Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 Maxim Gurkin <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ru.redcraft.pinterest4j.core.api; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.jsoup.nodes.Element; import; import ru.redcraft.pinterest4j.Board; import ru.redcraft.pinterest4j.Comment; import ru.redcraft.pinterest4j.NewPin; import ru.redcraft.pinterest4j.Pin; import ru.redcraft.pinterest4j.User; import ru.redcraft.pinterest4j.exceptions.PinMessageSizeException; import ru.redcraft.pinterest4j.exceptions.PinterestPinNotFoundException; import ru.redcraft.pinterest4j.exceptions.PinterestRuntimeException; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.async.TypeListener; import com.sun.jersey.api.representation.Form; import com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataBodyPart; import com.sun.jersey.multipart.FormDataMultiPart; public class PinAPI extends CoreAPI { private static final int MAX_PIN_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = 500; private static final String PIN_DESCRIPTION_PROP_NAME = "og:description"; private static final String PIN_IMAGE_PROP_NAME = "og:image"; private static final String PIN_PINBOARD_PROP_NAME = "pinterestapp:pinboard"; private static final String PIN_LINK_PROP_NAME = "pinterestapp:source"; private static final String PIN_PRICE_PROP_NAME = "pinterestapp:price"; private static final String PIN_PINNER_PROP_NAME = "pinterestapp:pinner"; private static final String PIN_LIKES_COUNT_PROP_NAME = "pinterestapp:likes"; private static final String PIN_REPINS_COUNT_PROP_NAME = "pinterestapp:repins"; private static final String PIN_COMMENTS_COUNT_PROP_NAME = "pinterestapp:comments"; private static final String PIN_URL = "og:url"; private static final String PIN_ID_ATTR = "data-id"; private static final String PIN_API_ERROR = "PIN API ERROR: "; private static final String COLLECTED_PINS = "Collected pins: "; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(PinAPI.class); static class NoMorePinsException extends PinterestRuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8944899106991139578L; public NoMorePinsException() { super("No more pins"); } } PinAPI(PinterestAccessToken accessToken, InternalAPIManager apiManager) { super(accessToken, apiManager); } private void chechPinDescriptionLength(String description) { int descLength = description.length(); if (descLength == 0) { throw new PinMessageSizeException(PinMessageSizeException.MSG_ZERO_SIZE); } if (descLength > MAX_PIN_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH) { throw new PinMessageSizeException(PinMessageSizeException.MSG_TOO_LONG); } } private FormDataMultiPart createPinAddForm(long boardID, NewPin newPin) { return createPinAddForm(boardID, newPin.getDescription(), newPin.getPrice(), newPin.getLink(), newPin.getImageURL(), newPin.getImageFile()); } private FormDataMultiPart createPinAddForm(long boardID, String description, double price, String link, String imageUrl, File imageFile) { FormDataMultiPart multipartForm = new FormDataMultiPart(); multipartForm.bodyPart(new FormDataBodyPart("board", Long.toString(boardID))); multipartForm.bodyPart(new FormDataBodyPart("details", description)); multipartForm.bodyPart(new FormDataBodyPart("link", link)); multipartForm .bodyPart(new FormDataBodyPart("csrfmiddlewaretoken", getAccessToken().getCsrfToken().getValue())); multipartForm.bodyPart(new FormDataBodyPart("buyable", "")); multipartForm.bodyPart(new FormDataBodyPart("tags", "")); multipartForm.bodyPart(new FormDataBodyPart("replies", "")); if (price != 0) { multipartForm.bodyPart(new FormDataBodyPart("buyable", "$" + Double.toString(price))); } if (imageUrl != null) { multipartForm.bodyPart(new FormDataBodyPart("img_url", imageUrl)); } else { multipartForm.bodyPart(createImageBodyPart(imageFile)); } return multipartForm; } public Pin addPinToBoard(Board board, NewPin newPin) { LOG.debug("Creating new pin on board " + board + " with new pin: " + newPin); chechPinDescriptionLength(newPin.getDescription()); board.getPinsCount(); // Magic. Pinterest boards are lazy initiated on creation Map<String, String> responseMap = new APIRequestBuilder("pin/create/") .setMediaType(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE) .setMethod(Method.POST, createPinAddForm(board.getId(), newPin)).setErrorMessage(PIN_API_ERROR) .build().parseResponse(); LazyPin createdPin = new LazyPin(responseMap.get("url"), getApiManager()); LOG.debug("Pin created " + createdPin); return createdPin; } private APIRequestBuilder getPinInfoRequestBuilder(long