Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Bekwam, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package routines;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
import org.joda.time.Years;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;


 * BRules is a collection of Java methods used for validation, formatting, and 
 * transformation.
 * @author Carl2
 * @since 1.0.0
public class BRules {

    private final static String ERROR_MESSAGE_LISTTYPE_ARG = "listType must be 'ul' or 'ol'";
    private final static String UTF8_CHARSET = "UTF-8";
    private final static int DEFAULT_PAD_SIZE = 10;
    private final static String DEFAULT_LIST_TO_STRING_DELIMITER = ",";

     * isPhoneNum: true if valid in accordance with country specifier; uses
     * strict check
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string("regionCode") input: The country or region code to use
     * {param} string("phoneNumber") input: The phone number to check
     * {example} isPhoneNum("US", "(301) 555-5555") # true
    public static boolean isPhoneNum(String _countryCode, String _toValidate) {
        return isPhoneNum(_countryCode, _toValidate, false);

     * isPhoneNum: true if valid in accordance with country specifier and
     * loose flag (false for strict)
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string("regionCode") input: The country or region code to use
     * {param} string("phoneNumber") input: The phone number to check
     * {param} boolean: use loose validation (true) or strict (false)
     * {example} isPhoneNum("US", "(301) 555-5555") # true
    public static boolean isPhoneNum(String _countryCode, String _toValidate, boolean _loose) {

        boolean valid = false;

        PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();

        try {
            PhoneNumber pn = phoneUtil.parse(_toValidate, _countryCode);
            if (_loose) {
                valid = phoneUtil.isPossibleNumber(pn);
            } else {
                valid = phoneUtil.isValidNumber(pn);
        } catch (NumberParseException ignore) {

        return valid;

     * all: true if all arguments are not empty (not null for Objects,
     * not null, empty string, or whitespace for java.lang.String)
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} object() input: a variable number of params to check
     * {example} all("one", "two", "")  # false
     * {example} all("one") # true
    public static boolean all(Object... _objects) {
        boolean allSet = true;
        if (_objects == null)
            return false;
        for (Object obj : _objects) {
            if (obj instanceof String) {
                if (StringUtils.isEmpty((String) obj)) {
                    allSet = false;
            } else {
                if (obj == null) {
                    allSet = false;
        return allSet;

     * xor: true if one and only one argument is not empty (not null for Objects,
     * not null, empty string, or whitespace for java.lang.String)
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} object() input: a variable number of params to check
     * {example} xor("one", "")  # true
     * {example} xor("", "") # false
    public static boolean xor(Object... _objects) {
        boolean onlyOneSet = false;
        if (_objects == null)
            return false;
        for (Object obj : _objects) {
            if (obj instanceof String) {
                if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty((String) obj)) {
                    if (!onlyOneSet) {
                        onlyOneSet = true;
                    } else {
                        onlyOneSet = false;
            } else {
                if (obj != null) {
                    if (!onlyOneSet) {
                        onlyOneSet = true;
                    } else {
                        onlyOneSet = false;
        return onlyOneSet;

     * isBlank: true if the string is null, the empty string, or whitespace
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string("hello") input : string to be tested
     * {example} isBlank("hello") # false
     * {example} isBlank(null) # true
     * {example} isBlank("") # true
     * {example} isBlank("     ") # true
    public static boolean isBlank(String _s) {
        return StringUtils.isBlank(_s);

     * isXML: true if the passed-in string adheres to XML well-formedness
     * and the specified charset
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string("<message>hello</message>") input: xml to be tested
     * {param} string("ISO8859_1") input: the charset of the xml
     * {example} isXML("<message>hello</message>", "ISO8859_1") # true
     * {example} isXML("<message>hello", "ISO8859_1") # false
    public static boolean isXML(String _xml, String _charset) throws Exception {

        boolean result = false;

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(_xml))
            return false;

        try {
            SAXParserFactory factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();

            SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();

            InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(_xml.getBytes(_charset));

            parser.parse(is, new DefaultHandler());

            result = true;
        } catch (SAXParseException ignore) {

        return result;

     * isXML: true if the passed-in string adheres to XML well-formedness
     * using a UTF-8 string
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string("<message>hello</message>") input: xml to be tested
     * {example} isXML("<message>hello</message>") # true
     * {example} isXML("<message>hello") # false
    public static boolean isXML(String _xml) throws Exception {
        return isXML(_xml, UTF8_CHARSET);

