Java tutorial
/*! * Copyright 2002 - 2014 Webdetails, a Pentaho company. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by Webdetails and is provided under the terms * of the Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0, or any later version. You may not use * this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license, * please go to The Initial Developer is Webdetails. * * Software distributed under the Mozilla Public License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Please refer to * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations. */ package pt.webdetails.cda.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import javax.swing.table.TableModel; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.util.TypedTableModel; import pt.webdetails.cda.dataaccess.ColumnDefinition; import pt.webdetails.cda.dataaccess.DataAccess; import pt.webdetails.cda.dataaccess.DataAccessEnums; import pt.webdetails.cda.dataaccess.Parameter; import pt.webdetails.cda.query.QueryOptions; import pt.webdetails.cda.utils.kettle.SortException; import pt.webdetails.cda.utils.kettle.SortTableModel; /** * Utility class to handle TableModel operations * <p/> * User: pedro Date: Feb 4, 2010 Time: 12:31:54 PM */ public class TableModelUtils { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(TableModelUtils.class); private static final String DT_FILTER = "dtFilter"; private static final String DT_SEARCHABLE = "dtSearchableColumns"; private static TableModelUtils _instance; /** * @deprecated all methods made static */ @Deprecated public TableModelUtils() { } /** * @deprecated all methods made static */ @Deprecated public static synchronized TableModelUtils getInstance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new TableModelUtils(); } return _instance; } public static TableModel postProcessTableModel(final DataAccess dataAccess, final QueryOptions queryOptions, final TableModel rawTableModel) throws SortException, InvalidOutputIndexException { if (rawTableModel == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot process null table."); } // We will: // 1. Evaluate Calculated columns // 2. Show only the output columns we want; // 3. Sort // 4. Pagination TableModel table; // 1 Evaluate Calculated columns table = evaluateCalculatedColumns(dataAccess, rawTableModel); // 2. Show only the output columns we want, filter rows List<Integer> outputIndexes = getOutputIndexes(dataAccess, queryOptions, table); DataTableFilter rowFilter = getRowFilter(queryOptions, outputIndexes); //mdx and denormalizedMdx queries with an empty result set can return different metadata (less columns), //in this cases, the output indexes will be ignored boolean useOutputIndexes = true; if (table.getRowCount() == 0 && (dataAccess.getType().equals("mdx") || dataAccess.getType().equals("denormalizedMdx"))) { useOutputIndexes = false; logger.warn("Mdx query returned empty result set, output indexes will be ignored."); } table = useOutputIndexes ? filterTable(table, outputIndexes, rowFilter) : filterTable(table, new ArrayList<Integer>(), rowFilter); // 3. Sort if (!queryOptions.getSortBy().isEmpty()) { // no action table = (new SortTableModel()).doSort(table, queryOptions.getSortBy()); } // Create a metadata-aware table model final Class<?>[] colTypes = new Class[table.getColumnCount()]; final String[] colNames = new String[table.getColumnCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) { colTypes[i] = table.getColumnClass(i); colNames[i] = table.getColumnName(i); } final int rowCount = table.getRowCount(); MetadataTableModel result = new MetadataTableModel(colNames, colTypes, rowCount); result.setMetadata("totalRows", rowCount); for (int r = 0; r < rowCount; r++) { for (int j = 0; j < table.getColumnCount(); j++) { result.setValueAt(table.getValueAt(r, j), r, j); } } // 4. Pagination return paginateTableModel(result, queryOptions); } /** * @param dataAccess * @param rawTableModel * @return */ private static TableModel evaluateCalculatedColumns(final DataAccess dataAccess, final TableModel rawTableModel) { TableModel table; final ArrayList<ColumnDefinition> columnDefinitions = dataAccess.getCalculatedColumns(); if (columnDefinitions.isEmpty()) { table = rawTableModel; } else { table = new CalculatedTableModel(rawTableModel, columnDefinitions.toArray(new ColumnDefinition[columnDefinitions.size()]), true); } return table; } /** * @param table * @param outputIndexes * @param rowFilter (optional) * @return * @throws InvalidOutputIndexException */ private static TableModel filterTable(final TableModel table, List<Integer> outputIndexes, final DataTableFilter rowFilter) throws InvalidOutputIndexException { int columnCount = outputIndexes.size(); if (columnCount == 0 && rowFilter != null) { //still have to go through the motions if we need to filter rows for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) { outputIndexes.add(i); } columnCount = outputIndexes.size(); } if (columnCount != 0) { //" "+table.getColumnCount()); if ((Collections.max(outputIndexes) > table.getColumnCount() - 1)) { String errorMessage = String.format( "Output index higher than number of columns in tableModel. %s > %s", Collections.max(outputIndexes), table.getColumnCount()); logger.error(errorMessage); if (table.getColumnCount() > 0) { throw new InvalidOutputIndexException(errorMessage, null); } else { logger.warn( "Unable to validate output indexes because table metadata is empty. Returning table."); return table; } } final int rowCount = table.getRowCount(); logger.debug(rowCount == 0 ? "No data found" : "Found " + rowCount + " rows"); final Class<?