroProbTransition()); } occurenceCount += finalStateCount.get(state); for (final Transition t : stateTransitions) { changeTransitionProbability(t, transitionCount.get(t.toZeroProbTransition()) / (double) occurenceCount, false); } addFinalState(state, finalStateCount.get(state) / (double) occurenceCount); } // compute time probabilities final Map<ZeroProbTransition, TDoubleList> timeValueBuckets = new HashMap<>(); for (final TimedWord s : trainingSequences) { if (isInAutomaton(s)) { int currentState = START_STATE; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { final String nextEvent = s.getSymbol(i); final Transition t = getTransition(currentState, nextEvent); if (t == null) { // this should never happen! throw new IllegalStateException( "Did not get a transition, but checked before that there must be transitions for this sequence " + s); } addTimeValue(timeValueBuckets, t.getFromState(), t.getToState(), t.getSymbol(), s.getTimeValue(i)); currentState = t.getToState(); } } else { ommitedSequenceCount++; } } "OmmitedSequenceCount={} out of {} sequences at a threshold of less than {} absolute occurences.", ommitedSequenceCount, trainingSequences.size(), SEQUENCE_OMMIT_THRESHOLD * trainingSequences.size()); final Map<ZeroProbTransition, ContinuousDistribution> distributions = fit(timeValueBuckets); setTransitionDistributions(distributions); if (distributions.size() != getTransitionCount()) { final List<Transition> missingDistributions = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Transition t : transitions) { if (distributions.get(t.toZeroProbTransition()) == null) { missingDistributions.add(t); } } System.out.println(missingDistributions); throw new IllegalStateException("It is not possible to more/less distributions than transitions (" + distributions.size() + "/" + getTransitionCount() + ")."); // compute what is missing in the distribution set } setAlphabet(trainingSequences); } private void addTimeValue(Map<ZeroProbTransition, TDoubleList> result, int currentState, int followingState, String event, double timeValue) { final ZeroProbTransition t = new ZeroProbTransition(currentState, followingState, event); final TDoubleList list = result.get(t); if (list == null) { final TDoubleList tempList = new TDoubleArrayList(); tempList.add(timeValue); result.put(t, tempList); } else { list.add(timeValue); } } private Map<ZeroProbTransition, ContinuousDistribution> fit( Map<ZeroProbTransition, TDoubleList> timeValueBuckets) { final Map<ZeroProbTransition, ContinuousDistribution> result = new HashMap<>(); logger.debug("timevalueBuckets.size={}", timeValueBuckets.size()); for (final ZeroProbTransition t : timeValueBuckets.keySet()) { result.put(t, fitDistribution(timeValueBuckets.get(t))); } return result; } private ContinuousDistribution fitDistribution(TDoubleList transitionTimes) { final Vec v = new DenseVector(transitionTimes.toArray()); final jsat.utils.Pair<Boolean, Double> sameValues = MyDistributionSearch.checkForDifferentValues(v); if (sameValues.getFirstItem().booleanValue()) { final ContinuousDistribution d = new SingleValueDistribution(sameValues.getSecondItem().doubleValue()); return d; } else { final MyKernelDensityEstimator kde = new MyKernelDensityEstimator(v); return kde; } } private void addEventSequence(TimedWord s) { int currentState = START_STATE; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { final String nextEvent = s.getSymbol(i); Transition t = getTransition(currentState, nextEvent); if (t == null) { t = addTransition(currentState, getStateCount(), nextEvent, NO_TRANSITION_PROBABILITY); transitionCount.put(t.toZeroProbTransition(), 0); } transitionCount.increment(t.toZeroProbTransition()); currentState = t.getToState(); } // add final state count finalStateCount.adjustOrPutValue(currentState, 1, 1); } // now change the pta to generate anomalies of type 1-4 // type 1: Auf jeder Ebene des Baumes: Whle einen zuflligen Zustand und ndere bei einer zuflligen Ausgangstransition das Symbol in ein zuflliges // anderes // Sysmbol des Alphabets fr das keine andere Ausgangstranition gibt. // type 2: Unwahrscheinlichste Sequenzen aus PTA auswhlen. nach Wahrscheinlichkeiten aller Sequenzen sortieren und die $k$ unwahrscheinlichsten Sequenzen // als Anomalien labeln (bzw. die Transitionen auf dem Weg der Sequenzen). // type 3: auf jeder Ebene des Baumes: heavily increase or decrease the outcome of one single PDF. 50% // type 4: Auf $k$ wahrscheinlichsten Sequenzen des PTA (damit Anomalien von Typ 2 und 4 sich nicht berlappen): slightly increase or decrease (also mixed!) // the outcome of ALL values. 