query.Amostra.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for query.Amostra.java


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package query;

import Index.BlockIndex;
import avaliacao.Precisao;
import de.hpi.fgis.dude.datasource.CSVSource;
import de.hpi.fgis.dude.postprocessor.StatisticComponent;
import de.hpi.fgis.dude.similarityfunction.contentbased.util.SoundEx;
import de.hpi.fgis.dude.util.GlobalConfig;
import de.hpi.fgis.dude.util.GoldStandard;
import de.hpi.fgis.dude.util.data.DuDeObject;
import de.hpi.fgis.dude.util.data.DuDeObjectPair;
import graph.Aresta;
import graph.Vertice;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import org.apache.commons.codec.language.DoubleMetaphone;

 * @author Priscilla
public class Amostra {

    private Random gerador;
    private HashSet<Integer> aux;
    private HashSet<Integer> auxEspelho;
    GoldStandard goldStandard;
    StatisticComponent st;
    int certo = 0;
    int errado = 0;
    private ArrayList<Vertice> dadosEntrada;

    public HashSet<Integer> getAux() {
        return aux;

    public void setAux(HashSet<Integer> aux) {
        this.aux = aux;

    public HashSet<Integer> getAuxEspelho() {
        return auxEspelho;

    public void setAuxEspelho(HashSet<Integer> auxEspelho) {
        this.auxEspelho = auxEspelho;

    public Amostra() {
        this.gerador = new Random();
        this.aux = new HashSet<Integer>();
        this.dadosEntrada = new ArrayList<Vertice>();
        this.auxEspelho = new HashSet<Integer>();
        //  this.st = new StatisticComponent


    public CSVSource carregaDadosCD() throws FileNotFoundException {

        // sets the CSV data source
        CSVSource dataSource = new CSVSource("cd", new File("cdcd.csv"));

        return dataSource;


    public CSVSource carregaDadosCora() throws FileNotFoundException {

        // sets the CSV data source
        CSVSource dataSource = new CSVSource("cora", new File("coraCSV.csv"));

        return dataSource;


    public CSVSource carregaDadosFebrl() throws FileNotFoundException {

        // sets the CSV data source
        CSVSource dataSource = new CSVSource("febrl", new File("febrl.csv"));

        return dataSource;


    public CSVSource carregaDadosFebrlEspelho() throws FileNotFoundException {

        // sets the CSV data source
        CSVSource dataSource = new CSVSource("teste", new File("gold_febrl_teste.csv"));

        return dataSource;


     * @param tamanhoAmostra total de pares (porcental de duplicados / 2)
     * @param limiteIntevalo tamanho do espelho + 1
     * @return 
    public HashSet<Integer> geraPosicaoApartirEspelho(int tamanhoAmostra, int limiteIntevalo) {

        boolean tamanhoNotOK = true;
        int count = 0;
        while (tamanhoNotOK) {
            int posicao = this.gerador.nextInt(limiteIntevalo);
            //  System.out.println("  SAida " + posicao);
            if (auxEspelho.size() >= tamanhoAmostra) {
                tamanhoNotOK = false;


        return auxEspelho;

    public HashSet<Integer> geraPosicaoCora(int tamanhoAmostra, int limiteIntevalo) {

        boolean tamanhoNotOK = true;

        while (tamanhoNotOK) {
            int posicao = this.gerador.nextInt(limiteIntevalo);
            if (posicao > 0) {

                if (aux.size() >= tamanhoAmostra) {
                    tamanhoNotOK = false;
            //  System.out.println("  SAida " + posicao);


        //  System.out.println(" Count  " + count);
        //Iterator<Integer> iterator = aux.iterator();
        //while (iterator.hasNext()) { 
        //  System.out.print(iterator.next() + " ");
        // }

        return aux;

    public HashSet<Integer> geraPosicao(int tamanhoAmostra, int limiteIntevalo) {

        boolean tamanhoNotOK = true;
        int count = 0;
        while (tamanhoNotOK) {
            int posicao = this.gerador.nextInt(limiteIntevalo);
            //  System.out.println("  SAida " + posicao);
            if (aux.size() >= tamanhoAmostra) {
                tamanhoNotOK = false;


