Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package qcas; import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor; import com.itextpdf.text.Document; import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException; import com.itextpdf.text.Font; import com.itextpdf.text.Font.FontFamily; import com.itextpdf.text.Image; import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Date; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.Format; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.embed.swing.SwingFXUtils; import javafx.event.ActionEvent; import javafx.fxml.FXML; import javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader; import javafx.fxml.Initializable; import javafx.scene.Parent; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.SnapshotParameters; import javafx.scene.chart.BarChart; import javafx.scene.chart.CategoryAxis; import javafx.scene.chart.NumberAxis; import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart; import javafx.scene.control.Button; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.TextArea; import javafx.scene.image.WritableImage; import javafx.scene.layout.AnchorPane; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.stage.Stage; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; /** * FXML Controller class * * @author Nnamdi * * * * */ public class QuizResultsController implements Initializable { Scene scene; Stage homeStage; String userId; int userScore; int numOfQuestions; int numCorrect; int numIncorrect; ArrayList<Question> correctQuestions = new ArrayList(); ArrayList<Question> incorrectQuestions = new ArrayList(); ArrayList<Question> allAnsweredQuestions = new ArrayList(); ArrayList<String> userAnswers = new ArrayList(); ArrayList<String> userAnswerCheck = new ArrayList(); Connection connection; Date currentDate; int examNumber; Double examScore; @FXML private Label studentNameLabel; @FXML private Label userIDLabel; @FXML private Label quizDateLabel; @FXML private Button PrintToPDFButton; @FXML private Button returnHomeButton; @FXML private Label numberCorrectLabel; @FXML private Label numberIncorrectLabel; @FXML private Label quizScoreLabel; @FXML private Label letterGradeLabel; @FXML private AnchorPane QuizResultsDashboardPane; @FXML private BarChart<String, Integer> barChartStudent; @FXML private CategoryAxis xAxis; @FXML private NumberAxis yAxis; @FXML private TextArea questionsDisplay; public void initID(String ID) throws SQLException { userId = ID; userIDLabel.setText(ID); connectToDatabase(); String dbQuery = "Select firstname, lastname, userid from Users WHERE userid = ?"; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(dbQuery); preparedStatement.setString(1, userId); ResultSet rset = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if ( { studentNameLabel.setText(rset.getString("firstname") + " " + rset.getString("lastname")); } } public void setScore(int num) { userScore = num; } public void setNumOfQuestions(int num) { numOfQuestions = num; } public void setCorrect(int num) { numCorrect = num; } public void setIncorrect(int num) { numIncorrect = num; } public ArrayList<Question> getCorrectQuestions() { return correctQuestions; } public void setCorrectQuestions(ArrayList<Question> correctQuestions) { this.correctQuestions = correctQuestions; } public ArrayList<Question> getIncorrectQuestions() { return incorrectQuestions; } public void setIncorrectQuestions(ArrayList<Question> incorrectQuestions) { this.incorrectQuestions = incorrectQuestions; } public void setUserAnswers(ArrayList<String> userAnswers) { this.userAnswers = userAnswers; } public void setUserAnswerCheck(ArrayList<String> userAnswerCheck) { this.userAnswerCheck = userAnswerCheck; } public void setAllAnsweredQuestions(ArrayList<Question> allAnsweredQuestions) { this.allAnsweredQuestions = allAnsweredQuestions; } /** * Initializes the controller class. */ @Override public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) { // TODO } /** * The returnHome() method switches back to the login screen. * * @throws * */ public void returnHome() throws IOException { returnHomeButton.setOnAction(h -> { try { returnHomeButtonClicked(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(QuizResultsController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }); } /** * * @throws */ @FXML public void returnHomeButtonClicked() throws IOException { FXMLLoader f = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("LoginScreen.fxml")); Parent scene13 = f.load(); LoginScreenController ls = f.