Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Pivotal Software Inc, All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package reactor.ipc.netty; import; import; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.Consumer; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf; import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator; import io.netty.buffer.Unpooled; import; import; import org.reactivestreams.Publisher; import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber; import reactor.core.publisher.Flux; import reactor.core.publisher.Mono; import reactor.ipc.connector.Outbound; /** * @author Stephane Maldini */ public interface NettyOutbound extends Outbound<ByteBuf>, Publisher<Void> { /** * Return the assigned {@link ByteBufAllocator}. * * @return the {@link ByteBufAllocator} */ default ByteBufAllocator alloc() { return context().channel().alloc(); } /** * Provide a new {@link NettyOutbound} scoped configuration for sending. The * {@link NettyPipeline.SendOptions} changes will apply to the next written object or * {@link Publisher}. * * @param configurator the callback invoked to retrieve send configuration * * @return {@code this} instance */ default NettyOutbound options(Consumer<? super NettyPipeline.SendOptions> configurator) { context().channel().pipeline() .fireUserEventTriggered(new NettyPipeline.SendOptionsChangeEvent(configurator, null)); return this; } /** * Return a {@link NettyContext} to operate on the underlying * {@link Channel} state. * * @return the {@link NettyContext} */ NettyContext context(); /** * Assign a {@link Runnable} to be invoked when writes have become idle for the given * timeout. * * @param idleTimeout the idle timeout * @param onWriteIdle the idle timeout handler * * @return {@literal this} */ default NettyOutbound onWriteIdle(long idleTimeout, Runnable onWriteIdle) { context().addHandler(NettyPipeline.OnChannelWriteIdle, new ReactorNetty.OutboundIdleStateHandler(idleTimeout, onWriteIdle)); return this; } @Override default NettyOutbound send(Publisher<? extends ByteBuf> dataStream) { return sendObject(dataStream); } /** * /** Send bytes to the peer, listen for any error on write and close on terminal * signal (complete|error). If more than one publisher is attached (multiple calls to * send()) completion occurs after all publishers complete. * * @param dataStream the dataStream publishing Buffer items to write on this channel * * @return A Publisher to signal successful sequence write (e.g. after "flush") or any * error during write */ default NettyOutbound sendByteArray(Publisher<? extends byte[]> dataStream) { return sendObject(Flux.from(dataStream).map(Unpooled::wrappedBuffer)); } /** * Send content from given {@link Path} using * {@link java.nio.channels.FileChannel#transferTo(long, long, WritableByteChannel)} * support. If the system supports it and the path resolves to a local file * system {@link File} then transfer will use zero-byte copy * to the peer. * <p>It will * listen for any error on * write and close * on terminal signal (complete|error). If more than one publisher is attached * (multiple calls to send()) completion occurs after all publishers complete. * <p> * Note: this will emit {@link} in the outbound * {@link} * * @param file the file Path * * @return A Publisher to signal successful sequence write (e.g. after "flush") or any * error during write */ default NettyOutbound sendFile(Path file) { try { return sendFile(file, 0L, Files.size(file)); } catch (IOException e) { return then(Mono.error(e)); } } /** * Send content from given {@link Path} using * {@link java.nio.channels.FileChannel#transferTo(long, long, WritableByteChannel)} * support. If the system supports it and the path resolves to a local file * system {@link File} then transfer will use zero-byte copy * to the peer. * <p>It will * listen for any error on * write and close * on terminal signal (complete|error). If more than one publisher is attached * (multiple calls to send()) completion occurs after all publishers complete. * <p> * Note: this will emit {@link} in the outbound * {@link} * * @param file the file Path * @param position where to start * @param count how much to transfer * * @return A Publisher to signal successful sequence write (e.g. after "flush") or any * error during write */ default NettyOutbound sendFile(Path file, long position, long count) { Objects.requireNonNull(file); return then(Mono.using(() ->, StandardOpenOption.READ), fc -> FutureMono .from(context().channel().writeAndFlush(new DefaultFileRegion(fc, position, count))), fc -> { try { fc.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { /*IGNORE*/} })); } /** * Send data to the peer, listen for any error on write and close on terminal signal * (complete|error).Each individual {@link Publisher} completion will flush * the underlying IO runtime. * * @param dataStreams the dataStream publishing OUT items to write on this channel * * @return A {@link Mono} to signal successful sequence write (e.g. after "flush") or * any error during write */ default NettyOutbound sendGroups(Publisher<? extends Publisher<? extends ByteBuf>> dataStreams) { return then(Flux.from(dataStreams).concatMapDelayError(this::send, false, 32).then()); } /** * Send Object to the peer, listen for any error on write and close on terminal signal * (complete|error). If more than one publisher is attached (multiple calls to send()) * completion occurs after all publishers complete. * * @param dataStream the dataStream publishing Buffer items to write on this channel * * @return A Publisher to signal successful sequence write (e.g. after "flush") or any * error during write */ default NettyOutbound sendObject(Publisher<?> dataStream) { return then(FutureMono.deferFuture(() -> context().channel().writeAndFlush(dataStream))); } /** * Send data to the peer, listen for any error on write and close on terminal signal * (complete|error). * * @param msg the object to publish * * @return A {@link Mono} to signal successful sequence write (e.g. after "flush") or * any error during write */ default NettyOutbound sendObject(Object msg) { return then(FutureMono.deferFuture(() -> context().channel().writeAndFlush(msg))); } /** * Send String to the peer, listen for any error on write and close on terminal signal * (complete|error). If more than one publisher is attached (multiple calls to send()) * completion occurs after all publishers complete. * * @param dataStream the dataStream publishing Buffer items to write on this channel * * @return A Publisher to signal successful sequence write (e.g. after "flush") or any * error during write */ default NettyOutbound sendString(Publisher<? extends String> dataStream) { return sendString(dataStream, Charset.defaultCharset()); } /** * Send String to the peer, listen for any error on write and close on terminal signal * (complete|error). If more than one publisher is attached (multiple calls to send()) * completion occurs after all publishers complete. * * @param dataStream the dataStream publishing Buffer items to write on this channel * @param charset the encoding charset * * @return A Publisher to signal successful sequence write (e.g. after "flush") or any * error during write */ default NettyOutbound sendString(Publisher<? extends String> dataStream, Charset charset) { return sendObject(Flux.from(dataStream).map(s -> alloc().buffer().writeBytes(s.getBytes(charset)))); } /** * Subscribe a {@code Void} subscriber to this outbound and trigger all eventual * parent outbound send. * * @param s the {@link Subscriber} to listen for send sequence completion/failure */ @Override default void subscribe(Subscriber<? super Void> s) { then().subscribe(s); } /** * Append a {@link Publisher} task such as a Mono and return a new * {@link NettyOutbound} to sequence further send. * * @param other the {@link Publisher} to subscribe to when this pending outbound * {@link #then()} is complete; * * @return a new {@link NettyOutbound} that */ @Override default NettyOutbound then(Publisher<Void> other) { return new ReactorNetty.OutboundThen(this, other); } }