10% // type 5: increase or create random stop transitions? Do not increase, because it is not detectable. Only add new stopping transitions // We only insert one type of anomaly into a TauPTA and generate anomalies of the chosen type. The testSet containing all types of anomalies is created by // merging the output of different sets that only contain one type of anomaly. // Event-Rauschen entfernen // now change the pta to generate anomalies of type 1-4 // type 1: Auf jeder Ebene des Baumes: Whle einen zuflligen Zustand und ndere bei einer zuflligen Ausgangstransition das Symbol in ein zuflliges // anderes // Sysmbol des Alphabets fr das keine andere Ausgangstranition gibt. // type 2: Unwahrscheinlichste Sequenzen aus PTA auswhlen. (Alle Sequenzen nach Wahrschienlichkeiten sortieren und die k unwahrscheinlichsten als // Anomalie labeln.) // type 3: auf jeder Ebene des Baumes: heavily increase or decrease the outcome of one single PDF. 50% // type 4: Auf wahrscheinlichen Sequenzen des PTA (damit Anomalien von Typ 2 und 4 sich nicht berlappen): slightly increase or decrease (also mixed!) // the outcome of ALL values. 10% public void makeAbnormal(AnomalyInsertionType newAnomalyType) { if (this.anomalyType != AnomalyInsertionType.NONE) { logger.error( "A TauPTA can only have one type of anomaly. This one already has AnomalyInsertionType {}, which should be overwritten with {}. The overwriting was not done!", this.anomalyType, anomalyType); return; } immutable = false; setAnomalyType(newAnomalyType); if (anomalyType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_ONE) { logger.debug("TransitionCount before inserting {} anomalies={}", anomalyType, getTransitionCount()); // choose a random state on every height and modify the symbol of an outgoing transition of that state to another random symbol insertPerLevelAnomaly(this::computeTransitionCandicatesType13, this::changeTransitionEvent); logger.debug("TransitionCount after inserting {} anomalies={}", anomalyType, getTransitionCount()); } else if (anomalyType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_TWO) { // label the k least probable paths as anomaly (every transition on the path is labeled as abnormal) abnormalSequences = insertSequentialAnomaly(this::insertAnomaly2); } else if (anomalyType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_THREE) { // choose a random state on every height and modify its time probability drastically (the modification of the time values is only done when sampling // them) insertPerLevelAnomaly(this::computeTransitionCandicatesType13, this::changeTimeProbability); } else if (anomalyType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_FOUR) { // choose the k most probable sequences and modify every time value for every transition on the path slightly (the modification of the time values // is only done when sampling them) insertSequentialAnomaly(this::insertAnomaly4); } else if (anomalyType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_FIVE) { insertPerLevelAnomaly(this::computeTransitionCandicatesType5, this::addFinalStateProbability); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("the AnomalyInsertionType " + newAnomalyType + " is not supported."); } checkForAbnormalTransitions(); this.checkAndRestoreConsistency(); immutable = true; } private void checkForAbnormalTransitions() { boolean hasAbnormalTransition = false; outer: for (final int state : getStates()) { final List<Transition> stateTransitions = getOutTransitions(state, true); for (final Transition t : stateTransitions) { if (t.isAbnormal()) { hasAbnormalTransition = true; break outer; } } } if (!hasAbnormalTransition) { throw new IllegalStateException("TauPTA should be abnormal but has no abnormal transitions!"); } } private List<UntimedSequence> insertSequentialAnomaly(IntUnaryOperator f) { final Set<UntimedSequence> allSequences = getAllSequences(); final TObjectDoubleMap<UntimedSequence> sequenceProbabilities = computeEventProbabilities(allSequences); // this function may be one lamba with the streaming interface // List<UntimedSequence> abnormalSequences = getAllSequences().stream().sort(one way or the other depending on the type of anomaly).take First $K$ // elements.collect(as List) logger.debug("AllSequences.size()={}", allSequences.size()); logger.debug("Transitions.size()={}", getTransitionCount()); final Comparator<UntimedSequence> c = (s1, s2) -> { final int probCompare =, sequenceProbabilities.get(s2)); if (probCompare != 0) { return f.applyAsInt(probCompare); } else { return f.applyAsInt(s1.toString().compareTo(s2.toString())); } }; logger.debug("Transitions.size()={}", transitions.size()); final int cap = Math.min(SEQUENTIAL_ANOMALY_K, allSequences.size()); return -> labelWithAnomaly(s, getAnomalyType())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); // allSequences.sort((t1, t2) ->, sequenceProbabilities.get(t2))); // final List<UntimedSequence> abnormalSequences = function.apply(allSequences); // abnormalSequences.forEach(s -> labelWithAnomaly(s,getAnomalyType())); } private UntimedSequence labelWithAnomaly(UntimedSequence s, AnomalyInsertionType anomalyinsertionType) { logger.debug("Labeling sequence {} with anomaly of type {}", s, anomalyinsertionType.getTypeIndex()); logger.debug("Prob of sequence is {}", computeProbability(s)); // traverse the TauPTA and label every transition with the anomalyType int currentState = START_STATE; final List<String> events = s.getEvents(); for (int i = 0; i < events.size(); i++) { final String event = events.get(i); final Transition t = getTransition(currentState, event); if (t == null) { logger.warn("Transition for state {} and event {} is null while processing sequence {}", currentState, event, s); logger.warn("Transitions.size={}", getTransitionCount()); throw new NullPointerException(); } else { changeAnomalyType(t, anomalyinsertionType); currentState = t.getToState(); } } return s; } private void changeAnomalyType(Transition t, @SuppressWarnings("hiding") AnomalyInsertionType anomalyType) { if ((t.getAnomalyInsertionType() != anomalyType)) { final Transition newTransition = addAbnormalTransition(t, anomalyType); final ContinuousDistribution d = removeTimedTransition(t); bindTransitionDistribution(newTransition, d); } } private TObjectDoubleMap<UntimedSequence> computeEventProbabilities(Set<UntimedSequence> allSequences) { final TObjectDoubleMap<UntimedSequence> result = new TObjectDoubleHashMap<>(); for (final UntimedSequence timedSequence : allSequences) { result.put(timedSequence, computeProbability(timedSequence)); } return result; } private double computeProbability(final UntimedSequence untimedSequence) { final List<String> events = untimedSequence.getEvents(); int currentState = getStartState(); final TDoubleList probabilities = new TDoubleArrayList(events.size()); for (int i = 0; i < events.size(); i++) { final String event = events.get(i); final Transition t = getTransition(currentState, event); final double probability = t.getProbability(); probabilities.add(probability); currentState = t.getToState(); } probabilities.add(getFinalStateProbability(currentState)); return AnomalyDetector.aggregate(probabilities); // return product(probabilities); } private int insertAnomaly2(int i) { // take the least probable $k$ sequences, traverse the TauPTA with those sequences and set every transition on its way to anomalyType2 return i; } private int insertAnomaly4(int i) { // take the most probable $k$ sequences, traverse the TauPTA with those sequences and set every transition on its way to anomalyType4 return -i; } private void insertPerLevelAnomaly(IntFunction<List<Transition>> possibleTransitionFunction, ToIntFunction<List<Transition>> insertAnomaly) { for (int height = 0; height < getTreeHeight(); height++) { final TIntList states = getStates(height); final List<Transition> allLevelTransitions = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) { allLevelTransitions.addAll(getOutTransitions(states.get(i), true)); } int result = 0; final List<Transition> possibleTransitions = possibleTransitionFunction.apply(height); if (possibleTransitions.size() > 0) { // sort for determinism Collections.sort(possibleTransitions); result = insertAnomaly.applyAsInt(possibleTransitions); } if (possibleTransitions.size() == 0 || result != 1) { logger.warn("It is not possible to insert anomalies on height {}", height); } } } private int changeTimeProbability(List<Transition> possibleTransitions) { if (possibleTransitions.size() == 0) { logger.warn("Chose states on which are leaf states. Inserting a anomalies is not possible."); return -1; } final Transition chosenTransition = CollectionUtils.chooseRandomObject(possibleTransitions, r); logger.debug("Chose transition {} for inserting an anomaly of type 3", chosenTransition); final ContinuousDistribution d = removeTimedTransition(chosenTransition); final Transition newTransition = addAbnormalTransition(chosenTransition.getFromState(), chosenTransition.getToState(), chosenTransition.getSymbol(), chosenTransition.getProbability(), AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_THREE); bindTransitionDistribution(newTransition.toZeroProbTransition(), d); return 1; } private int addFinalStateProbability(List<Transition> possibleTransitions) { if (possibleTransitions.size() == 0) { logger.warn( "Chose states which do not have transitions. Inserting a stopping