        //  System.out.println(" Count  " + count);
        //Iterator<Integer> iterator = aux.iterator();
        //while (iterator.hasNext()) { 
        //  System.out.print(iterator.next() + " ");
        // }

        return aux;

    public boolean encontraKeySelecionada(String key) {
        boolean encontrou = false;
        Iterator<Integer> iterator = aux.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(iterator.next().toString())) {
                encontrou = true;
        return encontrou;

     * espelho
     * @param key
     * @return
     * @throws FileNotFoundException 
    public boolean encontraKeySelecionada2(String key) {

        boolean encontrou = false;
        Iterator<Integer> iterator = auxEspelho.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            if (key.equalsIgnoreCase(iterator.next().toString())) {
                encontrou = true;
        return encontrou;

    public int calculaDuplicadosDaEntradaConsulta() throws IOException {

        Precisao precisao = new Precisao();

        int totalDuplicados = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.dadosEntrada.size(); i++) {
            Vertice get = this.dadosEntrada.get(i);
            for (int j = i + 1; j < this.dadosEntrada.size(); j++) {
                Vertice get1 = this.dadosEntrada.get(j);
                DuDeObject dude1 = new DuDeObject(get.getSourceId(), get.getId());
                DuDeObject dude2 = new DuDeObject(get1.getSourceId(), get1.getId());
                DuDeObjectPair dudePair = new DuDeObjectPair(dude1, dude2);
                if (precisao.getSt().isDuplicate(dudePair)) {



        System.out.println(" Total Duplicados  " + totalDuplicados);
        return totalDuplicados;


    public int calculaDuplicadosDaEntradaConsultaCora() throws IOException {

        Precisao precisao = new Precisao();

        int totalDuplicados = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.dadosEntrada.size(); i++) {
            Vertice get = this.dadosEntrada.get(i);
            for (int j = i + 1; j < this.dadosEntrada.size(); j++) {
                Vertice get1 = this.dadosEntrada.get(j);
                DuDeObject dude1 = new DuDeObject(get.getSourceId(), get.getId());
                DuDeObject dude2 = new DuDeObject(get1.getSourceId(), get1.getId());
                DuDeObjectPair dudePair = new DuDeObjectPair(dude1, dude2);
                if (precisao.getSt().isDuplicate(dudePair)) {



        if (totalDuplicados > 0) {
            System.err.println(" Total Duplicados  " + totalDuplicados);

        //  System.out.println(" Total Duplicados  " + totalDuplicados);
        return totalDuplicados;


    public int calculaDuplicadosDaEntradaConsultaFebrl() throws IOException {

        Precisao precisao = new Precisao();

        int totalDuplicados = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < this.dadosEntrada.size(); i++) {
            Vertice get = this.dadosEntrada.get(i);
            for (int j = i + 1; j < this.dadosEntrada.size(); j++) {
                Vertice get1 = this.dadosEntrada.get(j);
                DuDeObject dude1 = new DuDeObject(get.getSourceId(), get.getId());
                DuDeObject dude2 = new DuDeObject(get1.getSourceId(), get1.getId());
                DuDeObjectPair dudePair = new DuDeObjectPair(dude1, dude2);
                if (precisao.getSt().isDuplicate(dudePair)) {



        if (totalDuplicados > 0) {
            System.err.println(" Total Duplicados  " + totalDuplicados);

        //  System.out.println(" Total Duplicados  " + totalDuplicados);
        return totalDuplicados;


    public BlockIndex blocaDadosDaAmostraConsultaCora(CSVSource dataSource) {

        BlockIndex bi2 = new BlockIndex();
        //SoundEx db = new SoundEx();

        DoubleMetaphone db = new DoubleMetaphone();
        for (Iterator<DuDeObject> iterator = dataSource.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            DuDeObject next = iterator.next();
            if (encontraKeySelecionada(next.getAttributeValue("id").toString())) {
                String pk = next.getAttributeValue("id").toString();
                String block = next.getAttributeValue("titulo").toString();
                String block2 = next.getAttributeValue("titulo").toString();
                String block3 = next.getAttributeValue("autor").toString();

