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 * Copyright 2002 - 2015 Webdetails, a Pentaho company. All rights reserved.
 * This software was developed by Webdetails and is provided under the terms
 * of the Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0, or any later version. You may not use
 * this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license,
 * please go to The Initial Developer is Webdetails.
 * Software distributed under the Mozilla Public License is distributed on an "AS IS"
 * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Please refer to
 * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations.

package pt.webdetails.cda.filetests;

import static pt.webdetails.cda.test.util.CdaTestHelper.assertJsonEquals;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import javax.swing.table.TableModel;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.exception.ExceptionUtils;
import org.junit.Assert;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.metadata.DataFactoryRegistry;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.metadata.DefaultDataFactoryCore;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.metadata.DefaultDataFactoryMetaData;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.metadata.MaturityLevel;
import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.util.TypedTableModel;

import pt.webdetails.cda.CdaEngine;
import pt.webdetails.cda.dataaccess.DenormalizedMdxDataAccess;
import pt.webdetails.cda.dataaccess.PropertyDescriptor;
import pt.webdetails.cda.query.QueryOptions;
import pt.webdetails.cda.settings.CdaSettings;
import pt.webdetails.cda.utils.mondrian.CompactBandedMDXDataFactory;
import pt.webdetails.cda.utils.mondrian.ExtBandedMDXDataFactory;
import pt.webdetails.cda.utils.mondrian.ExtDenormalizedMDXDataFactory;
import pt.webdetails.cda.test.util.TableModelChecker;
import pt.webdetails.cda.test.util.CdaTestHelper.SimpleTableModel;

public class MdxJdbcTest extends CdaTestCase {

    private static final Class<?>[] customDataFactories = { CompactBandedMDXDataFactory.class,
            ExtBandedMDXDataFactory.class, ExtDenormalizedMDXDataFactory.class };

    protected void setUp() throws Exception {

    public void testMdxJdbcITQuery() throws Exception {
        final CdaSettings cdaSettings = parseSettingsFile("sample-mondrian.cda");

        QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
        queryOptions.addParameter("status", "Shipped");
        Class<?>[] classes = new Class[11];
        Arrays.fill(classes, Double.class);
        classes[10] = BigDecimal.class;
        TypedTableModel expected = new TypedTableModel(new String[] { "Year", "price",
                "[Time].[All Years].[2003].[QTR3]", "[Time].[All Years].[2003].[QTR4]",
                "[Time].[All Years].[2004].[QTR1]", "[Time].[All Years].[2004].[QTR2]",
                "[Time].[All Years].[2004].[QTR3]", "[Time].[All Years].[2004].[QTR4]",
                "[Time].[All Years].[2005].[QTR1]", "[Time].[All Years].[2005].[QTR2]", "PriceInK" }, classes);
        TableModel tm = doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);
        TableModelChecker checker = new TableModelChecker(true, true);
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            checker.setDoubleComparison(i, 1e-8);
        checker.setBigDecimalComparison(10, "1e-8");
        expected.addRow(445094.69d, 564842.02d, 687268.8699999998d, 1876495.6699999985d, 877418.9699999997d,
                660518.8399999997d, 1145308.08d, 2066959.999999998d, 1013171.0199999999d, 499903.43999999977d,
                new BigDecimal("0.56484202"));
        checker.assertEquals(expected, tm);

    public void testMondrianCompactQueries() throws Exception {

        final CdaSettings cdaSettings = parseSettingsFile("sample-mondrian-compact.cda");

        QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
        queryOptions.addParameter("status", "Shipped");

        // 1
        TableModel result = doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);
        TypedTableModel expected1 = new TypedTableModel(new String[] { "Time", "Sales", "Quantity" },
                new Class<?>[] { String.class, Double.class, Double.class });
        expected1.addRow("2003", 3573701.2500000023d, 35313.0);
        expected1.addRow("QTR1", 445094.69d, 4561.0);
        expected1.addRow("QTR2", 564842.02d, 5695.0);
        expected1.addRow("QTR3", 687268.8699999998d, 6629.0);
        expected1.addRow("QTR4", 1876495.6699999985d, 18428.0);
        expected1.addRow("2004", 4750205.889999998d, 47151.0);
        expected1.addRow("QTR1", 877418.9699999997d, 8694.0);
        expected1.addRow("QTR2", 660518.8399999997d, 6647.0);
        expected1.addRow("QTR3", 1145308.08d, 11311.0);
        expected1.addRow("QTR4", 2066959.999999998d, 20499.0);
        expected1.addRow("2005", 1513074.4600000002d, 14607.0);
        expected1.addRow("QTR1", 1013171.0199999999d, 9876.0);
        expected1.addRow("QTR2", 499903.43999999977d, 4731.0);
        TableModelChecker checker = new TableModelChecker(true, true);
        checker.setDoubleComparison(1, 1e-8);
        checker.setDoubleComparison(2, 1e-8);
        checker.assertEquals(expected1, result);

