Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 BMD Software and University of Aveiro. * * Neji is a flexible and powerful platform for biomedical information extraction from text. * * This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. * To view a copy of this license, visit * * This project is a free software, you are free to copy, distribute, change and transmit it. * However, you may not use it for commercial purposes. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import martin.common.Pair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.ConstructorUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Utility class that holds pipeline modules, parser parameters and document * formats to handle conversion into JSON and back, which in turn allows * these to be persisted or transferred between different endpoints. * * @author Eduardo Duarte (<a href=""></a>)) * @version 1.0 */ public class ContextConfiguration { /** * {@link org.slf4j.Logger} to be used in the class. */ private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContextConfiguration.class); private final InputFormat inputFormat; private final List<OutputFormat> outputFormats; private final List<String> moduleNames; private final Map<String, Collection<Pair<String>>> moduleParams; private final ParserTool parserTools; private final ParserLanguage parserLanguage; private final ParserLevel parserLevel; private byte[] falsePositives; private byte[] semanticGroupsNormalization; private ContextConfiguration(final InputFormat inputFormat, final List<OutputFormat> outputFormats, final List<String> moduleNames, final Map<String, Collection<Pair<String>>> moduleParams, final ParserTool parserTools, final ParserLanguage parserLanguage, final ParserLevel parserLevel) { this(inputFormat, outputFormats, moduleNames, moduleParams, parserTools, parserLanguage, parserLevel, null, null); } private ContextConfiguration(final InputFormat inputFormat, final List<OutputFormat> outputFormats, final List<String> moduleNames, final Map<String, Collection<Pair<String>>> moduleParams, final ParserTool parserTools, final ParserLanguage parserLanguage, final ParserLevel parserLevel, final byte[] falsePositives, final byte[] semanticGroupsNormalization) { this.inputFormat = inputFormat; this.outputFormats = outputFormats; this.moduleNames = moduleNames; this.moduleParams = moduleParams; this.parserTools = parserTools; this.parserLanguage = parserLanguage; this.parserLevel = parserLevel; this.falsePositives = falsePositives; this.semanticGroupsNormalization = semanticGroupsNormalization; } @Override public String toString() { Gson gson = new Gson(); String inputFormatJson = gson.toJson(inputFormat); String outputFormatsJson = gson.toJson(outputFormats); String moduleNamesJson = gson.toJson(moduleNames); String paramsJson = gson.toJson(moduleParams); List<String> parserStrings = new ArrayList<>(); parserStrings.add(; parserStrings.add(; parserStrings.add(; String parserArgsJson = gson.toJson(parserStrings); return inputFormatJson + "|" + outputFormatsJson + "|" + moduleNamesJson + "|" + paramsJson + "|" + parserArgsJson; } public InputFormat getInputFormat() { return inputFormat; } public List<OutputFormat> getOutputFormats() { return outputFormats; } public ParserTool getParserTool() { return parserTools; } public ParserLanguage getParserLanguage() { return parserLanguage; } public ParserLevel getParserLevel() { return parserLevel; } /** * Get false positives byte array. * @return The false positives byte array */ public byte[] getFalsePositives() { return falsePositives; } /** * Get false positives stream. * @return The false positives stream */ public InputStream getFalsePositivesStream() { if (falsePositives == null) { return null; } return new ByteArrayInputStream(falsePositives); } /** * Set false positives. * @param falsePositives The false positives byte array */ public void setFalsePositives(byte[] falsePositives) { this.falsePositives = falsePositives; } /** Get semantic groups normalization byte array. * @return The semantic groups normalization byte array */ public byte[] getSemanticGroupsNormalization() { return semanticGroupsNormalization; } /** * Get semantic groups normalization stream. * @return The false positives stream */ public InputStream getSemanticGroupsNormalizationStream() { if (semanticGroupsNormalization == null) { return null; } return new ByteArrayInputStream(semanticGroupsNormalization); } /** * Set