Java tutorial
package rhsm.cli.tests; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.json.JSONException; import org.testng.SkipException; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import rhsm.base.SubscriptionManagerCLITestScript; import; import; import; import com.redhat.qe.Assert; import; import; /** * @author jsefler * * Primary scenario comes from * * Uses automation properties: * sm.ha.username = stage_test_2 * sm.ha.password = * = * sm.ha.sku = RH1149049 * * # High Availability Packages * * # x86_64 * # RHEL70 * sm.ha.packages = corosync, corosynclib, corosynclib-devel, dlm, dlm-devel, dlm-lib, ipvsadm, ldirectord, libqb, libqb-devel, libtool-ltdl-devel, lvm2-cluster, omping, pacemaker, pacemaker-cli, pacemaker-cluster-libs, pacemaker-cts, pacemaker-doc, pacemaker-libs, pacemaker-libs-devel, pcs, resource-agents * * # x86_64 * # RHEL64 * sm.ha.packages = ccs, cluster-cim, cluster-glue, cluster-glue-libs, cluster-glue-libs-devel, cluster-snmp, clusterlib, clusterlib-devel, cman, corosync, corosynclib, corosynclib-devel, fence-virt, fence-virtd-checkpoint, foghorn, libesmtp-devel, libqb, libqb-devel, libtool-ltdl-devel, luci, modcluster, omping, openais, openaislib, openaislib-devel, pacemaker, pacemaker-cli, pacemaker-cluster-libs, pacemaker-cts, pacemaker-doc, pacemaker-libs, pacemaker-libs-devel, pcs, python-repoze-what-plugins-sql, python-repoze-what-quickstart, python-repoze-who-friendlyform, python-repoze-who-plugins-sa, python-tw-forms, resource-agents, rgmanager, ricci * # RHEL63 * sm.ha.packages = ccs, cluster-cim, cluster-glue, cluster-glue-libs, cluster-glue-libs-devel, cluster-snmp, clusterlib, clusterlib-devel, cman, corosync, corosynclib, corosynclib-devel, fence-virt, fence-virtd-checkpoint, foghorn, libesmtp-devel, libqb, libqb-devel, libtool-ltdl-devel, luci, modcluster, omping, openais, openaislib, openaislib-devel, pacemaker, pacemaker-cli, pacemaker-cluster-libs, pacemaker-libs, pacemaker-libs-devel, python-repoze-what-plugins-sql, python-repoze-what-quickstart, python-repoze-who-friendlyform, python-repoze-who-plugins-sa, python-tw-forms, resource-agents, rgmanager, ricci * # RHEL62 * sm.ha.packages = ccs, cluster-cim, cluster-glue, cluster-glue-libs, cluster-glue-libs-devel, cluster-snmp, clusterlib, clusterlib-devel, cman, corosync, corosynclib, corosynclib-devel, fence-agents, fence-virt, fence-virtd-checkpoint, foghorn, libesmtp-devel, libtool-ltdl-devel, luci, modcluster, omping, openais, openaislib, openaislib-devel, pacemaker, pacemaker-cli, pacemaker-cluster-libs, pacemaker-libs, pacemaker-libs-devel, perl-Net-Telnet, python-repoze-what-plugins-sql, python-repoze-what-quickstart, python-repoze-who-friendlyform, python-repoze-who-plugins-sa, python-suds, python-tw-forms, resource, rgmanager, ricci * # RHEL61 * sm.ha.packages = ccs, cluster-cim, cluster-glue, cluster-glue-libs, cluster-glue-libs-devel, cluster-snmp, clusterlib, clusterlib-devel, cman, corosync, corosynclib, corosynclib-devel, fence-agents, fence-virt, fence-virtd-checkpoint, foghorn, libesmtp, libesmtp-devel, luci, modcluster, omping, openais, openaislib, openaislib-devel, pacemaker, pacemaker-libs, pacemaker-libs-devel, perl-Net-Telnet, python-repoze-what-plugins-sql, python-repoze-what-quickstart, python-repoze-who-friendlyform, python-repoze-who-plugins-sa, python-tw-forms, resource-agents, rgmanager, ricci * * # i386 * # RHEL64 * sm.ha.packages = ccs, cluster-cim, cluster-glue, cluster-glue-libs, cluster-glue-libs-devel, cluster-snmp, clusterlib, clusterlib-devel, cman, corosync, corosynclib, corosynclib-devel, fence-virt, fence-virtd-checkpoint, foghorn, libesmtp-devel, libqb, libqb-devel, libtool-ltdl-devel, luci, modcluster, omping, openais, openaislib, openaislib-devel, pacemaker, pacemaker-cli, pacemaker-cluster-libs, pacemaker-cts, pacemaker-doc, pacemaker-libs, pacemaker-libs-devel, pcs, python-repoze-what-plugins-sql, python-repoze-what-quickstart, python-repoze-who-friendlyform, python-repoze-who-plugins-sa, python-tw-forms, resource-agents, rgmanager, ricci * # RHEL63 * sm.ha.packages = ccs, cluster-cim, cluster-glue, cluster-glue-libs, cluster-glue-libs-devel, cluster-snmp, clusterlib, clusterlib-devel, cman, corosync, corosynclib, corosynclib-devel, fence-virt, fence-virtd-checkpoint, foghorn, libesmtp-devel, libqb, libqb-devel, libtool-ltdl-devel, luci, modcluster, omping, openais, openaislib, openaislib-devel, pacemaker, pacemaker-cli, pacemaker-cluster-libs, pacemaker-cluster-libs-devel, python-repoze-what-plugins-sql, python-repoze-what-quickstart, python-repoze-who-friendlyform, python-repoze-who-plugins-sa, python-tw-forms, resource-agents, rgmanager, ricci * # RHEL62 * sm.ha.packages = ccs, cluster-cim, cluster-glue, cluster-glue-libs, cluster-glue-libs-devel, cluster-snmp, clusterlib, clusterlib-devel, cman, corosync, corosynclib, corosynclib-devel, fence-agents, fence-virt, fence-virtd-checkpoint, foghorn, libesmtp-devel, libtool, luci, modcluster, omping, openais, openaislib, openaislib-devel, pacemaker, pacemaker-cli, pacemaker-cluster-libs, pacemaker-libs, pacemaker-libs-devel, perl-Net-Telnet, python-repoze-what-plugins-sql, python-repoze-what-quickstart, python-repoze-who-friendlyform, python-repoze-who-plugins-sa, python-suds, python-tw-forms, resource-agents, rgmanager, ricci * # RHEL61 * sm.ha.packages = ccs, cluster-cim, cluster-glue, cluster-glue-libs, cluster-glue-libs-devel, cluster-snmp, clusterlib, clusterlib-devel, cman, corosync, corosynclib, corosynclib-devel, fence-agents, fence-virt, fence-virtd-checkpoint, foghorn, libesmtp, libesmtp-devel, luci, modcluster, omping, openais, openaislib, openaislib-devel, pacemaker, pacemaker-cli, pacemaker-libs, pacemaker-libs-devel, perl-Net-Telnet, python-repoze-what-plugins-sql, python-repoze-what-quickstart, python-repoze-who-friendlyform, python-repoze-who-plugins-sa, python-tw-forms, resource-agents, rgmanager, ricci * * # x86_64 i386 ia64 ppc RHEL57 RHEL58 RHEL59 * # * # * # * sm.ha.packages = Cluster_Administration-bn-IN, Cluster_Administration-de-DE, Cluster_Administration-en-US, Cluster_Administration-es-ES, Cluster_Administration-fr-FR, Cluster_Administration-gu-IN, Cluster_Administration-hi-IN, Cluster_Administration-it-IT, Cluster_Administration-ja-JP, Cluster_Administration-kn-IN, Cluster_Administration-ko-KR, Cluster_Administration-ml-IN, Cluster_Administration-mr-IN, Cluster_Administration-or-IN, Cluster_Administration-pa-IN, Cluster_Administration-pt-BR, Cluster_Administration-ru-RU, Cluster_Administration-si-LK, Cluster_Administration-ta-IN, Cluster_Administration-te-IN, Cluster_Administration-zh-CN, Cluster_Administration-zh-TW, cluster-cim, cluster-snmp, ipvsadm, luci, modcluster, piranha, rgmanager, ricci, system-config-cluster */ @Test(groups = { "HighAvailabilityTests", "Tier3Tests" }) public class HighAvailabilityTests extends SubscriptionManagerCLITestScript { // Test methods *********************************************************************** @Test(description = "make sure there are no High Availability packages installed", groups = { "AcceptanceTests", "Tier1Tests", "blockedByBug-904193" }, priority = 10, dependsOnMethods = {}, enabled = true) //@ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=) public void VerifyHighAvailabilityIsNotInstalled_Test() { // yum clean all to ensure the yum database is reset clienttasks.yumClean("all"); // verify no High Availability packages are installed boolean haPackagesInstalled = false; for (String pkg : sm_haPackages) { if (clienttasks.isPackageInstalled(pkg)) { haPackagesInstalled = true; log.warning("Did not expect High Availability package '" + pkg + "' to be instaled."); } } Assert.assertTrue(!haPackagesInstalled, "There should NOT be any packages from HighAvialability installed on a fresh install of RHEL '" + clienttasks.releasever + "'."); // get the currently installed products List<InstalledProduct> installedProducts = clienttasks.getCurrentlyInstalledProducts(); // verify High Availability product id is not installed InstalledProduct haInstalledProduct = InstalledProduct .findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", haProductId, installedProducts); Assert.assertNull(haInstalledProduct, "The High Availability product id '" + haProductId + "' should NOT be installed."); // verify RHEL product server id 69 is installed InstalledProduct serverInstalledProduct = InstalledProduct .findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", serverProductId, installedProducts); Assert.assertNotNull(serverInstalledProduct, "The RHEL Server product id '" + serverProductId + "' should be installed."); } @Test(description = "verify product database and installed products are in sync", groups = { "AcceptanceTests", "Tier1Tests" }, priority = 12, dependsOnMethods = {}, enabled = true) //@ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=) public