Java tutorial
package ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.export.flowzr; /* * Copyright (c) 2012 Emmanuel Florent. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v2.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * */ import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.accounts.AccountManagerCallback; import android.accounts.AccountManagerFuture; import android.accounts.AuthenticatorException; import android.accounts.OperationCanceledException; import; import; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import android.text.Html; import android.util.Log; import; import; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.ClientProtocolException; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.params.ClientPNames; import org.apache.http.cookie.Cookie; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.apache.http.protocol.HTTP; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.R; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.activity.AccountWidget; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.activity.FlowzrSyncActivity; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseAdapter; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseAdapter_; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.db.DatabaseHelper; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Account; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Attribute; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Budget; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Category; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Currency; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.MyEntity; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.MyLocation; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Payee; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Project; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.Transaction; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.TransactionAttribute; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.model.TransactionStatus; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.rates.ExchangeRate; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.utils.CurrencyCache; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.utils.IntegrityFix; import ru.orangesoftware.financisto2.utils.MyPreferences; /*import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;*/ public class FlowzrSyncEngine { private static String TAG = "flowzr"; private final String FLOWZR_MSG_NET_ERROR = "FLOWZR_MSG_NET_ERROR"; private final SQLiteDatabase db; private final DatabaseAdapter dba; private DefaultHttpClient http_client; static InputStream isHttpcontent = null; static JSONObject jObj = null; static String json = ""; private final long KEY_CREATE = -1; private Context context; private FlowzrSyncActivity flowzrSyncActivity; private String[] tableNames = { "attributes", "currency", "project", "payee", "account", "LOCATIONS", "category", "transactions", DatabaseHelper.BUDGET_TABLE }; private Class[] clazzArray = { Attribute.class, Currency.class, Project.class, Payee.class, Account.class, MyLocation.class, Category.class, Transaction.class, Budget.class }; private int MAX_PULL_SIZE = 50; private int MAX_PUSH_SIZE = 20; static JsonReader reader = null; static InputStream is = null; static final int REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION = 2; public String rootFolderId = null; static final int REQUEST_ACCOUNT_PICKER = 8; //private static Drive driveService; //private GoogleAccountCredential credential; public static final PICTURES_DIR = new, "financisto/pictures"); private static final int SYNC_NOTIFICATION_ID = 0; public FlowzrSyncTask flowzrSyncTask; public FlowzrSyncOptions options; public boolean isCanceled = false; public FlowzrSyncEngine(FlowzrSyncActivity a) { android.accounts.Account useCredential = null; if (a == null) { a = (FlowzrSyncActivity) FlowzrSyncActivity.getMySelf(); } SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(a); this.options = FlowzrSyncOptions.fromPrefs(preferences); this.context = a; this.flowzrSyncActivity = a; FlowzrSyncActivity.isRunning = true; this.dba = DatabaseAdapter_.getInstance_(context); this.db = dba.db(); if (flowzrSyncActivity == null) { Log.i(TAG, "No activity found, creating."); Intent intent = new Intent(context, FlowzrSyncActivity.class); context.startActivity(intent); return; } http_client = new DefaultHttpClient(); if (options.appVersion == null) { try { options.appVersion = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0).versionName; } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { options.appVersion = "undef"; e.printStackTrace(); } } Log.i(TAG, "init sync engine, last sync was " + new Date(FlowzrSyncOptions.last_sync_ts).toLocaleString()); AccountManager accountManager = AccountManager.get(context); android.accounts.Account[] accounts = accountManager.getAccountsByType(""); for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) { if (preferences.getString(FlowzrSyncOptions.PROPERTY_USE_CREDENTIAL, "") .equals(((android.accounts.Account) accounts[i]).name)) { useCredential = accounts[i]; } } if (useCredential != null) { AccountManager.get(context).getAuthToken(useCredential, "ah", null, flowzrSyncActivity, new GetAuthTokenCallback(), null); } else { Log.e(TAG, "No account selected"); } } static String getStackTrace(Throwable t) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true); t.printStackTrace(pw); pw.flush(); sw.flush(); return sw.toString(); } public void sendBackTrace(Exception result) { final String msg = getStackTrace((Exception) result); ((Exception) result).printStackTrace(); Thread trd = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ArrayList<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("action", "error")); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("stack", msg)); HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost( FlowzrSyncOptions.FLOWZR_API_URL + options.getNamespace() + "/error/"); try { httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs, HTTP.UTF_8)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { http_client.execute(httppost); } catch (ClientProtocolException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); trd.start(); return; } public void doSync() { FlowzrSyncOptions.startTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); FlowzrSyncActivity.isRunning = true; boolean recordSyncTime = true; if (!isCanceled) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser("fix created entities", 5); fixCreatedEntities(); } /** * pull delete */ if (!isCanceled) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_receiving) + " ...", 10); try { pullDelete(FlowzrSyncOptions.last_sync_ts); } catch (Exception e) { sendBackTrace(e); recordSyncTime = false; } } /** * push delete */ if (!isCanceled) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_sending) + " ...", 15); try { pushDelete(); } catch (Exception e) { sendBackTrace(e); recordSyncTime = false; } } /** * pull update */ if (!isCanceled && FlowzrSyncOptions.last_sync_ts == 0) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_receiving) + " ...", 20); try { pullUpdate(); } catch (IOException e) { sendBackTrace(e); recordSyncTime = false; } catch (JSONException e) { sendBackTrace(e); recordSyncTime = false; } catch (Exception e) { sendBackTrace(e); recordSyncTime = false; } } /** * push update */ if (!isCanceled) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_sending) + " ...", 35); try { pushUpdate(); } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { sendBackTrace(e); recordSyncTime = false; } catch (IOException e) { sendBackTrace(e); recordSyncTime = false; } catch (JSONException e) { sendBackTrace(e); recordSyncTime = false; } catch (Exception e) { recordSyncTime = false; } } /** * pull update */ if (!isCanceled && FlowzrSyncOptions.last_sync_ts > 0) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_receiving) + " ...", 20); try { pullUpdate(); } catch (IOException e) { sendBackTrace(e); recordSyncTime = false; } catch (JSONException e) { sendBackTrace(e); recordSyncTime = false; } catch (Exception e) { sendBackTrace(e); recordSyncTime = false; } } /** * send account balances boundaries */ if (!isCanceled) { //if (true) { //will generate a Cloud Messaging request if prev. aborted flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_sending) + "...", 80); //nm.notify(NOTIFICATION_ID,; ArrayList<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("action", "balancesRecalc")); nameValuePairs .add(new BasicNameValuePair("last_sync_ts", String.valueOf(FlowzrSyncOptions.last_sync_ts))); try { httpPush(nameValuePairs, "balances"); } catch (Exception e) { sendBackTrace(e); } } flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.integrity_fix), 85); new IntegrityFix(dba).fix(); flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser("Widgets ...", 90); AccountWidget.updateWidgets(context); if (!isCanceled && MyPreferences.doGoogleDriveUpload(context)) { flowzrSyncActivity .notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_sending) + " Google Drive", 95); pushAllBlobs(); } if (isCanceled == false) { if (recordSyncTime == true) { FlowzrSyncOptions.last_sync_ts = FlowzrSyncOptions.startTimestamp; SharedPreferences.Editor editor = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit(); editor.putLong(FlowzrSyncOptions.PROPERTY_LAST_SYNC_TIMESTAMP, System.currentTimeMillis()); editor.commit(); } } flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_success), 100); FlowzrSyncActivity.isRunning = false; flowzrSyncActivity.setIsFinished(); flowzrSyncActivity.renderLastTime(FlowzrSyncOptions.last_sync_ts); } /* * Push job */ private void pushUpdate() throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, JSONException, Exception { int i = 0; for (String t : tableNames) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser("pushing " + t, 0); pushUpdate(t, clazzArray[i]); i++; } } private <T extends MyEntity> void pushUpdate(String tableName, Class<T> clazz) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, JSONException, Exception { SQLiteDatabase db2 = dba.db(); Cursor cursorCursor; String sql; long total; sql = "select count(*) from " + tableName + " where updated_on<0 or (updated_on > " + FlowzrSyncOptions.last_sync_ts + " and updated_on<" + options.startTimestamp + ")"; cursorCursor = db.rawQuery(sql, null); cursorCursor.moveToFirst(); total = cursorCursor.getLong(0); sql = "select * from " + tableName + " where updated_on<0 or (updated_on > " + FlowzrSyncOptions.last_sync_ts + " and updated_on<" + options.startTimestamp + ")"; if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE)) { sql += " order by parent_id asc,_id asc"; } else if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.BUDGET_TABLE)) { sql += " order by parent_budget_id asc"; } else if (!tableName.equals("currency_exchange_rate")) { sql += " order by _id asc"; } cursorCursor = db2.rawQuery(sql, null); JSONArray resultSet = new JSONArray(); int i = 0; if (cursorCursor.moveToFirst() && isCanceled != true) { do { if (i % 10 == 0) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser( flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_sending) + " " + tableName, (int) (Math.round(i * 100 / total))); } resultSet.put(cursorToDict(tableName, cursorCursor)); i++; if (i % MAX_PUSH_SIZE == 0) { String resp = makeRequest(tableName, resultSet.toString()); resultSet = new JSONArray(); if (resp.equals(FLOWZR_MSG_NET_ERROR)) { isCanceled = true; } if (isCanceled) { return; } } } while (cursorCursor.moveToNext()); } cursorCursor.close(); if (i % MAX_PUSH_SIZE != 0) { String resp = makeRequest(tableName, resultSet.toString()); if (resp.equals(FLOWZR_MSG_NET_ERROR)) { isCanceled = true; } if (isCanceled) { return; } } } public String makeRequest(String tableName, String json) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, JSONException, Exception { if (isCanceled) { return FLOWZR_MSG_NET_ERROR; } String uri = FlowzrSyncOptions.FLOWZR_API_URL + options.getNamespace() + "/" + tableName + "/"; String strResponse; HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(uri); httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(json, HTTP.UTF_8)); httpPost.setHeader("Accept", "application/json"); HttpResponse response = http_client.execute(httpPost); HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(entity.getContent())); strResponse = reader.readLine(); JSONArray arr = new JSONArray(); arr = new JSONArray(strResponse); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length(); i++) { JSONObject o = arr.getJSONObject(i); String key = o.getString("key"); int id = o.getInt("id"); ContentValues args = new ContentValues(); args.put("remote_key", key); db.update(tableName, args, String.format("%s = ?", "_id"), new String[] { String.valueOf(id) }); } entity.consumeContent(); if (code != 200) { throw new Exception(Html.fromHtml(strResponse).toString()); } return strResponse; } private JSONObject cursorToDict(String tableName, Cursor c) { int totalColumn = c.getColumnCount(); JSONObject rowObject = new JSONObject(); if (c.getColumnIndex("_id") != -1) { try { rowObject.put("_id", c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex("_id"))); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } for (int i = 0; i < totalColumn; i++) { if (c.getColumnName(i) != null) { String colName = c.getColumnName(i); try { if (c.getString(i) != null) { if (colName.endsWith("_id") || colName.equals("parent")) { if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.BUDGET_TABLE)) { if (colName.equals("parent_budget_id")) { rowObject.put(colName, c.getInt(i)); } else if (!colName.equals("_id")) { String[] entities = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(colName)).split(","); String keys = ""; for (String entity_id2 : entities) { keys += getRemoteKey(getTableForColName(colName), entity_id2) + ","; } if (keys.endsWith(",")) { keys = keys.substring(0, keys.length() - 1); } rowObject.put(colName, keys); } } else { if (!colName.equals("_id")) { String k = getRemoteKey(getTableForColName(colName), c.getString(i)); if (k != null) { rowObject.put(colName, k); } else { rowObject.put(colName, c.getInt(i)); } } } } else { rowObject.put(colName, c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(colName))); } /****/ if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.ACCOUNT_TABLE)) { String sql = "select max(dateTime) as maxDate, min(dateTime) as minDate from " + DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE + " where from_account_id=" + c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex("_id")); Cursor c2 = db.rawQuery(sql, null); c2.moveToFirst(); rowObject.put("dateOfFirstTransaction", c2.getString(1)); rowObject.put("dateOfLastTransaction", c2.getString(0)); //each account can have a timezone so you can have a balance at closing day rowObject.put("tz", String.valueOf(TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset())); } else if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.CATEGORY_TABLE)) { //load parent id Category cat = dba.getCategory(c.getInt(0)); // sql build/load parentId if (cat.getParentId() > KEY_CREATE) { Category pcat = dba.load(Category.class, cat.getParentId()); rowObject.put("parent", pcat.remoteKey); rowObject.put("parent_id",; } String attrPushString = ""; for (Attribute attr : dba.getAttributesForCategory(c.getInt(0))) { attrPushString = attrPushString + attr.remoteKey + ";"; } if (attrPushString != "") { rowObject.put("attributes", attrPushString); } } else if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE)) { Map<Long, String> attributesMap = dba.getAllAttributesForTransaction(c.getInt(0)); String transaction_attribute = ""; for (long attributeId : attributesMap.keySet()) { transaction_attribute += dba.get(Attribute.class, attributeId).remoteKey + "=" + attributesMap.get(attributeId) + ";"; } rowObject.put("transaction_attribute", transaction_attribute); } /****/ } else { rowObject.put(colName, ""); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.d(TAG, e.getMessage()); } } } return rowObject; } public String getRemoteKey(String tableName, String localKey) { if (localKey.equals("-1") || tableName == null) { return null; } Cursor c = db.query(tableName, new String[] { "remote_key" }, "_id = ?", new String[] { localKey }, null, null, null, null); if (c.moveToFirst()) { String k = c.getString(0); c.close(); return k; } else { return localKey; } } private String httpPush(ArrayList<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs, String action) throws Exception { HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost( FlowzrSyncOptions.FLOWZR_API_URL + options.getNamespace() + "/" + action + "/"); httppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs, HTTP.UTF_8)); HttpResponse response; String strResponse; response = http_client.execute(httppost); HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(entity.getContent())); strResponse = reader.readLine(); entity.consumeContent(); if (code != 200) { throw new Exception(Html.fromHtml(strResponse).toString()); } return strResponse; } /** * According to : * * it is not possible to make alter table add column updated with a default timestamp at current_timestamp * so default is set as zero and this pre-sync function make all 0 at last_sync_ts + 1 */ private void fixCreatedEntities() { long ctime = FlowzrSyncOptions.last_sync_ts + 1; for (String t : tableNames) { db.execSQL("update " + t + " set updated_on=" + ctime + " where updated_on=0"); } } private String getTableForColName(String colName) { if (colName.equals("currency_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.CURRENCY_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("last_location_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.LOCATIONS_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("last_project_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.PROJECT_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("last_category_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.CATEGORY_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("last_account_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.ACCOUNT_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("from_account_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.ACCOUNT_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("to_account_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.ACCOUNT_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("category_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.CATEGORY_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("project_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.PROJECT_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("payee_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.PAYEE_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("location_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.LOCATIONS_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("parent_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("original_currency_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.CURRENCY_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("parent_budget_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.BUDGET_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("budget_account_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.ACCOUNT_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("budget_currency_id")) { return DatabaseHelper.CURRENCY_TABLE; } if (colName.equals("") || colName == null) { return null; } Log.e(TAG, "no parent table found for " + colName); return null; } private Class<?> getClassForColName(String colName) { if (colName.equals("category_id")) { return Category.class; } if (colName.equals("project_id")) { return Project.class; } if (colName.equals("payee_id")) { return Payee.class; } if (colName.equals("currency_id")) { return Currency.class; } if (colName.equals("from_currency_id")) { return Currency.class; } if (colName.equals("to_currency_id")) { return Currency.class; } if (colName.equals("original_currency_id")) { return Currency.class; } if (colName.equals("account_id")) { return Account.class; } if (colName.equals("from_account_id")) { return Account.class; } if (colName.equals("to_account_id")) { return Account.class; } if (colName.equals("transaction_id")) { return Transaction.class; } if (colName.equals("parent_id")) { return Transaction.class; } if (colName.equals("location_id")) { return MyLocation.class; } if (colName.equals("parent_budget_id")) { return Budget.class; } if (colName.equals("budget_id")) { return Budget.class; } if (colName.equals("budget_account_id")) { return Account.class; } if (colName.equals("budget_currency_id")) { return Currency.class; } return null; } private Object pushDelete() throws Exception { String sql = "select count(*) from " + DatabaseHelper.DELETE_LOG_TABLE; Cursor cursorCursor = db.rawQuery(sql, null); cursorCursor.moveToFirst(); long total = cursorCursor.getLong(0); cursorCursor.close(); Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("select table_name,remote_key from delete_log", null); int i = 0; String del_list = ""; if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { do { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser("push delete", (int) (Math.round(i * 100 / total))); del_list += cursor.getString(1) + ";"; i++; } while (cursor.moveToNext()); ArrayList<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("action", "pushDelete")); nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("remoteKey", del_list)); httpPush(nameValuePairs, "delete"); } cursor.close(); return null; } public Object finishDelete() { db.execSQL("delete from " + DatabaseHelper.DELETE_LOG_TABLE); return null; } /** * Pull Job */ private Object saveOrUpdateAttributeFromJSON(long localKey, JSONObject jsonObjectEntity) { if (!jsonObjectEntity.has("name")) { return null; } Attribute tEntity = dba.get(Attribute.class, localKey); try { tEntity.remoteKey = jsonObjectEntity.getString("key"); = jsonObjectEntity.getString("name"); if (jsonObjectEntity.has("type")) { tEntity.type = jsonObjectEntity.getInt("type"); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("default_value")) { tEntity.defaultValue = jsonObjectEntity.getString("default_value"); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("list_values")) { tEntity.listValues = jsonObjectEntity.getString("list_values"); } dba.saveOrUpdate(tEntity); return tEntity; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return e; } } public <T> Object saveOrUpdateEntityFromJSON(Class<T> clazz, long id, JSONObject jsonObjectEntity) { if (!jsonObjectEntity.has("name")) { return null; } MyEntity tEntity = (MyEntity) dba.get(clazz, id); if (tEntity == null) { if (clazz == Project.class) { tEntity = new Project(); } else if (clazz == Payee.class) { tEntity = new Payee(); } = KEY_CREATE; } //--- try { tEntity.remoteKey = jsonObjectEntity.getString("key"); ((MyEntity) tEntity).title = jsonObjectEntity.getString("name"); if ((clazz) == Project.class) { if (jsonObjectEntity.has("is_active")) { if (jsonObjectEntity.getBoolean("is_active")) { ((Project) tEntity).isActive = true; } else { ((Project) tEntity).isActive = false; } } } dba.saveOrUpdate((MyEntity) tEntity); return tEntity; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return e; } } public <T> Object saveOrUpdateCategoryFromJSON(long id, JSONObject jsonObjectEntity) { if (!jsonObjectEntity.has("name")) { return null; } Category tEntity = new Category(KEY_CREATE); if (id != KEY_CREATE) { tEntity = dba.getCategory(id); } //--- try { tEntity.remoteKey = jsonObjectEntity.getString("key"); tEntity.title = jsonObjectEntity.getString("name"); if (jsonObjectEntity.has("parentCategory")) { try { int l = (int) getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.CATEGORY_TABLE, jsonObjectEntity.getString("parentCategory")); Category cParent = dba.getCategory(l); if (l != KEY_CREATE) { tEntity.parent = cParent; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error setting parent to :" + jsonObjectEntity.getString("parentCategory")); e.printStackTrace(); } } ArrayList<Attribute> attributes = new ArrayList<Attribute>(); if (jsonObjectEntity.has("attributes")) { for (String attr_key : jsonObjectEntity.getString("attributes").split(";")) { int l = (int) getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.ATTRIBUTES_TABLE, attr_key); if (l > 0) { Attribute attr = dba.get(Attribute.class, l); attributes.add(attr); } } } //updated