                //String keyBlock = block;
                String keyBlock = db.doubleMetaphone(block2);
                Vertice v1 = new Vertice(pk, "cora", -1, block3, block2);
                bi2.insertVertice(keyBlock, v1);
                //   System.out.println(" Pegou Id   " + next.getAttributeValue("title").toString() );

        return bi2;


    public BlockIndex blocaDadosDaAmostraConsultaFebrl(CSVSource dataSource) {

        BlockIndex bi2 = new BlockIndex();
        //SoundEx db = new SoundEx();

        // DoubleMetaphone db = new DoubleMetaphone();
        for (Iterator<DuDeObject> iterator = dataSource.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            DuDeObject next = iterator.next();
            if (encontraKeySelecionada(next.getAttributeValue("id").toString())) {
                String pk = next.getAttributeValue("id").toString();
                String block = next.getAttributeValue("blocking").toString();
                String block2 = next.getAttributeValue("surname").toString();
                String block3 = next.getAttributeValue("given_name").toString();

                String keyBlock = block;
                //String keyBlock = db.getSoundEx(block2);
                Vertice v1 = new Vertice(pk, "febrl", -1, block3, block2);
                bi2.insertVertice(keyBlock, v1);
                //   System.out.println(" Pegou Id   " + next.getAttributeValue("title").toString() );

        return bi2;


     * inserindo os duplicados do espelho
     * @param dataSourceEspelho duplicados do espel
     * @return 
    public void insereDuplicadosIdNaAmostra(CSVSource dataSourceEspelho) {

        BlockIndex bi2 = new BlockIndex();
        //SoundEx db = new SoundEx();

        // DoubleMetaphone db = new DoubleMetaphone();
        for (Iterator<DuDeObject> iterator = dataSourceEspelho.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            DuDeObject next = iterator.next();
            if (encontraKeySelecionada2(next.getAttributeValue("id").toString())) {
                //String id = next.getAttributeValue("id").toString();
                String id1 = next.getAttributeValue("febrl1_id").toString();
                String id2 = next.getAttributeValue("febrl2_id").toString();



    public BlockIndex blocaDadosDaAmostraConsulta(CSVSource dataSource) {

        BlockIndex bi2 = new BlockIndex();
        //SoundEx db = new SoundEx();

        DoubleMetaphone db = new DoubleMetaphone();
        for (Iterator<DuDeObject> iterator = dataSource.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
            DuDeObject next = iterator.next();
            if (encontraKeySelecionada(next.getAttributeValue("key").toString())) {
                String pk = next.getAttributeValue("pk").toString();
                String block = next.getAttributeValue("title").toString();
                String block2 = next.getAttributeValue("artist").toString();

                String keyBlock = db.encode(block);
                //String keyBlock = db.getSoundEx(block2);
                Vertice v1 = new Vertice(pk, "cd", -1, block, block2);
                bi2.insertVertice(keyBlock, v1);
                //   System.out.println(" Pegou Id   " + next.getAttributeValue("title").toString() );

        return bi2;


    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

        // Amostra a = new Amostra(); a.geraPosicao(1000, 9759); 
        // BlockIndex bi = a.blocaDadosDaAmostraConsulta(a.carregaDadosCD()); System.out.println("Tamanho " + bi.getNumeroBlocos());
        Map<Vertice, ArrayList<Aresta>> mapaArestas = new HashMap<Vertice, ArrayList<Aresta>>();
        Map<Integer, Map<Vertice, ArrayList<Aresta>>> mapaArestas2 = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Vertice, ArrayList<Aresta>>>();
        ArrayList<Aresta> a = new ArrayList<Aresta>();
        ArrayList<Aresta> b = new ArrayList<Aresta>();
        Vertice v1 = new Vertice("1", "teste", -1);
        Vertice v2 = new Vertice("3", "teste", -1);
        Vertice v3 = new Vertice("5", "teste", -1);
        Vertice v4 = new Vertice("0", "teste", -1);
        Aresta a1 = new Aresta(v1, v2, 2, "teste");
        Aresta a2 = new Aresta(v4, v3, 5, "teste");
        Aresta a3 = new Aresta(v3, v4, 8, "teste");
        Aresta b1 = new Aresta(v1, v2, 4, "teste");
        Aresta b2 = new Aresta(v1, v3, 6, "teste");
        Aresta b3 = new Aresta(v1, v4, 0, "teste");
        mapaArestas.put(v2, a);
        mapaArestas.put(v1, b);
        mapaArestas2.put(0, mapaArestas);
        mapaArestas2.put(1, mapaArestas);