     * okChars: true if the passed-in string is valid for the specified 
     * character set
     * The supported character set values are those supported by Java.  The 
     * particular constants include "ASCII", "Cp1252", "ISO8859_1", "UTF-8".
     * If the string parameter is empty or null, 'true' is returned.
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string("hello") input: string to be tested
     * {param} string("charset") input: charset of string
     * {example} okChar("hello", "ISO8859_1") # true
    public static boolean okChars(String _s, String _charset) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(_s)) {
            return true;
        CharsetEncoder encoder = Charset.forName(_charset).newEncoder();
        return encoder.canEncode(_s);

     * toCharset: convert a string to the character set used by Windows Latin-1.
     * Will convert unmappable characters to a space (" ") rather than throwing
     * an error
     * For example, this will conveniently map a \u2122 (TM) symbol to a 
     * Windows-recognized hex 99
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string(_s) input string to convert
     * {example} toCharset("My Product\u2122") # returns "My Product "
    public static String toCharset(String _s) {
        return toCharset(_s, "Cp1252");

     * toCharset: convert a string to the specified character set
     * Will convert unmappable characters to a space (" ") rather than throwing
     * an error
     * For example, this will conveniently map a \u2122 (TM) symbol to a 
     * Windows-recognized hex 99
     * Uses Java names for charsets: Cp1252, US-ASCII
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string(_s) input string to convert
     * {param} string(_charset) character set to use for conversion
     * {example} toCharset("My Product\u2122", "Cp1252") # returns "My Product "
    public static String toCharset(String _s, String _charset) {
        String cs = (StringUtils.isEmpty(_charset)) ? "Cp1252" : _charset;
        return toCharset(_s, cs, " ");

     * toCharset: convert a string to the specified character set
     * Will convert unmappable characters to a specified character
     * For example, this will conveniently map a \u2122 (TM) symbol to a 
     * Windows-recognized hex 99
     * Uses Java names for charsets: Cp1252, US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, UTF-16
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string(_s) input string to convert
     * {param} string(_charset) character set to use for conversion
     * {param} string(_replaceCh) character to use for unmappables
     * {example} toCharset("My Product\u2122", "Cp1252", "?") # returns "My Product?"
    public static String toCharset(String _s, String _charset, String _replaceCh) {
        String s = "";
        String cs = (StringUtils.isEmpty(_charset)) ? "Cp1252" : _charset;
        String rc = (StringUtils.isEmpty(_replaceCh)) ? " " : _replaceCh;

        try {
            CharsetEncoder enc = Charset.forName(cs).newEncoder();
            ByteBuffer buf = enc.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(_s));
            s = new String(buf.array(), cs);
        } catch (Exception ignore) {

        return s;

     * isJSON: true if the passed-in string adheres to JSON format
     * Not supported for JDKs < 6; will throw exception
     * Empty expressions - {} and [] - will return true
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string("{name: 'Carl', program: 'BRules'}") input: json to be tested
     * {example} isJSON("<message>hello</message>") # false
     * {example} isJSON("{name: 'Carl', program: 'BRules'}") # true
     * {example} isJSON("{}") #true
     * {example} isJSON(null) #false
    public static boolean isJSON(String _json) {
        return BRulesJSON.isJSON(_json);

     * hasJSONPath: true if the passed-in json has elements referenced in path
     * Not supported for JDKs < 6; will throw exception
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string("{name: 'Carl', program: 'BRules'}") input: json to be tested
     * {example} hasJSONPath("<message>hello</message>") # false
     * {example} hasJSONPath("{name: 'Carl', program: 'BRules'}", "$.name") # true
     * {example} isJSON("{}") #true
     * {example} hasJSONPath(null) #false
    public static boolean hasJSONPath(String _json, String _path) throws Exception {
        return BRulesJSON.hasJSONPath(_json, _path);

     * comma: join the string representation of objects together with a
     * comma
     * Appends an empty string where an element is null
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} object() input: a variable number of strings to join
     * {example} comma("one", "two", "three")  # "one,two,three"
    public static String comma(Object... _objects) {
        return join(",", _objects);

     * join: join the string representation of objects together with a
     * character
     * Appends an empty string where an element is null
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} object() input: a variable number of strings to join
     * {example} join("one", "two", "three")  # "one,two,three"
    public static String join(String _delim, Object... _objects) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        boolean firstPass = true;
        if (_objects != null) {
            for (Object obj : _objects) {

                if (!firstPass) {
                } else {
                    firstPass = false;

                if (obj == null) {
                } else {
        return sb.toString();

      * ul: form an html list of the specified css style from
      * the list of objects
      * null objects returns an empty list (ex, "<ul></ul>")
      * {talendTypes} String
      * {Category} BRules
      * {param} styleClass : a style to apply for the toplevel list element
      * {param} object() input: a variable number of strings to join
      * {example} ul("infolist", "a", "b")  # "<ul><li>a</li><li>b</li></ul>"
    public static String ul(String _styleClass, Object... _objects) {
        return htmlList(_styleClass, "ul", _objects);