on + remote key dba.saveOrUpdate(tEntity); //left, right dba.insertOrUpdate(tEntity, attributes); return tEntity; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return e; } } public Object saveOrUpdateCurrencyRateFromJSON(JSONObject jsonObjectEntity) { if (!jsonObjectEntity.has("effective_date")) { return null; } try { long toCurrencyId = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.CURRENCY_TABLE, jsonObjectEntity.getString("to_currency")); long fromCurrencyId = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.CURRENCY_TABLE, jsonObjectEntity.getString("from_currency")); if (toCurrencyId > -1 && fromCurrencyId > -1) { Currency toCurrency = dba.load(Currency.class, toCurrencyId); Currency fromCurrency = dba.load(Currency.class, fromCurrencyId); long effective_date = jsonObjectEntity.getLong("effective_date") * 1000; double rate = jsonObjectEntity.getDouble("rate"); ExchangeRate exRate = new ExchangeRate(); exRate.toCurrencyId =; exRate.fromCurrencyId =; exRate.rate = rate; = effective_date; dba.saveRate(exRate); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "unable to load a currency rate from server..."); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public Object saveOrUpdateBudgetFromJSON(long id, JSONObject jsonObjectEntity) throws JSONException { Budget tEntity = dba.get(Budget.class, id); if (tEntity == null) { tEntity = new Budget(); = KEY_CREATE; } try { tEntity.remoteKey = jsonObjectEntity.getString("key"); } catch (JSONException e2) { e2.printStackTrace(); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("title")) { try { tEntity.title = jsonObjectEntity.getString("title"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("categories")) { try { String[] strArrCategories = jsonObjectEntity.getString("categories").split(","); tEntity.categories = ""; for (String key : strArrCategories) { tEntity.categories += getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.CATEGORY_TABLE, key) + ","; } if (tEntity.categories.endsWith(",")) { tEntity.categories = tEntity.categories.substring(0, tEntity.categories.length() - 1); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing Budget categories"); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("projects")) { try { String[] strArrProjects = jsonObjectEntity.getString("projects").split(","); tEntity.projects = ""; for (String key : strArrProjects) { tEntity.projects += getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.PROJECT_TABLE, key) + ","; } if (tEntity.projects.endsWith(",")) { tEntity.projects = tEntity.projects.substring(0, tEntity.projects.length() - 1); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing Budget.project_id "); e.printStackTrace(); } } // if (jsonObjectEntity.has("currency")) { // try { // tEntity.currencyId=getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.CURRENCY_TABLE, jsonObjectEntity.getString("currency")); // } catch (Exception e) { // Log.e(TAG,"Error parsing Budget.currency "); // e.printStackTrace(); // } // } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("budget_account_id")) { try { tEntity.account = dba.load(Account.class, getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.ACCOUNT_TABLE, jsonObjectEntity.getString("budget_account_id"))); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing Budget.budget_account_id "); e.printStackTrace(); } } else { if (jsonObjectEntity.has("budget_currency_id")) { try { tEntity.currency = dba.load(Currency.class, getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.CURRENCY_TABLE, jsonObjectEntity.getString("budget_currency_id"))); tEntity.currencyId = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.CURRENCY_TABLE, jsonObjectEntity.getString("budget_currency_id")); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing Budget.budget_currency_id "); e.printStackTrace(); } } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("amount2")) { try { tEntity.amount = jsonObjectEntity.getInt("amount2"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing Budget.amount"); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("includeSubcategories")) { tEntity.includeSubcategories = jsonObjectEntity.getBoolean("includeSubcategories"); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("expanded")) { tEntity.expanded = jsonObjectEntity.getBoolean("expanded"); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("includeCredit")) { tEntity.includeCredit = jsonObjectEntity.getBoolean("includeCredit"); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("startDate")) { try { tEntity.startDate = jsonObjectEntity.getLong("startDate") * 1000; } catch (Exception e1) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing Budget.startDate"); e1.printStackTrace(); } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("endDate")) { try { tEntity.endDate = jsonObjectEntity.getLong("endDate") * 1000; } catch (Exception e1) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing Budget.endDate"); e1.printStackTrace(); } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("recurNum")) { try { tEntity.recurNum = jsonObjectEntity.getInt("recurNum"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("isCurrent")) { try { tEntity.isCurrent = jsonObjectEntity.getBoolean("isCurrent"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("parent_budget_id")) { try { tEntity.parentBudgetId = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.BUDGET_TABLE, jsonObjectEntity.getString("parent_budget_id")); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing Budget.parentBudgetId "); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("recur")) { try { tEntity.recur = jsonObjectEntity.getString("recur"); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } dba.insertBudget(tEntity); return tEntity; } public Object saveOrUpdateLocationFromJSON(long id, JSONObject jsonObjectEntity) { MyLocation tEntity = dba.get(MyLocation.class, id); if (tEntity == null) { tEntity = new MyLocation(); = KEY_CREATE; } try { tEntity.remoteKey = jsonObjectEntity.getString("key"); if (jsonObjectEntity.has("name")) { = jsonObjectEntity.getString("name"); } else { = "---"; } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("provider")) { tEntity.provider = jsonObjectEntity.getString("provider"); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("accuracy")) { try { tEntity.accuracy = Float.valueOf(jsonObjectEntity.getString("accuracy")); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing MyLocation.accuracy with : " + jsonObjectEntity.getString("accuracy")); } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("lon")) { tEntity.longitude = jsonObjectEntity.getDouble("lon"); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("lat")) { tEntity.latitude = jsonObjectEntity.getDouble("lat"); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("is_payee")) { if (jsonObjectEntity.getBoolean("is_payee")) { tEntity.isPayee = true; } else { tEntity.isPayee = false; } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("resolved_adress")) { tEntity.resolvedAddress = jsonObjectEntity.getString("resolved_adress"); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("dateOfEmission")) { try { tEntity.dateTime = jsonObjectEntity.getLong("dateOfEmission"); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing MyLocation.dateTime with : " + jsonObjectEntity.getString("dateOfEmission")); } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("count")) { tEntity.count = jsonObjectEntity.getInt("count"); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("dateTime")) { tEntity.dateTime = jsonObjectEntity.getLong("dateTime"); } dba.saveOrUpdate(tEntity); return tEntity; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return e; } } public Object saveOrUpdateCurrencyFromJSON(long id, JSONObject jsonObjectEntity) { Currency tEntity = dba.get(Currency.class, id); if (tEntity == null) { tEntity = Currency.EMPTY; = KEY_CREATE; } try { tEntity.remoteKey = jsonObjectEntity.getString("key"); if (jsonObjectEntity.has("title")) { tEntity.title = jsonObjectEntity.getString("title"); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("name")) { = jsonObjectEntity.getString("name"); } //deduplicate if server