Source code

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package recommender;

import static common.DBHelper.CATEGORY;
import static common.DBHelper.FACEBOOKLIKES;
import static common.DBHelper.NUMBEROFALBUMS;
import static common.DBHelper.REGION;
import static common.DBHelper.TWITTERFOLLOWERS;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
import com.mongodb.Bytes;
import com.mongodb.DBCursor;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import common.DBHelper;
import common.Event;
import common.Event.TYPE;

 * @author mikaelcastellani
public class Recommender {

    public static float CLUSTER_WEIGHT;
    public static float REGION_WEIGHT;
    public static float CATEGORY_WEIGHT;

    public static float THRESHOLD;
    public static int MIN_RESULTS_NB;

    private DBHelper db;
    private DBObject closestClusterCenter;

    private double[] counters = new double[TYPE.values().length];
    private double[] sums = new double[TYPE.values().length];

    private String region;
    private String[] categories;
    private int facebookLikes;
    private int twitterFollowers;
    private int albumsCount;

    private Map<DBObject, Double> results = null;
    private List<DBObject> similarResults = null;

    public Recommender(String region, String[] categories, int facebookLikes, int twitterFollowers,
            int albumsCount) {
        this.region = region;
        this.categories = categories;
        this.facebookLikes = facebookLikes;
        this.twitterFollowers = twitterFollowers;
        this.albumsCount = albumsCount;

        db = DBHelper.getInstance();


    private void findClosestCluster() {
        DBCursor clusterCursor = db.findClusterCenters();

        double minDist = -1;
        closestClusterCenter = null;

        while (clusterCursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject current =;

            double fl = (Double) current.get("fbLikes");
            double tf = (Double) current.get("twitterFollowers");
            double ac = (Double) current.get("albumCount");

            double dist = euclideanDistance(fl, tf, ac);

            if (closestClusterCenter == null || dist < minDist) {
                minDist = dist;
                closestClusterCenter = current;

    public Map<String, Double> recommend() {
        DBCursor cursor = db.findMatrixRows().addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);

        results = new HashMap<DBObject, Double>();

        while (cursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject obj =;

            results.put(obj, computeSimilarity(obj));

        similarResults = getSimilarResults(results);

        String[] sources = { "twitter", "facebook" };

        for (DBObject matrixRow : similarResults) {
            for (int i = 0; i < Event.NAMES.length; i++) {
                for (String source : sources) {
                    boolean hasAttribute = (matrixRow.get("days_" + source + "_" + Event.NAMES[i]) != null);
                    if (hasAttribute) {
                        int attributeValue = (Integer) matrixRow.get("days_" + source + "_" + Event.NAMES[i]);

                        Double eventWeight = (Double) matrixRow.get("event_score_" + Event.NAMES[i]);
                        eventWeight = (eventWeight == null ? 0.5 : eventWeight);


                        counters[i] += eventWeight;
                        sums[i] += eventWeight * attributeValue;

        HashMap<String, Double> finalResult = new HashMap<String, Double>();

        for (int i = 0; i < Event.NAMES.length; i++) {
            if (counters[i] > 0) {
                finalResult.put("days_" + Event.NAMES[i], ((double) sums[i]) / counters[i]);

        return sortByValue(finalResult, false);

    public Map<String, String> getStats() {
        if (results == null || similarResults == null) {

        Entry<DBObject, Double> bestMatch = null;
        double simSum = 0;

        for (Entry<DBObject, Double> r : results.entrySet()) {
            if (bestMatch == null || bestMatch.getValue() < r.getValue()) {
                bestMatch = r;
            simSum += r.getValue();

        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.000");
        HashMap<String, String> stats = new HashMap<String, String>();

        stats.put("average_sim_overall", df.format(simSum / results.size()) + "");

        String bestMatchArtistName = (String) bestMatch.getKey().get("artistName");

        stats.put("best_match", bestMatchArtistName);

        simSum = 0;
        for (DBObject o : similarResults) {
            Double sim = results.get(o);
            simSum += (sim == null) ? 0 : sim;

        stats.put("artists_count", similarResults.size() + "");
        stats.put("average_sim", df.format(simSum / similarResults.size()) + "");

        return stats;

    private List<DBObject> getSimilarResults(Map<DBObject, Double> map) {
        List<DBObject> l = new LinkedList<DBObject>();

        // Adds all results with sim > THRESHOLD
        for (Entry<DBObject, Double> e : map.entrySet()) {
            if (e.getValue() > THRESHOLD) {

        // Fills the list with best objects until it contains enough results
        while (l.size() < MIN_RESULTS_NB) {
            Entry<DBObject, Double> bestEntry = null;

            for (Entry<DBObject, Double> e : map.entrySet()) {
                if (bestEntry == null || (e.getValue() > bestEntry.getValue() && !l.contains(e.getKey()))) {
                    bestEntry = e;


        return l;

    private boolean isOfsameCategory(DBObject obj) {
        BasicDBList categoryList = (BasicDBList) obj.get(CATEGORY);
        List<String> cat = Arrays.asList(categories);
        if (categoryList != null) {
            for (Object category : categoryList) {
                String categoryString = (String) category;
                if (cat.contains(categoryString)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

    private double euclideanDistance(double fl, double tf, double ac) {
        return Math.sqrt((this.facebookLikes - fl) * (this.facebookLikes - fl)
                + (this.twitterFollowers - tf) * (this.twitterFollowers - tf)
                + (this.albumsCount - ac) * (this.albumsCount - ac));

    private boolean isInSameCluster(DBObject obj) {
        return closestClusterCenter.get("_id").equals(obj.get("cluster_center"));

    public double computeSimilarity(DBObject obj) {

        int sameRegion = region.equals((String) obj.get(REGION)) ? 1 : 0;

        int sameCategories = (isOfsameCategory(obj) ? 1 : 0);

        int sameCluster = (isInSameCluster(obj) ? 1 : 0);

        return (CLUSTER_WEIGHT * sameCluster + REGION_WEIGHT * sameRegion + CATEGORY_WEIGHT * sameCategories);

    private static <A, B extends Comparable<B>> Map<A, B> sortByValue(Map<A, B> map, final boolean ascending) {
        List<Entry<A, B>> sortedEntries = new LinkedList<Entry<A, B>>(map.entrySet());

        Collections.sort(sortedEntries, new Comparator<Entry<A, B>>() {
            public int compare(Entry<A, B> o1, Entry<A, B> o2) {
                if (ascending)
                    return o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue());
                    return o2.getValue().compareTo(o1.getValue());

        Map<A, B> result = new LinkedHashMap<A, B>();
        for (Entry<A, B> entry : sortedEntries) {
            result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        return result;