        /**  for (Map.Entry<String, ArrayList<Aresta>> entrySet : mapaArestas.entrySet()) {
          String key = entrySet.getKey();
            Collections.sort (mapaArestas.get(key), new Comparator() {
        public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
            Aresta p1 = (Aresta) o1;
            Aresta p2 = (Aresta) o2;
            return Integer.valueOf(p1.getOrigem().getId())< Integer.valueOf(p2.getOrigem().getId()) ? -1 : (Integer.valueOf(p1.getOrigem().getId()) > Integer.valueOf(p2.getOrigem().getId()) ? +1 : 0);

        //Set <Integer> key = (HashSet <Integer>) (Set <Integer>) mapaArestas.keySet();
        ArrayList<Vertice> values = new ArrayList<Vertice>(mapaArestas2.get(0).keySet());
        //Map<Integer, Aresta> treeMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Aresta>(mapaArestas);

        Collections.sort(values, new Comparator() {
            public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
                Vertice p1 = (Vertice) o1;
                Vertice p2 = (Vertice) o2;
                return Integer.valueOf(p1.getId()) < Integer.valueOf(p2.getId()) ? -1
                        : Integer.valueOf(p1.getId()) > Integer.valueOf(p2.getId()) ? +1 : 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < mapaArestas2.get(0).keySet().size(); i++) {
            //Aresta get = a.get(i);
            System.out.println(" a " + mapaArestas.keySet().toString());


        /**  double busca = 1;
           ArrayList <Integer> values2 = new ArrayList<Integer>(mapaArestas.keySet());
          int saida = Collections.binarySearch(values2, 0, new Comparator(){
          public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
            Integer p1 = (Integer) o1;
            Integer p2 = (Integer) o2;
            return Integer.compare( p1, p2);
          });  **/
        //System.out.println(" saida : " + saida);

        Iterator itr = mapaArestas2.get(0).keySet().iterator();
        int pos = 0;
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Object element = itr.next();
            if (pos == 0) {

        /** for (Map.Entry<Integer, ArrayList<Aresta>> entrySet : mapaArestas.entrySet()) {
          Integer key = entrySet.getKey();
          ArrayList<Aresta> value = entrySet.getValue();
          System.out.println(" saida fical " + key );
          System.out.println(" teste " + mapaArestas2.get(0).toString());
        /** double busca = 2;
          int saida = Collections.binarySearch(mapaArestas.get("a"), b1, new Comparator(){
          public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
            Aresta p1 = (Aresta) o1;
            Aresta p2 = (Aresta) o2;
            return Double.compare( (Double)p1.getSimilaridade(), (Double)p2.getSimilaridade());

        //  System.out.println(" SAida: " +  saida);

        /** for (int i = 0; i < mapaArestas.get("a").size(); i++) {
          Aresta get = a.get(i);
            System.out.println(" a " + get.getSimilaridade());
        for (int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++) {
          Aresta get = b.get(i);
          System.out.println(" b " + get.getSimilaridade());
         for (int i = 0; i < mapaArestas.get("b").size(); i++) {
          Aresta get = b.get(i);
            System.out.println(" b " + get.getSimilaridade());
        ArrayList<Aresta> f = mapaArestas.get("b");
         System.out.println(" ****************");
         for (int i = 0; i < mapaArestas.get("b").size(); i++) {
          Aresta get = b.get(i);
            System.out.println(" b " + get.getSimilaridade());
         System.out.println(" tamanho excluido: " + mapaArestas.get("a").size());
                    System.out.println(" tamanho excluido 2: " + mapaArestas.get("a").size());
                    System.out.println(" tamanho excluido 2: " + mapaArestas.size());
        // System.out.println(" Saida: " + saida);
        }  **/