Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of SADL, a library for learning all sorts of (timed) automata and performing sequence-based anomaly detection. * Copyright (C) 2013-2016 the original author or authors. * * SADL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * SADL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SADL. If not, see <>. */ package sadl.models; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.MathArithmeticException; import org.apache.commons.math3.fraction.BigFraction; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Precision; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import gnu.trove.list.TDoubleList; import gnu.trove.list.array.TDoubleArrayList; import; import; import gnu.trove.set.TIntSet; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; import gnu.trove.stack.TIntStack; import gnu.trove.stack.array.TIntArrayStack; import sadl.constants.AnomalyInsertionType; import sadl.constants.ClassLabel; import sadl.input.TimedInput; import sadl.input.TimedWord; import sadl.interfaces.AutomatonModel; import sadl.structure.AbnormalTransition; import sadl.structure.Transition; import sadl.structure.UntimedSequence; import sadl.utils.MasterSeed; /** * A Probabilistic Deterministic Finite Automaton (PDFA). * * @author Timo Klerx * */ public class PDFA implements AutomatonModel, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3584763240370878883L; public static final int START_STATE = 0; transient private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PDFA.class); // TODO maybe change Set<Transition> transitions to Map<State,Set<Transition>> protected Random r = MasterSeed.nextRandom(); public static final double NO_TRANSITION_PROBABILITY = 0; protected TimedInput alphabet; protected Set<Transition> transitions = new HashSet<>(); protected TIntDoubleMap finalStateProbabilities = new TIntDoubleHashMap(); protected TIntSet abnormalFinalStates = new TIntHashSet(); protected boolean immutable = false; protected void makeMutable() { immutable = false; } public void makeImmutable() { immutable = true; } public boolean isImmutable() { return immutable; } /** * * @return true if was not consistent and consistency was restored. */ protected boolean checkAndRestoreConsistency() { if (!isConsistent()) { return restoreConsistency(); } return false; } protected boolean restoreConsistency() { return fixProbabilities(); } protected boolean isConsistent() { final boolean probabilities = finalStateProbabilities.keySet().forEach(state -> checkProbability(state)); if (!probabilities) {"Probabilities do not match, but will be corrected"); } return probabilities; } protected boolean checkProbability(int state) { final List<Transition> outgoingTransitions = getOutTransitions(state, true); final double sum = -> t.getProbability()).sum(); final boolean compareResult = Precision.equals(sum, 1); logger.trace("Probability sum for state {}: {} (== 1? {})", state, sum, compareResult); return compareResult; } protected boolean fixProbabilities() { final boolean fixedProbs = finalStateProbabilities.keySet().forEach(state -> fixProbability(state)); if (fixedProbs) {"Probabilities were corrected."); } return fixedProbs; } protected boolean fixProbability(int state) { List<Transition> outgoingTransitions = getOutTransitions(state, true); final double sum = -> t.getProbability()).sum(); // divide every probability by the sum of probabilities s.t. they sum up to 1 if (!Precision.equals(sum, 1)) { logger.debug("Sum of transition probabilities for state {} is {}", state, sum); outgoingTransitions = getOutTransitions(state, true); outgoingTransitions.forEach(t -> changeTransitionProbability(t, t.getProbability() / sum)); outgoingTransitions = getOutTransitions(state, true); final double newSum = -> t.getProbability()).sum(); logger.debug("Corrected sum of transition probabilities is {}", newSum); if (!Precision.equals(newSum, 1.0)) { logger.debug("Probabilities do not sum up to one, so doing it again with the Fraction class"); final List<BigFraction> probabilities = new ArrayList<>(outgoingTransitions.size()); for (int i = 0; i < outgoingTransitions.size(); i++) { probabilities.add(i, new BigFraction(outgoingTransitions.get(i).getProbability())); } BigFraction fracSum = BigFraction.ZERO; for (final BigFraction f : probabilities) { try { fracSum = fracSum.add(f); } catch (final MathArithmeticException e) { logger.error("Arithmetic Exception for fracSum={}, FractionToAdd={}", fracSum, f, e); throw e; } } for (int i = 