Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of SADL, a library for learning all sorts of (timed) automata and performing sequence-based anomaly detection. * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 the original author or authors. * * SADL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * SADL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SADL. If not, see <>. */ package sadl.models.pdrta; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NavigableMap; import; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import; import; import sadl.modellearner.rtiplus.SimplePDRTALearner; import sadl.modellearner.rtiplus.tester.LikelihoodValue; /** * This class manages the time and symbol probabilities for a {@link PDRTAState} which are needed for calculating the Likelihood Ratio Test and anomaly * detection. It also provides static methods for calculating the Likelihood Ratio. * * @author Fabian Witter * */ public class StateStatistic implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** * Contains the sizes (width) of the histogram bins */ private int[] histBarSizes; /** * Contains the number of outgoing {@link TimedTail}s for each histogram bin while training */ private int[] timeCount; /** * Contains the number of outgoing {@link TimedTail}s for each symbol while training */ private int[] symbolCount; /** * Contains the total number of outgoing {@link TimedTail}s while training */ private int totalOutCount; /** * Contains the number of incoming {@link TimedTail}s while training */ private int totalInCount; /** * Determines if this {@link StateStatistic} exists while training or during anomaly detection */ private boolean trainMode; /** * Contains the probabilities for outgoing {@link TimedTail}s for each histogram bin during anomaly detection */ private double[] timeProbs; /** * Contains the probabilities for outgoing {@link TimedTail}s for each symbol during anomaly detection */ private double[] symbolProbs; /** * Contains the probability for incoming {@link TimedTail}s to end in the {@link PDRTAState} during anomaly detection */ private double tailEndProb; /** * Contains the probabilities for transitions to be used by {@link TimedTail}s during anomaly detection */ private TIntObjectHashMap<TObjectDoubleHashMap<Interval>> intervalProbs; /** * Creates an initial {@link StateStatistic} for training * * @param numSymbols * The number of symbols from the input set * @param histoBarSizes * The sizes of the histogram bins * @return An initial {@link StateStatistic} for training */ protected static StateStatistic initStat(int numSymbols, int[] histoBarSizes) { return new StateStatistic(numSymbols, histoBarSizes); } /** * Creates a {@link StateStatistic} reconstructed from a already trained and persisted {@link PDRTA} * * @param alphSize * The number of symbols * @param histoBarSizes * The sizes of the histogram bins * @param stats * A set containing the probabilities embedded in formated {@link String}s * @return A {@link StateStatistic} reconstructed from a already trained and persisted {@link PDRTA} */ protected static StateStatistic reconstructStat(int alphSize, int[] histoBarSizes, Collection<String> stats) { double tailEndProb = 0.0; double[] timeProbs = new double[0]; double[] symbolProbs = new double[0]; assert (stats.size() == 3); for (String s : stats) { if (s.matches("^\\d+ T.+")) { // Sample: 0 TIME 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 final String[] p = s.split(" ", 3)[2].split(" / "); timeProbs = new double[p.length]; for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { try { timeProbs[i] = Double.parseDouble(p[i]); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (timeProbs.length != histoBarSizes.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Content is not correct!"); } } else if (s.matches("^\\d+ S.+")) { // Sample: 0 SYM 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 final String[] p = s.split(" ", 3)[2].split(" / "); symbolProbs = new double[p.length]; for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { try { symbolProbs[i] = Double.parseDouble(p[i]); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (symbolProbs.length != alphSize) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Content is not correct!"); } } else if (s.matches("^\\d+ \\[.