        // 2
        result = doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);
        for (int i = 1; i < result.getColumnCount(); i++) {
            checker.setDoubleComparison(i, 1e-8);
        Class<?>[] classes2 = new Class[14];
        Arrays.fill(classes2, Double.class);
        classes2[0] = String.class;
        String[] names2 = new String[14];
        names2[0] = "Measures";
        for (int i = 0; i < expected1.getRowCount(); i++) {
            names2[i + 1] = (String) expected1.getValueAt(i, 0);
        // flip expected1
        TypedTableModel expected2 = new TypedTableModel(names2, classes2);
        Object[] row1 = new Object[14];
        row1[0] = "Sales";
        for (int i = 0; i < expected1.getRowCount(); i++) {
            row1[i + 1] = expected1.getValueAt(i, 1);
        Object[] row2 = new Object[14];
        row2[0] = "Quantity";
        for (int i = 0; i < expected1.getRowCount(); i++) {
            row2[i + 1] = expected1.getValueAt(i, 2);
        checker.assertEquals(expected2, result);

        // 3...
        TypedTableModel expected3 = new TypedTableModel(new String[] { "Product", "Time", "Sales", "Quantity" },
                new Class<?>[] { String.class, String.class, Double.class, Double.class });
        for (int i = 0; i < expected1.getRowCount(); i++) {
            Object[] row = new Object[4];
            row[0] = "All Products";
            for (int j = 0; j < expected1.getColumnCount(); j++) {
                row[j + 1] = expected1.getValueAt(i, j);
        result = doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);
        checker.assertEquals(expected3, result);

        // 4!
        result = doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);
        for (int i = 1; i < expected2.getColumnCount(); i++) {
            expected2.setColumnName(i, "All Products/" + expected2.getColumnName(i));
        checker.setDoubleComparison(1, 1e-8);
        checker.assertEquals(expected2, result);

    public void testMdxExceptionHandling() throws Exception {

        final CdaSettings cdaSettings = parseSettingsFile("sample-mondrian-compact.cda");

        QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
        queryOptions.addParameter("status", "Shipperyship");

        try {
            doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);
  "no exception");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e.getCause());
                    "MondrianException: Mondrian Error:MDX object '[Order Status].[Shipperyship]' not found in cube "
                            + "'SteelWheelsSales'",

    public void testInterfaceNoBandedMode() {
        boolean bandedFound = false;
        DenormalizedMdxDataAccess dmda = new DenormalizedMdxDataAccess();
        List<PropertyDescriptor> properties = dmda.getInterface();
        for (PropertyDescriptor pd : properties) {
            if (pd.getName().equals("bandedMode")) {
                bandedFound = true;


    public void testSortMdxQuery() throws Exception {
        final CdaSettings cdaSettings = parseSettingsFile("sample-mondrian-compact.cda");
        CdaEngine engine = getEngine();

        QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
        queryOptions.addParameter("status", "Shipped");

        TableModelChecker checker = new TableModelChecker();
        checker.setDoubleComparison(1, 1e-8);
        checker.setDoubleComparison(2, 1e-8);

        queryOptions.setSortBy(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "0D", "1A" }));
        TableModel table = engine.doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);
        TableModel expected = new SimpleTableModel(new Object[] { "QTR4", 1876495.6699999985, 18428.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR4", 2066959.999999998, 20499.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR3", 687268.8699999998, 6629.0 }, new Object[] { "QTR3", 1145308.08, 11311.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR2", 499903.43999999977, 4731.0 }, new Object[] { "QTR2", 564842.02, 5695.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR2", 660518.8399999997, 6647.0 }, new Object[] { "QTR1", 445094.69, 4561.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR1", 877418.9699999997, 8694.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR1", 1013171.0199999999, 9876.0 },
                new Object[] { "2005", 1513074.4600000002, 14607.0 },
                new Object[] { "2004", 4750205.889999998, 47151.0 },
                new Object[] { "2003", 3573701.2500000023, 35313.0 });
        checker.assertEquals(expected, table);

        queryOptions.setSortBy(Arrays.asList(new String[] {}));
        expected = new SimpleTableModel(new Object[] { "2003", 3573701.2500000023, 35313.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR1", 445094.69, 4561.0 }, new Object[] { "QTR2", 564842.02, 5695.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR3", 687268.8699999998, 6629.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR4", 1876495.6699999985, 18428.0 },
                new Object[] { "2004", 4750205.889999998, 47151.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR1", 877418.9699999997, 8694.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR2", 660518.8399999997, 6647.0 }, new Object[] { "QTR3", 1145308.08, 11311.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR4", 2066959.999999998, 20499.0 },
                new Object[] { "2005", 1513074.4600000002, 14607.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR1", 1013171.0199999999, 9876.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR2", 499903.43999999977, 4731.0 });
        table = engine.doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);
        checker.assertEquals(expected, table);