<LoginScreenController>getController(); Scene LoginScreen = new Scene(scene13); homeStage = (Stage) returnHomeButton.getScene().getWindow(); homeStage.hide(); homeStage.setScene(LoginScreen);; } public void connectToDatabase() throws SQLException { String url = "jdbc:mysql://"; //creates network connection to database for application String username = "qcastest";//username for accessing database String password = "qcastest";//password for accessing database try { this.connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password); if (this.connection != null) { // System.out.println("Conencted"); } } catch (SQLException e) { System.out.println("SQLException: " + e); this.connection.close();//closes connection resource } // end of try-with-resourc } public void launchQuizResults(ArrayList<Question> correctQuestions, ArrayList<Question> incorrectQuestions) throws IOException, SQLException, DocumentException { Parent root; this.correctQuestions = correctQuestions; this.incorrectQuestions = incorrectQuestions; displayAnswers(); String questionDifficulty; // Stage stage = (Stage) AButton.getScene().getWindow(); MultipleChoice mc = new MultipleChoice(0); MultipleAnswer ma = new MultipleAnswer(0); TrueFalse tf = new TrueFalse(0); FillInTheBlanks fib = new FillInTheBlanks(0); numberCorrectLabel.setText(this.correctQuestions.size() + ""); numberIncorrectLabel.setText(this.incorrectQuestions.size() + ""); for (int i = 0; i < this.correctQuestions.size(); i++) { if (this.correctQuestions.get(i).getClass() == mc.getClass()) { mc = (MultipleChoice) this.correctQuestions.get(i); questionDifficulty = mc.difficulty; } else if (this.correctQuestions.get(i).getClass() == ma.getClass()) { ma = (MultipleAnswer) this.correctQuestions.get(i); questionDifficulty = ma.difficulty; } else if (this.correctQuestions.get(i).getClass() == tf.getClass()) { tf = (TrueFalse) this.correctQuestions.get(i); questionDifficulty = tf.difficulty; int num = tf.number; } else if (this.correctQuestions.get(i).getClass() == fib.getClass()) { fib = (FillInTheBlanks) this.correctQuestions.get(i); questionDifficulty = fib.difficulty; } } for (int i = 0; i < this.incorrectQuestions.size(); i++) { if (this.incorrectQuestions.get(i).getClass() == mc.getClass()) { mc = (MultipleChoice) this.incorrectQuestions.get(i); } else if (this.incorrectQuestions.get(i).getClass() == ma.getClass()) { ma = (MultipleAnswer) this.incorrectQuestions.get(i); } else if (this.incorrectQuestions.get(i).getClass() == tf.getClass()) { tf = (TrueFalse) this.incorrectQuestions.get(i); } else if (this.incorrectQuestions.get(i).getClass() == fib.getClass()) { fib = (FillInTheBlanks) this.incorrectQuestions.get(i); } } plotResultsGraph(); String dbQuery = "Select firstname, lastname, userid from Users WHERE userid = ?"; PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement(dbQuery); preparedStatement.setString(1, userId); ResultSet rset = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); if ( { barChartStudent.setTitle("Reports for Student: " + rset.getString("firstname") + " " + rset.getString("firstname") + " " + rset.getString("userid")); } ResultSet maxexamid = connection.createStatement().executeQuery("SELECT MAX(examID) FROM UserDB.ExamTable"); if ( { examNumber = maxexamid.getInt(1) + 1; } this.examScore = (double) this.correctQuestions.size() / (double) this.allAnsweredQuestions.size() * 100; int finalScore = this.examScore.intValue(); quizScoreLabel.setText(finalScore + "%"); String grade = ""; if (this.examScore >= 97) { grade = "A+"; } else if (this.examScore >= 93 && this.examScore <= 96) { grade = "A"; } else if (this.examScore >= 90 && this.examScore <= 92) { grade = "A-"; } else if (this.examScore >= 87 && this.examScore <= 89) { grade = "B+"; } else if (this.examScore >= 83 && this.examScore <= 86) { grade = "B"; } else if (this.examScore >= 80 && this.examScore <= 82) { grade = "B-"; } else if (this.examScore >= 77 && this.examScore <= 79) { grade = "C+"; } else if (this.examScore >= 73 && this.examScore <= 76) { grade = "C"; } else if (this.examScore >= 70 && this.examScore <= 72) { grade = "C-"; } else if (this.examScore >= 67 && this.examScore <= 69) { grade = "D+"; } else if (this.examScore >= 63 && this.examScore <= 66) { grade = "D"; } else if (this.examScore >= 60 && this.examScore <= 62) { grade = "D-"; } else if (this.examScore >= 0 && this.examScore <= 59) { grade = "F"; } letterGradeLabel.setText(grade); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); String s = convertTime(time); quizDateLabel.setText(s); String storeInDB = "INSERT INTO UserDB.ExamTable (examID, studentid, question, answerchoice, status, questionNo, examDate, correctAnswer, answercheck)" + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; PreparedStatement storeDBExecute = this.connection.prepareStatement(storeInDB); connection.prepareStatement("SET foreign_key_checks = 0").executeUpdate(); for (int t = 0; t < this.allAnsweredQuestions.size(); t++) { if (this.allAnsweredQuestions.get(t).getClass() == mc.getClass()) { mc = (MultipleChoice) this.allAnsweredQuestions.get(t); storeDBExecute.setInt(1, examNumber); storeDBExecute.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(userId)); storeDBExecute.setString(3, mc.description); storeDBExecute.setString(4, this.userAnswers.get(t)); storeDBExecute.setString(5, mc.difficulty); storeDBExecute.setInt(6, mc.number); storeDBExecute.setString(7, s); storeDBExecute.setString(8, this.userAnswerCheck.get(t)); if (this.userAnswers.get(t).equals(this.userAnswerCheck.get(t))) { storeDBExecute.setString(9, "correct"); } else { storeDBExecute.setString(9, "incorrect"); } storeDBExecute.executeUpdate(); } else if (this.allAnsweredQuestions.get(t).getClass() == ma.getClass()) { ma = (MultipleAnswer) this.allAnsweredQuestions.get(t); storeDBExecute.setInt(1, examNumber); storeDBExecute.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(userId)); storeDBExecute.setString(3, ma.description); storeDBExecute.setString(4, this.userAnswers.get(t)); storeDBExecute.setString(5, ma.difficulty); storeDBExecute.setInt(6, ma.number); storeDBExecute.setString(7, s); storeDBExecute.setString(8, this.userAnswerCheck.get(t)); if (this.userAnswers.get(t).equals(this.userAnswerCheck.get(t))) { storeDBExecute.setString(9, "correct"); } else { storeDBExecute.setString(9, "incorrect"); } storeDBExecute.executeUpdate(); } else if (this.allAnsweredQuestions.get(t).getClass() == fib.getClass()) { fib = (FillInTheBlanks) this.allAnsweredQuestions.get(t); storeDBExecute.setInt(1, examNumber); storeDBExecute.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(userId)); storeDBExecute.setString(3, fib.description); storeDBExecute.setString(4, this.userAnswers.get(t)); storeDBExecute.setString(5, fib.difficulty); storeDBExecute.setInt(6, fib.number); storeDBExecute.setString(7, s); storeDBExecute.setString(8, this.userAnswerCheck.get(t)); if (this.userAnswers.get(t).equals(this.userAnswerCheck.get(t))) { storeDBExecute.setString(9, "correct"); } else { storeDBExecute.setString(9, "incorrect"); } storeDBExecute.executeUpdate(); } else if (this.allAnsweredQuestions.get(t).getClass() == tf.getClass()) { tf = (TrueFalse) this.allAnsweredQuestions.get(t); storeDBExecute.setInt(1, examNumber); storeDBExecute.