+")) { // Sample: 0 [ xlabel = "0.0", fillcolor = "#FFA9A9" ]; s = s.split("\"", 3)[1]; try { tailEndProb = Double.parseDouble(s); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return new StateStatistic(histoBarSizes, timeProbs, symbolProbs, tailEndProb); } /** * Calculates the {@link LikelihoodValue} of the symbol distributions for merging two {@link PDRTAState}s * * @param s1 * First {@link PDRTAState} for merging * @param s2 * Second {@link PDRTAState} for merging * @return The {@link LikelihoodValue} of the symbol distributions for merging */ public static LikelihoodValue getLikelihoodRatioSym(PDRTAState s1, PDRTAState s2, boolean advancedPooling, CalcRatio cr) { final StateStatistic st1 = s1.getStat(); final StateStatistic st2 = s2.getStat(); final PDRTA a = s1.getPDRTA(); final int minData = PDRTA.getMinData(); if (!st1.trainMode || !st2.trainMode) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // LRT_FIX : Operator for calculation interruption (thesis: AND, impl: OR, own: AND) if (SimplePDRTALearner.bOp[2].eval(st1.totalOutCount < minData, st2.totalOutCount < minData)) { return new LikelihoodValue(); } else { return calcInterimLRT(a, st1.symbolCount, st2.symbolCount, advancedPooling, cr); } } /** * Calculates the {@link LikelihoodValue} of the histogram bin distributions for merging two {@link PDRTAState}s * * @param s1 * First {@link PDRTAState} for merging * @param s2 * Second {@link PDRTAState} for merging * @return The {@link LikelihoodValue} of the histogram bin distributions for merging */ public static LikelihoodValue getLikelihoodRatioTime(PDRTAState s1, PDRTAState s2, boolean advancedPooling, CalcRatio cr) { final StateStatistic st1 = s1.getStat(); final StateStatistic st2 = s2.getStat(); final PDRTA a = s1.getPDRTA(); final int minData = PDRTA.getMinData(); if (!st1.trainMode || !st2.trainMode) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // LRT_FIX : Operator for calculation interruption (thesis: AND, impl: OR, own: AND) if (SimplePDRTALearner.bOp[2].eval(st1.totalOutCount < minData, st2.totalOutCount < minData)) { return new LikelihoodValue(); } else { return calcInterimLRT(a, st1.timeCount, st2.timeCount, advancedPooling, cr); } } /** * Calculates the {@link LikelihoodValue} of the symbol distributions for splitting a transition. This done by splitting the set of {@link TimedTail}s in a * {@link PDRTAState} * * @param s * The {@link PDRTAState} for splitting * @param mSym * The Set of {@link TimedTail}s to be split apart clustered by symbol index * @return The {@link LikelihoodValue} of the symbol distributions for splitting a transition */ public static LikelihoodValue getLikelihoodRatioSym(PDRTAState s, Multimap<Integer, TimedTail> mSym, boolean advancedPooling, CalcRatio cr) { final StateStatistic st = s.getStat(); final PDRTA a = s.getPDRTA(); final int minData = PDRTA.getMinData(); if (!st.trainMode) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // LRT_FIX : Operator for calculation interruption (thesis: AND, impl: OR, own: AND) if (SimplePDRTALearner.bOp[2].eval((st.totalOutCount - mSym.size()) < minData, mSym.size() < minData)) { return new LikelihoodValue(); } final int[] part1SymCount = Arrays.copyOf(st.symbolCount, st.symbolCount.length); final int[] part2SymCount = new int[st.symbolCount.length]; for (final Entry<Integer, Collection<TimedTail>> eCol : mSym.asMap().entrySet()) { part1SymCount[eCol.getKey().intValue()] -= eCol.getValue().size(); part2SymCount[eCol.getKey().intValue()] += eCol.getValue().size(); } return calcInterimLRT(a, part1SymCount, part2SymCount, advancedPooling, cr); } /** * Calculates the {@link LikelihoodValue} of the histogram bin distributions for splitting a transition. This done by splitting the set of {@link TimedTail} * s in a {@link PDRTAState} * * @param s * The {@link PDRTAState} for splitting * @param mHist * The Set of {@link TimedTail}s to be split apart clustered by histogram index * @return The {@link LikelihoodValue} of the histogram bin distributions for splitting a transition */ public static LikelihoodValue getLikelihoodRatioTime(PDRTAState s, Multimap<Integer, TimedTail> mHist, boolean advancedPooling, CalcRatio cr) { final StateStatistic st = s.getStat(); final PDRTA a = s.getPDRTA(); final int minData = PDRTA.getMinData(); if (!st.trainMode) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // LRT_FIX : Operator for calculation interruption (thesis: AND, impl: OR, own: AND) if (SimplePDRTALearner.bOp[2].eval((st.totalOutCount - mHist.size()) < minData, mHist.size() < minData)) { return new LikelihoodValue(); } final int[] part1TimeCount = Arrays.copyOf(st.timeCount, st.timeCount.length); final int[] part2TimeCount = new int[st.timeCount.length]; for (final Entry<Integer, Collection<TimedTail>> eCol : mHist.asMap().entrySet()) { part1TimeCount[eCol.getKey().intValue()] -= eCol.getValue().size(); part2TimeCount[eCol.getKey().intValue()] += eCol.getValue().size(); } return calcInterimLRT(a, part1TimeCount, part2TimeCount, advancedPooling, cr); } public static LikelihoodValue getLikelihoodTime(PDRTAState s) { final StateStatistic st = s.getStat(); if (!st.trainMode) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } return calcLikelihood(st.timeCount, st.totalOutCount); } public static LikelihoodValue getLikelihoodSym(PDRTAState s) { final StateStatistic st = s.getStat(); if (!st.trainMode) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } return calcLikelihood(st.symbolCount, st.totalOutCount); } private static LikelihoodValue calcLikelihood(int[] count, int total) { double ratio = 0.0; int params = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count.length; i++) { if (count[i] > 0) { ratio += Math.log((double) count[i] / (double) total) * count[i]; params++; } } // LRT_FIX : Check if params or count.length (example in paper says count.length) // Does not work with params -> Degrees of Freedom for compared states may not be equal then // ***** // Tested whether or not to subtract 1 of the degrees of freedom // -> Results are equal and decided to use subtraction according to paper // -> Contradiction with Verwer's implementation of LRT with pooling if (params > 0) { return new LikelihoodValue(ratio, count.length - 1); } else { return new LikelihoodValue(); } } /** * Creates a deep copy of a given {@link StateStatistic} * * @param st * The {@link StateStatistic} to be copied */ protected StateStatistic(StateStatistic st) { if (st.trainMode) { histBarSizes = st.histBarSizes; timeCount = Arrays.copyOf(st.timeCount, st.timeCount.length); symbolCount = Arrays.copyOf(st.symbolCount, st.symbolCount.length); totalOutCount = st.totalOutCount; totalInCount = st.totalInCount; trainMode = true; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } /** * Adds an incoming {@link TimedTail} to the statistics while training * * @param t * The incoming {@link TimedTail} to be added */ protected void addToStats(TimedTail t) { if (trainMode && t != null) { totalInCount++; t = t.getNextTail(); if (t != null) { totalOutCount++; symbolCount[t.getSymbolAlphIndex()]++; timeCount[t.getHistBarIndex()]++; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } /** * Merges another {@link StateStatistic} into this statistic while training. This is used when two {@link PDRTAState}s are merged. * * @param st * The {@link StateStatistic} to be merged */ public void merge(StateStatistic st) { assert (trainMode); assert (timeCount.length == st.timeCount.length); assert (symbolCount.length == st.symbolCount.length); assert (histBarSizes.length == st.histBarSizes.length); for (int i = 0; i < timeCount.length; i++) { timeCount[i] += st.timeCount[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < symbolCount.length; i++) { symbolCount[i] += st.symbolCount[i]; } totalOutCount += st.totalOutCount; totalInCount += st.totalInCount; } /** * Adds the probability for a transition to be used by a {@link TimedTail} when reconstructing the {@link StateStatistic} from