semantic groups normalization. * @param semanticGroupsNormalization The semantic groups normalization byte array */ public void setSemanticGroupsNormalization(byte[] semanticGroupsNormalization) { this.semanticGroupsNormalization = semanticGroupsNormalization; } public int fetchCustomModules(final List<Module> moduleList, Parser parser) { int indexAfterReaders = 1; int i = 0; try { for (String moduleName : moduleNames) { Module m; Collection<Pair<String>> moduleParams = this.moduleParams.get(moduleName); if (moduleParams != null) { m = invokeModuleWithParams(moduleName, moduleParams, parser); } else { m = (Module) Class.forName(moduleName).newInstance(); } moduleList.add(m); if (m instanceof Reader) { indexAfterReaders = i + 1; } i++; } } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { logger.error("Error fetching modules", ex); } return indexAfterReaders; } private static Module invokeModuleWithParams(final String moduleName, final Collection<Pair<String>> moduleParams, final Parser parser) throws ReflectiveOperationException { List<Class<?>> classes = new ArrayList<>(); List<Object> objects = new ArrayList<>(); for (Pair<String> pair : moduleParams) { Class paramClass = Class.forName(pair.getX()); if (paramClass == Parser.class) { if (parser == null) { logger.warn( "Module that required a parser in constructor was skipped during ContextDescriptor fetching: no parser was provided."); continue; } else { objects.add(parser); } } else if (paramClass.isEnum()) { Enum paramEnum = Enum.valueOf(paramClass, pair.getY()); objects.add(paramEnum); } else { objects.add(ConstructorUtils.invokeConstructor(paramClass, pair.getY())); if (Primitives.isWrapperType(paramClass)) { paramClass = Primitives.unwrap(paramClass); } } classes.add(paramClass); } return (Module) ConstructorUtils.invokeConstructor(Class.forName(moduleName), objects.toArray(), classes.toArray(new Class[classes.size()])); } public static final class Builder { // Variables that define a Context and the pipeline modules private final AtomicReference<InputFormat> inputFormat; private final List<OutputFormat> outputFormats; private final List<String> moduleNames; private final Multimap<String, Pair<String>> moduleParams; private final AtomicReference<ParserTool> atomicTool; private final AtomicReference<ParserLanguage> atomicLanguage; private final AtomicReference<ParserLevel> atomicLevel; private final AtomicReference<String> atomicParserPath; // A pipeline is built right away to perform validation when building // the configuration, providing immediate feedback to the user in // case it fails. private final List<Module> modulesForValidation; public Builder() { inputFormat = new AtomicReference<>(); outputFormats = new ArrayList<>(); moduleNames = new ArrayList<>(); moduleParams = ArrayListMultimap.create(); atomicTool = new AtomicReference<>(ParserTool.GDEP); atomicLanguage = new AtomicReference<>(ParserLanguage.ENGLISH); atomicLevel = new AtomicReference<>(ParserLevel.TOKENIZATION); modulesForValidation = new ArrayList<>(); atomicParserPath = new AtomicReference<>(); } public ContextConfiguration build() throws NejiException { final InputFormat inputFormat2 = inputFormat.get(); if (inputFormat2 == null) { throw new NejiException("An input format must be set before parsing the command line modules."); } if (outputFormats.isEmpty()) { throw new NejiException( "One or more output formats must be set before parsing the command line modules."); } Parser placeholderParser = Parser.defaultParserFactory(atomicTool.get(), atomicLanguage.get(), atomicLevel.get(), atomicParserPath.get()); if (!inputFormat2.equals(InputFormat.CUSTOM)) { modulesForValidation.add(inputFormat2.instantiateDefaultReader(placeholderParser, placeholderParser.getLevel(), new String[0])); } // adds placeholder NLP and Abbreviation to fulfill some requirements during validation int index = 0; if (inputFormat2.equals(InputFormat.BC2)) { modulesForValidation.add(0, new TrainNLP(placeholderParser)); index = 1; } else if (!inputFormat2.equals(InputFormat.BIOC) && !moduleNames.contains(NLP.class.getName())) { modulesForValidation.add(0, new NLP(placeholderParser)); index = 1; } modulesForValidation.add(index, new Abbreviation()); for (OutputFormat outputFormat : outputFormats) { if (!outputFormat.equals(OutputFormat.CUSTOM)) modulesForValidation.add(outputFormat.instantiateDefaultWriter()); } // validate specified modules DefaultPipeline p = new DefaultPipeline(); PipelineValidator