void VerifyProductDatabaseIsInSyncWithInstalledProducts_Test() throws JSONException { // get the installed products and product database map List<InstalledProduct> installedProducts = clienttasks.getCurrentlyInstalledProducts(); Map<String, List<String>> productIdRepoMap = clienttasks.getProductIdToReposMap(); List<ProductCert> installedProductCerts = clienttasks.getCurrentProductCerts(); // assert that product database and installed products are in sync int installedProductCertCount = 0; for (ProductCert installedProductCert : installedProductCerts) { // skip productCerts from TESTDATA if (installedProductCert.file.getName().endsWith("_.pem")) {"Skipping assertion that product cert '" + installedProductCert.file + "' (manually installed from generated candlepin TESTDATA) is accounted for in the product database '" + clienttasks.productIdJsonFile + "'."); continue; } installedProductCertCount++; Assert.assertTrue(productIdRepoMap.containsKey(installedProductCert.productId), "Database '" + clienttasks.productIdJsonFile + "' contains installed product id: " + installedProductCert.productId);"Database '" + clienttasks.productIdJsonFile + "' maps installed product id '" + installedProductCert.productId + "' to repo '" + productIdRepoMap.get(installedProductCert.productId) + "'."); } for (String productId : productIdRepoMap.keySet()) { Assert.assertNotNull( InstalledProduct.findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", productId, installedProducts), "Database '" + clienttasks.productIdJsonFile + "' product id '" + productId + "' is among the installed products."); } Assert.assertEquals(productIdRepoMap.keySet().size(), installedProductCertCount, "The product id database size matches the number of installed products (excluding TESTDATA products)."); } @Test(description = "register to the stage/prod environment with credentials to access High Availability product subscription", groups = { "AcceptanceTests", "Tier1Tests" }, priority = 14, enabled = true) //@ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=) public void RegisterToHighAvailabilityAccount_Test() { if (sm_haUsername.equals("")) throw new SkipException( "Skipping this test when no value was given for the High Availability Username"); // register the to an account that offers High Availability subscriptions clienttasks.register(sm_haUsername, sm_haPassword, sm_haOrg, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, (String) null, null, null, null, true, null, null, null, null); } @Test(description = "verify that a local yum install will not delete the product database when repolist is empty", groups = { "AcceptanceTests", "Tier1Tests", "blockedByBug-806457" }, priority = 16, dependsOnMethods = { "RegisterToHighAvailabilityAccount_Test" }, enabled = true) //@ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=) public void VerifyLocalYumInstallAndRemoveDoesNotAlterInstalledProducts_Test() throws JSONException { List<InstalledProduct> originalInstalledProducts = clienttasks.getCurrentlyInstalledProducts(); String originalProductIdJSONString = client.runCommandAndWait("cat " + clienttasks.productIdJsonFile) .getStdout(); // assert that there are no active repos Assert.assertEquals(clienttasks.getYumRepolist("enabled").size(), 0, "Expected number of enabled yum repositories."); // get an rpm to perform a local yum install String localRpmFile = String.format("/tmp/%s.rpm", haPackage1); RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, String.format("wget -O %s %s", localRpmFile, haPackage1Fetch), new Integer(0)); // do a yum local install and assert SSHCommandResult yumInstallResult = client .runCommandAndWait(String.format("yum -y --quiet --nogpgcheck localinstall %s", localRpmFile)); Assert.assertTrue(clienttasks.isPackageInstalled(haPackage1), "Local install of package '" + haPackage1 + "' completed successfully."); // verify that installed products remains unchanged List<InstalledProduct> currentlyInstalledProducts = clienttasks.getCurrentlyInstalledProducts(); Assert.assertTrue( currentlyInstalledProducts.containsAll(originalInstalledProducts) && originalInstalledProducts.containsAll(currentlyInstalledProducts), "The installed products remains unchanged after a yum local install of package '" + haPackage1 + "'."); // verify that the current product id database was unchanged String currentProductIdJSONString = client.runCommandAndWait("cat " + clienttasks.productIdJsonFile) .getStdout(); Assert.assertEquals(currentProductIdJSONString, originalProductIdJSONString, "The product id to repos JSON database file remains unchanged after a yum local install of package '" + haPackage1 + "'."); // finally remove the locally installed rpm clienttasks.yumRemovePackage(haPackage1); // verify that installed products remains unchanged currentlyInstalledProducts = clienttasks.getCurrentlyInstalledProducts(); Assert.assertTrue( currentlyInstalledProducts.containsAll(originalInstalledProducts) && originalInstalledProducts.containsAll(currentlyInstalledProducts), "The installed products remains unchanged after a yum removal of locally installed package '" + haPackage1 + "'."); // verify that the current product id database was unchanged currentProductIdJSONString = client.runCommandAndWait("cat " + clienttasks.productIdJsonFile).getStdout(); Assert.assertEquals(currentProductIdJSONString, originalProductIdJSONString, "The product id to repos JSON database file remains unchanged after a yum removal of locally installed package '" + haPackage1 + "'."); } @Test(description = "subscribe to the expected High Availability product subscription", groups = { "AcceptanceTests", "Tier1Tests" }, priority = 20, //dependsOnMethods={"VerifyHighAvailabilityIsNotInstalled_Test"}, dependsOnMethods = { "VerifyLocalYumInstallAndRemoveDoesNotAlterInstalledProducts_Test" }, enabled = true) //@ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=) public void SubscribeToHighAvailabilitySKU_Test() { // assert that the High Availability subscription SKU is found in the all available list List<SubscriptionPool> allAvailableSubscriptionPools = clienttasks .getCurrentlyAllAvailableSubscriptionPools(); Assert.assertNotNull( SubscriptionPool.findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", sm_haSku, allAvailableSubscriptionPools), "High Availability subscription SKU '" + sm_haSku + "' is available for consumption when the client arch is ignored."); // assert that the High Availability subscription SKU is found in the available list only on x86_64,x86 arches; see List<SubscriptionPool> availableSubscriptionPools = clienttasks.getCurrentlyAvailableSubscriptionPools(); SubscriptionPool haPool = SubscriptionPool.findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", sm_haSku, availableSubscriptionPools); if (!haSupportedArches.contains(clienttasks.arch)) { Assert.assertNull(haPool, "High Availability subscription SKU '" + sm_haSku + "' should NOT be available for consumption on a system whose arch '" + clienttasks.arch + "' is NOT among the supported arches " + haSupportedArches); throw new SkipException( "Cannot consume High Availability subscription SKU '" + sm_haSku + "' on a system whose arch '" + clienttasks.arch + "' is NOT among the supported arches " + haSupportedArches); } Assert.assertNotNull(haPool, "High Availability subscription SKU '" + sm_haSku + "' is available for consumption on a system whose arch '" + clienttasks.arch + "' is among the supported arches " + haSupportedArches); // Subscribe to the High Availability subscription SKU haEntitlementCertFile = clienttasks.subscribeToSubscriptionPool(haPool, /*sm_serverAdminUsername*/sm_haUsername, /*sm_serverAdminPassword*/sm_haPassword, sm_serverUrl); } @Test(description = "verify the expected High Availability packages are availabile for yum install", groups = { "AcceptanceTests", "Tier1Tests" }, priority = 30, dependsOnMethods = { "SubscribeToHighAvailabilitySKU_Test" }, enabled = true) //@ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=) public void VerifyHighAvailabilityPackagesAreAvailabile_Test() { List<String> availablePackages = clienttasks.getYumListAvailable(null); boolean foundAllExpectedPkgs = true; for (String expectedPkg : sm_haPackages) { boolean foundExpectedPkg = false; for (String availablePkg : availablePackages) { // availablePackages are suffixed by their arch like this: ccs.x86_64 libesmtp.i686 python-tw-forms.noarch if (availablePkg.startsWith(expectedPkg + ".")) { Assert.assertTrue(true, "High Availability package '" + expectedPkg + "' is available for yum install as '" + availablePkg + "'."); foundExpectedPkg = true; } } if (!foundExpectedPkg) { foundAllExpectedPkgs = false; log.warning("Expected High Availability package '" + expectedPkg + "' to be available for yum install."); } } Assert.assertTrue(foundAllExpectedPkgs, "All expected High Availability