an already trained and * persisted {@link PDRTA} * * @param in * A transition * @param prob * The probability corresponding to the transition */ protected void addInterval(int symIdx, Interval in, double prob) { if (!trainMode) { addToMap(symIdx, in, prob); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } private void addToMap(int symIdx, Interval in, double prob) { TObjectDoubleHashMap<Interval> m; if (intervalProbs.containsKey(symIdx)) { m = intervalProbs.get(symIdx); } else { m = new TObjectDoubleHashMap<>(); intervalProbs.put(symIdx, m); } m.put(in, prob); } /** * Returns the probability for incoming {@link TimedTail}s to end in the {@link PDRTAState} * * @return The probability for incoming {@link TimedTail}s to end in the {@link PDRTAState} */ protected double getTailEndProb() { if (trainMode) { return 1.0 - ((double) totalOutCount / (double) totalInCount); } else { return tailEndProb; } } /** * Returns the probability for a given transition to be used by {@link TimedTail}s * * @param in * The transition to get the probability for * @return The probability the transition to be used by {@link TimedTail}s */ protected double getTransProb(int symIdx, Interval in) { if (trainMode) { return (double) in.getTails().size() / (double) totalOutCount; } else { if (intervalProbs.containsKey(symIdx)) { final TObjectDoubleHashMap<Interval> m = intervalProbs.get(symIdx); if (m.containsKey(in)) { return m.get(in); } } return 0.0; } } /** * Returns the probability for a given {@link TimedTail} according to the independent symbol and histogram bin probabilities * * @param t * The {@link TimedTail} to get the probability for * @return The probability for a given {@link TimedTail} according to the independent symbol and histogram bin probabilities */ protected double[] getHistProb(TimedTail t) { if (t.getHistBarIndex() < 0 || t.getSymbolAlphIndex() < 0) { return new double[] { 0.0, 0.0 }; } if (trainMode) { final double timeP = (double) timeCount[t.getHistBarIndex()] / (double) totalOutCount; final double symP = (double) symbolCount[t.getSymbolAlphIndex()] / (double) totalOutCount; return new double[] { symP, (timeP / histBarSizes[t.getHistBarIndex()]) }; } else { final double timeP = (timeProbs[t.getHistBarIndex()] / histBarSizes[t.getHistBarIndex()]); final double symP = symbolProbs[t.getSymbolAlphIndex()]; return new double[] { symP, timeP }; } } /** * Returns the number of outgoing {@link TimedTail}s while training * * @return The number of outgoing {@link TimedTail}s */ public int getTotalOutEvents() { if (trainMode) { return totalOutCount; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } /** * Returns a {@link String} representation of the histogram bin distribution for persistence * * @return The {@link String} representation of the histogram bin distribution */ protected String getTimeProbsString() { String s = ""; if (trainMode) { int c; if (totalOutCount == 0) { c = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { c = totalOutCount; } double p = (double) timeCount[0] / (double) c; s += p; for (int i = 1; i < timeCount.length; i++) { p = (double) timeCount[i] / (double) c; s += " / " + p; } } else { s += timeProbs[0]; for (int i = 1; i < timeProbs.length; i++) { s += " / " + timeProbs[i]; } } return s; } /** * Returns a {@link String} representation of the symbol distribution for persistence * * @return The {@link String} representation of the symbol distribution */ protected String getSymbolProbsString() { String s = ""; if (trainMode) { int c; if (totalOutCount == 0) { c = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { c = totalOutCount; } double p = (double) symbolCount[0] / (double) c; s += p; for (int i = 1; i < symbolCount.length; i++) { p = (double) symbolCount[i] / (double) c; s += " / " + p; } } else { s += symbolProbs[0]; for (int i = 1; i < symbolProbs.length; i++) { s += " / " + symbolProbs[i]; } } return s; } /** * Creates an initial {@link StateStatistic} for training * * @param numSymbols * The number of symbols from the input set * @param histoBarSizes * The sizes of the histogram