Java tutorial
/*! * Copyright 2002 - 2013 Webdetails, a Pentaho company. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by Webdetails and is provided under the terms * of the Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0, or any later version. You may not use * this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license, * please go to The Initial Developer is Webdetails. * * Software distributed under the Mozilla Public License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Please refer to * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations. */ package pt.webdetails.cda.utils.mondrian; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel; import mondrian.olap.Axis; import mondrian.olap.Cell; import mondrian.olap.Dimension; import mondrian.olap.Member; import mondrian.olap.Position; import mondrian.olap.Result; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.MetaAttributeNames; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.MetaTableModel; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.util.CloseableTableModel; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.wizard.DataAttributes; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.wizard.DefaultConceptQueryMapper; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.wizard.DefaultDataAttributes; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.wizard.EmptyDataAttributes; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.extensions.datasources.mondrian.MDXMetaDataCellAttributes; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.extensions.datasources.mondrian.MDXMetaDataMemberAttributes; /** * This tablemodel performs some preprocessing to get multi-dimensional resultset (with row and column headers) into a * classical table-structure. The query must be a two-dimensional query or the whole process will break. * <p/> * This class exists for legacy reasons to provide existing reports the same view on MDX data as implemented in the * Pentaho-Platform and the Report-Designer. It can also be somewhat useful if you have a requirement to produce banded * reporting over a MDX data source. * * @author : Thomas Morgner */ public class CompactBandedMDXTableModel extends AbstractTableModel implements CloseableTableModel, MetaTableModel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(CompactBandedMDXTableModel.class); private boolean noMeasures; private Result resultSet; private int rowCount; private int columnCount; private String[] columnNames; private int[] axesSize; private int[] columnToAxisPosition; private Dimension[] columnToDimensionMapping; public CompactBandedMDXTableModel(final Result resultSet, final int rowLimit) { if (resultSet == null) { throw new NullPointerException("ResultSet returned was null"); } this.resultSet = resultSet; // rowcount is the product of all axis-sizes. If an axis contains more than one member, then // Mondrian already performs the crossjoin for us. // column count is the count of all hierachies of all axis. final Axis[] axes = this.resultSet.getAxes(); this.rowCount = 0; this.axesSize = new int[axes.length]; final int[] axesMembers = new int[axes.length]; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Dimension>[] dimensionsForMembersPerAxis = new List[axes.length]; @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Integer>[] membersPerAxis = new List[axes.length]; // process the column axis first .. if (axesSize.length > 0) { final Axis axis = axes[0]; final List<Position> positions = axis.getPositions(); axesSize[0] = positions.size(); if (positions.isEmpty()) { noMeasures = true; } } // Axis contains (zero or more) positions, which contains (zero or more) members for (int axesIndex = axes.length - 1; axesIndex >= 1; axesIndex -= 1) { final Axis axis = axes[axesIndex]; final List<Position> positions = axis.getPositions(); axesSize[axesIndex] = positions.size(); if (positions.isEmpty()) { noMeasures = true; } final ArrayList<Integer> memberList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); final ArrayList<Dimension> dimensionsForMembers = new ArrayList<Dimension>(); for (int positionsIndex = 0; positionsIndex < positions.size(); positionsIndex++) { final Position position = positions.get(positionsIndex); for (int positionIndex = 0; positionIndex < position.size(); positionIndex++) { Member m = position.get(positionIndex); final Dimension