packages are available for yum install."); // see top of this file for determining the expected sm_haPackages } @Test(description = "yum install a High Availability package ccs and assert installed products", groups = { "AcceptanceTests", "Tier1Tests", "blockedByBug-859197", "blockedByBug-958548", "blockedByBug-1004893" }, priority = 40, //dependsOnMethods={"VerifyHighAvailabilityPackagesAreAvailabile_Test"}, dependsOnMethods = { "SubscribeToHighAvailabilitySKU_Test" }, enabled = true) //@ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=) public void YumInstallFirstHighAvailabilityPackageAndAssertInstalledProductCerts_Test() { clienttasks.yumInstallPackage(haPackage1); // get the currently installed products List<InstalledProduct> installedProducts = clienttasks.getCurrentlyInstalledProducts(); // verify High Availability product id is now installed and Subscribed InstalledProduct haInstalledProduct = InstalledProduct .findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", haProductId, installedProducts); Assert.assertNotNull(haInstalledProduct, "The High Availability product id '" + haProductId + "' should be installed after successful install of High Availability package '" + haPackage1 + "'."); Assert.assertEquals(haInstalledProduct.status, "Subscribed", "The status of the installed High Availability product cert."); // verify RHEL product server id 69 is installed InstalledProduct serverInstalledProduct = InstalledProduct .findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", serverProductId, installedProducts); Assert.assertNotNull(serverInstalledProduct, "The RHEL Server product id '" + serverProductId + "' should still be installed after successful install of High Availability package '" + haPackage1 + "'."); } @Test(description = "yum install a second High Availability package cman and assert installed products", groups = { "AcceptanceTests", "Tier1Tests", "blockedByBug-859197", "blockedByBug-958548", "blockedByBug-1004893" }, priority = 50, //dependsOnMethods={"YumInstallFirstHighAvailabilityPackageAndAssertInstalledProductCerts_Test"}, dependsOnMethods = { "SubscribeToHighAvailabilitySKU_Test" }, enabled = true) //@ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=) public void YumInstallSecondHighAvailabilityPackageAndAssertInstalledProductCerts_Test() { clienttasks.yumInstallPackage(haPackage2); // get the currently installed products List<InstalledProduct> installedProducts = clienttasks.getCurrentlyInstalledProducts(); // verify High Availability product id is now installed and Subscribed InstalledProduct haInstalledProduct = InstalledProduct .findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", haProductId, installedProducts); Assert.assertNotNull(haInstalledProduct, "The High Availability product id '" + haProductId + "' should be installed after successful install of High Availability package '" + haPackage2 + "'."); Assert.assertEquals(haInstalledProduct.status, "Subscribed", "The status of the installed High Availability product cert."); // verify RHEL product server id 69 is installed InstalledProduct serverInstalledProduct = InstalledProduct .findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", serverProductId, installedProducts); Assert.assertNotNull(serverInstalledProduct, "The RHEL Server product id '" + serverProductId + "' should still be installed after successful install of High Availability package '" + haPackage2 + "'."); } @Test(description = "yum remove second High Availability package cman and assert installed products", groups = { "AcceptanceTests", "Tier1Tests" }, priority = 60, dependsOnMethods = { "YumInstallSecondHighAvailabilityPackageAndAssertInstalledProductCerts_Test" }, enabled = true) //@ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=) public void YumRemoveSecondHighAvailabilityPackageAndAssertInstalledProductCerts_Test() { clienttasks.yumRemovePackage(haPackage2); // get the currently installed products List<InstalledProduct> installedProducts = clienttasks.getCurrentlyInstalledProducts(); // verify High Availability product id remains installed and Subscribed InstalledProduct haInstalledProduct = InstalledProduct .findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", haProductId, installedProducts); Assert.assertNotNull(haInstalledProduct, "The High Availability product id '" + haProductId + "' should remain installed after successful removal of High Availability