        queryOptions.setSortBy(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "0D", "2", "1A" }));
        expected = new SimpleTableModel(new Object[] { "QTR4", 1876495.6699999985, 18428.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR4", 2066959.999999998, 20499.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR3", 687268.8699999998, 6629.0 }, new Object[] { "QTR3", 1145308.08, 11311.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR2", 499903.43999999977, 4731.0 }, new Object[] { "QTR2", 564842.02, 5695.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR2", 660518.8399999997, 6647.0 }, new Object[] { "QTR1", 445094.69, 4561.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR1", 877418.9699999997, 8694.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR1", 1013171.0199999999, 9876.0 },
                new Object[] { "2005", 1513074.4600000002, 14607.0 },
                new Object[] { "2004", 4750205.889999998, 47151.0 },
                new Object[] { "2003", 3573701.2500000023, 35313.0 });
        table = engine.doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);
        checker.assertEquals(expected, table);

        queryOptions.setSortBy(Arrays.asList(new String[] { "1A" }));
        expected = new SimpleTableModel(new Object[] { "QTR1", 445094.69, 4561.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR2", 499903.43999999977, 4731.0 }, new Object[] { "QTR2", 564842.02, 5695.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR2", 660518.8399999997, 6647.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR3", 687268.8699999998, 6629.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR1", 877418.9699999997, 8694.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR1", 1013171.0199999999, 9876.0 }, new Object[] { "QTR3", 1145308.08, 11311.0 },
                new Object[] { "2005", 1513074.4600000002, 14607.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR4", 1876495.6699999985, 18428.0 },
                new Object[] { "QTR4", 2066959.999999998, 20499.0 },
                new Object[] { "2003", 3573701.2500000023, 35313.0 },
                new Object[] { "2004", 4750205.889999998, 47151.0 });
        table = engine.doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);
        checker.assertEquals(expected, table);


    public void testCsvExport() throws Exception {
        String expectedOutput = "\"[Measures].[MeasuresLevel]\";Year;price\n\"Sales\";445094.69;564842.02\n";

        final CdaSettings cdaSettings = parseSettingsFile("sample-output.cda");

        QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
        queryOptions.addParameter("status", "Shipped");

        TableModel table = doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);

        String csv = exportTableModel(table, queryOptions);
        assertEquals(expectedOutput, csv);

    public void testJsonExport() throws Exception {
        String expectedOutput = "{\"queryInfo\":{\"totalRows\":\"1\"},"
                + "\"resultset\":[[\"Sales\",445094.69,564842.02]],\""
                + "metadata\":[{\"colIndex\":0,\"colType\":\"String\",\"colName\":\"[Measures].[MeasuresLevel]\"},"
                + "{\"colIndex\":1,\"colType\":\"Numeric\",\"colName\":\"Year\"},"
                + "{\"colIndex\":2,\"colType\":\"Numeric\",\"colName\":\"price\"}]}";

        final CdaSettings cdaSettings = parseSettingsFile("sample-output.cda");

        QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
        queryOptions.addParameter("status", "Shipped");

        TableModel table = doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);

        String json = exportTableModel(table, queryOptions);
        assertJsonEquals("", expectedOutput, json);

    public void testJsonExportNaNValues() throws Exception {
        String expectedOutput = "{\"queryInfo\":{\"totalRows\":\"1\"}," + "\"resultset\":[[\"All Markets\",null]],"
                + "\"metadata\":[{\"colIndex\":0,\"colType\":\"String\",\"colName\":\"[Markets].[(All)]\"},"
                + "{\"colIndex\":1,\"colType\":\"Numeric\",\"colName\":\"[Measures].[Invalid]\"}]}";

        final CdaSettings cdaSettings = parseSettingsFile("sample-output.cda");

        QueryOptions queryOptions = new QueryOptions();

        TableModel table = doQuery(cdaSettings, queryOptions);

        String json = exportTableModel(table, queryOptions);
        assertJsonEquals("", expectedOutput, json);

    protected static void registerCustomDataFactories() {
        for (Class<?> clazz : customDataFactories) {
            DefaultDataFactoryMetaData dmd = new DefaultDataFactoryMetaData(clazz.getName(), "", "", true, false,
                    true, false, false, false, false, MaturityLevel.Production, new DefaultDataFactoryCore(), 0);