Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the RUNA WFE project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 * of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ package ru.runa.wfe.extension.handler.var; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.MathContext; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import ru.runa.wfe.commons.CalendarUtil; import ru.runa.wfe.commons.ClassLoaderUtil; import ru.runa.wfe.commons.TypeConversionUtil; import ru.runa.wfe.commons.xml.XmlUtils; import ru.runa.wfe.extension.function.CreateSubListByIndexes; import ru.runa.wfe.extension.function.DeleteListElementsByIndexes; import ru.runa.wfe.extension.function.Function; import ru.runa.wfe.extension.function.GetListMatchedIndexes; import ru.runa.wfe.extension.function.GetListMismatchedIndexes; import ru.runa.wfe.extension.function.GetSize; import ru.runa.wfe.extension.function.ListToString; import ru.runa.wfe.extension.function.ToList; import; public class FormulaActionHandlerOperations { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(FormulaActionHandlerOperations.class); private static final Map<String, Function<? extends Object>> functions = Maps.newHashMap(); private static TreeMap<String, HashMap<Integer, String>> names = new TreeMap<String, HashMap<Integer, String>>(); private static TreeMap<String, HashMap<Integer, String>> families = new TreeMap<String, HashMap<Integer, String>>(); private static TreeMap<String, HashMap<Integer, String>> parents = new TreeMap<String, HashMap<Integer, String>>(); private static TreeMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> mappingConf = new TreeMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>(); static { registerFunction(new ListToString()); registerFunction(new GetListMatchedIndexes()); registerFunction(new GetListMismatchedIndexes()); registerFunction(new CreateSubListByIndexes()); registerFunction(new DeleteListElementsByIndexes()); registerFunction(new ToList()); registerFunction(new GetSize()); // readNameCaseConfig("nameCaseConf.xml"); readMappingConfig("mappingConf.xml"); } public static Function<? extends Object> getFunction(String name) { return functions.get(name); } private static void readNameCaseConfig(String path) { try { InputStream is = ClassLoaderUtil.getAsStream(path, FormulaActionHandlerOperations.class); if (is == null) { log.warn("No " + path + " found"); return; } Document document = XmlUtils.parseWithoutValidation(is); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> childs = document.getRootElement().elements(); for (Element element : childs) { if (element.getName().equals("name")) { names.put(element.attributeValue("value"), parseNameCaseRules(element)); } if (element.getName().equals("family")) { families.put(element.attributeValue("value"), parseNameCaseRules(element)); } if (element.getName().equals("parent")) { parents.put(element.attributeValue("value"), parseNameCaseRules(element)); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can`t parse " + path, e); } } private static HashMap<Integer, String> parseNameCaseRules(Element element) { HashMap<Integer, String> result = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Element> childs = element.elements(); for (Element child : childs) { if (child.getName().equals("name")) { break; } int c = Integer.parseInt(child.attributeValue("case")); result.put(c, child.getText()); } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static void readMappingConfig(String path) { try { InputStream is = ClassLoaderUtil.getAsStream(path, FormulaActionHandlerOperations.class); if (is == null) { log.warn("No " + path + " found"); return; } Document document = XmlUtils.parseWithoutValidation(is); List<Element> childs = document.getRootElement().elements(); for (Element rule : childs) { String title = rule.attributeValue("title"); HashMap<String, String> rmap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Element item : (List<Element>) rule.elements()) { String input = item.attributeValue("input"); String output = item.attributeValue("output"); rmap.put(input, output); } mappingConf.put(title, rmap); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Can`t parse " + path, e); } } private static void registerFunction(Function<? extends Object> function) { functions.put(function.getName(), function); } public Object sum(Object o1, Object o2) { if (BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o1) && Number.class.isInstance(o2)) { return ((BigDecimal) o1).add(asBigDecimal((Number) o2)); } if (Number.class.isInstance(o1) && BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o2)) { return asBigDecimal((Number) o1).add((BigDecimal) o2); } if (Double.class.isInstance(o1) && Number.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Double(((Number) o1).doubleValue() + ((Number) o2).doubleValue()); } if (Number.class.isInstance(o1) && Double.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Double(((Number) o1).doubleValue() + ((Number) o2).doubleValue()); } if (Long.class.isInstance(o1) && Long.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Long((long) (((Long) o1).doubleValue() + ((Long) o2).doubleValue())); } if (Date.class.isInstance(o1) && Number.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Date(((Date) o1).getTime() + (long) (((Number) o2).doubleValue() * 60 * 1000)); } if (Date.class.isInstance(o1) && Date.class.isInstance(o2)) { Date date2 = (Date) o2; Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.setTime(date2); return new Date(((Date) o1).getTime() + calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) * 3600000 + calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) * 60000); } if (String.class.isInstance(o1)) { return (String) o1 + translate(o2, String.class); } if (String.class.isInstance(o2)) { return translate(o1, String.class).toString() + (String) o2; } log.error("Cannot make summation for " + (o1 != null ? o1.getClass() : "null") + " with " + (o2 != null ? o2.getClass() : "null")); return null; } public Object sub(Object o1, Object o2) { if (BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o1) && Number.class.isInstance(o2)) { return ((BigDecimal) o1).subtract(asBigDecimal((Number) o2)); } if (Number.class.isInstance(o1) && BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o2)) { return asBigDecimal((Number) o1).subtract((BigDecimal) o2); } if (Double.class.isInstance(o1) && Number.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Double(((Number) o1).doubleValue() - ((Number) o2).doubleValue()); } if (Number.class.isInstance(o1) && Double.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Double(((Number) o1).doubleValue() - ((Number) o2).doubleValue()); } if (Long.class.isInstance(o1) && Long.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Long((long) (((Number) o1).doubleValue() - ((Number) o2).doubleValue())); } if (Date.class.isInstance(o1) && Number.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Date(((Date) o1).getTime() - (long) (((Number) o2).doubleValue() * 60 * 1000)); } if (Date.class.isInstance(o1) && Date.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Long((((Date) o1).getTime() - ((Date) o2).getTime()) / 60000); } log.error("Cannot make substraction for " + o1.getClass() + " with " + o2.getClass()); return null; } public Object mul(Object o1, Object o2) { if (BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o1) && Number.class.isInstance(o2)) { return ((BigDecimal) o1).multiply(asBigDecimal((Number) o2)); } if (Number.class.isInstance(o1) && BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o2)) { return asBigDecimal((Number) o1).multiply((BigDecimal) o2); } if (Double.class.isInstance(o1) && Number.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Double(((Number) o1).doubleValue() * ((Number) o2).doubleValue()); } if (Number.class.isInstance(o1) && Double.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Double(((Number) o1).doubleValue() * ((Number) o2).doubleValue()); } if (Long.class.isInstance(o1) && Long.