Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package ratpack.sep.exec; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import ratpack.sep.Action; import ratpack.sep.ActionResult; import ratpack.sep.ActionResults; import ratpack.exec.ExecControl; import ratpack.exec.Fulfiller; import ratpack.exec.Promise; import ratpack.registry.Registry; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * Lets action to execute and in case of failure retry given number of times. * * Retry can be done synchronously, while still non blocking or asynchronously. * * Asynchronous retry means, that action is executed and if fails, all subsequent retries are executed in separate execution. * Result is immediately returned to the caller. * Asynchronous retry usually requires correlation id but this should be implemented by custom actions. * * [source,java] * -- * include::{test-dir}/ratpack/sep/exec/[tags=all] * -- * * @see ratpack.sep.Action * @see ratpack.sep.ActionResult * @see ratpack.sep.ActionResults */ public class InvokeWithRetry<T, O> { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(InvokeWithRetry.class); private final int defaultRetryCount; /** * The name of the pattern that indicates pattern to execute in handler * * Value: {@value} */ public static final String PATTERN_NAME = "invokewithretry"; /** * Constructor * * @param defaultRetryCount the default retry count for the failed action. Can be overridden on {@code apply} method level. */ public InvokeWithRetry(int defaultRetryCount) { this.defaultRetryCount = defaultRetryCount; } /** * The name of the pattern * * @return the name of the pattern */ public String getName() { return PATTERN_NAME; } public Promise<ActionResults<O>> apply(ExecControl execControl, Registry registry, Action<T, O> action) throws Exception { return apply(execControl, registry, action, null, null); } public Promise<ActionResults<O>> apply(ExecControl execControl, Registry registry, Action<T, O> action, Integer actionRetryCount) throws Exception { return apply(execControl, registry, action, actionRetryCount, null); } /** * Executes {@code action} and if it fails retries its execution given number of times. * <p> * Default retry could be set as {@link ratpack.sep.PatternsModule.Config#defaultRetryCount} but could be overridden as * {@code actionRetryCount} * * @param execControl an execution control * @param registry the server registry * @param action an action to execute * @param actionRetryCount the number of retries after {@code action} failure * @param actionAsyncRetry if true all subsequent retries are executed synchronously while still in non blocking mode. * If false retries are executed asynchronously. * @return the promise for action results * @throws Exception any */ public Promise<ActionResults<O>> apply(ExecControl execControl, Registry registry, Action<T, O> action, Integer actionRetryCount, Boolean actionAsyncRetry) throws Exception { if (action == null) { return execControl.promiseOf(new ActionResults<O>(ImmutableMap.of())); } int retryCount = actionRetryCount != null ? actionRetryCount : defaultRetryCount; boolean asyncRetry = actionAsyncRetry != null ? actionAsyncRetry : false; if (asyncRetry) { return applyAsync(execControl, action, retryCount); } else { return apply(execControl, action, retryCount); } } public Promise<ActionResults<O>> apply(ExecControl execControl, Action<T, O> action, Integer retryCount) throws Exception { return execControl.<Map<String, ActionResult<O>>>promise(fulfiller -> { AtomicInteger repeatCounter = new AtomicInteger(retryCount + 1); Map<String, ActionResult<O>> results = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); applyWithRetry(execControl, fulfiller, action, results, repeatCounter); }).map(ImmutableMap::copyOf).map(map -> new ActionResults<O>(map)); } private Promise<ActionResults<O>> applyAsync(ExecControl execControl, Action<T, O> action, int retryCount) throws Exception { return execControl.<Map<String, ActionResult<O>>>promise(fulfiller -> { AtomicInteger repeatCounter = new AtomicInteger(1); Map<String, ActionResult<O>> results = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); applyWithRetry(execControl, fulfiller, action, results, repeatCounter); }).map(ImmutableMap::copyOf).map(map -> new ActionResults<O>(map)).wiretap(result -> { ActionResults<O> actionResults = result.getValue(); ActionResult<O> actionResult = actionResults.getResults().get(action.getName()); if (actionResult != null && !"0".equals(actionResult.getCode())) { // execute retries asynchronously apply(execControl, action, retryCount).defer(Runnable::run).then(retryActionResults -> { // TODO: add logging and some special callback }); } }); } private void applyWithRetry(ExecControl execControl, Fulfiller<Map<String, ActionResult<O>>> fulfiller, Action<T, O> action, Map<String, ActionResult<O>> results, AtomicInteger repeatCounter) { execControl.exec().start(execution -> applyInternal(execution, action).then(result -> { LOG.debug("APPLY retry from: {}", repeatCounter.get()); results.put(action.getName(), result); if ("0".equals(result.getCode())) { fulfiller.success(results); } else { if (repeatCounter.decrementAndGet() == 0) { fulfiller.success(results); } else { applyWithRetry(execControl, fulfiller, action, results, repeatCounter); } } })); } private Promise<ActionResult<O>> applyInternal(ExecControl execControl, Action<T, O> action) { try { return action.exec(execControl).mapError(ActionResult::error); } catch (Exception ex) { return execControl.promiseOf(ActionResult.error(ex)); } } }