qtiscoringengine.Area.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for qtiscoringengine.Area.java


 * Educational Online Test Delivery System Copyright (c) 2014 American
 * Institutes for Research
 * Distributed under the AIR Open Source License, Version 1.0 See accompanying
 * file AIR-License-1_0.txt or at http://www.smarterapp.org/documents/
 * American_Institutes_for_Research_Open_Source_Software_License.pdf
package qtiscoringengine;

import org.jdom2.Element;

import AIR.Common.Helpers.InvalidCastException;
import AIR.Common.Helpers._Ref;
import AIR.Common.Utilities.JavaPrimitiveUtils;
import AIR.Common.xml.XmlNamespaceManager;

abstract class Area {
    private Shape _shape;

    protected Area(Shape shape) {
        _shape = shape;

    abstract DEBoolean getIsInside(DEPoint point);

    static Area fromXML(Element node, XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr) throws InvalidCastException {
        String coords = node.getAttribute("coords").getValue();
        String shapex = node.getAttribute("shape").getValue();
        try {
            return Area.Create(shapex, coords);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new InvalidCastException("Error in element " + node.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());

    static Area Create(String shapex, String coords) throws InvalidCastException, QTIScoringException {
        Shape shape;
        _Ref<Shape> out = new _Ref<Shape>();
        if (JavaPrimitiveUtils.enumTryParse(Shape.class, shapex, true, out))
            shape = out.get();
            throw new InvalidCastException("Could not parse area shape '" + shapex + "'");
        return create(shape, coords);

    static Area create(Shape shape, String coords) throws InvalidCastException, QTIScoringException {
        switch (shape) {
        case Circle:
            return new AreaCircle(coords);
        case Poly:
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Have to implement AreaPoly.IsInside");
        case Rect:
            return new AreaRect(coords);
        case Default:
            return new AreaDefault();

            throw new QTIScoringException("Unknown or unsupported shape request in xml");