Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package qa; import Util.ClearParserUtil; import Util.GlobalV; import Util.ProcessFrameUtil; import Util.StringUtil; import; import; import java.util.List; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.CoreLabel; import edu.stanford.nlp.ling.HasWord; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.CoreLabelTokenFactory; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.DocumentPreprocessor; import edu.stanford.nlp.process.PTBTokenizer; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Scanner; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import qa.dep.DependencyTree; import qa.util.FileUtil; public class ProcessFrameProcessor { private String fileName; private StanfordLemmatizer slem = new StanfordLemmatizer(); private StanfordDepParser depParser = new StanfordDepParser(); private ArrayList<ProcessFrame> procArr; private ArrayList<ProcessFrame> procArrA0; private ArrayList<ProcessFrame> procArrA1; private ArrayList<ProcessFrame> procArrA2; static final int PROCESS_NAME_IDX = 0; static final int UNDERGOER_IDX = 1; static final int ENABLER_IDX = 2; static final int TRIGGER_IDX = 3; static final int RESULT_IDX = 4; static final int UNDERSPECIFIED_IDX = 5; static final int SENTENCE_IDX = 6; public static final String SEPARATOR = "\\|"; private HashMap<String, Integer> processCountPair = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private boolean questionFrame = false; public ProcessFrameProcessor(String fileName) { this.fileName = fileName; procArr = new ArrayList<ProcessFrame>(); procArrA0 = new ArrayList<ProcessFrame>(); procArrA1 = new ArrayList<ProcessFrame>(); procArrA2 = new ArrayList<ProcessFrame>(); //slem = new StanfordLemmatizer(); } public boolean isHeader(String line) { String fields[] = line.split("\t"); if ((fields[0].equalsIgnoreCase("process") && fields[1].equalsIgnoreCase("undergoer")) || (fields[0].equalsIgnoreCase("question") && fields[1].equalsIgnoreCase("undergoer"))) { return true; } return false; } public void loadProcessData() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException { Scanner scanner = new Scanner(new File(this.fileName)); procArr.clear(); int cnt = 0; //System.out.println("Hai"); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { String line = scanner.nextLine(); //System.out.println(line); if (!isHeader(line)) { //System.out.println(cnt); String[] columns = line.split("\t"); ProcessFrame procFrame = new ProcessFrame(); //System.out.println(cnt+" "+columns.length +" "+columns[0] + " "+columns[1]+" "+columns[2]); List<String> tokenized = slem.tokenize(columns[SENTENCE_IDX].trim()); procFrame.setTokenizedText(tokenized.toArray(new String[tokenized.size()])); procFrame.setProcessName(columns[PROCESS_NAME_IDX]); procFrame.setUnderGoer(columns[UNDERGOER_IDX]); procFrame.setEnabler(columns[ENABLER_IDX]); procFrame.setTrigger(columns[TRIGGER_IDX]); procFrame.setResult(columns[RESULT_IDX]); procFrame.setUnderSpecified(columns[UNDERSPECIFIED_IDX]); procFrame.setRawText(columns[SENTENCE_IDX].trim()); if (!questionFrame) { if (!processCountPair.containsKey(procFrame.getProcessName())) { processCountPair.put(procFrame.getProcessName(), 1); } else { //System.out.println(procFrame.getProcessName()); processCountPair.put(procFrame.getProcessName(), processCountPair.get(procFrame.getProcessName().trim()) + 1); } } procFrame.processRoleFillers(); procArr.add(procFrame); cnt++; } } focusProcessOnRole(); System.out.println("END OF LOAD SENTENCES " + procArr.size()); } public void updateTrigger() { } public void setQuestionFrame(boolean val) { questionFrame = val; } public HashMap<String, Integer> getProcessCount() { return processCountPair; } public int getDataCount(String processName) { return processCountPair.get(processName) == null ? 