anomaly is not possible. Transitions:{}", possibleTransitions); return -1; } // only add if there was no final state transition before // restore probability sum afterwards final Transition t = CollectionUtils.chooseRandomObject(possibleTransitions, r); // only do so if there is no stopping transition in the possibleTransitions final double probability = r.nextDouble() * MAX_TYPE_FIVE_PROBABILITY; addAbnormalFinalState(t.getFromState(), probability); // now fix probs that they sum up to one fixProbability(t.getFromState()); return 1; } private List<Transition> computeTransitionCandicatesType5(int height) { final List<Transition> result = new ArrayList<>(); final TIntList states = getStates(height); for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) { final int state = states.get(i); if (state == PDTTA.START_STATE) {"Won't insert a stopping anomaly for the root node"); continue; } else { final List<Transition> possibleTransitions = getOutTransitions(state, true); // check whether there is no real stopping transition in the current state if (! .anyMatch(t -> t.isStopTraversingTransition() && t.getProbability() > 0)) { // just add one transition which contains the state result.add(possibleTransitions.get(0)); } else { logger.debug("Filtered the state {} that already has a final state", state); } } } if (result.size() == 0) { logger.warn( "Chose states on height {} which all have final states. Inserting a stopping anomaly is not possible.", height); } return result; } private List<Transition> computeTransitionCandicatesType13(int height) { final List<Transition> result = new ArrayList<>(); final TIntList states = getStates(height); for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) { final int state = states.get(i); final List<Transition> possibleTransitions = getOutTransitions(state, false); result.addAll(possibleTransitions); } if (result.size() == 0) { logger.warn("Chose states on height {} which are leaf states. Inserting a anomalies is not possible.", height); } if (result.size() == 1) { // return an empty list if there is only one transition that is leading to the next level in the tree // there must always be a normal path, because o/w a path from this height on is always abnormal return Collections.emptyList(); } return result; } private int changeTransitionEvent(List<Transition> possibleTransitions) { final TIntSet currentStates = new TIntHashSet( -> t.getFromState()).distinct().toArray()); while (currentStates.size() > 0) { final Transition chosenTransition = CollectionUtils.chooseRandomObject(possibleTransitions, r); final int chosenFromState = chosenTransition.getFromState(); final List<Transition> stateTransitions = .filter(t -> t.getFromState() == chosenFromState).collect(Collectors.toList()); final List<String> notOccuringEvents = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(alphabet.getSymbols())); for (final Transition t : stateTransitions) { notOccuringEvents.remove(t.getSymbol()); } if (notOccuringEvents.size() == 0 || stateTransitions.size() == 0) { logger.warn("Not possible to change an event in state {}", chosenFromState); currentStates.remove(chosenFromState); continue; } else { final String chosenEvent = notOccuringEvents.get(r.nextInt(notOccuringEvents.size())); logger.debug("Chose event {} from {}", chosenEvent, notOccuringEvents); final ContinuousDistribution d = removeTimedTransition(chosenTransition); final Transition newTransition = addAbnormalTransition(chosenTransition.getFromState(), chosenTransition.getToState(), chosenEvent, chosenTransition.getProbability(), AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_ONE); bindTransitionDistribution(newTransition.toZeroProbTransition(), d); logger.debug("possibleTransitions={}", possibleTransitions); logger.debug("Changed {} to {} for inserting an anomaly of type 1", chosenTransition, newTransition); return 1; } } return 0; } /** * returns the maximum tree height * */ public int getTreeHeight() { return getTreeHeight(0, 0); } private int getTreeHeight(int currentState, int currentDepth) { final TIntList result = new TIntArrayList(); final List<Transition> deeperTransitions = getOutTransitions(currentState, false); if (deeperTransitions.size() == 0) { return currentDepth; } for (final Transition t : deeperTransitions) { result.add(getTreeHeight(t.getToState(), currentDepth + 1)); } return result.max(); } /** * returns all the states on the given tree height / tree level * * @param treeHeight */ public TIntList getStates(int treeHeight) { return getStates(treeHeight, 0, 0); } private TIntList getStates(int treeHeight, int currentState, int currentDepth) { final TIntList result = new