bins */ private StateStatistic(int numSymbols, int[] histoBarSizes) { histBarSizes = histoBarSizes; timeCount = new int[histoBarSizes.length]; symbolCount = new int[numSymbols]; totalOutCount = 0; totalInCount = 0; trainMode = true; } /** * Creates a {@link StateStatistic} reconstructed from a already trained and persisted {@link PDRTA} * * @param histoBarSizes * The sizes of the histogram bins * @param timeProbs * The probabilities for outgoing {@link TimedTail}s for each histogram bin * @param symbolProbs * The probabilities for outgoing {@link TimedTail}s for each symbol * @param tailEndProb * The probability for incoming {@link TimedTail}s to end in the {@link PDRTAState} */ private StateStatistic(int[] histoBarSizes, double[] timeProbs, double[] symbolProbs, double tailEndProb) { histBarSizes = histoBarSizes; this.timeProbs = timeProbs; this.symbolProbs = symbolProbs; this.tailEndProb = tailEndProb; this.intervalProbs = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); this.trainMode = false; } /** * Calculates the {@link LikelihoodValue} for two given sets of {@link TimedTail} counts in a {@link PDRTA} * * @param a * The {@link PDRTA} * @param v1 * The first set of {@link TimedTail} counts * @param v2 * The second set of {@link TimedTail} counts * @return The {@link LikelihoodValue} for two given sets of {@link TimedTail} counts */ private static LikelihoodValue calcInterimLRT(PDRTA a, int[] v1, int[] v2, boolean advancedPooling, CalcRatio cr) { double ratio = 0.0; int parameters = 0; final int minData = PDRTA.getMinData(); assert (v1.length == v2.length); final TIntArrayList[] pooled = poolStats(v1, v2, minData, advancedPooling); final int total1 = pooled[0].get(pooled[0].size() - 1); final int total2 = pooled[1].get(pooled[1].size() - 1); // Calculating ratio and parameters for (int i = 0; i < (pooled[0].size() - 1); i++) { ratio += cr.calc(pooled[0].get(i), total1, pooled[1].get(i), total2); } // Minus 1 because sum of values is last item (not counting as parameter) parameters = pooled[0].size() - 1; // LRT_FIX : Thesis: parameters -1 only explained without pooling, Impl: parameters // parameters--; if (parameters >= 0) { return new LikelihoodValue(ratio, parameters); } else { return new LikelihoodValue(); } } /** * Calculates the Likelihood Ratio for two given {@link TimedTail} counts * * @param v1 * The first specific counts * @param v1Total * The first total counts * @param v2 * The second specific counts * @param v2Total * The second total counts * @return The Likelihood Ratio for two given {@link TimedTail} counts */ public static double calcLRTRatio(int v1, int v1Total, int v2, int v2Total) { double v1Prob = 1.0; if (v1 > 0) { v1Prob = (double) v1 / (double) v1Total; } double v2Prob = 1.0; if (v2 > 0) { v2Prob = (double) v2 / (double) v2Total; } double bothProb = 1.0; if (v1 > 0 || v2 > 0) { bothProb = (double) (v1 + v2) / (double) (v1Total + v2Total); } double ratio = 0.0; ratio += v1 * Math.log(bothProb); ratio -= v1 * Math.log(v1Prob); ratio += v2 * Math.log(bothProb); ratio -= v2 * Math.log(v2Prob); // TODO Test double problem // double ratio2 = 0.0; // ratio2 += (v1 + v2) * Math.log(bothProb); // ratio2 -= v1 * Math.log(v1Prob); // ratio2 -= v2 * Math.log(v2Prob); // if (, ratio2) != 0) { // System.out.println("ratio1 and ratio2 are not equal.\nratio1=" // + ratio + "\nratio2=" + ratio2); // } return ratio; } public static double calcFMRatio(int v1, int v1Total, int v2, int v2Total) { final int minData = PDRTA.getMinData(); final double total = v1 + v2; final double expected1 = (v1Total * total) / (v1Total + v2Total); final double expected2 = (v2Total * total) / (v1Total + v2Total); double top1 = v1 - expected1; double top2 = v2 - expected2; // Yates correction for continuity if (v1 < minData || v2 < minData) { if (top1 < 0) { top1 = -top1; } top1 -= 0.5; if (top2 < 0) { top2 = -top2; } top2 -= 0.5; } // FIXME Check what happens if expected is 0 => Is NaN ok? return ((top1 * top1) / expected1) + ((top2 * top2) / expected2); } private static TIntArrayList[] poolStats(int[] stat1, int[] stat2, int