dimension = m.getDimension(); int hierarchyLevelCount = 1; // Originally was 0 // // Change compared to BandedMDXTM - we don't want all levels // while (false && m != null) // { // m = m.getParentMember(); // hierarchyLevelCount += 1; // } if (memberList.size() <= positionIndex) { memberList.add(hierarchyLevelCount); dimensionsForMembers.add(dimension); } else { final Integer existingLevel = memberList.get(positionIndex); if (existingLevel.intValue() < hierarchyLevelCount) { memberList.set(positionIndex, hierarchyLevelCount); dimensionsForMembers.set(positionIndex, dimension); } } } } int memberCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < memberList.size(); i++) { memberCount += memberList.get(i); } axesMembers[axesIndex] = memberCount; dimensionsForMembersPerAxis[axesIndex] = dimensionsForMembers; membersPerAxis[axesIndex] = memberList; } if (axesSize.length > 1) { rowCount = axesSize[1]; for (int i = 2; i < axesSize.length; i++) { final int size = axesSize[i]; rowCount *= size; } } if (noMeasures == false) { rowCount = Math.max(1, rowCount); } if (axesSize.length == 0) { columnCount = 1; } else if (axesSize.length > 0) { columnCount = axesSize[0]; } for (int i = 1; i < axesMembers.length; i++) { columnCount += axesMembers[i]; } columnNames = new String[columnCount]; columnToDimensionMapping = new Dimension[columnCount]; columnToAxisPosition = new int[columnCount]; int columnIndex = 0; int dimColIndex = 0; // final FastStack memberStack = new FastStack(); for (int axesIndex = axes.length - 1; axesIndex >= 1; axesIndex -= 1) { final Axis axis = axes[axesIndex]; final List<Position> positions = axis.getPositions(); final LinkedHashSet<String> columnNamesSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (int positionsIndex = 0; positionsIndex < positions.size(); positionsIndex++) { final Position position = positions.get(positionsIndex); for (int positionIndex = 0; positionIndex < position.size(); positionIndex++) { // memberStack.clear(); Member m = position.get(positionIndex); // Get member's hierarchy final String name = m.getHierarchy().getName(); if (columnNamesSet.contains(name) == false) { columnNamesSet.add(name); } } } if (columnNamesSet.size() != axesMembers[axesIndex]) { logger.error("ERROR: Number of names is not equal the pre-counted number."); } final List<Dimension> dimForMemberPerAxis = dimensionsForMembersPerAxis[axesIndex]; final List<Integer> memberCntPerAxis = membersPerAxis[axesIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < memberCntPerAxis.size(); i++) { final Integer count = memberCntPerAxis.get(i); final Dimension dim = dimForMemberPerAxis.get(i); for (int x = 0; x < count.intValue(); x += 1) { this.columnToDimensionMapping[dimColIndex + x] = dim; this.columnToAxisPosition[dimColIndex + x] = axesIndex; } dimColIndex = count.intValue() + dimColIndex; } final String[] names = columnNamesSet.toArray(new String[columnNamesSet.size()]); System.arraycopy(names, 0, this.columnNames, columnIndex, names.length); columnIndex += names.length; } if (axesSize.length > 0) { // now create the column names for the column-axis final Axis axis = axes[0]; final List<Position> positions = axis.getPositions(); for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++) { final Position position = positions.get(i); final StringBuffer positionName = new StringBuffer(100); for (int j = 0; j < position.size(); j++) { if (j != 0) { positionName.append('/'); } final Member member = position.get(j); //positionName.append(MondrianUtil.getUniqueMemberName(member)); positionName.append(member.getName()); } columnNames[columnIndex] = positionName.toString(); columnIndex += 1; } } if (axesSize.length == 0) { columnNames[0] = "Measure"; } if (rowLimit > 0) { rowCount = Math.min(rowLimit, rowCount); } } public int getRowCount() { return rowCount; } public int getColumnCount() { return columnCount; } /** * Returns a default name for the column using spreadsheet conventions: A, B, C, ... Z, AA, AB, etc. If * <code>column</code> cannot be found, returns an empty string. * * @param column the column being queried * @return a string containing the default name of <code>column</code> */ public String getColumnName(final int column) { return columnNames[column]; } public Object getValueAt(final int rowIndex, final int columnIndex) { if (columnIndex >= columnNames.length) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } final int correctedColIndex; if (axesSize.length > 0) { final int startOfColumnIndex = columnCount - axesSize[0]; if (columnIndex < startOfColumnIndex) { // this is a query for a axis-header correctedColIndex = -1; } else { correctedColIndex = columnIndex - startOfColumnIndex; } } else { correctedColIndex = 0; } final int[] cellKey = computeCellKey(rowIndex, correctedColIndex); // user asked for a dimension ... final Dimension dimension = columnToDimensionMapping[columnIndex]; if (dimension == null) { final Cell cell = resultSet.getCell(cellKey); if (cell.isNull()) { return null; } return cell.getValue(); } Member contextMember = getContextMember(dimension, columnIndex, cellKey); if (contextMember != null) { return contextMember.getName(); } return null; } /** * Returns <code>Object.class</code> regardless of <code>columnIndex</code>. * * @param columnIndex the column being queried * @return the Object.class */ public Class<?> getColumnClass(int columnIndex) { try { Object targetClassObj = getValueAt(0, columnIndex); return targetClassObj == null ? Object.class : targetClassObj.getClass(); } catch (Exception e) { return Object.class; } } private int[] computeCellKey(final int rowIndex, final int columnIndex) { final int[] cellKey = new int[axesSize.length]; int tmpRowIdx = rowIndex; if (axesSize.length > 0) { cellKey[0] = columnIndex; } for (int i = 1; i < axesSize.length; i++) { final int axisSize = axesSize[i]; if (axisSize == 0) { cellKey[i] = 0; } else { final int pos = tmpRowIdx % axisSize; cellKey[i] = pos; tmpRowIdx = tmpRowIdx / axisSize; } } return cellKey; } private Member getContextMember(final Dimension dimension, final int columnIndex, final int[] cellKey) { final int axisIndex = columnToAxisPosition[columnIndex]; final Axis[] axes = resultSet.getAxes(); final Axis axis = axes[axisIndex]; final int posIndex = cellKey[axisIndex]; final List<Position> positionList = axis.getPositions(); if (positionList.isEmpty()) { return null; } final Position position = positionList.get(posIndex); for (int i = 0; i < position.size(); i++) { final Member member = position.get(i); if (dimension.equals(member.getDimension())) { return member; } } return null; } public void close() { resultSet.close(); } /** * Returns the meta-attribute as Java-Object. The object type that is expected by the report engine is defined in the * TableMetaData property set. It is the responsibility of the implementor to map the native meta-data model into a * model suitable for reporting. * <p/> * Meta-data models that only describe meta-data for columns can ignore the row-parameter. * * @param rowIndex the row of the cell for which the meta-data is queried. * @param columnIndex the index of the column for which the meta-data is queried. * @return the meta-data object. */ public DataAttributes getCellDataAttributes(final int rowIndex, final int columnIndex) { if (columnIndex >= columnNames.length) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } final int[] cellKey = computeCellKey(rowIndex, columnIndex); // user asked for a dimension ... final Dimension dimension = columnToDimensionMapping[columnIndex]; if (dimension == null) { final Cell cell = resultSet.getCell(cellKey); return new MDXMetaDataCellAttributes(EmptyDataAttributes.INSTANCE, cell); } Member contextMember = getContextMember(dimension, columnIndex, cellKey); while (contextMember != null) { if (contextMember.getLevel().getUniqueName().equals(getColumnName(columnIndex))) { return new MDXMetaDataMemberAttributes(EmptyDataAttributes.INSTANCE, contextMember); } contextMember = contextMember.getParentMember(); } return EmptyDataAttributes.INSTANCE; } public boolean isCellDataAttributesSupported() { return true; } public DataAttributes getColumnAttributes(final int column) { return EmptyDataAttributes.INSTANCE; } /** * Returns table-wide attributes. This usually contain hints about the data-source used to query the data as well as * hints on the sort-order of the data. * * @return the table attributes. */ public DataAttributes getTableAttributes() { final DefaultDataAttributes dataAttributes = new DefaultDataAttributes(); dataAttributes.setMetaAttribute(MetaAttributeNames.Core.NAMESPACE, MetaAttributeNames.Core.CROSSTAB_MODE, DefaultConceptQueryMapper.INSTANCE, MetaAttributeNames.Core.CROSSTAB_VALUE_NORMALIZED); return dataAttributes; } }