>[] colTypes = new Class[columnCount]; final String[] colNames = new String[columnCount]; //just set the number of rows/columns final TypedTableModel typedTableModel = new TypedTableModel(colNames, colTypes, rowCount); for (int rowIn = 0, rowOut = 0; rowIn < rowCount; rowIn++, rowOut++) { //filter rows if (rowFilter != null && !rowFilter.rowContainsSearchTerms(table, rowIn)) { rowOut--; continue; } //filter columns for (int j = 0; j < outputIndexes.size(); j++) { final int outputIndex = outputIndexes.get(j); typedTableModel.setValueAt(table.getValueAt(rowIn, outputIndex), rowOut, j); } } //since we set the calculated table model to infer types, they will be available after rows are evaluated for (int i = 0; i < outputIndexes.size(); i++) { final int outputIndex = outputIndexes.get(i); typedTableModel.setColumnName(i, table.getColumnName(outputIndex)); typedTableModel.setColumnType(i, table.getColumnClass(outputIndex)); } return typedTableModel; } return table; } private static DataTableFilter getRowFilter(final QueryOptions queryOptions, final List<Integer> outputIndexes) { String filterText = StringUtils.trim(queryOptions.getExtraSettings().get(DT_FILTER)); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(filterText)) { int[] searchableIndexes = null; if (queryOptions.getExtraSettings().containsKey(DT_SEARCHABLE)) { try { String[] unparsedIndexes = StringUtils.split(queryOptions.getExtraSettings().get(DT_SEARCHABLE), ','); searchableIndexes = new int[unparsedIndexes.length]; if (outputIndexes.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < searchableIndexes.length; i++) { int idx = Integer.parseInt(unparsedIndexes[i].trim()); searchableIndexes[i] = outputIndexes.get(idx); } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { logger.error(DT_SEARCHABLE + " is out of bounds."); searchableIndexes = null; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { logger.error(DT_SEARCHABLE + " not a comma-separated list of integers: " + queryOptions.getExtraSettings().get(DT_SEARCHABLE)); searchableIndexes = null; } } if (searchableIndexes == null) { //include all searchableIndexes = new int[outputIndexes.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < searchableIndexes.length; i++) { searchableIndexes[i] = outputIndexes.get(i); } } return new DataTableFilter(filterText, searchableIndexes); } return null; } private static List<Integer> getOutputIndexes(final DataAccess dataAccess, final QueryOptions queryOptions, TableModel table) throws InvalidOutputIndexException { // First we need to check if there's nothing to do. ArrayList<Integer> outputIndexes = dataAccess.getOutputs(queryOptions.getOutputIndexId()); if (outputIndexes == null) { throw new InvalidOutputIndexException("Invalid outputIndexId: " + queryOptions.getOutputIndexId(), null); } /* if (queryOptions.isPaginate() == false && outputIndexes.isEmpty() && queryOptions.getSortBy().isEmpty()) { // No, the original one is good enough return t; } */ // 2 // If output mode == exclude, we need to translate the excluded outputColuns // into included ones if (dataAccess.getOutputMode(queryOptions.getOutputIndexId()) == DataAccess.OutputMode.EXCLUDE && outputIndexes.size() > 0) { ArrayList<Integer> newOutputIndexes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) { if (!outputIndexes.contains(i)) { newOutputIndexes.add(i); } } outputIndexes = newOutputIndexes; } return outputIndexes; } public static TableModel copyTableModel(final DataAccess dataAccess, final TableModel t) { // We're removing the ::table-by-index:: cols // Build an array of column indexes whose name is different from ::table-by-index::.* ArrayList<String> namedColumns = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Class<?>> namedColumnsClasses = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); for (int i = 0; i < t.getColumnCount(); i++) { String colName = t.getColumnName(i); if (!colName.startsWith("::table-by-index::") && !colName.startsWith("::column::")) { namedColumns.add(colName); namedColumnsClasses.add(t.getColumnClass(i)); } } final int count = namedColumns.size(); final Class<?