Java tutorial
/** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2011-2016 Incapture Technologies LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ package rapture.plugin.install; import static; import static rapture.common.Scheme.BLOB; import static rapture.common.Scheme.DOCUMENT; import static rapture.common.Scheme.EVENT; import static rapture.common.Scheme.IDGEN; import static rapture.common.Scheme.INDEX; import static rapture.common.Scheme.JAR; import static rapture.common.Scheme.JOB; import static rapture.common.Scheme.SCRIPT; import static rapture.common.Scheme.SERIES; import static rapture.common.Scheme.TABLE; import static rapture.common.Scheme.WORKFLOW; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Map; import; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutableTriple; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import rapture.common.PluginTransportItem; import rapture.common.RaptureURI; import rapture.common.Scheme; import rapture.common.api.ScriptingApi; import rapture.common.exception.RaptureException; import rapture.common.exception.RaptureExceptionFactory; import rapture.util.MimeTypeResolver; /** * This class maintains a two-way binding between a content file in the expanded directory for a PluginSandbox and the corresponding object on the rapture * server. URIs that can not encode to a content file will be rejected in the constructor. * * @author mel */ public class PluginSandboxItem { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PluginSandboxItem.class); /* (non-Javadoc) * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return "PluginSandboxItem [uri=" + uri + ", variant=" + variant + ", file=" + file + ", fullFilePath=" + fullFilePath + ", fileHash=" + fileHash + ", remoteHash=" + remoteHash + ", content=" + Arrays.toString(getContent()) + ", fileCurrent=" + fileCurrent + ", remoteCurrent=" + remoteCurrent + "]"; } public static final String CONTENTDIR = "content/"; public static final String REPODIR = "repo/"; public static final String AUTHORITY = "/authority"; private final RaptureURI uri; private final String variant; private File file; // the local file backing this feature private String fullFilePath; private String fileHash = null; // this is the hash of the content, not the // SandboxItem itself private String remoteHash = null; private byte[] content = null; private boolean fileCurrent = false; private boolean remoteCurrent = false; public PluginSandboxItem(RaptureURI uri, String variant) { checkArgument(isContent(uri)); this.variant = variant; this.uri = uri; file = null; } public PluginSandboxItem(RaptureURI uri, File rootDir, String variant) { this.uri = uri; this.variant = variant; file = calculateFile(uri, rootDir, variant); } public PluginSandboxItem(RaptureURI uri, File rootDir, String variant, String remoteHash) { this(uri, rootDir, variant); this.remoteHash = remoteHash; remoteCurrent = true; try { fileCurrent = diffWithFile(remoteHash, false); } catch (Exception ex) { // ignore -- we only care bout the old file if it matches the hash // and can be read ok } } /** * For use when the source is a zip file. */ public PluginSandboxItem(RaptureURI uri, String variant, String hash, byte[] content) { this.uri = uri; this.setContent(content); this.fileHash = hash; this.variant = variant; } public void deflate() { setContent(null); } public File getFile() { return file; } public boolean isFileCurrent() { return fileCurrent; } public boolean isRemoteCurrent() { return remoteCurrent; } public void updateFilePath(File rootDir) { File f = calculateFile(uri, rootDir, variant); if (!Objects.equal(f, file)) { file = f; fileCurrent = false; } } public static File calculateFile(RaptureURI uri, File rootDir, String variant) { if (isContent(uri)) { return new File(rootDir, calculatePath(uri, variant)); } return null; } public static String calculatePath(RaptureURI uri, String variant) { // allow users to specify uris without docpaths for objects that dont require it e.g. user://rapture switch (uri.getScheme()) { case USER: case ENTITLEMENTGROUP: if (!uri.hasDocPath()) { return topDir(variant) + scrub(uri.getAuthority()) + getExtFromUri(uri); } break; default: break; } return topDir(variant) + scrub(uri.getShortPath()) + getExtFromUri(uri); } private static String getExtFromUri(RaptureURI uri) { if (!uri.hasAttribute()) { return