TIntArrayList(); if (currentDepth < treeHeight) { final List<Transition> deeperTransitions = getOutTransitions(currentState, false); for (final Transition t : deeperTransitions) { result.addAll(getStates(treeHeight, t.getToState(), currentDepth + 1)); } } else { result.add(currentState); } return result; } @Override public TimedWord sampleSequence() { if (getAnomalyType() == AnomalyInsertionType.NONE) { return super.sampleSequence(); } // this TauPTA should sample anomalies of the one specified type int currentState = START_STATE; final List<String> eventList = new ArrayList<>(); final TIntList timeList = new TIntArrayList(); boolean choseFinalState = false; @SuppressWarnings("hiding") AnomalyInsertionType anomalyType = AnomalyInsertionType.NONE; int timedAnomalyCounter = 0; while (!choseFinalState) { List<Transition> possibleTransitions = getOutTransitions(currentState, true); double random = r.nextDouble(); double newProbSum = -1; if (getAnomalyType() == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_TWO || getAnomalyType() == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_FOUR) { // Filter out all transitions that do not belong to the sequential anomaly type and are no stopping transitions // The TauPTA should have a field containing its anomaly type. So if the TauPTA is of anomaly type 2, then only transitions with anomaly type 2 // are allowed to be chosen. possibleTransitions = t -> (t.getAnomalyInsertionType() == getAnomalyType() || t.isStopTraversingTransition())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); // after that normalize s.t. the remaining transition probs sum up to one (or make the random value smaller) newProbSum = -> t.getProbability()).sum(); if (!Precision.equals(newProbSum, 1)) { logger.debug("New ProbSum={}, so decreasing random value from {} to {}", newProbSum, random, random * newProbSum); random *= newProbSum; } } // the most probable transition (with the highest probability) should be at index 0 // should be right in this way Collections.sort(possibleTransitions, (t1, t2) ->, t2.getProbability())); if (possibleTransitions.size() <= 0) { logger.error( "There are no transitions for state {} with newProbSum={} and randomValue={}. This is not possible.", currentState, newProbSum, random); } double summedProbs = 0; int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < possibleTransitions.size(); i++) { summedProbs += possibleTransitions.get(i).getProbability(); if (random < summedProbs) { index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { logger.error("Found no possible transition from {}", possibleTransitions); } final Transition chosenTransition = possibleTransitions.get(index); if (chosenTransition.isAbnormal()) { if (getAnomalyType() != chosenTransition.getAnomalyInsertionType()) { // This is a conflict because the anomalyType was already set to anomaly. This should never happen! throw new IllegalStateException( "Two anomalies are mixed in this special case. This should never happen."); } anomalyType = chosenTransition.getAnomalyInsertionType(); } if (chosenTransition.isStopTraversingTransition()) { choseFinalState = true; // what happens if an abnormal stopping transiton (type 5) was chosen? // Nothing should happen because we label the sequence as type 5 anomaly } else if (eventList.size() > MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH) { throw new IllegalStateException( "A sequence longer than " + MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH + " events should have been generated"); } else { currentState = chosenTransition.getToState(); final Distribution d = transitionDistributions.get(chosenTransition.toZeroProbTransition()); if (d == null) { // maybe this happens because the automaton is more general than the data. So not every possible path in the automaton is represented in // the training data. throw new IllegalStateException("This should never happen for transition " + chosenTransition); } int timeValue = (int) d.sample(1, r)[0]; if (anomalyType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_THREE) { if (chosenTransition.isAbnormal()) { timeValue = changeTimeValue(timeValue, ANOMALY_3_CHANGE_RATE); timedAnomalyCounter++; } } else if (anomalyType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_FOUR) { if (chosenTransition.isAbnormal()) { timedAnomalyCounter++; timeValue = changeTimeValue(timeValue, ANOMALY_4_CHANGE_RATE); } } eventList.add(chosenTransition.getSymbol()); timeList.add(timeValue); } } if (anomalyType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_THREE || anomalyType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_FOUR) { logger.debug("{} out of {} transitions