package '" + haPackage2 + "' (because package " + haPackage1 + " is still installed)."); Assert.assertEquals(haInstalledProduct.status, "Subscribed", "The status of the installed High Availability product cert."); // verify RHEL product server id 69 is installed InstalledProduct serverInstalledProduct = InstalledProduct .findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", serverProductId, installedProducts); Assert.assertNotNull(serverInstalledProduct, "The RHEL Server product id '" + serverProductId + "' should remain installed after successful removal of High Availability package '" + haPackage2 + "'."); } @Test(description = "yum remove first High Availability package cman and assert installed products", groups = { "AcceptanceTests", "Tier1Tests", "blockedByBug-859197" }, priority = 70, dependsOnMethods = { "YumInstallFirstHighAvailabilityPackageAndAssertInstalledProductCerts_Test" }, //dependsOnMethods={"YumRemoveSecondHighAvailabilityPackageAndAssertInstalledProductCerts_Test"}, enabled = true) //@ImplementsNitrateTest(caseId=) public void YumRemoveFirstHighAvailabilityPackageAndAssertInstalledProductCerts_Test() { ProductCert haProductCert = ProductCert.findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", haProductId, clienttasks.getCurrentProductCerts()); // assemble all of the provided tags from the haProductCert List<String> haProductCertProvidedTags = Arrays .asList(haProductCert.productNamespace.providedTags.split("\\s*,\\s*")); boolean haProductCertProvidesATagStartingWithRhel = false; for (String tag : haProductCertProvidedTags) { if (tag.toLowerCase().startsWith("rhel")) {"Found HA ProductCert tag '" + tag + "' that begins with rhel*."); haProductCertProvidesATagStartingWithRhel = true; } } // remove the final package installed from the ha repo clienttasks.yumRemovePackage(haPackage1); // get the currently installed products List<InstalledProduct> installedProducts = clienttasks.getCurrentlyInstalledProducts(); // verify High Availability product id is uninstalled // but it should only be uninstalled if it does not provide an rhel* tags as stated in InstalledProduct haInstalledProduct = InstalledProduct .findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", haProductId, installedProducts); /* valid before if (Integer.valueOf(clienttasks.redhatReleaseX) > 5) Assert.assertNull(haInstalledProduct, "The High Availability product id '"+haProductId+"' should no longer be installed after successful removal of High Availability package '"+haPackage1+"' (because no High Availability packages should be installed)."); else Assert.assertNotNull(haInstalledProduct, "The High Availability product id '"+haProductId+"' should no longer be installed after successful removal of High Availability package '"+haPackage1+"' (because no High Availability packages should be installed); HOWEVER on RHEL5 the productId plugin does NOT remove product certs. This is a known issue."); */ if (haProductCertProvidesATagStartingWithRhel) { Assert.assertNotNull(haInstalledProduct, "The High Availability product id '" + haProductId + "' should remain installed despite successful removal of the final High Availability package '" + haPackage1 + "' (because the High Availability product cert provides a tag that starts with rhel* even when the last High Availability package installed was removed)."); } else { Assert.assertNull(haInstalledProduct, "The High Availability product id '" + haProductId + "' should no longer be installed after successful removal of High Availability package '" + haPackage1 + "' (because no High Availability packages should be installed AND because none of its provided tags start with rhel*)."); } // verify RHEL product server id 69 remains installed InstalledProduct serverInstalledProduct = InstalledProduct .findFirstInstanceWithMatchingFieldFromList("productId", serverProductId, installedProducts); Assert.assertNotNull(serverInstalledProduct, "The RHEL Server product id '" + serverProductId + "' should remain installed after successful removal of High Availability package '" + haPackage1 + "'."); } // Candidates for an automated Test: // TODO Bug 654442 - pidplugin and rhsmplugin should add to the yum "run with pkgs. list" // TODO Bug 705068 - product-id plugin displays "duration" // TODO Bug 706265 - product cert is not getting removed after removing all the installed packages from its repo using yum // TODO Bug 740773 - product cert