Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 1998-2012 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; import org.springframework.web.context.request.WebRequest; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; import org.springframework.web.servlet.view.RedirectView; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import java.util.*; @Controller public class TopicController { public static final int RSS_DEFAULT = 20; @Autowired private SectionService sectionService; @Autowired private TopicDao messageDao; @Autowired private CommentPrepareService prepareService; @Autowired private TopicPrepareService messagePrepareService; @Autowired private CommentService commentService; @Autowired private IgnoreListDao ignoreListDao; @Autowired private Configuration configuration; @Autowired private IPBlockDao ipBlockDao; @Autowired private TopicPermissionService permissionService; @RequestMapping("/{section:(?:forum)|(?:news)|(?:polls)|(?:gallery)}/{group}/{id}") public ModelAndView getMessageNewMain(WebRequest webRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam(value = "filter", required = false) String filter, @RequestParam(value = "cid", required = false) Integer cid, @PathVariable("section") String sectionName, @PathVariable("group") String groupName, @PathVariable("id") int msgid) throws Exception { if (cid != null) { return jumpMessage(request, msgid, cid); } Section section = sectionService.getSectionByName(sectionName); return getMessageNew(section, webRequest, request, response, 0, filter, groupName, msgid); } @RequestMapping("/{section:(?:forum)|(?:news)|(?:polls)|(?:gallery)}/{group}/{id}/page{page}") public ModelAndView getMessageNewPage(WebRequest webRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam(value = "filter", required = false) String filter, @PathVariable("section") String sectionName, @PathVariable("group") String groupName, @PathVariable("id") int msgid, @PathVariable("page") int page) throws Exception { Section section = sectionService.getSectionByName(sectionName); return getMessageNew(section, webRequest, request, response, page, filter, groupName, msgid); } private static int getDefaultFilter(ProfileProperties prof, boolean emptyIgnoreList) { int filterMode = CommentFilter.FILTER_IGNORED; if (!prof.isShowAnonymous()) { filterMode += CommentFilter.FILTER_ANONYMOUS; } if (emptyIgnoreList) { filterMode &= ~CommentFilter.FILTER_IGNORED; } return filterMode; } private static PagesInfo buildPages(Topic topic, int messagesPerPage, int filterMode, int defaultFilterMode, int currentPage) { TopicLinkBuilder base = TopicLinkBuilder.baseLink(topic).lastmod(messagesPerPage); if (filterMode != defaultFilterMode) { base = base.filter(filterMode); } List<String> out = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < topic.getPageCount(messagesPerPage); i++) { out.add(; } return new PagesInfo(out, currentPage); } private ModelAndView getMessageNew(Section section, WebRequest webRequest, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, int page, String filter, String groupName, int msgid) throws Exception { Topic topic = messageDao.getById(msgid); Template tmpl = Template.getTemplate(request); PreparedTopic preparedMessage = messagePrepareService.prepareTopic(topic, request.isSecure(), tmpl.getCurrentUser()); Group group = preparedMessage.getGroup(); if (!group.getUrlName().equals(groupName) || group.getSectionId() != section.getId()) { return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(topic.getLink())); } Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); boolean showDeleted = request.getParameter("deleted") != null; if (showDeleted) { page = -1; } boolean rss = request.getParameter("output") != null && "rss".equals(request.getParameter("output")); if (rss && topic.isExpired()) { throw new MessageNotFoundException(topic.getId(), "no more comments"); } if (!tmpl.isModeratorSession()) { if (showDeleted && !"POST".equals(request.getMethod())) { return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(topic.getLink())); } } if (page == -1 && !tmpl.isSessionAuthorized()) { return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(topic.getLink())); } int pages = topic.getPageCount(tmpl.getProf().getMessages()); if (page >= pages && (page > 0 || pages > 0)) { if (pages == 0) { return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(topic.getLink())); } else { return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(topic.getLinkPage(pages - 1))); } } if (showDeleted) { if (!tmpl.isSessionAuthorized()) { throw new BadInputException(" ??"); } } params.put("showDeleted", showDeleted); User currentUser = AuthUtil.getCurrentUser(); if (topic.isExpired() && showDeleted && !tmpl.isModeratorSession()) { throw new MessageNotFoundException(topic.getId(), "? ? ? "); } permissionService.checkView(topic, currentUser); if (group.getCommentsRestriction() == -1 && !tmpl.isSessionAuthorized()) { throw new AccessViolationException(" ? ? ?"); } params.put("message", topic); params.put("preparedMessage", preparedMessage); if (topic.isExpired()) { response.setDateHeader("Expires", System.currentTimeMillis() + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L); } CommentList comments = commentService.getCommentList(topic, showDeleted); if (!rss) { params.put("page", page); params.put("group", group); params.put("showAdsense", !tmpl.isSessionAuthorized() || !tmpl.getProf().isHideAdsense()); if (!tmpl.isSessionAuthorized()) { // because users have IgnoreList and memories String etag = getEtag(topic, tmpl); response.setHeader("Etag", etag); if (request.getHeader("If-None-Match") != null) { if (etag.equals(request.getHeader("If-None-Match"))) { response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_MODIFIED); return null; } } else if (checkLastModified(webRequest, topic)) { return null; } } params.put("messageMenu", messagePrepareService.getTopicMenu(preparedMessage, currentUser, request.isSecure(), tmpl.getProf(), true)); Set<Integer> ignoreList; if (currentUser != null) { ignoreList = ignoreListDao.get(currentUser); } else { ignoreList = ImmutableSet.of(); } int defaultFilterMode = getDefaultFilter(tmpl.getProf(), ignoreList.isEmpty()); int filterMode; if (filter != null) { filterMode = CommentFilter.parseFilterChain(filter); if (!ignoreList.isEmpty() && filterMode == CommentFilter.FILTER_ANONYMOUS) { filterMode += CommentFilter.FILTER_IGNORED; } } else { filterMode = defaultFilterMode; } params.put("filterMode", CommentFilter.toString(filterMode)); params.put("defaultFilterMode", CommentFilter.toString(defaultFilterMode)); loadTopicScroller(params, topic, currentUser, !ignoreList.isEmpty()); Set<Integer> hideSet = commentService.makeHideSet(comments, filterMode, ignoreList); CommentFilter cv = new CommentFilter(comments); boolean reverse = tmpl.getProf().isShowNewFirst(); List<Comment> commentsFiltred = cv.getCommentsForPage(reverse, page, tmpl.getProf().getMessages(), hideSet); List<Comment> commentsFull = cv.getCommentsForPage(reverse, page, tmpl.getProf().getMessages(), ImmutableSet.<Integer>of()); params.put("unfilteredCount", commentsFull.size()); List<PreparedComment> commentsPrepared = prepareService.prepareCommentList(comments, commentsFiltred, request.isSecure(), tmpl, topic); params.put("commentsPrepared", commentsPrepared); IPBlockInfo ipBlockInfo = ipBlockDao.getBlockInfo(request.getRemoteAddr()); params.put("ipBlockInfo", ipBlockInfo); if (pages > 1 && !showDeleted) { params.put("pages", buildPages(topic, tmpl.getProf().getMessages(), filterMode, defaultFilterMode, page)); } } else { CommentFilter cv = new CommentFilter(comments); List<Comment> commentsFiltred = cv.getCommentsForPage(true, 0, RSS_DEFAULT, ImmutableSet.<Integer>of()); List<PreparedRSSComment> commentsPrepared = prepareService.prepareCommentListRSS(commentsFiltred, request.isSecure()); params.put("commentsPrepared", commentsPrepared); LorURL lorURL = new LorURL(configuration.getMainURI(), configuration.getMainUrl()); params.put("mainURL", lorURL.fixScheme(request.isSecure())); } return new ModelAndView(rss ? "view-message-rss" : "view-message", params); } private void loadTopicScroller(Map<String, Object> params, Topic topic, User currentUser, boolean useIgnoreList) { Topic prevMessage; Topic nextMessage; if (useIgnoreList) { prevMessage = messageDao.getPreviousMessage(topic, currentUser); nextMessage = messageDao.getNextMessage(topic, currentUser); } else { prevMessage = messageDao.getPreviousMessage(topic, null); nextMessage = messageDao.getNextMessage(topic, null); } params.put("prevMessage", prevMessage); params.put("nextMessage", nextMessage); Boolean topScroller; SectionScrollModeEnum sectionScroller = sectionService.getScrollMode(topic.getSectionId()); if (prevMessage == null && nextMessage == null) { topScroller = false; } else { topScroller = sectionScroller != SectionScrollModeEnum.NO_SCROLL; } params.put("topScroller", topScroller); Boolean bottomScroller = sectionScroller != SectionScrollModeEnum.NO_SCROLL; params.put("bottomScroller", bottomScroller); } /** * ? ? ? ?? /view-message.jsp * @param msgid id * @param page ? * @param lastmod ? ?? * @param filter * @param output ? * @return * @throws Exception ? ?? */ @RequestMapping("/view-message.jsp") public ModelAndView getMessageOld(@RequestParam("msgid") int msgid, @RequestParam(value = "page", required = false) Integer page, @RequestParam(value = "lastmod", required = false) Long lastmod, @RequestParam(value = "filter", required = false) String filter, @RequestParam(required = false) String output) throws Exception { Topic topic = messageDao.getById(msgid); StringBuilder link = new StringBuilder(topic.getLink()); StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder(); if (page != null) { link.append("/page").append(page); } if (lastmod != null && !topic.isExpired()) { params.append("?lastmod=").append(topic.getLastModified().getTime()); } if (filter != null) { if (params.length() == 0) { params.append('?'); } else { params.append('&'); } params.append("filter=").append(filter); } if (output != null) { if (params.length() == 0) { params.append('?'); } else { params.append('&'); } params.append("output=").append(output); } link.append(params); return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(link.toString())); } private static boolean checkLastModified(WebRequest webRequest, Topic message) { try { return webRequest.checkNotModified(message.getLastModified().getTime()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) { return false; } } private static String getEtag(Topic message, Template tmpl) { String nick = tmpl.getNick(); String userAddon = nick != null ? ('-' + nick) : ""; if (!tmpl.isUsingDefaultProfile()) { userAddon += tmpl.getProf().getTimestamp(); } return "msg-" + message.getId() + '-' + message.getLastModified().getTime() + userAddon; } private ModelAndView jumpMessage(HttpServletRequest request, int msgid, int cid) throws Exception { Template tmpl = Template.getTemplate(request); Topic topic = messageDao.getById(msgid); CommentList comments = commentService.getCommentList(topic, false); CommentNode node = comments.getNode(cid); boolean deleted = false; if (node == null && tmpl.isModeratorSession()) { comments = commentService.getCommentList(topic, true); node = comments.getNode(cid); deleted = true; } if (node == null) { throw new MessageNotFoundException(topic, cid, " #" + cid + " ??"); } int pagenum = deleted ? 0 : comments.getCommentPage(node.getComment(), tmpl.getProf()); TopicLinkBuilder redirectUrl = TopicLinkBuilder.pageLink(topic, pagenum) .lastmod(tmpl.getProf().getMessages()).comment(cid); if (deleted) { redirectUrl = redirectUrl.showDeleted(); } if (tmpl.isSessionAuthorized() && !deleted) { Set<Integer> ignoreList = ignoreListDao.get(tmpl.getCurrentUser()); Set<Integer> hideSet = commentService.makeHideSet(comments, getDefaultFilter(tmpl.getProf(), ignoreList.isEmpty()), ignoreList); if (hideSet.contains(node.getComment().getId())) { redirectUrl = redirectUrl.filter(CommentFilter.FILTER_NONE); } } return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(; } @RequestMapping(value = "/jump-message.jsp", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.HEAD }) public ModelAndView jumpMessage(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam int msgid, @RequestParam(required = false) Integer page, @RequestParam(required = false) Integer cid) throws Exception { if (cid != null) { return jumpMessage(request, msgid, cid); } Topic topic = messageDao.getById(msgid); TopicLinkBuilder builder; if (page != null) { builder = TopicLinkBuilder.pageLink(topic, page); } else { builder = TopicLinkBuilder.baseLink(topic); } return new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(; } @ExceptionHandler(MessageNotFoundException.class) @ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) public ModelAndView handleMessageNotFoundException(MessageNotFoundException ex) { if (ex.getTopic() != null) { ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("errors/good-penguin"); Topic topic = ex.getTopic(); mav.addObject("msgTitle", ": ?? ??"); mav.addObject("msgHeader", " ??"); mav.addObject("msgMessage", String.format( " %d <a href=\"%s\">%s</a> ??", ex.getId(), topic.getLink(), topic.getTitle())); return mav; } else { return new ModelAndView("errors/code404"); } } }