are marked with anomaly {}", timedAnomalyCounter, eventList.size(), anomalyType); } if (anomalyType != AnomalyInsertionType.NONE) { return new TimedWord(eventList, timeList, ClassLabel.ANOMALY); } else { return new TimedWord(eventList, timeList, ClassLabel.NORMAL); } } private int changeTimeValue(int value, double factor) { int result = 0; if (r.nextBoolean()) { result = (int) ((1 - factor) * value); } else { result = (int) ((1 + factor) * value); } if (result < 0) { result = (int) ((1 + factor) * value); } return result; } public Set<Transition> getAllTransitions() { return transitions; } /** * Removes the previously found abnormal sequences from the given normal PTA. * Use this method carefully. It also changes normalPta. * @param normalPta */ public void removeAbnormalSequences(TauPTA normalPta) { if (anomalyType == AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_TWO && normalPta.anomalyType == AnomalyInsertionType.NONE) { normalPta.makeMutable(); normalPta.removePaths(abnormalSequences); normalPta.makeImmutable(); } else { logger.warn("Tried to remove abnormal sequences from pta {}", normalPta); } } /** * Removes the given sample paths. * * @param abnormalSeqs the sample paths to remove. */ public void removePaths(List<UntimedSequence> abnormalSeqs) { for (final UntimedSequence s : abnormalSeqs) { removePath(s); } recomputeProbabilities(); removeUnreachableStates(); } private void recomputeProbabilities() { // TODO this code is more or less a duplicate of TauPtaLearner for (final int state : getStates()) { List<Transition> stateTransitions = getOutTransitions(state, false); boolean removedTransition = false; int occurenceCount = 0; for (final Transition t : stateTransitions) { final int count = transitionCount.get(t.toZeroProbTransition()); if (count == 0) { removeTransition(t); removedTransition = true; } else { occurenceCount += count; } } final int count = finalStateCount.get(state); if (count == 0) { addFinalState(state, NO_TRANSITION_PROBABILITY); removedTransition = true; } else { occurenceCount += count; } if (removedTransition) { stateTransitions = getOutTransitions(state, false); for (final Transition t : stateTransitions) { if (occurenceCount == 0) { removeTransition(t); } else { changeTransitionProbability(t, transitionCount.get(t.toZeroProbTransition()) / (double) occurenceCount, false); } } if (occurenceCount == 0) { removeState(state); } else { addFinalState(state, finalStateCount.get(state) / (double) occurenceCount); fixProbability(state); } } } } private TIntSet removeUnreachableStates() { final TIntSet removedStates = new TIntHashSet(); final TIntSet reachableStates = new TIntHashSet(); reachableStates.add(START_STATE); getReachableStates(START_STATE, reachableStates); for (final int state : getStates()) { if (!reachableStates.contains(state)) { removeState(state); removedStates.add(state); } } removeUnnecessaryTransitions(removedStates); return removedStates; } private void removeUnnecessaryTransitions(TIntSet removedStates) { final TIntIterator it = removedStates.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final int state =; final List<Transition> removableTransintions = getOutTransitions(state, false); for (final Transition t : removableTransintions) { removeTransition(t); } } } private void getReachableStates(int currentState, TIntSet reachableStates) { final List<Transition> reachableTransitions = getOutTransitions(currentState, false); reachableStates.add(currentState); for (final Transition t : reachableTransitions) { if (t.getProbability() > 0) { getReachableStates(t.getToState(), reachableStates); } } } /** * * @param s the sample path to remove * @param probability the probability of s * @param removeSingleTransition whether to remove a transition if it is the only outgoing one (except the final transition) */ private void removePath(UntimedSequence s) { int currentState = START_STATE; Transition temp; final List<Transition> visitedTransitions = new ArrayList<>(s.length()); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { temp = getTransition(currentState, s.getEvent(i)); visitedTransitions.add(temp); currentState = temp.getToState(); } final int count = finalStateCount.get(currentState); finalStateCount.adjustValue(currentState, -count); logger.debug( "Adjusting final state prob for state " + currentState + " from " + count + " with " + (-count)); for (final Transition t : visitedTransitions) { logger.debug("Adjusting value for transition " + t + " from " + transitionCount.get(t.toZeroProbTransition()) + " with " + (-count)); transitionCount.adjustValue(t.toZeroProbTransition(), -count); } logger.debug("Removed path" + s); } }