already have the currency String sql = "select _id from " + DatabaseHelper.CURRENCY_TABLE + " where name= '" + + "';"; Cursor c = db.rawQuery(sql, null); if (c.moveToFirst()) { = c.getLong(0); c.close(); } else { c.close(); } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("symbol")) { try { tEntity.symbol = jsonObjectEntity.getString("symbol"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error pulling Currency.symbol"); e.printStackTrace(); } } tEntity.isDefault = false; if (jsonObjectEntity.has("isDefault")) { if (jsonObjectEntity.getBoolean("isDefault")) { tEntity.isDefault = jsonObjectEntity.getBoolean("isDefault"); } } if (jsonObjectEntity.has("decimals")) { try { tEntity.decimals = jsonObjectEntity.getInt("decimals"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error pulling Currency.decimals"); e.printStackTrace(); } } try { tEntity.decimalSeparator = jsonObjectEntity.getString("decimalSeparator"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error pulling Currency.symbol"); } try { tEntity.groupSeparator = jsonObjectEntity.getString("groupSeparator"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error pulling Currency.symbol"); } dba.saveOrUpdate(tEntity); return tEntity; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return e; } } public Object saveOrUpdateAccountFromJSON(long id, JSONObject jsonObjectAccount) { Account tEntity = dba.get(Account.class, id); if (tEntity == null) { tEntity = new Account(); = KEY_CREATE; } try { //title try { tEntity.title = jsonObjectAccount.getString("name"); } catch (Exception e) { tEntity.title = "---"; Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing with"); } tEntity.remoteKey = jsonObjectAccount.getString("key"); //creation_date try { tEntity.creationDate = jsonObjectAccount.getLong("created_on"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing Account.creationDate"); } //last_transaction_date if (jsonObjectAccount.has("dateOfLastTransaction")) { try { tEntity.lastTransactionDate = jsonObjectAccount.getLong("dateOfLastTransaction"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error parsing Account.dateOfLastTransaction with : " + jsonObjectAccount.getString("dateOfLastTransaction")); } } //currency, currency_name, currency_symbol Currency c = null; Collection<Currency> currencies = CurrencyCache.getAllCurrencies(); if (jsonObjectAccount.has("currency_id")) { try { c = dba.load(Currency.class, getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.CURRENCY_TABLE, jsonObjectAccount.getString("currency_id"))); tEntity.currency = c; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "unable to load currency for account " + tEntity.title + " with " + jsonObjectAccount.getString("currency_id")); } //server created account don't have a currency_id but all the properties to build one. } if (tEntity.currency == null && jsonObjectAccount.has("currency")) { //try if provided currency is in user's currency for (Currency currency : currencies) { if ("currency"))) { tEntity.currency = currency; } } //load from data server if any if (tEntity.currency == null) { c = Currency.EMPTY; = jsonObjectAccount.getString("currency"); if (jsonObjectAccount.has("currency_name")) { c.title = jsonObjectAccount.getString("currency_name"); } if (jsonObjectAccount.has("currency_symbol")) { c.symbol = jsonObjectAccount.getString("currency_symbol"); } tEntity.currency = c; = -1; //db put! dba.saveOrUpdate(c); } } else if (tEntity.currency == null) { //no currency provided use default for (Currency currency : currencies) { if (currency.isDefault) { tEntity.currency = currency; } } //still nothing : default set to empty if (tEntity.currency == null) { c = Currency.EMPTY; c.isDefault = true; tEntity.currency = c; = -1; //db put! dba.saveOrUpdate(c); } } CurrencyCache.initialize(dba); //card_issuer if (jsonObjectAccount.has("card_issuer")) { tEntity.cardIssuer = jsonObjectAccount.getString("card_issuer"); } //issuer if (jsonObjectAccount.has(DatabaseHelper.AccountColumns.ISSUER)) { tEntity.issuer = jsonObjectAccount.getString(DatabaseHelper.AccountColumns.ISSUER); } //number if (jsonObjectAccount.has("iban")) { tEntity.number = jsonObjectAccount.getString("iban"); } //is_active if (jsonObjectAccount.has("closed")) { if (jsonObjectAccount.getBoolean("closed")) { tEntity.isActive = false; } else { tEntity.isActive = true; } } //is_include_into_totals if (jsonObjectAccount.has(DatabaseHelper.AccountColumns.IS_INCLUDE_INTO_TOTALS)) { if (jsonObjectAccount.getBoolean(DatabaseHelper.AccountColumns.IS_INCLUDE_INTO_TOTALS)) { tEntity.isIncludeIntoTotals = true; } else { tEntity.isIncludeIntoTotals = false; } } //closing_day try { tEntity.closingDay = jsonObjectAccount.getInt(DatabaseHelper.AccountColumns.CLOSING_DAY); } catch (Exception e) { } //payment_day try { tEntity.paymentDay = jsonObjectAccount.getInt(DatabaseHelper.AccountColumns.PAYMENT_DAY); } catch (Exception e) { } //note if (jsonObjectAccount.has("description")) { tEntity.note = jsonObjectAccount.getString("description"); } //sort_order if (jsonObjectAccount.has(DatabaseHelper.AccountColumns.SORT_ORDER)) { tEntity.sortOrder = jsonObjectAccount.getInt(DatabaseHelper.AccountColumns.SORT_ORDER); } if (jsonObjectAccount.has(DatabaseHelper.AccountColumns.TYPE)) { tEntity.type = jsonObjectAccount.getString(DatabaseHelper.AccountColumns.TYPE); } dba.saveOrUpdate(tEntity); return tEntity; } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); return e1; } } public Object saveOrUpdateTransactionFromJSON(long id, JSONObject jsonObjectResponse) throws JSONException, Exception { Transaction tEntity = dba.get(Transaction.class, id); if (tEntity == null) { tEntity = new Transaction(); = KEY_CREATE; } //from_account_id, try { tEntity.fromAccountId = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.ACCOUNT_TABLE, jsonObjectResponse.getString("account")); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.e("financisto", "Error parsing Transaction.fromAccount"); return null; //REQUIRED } if (jsonObjectResponse.has("dateTime")) { tEntity.dateTime = jsonObjectResponse.getLong("dateTime") * 1000; } else { return null; //REQUIRED } //parent_tr if (jsonObjectResponse.has("parent_tr")) { long pid = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE, jsonObjectResponse.getString("parent_tr")); if (pid > KEY_CREATE) { tEntity.parentId = pid; Transaction parent_tr = dba.load(Transaction.class, tEntity.parentId); if (parent_tr.categoryId != Category.SPLIT_CATEGORY_ID) { parent_tr.categoryId = Category.SPLIT_CATEGORY_ID; dba.saveOrUpdate(parent_tr); } } else { try { String key = jsonObjectResponse.getString("parent_tr"); requery(DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE, Transaction.class, key); long pid2 = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE, jsonObjectResponse.getString("parent_tr")); tEntity.parentId = pid2; Transaction parent_tr = dba.load(Transaction.class, tEntity.parentId); if (parent_tr.categoryId != Category.SPLIT_CATEGORY_ID) { parent_tr.categoryId = Category.SPLIT_CATEGORY_ID; dba.saveOrUpdate(parent_tr); } } catch (Exception e) { //add to delete log ? e.printStackTrace(); //throw new Exception("Got key " + jsonObjectResponse.getString("parent_tr") + " but couldn't find related parent tr"); } Log.i(TAG, "Done."); } } //to_account_id, if (jsonObjectResponse.has("to_account")) { try { tEntity.toAccountId = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.ACCOUNT_TABLE, jsonObjectResponse.getString("to_account")); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.e("financisto", "Error parsing Transaction.toAccount with : " + jsonObjectResponse.getString("to_account")); } } if (jsonObjectResponse.has("key")) { tEntity.remoteKey = jsonObjectResponse.getString("key"); } if (jsonObjectResponse.has("amount")) { tEntity.fromAmount = jsonObjectResponse.getLong("amount"); } if (jsonObjectResponse.has("to_amount")) { tEntity.toAmount = jsonObjectResponse.getLong("to_amount"); } if (jsonObjectResponse.has("original_currency_id")) { try { tEntity.originalCurrencyId = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.CURRENCY_TABLE, jsonObjectResponse.getString("original_currency_id")); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("financisto", "Error