0; i < outgoingTransitions.size(); i++) { changeTransitionProbability(outgoingTransitions.get(i), probabilities.get(i).divide(fracSum).doubleValue()); // outgoingTransitions.get(i).setProbability(probabilities.get(i).divide(fracSum).doubleValue()); } final double tempSum = getOutTransitions(state, true).stream().mapToDouble(t -> t.getProbability()) .sum(); if (!Precision.equals(tempSum, 1.0)) { BigFraction preciseSum = BigFraction.ZERO; for (final BigFraction f : probabilities) { preciseSum = preciseSum.add(f.divide(fracSum)); } if (!preciseSum.equals(BigFraction.ONE)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Probabilities do not sum up to one, but instead to " + tempSum); } else { logger.warn( "Probabilities do not sum up to one, but instead to {}. This is due to double underflows, but they sum up to one if using BigFraction. This small error will be ignored.", tempSum); } } } } return true; } protected void changeTransitionProbability(Transition transition, double newProbability) { checkImmutable(); if (!transition.isStopTraversingTransition()) { removeTransition(transition); addTransition(transition.getFromState(), transition.getToState(), transition.getSymbol(), newProbability); } else { final double adjusted = finalStateProbabilities.put(transition.getFromState(), newProbability); if (Double.doubleToLongBits(adjusted) == Double .doubleToLongBits(finalStateProbabilities.getNoEntryValue())) { logger.warn("Was not possible to adjust final state prob for transition {} with new probability={}", transition, newProbability); } } } protected void checkImmutable() { if (isImmutable()) { throw new IllegalStateException(this.getClass() + " is immutable and cannot be changed anymore"); } } protected PDFA() { } public PDFA(Path trebaPath, TimedInput trainingSequences) throws IOException { try (BufferedReader inputReader = Files.newBufferedReader(trebaPath, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { this.alphabet = trainingSequences; String line = ""; // 172 172 3 0,013888888888888892 // from state ; to state ; symbol ; probability while ((line = inputReader.readLine()) != null) { final String[] lineSplit = line.split(" "); if (lineSplit.length == 4) { final int fromState = Integer.parseInt(lineSplit[0]); final int toState = Integer.parseInt(lineSplit[1]); final String symbol; if (alphabet == null) { symbol = lineSplit[2]; } else { symbol = trainingSequences.getSymbol(Integer.parseInt(lineSplit[2])); } final double probability = Double.parseDouble(lineSplit[3]); addTransition(fromState, toState, symbol, probability); } else if (lineSplit.length == 2) { final int state = Integer.parseInt(lineSplit[0]); final double finalProb = Double.parseDouble(lineSplit[1]); addFinalState(state, finalProb); } } inputReader.close(); } } public PDFA(Path trebaPath) throws IOException { this(trebaPath, null); } protected PDFA(PDFA pdfa) { this.alphabet = pdfa.alphabet; this.transitions = pdfa.transitions; this.finalStateProbabilities = pdfa.finalStateProbabilities; this.abnormalFinalStates = pdfa.abnormalFinalStates; } public PDFA(TimedInput alphabet, Set<Transition> transitions, TIntDoubleMap finalStateProbabilities, TIntSet abnormalFinalStates) { this.alphabet = alphabet; this.transitions = transitions; this.finalStateProbabilities = finalStateProbabilities; if (abnormalFinalStates == null) { this.abnormalFinalStates = new TIntHashSet(); } else { this.abnormalFinalStates = abnormalFinalStates; } } @Override public int getTransitionCount() { return transitions.size(); } public Transition addTransition(int fromState, int toState, String symbol, double probability) { checkImmutable(); addState(fromState); addState(toState); final Transition t = new Transition(fromState, toState, symbol, probability); transitions.add(t); return t; } protected Transition addAbnormalTransition(int fromState, int toState, String symbol, double probability, AnomalyInsertionType anomalyType) { checkImmutable(); addState(fromState); addState(toState); final Transition t = new AbnormalTransition(fromState, toState, symbol, probability, anomalyType); transitions.add(t); return t; } protected Transition addAbnormalTransition(Transition t, AnomalyInsertionType anomalyType) { return addAbnormalTransition(t.getFromState(), t.getToState(), t.getSymbol(), t.getProbability(), anomalyType); } public void addState(int state) { checkImmutable(); if (!finalStateProbabilities.containsKey(state)) { // finalStateProbabilities is also the set of states. so add the state to this set with