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Long((long) (((Number) o1).doubleValue() * ((Number) o2).doubleValue())); } log.error("Cannot make multiplication for " + (o1 != null ? o1.getClass() : "null") + " with " + (o2 != null ? o2.getClass() : "null")); return null; } public Object div(Object o1, Object o2) { if (BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o1) && Number.class.isInstance(o2)) { return ((BigDecimal) o1).divide(asBigDecimal((Number) o2), MathContext.DECIMAL128); } if (Number.class.isInstance(o1) && BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o2)) { return asBigDecimal((Number) o1).divide((BigDecimal) o2, MathContext.DECIMAL128); } if (Double.class.isInstance(o1) && Number.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Double(((Double) o1).doubleValue() / ((Number) o2).doubleValue()); } if (Long.class.isInstance(o1) && Number.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Long((long) (((Long) o1).doubleValue() / ((Number) o2).doubleValue())); } log.error("Cannot make division for " + o1.getClass() + " with " + o2.getClass()); return null; } public Object changeSign(Object o) { if (BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o)) { return ((BigDecimal) o).negate(); } if (Double.class.isInstance(o)) { return new Double(-((Double) o).doubleValue()); } if (Long.class.isInstance(o)) { return new Long(-((Long) o).longValue()); } log.error("Cannot make changeSign for " + o.getClass()); return null; } public Object not(Object o) { if (Boolean.class.isInstance(o)) { return new Boolean(!((Boolean) o).booleanValue()); } log.error("Cannot make not for " + o.getClass()); return null; } public Object less(Object o1, Object o2) { if (BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o1) && Number.class.isInstance(o2)) { return ((BigDecimal) o1).compareTo(asBigDecimal((Number) o2)) < 0; } if (Number.class.isInstance(o1) && BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o2)) { return asBigDecimal((Number) o1).compareTo((BigDecimal) o2) < 0; } if (Double.class.isInstance(o1) && Double.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Boolean(((Double) o1).doubleValue() < ((Double) o2).doubleValue()); } if (Double.class.isInstance(o1) && Long.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Boolean(((Double) o1).doubleValue() < ((Long) o2).doubleValue()); } if (Long.class.isInstance(o1) && Double.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Boolean(((Long) o1).doubleValue() < ((Double) o2).doubleValue()); } if (Long.class.isInstance(o1) && Long.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Boolean(((Long) o1).longValue() < ((Long) o2).longValue()); } if (String.class.isInstance(o1) && String.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Boolean(((String) o1).compareTo((String) o2) < 0); } if (Date.class.isInstance(o1) && Date.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Boolean(((Date) o1).compareTo((Date) o2) < 0); } log.error("Cannot make less for " + o1.getClass() + " with " + o2.getClass()); return null; } public Object bigger(Object o1, Object o2) { return less(o2, o1); } public Object equal(Object o1, Object o2) { if (BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o1) && BigDecimal.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Boolean(((BigDecimal) o1).compareTo((BigDecimal) o2) == 0); } return new Boolean(o1.equals(o2)); } public Object lessOrEqual(Object o1, Object o2) { Object less = less(o1, o2); Object equal = equal(o1, o2); return or(less, equal); } public Object biggerOrEqual(Object o1, Object o2) { Object bigger = bigger(o1, o2); Object equal = equal(o1, o2); return or(bigger, equal); } public Object or(Object o1, Object o2) { if (Boolean.class.isInstance(o1) && Boolean.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Boolean(((Boolean) o1).booleanValue() || ((Boolean) o2).booleanValue()); } log.error("Cannot make or for " + o1.getClass() + " with " + o2.getClass()); return null; } public Object and(Object o1, Object o2) { if (Boolean.class.isInstance(o1) && Boolean.