ext2scheme.inverse().get(uri.getScheme()); } switch (uri.getScheme()) { case BLOB: return ".bits"; case SCRIPT: return "jjs".equals(uri.getAttribute()) ? ".jjs" : ".rfx"; default: return ""; } } private static String topDir(String variant) { return (variant == null) ? CONTENTDIR : variant + "/"; } public static Pair<RaptureURI, String> calculateURI(File leafFile, File rootDir) { String rootPath = rootDir.getPath(); String leafPath = unscrub(leafFile.getPath()); checkArgument(leafPath.startsWith(rootPath), "File is not a child of the rootDir: " + leafPath); checkArgument(leafPath.charAt(rootPath.length()) == '/', "File is not a child of the rootDir (missing slash?): " + leafPath); String leafTail = leafPath.substring(rootPath.length() + 1); return calculateURI(leafTail); } public static Pair<RaptureURI, String> calculateURI(String leafTail) { String variant = (leafTail.startsWith(CONTENTDIR)) ? null : extractVariant(leafTail); Triple<String, String, Scheme> trip = extractScheme(leafTail.substring(variantLength(variant))); checkArgument(trip != null, "extraneuous file"); RaptureURI uri = null; switch (trip.getRight()) { case USER: case ENTITLEMENTGROUP: if (trip.getLeft().indexOf("/") == -1) { uri = new RaptureURI(trip.getLeft(), trip.getRight()); } break; default: break; } if (uri == null) { uri = RaptureURI.createFromFullPathWithAttribute(trip.getLeft(), trip.getMiddle(), trip.getRight()); } return new ImmutablePair<RaptureURI, String>(uri, variant); } public static final Pair<RaptureURI, String> calculateURI(ZipEntry entry) { String leafTail = entry.getName(); return calculateURI(leafTail); } private static String extractVariant(String path) { int cut = path.indexOf('/'); if (cut < 0) return null; return path.substring(0, cut); } private static int variantLength(String variant) { return (variant == null) ? CONTENTDIR.length() : (variant.length() + 1); } /** * Split the path of a filename into the extensionless path (for URI construction) and the URI scheme (based on the file extension) * * @param path * The relative path within the contents directory * @return a triple of the path (left), the attribute(middle), and the URI scheme (right) */ public static Triple<String, String, Scheme> extractScheme(String path) { int chop = path.lastIndexOf('.'); if (chop < 0) return null; String schemeName = path.substring(chop); String attr = null; Scheme scheme = ext2scheme.get(schemeName); if (scheme == null) { scheme = raw2scheme.get(schemeName); if (scheme == null) { scheme = BLOB; // Oooerr - unmatched extensions will be blobs (THIS IS GOOD, BELIEVE ME) } else { path = path.substring(0, chop); } switch (scheme) { case BLOB: attr = getResolver().getMimeTypeFromPath(path); break; case SCRIPT: attr = schemeName.equals(".jjs") ? "jjs" : "raw"; break; default: throw new Error("Severe: Unhandled scheme in raw2scheme map"); // can only happen if a bad checkin is made } } else { path = path.substring(0, chop); } return ImmutableTriple.of(path, attr, scheme); } public void cacheFileContent() throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); setContent(PluginContentReader.readFromFile(file, md)); fileHash = Hex.encodeHexString(md.digest()); fileCurrent = true; } private static MimeTypeResolver resolver = null; private static MimeTypeResolver getResolver() { if (resolver == null) resolver = new MimeTypeResolver(); return resolver; } public byte[] getFileContent(boolean forceRefresh) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException { if (!fileCurrent || forceRefresh) { cacheFileContent(); } return getContent(); } public void clearCache() { setContent(null); } /** * @return true if this content is a change from the existing content */ public boolean setContentFromRemote(byte[] content, String hash) { this.setContent(content); remoteCurrent = true; remoteHash = hash; if (fileHash != null && !fileHash.equals(remoteHash)) { fileHash = null; fileCurrent = false; return true; } return fileHash != null; } /** * Hash-based comparisson with optional caching side-effects * * @param hash * the external hexified MD5 hash to compare against * @param cacheIfDifferent * if set, the file contents will be cached * @return true if different, false if same * @throws IOException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException */ public boolean diffWithFile(String hash, boolean