parsing Transaction.original_currency_id with : " + jsonObjectResponse.getString("original_currency_id")); } } if (jsonObjectResponse.has("original_from_amount")) { tEntity.originalFromAmount = (long) jsonObjectResponse.getDouble("original_from_amount"); } if (jsonObjectResponse.has("description")) { tEntity.note = jsonObjectResponse.getString("description"); } //category_id, if (jsonObjectResponse.has("cat")) { try { long l = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.CATEGORY_TABLE, jsonObjectResponse.getString("cat")); if (l >= KEY_CREATE) { tEntity.categoryId = l; } //else do nothing ... } catch (Exception e1) { tEntity.categoryId = Category.NO_CATEGORY_ID; e1.printStackTrace(); Log.e("financisto", "Error parsing Transaction.categoryId with : " + jsonObjectResponse.getString("cat")); } } else { tEntity.categoryId = Category.NO_CATEGORY_ID; } //project_id, if (jsonObjectResponse.has("project")) { try { tEntity.projectId = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.PROJECT_TABLE, jsonObjectResponse.getString("project")); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.e("financisto", "Error parsing Transaction.ProjectId with : " + jsonObjectResponse.getString("project")); } } //payee_id, if (jsonObjectResponse.has("payee_id")) { try { tEntity.payeeId = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.PAYEE_TABLE, jsonObjectResponse.getString("payee_id")); } catch (Exception e1) { Log.e("financisto", "Error parsing Transaction.PayeeId with : " + jsonObjectResponse.getString("payee_id")); } } //location_id if (jsonObjectResponse.has("location_id")) { try { long lid = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.LOCATIONS_TABLE, jsonObjectResponse.getString("location_id")); if (lid > 0) { tEntity.locationId = lid; } } catch (Exception e1) { Log.e("financisto", "Error parsing Transaction.location_id with : " + jsonObjectResponse.getString("location_id")); } } //accuracy,provider,latitude,longitude if (jsonObjectResponse.has("provider")) { tEntity.provider = jsonObjectResponse.getString("provider"); } if (jsonObjectResponse.has("accuracy")) { try { tEntity.accuracy = jsonObjectResponse.getLong("accuracy"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("financisto", "Error getting accuracy value for transaction with:" + jsonObjectResponse.getString("accuracy")); } } if (jsonObjectResponse.has("lat") && jsonObjectResponse.has("lon")) { try { tEntity.latitude = jsonObjectResponse.getDouble("lat"); tEntity.longitude = jsonObjectResponse.getDouble("lon"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("financisto", "Error getting geo_point value for transaction with:" + jsonObjectResponse.getString("lat") + " " + jsonObjectResponse.getDouble("lon")); } } tEntity.status = TransactionStatus.UR; if (jsonObjectResponse.has("status")) { if (jsonObjectResponse.getString("status").equals("UR")) { tEntity.status = TransactionStatus.UR; } else if (jsonObjectResponse.getString("status").equals("RC")) { tEntity.status = TransactionStatus.RC; } else if (jsonObjectResponse.getString("status").equals("CL")) { tEntity.status = TransactionStatus.CL; } else if (jsonObjectResponse.getString("status").equals("PN")) { tEntity.status = TransactionStatus.PN; } else if (jsonObjectResponse.getString("status").equals("RS")) { tEntity.status = TransactionStatus.RS; } else { tEntity.status = TransactionStatus.UR; } } //is_ccard_payment, if (jsonObjectResponse.has("is_ccard_payment")) { tEntity.isCCardPayment = jsonObjectResponse.getInt("is_ccard_payment"); } List<TransactionAttribute> attributes = null; if (jsonObjectResponse.has("transaction_attribute")) { attributes = new LinkedList<TransactionAttribute>(); for (String pair : jsonObjectResponse.getString("transaction_attribute").split(";")) { String[] strArrAttr = pair.split("="); if (strArrAttr.length == 2) { TransactionAttribute a = new TransactionAttribute(); a.value = strArrAttr[1]; a.attributeId = getLocalKey(DatabaseHelper.ATTRIBUTES_TABLE, strArrAttr[0]); a.transactionId =; attributes.add(a); } } } id = dba.saveOrUpdate(tEntity); if (attributes != null) { dba.db().delete(DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, DatabaseHelper.TransactionAttributeColumns.TRANSACTION_ID + "=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(id) }); for (TransactionAttribute a : attributes) { a.transactionId = id; ContentValues values = a.toValues(); dba.db().insert(DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE, null, values); } } return tEntity; } public void requery(String tableName, Class clazz, String key) throws ClientProtocolException, IOException, JSONException, Exception { Log.i(TAG, "Got key " + key + " but couldn't find related parent tr, requerying ..."); String url = FlowzrSyncOptions.FLOWZR_API_URL + options.getNamespace() + "/key/?tableName=" + DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE + "&key=" + key; StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); DefaultHttpClient http_client2 = new DefaultHttpClient(); http_client2.setCookieStore(http_client.getCookieStore()); HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url); HttpResponse httpResponse = http_client2.execute(httpGet); HttpEntity httpEntity = httpResponse.getEntity(); InputStream content = httpEntity.getContent(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(content)); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { builder.append(line); } JSONObject o = new JSONObject(builder.toString()).getJSONArray(DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE) .getJSONObject(0); saveEntityFromJson(o, tableName, clazz, 1); } public long getLocalKey(String tableName, String remoteKey) { Cursor c = db.query(tableName, new String[] { "_id" }, "remote_key = ?", new String[] { remoteKey }, null, null, null, null); if (c.moveToFirst()) { long l = c.getLong(0); c.close(); return l; } else { c.close(); if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.CATEGORY_TABLE)) { return -2; } else { return KEY_CREATE; } } } private void pullUpdate() throws IOException, JSONException, Exception { int i = 0; for (String tableName : tableNames) { if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE)) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser( flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_receiving) + " " + tableName + ". " + flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.hint_run_background), (int) (Math.round(i * 100 / tableNames.length))); } else { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser( flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_receiving) + " " + tableName, (int) (Math.round(i * 100 / tableNames.length))); } if (!isCanceled) { pullUpdate(tableName, clazzArray[i], FlowzrSyncOptions.last_sync_ts); } i++; } } private <T> void pullUpdate(String tableName, Class<T> clazz, long last_sync_ts) throws IOException, JSONException, Exception { if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE)) { //pull all remote accounts, accounts by accounts String sql = "select remote_key from account"; Cursor c = db.rawQuery(sql, null); if (c.moveToFirst()) { do { String account_key = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("remote_key")); if (account_key != null) { String url = options.FLOWZR_API_URL + options.getNamespace() + "/" + tableName + "/?last_sync_ts=" + last_sync_ts + "&account=" + account_key; getJSONFromUrl2(url, tableName, c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("remote_key")), clazz, last_sync_ts); } } while (c.moveToNext() && !isCanceled); // } c.close(); } else { String url = options.FLOWZR_API_URL + options.getNamespace() + "/" + tableName + "/?last_sync_ts=" + last_sync_ts; getJSONFromUrl(url, tableName, clazz, last_sync_ts); } } public <T> int getJSONFromUrl(String url, String tableName, Class<T> clazz, long last_sync_ts) throws IOException, JSONException, Exception { if (url == null) { return 0; } HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url); HttpResponse httpResponse = http_client.execute(httpGet); HttpEntity httpEntity = httpResponse.getEntity(); is = httpEntity.getContent(); reader = new JsonReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8")); reader.beginObject(); int