     * ol: form an html list of the specified css style from
     * the list of objects
     * null objects returns an empty list (ex, "<ol></ol>")
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} styleClass : a style to apply for the toplevel list element
     * {param} object() input: a variable number of strings to join
     * {example} ol("infolist", "a", "b")  # "<ol><li>a</li><li>b</li></ol>"
    public static String ol(String _styleClass, Object... _objects) {
        return htmlList(_styleClass, "ol", _objects);

    protected static String htmlList(String _styleClass, String _listType, Object... _objects) {

        if (_listType == null || !(_listType.equals("ul") || _listType.equals("ol"))) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(ERROR_MESSAGE_LISTTYPE_ARG);

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();

        if (_styleClass != null && _styleClass.length() > 0) {
            sb.append("<" + _listType + " class=\"" + _styleClass + "\">");
        } else {
            sb.append("<" + _listType + ">");

        if (_objects != null) {
            for (Object obj : _objects) {
                sb.append("<li>" + ((obj == null) ? "" : obj.toString()) + "</li>");

        sb.append("</" + _listType + ">");
        return sb.toString();

     * p: form an html paragraph of the specified css style from
     * the list of objects
     * null objects returns an empty list (ex, "<p></p>")
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} styleClass : a style to apply for the toplevel list element
     * {param} object() input: a variable number of strings to join
     * {example} p("note", "a")  # "<p class=\"note\">a</p>"
    public static String p(String _styleClass, String _text) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        if (_styleClass != null && _styleClass.length() > 0) {
            sb.append("<p class=\"" + _styleClass + "\">");
        } else {
        sb.append((_text == null) ? "" : _text);
        return sb.toString();

     * Pad a 10 character string with spaces
     * If the string exceeds 10 chars, the input string will be returned
     * The method is deprecated because of the limited utility in a predefined
     * size.
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} pad(stringToPad) input: The string to be divided
     * {example} pad("100") # "         100"
    public static String pad(String s) {
        return pad(s, DEFAULT_PAD_SIZE);

     * Left pads the input string with spaces
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string(stringToPad) stringToPad: string to pad 
     * {param} int(numPadChars) numPadChars: number of padded chars
     * {example} pad("100",6) # "000100"
     * @param s - input string to pad
     * @param size - number of chars to pad
     * @return padded string or input string
     * @since 1.0.0
    public static String pad(String s, int size) {
        if (size < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("size must be > 0");
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(s))
            return s;
        return StringUtils.leftPad(s, size);

     * Left pads the input string with the specified character
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} string(stringToPad) stringToPad: string to pad 
     * {param} int(numPadChars) numPadChars: number of padded chars
     * {param} char(charToUse) charToUse: char to use as padding
     * {example} pad("100", 6, '0') # "000100"
     * @param s - input string to pad
     * @param size - number of chars to pad
     * @param ch - character to pad with
     * @return padded string or input string
     * @since 1.4.0
    public static String pad(String s, int size, char ch) {
        if (size < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("size must be > 0");
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(s))
            return s;
        return StringUtils.leftPad(s, size, ch);

     * Left pads the input integer with the specified character
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} int(integerToPad) integerToPad: int to pad 
     * {param} int(numPadChars) numPadChars: number of padded chars
     * {param} char(charToUse) charToUse: char to use as padding
     * {example} pad(100, 6, '0') # "000100"
     * @param s - input string to pad
     * @param size - number of chars to pad
     * @param ch - character to pad with
     * @return padded string or input string
     * @since 1.4.0
    public static String pad(Integer i, int size, char ch) {
        if (i == null)
            return null;
        return StringUtils.leftPad(String.valueOf(i), size, ch);

     * Left pads the input long with the specified character
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
     * {param} long(integerToPad) integerToPad: int to pad 
     * {param} long(numPadChars) numPadChars: number of padded chars
     * {param} char(charToUse) charToUse: char to use as padding
     * {example} pad(100L, 6, '0') # "000100"
     * @param s - input string to pad
     * @param size - number of chars to pad
     * @param ch - character to pad with
     * @return padded string or input string
     * @since 1.4.0
    public static String pad(Long lng, int size, char ch) {
        if (lng == null)
            return null;
        return StringUtils.leftPad(String.valueOf(lng), size, ch);

