Java tutorial
/** * For copyright information see the LICENSE document. */ package realityshard.container; import io.netty.bootstrap.ServerBootstrap; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import realityshard.container.gameapp.GameAppManager; import realityshard.container.gameapp.GameAppContext; import realityshard.container.gameapp.GameAppFactory; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import realityshard.container.util.Handle; import realityshard.container.util.HandleRegistry; /** * Container facade is what the host application works with. * Creates all game apps and manages them. * Also manages the network. * * @author _rusty */ public final class ContainerFacade implements GameAppManager { private static final class GameAppInfo { public GameAppFactory Factory; public MetaGameAppContext MetaContext; public NioEventLoopGroup Boss; public NioEventLoopGroup Worker; public NioServerSocketChannel NetworkChannel; } private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContainerFacade.class); private final Map<String, GameAppInfo> gameApps = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private final HandleRegistry<GameAppContext> gameAppHandleRegistry = new HandleRegistry<>(); private InetAddress localAddress = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param factories The factories for each kind of game app. */ public ContainerFacade(List<GameAppFactory> factories) throws Exception { for (GameAppFactory factory : factories) { gameApps.put(factory.getName(), produceInfoFromFactory(factory)); } // now start up all start-up apps startUpApps(); // try to get the local ip // TODO: use a better method ;) Enumeration<NetworkInterface> netIfaces = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); while (netIfaces.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface cur = netIfaces.nextElement(); if (!cur.isUp() || cur.isLoopback() || cur.isVirtual()) { continue; } Enumeration<InetAddress> addr = cur.getInetAddresses(); while (addr.hasMoreElements()) { InetAddress curAddr = addr.nextElement(); if (curAddr instanceof Inet4Address) { localAddress = curAddr; return; } } } } /** * Check if we can create a game app with a certain name * * @param name * @return True if we got a factory for it, false otherwise */ @Override public boolean canCreateGameApp(String name) { return gameApps.containsKey(name); } /** * Create a game app by name. * * @param name * @param parent * @param additionalParams * @return The game app or null, if creation failed. */ @Override public Handle<GameAppContext> createGameApp(String name, Handle<GameAppContext> parent, Map<String, String> additionalParams) { return internalCreateGameApp(name, parent, additionalParams); } /** * Try get a game app handle by its unique identifier. * * @param gameAppUid * @return The global handle of the game app, or null. */ @Override public Handle<GameAppContext> tryGetGameApp(UUID gameAppUid) { return gameAppHandleRegistry.getHandle(gameAppUid); } /** * Shutdown a specific game app. * * @param that Game app */ @Override public void removeGameApp(Handle<GameAppContext> that) { GameAppInfo gameAppInfo = gameApps.get(that.get().getName()); if (gameAppInfo == null) { LOGGER.error("Game app doesnt exist! [name {} ]", that.get().getName()); return; } gameAppInfo.MetaContext.shutdown(that.get()); } /** * Getter. * * @param that * @return The local address of that game app. */ @Override public InetSocketAddress localAddressFor(Handle<GameAppContext> that) { GameAppInfo gameAppInfo = gameApps.get(that.get().getName()); if (gameAppInfo == null) { LOGGER.error("Game app doesnt exist! [name {} ]", that.get().getName()); return null; } int port = gameAppInfo.NetworkChannel.localAddress().getPort(); // always return the address of this server... // the parameter is important when we do remoting if (localAddress == null) { return new InetSocketAddress(Inet4Address.getLoopbackAddress(), port); } return new InetSocketAddress(localAddress, port); } /** * Load all apps that have the "start-up" marker */ private void startUpApps() { for (GameAppInfo gameAppInfo : gameApps.values()) { if (!gameAppInfo.Factory.isStartup()) { continue; } internalCreateGameApp(gameAppInfo.Factory.getName(), null, new HashMap<String, String>()); } } /** * Shutdown this container. */ public void shutdown() { for (Map.Entry<String, GameAppInfo> entry : gameApps.entrySet()) { GameAppInfo gameAppInfo = entry.getValue(); gameAppInfo.MetaContext.shutdown(); gameAppInfo.NetworkChannel.close().syncUninterruptibly(); } } /** * Init our factories and load the info about them into our map. */ private GameAppInfo produceInfoFromFactory(GameAppFactory factory) throws Exception { GameAppInfo result = new GameAppInfo(); result.Factory = factory; result.MetaContext = new MetaGameAppContext(factory.getName(), this); // register the metacontext with its own aggregator result.MetaContext.getEventAggregator().register(result.MetaContext); result.Boss = new NioEventLoopGroup(); result.Worker = new NioEventLoopGroup(); ServerBootstrap bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap();, result.Worker).channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class) .childAttr(GameAppContextKey.KEY, result.MetaContext).childAttr(GameAppContextKey.IS_SET, false) .option(ChannelOption.SO_BACKLOG, 1000); result.NetworkChannel = (NioServerSocketChannel) factory.getServerChannel(bootstrap); return result; } /** * Create a new game app, using the factory. */ private Handle<GameAppContext> internalCreateGameApp(String name, Handle<GameAppContext> parent, Map<String, String> additionalParams) { GameAppInfo gameAppInfo = gameApps.get(name); if (gameAppInfo == null) { LOGGER.error("Game app doesnt exist! [name {} ]", name); return null; } // create the context for the app GameAppContext context = new GameAppContext.Default(name, this, parent); // register it Handle<GameAppContext> contextHandle = gameAppHandleRegistry.register(context); // create the app if (!gameAppInfo.Factory.initGameApp(contextHandle, parent, additionalParams)) { LOGGER.error("Failed to create game app! [name {} ]", gameAppInfo.Factory.getName()); contextHandle.invalidate(); return null; } // dont forget to add it to the metacontext gameAppInfo.MetaContext.addContext(context); return contextHandle; } }