Source code

Java tutorial


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* Copyright 2002 - 2015 Webdetails, a Pentaho company. All rights reserved.
* This software was developed by Webdetails and is provided under the terms
* of the Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0, or any later version. You may not use
* this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license,
* please go to The Initial Developer is Webdetails.
* Software distributed under the Mozilla Public License is distributed on an "AS IS"
* basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Please refer to
* the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations.

package pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.pentaho.unified;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.pentaho.platform.api.engine.IAuthorizationPolicy;
import org.pentaho.platform.api.engine.IPluginManager;
import org.pentaho.platform.api.repository2.unified.IRepositoryFileData;
import org.pentaho.platform.api.repository2.unified.IUnifiedRepository;
import org.pentaho.platform.api.repository2.unified.RepositoryFile;
import org.pentaho.platform.api.repository2.unified.RepositoryFileTree;
import org.pentaho.platform.api.repository2.unified.UnifiedRepositoryException;
import org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.system.PentahoSystem;

import pt.webdetails.cpf.api.IFileContent;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.impl.FileContent;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.api.IBasicFile;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.api.IBasicFileFilter;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.util.RepositoryHelper;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.utils.CharsetHelper;
import pt.webdetails.cpf.utils.MimeTypes;

public abstract class UnifiedRepositoryAccess {

    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(UnifiedRepositoryAccess.class);
    protected String basePath;

    protected abstract IUnifiedRepository getRepository();

    public boolean fileExists(String path) {
        try {
            return getRepositoryFile(path) != null;
        } catch (UnifiedRepositoryException e) {
            return false;

    public String getFileContents(String path) throws IOException {
        InputStream input = getFileInputStream(path);

        if (input == null) {
            return null;

        try {
            return IOUtils.toString(input);
        } finally {

    public InputStream getFileInputStream(String path) throws IOException {

        RepositoryFile file = getRepositoryFile(path);

        if (file == null) {
            return null;

        try {
            SimpleRepositoryFileData data = getRepository().getDataForRead(file.getId(),
            return data.getInputStream();
        } catch (UnifiedRepositoryException ure) {
            // CDA-93: Since 5.1, ktrs are stored as NodeRepositoryFileData instead of SimpleRepositoryFileData on EE
            // We need to check:
            // 1. if we're on EE
            // 2. whether the resource is a ktr or a kjb to load the approriate Converter. Otherwise we'll return the
            // serialization of the node
            NodeRepositoryFileData data = getRepository().getDataForRead(file.getId(),
            IPluginManager pManager = PentahoSystem.get(IPluginManager.class);
            ClassLoader classLoader = pManager.getClassLoader("pdi-platform-plugin");
            if (classLoader != null) {
                //It's an EE server - get the converter class name given the file type
                String converterClassName = path.endsWith(".ktr")
                        ? "com.pentaho.repository.importexport.StreamToTransNodeConverter"
                        : path.endsWith(".kjb") ? "com.pentaho.repository.importexport.StreamToJobNodeConverter"
                                : null;

                if (converterClassName != null) {
                    try {
                        Class converterClass = classLoader.loadClass(converterClassName);
                        Object converterInstance = converterClass.getConstructors()[0].newInstance(getRepository());
                        Method m = converterClass.getMethod("convert", new Class[] { Serializable.class });
                        return (InputStream) m.invoke(converterInstance, file.getId());
                    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                        logger.error("Did not find expected converter class for resource: " + converterClassName
                                + ". Returning default conversion", e);
                    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                        logger.error("Error invoking constructor for converter class. Returning default conversion",
                    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
                        logger.error("Error invoking constructor for converter class. Returning default conversion",
                    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                        logger.error("Error invoking constructor for converter class. Returning default conversion",
                    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                        logger.error("convert method not found in converter class. ", e);

            return new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getNode().toString().getBytes("UTF8"));

    public long getLastModified(String path) {
        RepositoryFile file = getRepositoryFile(path);
        if (file != null && file.getLastModifiedDate() != null) {
            return file.getLastModifiedDate().getTime();
        return 0L;

    protected RepositoryFile getRepositoryFile(String path) throws UnifiedRepositoryException {
        return getRepository().getFile(getFullPath(path));

    private IRepositoryFileData createFileData(InputStream input, String mimeType) {
        return new SimpleRepositoryFileData(input, CharsetHelper.getEncoding(), mimeType);

    private boolean rawPathExists(IUnifiedRepository repo, String fullRepoPath) {
        try {
            return repo.getFile(fullRepoPath) != null;
        } catch (UnifiedRepositoryException e) {
            return false;

    public boolean saveFile(String path, InputStream input) {

        FileContent file = new FileContent();

        return saveFile(file);

    public boolean saveFile(IFileContent file) {
        IUnifiedRepository repo = getRepository();

        InputStream is = null;
        try {
            is = file.getContents();
        } catch (IOException e) {