0 : processCountPair.get(processName); } public void focusProcessOnRole() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { for (ProcessFrame frame : procArr) { if (!frame.getUnderGoer().isEmpty()) { byte[] data = FileUtil.serialize(frame); ProcessFrame clone = (ProcessFrame) FileUtil.deserialize(data); clone.setEnabler(""); clone.setResult(""); procArrA0.add(clone); } if (!frame.getEnabler().isEmpty()) { byte[] data = FileUtil.serialize(frame); ProcessFrame clone = (ProcessFrame) FileUtil.deserialize(data); clone.setUnderGoer(""); clone.setResult(""); procArrA1.add(clone); } if (!frame.getResult().isEmpty()) { byte[] data = FileUtil.serialize(frame); ProcessFrame clone = (ProcessFrame) FileUtil.deserialize(data); clone.setUnderGoer(""); clone.setEnabler(""); procArrA2.add(clone); } } } public void toClearParserFormat(String clearParserFileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { ArrayList<ProcessFrame> processFrames = getProcArr(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(clearParserFileName); for (ProcessFrame p : processFrames) { String rawText = p.getRawText(); rawText = rawText.replace(".", " "); rawText = rawText.replaceAll("\"", ""); rawText = rawText.trim(); for (int j = rawText.length() - 1;; j--) { if (Character.isAlphabetic(rawText.charAt(j))) { rawText = rawText.substring(0, j + 1); rawText += "."; break; } } /*rawText = rawText.replace(".", " "); rawText = rawText.replaceAll("\"", ""); rawText = rawText.trim(); rawText += ".";**/ // update tokenized text here List<String> tokenized = slem.tokenize(rawText); p.setTokenizedText(tokenized.toArray(new String[tokenized.size()])); try { DependencyTree tree = depParser.parse(rawText); String conLLStr = ClearParserUtil.toClearParserFormat(tree, p); writer.println(conLLStr); writer.println(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); //System.out.println(rawText); } } writer.close(); } public void toConLL2009Format(String conll2009FileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { ArrayList<ProcessFrame> processFrames = getProcArr(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(conll2009FileName); for (ProcessFrame p : processFrames) { String rawText = p.getRawText(); rawText = rawText.replace(".", " "); rawText = rawText.replaceAll("\"", ""); rawText = rawText.trim(); for (int j = rawText.length() - 1;; j--) { if (Character.isAlphabetic(rawText.charAt(j))) { rawText = rawText.substring(0, j + 1); rawText += "."; break; } } /*rawText = rawText.replace(".", " "); rawText = rawText.replaceAll("\"", ""); rawText = rawText.trim(); rawText += ".";**/ // update tokenized text here List<String> tokenized = slem.tokenize(rawText); p.setTokenizedText(tokenized.toArray(new String[tokenized.size()])); try { DependencyTree tree = depParser.parse(rawText); String conLLStr = ClearParserUtil.toCONLL2009Format(tree, p); writer.println(conLLStr); //writer.println(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); //System.out.println(rawText); } } writer.close(); } public void turnOffRoleOffInterest(ArrayList<ProcessFrame> procFrames, String roleOfInterest) { for (int i = 0; i < procFrames.size(); i++) { if (!roleOfInterest.toLowerCase().contains("undergoer")) { procFrames.get(i).setUnderGoer(""); } if (!roleOfInterest.toLowerCase().contains("enabler")) { procFrames.get(i).setEnabler(""); } if (!roleOfInterest.toLowerCase().contains("trigger")) { procFrames.get(i).setTrigger(""); } if (!roleOfInterest.toLowerCase().contains("result")) { procFrames.get(i).setResult(""); } if (!roleOfInterest.toLowerCase().contains("underspecified")) { procFrames.get(i).setUnderSpecified(""); } } } public