i = readMessage(reader, tableName, clazz, last_sync_ts); httpEntity.consumeContent(); return i; } public <T> void getJSONFromUrl2(String url, String tableName, String account_key, Class<T> clazz, long last_sync_ts) throws IOException, JSONException, Exception { int i = MAX_PULL_SIZE; while (i != 0) { i = getJSONFromUrl(url, tableName, clazz, last_sync_ts); } } public <T> int readMessage(JsonReader reader, String tableName, Class<T> clazz, long last_sync_ts) throws IOException, JSONException, Exception { String n = null; int i = 0; while (reader.hasNext()) { JsonToken peek = reader.peek(); String v = null; if (peek == JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT) { reader.beginObject(); } else if (peek == JsonToken.NAME) { n = reader.nextName(); } else if (peek == JsonToken.BEGIN_ARRAY) { if (n.equals(tableName)) { i = readJsnArr(reader, tableName, clazz); } else { if (n.equals("params")) { reader.beginArray(); if (reader.hasNext()) { reader.beginObject(); if (reader.hasNext()) { n = reader.nextName(); v = reader.nextString(); } reader.endObject(); } reader.endArray(); } else { reader.skipValue(); } } } else if (peek == JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { reader.endObject(); } else if (peek == JsonToken.END_ARRAY) { reader.endArray(); } } return i; } public <T> int readJsnArr(JsonReader reader, String tableName, Class<T> clazz) throws IOException, JSONException, Exception { JSONObject o = new JSONObject(); JsonToken peek = reader.peek(); String n = null; reader.beginArray(); int j = 0; int i = 0; while (reader.hasNext()) { peek = reader.peek(); if (reader.peek() == JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT) { reader.beginObject(); } else if (reader.peek() == JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { reader.endObject(); } o = new JSONObject(); while (reader.hasNext()) { peek = reader.peek(); if (peek == JsonToken.NAME) { n = reader.nextName(); } else if (peek == JsonToken.BEGIN_OBJECT) { reader.beginObject(); } else if (peek == JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { reader.endObject(); } else if (peek == JsonToken.BOOLEAN) { try { o.put(n, reader.nextBoolean()); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (peek == JsonToken.STRING) { try { o.put(n, reader.nextString()); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (peek == JsonToken.NUMBER) { try { o.put(n, reader.nextDouble()); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } reader.endObject(); if (o.has("key")) { i = i + 1; j = j + 1; if (j % 100 == 0) { j = 2; } saveEntityFromJson(o, tableName, clazz, i); if (i % 10 == 0) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser( flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_receiving) + " " + tableName + ". " + flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.hint_run_background), (int) (Math.round(j))); } } } reader.endArray(); return i; } public <T> void saveEntityFromJson(JSONObject o, String tableName, Class<T> clazz, int i) throws JSONException, Exception { String remoteKey = o.getString("key"); if (clazz == Transaction.class) { saveOrUpdateTransactionFromJSON(getLocalKey(tableName, remoteKey), o); } else if (clazz == Account.class) { saveOrUpdateAccountFromJSON(getLocalKey(tableName, remoteKey), o); } else if (clazz == Currency.class) { saveOrUpdateCurrencyFromJSON(getLocalKey(tableName, remoteKey), o); } else if (clazz == Budget.class) { saveOrUpdateBudgetFromJSON(getLocalKey(tableName, remoteKey), o); } else if (clazz == MyLocation.class) { saveOrUpdateLocationFromJSON(getLocalKey(tableName, remoteKey), o); } else if (tableName.equals("currency_exchange_rate")) { saveOrUpdateCurrencyRateFromJSON(o); } else if (clazz == Category.class) { saveOrUpdateCategoryFromJSON(getLocalKey(tableName, remoteKey), o); } else if (clazz == Attribute.class) { saveOrUpdateAttributeFromJSON(getLocalKey(tableName, remoteKey), o); } else { saveOrUpdateEntityFromJSON(clazz, getLocalKey(tableName, remoteKey), o); } } public void pullDelete(long last_sync_ts) throws Exception { String url = options.FLOWZR_API_URL + options.getNamespace() + "/delete/?last_sync_ts=" + last_sync_ts; HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url); HttpResponse httpResponse = http_client.execute(httpGet); HttpEntity httpEntity = httpResponse.getEntity(); is = httpEntity.getContent(); reader = new JsonReader(new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8")); reader.beginObject(); readDelete(reader); httpEntity.consumeContent(); } public void readDelete(JsonReader reader) throws IOException { reader.nextName(); reader.beginArray(); while (reader.hasNext()) { reader.beginObject(); reader.nextName(); //tablename String t = reader.nextString(); reader.nextName(); //key execDelete(t, reader.nextString()); reader.endObject(); } reader.endArray(); } public void execDelete(String tableName, String remoteKey) { long id = getLocalKey(tableName, remoteKey); if (id > 0) { if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.ACCOUNT_TABLE)) { dba.deleteAccount(id); } else if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE)) { dba.deleteTransaction(id); } else if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.CURRENCY_TABLE)) { dba.deleteCurrency(id); } else if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.BUDGET_TABLE)) { dba.deleteBudget(id); } else if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.LOCATIONS_TABLE)) { dba.deleteLocation(id); } else if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.PROJECT_TABLE)) { dba.deleteProject(id); } else if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.PAYEE_TABLE)) { dba.delete(Payee.class, id); } else if (tableName.equals(DatabaseHelper.CATEGORY_TABLE)) { dba.deleteCategory(id); } } } public void pushAllBlobs() { String sql = "select attached_picture,datetime,remote_key,blob_key " + "from transactions " + "where attached_picture is not null " + "and blob_key is null limit 3"; Cursor cursorCursor = db.rawQuery(sql, null); int i = 0; if (cursorCursor.moveToFirst()) { do { i = i + 10; flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(cursorCursor.getString(0) + " >> Google Drive. " + flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.hint_run_background), i); if (i == 100) { i = 10; } saveFileToDrive(cursorCursor.getString(0), cursorCursor.getLong(1), cursorCursor.getString(2)); } while (cursorCursor.moveToNext()); } cursorCursor.close(); } public void saveFileToDrive(String pictureFileName, long l, String remoteKey) { pictureFile = new, pictureFileName); Uri fileUri = Uri.fromFile(pictureFile); /*RunUpload runUpload = new RunUpload(fileUri,l,remoteKey);;*/ } /*public class RunUpload implements Runnable { private Uri fileUri; private long trDate; private String remote_key; public RunUpload(Uri _fileUri,long l,String _remote_key) { this.fileUri = _fileUri; this.trDate = l; this.remote_key=_remote_key; } public void run() { String targetFolderId=null; try { if (driveService==null) { driveService=getDriveService(); } String ROOT_FOLDER=MyPreferences.getGoogleDriveFolder(flowzrSyncActivity); // ensure to have the app root folder in drive ... if (rootFolderId==null) { //search root folder ... FileList folders=driveService.files().list().setQ("mimeType='application/'").execute(); for(File fl: folders.getItems()){ if (fl.getTitle().equals(ROOT_FOLDER)) { rootFolderId=fl.getId(); } } //if not found create it if (rootFolderId==null) { File body = new File(); body.setTitle(ROOT_FOLDER); body.setMimeType("application/"); File file = driveService.files().insert(body).execute(); rootFolderId=file.getId(); } } //search for the target folder (depending of the date) Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new Date(trDate)); int month=cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; String targetFolder=String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)) + "-" + (month<10?