Java tutorial
/** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Incapture Technologies LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package rapture.table.mongodb; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.bson.BsonDocument; import org.bson.BsonInt32; import org.bson.Document; import; import com.mongodb.client.DistinctIterable; import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable; import com.mongodb.client.ListIndexesIterable; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndUpdateOptions; import com.mongodb.client.model.IndexOptions; import com.mongodb.client.model.Projections; import com.mongodb.client.model.ReturnDocument; import rapture.common.LockHandle; import rapture.common.TableColumnSort; import rapture.common.TableQuery; import rapture.common.TableQueryResult; import rapture.common.TableRecord; import rapture.common.TableSelect; import rapture.common.model.DocumentMetadata; import rapture.config.MultiValueConfigLoader; import rapture.dsl.idef.FieldDefinition; import rapture.dsl.idef.IndexDefinition; import rapture.dsl.iqry.IndexQuery; import rapture.dsl.iqry.IndexQueryFactory; import rapture.dsl.iqry.OrderDirection; import rapture.dsl.iqry.WhereClause; import rapture.dsl.iqry.WhereExtension; import rapture.dsl.iqry.WhereStatement; import rapture.dsl.iqry.WhereTest; import rapture.index.IndexCreationLock; import rapture.index.IndexHandler; import rapture.index.IndexProducer; import rapture.index.IndexRecord; import rapture.mongodb.EpochManager; import rapture.mongodb.MongoDBFactory; import rapture.mongodb.MongoRetryWrapper; import rapture.repo.meta.handler.AbstractMetaHandler; import rapture.table.memory.RowComparatorFactory; /** * @author amkimian */ public class MongoIndexHandler implements IndexHandler { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MongoIndexHandler.class); private static final String PREFIX = "prefix"; private static final String KEY = "key"; private static final String EPOCH = "epoch"; private static final String $SET = "$set"; private String tableName; private String instanceName = "default"; private IndexProducer indexProducer; @Override public void setInstanceName(String instanceName) { this.instanceName = instanceName; } @Override public void setConfig(Map<String, String> config) { tableName = config.get(PREFIX); MongoCollection<Document> collection = MongoDBFactory.getCollection(instanceName, tableName); collection.createIndex(new BsonDocument(KEY, new BsonInt32(1))); } private String getKey(String rowId) { return AbstractMetaHandler.LATEST + "/" + rowId; } @Override public void deleteTable() { // drop it all MongoDBFactory.getCollection(instanceName, tableName).drop(); } @Override public void removeAll(String rowId) { String key = getKey(rowId); MongoCollection<Document> collection = MongoDBFactory.getCollection(instanceName, tableName); Document query = new Document(); query.put(KEY, key); collection.findOneAndDelete(query); } @Override public void addedRecord(String key, String value, DocumentMetadata mdLatest) { List<IndexRecord> records = indexProducer.getIndexRecords(key, value, mdLatest); Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<>(); for (IndexRecord record : records) { values.putAll(record.getValues()); } updateRow(key, values); } @Override public void updateRow(String rowId, Map<String, Object> recordValues) { String key = getKey(rowId); // stupid key is row id plus "l/" prepended // to it MongoCollection<Document> collection = MongoDBFactory.getCollection(instanceName, tableName); Document query = new Document(); query.put(KEY, key); Document toPut = new Document(); toPut.put(KEY, key); toPut.put(ROWID, rowId); toPut.put(EPOCH, EpochManager.nextEpoch(collection)); toPut.putAll(recordValues); FindOneAndUpdateOptions options = new FindOneAndUpdateOptions().upsert(true) .returnDocument(ReturnDocument.AFTER); @SuppressWarnings("unused") Document ret = collection.findOneAndUpdate(query, new Document($SET, toPut), options); } @Override public Long getLatestEpoch() { return EpochManager.getLatestEpoch(MongoDBFactory.getCollection(instanceName, tableName)); } @Override public void setIndexProducer(IndexProducer indexProducer) { this.indexProducer = indexProducer; } @Override public void initialize() { for (IndexDefinition indexDefinition : indexProducer.getIndexDefinitions()) { createIndex(indexDefinition, false); } } @Override public void ensureIndicesExist() {"About to build indices for collection [%s]...", tableName)); LockHandle lockHandle = null; try { lockHandle = IndexCreationLock.INSTANCE.grabLock(); for (IndexDefinition indexDefinition : indexProducer.getIndexDefinitions()) { createIndex(indexDefinition, true); } } finally { if (lockHandle != null) { IndexCreationLock.INSTANCE.releaseLock(lockHandle); } }"Done building indices for collection [%s]", tableName)); } private void createIndex(IndexDefinition indexDefinition, boolean force) { // create index if not exists... use index name too from indexDefinition // object if (indexDefinition == null) { return; } String indexName = IndexNameFactory.createIndexName(indexDefinition); MongoCollection<Document> collection = MongoDBFactory.getCollection(instanceName, tableName); int limit = Integer.parseInt(MultiValueConfigLoader.getConfig("MONGODB-" + instanceName + ".limit", MultiValueConfigLoader.getConfig("MONGODB-default.limit", "250"))); boolean indexExists = false; ListIndexesIterable<Document> indexInfo = collection.listIndexes(); for (Document dbObject : indexInfo) { Object name = dbObject.get("name"); if (name != null && name.toString().equals(indexName)) { indexExists = true; break; } } if (force || collection.count() < limit) { createIt(indexDefinition, force, indexName, collection); } else { if (!indexExists) { log.warn(tableName + " collection has more than " + limit + " items. please index manually"); } } } private void createIt(IndexDefinition indexDefinition, boolean force, String indexName, MongoCollection<Document> collection) { // bug in mongo driver: need to set ns explicitly // String ns = collection.getDB() + "." + collection.getName(); Document index = new Document(); for (FieldDefinition f : indexDefinition.getFields()) { index.put(f.getName(), 1); } IndexOptions options = new IndexOptions().name(indexName).background(!force); collection.createIndex(index, options); } @Override public List<TableRecord> queryTable(final TableQuery querySpec) { MongoRetryWrapper<List<TableRecord>> wrapper = new MongoRetryWrapper<List<TableRecord>>() { @Override public FindIterable<Document> makeCursor() { FindIterable<Document> ret; MongoCollection<Document> collection = MongoDBFactory.getCollection(instanceName, tableName); // Convert the query into that for a mongodb collection, then // call find Document query = EpochManager.getNotEqualEpochQueryObject(); if (querySpec.getFieldTests() != null) { for (TableSelect sel : querySpec.getFieldTests()) { switch (sel.getOper()) { case "=": query.append(sel.getFieldName(), sel.getTestValue()); break; case ">": Document gt = new Document(); gt.append("$gt", sel.getTestValue()); query.append(sel.getFieldName(), gt); break; case "<": Document lt = new Document(); lt.append("$lt", sel.getTestValue()); query.append(sel.getFieldName(), lt); break; case "LIKE": query.append(sel.getFieldName(), java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(sel.getTestValue().toString())); break; } } } // That's the query, now determine the return fields... List<String> projection = querySpec.getFieldReturns(); if (projection != null) { projection.add(KEY); } // Now we need to do the query, with a limit and skip applied if // necessary Document sort = new Document(); if (querySpec.getSortFields() != null) { for (TableColumnSort sortField : querySpec.getSortFields()) { sort.put(sortField.getFieldName(), sortField.getAscending() ? 1 : -1); } } ret = collection.find(query).projection(Projections .include((List<String>) ((projection == null) ? Collections.emptyList() : projection))); if (!sort.isEmpty()) { ret = ret.sort(sort); } if (querySpec.getSkip() != 0) { ret = ret.skip(querySpec.getSkip()); } if (querySpec.getLimit() != 0) { ret = ret.limit(querySpec.getLimit()); } return ret; } @Override public List<TableRecord> action(FindIterable<Document> cursor) { List<TableRecord> records = new ArrayList<>(); if (cursor != null) { for (Document obj : cursor) { if (obj != null) { TableRecord rec = new TableRecord(); rec.setKeyName(obj.getString(KEY)); rec.setFields(obj); rec.setContent(obj.toString()); records.add(rec); } } } return records; } }; return wrapper.doAction(); } @Override public TableQueryResult query(String query) { // Evaluate this query, convert it to a query against this index, and // then return the results if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Performing query " + query); } IndexQuery parsedQuery = IndexQueryFactory.parseQuery(query); return query(parsedQuery); } public TableQueryResult query(final IndexQuery indexQuery) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Parsed query " + indexQuery); } TableQueryResult res = new TableQueryResult(); final Document mongoQuery = getClause(indexQuery.getWhere()); final MongoCollection<Document> collection = MongoDBFactory.getCollection(instanceName, tableName); List<List<Object>> rows = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> fieldList = indexQuery.getSelect().getFieldList(); // Mongo can't do distinct based on multiple fields for some reason if (!indexQuery.isDistinct()) { // What fields to return final Document fields = new Document(); for (String fieldName : indexQuery.getSelect().getFieldList()) { log.debug("Adding return field " + fieldName); fields.put(fieldName, 1); } res.setColumnNames(indexQuery.getSelect().getFieldList()); fields.put(KEY, 1); MongoRetryWrapper<List<List<Object>>> wrapper = new MongoRetryWrapper<List<List<Object>>>() { @Override public FindIterable<Document> makeCursor() { FindIterable<Document> ret; if (fields.isEmpty()) { ret = collection.find(mongoQuery); } else { fields.put(KEY, 1); ret = collection.find(mongoQuery).projection(fields); } if (indexQuery.getOrderBy().getFieldList().size() > 0) { Document sort = new Document(); for (String field : indexQuery.getOrderBy().getFieldList()) { sort.put(field, indexQuery.getDirection() != OrderDirection.DESC ? 