        IRepositoryFileData data = createFileData(is, MimeTypes.getMimeType(file.getPath()));
        RepositoryFile savedFile = null;
        if (fileExists(file.getPath())) {
            //yay, just update: no muss, no fuss!
            RepositoryFile repositoryFile = getRepositoryFile(file.getPath());
            // TODO: preserve mimeType from file data
            savedFile = repo.updateFile(repositoryFile, data, null);
            // TODO: what happens here when things go wrong?
        } else {
            // keeps '/'
            RepositoryFile parentDir = getOrCreateFolder(repo, FilenameUtils.getPathNoEndSeparator(file.getPath()));

            if (parentDir == null) {
                logger.error("Unable to ensure parent folder for " + file.getPath() + ". Check permissions?");

            String name = !StringUtils.isEmpty(file.getName()) ? file.getName()
                    : FilenameUtils.getName(file.getPath());

            RepositoryFile.Builder fileBuilder = new RepositoryFile.Builder(name);

            Map<String, Properties> localePropertiesMap = new HashMap<String, Properties>();
            String defaultLocale = "default"; // use default locale
            Properties props = new Properties();

            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(file.getTitle())) {
                fileBuilder = fileBuilder.title(file.getTitle());
                props.put("file.title", file.getTitle());

            if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(file.getDescription())) {
                fileBuilder = fileBuilder.title(file.getDescription());
                props.put("file.description", file.getDescription());

            localePropertiesMap.put(defaultLocale, props);
            fileBuilder = fileBuilder.localePropertiesMap(localePropertiesMap);

            savedFile = repo.createFile(parentDir.getId(),, data, null);
        return savedFile != null && savedFile.getId() != null;

    private RepositoryFile getOrCreateFolder(IUnifiedRepository repo, String path) {
        return getOrCreateFolder(repo, path, false);

    private RepositoryFile getOrCreateFolder(IUnifiedRepository repo, String path, boolean isHidden) {
        // full path, no slash at end
        String fullPath = StringUtils.chomp(getFullPath(path), "/");
        // backtrack path to get list of folders to create
        List<String> foldersToCreate = new ArrayList<String>();
        while (!rawPathExists(repo, fullPath)) {
            // "a / b / c"
            // path<-|^|-> to create
            // accepts '/'
            int sepIdx = FilenameUtils.indexOfLastSeparator(fullPath);
            if (sepIdx < 0) {
            foldersToCreate.add(fullPath.substring(sepIdx + 1));
            fullPath = fullPath.substring(0, sepIdx);

        //in case we reached root
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(fullPath)) {
            fullPath = RepositoryHelper.appendPath("/", fullPath);

        RepositoryFile baseFolder = repo.getFile(fullPath);

        if (baseFolder == null) {
            logger.error("Path " + fullPath + " doesn't exist");
            return null;
        // reverse iterate 
        if (foldersToCreate.size() > 0) {
            for (int i = foldersToCreate.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                String folder = foldersToCreate.get(i);
                baseFolder = repo.createFolder(baseFolder.getId(),
                        new RepositoryFile.Builder(folder).folder(true).hidden(isHidden).build(), null);
        return baseFolder;

    public boolean createFolder(String path) {
        return createFolder(path, false);

    public boolean createFolder(String path, boolean isHidden) {
        RepositoryFile folder = getOrCreateFolder(getRepository(), path, isHidden);
        if (folder == null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;

    protected String getFullPath(String path) {
        // forces '/'
        return FilenameUtils.normalize(RepositoryHelper.appendPath(basePath, path), true);

    //reverse of getFullPath
    protected String relativizePath(String fullPath) {
        return RepositoryHelper.relativizePath(basePath, fullPath, true);

    public boolean saveFile(String path, String contents) {
        return saveFile(path, IOUtils.toInputStream(contents));

    public IBasicFile fetchFile(String path) {
        RepositoryFile file = getRepositoryFile(path);
        return (file == null) ? null : asBasicFile(file, path);

    public boolean copyFile(String pathFrom, String pathTo) {
        try {
            // copyFile api didn't seem that linear, implemented as saveAs
            return saveFile(pathTo, getFileInputStream(pathFrom));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return false;

    public boolean deleteFile(String path) {
        RepositoryFile repositoryFile = getRepositoryFile(path);
        if (repositoryFile == null) {
            return false;
        getRepository().deleteFile(repositoryFile.getId(), null);
        return true;

     * list all files under a given base path
     * @param path   the base/root path
     * @param filter (optional) allows for filtering of the returned list of files
     * @return list of files under a given base path
     * @see pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.api.IBasicFileFilter
    public List<IBasicFile> listFiles(String path, IBasicFileFilter filter) {
        return listFiles(getFullPath(path), 1, false, filter, false, new ArrayList<IBasicFile>());