("0"+month):(month)); FileList subfolders=driveService.files().list().setQ("mimeType='application/' and '" + rootFolderId + "' in parents").execute(); for(File fl: subfolders.getItems()){ if (fl.getTitle().equals(targetFolder)) { targetFolderId=fl.getId(); } } //create the target folder if not exist if (targetFolderId==null) { //create folder File body = new File(); body.setTitle(targetFolder); ArrayList<ParentReference> pList=new ArrayList<ParentReference>(); pList.add(new ParentReference().setId(rootFolderId)) ; body.setParents(pList); body.setMimeType("application/"); File file = driveService.files().insert(body).execute(); targetFolder=file.getId(); } // File's binary content fileContent = new; InputStreamContent mediaContent = new InputStreamContent("image/jpeg", new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(fileContent))); mediaContent.setLength(fileContent.length()); // File's metadata. File body = new File(); body.setTitle(fileContent.getName()); body.setMimeType("image/jpeg"); body.setFileSize(fileContent.length()); ArrayList<ParentReference> pList2=new ArrayList<ParentReference>(); pList2.add(new ParentReference().setId(targetFolderId)) ; body.setParents(pList2); File file = driveService.files().insert(body, mediaContent).execute(); } catch (UserRecoverableAuthIOException e) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_account_setup), 100); e.getIntent().setClass(context, FlowzrSyncActivity.class); flowzrSyncActivity.startActivityForResult(e.getIntent(), REQUEST_AUTHORIZATION); flowzrSyncActivity.setReady(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(e.getMessage(), 0); } Thread thread= new Thread(){ @Override public void run(){ try { synchronized(this){ wait(3000); } } catch(InterruptedException ex){ } } }; thread.start(); String uploadedId=null; FileList files; try { files = driveService.files().list().setQ("mimeType='image/jpeg' and '" + targetFolderId + "' in parents").execute(); String file_url=""; String thumbnail_url=""; for(File fl: files.getItems()){ if (fl.getTitle().equals(fileUri.getLastPathSegment())) { uploadedId=fl.getId(); try { file_url=fl.getAlternateLink(); thumbnail_url=fl.getIconLink(); } catch (Exception e) { file_url="" + targetFolderId +"/"; } } } if (!uploadedId.equals("null")) { String sql="update transactions set blob_key='" + uploadedId + "' where remote_key='" + remote_key+"'"; db.execSQL(sql); sql="select from_account_id,attached_picture from " + DatabaseHelper.TRANSACTION_TABLE + " where remote_key='" + remote_key+"'"; Cursor c=db.rawQuery(sql, null); if (c.moveToFirst()) { String account_key=getRemoteKey(DatabaseHelper.ACCOUNT_TABLE, String.valueOf(c.getLong(0))); String file_type="image/jpeg"; String file_name=c.getString(1); if (file_url==null) { file_url=""; } if (thumbnail_url==null) { thumbnail_url=""; } String url=options.FLOWZR_API_URL + options.getNamespace() +"/blob/?url=" + URLEncoder.encode(file_url, "UTF-8") + "&thumbnail_url=" + URLEncoder.encode(thumbnail_url, "UTF-8") + "&account="+account_key+"&crebit="+ remote_key + "&name="+ file_name + "&blob_key=" + uploadedId + "type=" + file_type; try { HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(url); http_client.execute(httpGet); Log.i(TAG,"linked to :" + file_url); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private Drive getDriveService() { credential = GoogleAccountCredential.usingOAuth2(flowzrSyncActivity.getApplicationContext(), Arrays.asList(DriveScopes.DRIVE_FILE)); credential.setSelectedAccountName(options.useCredential); return new Drive.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(), new GsonFactory(), credential).build(); } */ public class GetAuthTokenCallback implements AccountManagerCallback<Bundle> { public void run(AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> result) { Bundle bundle; SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); FlowzrSyncOptions options = FlowzrSyncOptions.fromPrefs(preferences); flowzrSyncTask = new FlowzrSyncTask(flowzrSyncActivity, FlowzrSyncEngine.this, options, http_client); flowzrSyncActivity.flowzrSyncTask = flowzrSyncTask; try { bundle = result.getResult(); Intent intent = (Intent) bundle.get(AccountManager.KEY_INTENT); if (intent != null) { // User input required flowzrSyncActivity.startActivity(intent); } else { AccountManager.get(context).invalidateAuthToken( bundle.getString(AccountManager.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE), bundle.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN)); AccountManager.get(context).invalidateAuthToken("ah", bundle.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN)); onGetAuthToken(bundle); } } catch (OperationCanceledException e) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_error_no_network), 100); //showErrorPopup(FlowzrSyncActivity.this, R.string.flowzr_sync_error_no_network); flowzrSyncActivity.setReady(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (AuthenticatorException e) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_error_no_network), 100); flowzrSyncActivity.setReady(); e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(flowzrSyncActivity.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_error_no_network), 100); flowzrSyncActivity.setReady(); e.printStackTrace(); } } } protected void onGetAuthToken(Bundle bundle) { String auth_token = bundle.getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN); new GetCookieTask().execute(auth_token); } private class GetCookieTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Boolean> { protected Boolean doInBackground(String... tokens) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(context.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_auth_inprogress), 15); try { http_client.getParams().setParameter("http.protocol.content-charset", "UTF-8"); // Don't follow redirects http_client.getParams().setBooleanParameter(ClientPNames.HANDLE_REDIRECTS, false); HttpGet http_get = new HttpGet(options.FLOWZR_BASE_URL + "/_ah/login?continue=" + options.FLOWZR_BASE_URL + "/&auth=" + tokens[0]); HttpResponse response; flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(context.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_auth_inprogress), 20); response = http_client.execute(http_get); response.getEntity().consumeContent(); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 302) { // Response should be a redirect return false; } for (Cookie cookie : http_client.getCookieStore().getCookies()) { if (cookie.getName().equals("ACSID")) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(context.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_receiving), 25); return true; } } } catch (ClientProtocolException e) { Log.e("financisto", e.getMessage()); return false; } catch (IOException e) { Log.e("financisto", e.getMessage()); return false; } finally { http_client.getParams().setParameter("http.protocol.content-charset", "UTF-8"); http_client.getParams().setBooleanParameter(ClientPNames.HANDLE_REDIRECTS, true); } return false; } protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) { flowzrSyncActivity.notifyUser(context.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_auth_inprogress), 30); flowzrSyncTask.execute(); } } public static void builAndRun(Context context) { final FlowzrSyncActivity fa = FlowzrSyncActivity.getMySelf(); if (fa == null) { NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(context, FlowzrSyncActivity.class); PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(context, 0, notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT); Builder mNotifyBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(context); mNotifyBuilder.setContentIntent(contentIntent).setSmallIcon(R.drawable.icon) .setWhen(System.currentTimeMillis()).setAutoCancel(true) .setContentTitle(context.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync)) .setContentText(context.getString(R.string.flowzr_sync_require_tap)); nm.notify(SYNC_NOTIFICATION_ID,; Log.e(TAG, "Sync unactive: the required activity is missing."); return; } else { if (FlowzrSyncActivity.isRunning) { Log.i(TAG, "Sync already in progress"); } else { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - FlowzrSyncOptions.last_sync_ts) > 30 * 1000) { Log.i(TAG, "Starting Auto-Sync Task"); fa.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { fa.setRunning(); } }); fa.initProgressDialog(); new FlowzrSyncEngine(fa); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Sync have just been done"); } } } } }