1 : -1); } ret = ret.sort(sort); } int skip = indexQuery.getSkip(); if (skip > 0) { ret = ret.skip(skip); } int limit = indexQuery.getLimit(); if (limit > 0) { // By specifying a negative limit we tell Mongo that it can close the cursor after returning a single batch. ret = ret.limit(-(limit)); } return ret; } @Override public List<List<Object>> action(FindIterable<Document> cursor) { List<List<Object>> rows = new ArrayList<>(); for (Document obj : cursor) { List<Object> row = new ArrayList<>(); for (String field : indexQuery.getSelect().getFieldList()) { row.add(obj.get(field)); } rows.add(row); } return rows; } }; res.setRows(wrapper.doAction()); return res; // We are done. } else if (fieldList.size() > 1) { // What fields to return final Document fields = new Document(); for (String fieldName : indexQuery.getSelect().getFieldList()) { log.debug("Adding return field " + fieldName); fields.put(fieldName, 1); } res.setColumnNames(indexQuery.getSelect().getFieldList()); fields.put(KEY, 1); MongoRetryWrapper<List<List<Object>>> wrapper = new MongoRetryWrapper<List<List<Object>>>() { @Override public FindIterable<Document> makeCursor() { FindIterable<Document> ret; if (fields.isEmpty()) { ret = collection.find(mongoQuery); } else { fields.put(KEY, 1); ret = collection.find(mongoQuery).projection(fields); } if (indexQuery.getOrderBy().getFieldList().size() > 0) { Document sort = new Document(); for (String field : indexQuery.getOrderBy().getFieldList()) { sort.put(field, indexQuery.getDirection() != OrderDirection.DESC ? 1 : -1); } ret = ret.sort(sort); } // We can't apply SKIP and LIMIT here because we must drop the fields that aren't distinct; // Mongo doesn't appear to support distinct on multiple keys return ret; } @Override public List<List<Object>> action(FindIterable<Document> cursor) { int limit = (indexQuery.getSkip()) + (indexQuery.getLimit()); if (limit == 0) limit = Integer.MAX_VALUE; List<List<Object>> rows = new ArrayList<>(); for (Document obj : cursor) { List<Object> row = new ArrayList<>(); for (String field : indexQuery.getSelect().getFieldList()) { row.add(obj.get(field)); } if (indexQuery.isDistinct() && rows.contains(row)) continue; rows.add(row); if (rows.size() > limit) break; } return rows; } }; rows = wrapper.doAction(); // We are not done - still need to apply skip and limit } else { String key = fieldList.get(0); DistinctIterable<String> values = collection.distinct(key, mongoQuery, String.class); for (String v : values) { rows.add(ImmutableList.of(v)); } res.setColumnNames(ImmutableList.of(key)); if (indexQuery.getOrderBy().getFieldList().size() > 0) { List<String> columnNames = indexQuery.getSelect().getFieldList(); Collections.sort(rows, RowComparatorFactory.createComparator(indexQuery.getOrderBy().getFieldList(), columnNames, indexQuery.getDirection())); if (indexQuery.getDirection() == OrderDirection.DESC) { Collections.reverse(rows); } } } int skip = (indexQuery.getSkip()); if (skip < rows.size()) { int limit = indexQuery.getLimit(); if ((limit > 0) && (rows.size() - skip > limit)) { res.setRows(rows.subList(skip, skip + limit)); } else res.setRows(rows); } // else all rows are skipped return res; } private Document getClause(WhereClause whereClause) { log.debug("Getting where clause"); Document ret = EpochManager.getNotEqualEpochQueryObject(); if (whereClause.getPrimary() != null) { // If there are multiple clauses we need to work out what to do // For each named field, add to the clause. If we get a repeated // named // field, add to the same Document for that name (which must be // compound, right? workWith(whereClause.getPrimary(), ret); if (!whereClause.getExtensions().isEmpty()) { for (WhereExtension xt : whereClause.getExtensions()) { // TODO: What about OR // $or : [ array of tests ] workWith(xt.getClause(), ret); } } } return ret; } private void workWith(WhereStatement whereClause, Document ret) { if (whereClause.getOper() == WhereTest.EQUAL) { log.debug("Primary is = "); ret.append(whereClause.getField(), whereClause.getValue().getValue()); log.debug("Query is " + ret.toString()); } else { Document inner = (Document) ret.get(whereClause.getField()); boolean addMe = false; if (inner == null) { addMe = true; inner = new Document(); } switch (whereClause.getOper()) { case GT: inner.append("$gt", whereClause.getValue().getValue()); break; case LT: inner.append("$lt", whereClause.getValue().getValue()); break; case NOTEQUAL: inner.append("$ne", whereClause.getValue().getValue()); break; case LIKE: inner.append("$regex", whereClause.getValue().getValue()); break; default: break; } if (addMe) { ret.append(whereClause.getField(), inner); } } } }