Java tutorial
/** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Incapture Technologies LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package; import static; import static spark.Spark.before; import static spark.Spark.delete; import static spark.Spark.exception; import static spark.Spark.get; import static spark.Spark.halt; import static; import static spark.Spark.put; import static; import static spark.Spark.webSocket; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import rapture.common.CallingContext; import rapture.common.RaptureURI; import rapture.common.Scheme; import rapture.common.exception.RaptureException; import rapture.common.impl.jackson.JacksonUtil; import rapture.config.ConfigLoader; import rapture.kernel.Kernel; import spark.Request; public class RestServer { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(RestServer.class); private Map<String, CallingContext> ctxs = new HashMap<>(); private static final String APP_KEY = "restserver"; public static void main(String[] args) { try { Kernel.initBootstrap(ImmutableMap.of("STD", ConfigLoader.getConf().StandardTemplate), RestServer.class, false); RaptureAppService.setupApp("RestServer"); } catch (RaptureException e) { log.error("Failed to start RestServer", e); return; } new RestServer().run(); } private void run() { setupHttps(); setupWebSocket(); setupRoutes(); setupExceptionHandling(); } private void setupHttps() { String keyStoreLocation = "keystore.jks"; secure(keyStoreLocation, keyStoreLocation, null, null); } private void setupWebSocket() { webSocket("/websocket", GenericWebSocket.class); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void setupRoutes() { before((req, res) -> {"Path is: " + req.pathInfo()); CallingContext ctx = ctxs.get(req.session().id()); if (ctx == null) { // check x-api-key header String apiKey = req.headers("x-api-key"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(apiKey)) { ctx = Kernel.INSTANCE.loadContext(APP_KEY, apiKey); if (ctx == null) { String msg = String.format("Invalid apiKey [%s] for app [%s]", apiKey, APP_KEY); log.warn(msg); halt(401, msg); } String id = req.session(true).id(); ctxs.put(id, ctx); } else { log.warn("x-api-key header not found, rejecting..."); halt(401, "Please provide 'x-api-key' header to access this API"); } } }); post("/doc/:authority", (req, res) -> {; Map<String, Object> data = JacksonUtil.getMapFromJson(req.body()); String authority = req.params(":authority"); String config = (String) data.get("config"); CallingContext ctx = getContext(req); if (Kernel.getDoc().docRepoExists(ctx, authority)) { halt(409, String.format("Repo [%s] already exists", authority)); } Kernel.getDoc().createDocRepo(ctx, authority, config); return new RaptureURI(authority, Scheme.DOCUMENT).toString(); }); get("/doc/*", (req, res) -> { String meta = req.queryParams("meta"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(meta)) { return Kernel.getDoc().getDocAndMeta(getContext(req), getDocUriParam(req)); } return Kernel.getDoc().getDoc(getContext(req), getDocUriParam(req)); }); put("/doc/*", (req, res) -> { return Kernel.getDoc().putDoc(getContext(req), getDocUriParam(req), req.body()); }); delete("/doc/:authority", (req, res) -> { Kernel.getDoc().deleteDocRepo(getContext(req), req.params(":authority")); return true; }); delete("/doc/*", (req, res) -> { return Kernel.getDoc().deleteDoc(getContext(req), getDocUriParam(req)); }); post("/blob/:authority", (req, res) -> {; Map<String, Object> data = JacksonUtil.getMapFromJson(req.body()); String authority = req.params(":authority"); String config = (String) data.get("config"); String metaConfig = (String) data.get("metaConfig"); CallingContext ctx = getContext(req); if (Kernel.getBlob().blobRepoExists(ctx, authority)) { halt(409, String.format("Repo [%s] already exists", authority)); } Kernel.getBlob().createBlobRepo(ctx, authority, config, metaConfig); return new RaptureURI(authority, Scheme.BLOB).toString(); }); get("/blob/*", (req, res) -> { return