Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * This file is part of Termitaria, a project management tool * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 CodeSphere S.R.L., * * Termitaria is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Termitaria. If not, see <> . ******************************************************************************/ package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.lowagie.text.Document; import com.lowagie.text.Paragraph; import com.lowagie.text.Rectangle; import com.lowagie.text.pdf.PdfWriter; /** * @author dan.damian * */ public class OrganigramUtils extends ApplicationObjectSupport { private static String REPLACE_THEME = "replaceTheme"; private static String ORGANISATION_NODE_PICTURE_LOCATION = "themes".concat(File.separator).concat(REPLACE_THEME) .concat(File.separator).concat("images").concat(File.separator).concat("organigram") .concat(File.separator).concat("Org.jpg"); private static String DEPARTMENT_NODE_PICTURE_LOCATION = "themes".concat(File.separator).concat(REPLACE_THEME) .concat(File.separator).concat("images").concat(File.separator).concat("organigram") .concat(File.separator).concat("Dept.jpg"); //Parameters for drawing public static int H_SPACE = 0; public static int V_SPACE = 0; public static int NODE_WIDTH = 0; public static int NODE_HEIGHT = 0; private static int LABEL_MAX_LENGTH = 0; private static Color LINE_COLOR = null; private static Color TEXT_COLOR_TITLE = null; private static Color TEXT_COLOR_MANAGER = null; private static OrganigramUtils theInstance = null; static { theInstance = new OrganigramUtils(); try { H_SPACE = ConfigParametersProvider.getConfigStringAsInt("organigram.H_SPACE"); V_SPACE = ConfigParametersProvider.getConfigStringAsInt("organigram.V_SPACE"); NODE_WIDTH = ConfigParametersProvider.getConfigStringAsInt("organigram.NODE_WIDTH"); NODE_HEIGHT = ConfigParametersProvider.getConfigStringAsInt("organigram.NODE_HEIGHT"); LABEL_MAX_LENGTH = ConfigParametersProvider.getConfigStringAsInt("organigram.LABEL_MAX_LENGTH"); LINE_COLOR = ConfigParametersProvider.getConfigStringAsColor("organigram.LINE_COLOR"); TEXT_COLOR_TITLE = ConfigParametersProvider.getConfigStringAsColor("organigram.TEXT_COLOR_TITLE"); TEXT_COLOR_MANAGER = ConfigParametersProvider.getConfigStringAsColor("organigram.TEXT_COLOR_MANAGER"); } catch (Exception ex) { } } private OrganigramUtils() { } public static OrganigramUtils getInstance() { return theInstance; } /** * Draw a Node from the Organigram * @author dan.damian */ private void drawNode(Graphics2D g, OrgTreeNode node, String nodeOrgImg, String nodeDeptImg, boolean root) { //First draw the Node Info drawNodeInfo(g, node, nodeOrgImg, nodeDeptImg); if (!root) { //If it's not a root Node draw top Line drawTopLine(g, node); } if (node.getChildrenNumber() > 0) { //If it has children drawBottomLine(g, node); //It it has more than one child if (node.getChildrenNumber() > 1) { drawHorizontalLine(g, node); } //For all it's children for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildrenNumber(); i++) { //Do the same... drawNode(g, node.getChildren().get(i), nodeOrgImg, nodeDeptImg, false); } } } /** * Draw Node's Informations and the Rectangle representing the Node itself * @author dan.damian */ private void drawNodeInfo(Graphics2D g, OrgTreeNode node, String nodeOrgImg, String nodeDeptImg) { //Draw a Rectangle representing the Node String imgUrl = nodeDeptImg; if (node.getNodeType() != IConstant.NOM_TREE_NODE_TYPE_DEPARTMENT) { imgUrl = nodeOrgImg; } try { g.drawImage( File(imgUrl)), node.getXPosition(), node.getYPosition(),, null); } catch (IOException e) { g.drawRect(node.getXPosition(), node.getYPosition(), NODE_WIDTH, NODE_HEIGHT); } String label = node.getNodeName(); //If Department