void checkForCorrectness(ProcessFrame p, String roleOfInterest, String frameLineWithAnnotation) { String[] fields = frameLineWithAnnotation.split("\t"); String[] annotations = new String[5]; if (roleOfInterest.toLowerCase().contains("undergoer")) { if (fields[0 + 7].equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { p.setUnderGoer(""); } } if (roleOfInterest.toLowerCase().contains("enabler")) { if (fields[1 + 7].equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { p.setEnabler(""); } } if (roleOfInterest.toLowerCase().contains("trigger")) { if (fields[2 + 7].equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { p.setTrigger(""); } } if (roleOfInterest.toLowerCase().contains("result")) { if (fields[3 + 7].equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { p.setResult(""); } } if (roleOfInterest.toLowerCase().contains("underspecified")) { if (fields[4 + 7].equalsIgnoreCase("0")) { p.setUnderSpecified(""); } } } public ArrayList<String> getRoleLabels() { ArrayList<String> roleLabels = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean undergoerExist = -> p.getUndergoerIdx().size() > 0); boolean enablerExist = -> p.getEnablerIdx().size() > 0); boolean triggerExist = -> p.getTriggerIdx().size() > 0); boolean resultExist = -> p.getResultIdx().size() > 0); if (undergoerExist) roleLabels.add("A0"); if (enablerExist) roleLabels.add("A1"); if (triggerExist) roleLabels.add("T"); if (resultExist) roleLabels.add("A2"); return roleLabels; } public void toConLL2009FormatCleanV(String conll2009FileName, String[] frameLines, String roleofInterest) throws FileNotFoundException { ArrayList<ProcessFrame> processFrames = getProcArr(); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(conll2009FileName); turnOffRoleOffInterest(processFrames, roleofInterest); for (int i = 0; i < processFrames.size(); i++) { String rawText = processFrames.get(i).getRawText(); List<String> tokenized = slem.tokenize(rawText); processFrames.get(i).setTokenizedText(tokenized.toArray(new String[tokenized.size()])); try { DependencyTree tree = depParser.parse(rawText); checkForCorrectness(processFrames.get(i), roleofInterest, frameLines[i + 1]); // OFFSET HEADER String conLLStr = ClearParserUtil.toCONLL2009Format(tree, processFrames.get(i)); writer.println(conLLStr); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println("ERROR in converting to CONLL'09"); } } writer.close(); } public void toClearParserFormat(String clearParserFileName, String role) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { ArrayList<ProcessFrame> processFrames = new ArrayList<ProcessFrame>(); if (role.equalsIgnoreCase("A0")) { processFrames = procArrA0; } if (role.equalsIgnoreCase("A1")) { processFrames = procArrA1; } if (role.equalsIgnoreCase("A2")) { processFrames = procArrA2; } PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(clearParserFileName); for (ProcessFrame p : processFrames) { String rawText = p.getRawText(); rawText = rawText.replace(".", " "); rawText = rawText.replaceAll("\"", ""); rawText = rawText.trim(); rawText += "."; // update tokenized text here List<String> tokenized = slem.tokenize(rawText); p.setTokenizedText(tokenized.toArray(new String[tokenized.size()])); try { DependencyTree tree = depParser.parse(rawText); String conLLStr = ClearParserUtil.toClearParserFormat(tree, p); writer.println(conLLStr); writer.println(); } catch (Exception e) { } } writer.close(); } public ProcessFrame getProcessFrame(int idx) { return procArr.get(idx); } public String getTrigger(int sentenceCnt) { return procArr.get(sentenceCnt).getTrigger(); } public String[] getTokenized(int sentenceCnt) { return procArr.get(sentenceCnt).getTokenizedText(); } public