lost after installing a pkg from /* ------------------------------------------------------------ Notes from alikins summary: if you register, and subscribe to say, openshift (but not rhel), and install something from openshift, you can have your productid deleted as inactive. This doesn't seem to be a new behaviour. If you are subscribe to rhel (even with no rhel packages installed), you seem to be okay. The openshift guys have ran into this with 6.3, and I belive 6.4 betas. There scenario was: install rhel register subscribe to rhel (I belive...) subscribe to openshift yum install something from openshift *boom* rhel product id goes away MUST WE BE SUBSCRIBED TO RHEL? > Testing this, it seems that if rhel is just subscribe to (no packages > installed or updated) it seems to be okay. > > However, I'm not really sure I understand why... > Adrian > > Our logic is this: if you have a subscription, and if you have a product id which is not backed by a susbcription repo hen we should remove it. I think we need to change this logic. Is there a bug open for this? If not, I will. -- bk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- A couple of thoughts from dgregor regarding bug 859197: * A product cert should only be removed when there are no packages left on the system that came from the corresponding repo. So, in the above example, as long as there are packages on the system that came from anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201211201732.x86_64, the product cert should stay regardless of whether anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201211201732.x86_64 is still a defined repository. * Do we ever associate a product cert with multiple repos? Let's say I install a package from rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-beta-rpms and that pulls in product cert 83. I then install a second package from rhel-ha-for-rhel-6-server-rpms, which is also mapped to cert 83. If I remove that first package, we still want cert 83 on disk. -- Dennis HOW TO DETERMINE WHAT REPO A PACKAGE CAME FROM # yum history package-info filesystem Transaction ID : 1 Begin time : Sat Oct 13 19:38:17 2012 Package : filesystem-2.4.30-3.el6.x86_64 State : Install Size : 0 Build host : Build time : Tue Jun 28 10:13:32 2011 Packager : Red Hat, Inc. <> Vendor : Red Hat, Inc. License : Public Domain URL : Source RPM : filesystem-2.4.30-3.el6.src.rpm Commit Time : Tue Jun 28 08:00:00 2011 Committer : Ondrej Vasik <> Reason : user >From repo : anaconda-RedHatEnterpriseLinux-201206132210.x86_64 Installed by : System <unset> */ // Configuration methods *********************************************************************** @BeforeClass(groups = "setup") public void assertRhelServerBeforeClass() { if (clienttasks == null) return; if (!clienttasks.releasever.contains("Server")) { // "5Server" or "6Server" throw new SkipException("High Availability tests are only executable on a RHEL Server."); } // [root@ibm-js22-vios-02-lp2 ~]# curl -k -u stage_test_2:PASSWORD | python -msimplejson/tool // "productAttributes": [ // { // "created": "2013-07-22T19:47:22.000+0000", // "id": "8a99f98340076c17014007ec04435b89", // "name": "arch", // "productId": "RH1149049", // "updated": "2013-07-22T19:47:22.000+0000", // "value": "x86,x86_64,ia64,ppc,ppc64" <==== NOTE THAT RH1149049 WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR CONSUMPTION ON THESE ARCHES FOR ALL RELEASES OF RHEL (RHEL6 Server ppc64 WILL NOT HAVE ANY CONTENT) // }, serverProductId = "69"; // Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server if (clienttasks.arch.equals("x86_64")) { if (clienttasks.redhatReleaseX.equals("5")) haPackage1Fetch = ""; if (clienttasks.redhatReleaseX.equals("6")) haPackage1Fetch = ""; } if (clienttasks.arch.startsWith("i")) { // i386 i686 if (clienttasks.redhatReleaseX.equals("5")) haPackage1Fetch = ""; if (clienttasks.redhatReleaseX.equals("6")) haPackage1Fetch = ""; } if (clienttasks.arch.equals("ia64")) { if (clienttasks.redhatReleaseX.equals("5")) haPackage1Fetch = ""; } if (clienttasks.arch.startsWith("ppc")) { // ppc ppc64 serverProductId = "74"; // Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM POWER if (clienttasks.redhatReleaseX.equals("5")) haPackage1Fetch = ""; if (clienttasks.redhatReleaseX.equals("6")) throw new SkipException( "Although available for consumption, High Availability content is not offered on RHEL6 arch '" + clienttasks.arch + "'."); } if (clienttasks.arch.startsWith("s390")) { // s390 s390x serverProductId = "72"; // Red Hat Enterprise Linux for IBM System z throw new SkipException("High Availability is not offered on arch '" + clienttasks.arch + "'."); } if (clienttasks.redhatReleaseX.equals("5")) { haPackage1 = "ipvsadm"; // or Cluster_Administration-as-IN haPackage2 = "system-config-cluster"; // or Cluster_Administration-bn-IN haSupportedArches = Arrays.asList("x86_64", "x86", "i386", "i686", "ia64", "ppc", "ppc64"); } if (clienttasks.redhatReleaseX.equals("6")) { haPackage1 = "ccs"; haPackage2 = "cluster-glue-libs"; haSupportedArches = Arrays.asList("x86_64", "x86", "i386", "i686"); } } @BeforeClass(groups = "setup", dependsOnMethods = { "assertRhelServerBeforeClass" }) public void configProductCertDirBeforeClass() { if (clienttasks == null) return; originalProductCertDir = clienttasks.getConfFileParameter(clienttasks.rhsmConfFile, "rhsm", "productCertDir"); Assert.assertNotNull(originalProductCertDir); "Initializing a new product cert directory with the currently installed product certs for this test class..."); RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, "mkdir -p " + haProductCertDir, Integer.valueOf(0)); RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, "rm -f " + haProductCertDir + "/*.pem", Integer.valueOf(0)); RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, "cp " + clienttasks.productCertDir + "/*.pem " + haProductCertDir, Integer.valueOf(0)); clienttasks.updateConfFileParameter(clienttasks.rhsmConfFile, "productCertDir", haProductCertDir); } @BeforeClass(groups = "setup", dependsOnMethods = { "assertRhelServerBeforeClass" }) public void backupProductIdJsonFileBeforeClass() { if (clienttasks == null) return; RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, "cat " + clienttasks.productIdJsonFile + " > " + backupProductIdJsonFile, Integer.valueOf(0)); } @BeforeClass(groups = { "setup" }, dependsOnMethods = { "backupProductIdJsonFileBeforeClass", "configProductCertDirBeforeClass" }) public void disableAllRepos() { // by default on Beaker provisioned hardware, there are numerous beaker-* enabled repos that interfere with this test class clienttasks.yumDisableAllRepos("--disableplugin=product-id --disableplugin=subscription-manager"); // disabling these plugins as insurance to avoid product-id contamination before the tests run } @AfterClass(groups = "setup") public void unregisterAfterClass() { if (clienttasks == null) return; client.runCommandAndWait("yum remove " + haPackage1 + " " + haPackage2 + " -y --disableplugin=rhnplugin"); // or remove all sm_haPackages clienttasks.unregister_(null, null, null); } @AfterClass(groups = "setup", dependsOnMethods = { "unregisterAfterClass" }) public void unconfigProductCertDirAfterClass() { if (clienttasks == null) return; if (originalProductCertDir == null) return;"Restoring the originally configured product cert directory..."); clienttasks.updateConfFileParameter(clienttasks.rhsmConfFile, "productCertDir", originalProductCertDir); } @AfterClass(groups = "setup", dependsOnMethods = { "unregisterAfterClass" }) public void restoreProductIdJsonFileAfterClass() { if (clienttasks == null) return; if (!RemoteFileTasks.testExists(client, backupProductIdJsonFile)) return; RemoteFileTasks.runCommandAndAssert(client, "cat " + backupProductIdJsonFile + " > " + clienttasks.productIdJsonFile, Integer.valueOf(0)); clienttasks.yumClean("all"); } // Protected methods *********************************************************************** protected String originalProductCertDir = null; protected final String haProductCertDir = "/tmp/sm-haProductCertDir"; protected final String backupProductIdJsonFile = "/tmp/sm-productIdJsonFile"; protected String serverProductId = null; // set in assertRhelServerBeforeClass() protected String haPackage1 = null; // set in assertRhelServerBeforeClass() protected String haPackage1Fetch = null; // set in assertRhelServerBeforeClass() // released RHEL61 package to wget for testing bug 806457 protected String haPackage2 = null; // set in assertRhelServerBeforeClass() File haEntitlementCertFile = null; public List<String> haSupportedArches = null; // set in assertRhelServerBeforeClass() public static final String haProductId = "83"; // Red Hat Enterprise Linux High Availability (for RHEL Server) // Data Providers *********************************************************************** }