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Boolean(((Boolean) o1).booleanValue() && ((Boolean) o2).booleanValue()); } log.error("Cannot make and for " + o1.getClass() + " with " + o2.getClass()); return null; } public Object xor(Object o1, Object o2) { if (Boolean.class.isInstance(o1) && Boolean.class.isInstance(o2)) { return new Boolean(((Boolean) o1).booleanValue() ^ ((Boolean) o2).booleanValue()); } log.error("Cannot make xor for " + o1.getClass() + " with " + o2.getClass()); return null; } public Object translate(Object o, Class<?> c) { if (c == String.class && Date.class.isInstance(o)) { Date date = (Date) o; Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); calendar.setTime(date); if (calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) == 1970 && calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) == Calendar.JANUARY && calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) == 1) { return CalendarUtil.format(date, CalendarUtil.HOURS_MINUTES_FORMAT); } if (calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR) == 0 && calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) == 0 && calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND) == 0) { return CalendarUtil.format(date, CalendarUtil.DATE_WITHOUT_TIME_FORMAT); } return CalendarUtil.format(date, CalendarUtil.DATE_WITH_HOUR_MINUTES_FORMAT); } if (Date.class.isAssignableFrom(c) && Date.class.isInstance(o)) { return o; } return TypeConversionUtil.convertTo(c, o); } public Object dateFunction(Object p) { if (!Date.class.isInstance(p)) { return null; } Date d = (Date) p; try { return new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yy").parse(new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yy").format(d)); } catch (ParseException e) { log.warn("Unparseable date", e); } return null; } public Object timeFunction(Object p) { if (!Date.class.isInstance(p)) { return null; } Date d = (Date) p; try { String s = CalendarUtil.format(d, CalendarUtil.HOURS_MINUTES_FORMAT); return CalendarUtil.convertToDate(s, CalendarUtil.HOURS_MINUTES_FORMAT); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Unparseable time", e); } return null; } public Object hoursRoundUpFunction(Object p) { Double d = (Double) translate(p, Double.class); if (d == null) { return null; } double minutes = d.doubleValue(); long hours = (long) (minutes / 60); if (hours * 60 < minutes) { hours++; } return new Long(hours * 60); } public Long roundUpFunction(double d) { return (long) d + (d == (long) d ? 0 : 1); } public Long roundDownFunction(double d) { return (long) d; } public Long roundFunction(double d) { return Math.round(d); } public Double roundUpFunction(double d, int num) { long st = 1; while (num-- > 0) { st *= 10; } return (double) roundUpFunction(d * st) / st; } public Double roundDownFunction(double d, int num) { long st = 1; while (num-- > 0) { st *= 10; } return (double) roundDownFunction(d * st) / st; } public Double roundFunction(double d, int num) { long st = 1; while (num-- > 0) { st *= 10; } return (double) roundFunction(d * st) / st; } public String mapping(String input, String rule) { try { return mappingConf.get(rule).get(input); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("No mapping rule for " + input + " / " + rule, e); } return input; } public String nameCaseRussian(String fio, int caseNumber, String mode) { boolean sex = false; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(fio); if (st.hasMoreElements()) { st.nextToken(); } if (st.hasMoreElements()) { st.nextToken(); } String parent = st.hasMoreElements() ? st.nextToken() : " "; if (parent.charAt(parent.length() - 1) == '') { sex = true; } return nameCaseRussian(fio, caseNumber, sex, mode); } public String nameCaseRussian(String fio, int caseNumber, boolean sex, String mode) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(fio); String family = st.hasMoreElements() ? st.nextToken() : ""; String name = st.hasMoreElements() ? st.nextToken() : ""; String parent = st.hasMoreElements() ? st.nextToken() : ""; String answer = ""; for (char c : mode.toCharArray()) { switch (c) { case 'F': answer += wordCaseRussian(family, caseNumber, sex, 1, false); break; case 'I': answer += wordCaseRussian(name, caseNumber, sex, 2, false); break; case 'O': answer += wordCaseRussian(parent, caseNumber, sex, 3, false); break; case 'f': answer += wordCaseRussian(family, caseNumber, sex, 1, true); break; case 'i': answer += wordCaseRussian(name, caseNumber, sex, 2, true); break; case 'o': answer += wordCaseRussian(parent, caseNumber, sex, 3, true); break; default: answer += c; } } return answer; } private String wordCaseRussian(String word, int caseNumber, boolean sex, int wordType, boolean onlyOneChar) { // sex : male = true, female = false // wordType : 1 = family name, 2 = name, 3 = parent // if (word == null || word.length() == 0) { return ""; } if (onlyOneChar) { return "" + Character.toUpperCase(word.replaceAll(" ", "").charAt(0)) + '.'; } switch (wordType) { case 1: if (families.containsKey(word) && families.get(word).containsKey(caseNumber)) { return families.get(word).get(caseNumber); } break; case 2: if (names.containsKey(word) && names.get(word).containsKey(caseNumber)) { return names.get(word).get(caseNumber); } break; case 3: if (parents.containsKey(word) && parents.get(word).containsKey(caseNumber)) { return parents.get(word).get(caseNumber); } break; } int i = word.indexOf("-"); if (i > 0) { String part1 = word.substring(0, i); String part2 = word.substring(i + 1); return wordCaseRussian(part1, caseNumber, sex, wordType, onlyOneChar) + "-" + wordCaseRussian(part2, caseNumber, sex, wordType, onlyOneChar); } int len = word.length(); word = word.toLowerCase(); String suf3 = word.length() >= 3 ? word.substring(len - 3, len) : "___"; String suf2 = word.length() >= 2 ? word.substring(len - 2, len) : "__"; String suf1 = word.length() >= 1 ? word.substring(len - 1, len) : "_"; if (suf3.equals("") && wordType == 1 && !onlyOneChar && word.length() > 4) { String prefix = upcaseFirstChar(word.substring(0, len - 3)); switch (caseNumber) { case 1: return prefix + ""; case 2: return prefix + ""; case 3: return prefix + ""; case 4: return prefix + ""; case 5: return prefix + ""; case 6: return prefix + ""; } } int za = "? ? ? ".indexOf(suf2) + 1; int zb = "??".indexOf(suf3.charAt(0)) + 1; int zd = 5; if (za != 4) { zd = "?".indexOf(suf1) + 1; } String fs1 = "" + (sex ? "" : "?"); String fs2 = "? ?? ? ? ? ?"; boolean b = caseNumber == 1 || suf1.equals(".") || wordType == 2 && fs1.indexOf(suf1) >= 0 || wordType == 1 && fs2.indexOf(suf3) >= 0; if (b) { zd = 9; } else { boolean b2 = zd == 4 && sex; if (b2) { zd = 2; } else { if (wordType == 1) { if ("".indexOf(suf1) + " ? ?".indexOf(suf2) + 2 > 0) { zd = 9; } else { if (!sex) { if (za == 1) { zd = 7; } else { if (suf1.equals("")) { zd = za > 18 ? 1 : 6; } else { zd = 9; } } } else { boolean b3 = " ".indexOf(suf2) >= 0 && wordType > 4 && !word.substring(len - 4, len).equals("") || zb > 10 && za > 16; if (b3) { zd = 8; } } } } } } int ze = " " .indexOf(suf3) + 1; String zf = zd == 8 && caseNumber != 5 ? zb > 15 || " ".indexOf(suf3) >= 0 ? "" : "" : word.equals("") ? "" : len - 4 >= 0 && "??".indexOf(word.substring(len - 4, len - 3)) < 0 && (zb > 11 || zb == 0) && ze != 45 ? "" : za == 7 ? "" : za == 10 ? "" : za == 13 ? "" : ze == 0 ? "" : ze < 12 ? "" + (ze == 1 ? "" : "") : ze < 37 ? "" : ze < 49 ? "" : ""; if (zd != 9) { int nm = len; if (zd > 6 || zf.length() > 0) { nm -= 2; } else { nm -= zd > 0 ? 1 : 0; } String ns = word.substring(0, nm); ns += zf; String ss = " " + "".substring("".indexOf(suf1) + 1).charAt(0) + " " + ("".indexOf(suf2.charAt(0)) > 0 ? "" : "") + " ? ? " + (za == 16 ? "" : "") + " " + (zf.equals("") || za == 16 || zb > 12 && zb < 16 ? "" : "") + ""; ns += ss.substring(10 * zd + 2 * caseNumber - 3 - 1, 10 * zd + 2 * caseNumber - 3 + 1); zf = ns; } else { zf = word; } String ans = zf; ans = ans.replace(" ", ""); ans = upcaseFirstChar(ans); return ans; } private String upcaseFirstChar(String ans) { if (ans.length() != 0) { ans = "" + Character.toUpperCase(ans.charAt(0)) + ans.substring(1); } return ans; } private BigDecimal asBigDecimal(Number n) { if (BigDecimal.class.isInstance(n)) { return (BigDecimal) n; } else if (Double.class.isInstance(n)) { return BigDecimal.valueOf((Double) n); } else { return BigDecimal.valueOf((Long) n); } } }