     * list all files/folders under a given base path
     * @param path        the base/root path
     * @param filter      (optional) allows for filtering of the returned list of files
     * @param maxDepth    the search and listing depth; -1 for full depth, zero for no depth (i.e only the base path's
     *                    direct children)
     * @param includeDirs true if list of IBasicFile returned should also include folders, false otherwise
     * @return list of files/folders under a given base path
     * @see pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.api.IBasicFileFilter
    public List<IBasicFile> listFiles(String path, IBasicFileFilter filter, int maxDepth, boolean includeDirs) {
        return listFiles(getFullPath(path), maxDepth, includeDirs, filter, false, new ArrayList<IBasicFile>());

     * list all files/folders under a given base path
     * @param path                      the base/root path
     * @param filter                    (optional) allows for filtering of the returned list of files
     * @param maxDepth                  the search and listing depth; -1 for full depth, zero for no depth (i.e only the
     *                                  base path's direct children)
     * @param includeDirs               true if list of IBasicFile returned should also include folders, false otherwise
     * @param showHiddenFilesAndFolders true if list of IBasicFile returned should also include files/folders marked as
     *                                  hidden, false otherwise
     * @return list of files/folders under a given base path
     * @see pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.api.IBasicFileFilter
    public List<IBasicFile> listFiles(String path, IBasicFileFilter filter, int maxDepth, boolean includeDirs,
            boolean showHiddenFilesAndFolders) {
        return listFiles(getFullPath(path), maxDepth, includeDirs, filter, showHiddenFilesAndFolders,
                new ArrayList<IBasicFile>());

    public List<IBasicFile> listFiles(String path, IBasicFileFilter filter, int maxDepth) {
        return listFiles(path, filter, maxDepth, false);

    protected IBasicFile asBasicFile(final RepositoryFile file, final String path) {
        final String relativePath = (path == null) ? relativizePath(file.getPath()) : path;
        return new IBasicFile() {

            public InputStream getContents() {
                try {
                    return UnifiedRepositoryAccess.this.getFileInputStream(relativePath);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    return null;

            public String getName() {
                return file.getName();

            public String getFullPath() {
                return FilenameUtils.separatorsToUnix(file.getPath());

            public String getPath() {
                return relativePath;

            public String getExtension() {
                return RepositoryHelper.getExtension(getName());

            public boolean isDirectory() {
                return file.isFolder();


     * DFS files matching filter.
     * @param path
     * @param includeDirs
     * @param filter
     * @param showHiddenFiles
     * @param listOut
     * @return List of files by the order they're found.
    protected List<IBasicFile> listFiles(String path, int depth, boolean includeDirs, IBasicFileFilter filter,
            boolean showHiddenFiles, final List<IBasicFile> listOut) {
        // TODO: check for depth coherence with other types, better impl
        RepositoryFileTree tree = getRepository().getTree(path, depth, null, showHiddenFiles);
        // TODO: in case there are no files / folder is hidden the tree could be null?
        if (tree != null) {
            populateList(listOut, tree, filter, includeDirs, showHiddenFiles);
        return listOut;

    // replicate pentaho web service behaviour
    protected boolean hideSystemFile(RepositoryFile file) {
        IAuthorizationPolicy policy = PentahoSystem.get(IAuthorizationPolicy.class);
        boolean isAdmin = policy.isAllowed(AdministerSecurityAction.NAME);
        Map<String, Serializable> fileMeta = getRepository().getFileMetadata(file.getId());
        boolean isSystemFolder = fileMeta.containsKey(IUnifiedRepository.SYSTEM_FOLDER)
                ? (Boolean) fileMeta.get(IUnifiedRepository.SYSTEM_FOLDER)
                : false;

        if (!isAdmin && isSystemFolder) {
            return true;
        return false;

    // painful thing to do, but it's a unifying interface
    protected void populateList(List<IBasicFile> list, RepositoryFileTree tree, IBasicFileFilter filter,
            final boolean includeDirs, final boolean showHidden) {
        RepositoryFile file = tree.getFile();

        if (!showHidden && file.isHidden()) {

        if (hideSystemFile(file)) {

        if (filter == null) {
            // no filter == 'accept all' filter
            filter = new IBasicFileFilter() {
                public boolean accept(IBasicFile file) {
                    return true;

        if (file.isFolder()) {
            // TODO "FILES" doesn't seem to work here
            for (RepositoryFileTree actualFileTree : tree.getChildren()) {
                RepositoryFile actualFile = actualFileTree.getFile();
                if (includeDirs || !actualFile.isFolder()) {
                    if (!showHidden && actualFile.isHidden()) {
                    IBasicFile bFile = asBasicFile(actualFile, null);
                    if (filter.accept(bFile) && !hideSystemFile(actualFile)) {
                if (actualFileTree.getChildren() != null) {
                    populateList(list, actualFileTree, filter, includeDirs, showHidden);