      * Right pads the input string with spaces
      * {talendTypes} String
      * {Category} BRules
      * {param} string(stringToPad) stringToPad: string to pad 
      * {param} int(numPadChars) numPadChars: number of padded chars
      * {example} pad("100", 6) # "100   "
      * @param s - input string to pad
      * @param size - number of chars to pad
      * @return padded string or input string
      * @since 1.4.0
    public static String padRight(String s, int size) {
        if (size < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("size must be > 0");
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(s))
            return s;
        return StringUtils.rightPad(s, size);

      * Right pads the input string with the specified character
      * {talendTypes} String
      * {Category} BRules
      * {param} string(stringToPad) stringToPad: string to pad 
      * {param} int(numPadChars) numPadChars: number of padded chars
      * {param} char(charToUse) charToUse: char to use as padding
      * {example} pad("100", 6, '0') # "100000"
      * @param s - input string to pad
      * @param size - number of chars to pad
      * @param ch - character to pad with
      * @return padded string or input string
      * @since 1.4.0
    public static String padRight(String s, int size, char ch) {
        if (size < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("size must be > 0");
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(s))
            return s;
        return StringUtils.rightPad(s, size, ch);

      * Take off leading zeros; assumes a number
      * {talendTypes} String
      * {Category} BRules
      * {param} trimLeadingZeros(string) input: The string to be divided
    public static String trimLeadingZeros(String num_s) {

        if (num_s == null || num_s.length() == 0)
            return "";

        try {
            int i = Integer.parseInt(num_s);
            return String.valueOf(i);
        } catch (NumberFormatException exc) {
            return num_s;

      * Calculates age in whole years based on today's date
      * {talendTypes} Integer
      * {Category} BRules
      * {param} date(birthDate) input: the date of birth
      * @param birthDate date of birth
      * @return whole years of age
    public static Integer ageInYears(Date birthDate) {
        return ageInYears(birthDate, new Date());

      * Calculates age in whole years using the specified
      * as of date
      * Returns null if birthDate or asOfDate is null
      * {talendTypes} Integer
      * {Category} BRules
      * {param} date(birthDate) input: the date of birth
      * {param} date(asOfDate) input: date used for comparison; alternative to
      * today
      * @param birthDate date of birth
      * @param asOfDate date of comparison (instead of today)
      * @return whole years of age
    public static Integer ageInYears(Date birthDate, Date asOfDate) {

        if (birthDate == null || asOfDate == null) {
            return null;

        return ageInYears(new LocalDate(birthDate), new LocalDate(asOfDate));

     * For internal use only
     * Joda Time classes aren't exposed to the calling Talend jobs because of
     * library dependency management
      * @param birthDate date of birth
      * @param asOfDate date of comparison (instead of today)
      * @return whole years of age
    static Integer ageInYears(LocalDate birthDate, LocalDate asOfDate) {

        if (birthDate == null || asOfDate == null) {
            return null;

        Years age = Years.yearsBetween(birthDate, asOfDate);

        return age.getYears();

     * Forms a comma-separated list given the input java.util.List
     * Handles different types
     * Nulls are skipped, for example [A, null, B] -> A,,B
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
      * {param} list(inputList) input: the list to convert
     * @param inputList list of objects of any time
     * @return empty string or list of values separated by comma
    public static String listToString(List<?> inputList) {
        return listToString(inputList, DEFAULT_LIST_TO_STRING_DELIMITER);

     * Forms a comma-separated list given the input java.util.List using the 
     * specified delimeter
     * Handles different types
     * Nulls are skipped, for example [A, null, B] -> A,,B
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
      * {param} list(inputList) input: the list to convert
      * {param} string(delimiter) input: delimiter to used in string separating
      * items
     * @param inputList list of objects of any time
     * @return empty string or list of values separated by delimiter 
    public static String listToString(List<?> inputList, String delimiter) {
        return listToString(inputList, delimiter, null);

     * Forms a comma-separated list given the input java.util.List
     * Handles different types
     * Nulls are skipped, for example [A, null, B] -> A,,B
     * {talendTypes} String
     * {Category} BRules
      * {param} list(inputList) input: the list to convert
      * {param} string(delimiter) input: delimiter to used in string separating
      * items
      * {param} string(escapeString) input: string to wrap each item
     * @param inputList list of objects of any time
     * @param escapeString String added to start and end of each element
     * @return empty string or list of values separated by comma
    public static String listToString(List<?> inputList, String delimiter, String escapeString) {

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");

        if (inputList == null) {
            return sb.toString();

        boolean initialized = false;
        for (Object obj : inputList) {

            if (initialized) {
            } else {
                initialized = true;

            if (obj != null) {
                if (escapeString == null) {
                } else {
                    sb.append(escapeString + String.valueOf(obj) + escapeString);

        return sb.toString();