Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Alexey O. Shigarov ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ru.icc.cells.ssdc.model; import*; import java.util.*; import*; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.*; /** * Created by Alexey Shigarov ( on 30.01.2015. */ public final class CTable { private static String DATA_FIELD_NAME = "DATA"; private static String LABEL_FIELD_NAME = "LABELS"; private int id; private static int numberOfAllTables; // Number of all tables public int getId() { return id; } private List<CRow> rows = new ArrayList<CRow>(); private List<CCol> cols = new ArrayList<CCol>(); // TODO .. Set<CCell> private List<CCell> cells = new ArrayList<CCell>(); public CCell getCell(int index) { return this.cells.get(index); } public Iterator<CCell> getCells() { return this.cells.iterator(); } void removeCell(CCell cell) { cells.remove(cell); } void addCell(CCell cell) { // TODO checking conflicts in cell coordinate intersection cells.add(cell); /* for (int k = cell.getRt() - 1; k < cell.getRb(); k++) this.rows.get(k).addCell(cell); for (int k = cell.getCl() - 1; k < cell.getCr(); k++) this.cols.get(k).addCell(cell); */ } boolean containsCell(CCell cell) { return cells.contains(cell); } private Set<CLabel> labels = new LinkedHashSet<CLabel>(); public boolean addLabel(CLabel label) { return labels.add(label); } public boolean containsLabel(CLabel label) { return labels.contains(label); } public Iterator<CLabel> getLabels() { return this.labels.iterator(); } private Set<CEntry> entries = new LinkedHashSet<CEntry>(); public boolean addEntry(CEntry entry) { return entries.add(entry); } public Iterator<CEntry> getEntries() { return this.entries.iterator(); } public boolean containsEntry(CEntry entry) { return entries.contains(entry); } public Iterator<CRow> getRows() { return this.rows.iterator(); } public Iterator<CCol> getCols() { return this.cols.iterator(); } public CCell newCell() { CCell cell = new CCell(this); addCell(cell); return cell; } private LocalCategoryBox localCategoryBox = new LocalCategoryBox(this); public LocalCategoryBox getLocalCategoryBox() { return localCategoryBox; } private LabelGroupBox labelGroupBox = new LabelGroupBox(this); public LabelGroupBox getLabelGroupBox() { return labelGroupBox; } public CTable(int rowNum, int colNum) { for (int i = 0; i < rowNum; i++) { rows.add(new CRow(this, i + 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < colNum; i++) { cols.add(new CCol(this, i + 1)); } numberOfAllTables++; id = numberOfAllTables; } /* * Writing the CTable instance to Excel 2007-2010 (*.xlsx) file */ public void writeToExcel(String outputFile) { this.writeToExcel(new File(outputFile)); } /* * Writing the CTable instance to Excel 2007-2010 (*.xlsx) file */ public void writeToExcel(File outputFile) { try { Workbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(); Sheet sheet = wb.createSheet(); Iterator<CRow> rows = this.rows.iterator(); int i = 0; while (rows.hasNext()) { Row excelRow = sheet.createRow(i); CRow row =; Iterator<CCell> rcells = row.getCells(); while (rcells.hasNext()) { CCell cll =; excelRow.createCell(cll.getCl() - 1).setCellValue(cll.getRawText()); } i++; } Iterator<CCell> cells = this.getCells(); while (cells.hasNext()) { CCell c =; if (c.getRt() != c.getRb() || c.getCl() != c.getCr()) { CellRangeAddress rngAdr = new CellRangeAddress(c.getRt() - 1, c.getRb() - 1, c.getCl() - 1, c.getCr() - 1); sheet.addMergedRegion(rngAdr); } } FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public CanonicalForm toCanonicalForm() { if (this.cells.size() < 2) return null; CanonicalForm form = new CanonicalForm(); int size = getLocalCategoryBox().numOfCategories(); CCategory[] orderedCategorySet = new CCategory[size]; int c = 0; Iterator<CCategory> categories = getLocalCategoryBox().getCategories(); while (categories.hasNext()) { orderedCategorySet[c] =; c++; } String[] headerRecord = new String[orderedCategorySet.length + 1]; // TODO getting the data field name (headerRecord[0]) from file settings headerRecord[0] = DATA_FIELD_NAME; for (int i = 0; i < orderedCategorySet.length; i++) { headerRecord[i + 1] = orderedCategorySet[i].getName(); } form.setHeader(headerRecord); String padding = ""; for (CEntry entry : entries) { String[] entryRecord = new String[size + 1]; Arrays.fill(entryRecord, padding); entryRecord[0] = entry.getValue(); Iterator<CLabel> labels = entry.getLabels(); while (labels.hasNext()) { CLabel label =; for (int i = 0; i < orderedCategorySet.length; i++) { CCategory category = orderedCategorySet[i]; if (label.getCategory().equals(category)) { entryRecord[i + 1] = label.getCompoundValue();//label.getValue(); } } } form.addRecord(entryRecord); } return form; } public String trace() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); final String eol = "\r\n"; final String tab = "\t"; sb.append("Entries:").append(eol); for (CEntry entry : entries) { sb.append(tab).append(entry.trace()).append(eol); } sb.append("Labels:").append(eol); for (CLabel label : labels) { sb.append(tab).append(label.trace()).append(eol); } sb.append(getLabelGroupBox().trace()).append(eol); sb.append("Categories:").append(eol); Iterator<CCategory> categories = getLocalCategoryBox().getCategories(); while (categories.hasNext()) { sb.append(tab).append(; } return sb.toString(); } public int numOfRows() { return rows.size(); } public int numOfCols() { return cols.size(); } public int numOfCells() { return cells.size(); } public int numOfNotEmptyCells() { int count = 0; for (CCell cell : cells) { if (null == cell.getText()) continue; if (!cell.getText().isEmpty()) count++; } return count; } public int numOfEntries() { return entries.size(); } public int numOfLabels() { return labels.size(); } public int numOfCategories() { return getLocalCategoryBox().numOfCategories(); } public int numOfLabelGroups() { return getLabelGroupBox().numOfLabelGroups(); } public int numOfLL() { int count = 0; for (CLabel label : labels) { if (label.hasParent()) count++; } return count; } public int numOfEL() { int count = 0; for (CEntry entry : entries) { count += entry.numOfLabels(); } return count; } public int numOfCL() { int count = 0; for (CLabel label : labels) { if (label.hasCategory()) count++; } return count; } // TODO changing exception is needed public void update() throws Exception { labelGroupBox.update(); setDefaultCategory(); } // TODO changing exception is needed private void setDefaultCategory() throws Exception { final List<CLabel> uncategorizedLabels = new ArrayList<CLabel>(); for (CLabel label : labels) { if (null == label.getCategory()) { uncategorizedLabels.add(label); } } if (uncategorizedLabels.size() > 0) { // TODO reading the default category name from settings final CCategory category = localCategoryBox.newCategory(LABEL_FIELD_NAME); for (CLabel label : uncategorizedLabels) { label.setCategory(category); } } } private File srcWorkbookFile; public File getSrcWorkbookFile() { return srcWorkbookFile; } public void setSrcWorkbookFile(File srcWorkbookFile) { this.srcWorkbookFile = srcWorkbookFile; } private String srcSheetName; public String getSrcSheetName() { return srcSheetName; } public void setSrcSheetName(String srcSheetName) { this.srcSheetName = srcSheetName; } private String srcStartCellRef; public String getSrcStartCellRef() { return srcStartCellRef; } public void setSrcStartCellRef(String srcStartCellRef) { this.srcStartCellRef = srcStartCellRef; } private String srcEndCellRef; public String getSrcEndCellRef() { return srcEndCellRef; } public void setSrcEndCellRef(String srcEndCellRef) { this.srcEndCellRef = srcEndCellRef; } }