validator = new DefaultPipelineValidator(p); for (Module m : modulesForValidation) { p.add(m); } validator.validate(); return new ContextConfiguration(inputFormat.get(), // input format outputFormats, // output format moduleNames, moduleParams.asMap(), // pipeline modules and args atomicTool.get(), // parser tool atomicLanguage.get(), // parser language atomicLevel.get()); // parser level } public ContextConfiguration trainBuildPhase1() throws NejiException { final InputFormat inputFormat2 = inputFormat.get(); // Veify if there are an input format if (inputFormat2 == null) { throw new NejiException("An input format must be set before parsing the command line modules."); } // Verify if there are an output format if (outputFormats.isEmpty()) { throw new NejiException("One output formats must be set before parsing the command line modules."); } // Add reader to modules for validation Parser placeholderParser = Parser.defaultParserFactory(atomicTool.get(), atomicLanguage.get(), atomicLevel.get(), atomicParserPath.get()); if (!inputFormat2.equals(InputFormat.CUSTOM)) { modulesForValidation.add(inputFormat2.instantiateDefaultReader(placeholderParser, placeholderParser.getLevel(), new String[0])); } // Add writer to modules for validation for (OutputFormat outputFormat : outputFormats) { if (!outputFormat.equals(OutputFormat.CUSTOM)) { modulesForValidation.add(outputFormat.instantiateDefaultWriter()); } } // Validate specified modules TrainPipelinePhase1 p = new TrainPipelinePhase1(); PipelineValidator validator = new TrainPipelinePhase1Validator(p); for (Module m : modulesForValidation) { p.add(m); } validator.validate(); return new ContextConfiguration(inputFormat.get(), // input format outputFormats, // output format moduleNames, moduleParams.asMap(), // pipeline modules and args atomicTool.get(), // parser tool atomicLanguage.get(), // parser language atomicLevel.get()); // parser level } public ContextConfiguration trainBuildPhase2() throws NejiException { final InputFormat inputFormat2 = inputFormat.get(); // Veify if there are an input format if (inputFormat2 == null) { throw new NejiException("An input format must be set before parsing the command line modules."); } // Verify if there are an output format if (outputFormats.isEmpty()) { throw new NejiException("One output formats must be set before parsing the command line modules."); } // Add reader to modules for validation Parser placeholderParser = Parser.defaultParserFactory(atomicTool.get(), atomicLanguage.get(), atomicLevel.get(), atomicParserPath.get()); if (!inputFormat2.equals(InputFormat.CUSTOM)) { modulesForValidation.add(inputFormat2.instantiateDefaultReader(placeholderParser, placeholderParser.getLevel(), new String[0])); } // Add trainer to modules for validation modulesForValidation.add(new DefaultTrainer()); // Add writer to modules for validation for (OutputFormat outputFormat : outputFormats) { if (!outputFormat.equals(OutputFormat.CUSTOM)) { modulesForValidation.add(outputFormat.instantiateDefaultWriter()); } } // Validate specified modules TrainPipelinePhase1 p = new TrainPipelinePhase1(); PipelineValidator validator = new TrainPipelinePhase1Validator(p); for (Module m : modulesForValidation) { p.add(m); } validator.validate(); return new ContextConfiguration(inputFormat.get(), // input format outputFormats, // output format moduleNames, moduleParams.asMap(), // pipeline modules and args atomicTool.get(), // parser tool atomicLanguage.get(), // parser language atomicLevel.get()); // parser level } public Builder withInputFormat(final InputFormat inputFormat) { this.inputFormat.set(inputFormat); return this; } public Builder withOutputFormats(final List<OutputFormat> outputFormats) { this.outputFormats.addAll(outputFormats); return this; } public Builder withParserTool(final ParserTool parserTool) { this.atomicTool.set(parserTool); return this; } public Builder withParserLanguage(final ParserLanguage parserLanguage) { this.atomicLanguage.set(parserLanguage); return this; } public Builder withParserLevel(final ParserLevel parserLevel) { this.atomicLevel.set(parserLevel); return this; } public Builder withParserPath(final String parserPath) { this.atomicParserPath.set(parserPath); return this; } /** * Parses a JSON string and obtains organized descriptions of modules to be * instantiated and used in the future. */ public Builder parseJson(String jsonText) throws NejiException { try { Gson gson = new