a probability of zero addFinalState(state, NO_TRANSITION_PROBABILITY); } } protected Transition getFinalTransition(int state) { if (abnormalFinalStates.contains(state)) { return new AbnormalTransition(state, state, Transition.STOP_TRAVERSING_SYMBOL, finalStateProbabilities.get(state), AnomalyInsertionType.TYPE_FIVE); } else { return new Transition(state, state, Transition.STOP_TRAVERSING_SYMBOL, finalStateProbabilities.get(state)); } } public void toGraphvizFile(Path graphvizResult, boolean compressed, Map<String, String> idReplacement) throws IOException { try (BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(graphvizResult, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { writer.write("digraph G {\n"); // start states writer.write("qi [shape = point ];"); // write states for (final int state : finalStateProbabilities.keys()) { writer.write(Integer.toString(state)); writer.write(" [shape="); final boolean abnormal = getFinalTransition(state).isAbnormal(); final double finalProb = getFinalStateProbability(state); if (finalProb > 0 || (compressed && finalProb > 0.01)) { writer.write("double"); } writer.write("circle"); if (abnormal) { writer.write(", color=red"); } if (finalProb > 0 || (compressed && finalProb > 0.01)) { writer.write(", label=\""); writer.write(Integer.toString(state)); writer.write("\np= "); writer.write(Double.toString(Precision.round(finalProb, 2))); writer.write("\""); } writer.write("];\n"); } writer.write("qi -> 0;"); // write transitions for (final Transition t : transitions) { if (compressed && t.getProbability() <= 0.01) { continue; } // 0 -> 0 [label=0.06]; writer.write(Integer.toString(t.getFromState())); writer.write(" -> "); writer.write(Integer.toString(t.getToState())); writer.write(" [label=<"); if (idReplacement != null && idReplacement.containsKey(t.getSymbol())) { writer.write(idReplacement.get(t.getSymbol())); } else { writer.write(t.getSymbol()); } if (t.getProbability() > 0) { writer.write(" p="); writer.write(Double.toString(Precision.round(t.getProbability(), 2))); } if (t.isAbnormal()) { writer.write("<BR/>"); writer.write("<FONT COLOR=\"red\">"); writer.write(Integer.toString(t.getAnomalyInsertionType().getTypeIndex())); writer.write("</FONT>"); } writer.write(">"); if (t.isAbnormal()) { writer.write(" color=\"red\""); } writer.write(";];\n"); } writer.write("}"); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } } public void toGraphvizFile(Path graphvizResult, boolean compressed) throws IOException { toGraphvizFile(graphvizResult, compressed, Collections.emptyMap()); } public void addFinalState(int state, double probability) { checkImmutable(); finalStateProbabilities.put(state, probability); } protected void addAbnormalFinalState(int state, double probability) { checkImmutable(); addFinalState(state, probability); abnormalFinalStates.add(state); } public double getFinalStateProbability(int state) { return finalStateProbabilities.get(state); } public double getTransitionProbability(int fromState, int toState, String symbol) { for (final Transition t : transitions) { if (t.getFromState() == fromState && t.getToState() == toState && t.getSymbol().equals(symbol)) { return t.getProbability(); } } return NO_TRANSITION_PROBABILITY; } public Transition getTransition(int currentState, String event) { Transition result = null; if (event.equals(Transition.STOP_TRAVERSING_SYMBOL)) { result = getFinalTransition(currentState); } else { for (final Transition t : transitions) { if (t.getFromState() == currentState && t.getSymbol().equals(event)) { if (result != null) { logger.error( "Found more than one transition for state " + currentState + " and event " + event); } result = t; } } } return result; } protected List<Transition> getTransitions(int state, String event) { final List<Transition> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (event.equals(Transition.STOP_TRAVERSING_SYMBOL)) { result.add(getFinalTransition(state)); } else { for (final Transition t : transitions) { if (t.getFromState() == state && t.getSymbol().equals(event)) { result.add(t); } } } return result; } protected boolean removeTransition(Transition t) { checkImmutable(); final boolean wasRemoved = transitions.remove(t); if (!wasRemoved) { logger.warn("Tried to remove a non existing transition={}", t); } return wasRemoved; } protected static final int MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH = 1000; public TimedWord sampleSequence() { int currentState = START_STATE; final List<String> eventList = new