>[] colTypes = namedColumnsClasses.toArray(new Class[] {}); final String[] colNames = namedColumns.toArray(new String[] {}); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { colTypes[i] = t.getColumnClass(i); final ColumnDefinition col = dataAccess.getColumnDefinition(i); colNames[i] = col != null ? col.getName() : t.getColumnName(i); } final int rowCount = t.getRowCount(); logger.debug(rowCount == 0 ? "No data found" : "Found " + rowCount + " rows"); //if the first row has no values, the class will be Object, however, next rows can have values, we evaluate those for (int i = 0; i < colTypes.length; i++) { if (colTypes[i] == Object.class) { for (int k = 0; k < t.getRowCount(); k++) { if (t.getValueAt(k, i) != null) { colTypes[i] = t.getValueAt(k, i).getClass(); break; } } } } final TypedTableModel typedTableModel = new TypedTableModel(colNames, colTypes, rowCount); for (int r = 0; r < rowCount; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < count; c++) { typedTableModel.setValueAt(t.getValueAt(r, c), r, c); } } return typedTableModel; } public static TableModel dataAccessMapToTableModel(HashMap<String, DataAccess> dataAccessMap) { int rowCount = dataAccessMap.size(); // Define names and types final String[] colNames = { "id", "name", "type" }; final Class<?>[] colTypes = { String.class, String.class, String.class }; final TypedTableModel typedTableModel = new TypedTableModel(colNames, colTypes, rowCount); //Automatically sorts the given HashMap by key into a TreeMap Map<String, DataAccess> dataAccessSortedMap = new TreeMap<String, DataAccess>(dataAccessMap); for (DataAccess dataAccess : dataAccessSortedMap.values()) { if (dataAccess.getAccess() == DataAccessEnums.ACCESS_TYPE.PUBLIC) { typedTableModel .addRow(new Object[] { dataAccess.getId(), dataAccess.getName(), dataAccess.getType() }); } } return typedTableModel; } public static TableModel dataAccessParametersToTableModel(final ArrayList<Parameter> parameters) { int rowCount = parameters.size(); // Define names and types final String[] colNames = { "name", "type", "defaultValue", "pattern", "access" }; final Class<?>[] colTypes = { String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class }; final TypedTableModel typedTableModel = new TypedTableModel(colNames, colTypes, rowCount); for (Parameter p : parameters) { typedTableModel.addRow(new Object[] { p.getName(), p.getTypeAsString(), p.getDefaultValue(), p.getPattern(), p.getAccess().toString() }); } return typedTableModel; } /** * Method to append a tablemodel into another. We'll make no guarantees about the types * * @param tableModelA TableModel to be modified * @param tableModelB Contents to be appended # */ public static TableModel appendTableModel(final TableModel tableModelA, final TableModel tableModelB) { // We will believe the data is correct - no type checking int colCountA = tableModelA.getColumnCount(), colCountB = tableModelB.getColumnCount(); boolean usingA = colCountA > colCountB; int colCount = usingA ? colCountA : colCountB; TableModel referenceTable = (usingA ? tableModelA : tableModelB); final Class<?>[] colTypes = new Class[colCount]; final String[] colNames = new String[colCount]; for (int i = 0; i < referenceTable.getColumnCount(); i++) { colTypes[i] = referenceTable.getColumnClass(i); colNames[i] = referenceTable.getColumnName(i); } int rowCount = tableModelA.getRowCount() + tableModelB.getRowCount(); // Table A final TypedTableModel typedTableModel = new TypedTableModel(colNames, colTypes, rowCount); for (int r = 0; r < tableModelA.getRowCount(); r++) { for (int c = 0; c < colTypes.length; c++) { typedTableModel.setValueAt(tableModelA.getValueAt(r, c), r, c); } } // Table B int rowCountOffset = tableModelA.getRowCount(); for (int r = 0; r < tableModelB.getRowCount(); r++) { for (int c = 0; c < colTypes.length; c++) { typedTableModel.setValueAt(tableModelB.getValueAt(r, c), r + rowCountOffset, c); } } return typedTableModel; } private static TableModel paginateTableModel(MetadataTableModel t, QueryOptions queryOptions) { if (!queryOptions.isPaginate() || (queryOptions.getPageSize() == 0 && queryOptions.getPageStart() == 0)) { return t; } final int rowCount = Math.min(queryOptions.getPageSize(), t.getRowCount() - queryOptions.getPageStart()); logger.debug( "Paginating " + queryOptions.getPageSize() + " pages from page " + queryOptions.getPageStart()); final Class<?>[] colTypes = new Class[t.getColumnCount()]; final String[] colNames = new String[t.getColumnCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < t.getColumnCount(); i++) { colTypes[i] = t.getColumnClass(i); colNames[i] = t.getColumnName(i); } final MetadataTableModel resultTableModel = new MetadataTableModel(colNames, colTypes, rowCount, t.getAllMetadata()); resultTableModel.setMetadata("pageSize", queryOptions.getPageSize()); resultTableModel.setMetadata("pageStart", queryOptions.getPageStart()); for (int r = 0; r < rowCount; r++) { for (int j = 0; j < t.getColumnCount(); j++) { resultTableModel.setValueAt(t.getValueAt(r + queryOptions.getPageStart(), j), r, j); } } return resultTableModel; } }