Gson(); Pattern pipePattern = Pattern.compile("\\|"); String[] split = pipePattern.split(jsonText); InputFormat aux1 = gson.fromJson(split[0], new TypeToken<InputFormat>() { }.getType()); inputFormat.set(aux1); List<OutputFormat> aux2 = gson.fromJson(split[1], new TypeToken<List<OutputFormat>>() { }.getType()); outputFormats.addAll(aux2); List<String> aux3 = gson.fromJson(split[2], new TypeToken<List<String>>() { }.getType()); moduleNames.addAll(aux3); Map<String, Collection<Pair<String>>> aux4 = gson.fromJson(split[3], new TypeToken<Map<String, Collection<Pair<String>>>>() { }.getType()); for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<Pair<String>>> entry : aux4.entrySet()) { moduleParams.putAll(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } List<String> parserStrings = gson.fromJson(split[4], new TypeToken<List<String>>() { }.getType()); atomicTool.set(ParserTool.valueOf(parserStrings.get(0))); atomicLanguage.set(ParserLanguage.valueOf(parserStrings.get(1))); atomicLevel.set(ParserLevel.valueOf(parserStrings.get(2))); return this; } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) { throw new NejiException(ex); } } /** * Parses a list of command-line segments and obtains organized descriptions of * modules to be instantiated and used in the future. */ public Builder parseCLI(String modulesCommandLine) throws NejiException { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(modulesCommandLine)) { return this; // default post-processing modules } final List<String> modulesCommandSegments = Lists .newArrayList(Pattern.compile("\\|").split(modulesCommandLine)); for (int k = 0; k < modulesCommandSegments.size(); k++) { String moduleName = modulesCommandSegments.get(k).toLowerCase(); List<String> moduleArgs = new ArrayList<>(); if (moduleName.contains("-")) { String[] segmentParts = moduleName.split("-"); moduleName = segmentParts[0]; int size = segmentParts.length; for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) { moduleArgs.add(segmentParts[i]); } } Class<? extends Module> moduleClass = null; for (Class<? extends Module> m : ModuleLookup.getAllModuleClasses()) { if (m.getSimpleName().toLowerCase().contains(moduleName)) { moduleClass = m; break; } } // if class is null, it is not a valid module if (moduleClass == null) { throw new NejiException( "Invalid command line segment, index " + k + ": '" + moduleName + "' does not exist."); } try { resolveForValidation(moduleClass, moduleArgs); } catch (NejiException ex) { throw new NejiException("Invalid command line segment, index " + k + ": " + ex.getMessage()); } } return this; } private void resolveForValidation(final Class<? extends Module> moduleClass, final List<String> moduleArgs) throws NejiException { Module moduleObject; List<Pair<String>> params = new ArrayList<>(); try { try { // tests if module has a constructor that requires a Parser moduleClass.getConstructor(Parser.class); // since module has such a constructor: Parser parser = Parser.defaultParserFactory(atomicTool.get(), atomicLanguage.get(), atomicLevel.get(), null); moduleObject = ConstructorUtils.invokeConstructor(moduleClass, parser); params.add(new Pair<>(Parser.class.getName(), "")); atomicTool.set(parser.getTool()); atomicLanguage.set(parser.getLanguage()); atomicLevel.set(parser.getLevel()); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException ex) { // since module does not have a constructor that requires a Parser if (moduleClass == Disambiguate.class) { moduleObject = new Disambiguate(true, false); params.add(new Pair<>(Boolean.class.getName(), Boolean.toString(true))); params.add(new Pair<>(Boolean.class.getName(), Boolean.toString(false))); } else if (false) { /// TODO: FILL IN OTHER MODULE'S DEFAULT DEFINITIONS HERE } else { // no more specific module definitions, assume default constructor moduleObject = moduleClass.newInstance(); } } } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new NejiException(ex); } modulesForValidation.add(moduleObject); // if (moduleObject instanceof Reader) { // inputFormat.set(((Reader) moduleObject).getInputFormat()); // } else if (moduleObject instanceof Writer) { // outputFormats.add(((Writer) moduleObject).getOutputFormat()); if (moduleObject instanceof NLP) { modulesForValidation.add(new DictionaryHybrid(null)); // just to provide Annotations during validation } moduleNames.add(moduleClass.getName()); for (Pair<String> param : params) { moduleParams.put(moduleClass.getName(), param); } } } }