id) { return new APIRequestBuilder("pin/" + Long.toString(id) + "/").setAjaxUsage(false) .addExceptionMapping(Status.NOT_FOUND, new PinterestPinNotFoundException(id)) .setErrorMessage(PIN_API_ERROR); } public PinBuilder getCompletePin(long id) { LOG.debug("Getting all info for pin with id " + id); return parsePinInfo(getPinInfoRequestBuilder(id).build().getDocument()); } private PinBuilder parsePinInfo(Document doc) { PinBuilder builder = new PinBuilder(); Map<String, String> metaMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Element meta :"meta")) { metaMap.put(meta.attr("property"), meta.attr("content")); } builder.setId(Long.valueOf(metaMap.get(PIN_URL).replace("", "").replace("/", ""))); builder.setDescription(metaMap.get(PIN_DESCRIPTION_PROP_NAME)); builder.setImageURL(metaMap.get(PIN_IMAGE_PROP_NAME)); builder.setLink(metaMap.get(PIN_LINK_PROP_NAME)); builder.setPrice( metaMap.get(PIN_PRICE_PROP_NAME) != null ? Double.valueOf(metaMap.get(PIN_PRICE_PROP_NAME)) : 0); builder.setLikesCount(Integer.valueOf(metaMap.get(PIN_LIKES_COUNT_PROP_NAME))); builder.setRepinsCount(Integer.valueOf(metaMap.get(PIN_REPINS_COUNT_PROP_NAME))); builder.setCommentsCount(Integer.valueOf(metaMap.get(PIN_COMMENTS_COUNT_PROP_NAME))); builder.setBoard( new LazyBoard(metaMap.get(PIN_PINBOARD_PROP_NAME).replace(PINTEREST_URL, ""), getApiManager())); builder.setPinner(new LazyUser( metaMap.get(PIN_PINNER_PROP_NAME).replace(PINTEREST_URL, "").replace("/", ""), getApiManager())); Elements pinners ="p#PinnerName").first().getElementsByTag("a"); if (pinners.size() > 1) { builder.setOriginalPinner(new LazyUser(pinners.get(1).attr("href").replace("/", ""), getApiManager())); builder.setRepined(true); } else { builder.setOriginalPinner(builder.getPinner()); builder.setRepined(false); } return builder; } private List<Pin> parsePinsResponse(Document doc) { List<Pin> pinList = new ArrayList<Pin>(); Elements htmlPins =""); for (Element htmlPin : htmlPins) { if (htmlPin.hasAttr(PinAPI.PIN_ID_ATTR)) { long pinID = Long.valueOf(htmlPin.attr(PinAPI.PIN_ID_ATTR)); pinList.add(new LazyPin(pinID, getApiManager())); } } LOG.debug(COLLECTED_PINS + pinList.size()); return pinList; } private List<Pin> processPinsPage(APIRequestBuilder requestBuilder) { List<Pin> response = null; try { Document doc = requestBuilder.addExceptionMapping(Status.NOT_FOUND, new NoMorePinsException()) .setErrorMessage(PIN_API_ERROR).build().getDocument(); response = parsePinsResponse(doc); } catch (NoMorePinsException e) { response = new ArrayList<Pin>(); } return response; } public List<Pin> getPins(User user, int page, boolean likes) { LOG.debug("Getting pin list for user " + user + " on page " + page + "with filter likes " + likes); String filter = likes ? "&filter=likes" : ""; return processPinsPage(new APIRequestBuilder(user.getUserName() + "/pins/?page=" + page + filter)); } public List<Pin> getPins(Board board, int page) { LOG.debug("Getting pin list for board " + board + " on page " + page); return processPinsPage(new APIRequestBuilder(board.getURL() + "?page=" + page)); } public void deletePin(Pin pin) { LOG.debug("Deleting pin " + pin); new APIRequestBuilder(pin.getURL() + "delete/").setMethod(Method.POST, "{}").setErrorMessage(PIN_API_ERROR) .build(); LOG.debug("Pin deleted"); } public Pin updatePin(Pin pin, String description, double price, String link, Board board) { LOG.debug(String.format("Updating pin=%s with desc=%s, price=%f, link = %s, board=%s", pin, description, price, link, board)); chechPinDescriptionLength(description); FormDataMultiPart multipartForm = createPinAddForm(board.getId(), description, price, link, "", null); new APIRequestBuilder(pin.getURL() + "edit/").setMethod(Method.POST, multipartForm) .setErrorMessage(PIN_API_ERROR).setMediaType(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE).build(); Pin updatedPin = new LazyPin(pin.getId(), getApiManager()); LOG.debug("Pin updated"); return updatedPin; } public Pin getPinByID(long id) { return new LazyPin(getCompletePin(id), getApiManager()); } class PinListener extends TypeListener<ClientResponse> { private final long id; private final AsyncPinPayload payload; public PinListener(long id, AsyncPinPayload payload) { super(ClientResponse.class); = id; this.payload = payload; } @Override public void onComplete(Future<ClientResponse> f) throws InterruptedException { try { ClientResponse response = f.get(); if (response.getStatus() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()) { Document doc = Jsoup.parse(response.getEntity(String.class)); Pin pin = new LazyPin(parsePinInfo(doc), getApiManager()); payload.processPin(pin); } else { LOG.error("Async pin processing error"); response.close(); f.cancel(true); payload.processException(id, new PinterestRuntimeException(response, "Bad async response")); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Async pin processing error", e); f.cancel(true); payload.processException(id, e); } } } public void getAsyncPinByID(final long id, final AsyncPinPayload payload) { getPinInfoRequestBuilder(id).buildAsync(new PinListener(id, payload)); } private Form createRepinForm(Pin pin, Board board, String description) { Form form = new Form(); form.add("board", board.getId()); form.add("id", pin.getId()); form.add("details", description); form.add("csrfmiddlewaretoken", getAccessToken().getCsrfToken().getValue()); return form; } public Pin repin(Pin pin, Board board, String description) { String newDescription = (description != null) ? description : pin.getDescription(); LOG.debug(String.format("Repining pin = %s on board = %s with descr = %s", pin, board, newDescription)); Form repinForm = createRepinForm(pin, board, newDescription); String repinURL = new APIRequestBuilder(pin.getURL() + "repin/").setMethod(Method.POST, repinForm) .setErrorMessage(PIN_API_ERROR).build().parseResponse().get("repin_url"); Pin repinedPin = new LazyPin(repinURL, getApiManager()); LOG.debug("Created repined pin=" + repinedPin); return repinedPin; } public void like(Pin pin, boolean like) { LOG.debug(String.format("Setting like of pin = %s to = %s", pin, like)); new APIRequestBuilder(pin.getURL() + "like/").setMethod(Method.POST, getSwitchForm("unlike", like)) .setErrorMessage(PIN_API_ERROR).build().parseResponse(); LOG.debug("Pin like mark set to " + like); } private Form createCommentForm(Pin pin, String comment) { Form form = new Form(); form.add("text", comment); form.add("path", "/" + pin.getURL()); form.add("replies", ""); return form; } public Comment addCommentToPin(Pin pin, String comment, User user) { LOG.debug(String.format("Adding comment to pin = %s with text = '%s' by user = %s", pin, comment, user)); Map<String, String> responseMap = new APIRequestBuilder(pin.getURL() + "comment/") .setMethod(Method.POST, createCommentForm(pin, comment)).setErrorMessage(PIN_API_ERROR).build() .parseResponse(); Comment newComment = new CommentImpl(Long.valueOf(responseMap.get("id")), comment, user, new LazyPin(pin.getId(), getApiManager())); LOG.debug("Comment created: " + newComment); return newComment; } public void deleteComment(Comment comment) { LOG.debug(String.format("Deleting comment = %s", comment)); Form commentForm = new Form(); commentForm.add("comment", comment.getId()); new APIRequestBuilder(comment.getPin().getURL() + "deletecomment/").setMethod(Method.POST, commentForm) .setErrorMessage(PIN_API_ERROR).build().parseResponse(); LOG.debug("Comment deleted"); } public List<Comment> getComments(Pin pin) { LOG.debug("Getting comments for pin = " + pin); List<Comment> comments = new ArrayList<Comment>(); Document doc = null; String axajResponse = null; try { axajResponse = new APIRequestBuilder(pin.getURL()).setErrorMessage(PIN_API_ERROR).build().getResponse() .getEntity(String.class); doc = Jsoup.parse(new JSONObject(axajResponse).getString("footer")); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new PinterestRuntimeException(PIN_API_ERROR + axajResponse, e); } for (Element comment :"div.comment")) { long id = Long.valueOf(comment.getElementsByClass("DeleteComment").first().attr("data")); Element contentMeta = comment.getElementsByClass("CommenterMeta").first(); User user = new LazyUser(contentMeta.getElementsByTag("a").first().attr("href").replace("/", ""), getApiManager()); contentMeta.getElementsByTag("a").remove(); String text = contentMeta.text(); comments.add(new CommentImpl(id, text, user, pin)); } LOG.debug("Comments extracted: " + comments); return comments; } public boolean isLiked(Pin pin) { LOG.debug("Checking liked status for pin=" + pin); boolean liked = false; if (getPinInfoRequestBuilder(pin.getId()).build().getDocument().select("li.unlike-button").size() == 1) { liked = true; } LOG.debug("Liked state is " + liked); return liked; } public List<Pin> getPinsFromThread(String url, int page, long marker) { LOG.debug( String.format("Loading pins thread for url = %s on page = %d with marker = %d", url, page, marker)); Document doc = new APIRequestBuilder(url + "&page=" + page + "&marker=" + marker) .setErrorMessage(PIN_API_ERROR).build().getDocument(); return parsePinsResponse(doc); } }