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(userId)); storeDBExecute.setString(3, tf.description); storeDBExecute.setString(4, this.userAnswers.get(t)); storeDBExecute.setString(5, tf.difficulty); storeDBExecute.setInt(6, tf.number); storeDBExecute.setString(7, s); storeDBExecute.setString(8, this.userAnswerCheck.get(t)); if (this.userAnswers.get(t).equals(this.userAnswerCheck.get(t))) { storeDBExecute.setString(9, "correct"); } else { storeDBExecute.setString(9, "incorrect"); } storeDBExecute.executeUpdate(); } } } public String convertTime(long time) { Date date = new Date(time); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy MM dd"); return sdf.format(date); } public void plotResultsGraph() { int[] difficultyCorrectScores = new int[3]; int[] difficultyInCorrectScores = new int[3]; for (Question question : this.correctQuestions) { if (question.difficulty.equals("E")) { difficultyCorrectScores[0]++; } else if (question.difficulty.equals("M")) { difficultyCorrectScores[1]++; } else if (question.difficulty.equals("H")) { difficultyCorrectScores[2]++; } } for (Question question : this.incorrectQuestions) { if (question.difficulty.equals("E")) { difficultyInCorrectScores[0]++; } else if (question.difficulty.equals("M")) { difficultyInCorrectScores[1]++; } else if (question.difficulty.equals("H")) { difficultyInCorrectScores[2]++; } } barChartStudent.getData().clear(); String correct = "Correct"; String inCorrect = "Incorrect"; xAxis.setLabel("Difficulty Levels"); yAxis.setLabel("Number"); /* Easy questions correct and incorrect */ XYChart.Series series1 = new XYChart.Series(); series1.setName("Easy"); series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(correct, difficultyCorrectScores[0])); series1.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(inCorrect, difficultyInCorrectScores[0])); /* Medium questions correct and incorrect */ XYChart.Series series2 = new XYChart.Series(); series2.setName("Medium"); series2.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(correct, difficultyCorrectScores[1])); series2.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(inCorrect, difficultyInCorrectScores[1])); /* Hard questions correct and incorrect */ XYChart.Series series3 = new XYChart.Series(); series3.setName("Hard"); series3.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(correct, difficultyCorrectScores[2])); series3.getData().add(new XYChart.Data(inCorrect, difficultyInCorrectScores[2])); barChartStudent.getData().addAll(series1, series2, series3); } public void displayAnswers() { String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < this.userAnswers.size(); i++) { s += "Question ".toUpperCase() + (i + 1) + ": " + "\t Your Answer: ".toUpperCase() + this.userAnswers.get(i) + "\t Correct Answer: ".toUpperCase() + this.userAnswerCheck.get(i) + "\n\n"; } questionsDisplay.setText(s); } public void exportToPdf() throws IOException, DocumentException { String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < this.userAnswers.size(); i++) { s += "Question ".toUpperCase() + (i + 1) + ": " + "\t Your Answer: ".toUpperCase() + this.userAnswers.get(i) + "\t Correct Answer: ".toUpperCase() + this.userAnswerCheck.get(i) + "\n\n"; } WritableImage image = QuizResultsDashboardPane.snapshot(new SnapshotParameters(), null); File file = new File("Student Report.png"); ImageIO.write(SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage(image, null), "png", file); Document document = new Document(); String input = "Student Report.png"; // .gif and .jpg are ok too! String output = "Student Report.pdf"; try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(output); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, fos);;; ByteArrayOutputStream byteOutput = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ImageIO.write(SwingFXUtils.fromFXImage(image, null), "png", byteOutput); com.itextpdf.text.Image graph; graph = com.itextpdf.text.Image.getInstance(byteOutput.toByteArray()); graph.scaleToFit(500, 500); document.add((com.itextpdf.text.Element) graph); Font f = new Font(FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 10.0f, Font.UNDERLINE, BaseColor.BLACK); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(s, f); document.add(p); document.close(); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } QuizResultsDashboardPane.setVisible(true); } }