cacheIfDifferent) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { boolean cached = false; byte[] oldContent = getContent(); if (fileHash == null) { try { cacheFileContent(); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { setContent(cacheIfDifferent ? null : oldContent); return true; } cached = true; } boolean different = !Objects.equal(hash, fileHash); if (!cached && cacheIfDifferent && different) { cacheFileContent(); } else if (!cacheIfDifferent) { setContent(oldContent); } return different; } public void storeFile() throws IOException { if (getContent() == null) return; PrintWriter writer = null; boolean early = true; try { file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); writer = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file))); writer.print(getContent()); early = false; fileCurrent = true; } finally { Closeables.close(writer, early); } } public static final BiMap<String, Scheme> ext2scheme = ImmutableBiMap.<String, Scheme>builder() .put(".script", SCRIPT).put(".series", SERIES).put(".blob", BLOB).put(".jar", JAR) .put(".rdoc", DOCUMENT).put(".idgen", IDGEN).put(".revent", EVENT).put(".table", TABLE) .put(".index", INDEX).put(".job", JOB).put(".workflow", WORKFLOW).put(".lock", Scheme.LOCK) .put(".snippet", Scheme.SNIPPET).put(".structured", Scheme.STRUCTURED).put(".field", Scheme.FIELD) .put(".structure", Scheme.STRUCTURE).put(".ftransform", Scheme.FIELDTRANSFORM) .put(".entity", Scheme.ENTITY).put(".widget", Scheme.WIDGET).put(".user", Scheme.USER) .put(".group", Scheme.ENTITLEMENTGROUP).put(".entitlement", Scheme.ENTITLEMENT).build(); // do not edit this without making matching edits to extractScheme and getExtFromURI // .jjs is extension for server side javascript public static final Map<String, Scheme> raw2scheme = ImmutableMap.of(".rfx", SCRIPT, ".jjs", SCRIPT, ".bits", BLOB); private static boolean isContent(RaptureURI uri) { return ext2scheme.containsValue(uri.getScheme()); } /** * Download the encoded contents from the specified client * * @return true if the contents were changed as a result of this call */ public boolean download(ScriptingApi client, boolean force) { if (force || needExtract()) { PluginTransportItem item = null; try { item = client.getPlugin().getPluginItem(uri.toString()); } catch (RaptureException ex) { return false; } if (item == null) return false; return setContentFromRemote(item.getContent(), item.getHash()); } return false; } protected boolean needExtract() { return !remoteCurrent || getContent() == null || getHash() == null || (fileHash != null && !fileHash.equals(remoteHash)); } public void delete() { if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } } public RaptureURI getURI() { return uri; } public void writeZipEntry(ZipOutputStream out, ScriptingApi client, boolean build) throws IOException { String filePath = calculatePath(uri, variant); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(filePath); out.putNextEntry(entry); if (build && (file != null)) { setContent(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(file.getAbsolutePath()))); } else { download(client, false); } if ((getContent() != null) && (getContent().length > 0)) { out.write(getContent()); } } public String getHash() { if (fileHash != null) { return fileHash; } if (remoteHash != null) { return remoteHash; } return null; } /** * make transport item from local cache if present or local file if not * * @throws IOException * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException */ public PluginTransportItem makeTransportItem() throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException { if (getContent() == null) { cacheFileContent(); if (getContent() == null) { throw RaptureExceptionFactory.create(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Content not present"); } } PluginTransportItem result = new PluginTransportItem(); result.setContent(getContent()); result.setUri(uri.toString()); result.setHash(getHash()); return result; } public static String scrub(String in) { return in.replace("\\", "_BACKSLASH_"); } public static String unscrub(String in) { return in.replace("_BACKSLASH_", "\\"); } public String getFullFilePath() { return fullFilePath; } public void setFullFilePath(String fullFilePath) { this.fullFilePath = fullFilePath; } public byte[] getContent() { return content; } public void setContent(byte[] content) { this.content = content; } }