Kernel.getBlob().getBlob(getContext(req), getBlobUriParam(req)); }, json()); put("/blob/*", (req, res) -> { String uri = getBlobUriParam(req); Kernel.getBlob().putBlob(getContext(req), uri, req.bodyAsBytes(), req.contentType()); return uri; }); delete("/blob/:authority", (req, res) -> { Kernel.getBlob().deleteBlobRepo(getContext(req), req.params(":authority")); return true; }); delete("/blob/*", (req, res) -> { Kernel.getBlob().deleteBlob(getContext(req), getBlobUriParam(req)); return true; }); post("/series/:authority", (req, res) -> {; Map<String, Object> data = JacksonUtil.getMapFromJson(req.body()); String authority = req.params(":authority"); String config = (String) data.get("config"); CallingContext ctx = getContext(req); if (Kernel.getSeries().seriesRepoExists(ctx, authority)) { halt(409, String.format("Repo [%s] already exists", authority)); } Kernel.getSeries().createSeriesRepo(ctx, authority, config); return new RaptureURI(authority, Scheme.SERIES).toString(); }); get("/series/*", (req, res) -> { return Kernel.getSeries().getPoints(getContext(req), getSeriesUriParam(req)); }, json()); put("/series/*", (req, res) -> { String uri = getSeriesUriParam(req); Map<String, Object> data = JacksonUtil.getMapFromJson(req.body()); List<String> keys = (List<String>) data.get("keys"); List<Object> values = (List<Object>) data.get("values"); if (!values.isEmpty()) { Object obj = values.get(0); if (obj instanceof Long) { Kernel.getSeries().addLongsToSeries(getContext(req), uri, keys, (List<Long>) (List<?>) values); } else if (obj instanceof String) { Kernel.getSeries().addStringsToSeries(getContext(req), uri, keys, (List<String>) (List<?>) values); } else if (obj instanceof Double) { Kernel.getSeries().addDoublesToSeries(getContext(req), uri, keys, (List<Double>) (List<?>) values); } else { halt(400, "Unknown type in values parameter"); } } return uri; }); delete("/series/:authority", (req, res) -> { Kernel.getSeries().deleteSeriesRepo(getContext(req), req.params(":authority")); return true; }); delete("/series/*", (req, res) -> { Kernel.getSeries().deleteSeries(getContext(req), getSeriesUriParam(req)); return true; }); post("/workorder/*", (req, res) -> { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); String body = req.body(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(body)) { Map<String, Object> data = JacksonUtil.getMapFromJson(body); params = (Map<String, String>) data.get("params"); } return Kernel.getDecision().createWorkOrder(getContext(req), getWorkorderUriParam(req), params); }); post("/sstore/:authority", (req, res) -> {; Map<String, Object> data = JacksonUtil.getMapFromJson(req.body()); String authority = req.params(":authority"); String config = (String) data.get("config"); CallingContext ctx = getContext(req); if (Kernel.getStructured().structuredRepoExists(ctx, authority)) { halt(409, String.format("Repo [%s] already exists", authority)); } Kernel.getStructured().createStructuredRepo(ctx, authority, config); return new RaptureURI(authority, Scheme.STRUCTURED).toString(); }); post("/sstore/:authority/:table", (req, res) -> {; Map<String, Object> data = JacksonUtil.getMapFromJson(req.body()); String authority = req.params(":authority"); String table = req.params(":table"); String tableUri = RaptureURI.builder(Scheme.STRUCTURED, authority).docPath(table).build().toString(); CallingContext ctx = getContext(req); if (!Kernel.getStructured().structuredRepoExists(ctx, authority)) { halt(404, String.format("Repo [%s] doesn't exist", authority)); } else if (Kernel.getStructured().tableExists(ctx, tableUri)) { halt(409, String.format("Table [%s] already exists", tableUri)); } Kernel.getStructured().createTable(ctx, tableUri, (Map) data); return tableUri; }); put("/sstore/*", (req, res) -> {; Map<String, Object> data = JacksonUtil.getMapFromJson(req.body()); String tableUri = getStructuredUriParam(req); CallingContext ctx = getContext(req); if (!Kernel.getStructured().tableExists(ctx, tableUri)) { halt(404, String.format("Table [%s] doesn't exist", tableUri)); } Kernel.getStructured().insertRow(ctx, tableUri, (Map) data); return tableUri; }); get("/sstore/*", (req, res) -> { List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); int limit = 10; String where = ""; List<String> order = null; Boolean ascending = false; List<Map<String, Object>> selectRows = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();"Params are: " + req.queryString()); String tableUri = getStructuredUriParam(req); CallingContext ctx = getContext(req); if (req.queryParams("sql") != null) { String schema = new RaptureURI(tableUri, Scheme.STRUCTURED).getAuthority(); String updatedRawSql = req.queryParams("sql");"Running raw sql: " + updatedRawSql); selectRows = Kernel.getStructured().selectUsingSql(ctx, schema, updatedRawSql); } else { if (req.queryParams("columns") != null) { columns.add(req.queryParams("columns")); } else { columns.add("*"); // return all columns } if (req.queryParams("where") != null) { where = req.queryParams("where"); } if (req.queryParams("order") != null) { order = new ArrayList<String>(); order.add(req.queryParams("order")); } if (req.queryParams("ascending") != null) { ascending = Boolean.valueOf(req.queryParams("ascending")); } if (req.queryParams("limit") != null) { limit = Integer.valueOf(req.queryParams("limit")).intValue(); } selectRows = Kernel.getStructured().selectRows(ctx, tableUri, columns, where, order, ascending, limit); } return selectRows; }); delete("/sstore/:authority", (req, res) -> { String repoUri = getStructuredUriParam(req); CallingContext ctx = getContext(req);"deleting repo: " + repoUri); Kernel.getStructured().deleteStructuredRepo(ctx, repoUri); return true; }); delete("/sstore/:authority/:table/:pkid", (req, res) -> { String pkId = req.params(":pkid"); String tableUri = getStructuredUriParam(req, pkId); CallingContext ctx = getContext(req); String pkWhere = pkId + "=" + req.queryParams("pkvalue");"Delete from " + tableUri + " using pk " + pkWhere); Kernel.getStructured().deleteRows(ctx, tableUri, pkWhere); return true; }); delete("/sstore/:authority/:table", (req, res) -> { String tableUri = getStructuredUriParam(req); CallingContext ctx = getContext(req); if (req.body().isEmpty()) { // drop the table if request body is // empty."Dropping table: " + tableUri); Kernel.getStructured().dropTable(ctx, tableUri); } else { // delete rows from table Map<String, Object> data = JacksonUtil.getMapFromJson(req.body()); String where = (String) data.get("where");"Delete where clause: " + where + " from " + tableUri); Kernel.getStructured().deleteRows(ctx, tableUri, where); } return true; }); } private String getStructuredUriParam(Request req) { return getUriParam(req, "/sstore/"); } private String getStructuredUriParam(Request req, String postfix) { return getUriSection(req, "/sstore/", postfix); } private String getDocUriParam(Request req) { return getUriParam(req, "/doc/"); } private String getBlobUriParam(Request req) { return getUriParam(req, "/blob/"); } private String getSeriesUriParam(Request req) { return getUriParam(req, "/series/"); } private String getWorkorderUriParam(Request req) { return getUriParam(req, "/workorder/"); } private String getUriSection(Request req, String prefix, String postfix) { String ret = (String) req.pathInfo().subSequence(prefix.length(), req.pathInfo().indexOf(postfix)); return ret; } private String getUriParam(Request req, String prefix) { String ret = req.pathInfo().substring(prefix.length()); int index = ret.indexOf("?"); if (index != -1) { ret = ret.substring(0, index); } return ret; } private void setupExceptionHandling() { exception(Exception.class, (e, req, res) -> { log.error(String.format("Exception for request: %s [%s]%n[%s]", req.requestMethod(), req.pathInfo(), req.body()), e); }); } private CallingContext getContext(Request req) { return ctxs.get(req.session().id()); } }