Name it's too big will short it a little if (label.length() > LABEL_MAX_LENGTH) { label = label.substring(0, LABEL_MAX_LENGTH - 3); label += "..."; } //Switch to Text Color for Title g.setColor(TEXT_COLOR_TITLE); g.drawString(label, node.getXPosition() + (NODE_WIDTH - label.length() * 6) / 2, node.getYPosition() + 15); //Retrieving Department's Manager Person manager = null; try { manager = BLDepartment.getInstance().getDepartmentsManager(node.getDepartmentId()); } catch (Exception ex) { } String managerName = ""; if (manager != null) { managerName = manager.getFirstName().concat(" ").concat(manager.getLastName()); if (managerName.length() > LABEL_MAX_LENGTH) { managerName = managerName.substring(0, LABEL_MAX_LENGTH - 3); managerName += "..."; } } //Switch to Text Color for Manager g.setColor(TEXT_COLOR_MANAGER); g.drawString(managerName, node.getXPosition() + (NODE_WIDTH - managerName.length() * 6) / 2, node.getYPosition() + 40); //Back to line Color g.setColor(LINE_COLOR); } /** * Draws the Top Line * @author dan.damian */ private void drawTopLine(Graphics2D g, OrgTreeNode node) { g.drawLine(node.getXPosition() + (NODE_WIDTH / 2), node.getYPosition() - (V_SPACE / 2), node.getXPosition() + (NODE_WIDTH / 2), node.getYPosition() - 2); } /** * Draws the Bottom Line * @author dan.damian */ private void drawBottomLine(Graphics2D g, OrgTreeNode node) { g.drawLine(node.getXPosition() + (NODE_WIDTH / 2), node.getYPosition() + NODE_HEIGHT, node.getXPosition() + (NODE_WIDTH / 2), node.getYPosition() + NODE_HEIGHT + V_SPACE / 2); } /** * Draws the Horizontal Line * @author dan.damian */ private void drawHorizontalLine(Graphics2D g, OrgTreeNode node) { g.drawLine(node.getChildren().get(0).getXPosition() + (NODE_WIDTH / 2), node.getYPosition() + NODE_HEIGHT + (V_SPACE / 2), node.getChildren().get(node.getChildrenNumber() - 1).getXPosition() + (NODE_WIDTH / 2), node.getYPosition() + NODE_HEIGHT + (V_SPACE / 2)); } /** * Creates the PDF file containing a JPEG Picture representing our Organigram. * It then writes this PDF File in an OutputStream. * Particular the OutputStream it's ServletOutputStream. * @author dan.damian */ public void createPDFOrganigram(OutputStream os, OrgTree tree) throws Exception { //The PDF Document Document document = new Document(); //Organigram dimensions int height = calculateOrganigramHeight(tree); int width = calculateOrganigramWidth(tree); //Setting Document's dimensions document.setPageSize(new Rectangle(width + 200, height + 200)); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, os);; // Retrieving the Organization Organisation org = BLOrganisation.getInstance().get(tree.getRoot().getOrganizationId()); document.add(new Paragraph(org.getName())); // Create an Image BufferedImage img = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); // Get the Image's Graphics, and draw. Graphics2D g = img.createGraphics(); g.setColor(Color.white); g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height); //Start drawing the Organigram with one node, it's root... g.setColor(LINE_COLOR); String themeCode = ((UserAuth) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal()) .getThemeCode(); String orgPicLocation = ORGANISATION_NODE_PICTURE_LOCATION.replace(REPLACE_THEME, themeCode); String deptPicLocation = DEPARTMENT_NODE_PICTURE_LOCATION.replace(REPLACE_THEME, themeCode); logger.debug("Org = " + ORGANISATION_NODE_PICTURE_LOCATION + ", " + orgPicLocation); logger.debug("Dept = " + DEPARTMENT_NODE_PICTURE_LOCATION + ", " + deptPicLocation); //Location of the Image file that will represent an Organization Box String nodeOrgImage = FileUtils.getInstance().getRealPathForResource(orgPicLocation); //Location of the Image file that will represent a Department Box String nodeDeptImage = FileUtils.getInstance().getRealPathForResource(deptPicLocation); logger.debug("nodeOrgImage = " + nodeOrgImage); logger.debug("nodeDeptImage = " + nodeDeptImage); drawNode(g, tree.getRoot(), nodeOrgImage, nodeDeptImage, true); //Add the Image to PDF com.lowagie.text.Image image = com.lowagie.text.Image .getInstance(ImageUtils.getInstance().bufferedImageToByteArray(img)); document.add(image); //Close the Document document.close(); } /** * ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** * OrgStructTree * * ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** */ /** * Calculates Organigram Width based in informations from Organigram Tree * @author dan.damian * @return */ public int calculateOrganigramWidth(OrgTree tree) { return H_SPACE + tree.getLeafsNo() * NODE_WIDTH + (tree.getLeafsNo() - 1) * H_SPACE + H_SPACE; } /** * Calculates Organigram Height based in informations from Organigram Tree * @author dan.damian * @return */ public int calculateOrganigramHeight(OrgTree tree) { return V_SPACE + tree.getLevels() * NODE_HEIGHT + (tree.getLevels() - 1) * V_SPACE + V_SPACE; } /** * Returns a JSON Partial Representation of this OrgDeptTree Object * @author dan.damian */ public String generateJSONTree(OrgTree tree) throws BusinessException { logger.debug("generateJSONTree BEGIN"); JSONObject rootJSON = new JSONObject(); if (tree == null) { return null; } rootJSON.accumulate("xPosition", tree.getRoot().getXPosition() + 100); rootJSON.accumulate("yPosition", tree.getRoot().getYPosition()); rootJSON.accumulate("label", tree.getRoot().getNodeName()); rootJSON.accumulate("departmentId", tree.getRoot().getDepartmentId()); rootJSON.accumulate("level", 0); rootJSON.accumulate("leafNo", tree.getRoot().getLeafNo()); Person generalDirector = BLDepartment.getInstance().getDepartmentsManager(tree.getRoot().getDepartmentId()); String generalDirectorsName = ""; if (generalDirector != null) { generalDirectorsName = generalDirector.getFirstName().concat(" ").concat(generalDirector.getLastName()); } rootJSON.accumulate("manager", generalDirectorsName); for (int i = 0; i < tree.getRoot().getChildrenNumber(); i++) { OrgTreeNode node = tree.getRoot().getChildren().get(i); rootJSON.accumulate("children", getNode(node)); } rootJSON.accumulate("vspace", OrganigramUtils.V_SPACE); rootJSON.accumulate("hspace", OrganigramUtils.H_SPACE); rootJSON.accumulate("nodeWidth", OrganigramUtils.NODE_WIDTH); rootJSON.accumulate("nodeHeight", OrganigramUtils.NODE_HEIGHT); rootJSON.accumulate("organigramWidth", OrganigramUtils.getInstance().calculateOrganigramWidth(tree)); rootJSON.accumulate("organigramHeight", OrganigramUtils.getInstance().calculateOrganigramHeight(tree)); logger.debug("generateJSONTree END"); return rootJSON.toString(); } /** * Returns a JSON Partial Representation of this OrgDeptTreeNode object * @author dan.damian */ public JSONObject getNode(OrgTreeNode node) throws BusinessException { JSONObject nodeJSON = new JSONObject(); nodeJSON.accumulate("xPosition", node.getXPosition() + 100); nodeJSON.accumulate("yPosition", node.getYPosition()); nodeJSON.accumulate("label", node.getNodeName()); nodeJSON.accumulate("type", node.getNodeType()); nodeJSON.accumulate("departmentId", node.getDepartmentId()); nodeJSON.accumulate("level", node.getLevel()); nodeJSON.accumulate("leafNo", node.getLeafNo()); Person departmentManager = BLDepartment.getInstance().getDepartmentsManager(node.getDepartmentId()); nodeJSON.accumulate("manager", (departmentManager != null ? departmentManager.getFirstName() + " " + departmentManager.getLastName() : "")); for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildrenNumber(); i++) { OrgTreeNode child = node.getChildren().get(i); nodeJSON.accumulate("children", getNode(child)); } return nodeJSON; } }