ArrayList<>(); boolean choseFinalState = false; while (!choseFinalState) { final Transition chosenTransition = chooseNextTransition(currentState); if (chosenTransition.isStopTraversingTransition()) { choseFinalState = true; } else if (eventList.size() > MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH) { throw new IllegalStateException( "A sequence longer than " + MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH + " events should have been generated"); } else { currentState = chosenTransition.getToState(); eventList.add(chosenTransition.getSymbol()); } } return new TimedWord(eventList, null, ClassLabel.NORMAL); } protected Transition chooseNextTransition(int currentState) { final List<Transition> possibleTransitions = getOutTransitions(currentState, true); Collections.sort(possibleTransitions, (t1, t2) ->, t1.getProbability())); final double random = r.nextDouble(); double summedProbs = 0; int index = -1; for (int i = 0; i < possibleTransitions.size(); i++) { summedProbs += possibleTransitions.get(i).getProbability(); if (random < summedProbs) { index = i; break; } } final Transition chosenTransition = possibleTransitions.get(index); return chosenTransition; } /** * Returns all outgoing transitions for a given state * * @param currentState the given state * @param includeStoppingTransition whether to include final transition probabilities * @return the outgoing transitions */ public List<Transition> getOutTransitions(int currentState, boolean includeStoppingTransition) { final List<Transition> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Transition t : transitions) { if (t.getFromState() == currentState) { result.add(t); } } if (includeStoppingTransition) { for (final int state : finalStateProbabilities.keys()) { if (state == currentState) { result.add(getFinalTransition(state)); } } } return result; } /** * Returns all outgoing transitions for a given state * * @param currentState * the given state * @param includeStoppingTransition * whether to include final transition probabilities * @return the outgoing transitions */ public Pair<List<Transition>, List<Transition>> getInOutTransitions(int currentState, boolean includeStoppingTransition) { final List<Transition> outTransitions = new ArrayList<>(); final List<Transition> inTransitions = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Transition t : transitions) { if (t.getFromState() == currentState) { outTransitions.add(t); } if (t.getToState() == currentState) { inTransitions.add(t); } } if (includeStoppingTransition) { for (final int state : finalStateProbabilities.keys()) { if (state == currentState) { outTransitions.add(getFinalTransition(state)); } } } return Pair.create(inTransitions, outTransitions); } public Random getRandom() { return r; } public void setRandom(Random r) { this.r = r; } public boolean isInAutomaton(TimedWord s) { int currentState = START_STATE; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { final String nextEvent = s.getSymbol(i); final Transition t = getTransition(currentState, nextEvent); if (t == null) { return false; } currentState = t.getToState(); } if (getFinalStateProbability(currentState) > NO_TRANSITION_PROBABILITY) { return true; } else { return false; } } public int getStartState() { return START_STATE; } @Override public int getStateCount() { return finalStateProbabilities.size(); } protected void removeState(int i) { checkImmutable(); finalStateProbabilities.remove(i); } public void cleanUp() { logger.debug("{} states before cleanup", finalStateProbabilities.size()); final TIntSet reachableStates = new TIntHashSet(finalStateProbabilities.size()); final TIntStack stateStack = new TIntArrayStack(); stateStack.push(PDFA.START_STATE); while (stateStack.size() != 0) { final int currentState = stateStack.pop(); logger.trace("Processing state {}.", currentState); reachableStates.add(currentState); for (final String event : getAlphabet().getSymbols()) { final Transition t = getTransition(currentState, event); if (t != null && t.getProbability() > 0 && t.getToState() != currentState && !reachableStates.contains(t.getToState())) { stateStack.push(t.getToState()); } } } logger.debug("Found {} reachable states. Removing the others.", reachableStates.size()); final TIntSet statesToRemove = new TIntHashSet(); for (final int state : finalStateProbabilities.keys()) { if (!reachableStates.contains(state)) { statesToRemove.add(state); } } for (final int state : statesToRemove.toArray()) { finalStateProbabilities.remove(state); } if (finalStateProbabilities.size() != reachableStates.size()) { final TIntSet missingStates = new TIntHashSet(); logger.error("Number of reachable states ({}) and all states ({}) must be the same", reachableStates.size(), finalStateProbabilities.size()); if (finalStateProbabilities.size() > reachableStates.size()) { missingStates.addAll(finalStateProbabilities.keys()); missingStates.removeAll(reachableStates); throw new IllegalStateException( "The following states were not reachable, but final: " + missingStates); } else { missingStates.addAll(reachableStates); missingStates.removeAll(finalStateProbabilities.keys()); throw new IllegalStateException( "The following states were not final, but reachable: " + missingStates); } } logger.debug("{} states after cleanup", finalStateProbabilities.size()); } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((abnormalFinalStates == null) ? 0 : abnormalFinalStates.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((alphabet == null) ? 0 : alphabet.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((finalStateProbabilities == null) ? 0 : finalStateProbabilities.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((transitions == null) ? 0 : transitions.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null) { return false; } if (!(obj instanceof PDFA)) { return false; } final PDFA other = (PDFA) obj; if (abnormalFinalStates == null) { if (other.abnormalFinalStates != null) { return false; } } else if (!abnormalFinalStates.equals(other.abnormalFinalStates)) { return false; } if (alphabet == null) { if (other.alphabet != null) { return false; } } else if (!alphabet.equals(other.alphabet)) { return false; } if (finalStateProbabilities == null) { if (other.finalStateProbabilities != null) { return false; } } else if (!finalStateProbabilities.equals(other.finalStateProbabilities)) { return false; } if (transitions == null) { if (other.transitions != null) { return false; } } else if (!transitions.equals(other.transitions)) { int count = 0; for (final Transition t : transitions) { if (!other.transitions.contains(t)) { logger.trace("Transition {} not contained in other.transitions", t); count++; } } for (final Transition t : other.transitions) { if (!transitions.contains(t)) { logger.trace("Transition {} not contained in transitions", t); count++; } } if (count > 0) { logger.debug("{} out of {} transitions did not match", count, transitions.size()); } return false; } return true; } protected Set<UntimedSequence> getAllSequences() { return getAllSequences(0, new UntimedSequence()); } /** * returns all possible sequences concatenated with the given sequence * * @param fromState the state from where to gather the sequences * @param s the sequence taken from the root node so far * @return test */ private Set<UntimedSequence> getAllSequences(int fromState, UntimedSequence s) { final Set<UntimedSequence> result = new HashSet<>(); final List<Transition> outgoingTransitions = getOutTransitions(fromState, true); for (final Transition t : outgoingTransitions) { if (t.getProbability() > 0) { try { final UntimedSequence copy = s.clone(); if (t.isStopTraversingTransition()) { result.add(copy); } else { copy.addEvent(t.getSymbol()); result.addAll(getAllSequences(t.getToState(), copy)); } } catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e) { logger.error("This should never happen.", e); } } } return result; } public int[] getStates() { return finalStateProbabilities.keys(); } public TimedInput getAlphabet() { return alphabet; } public void setAlphabet(TimedInput alphabet) { this.alphabet = alphabet; } /** * * @return the list up to the last probability that exists. list may be shorter than the events list, iff there is an event which has no transition */ protected TDoubleList computeEventLikelihoods(TimedWord s) { final TDoubleList list = new TDoubleArrayList(); int currentState = START_STATE; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { final Transition t = getTransition(currentState, s.getSymbol(i)); // DONE this is crap, isnt it? why not return an empty list or null iff there is no transition for the given sequence? or at least put a '0' in the // last slot. if (t == null) { list.add(0); return list; } list.add(t.getProbability()); currentState = t.getToState(); } list.add(getFinalStateProbability(currentState)); return list; } @Override public Pair<TDoubleList, TDoubleList> calculateProbabilities(TimedWord s) { return Pair.create(computeEventLikelihoods(s), new TDoubleArrayList()); } }