ArrayList<ProcessFrame> getProcArr() { return procArr; } public ArrayList<ProcessFrame> getProcessFrameByName(String processName) { ArrayList<ProcessFrame> results = new ArrayList<ProcessFrame>(); for (ProcessFrame p : this.getProcArr()) { String[] name = StringUtil.getTokenAsArr(p.getProcessName(), SEPARATOR); if (StringUtil.contains(processName, name)) { results.add(p); } } return results; } public ArrayList<ProcessFrame> getProcessFrameByNormalizedName(String normalizedProcessName) { ArrayList<ProcessFrame> results = new ArrayList<ProcessFrame>(); for (ProcessFrame p : this.getProcArr()) { String[] name = StringUtil.getTokenAsArr(p.getProcessName(), SEPARATOR); String[] normalizedProcessNameTokens = normalizedProcessName.split("_"); if (StringUtil.containsNormalized(normalizedProcessNameTokens, name)) { results.add(p); } } return results; } public ArrayList<ProcessFrame> getInverseProcessFrameByNormalizedName(String normalizedProcessName) { ArrayList<ProcessFrame> results = new ArrayList<ProcessFrame>(); for (ProcessFrame p : this.getProcArr()) { String[] name = StringUtil.getTokenAsArr(p.getProcessName(), SEPARATOR); String[] normalizedProcessNameTokens = normalizedProcessName.split("_"); if (!StringUtil.containsNormalized(normalizedProcessNameTokens, name)) { results.add(p); } } return results; } public ArrayList<ProcessFrame> getQuestionFrame(String questionTxt) { ArrayList<ProcessFrame> results = new ArrayList<ProcessFrame>(); for (ProcessFrame p : this.getProcArr()) { if (p.getQuestionText().trim().equalsIgnoreCase(questionTxt.trim()) || StringUtils.getLevenshteinDistance(p.getQuestionText().trim(), questionTxt.trim()) < 0.3 * questionTxt.length()) { results.add(p); } } return results; } public ArrayList<Integer> getIdxMatches(String[] targetPattern, String[] tokenizedSentence) { boolean inRegion = false; int matchStart = 0; int matchEnd = targetPattern.length; ArrayList<Integer> idx = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < tokenizedSentence.length && matchStart < matchEnd; i++) { if (tokenizedSentence[i].equalsIgnoreCase(targetPattern[matchStart])) { idx.add(i + 1); // because ConLL index starts from 1 if (!inRegion) { inRegion = true; } matchStart++; } else { if (inRegion) { inRegion = false; idx.clear(); matchStart--; } } } if (matchStart == matchEnd) { return idx; } else { if (targetPattern[0].length() > 0) { System.out.println(Arrays.toString(tokenizedSentence)); System.out .println("ERROR : CANNOT FIND \"" + Arrays.toString(targetPattern) + "\" IN THE SENTENCE"); } return null; } } public ArrayList<Integer> getTriggerTokenIdx(int sentenceCnt) { String[] triggerItem = getTrigger(sentenceCnt).split("\\|"); String[] tokenized = getTokenized(sentenceCnt); ArrayList<Integer> matchIdx = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < triggerItem.length; i++) { List<String> ls = slem.tokenize(triggerItem[i].trim()); String[] triggerValues = ls.toArray(new String[ls.size()]); if (getIdxMatches(triggerValues, tokenized) != null) { matchIdx.addAll(getIdxMatches(triggerValues, tokenized)); } } return matchIdx; } //TODO : add validity checking of the process frame file /*public boolean isValidData() { }*/ public String getUndergoer(int sentenceCnt) { return procArr.get(sentenceCnt).getUnderGoer(); } public ArrayList<Integer> getUndergoerTokenIdx(int sentenceCnt) { String[] undergoerItem = getUndergoer(sentenceCnt).split("\\|"); String[] tokenized = getTokenized(sentenceCnt); ArrayList<Integer> matchIdx = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < undergoerItem.length; i++) { List<String> ls = slem.tokenize(undergoerItem[i].trim()); String[] undergoerValues = ls.toArray(new String[ls.size()]); if (getIdxMatches(undergoerValues, tokenized) != null) { matchIdx.addAll(getIdxMatches(undergoerValues, tokenized)); } } return matchIdx; } public String getEnabler(int sentenceCnt) { return procArr.get(sentenceCnt).getEnabler(); } public ArrayList<Integer> getEnablerTokenIdx(int sentenceCnt) { String[] enablerItem = getEnabler(sentenceCnt).split("\\|"); String[] tokenized = getTokenized(sentenceCnt); ArrayList<Integer> matchIdx = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < enablerItem.length; i++) { List<String> ls = slem.tokenize(enablerItem[i].trim()); String[] enablerValues = ls.toArray(new String[ls.size()]); if (getIdxMatches(enablerValues, tokenized) != null) { matchIdx.addAll(getIdxMatches(enablerValues, tokenized)); } } return matchIdx; } public String getResult(int sentenceCnt) { return procArr.get(sentenceCnt).getResult(); } public ArrayList<Integer> getResultTokenIdx(int sentenceCnt) { String[] resultItem = getResult(sentenceCnt).split("\\|"); String[] tokenized = getTokenized(sentenceCnt); ArrayList<Integer> matchIdx = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < resultItem.length; i++) { List<String> ls = slem.tokenize(resultItem[i].trim()); String[] resultValues = ls.toArray(new String[ls.size()]); ; // TOKENIZED STANFORD if (getIdxMatches(resultValues, tokenized) != null) { matchIdx.addAll(getIdxMatches(resultValues, tokenized)); } } return matchIdx; } public boolean isValidFrameFile() { /*for (String process : processCountPair.keySet()) { if (processCountPair.get(process) == 1) System.out.println(process); }*/ for (int i = 0; i < procArr.size(); i++) { ProcessFrame frame = procArr.get(i); ArrayList<Integer> idx = frame.getTriggerIdx(); if (idx.size() > 0) { if (idx.get(0) == 1) { System.out.println(frame.getProcessName()); } } } return false; } public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ProcessFrameProcessor proc = new ProcessFrameProcessor( GlobalV.PROJECT_DIR + "/data/process_frame_24_july.tsv"); proc.loadProcessData(); // //proc.toConLL2009Format(GlobalVariable.PROJECT_DIR + "/data/process_frame_june.conll09"); //ProcessFrameProcessor proc = new ProcessFrameProcessor(GlobalVariable.PROJECT_DIR + "/data/ds_most_frequent_7_06_2015/ds_all_processes_w_pattern.tsv"); //proc.loadProcessData(); //System.out.println(proc.procArr.size()); //proc.isValidFrameFile(); //proc.toClearParserFormat("/Users/samuellouvan/NetBeansProjects/QA/data/process_frame_small.clearparser"); //proc.toConLL2009Format("/Users/samuellouvan/NetBeansProjects/QA/data/process_frame_small.conll2009"); //proc.loadSentences(); //System.out.println(proc.getIdxMatches("samuel student".split("\\s+"),"samuel louvan is the most stupid phd samuel student".split("\\s+"))); //QuestionDataProcessor qProc = new QuestionDataProcessor("./data/questions_23_june.tsv"); //qProc.loadQuestionData(); //ProcessFrameProcessor qFrame = new ProcessFrameProcessor("./data/question_frame_23_june.tsv"); //qFrame.loadProcessData(); /*ArrayList<QuestionData> qData = qProc.getQuestionData(); ArrayList<ProcessFrame> frame = new ArrayList<ProcessFrame>(); int nbQ = 0; for (int i = 0; i < qData.size(); i++) { String questionSent = qData.get(i).getQuestionSentence().trim(); String[] sentSplit = questionSent.split("\\."); if (sentSplit.length == 1) { frame.addAll(qFrame.getQuestionFrame(questionSent)); if (frame.size() == 0) { //System.out.println("PROBLEM :"+questionSent); } nbQ++; } else { //System.out.println(questionSent); for (String s : sentSplit) { frame.addAll(qFrame.getQuestionFrame(s)); if (frame.size() == 0) { System.out.println("PROBLEM :"+s); } } nbQ++; } }*/ //ProcessFrameUtil.toClearParserFormat(qFrame.procArr, "./data/questionFrame.clearparser"); //System.out.println(nbQ); } }