minData, boolean advanced) { assert (stat1.length == stat2.length); final TIntArrayList pooled1 = new TIntArrayList(stat1.length + 1); final TIntArrayList pooled2 = new TIntArrayList(stat1.length + 1); int iPool = 0; pooled1.add(0); pooled2.add(0); int sum1 = 0; int sum2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < stat1.length; i++) { sum1 += stat1[i]; sum2 += stat2[i]; // POOL_FIX : Operator for pooling (thesis: AND, impl: AND, own: AND) if (SimplePDRTALearner.bOp[0].eval(stat1[i] < minData, stat2[i] < minData)) { // Number of sequences is less than minData if (advanced && !SimplePDRTALearner.bOp[0].eval(pooled1.get(iPool) < minData, pooled2.get(iPool) < minData)) { // Close full pool and open new pool iPool = pooled1.size(); pooled1.add(stat1[i]); pooled2.add(stat2[i]); } else { // Add to existing pool pooled1.set(iPool, pooled1.get(iPool) + stat1[i]); pooled2.set(iPool, pooled2.get(iPool) + stat2[i]); } } else { // Number of sequences is more or equal minData pooled1.add(stat1[i]); pooled2.add(stat2[i]); } } // Discard small pools // POOL_FIX : Operator for pool discarding (thesis: missing, impl: [LRT: OR, FM: AND], own: AND) if (SimplePDRTALearner.bOp[1].eval(pooled1.get(iPool) < minData, pooled2.get(iPool) < minData)) { sum1 -= pooled1.removeAt(iPool); sum2 -= pooled2.removeAt(iPool); } // Append sum of values pooled1.add(sum1); pooled2.add(sum2); assert (pooled1.size() == pooled2.size()); final TIntArrayList[] pools = new TIntArrayList[2]; pools[0] = pooled1; pools[1] = pooled2; return pools; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(histBarSizes); result = prime * result + ((intervalProbs == null) ? 0 : intervalProbs.hashCode()); result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(symbolCount); result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(symbolProbs); long temp; temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(tailEndProb); result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(timeCount); result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(timeProbs); result = prime * result + totalInCount; result = prime * result + totalOutCount; result = prime * result + (trainMode ? 1231 : 1237); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final StateStatistic other = (StateStatistic) obj; if (!Arrays.equals(histBarSizes, other.histBarSizes)) { return false; } if (intervalProbs == null) { if (other.intervalProbs != null) { return false; } } else if (!intervalProbs.equals(other.intervalProbs)) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(symbolCount, other.symbolCount)) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(symbolProbs, other.symbolProbs)) { return false; } if (Double.doubleToLongBits(tailEndProb) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.tailEndProb)) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(timeCount, other.timeCount)) { return false; } if (!Arrays.equals(timeProbs, other.timeProbs)) { return false; } if (totalInCount != other.totalInCount) { return false; } if (totalOutCount != other.totalOutCount) { return false; } if (trainMode != other.trainMode) { return false; } return true; } void cleanUp(PDRTAState s) { intervalProbs = new TIntObjectHashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < symbolCount.length; i++) { final NavigableMap<Integer, Interval> ins = s.getIntervals(i); for (final Interval in : ins.values()) { addToMap(i, in, getTransProb(i, in)); } } symbolProbs = new double[symbolCount.length]; timeProbs = new double[histBarSizes.length]; if (totalOutCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < symbolCount.length; i++) { symbolProbs[i] = (double) symbolCount[i] / (double) totalOutCount; } for (int i = 0; i < histBarSizes.length; i++) { timeProbs[i] = (double) timeCount[i] / (double) totalOutCount; } } else { Arrays.fill(symbolProbs, 0.0); Arrays.fill(timeProbs, 0.0); } tailEndProb = getTailEndProb(); trainMode = false; timeCount = null; symbolCount = null; totalOutCount = -1; totalInCount = -1; } public interface CalcRatio { double calc(int v1, int t1, int v2, int t2); } }