Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2013 AMALTHEA REU; Dillon Rose; Michel Rouly * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package root.input.lyrl2004; import; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.util.ToolRunner; import root.hap.HierarchicalAffinityPropagationJob; import root.input.InputJob; import root.output.LogJob; /** * <p> * This is a driver for running the Hierarchical Affinity Propagation job * on the Lyrl input dataset. * </p> * * <p> * LyrlJob only accepts input formatted in the manner of the Lyrl2004 dataset. * </p> * * <p> * To run this program from the command line:<br/> * <code>$ bin/hadoop root.Driver directive options</code> * </p> * * <p> * Include (at minimum) the following external libraries on the classpath: <br /> * <code> * lib/run/*.jar<br/> * lib/build/*.jar<br/> * </code> * </p> * * @author Dillon Rose * @author Michel Rouly * * @since 2013.06.24 * */ public class LyrlJob extends InputJob { // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following configuration variables will have default values. // -For VectorizationJob // -For AffinityPropagationJob private static String apInputDirectory = "/similarityMatrix"; private static String apOutputDirectory = "/affinityPropagation"; private static String numIterations; private static String numLevels; private static String diagScale; private static String lambda; private static String N; // -For HiveJob // private static String dir_hiveDataRoot = "/hive"; private static String dir_dataMetaData = "file-dictionary"; private static String dir_dataVectors = "/vectorFiles/"; // private static String dir_dataTFVectorFile = "vector-file"; // private static String wordDictionaryDirectory = "/wordDict"; private static String timeStamp = "/timestamp"; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following configuration variables must be set by the user. // -For VectorizationJob private static String vectorDirectory; private static String wordDictDirectory; private static String workingDirectory; // -For AffinityPropagationJob // -For HiveJob // private static String url_mysql; // mysql://localhost:3306/db_presentation // private static String usr_mysql; // amalthea // private static String psw_mysql; // Bwn8wZxBHS2Tdxe3 // private static String topNWords; // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following are environment variables, not to be configured. /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected void constructParameterList() { addOption("vector", "v", "Vector Directory", true); addOption("wordDictDir", "wd", "Word Dictionary Directory", true); addOption("workDir", "w", "Working Directory", true); addOption("numLevels", "l", "Number of Levels", "1"); addOption("diagScale", "smd", "Similarity Matrix seed scale", true); addOption("numIter", "iter", "Number of Iterations", "1"); addOption("lambda", "lambda", "Dampening Factor", "0"); addOption("inputSize", "n", "Cardinality of the Dataset", true); // addOption("url_mysql", "sql", "URL for MySQL DB", true); // addOption("usr_mysql", "sqlu", "User for MySQL DB",""); // addOption("psw_mysql", "sqlp", "Password for MySQL DB",""); // addOption("topNWords", "topN", "Numbers of Words to put in DB", "10"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected void initializeConfigurationParameters() { vectorDirectory = getOption("vector"); vectorDirectory = cleanDirectoryName(vectorDirectory); wordDictDirectory = getOption("wordDictDir"); wordDictDirectory = cleanDirectoryName(wordDictDirectory); workingDirectory = getOption("workDir"); workingDirectory = cleanDirectoryName(workingDirectory); numLevels = getOption("numLevels"); diagScale = getOption("diagScale"); numIterations = getOption("numIter"); lambda = getOption("lambda"); N = getOption("inputSize"); // url_mysql = getOption("url_mysql"); // usr_mysql = getOption("usr_mysql"); // psw_mysql = getOption("psw_mysql"); // topNWords = getOption("topNWords"); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected void printConfiguredParameters() { System.out.println("[INFO]: Lyrl2004 Job"); System.out.println("\t-v\t\t" + vectorDirectory); System.out.println("\t-wd\t\t" + wordDictDirectory); System.out.println("\t-w\t\t" + workingDirectory); System.out.println("\t-l\t\t" + numLevels); System.out.println("\t-smd\t\t" + diagScale); System.out.println("\t-iter\t\t" + numIterations); System.out.println("\t-lambda\t\t" + lambda); System.out.println("\t-n\t\t" + N); System.out.println(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int run(String[] args) throws Exception { constructParameterList(); if (parseArguments(args) == null) { return -1; } initializeConfigurationParameters(); printJobHeader(); Configuration conf = getConf(); URI workingURI = new URI(conf.get("")); URI inputURI = new URI(vectorDirectory); FileSystem workingFS = FileSystem.get(workingURI, conf); FileSystem inputFS = FileSystem.get(inputURI, conf); Path vectorDirectoryPath = new Path(vectorDirectory); if (!inputFS.exists(vectorDirectoryPath)) { throw new Exception("Vector directory not found."); } Path wordDictDirectoryPath = new Path(wordDictDirectory); if (!inputFS.exists(wordDictDirectoryPath)) { throw new Exception("Word Dictionary directory not found."); } Path workingDirectoryPath = new Path(workingDirectory); if (workingFS.exists(workingDirectoryPath)) { throw new Exception("Working Directory already exists."); } if (!workingFS.mkdirs(workingDirectoryPath)) { throw new Exception("Failed to create Working Directory."); } String[] vectorizationArgs = { "-i", vectorDirectory, "-wd", wordDictDirectory, "-w", workingDirectory, "-l", numLevels, "-dm", "org.apache.mahout.common.distance.SquaredEuclideanDistanceMeasure", "-smd", diagScale }; System.out.println();, new VectorizationJob(), vectorizationArgs); long starttime, stoptime, deltatime; starttime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String[] hapArgs = { "-i", workingDirectory + apInputDirectory, "-o", workingDirectory + apOutputDirectory, "-l", numLevels, "-w", workingDirectory, "-iter", numIterations, "-lambda", lambda, "-n", N };, new HierarchicalAffinityPropagationJob(), hapArgs); stoptime = System.currentTimeMillis(); deltatime = stoptime - starttime; conf.setStrings(CONF_PREFIX + "Dataset", "Lyrl2004"); conf.setStrings(CONF_PREFIX + "iterations", numIterations); conf.setStrings(CONF_PREFIX + "levels", numLevels); conf.setStrings(CONF_PREFIX + "lambda", lambda); conf.setStrings(CONF_PREFIX + "SMatSeed", diagScale); writeTimestamp(conf, workingDirectory + timeStamp, deltatime); String[] logJobArgs = { "-s", vectorDirectory, "-c", workingDirectory + apOutputDirectory, "-t", workingDirectory + timeStamp, "-f", workingDirectory + dir_dataVectors + dir_dataMetaData + "/vectorName2docId", };, new LogJob(), logJobArgs); // workingFS = FileSystem.get(workingURI, conf); // workingFS.mkdirs(new Path(workingDirectory+dir_hiveDataRoot)); // // String [] hiveArgs={ // "-sqldb" , url_mysql, // "-sqlusr" , usr_mysql, // "-sqlpsw" , psw_mysql, // "-dataroot" , workingDirectory+dir_hiveDataRoot, // "-ap-out" , workingDirectory+apOutputDirectory, // "-word-dict", workingDirectory+wordDictionaryDirectory, // "-metadata" , workingDirectory+dir_dataVectors+dir_dataMetaData, // "-tf-vec" , workingDirectory+dir_dataVectors+dir_dataTFVectorFile, // "-nwords" , topNWords // }; //,new OutputJob(), hiveArgs); return 0; } /** * Redirects user input to be parsed and used as configuration values. * * @param args User arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int res = Configuration(), new LyrlJob(), args); System.exit(res); } }