Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 BMD Software and University of Aveiro. * * Neji is a flexible and powerful platform for biomedical information extraction from text. * * This project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. * To view a copy of this license, visit * * This project is a free software, you are free to copy, distribute, change and transmit it. * However, you may not use it for commercial purposes. * * It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ package; import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger; import com.aliasi.util.Pair; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.bridge.SLF4JBridgeHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Main application for the CLI tool. * * @author David Campos (<a href=""></a>) * @author Tiago Nunes * @author Eduardo Duarte (<a href=""></a>)) * @version 3.0 * @since 1.0 */ public class Main { private static final String TMP_DIR = System.getProperty(""); /** * Help messages. */ private static final String HEADER = "\nNeji: modular biomedical concept recognition made easy, fast and accessible."; private static final String USAGE = "-i <folder> -if [XML|RAW|BIOC|BC2] [-x <tags>] [-f <wildcard filter>] " + "-o <folder> -of [XML|NEJI|A1|CONLL|JSON|B64|BIOC|PIPE|PIPEXT|BC2] " + "[-p <folder>] " + "[-d <folder>] " + "[-m <folder>] " + "[-custom MODULE1-ARG1-ARG2|MODULE2-ARG1-ARG2|MODULE3-ARG1-ARG2] " + "[-ptool <PARSING_TOOL>] [-plang <PARSING_LANGUAGE>] [-plvl <PARSING_LEVEL>] " + "[-pcls <processor.class>] [-c] [-t <threads>] [-v] [-s]"; private static final String EXAMPLES = "\nUsage examples:\n" + "1: " + "./ -i input -if XML -o output -of XML -x text -d folder -t 2\n" + "2: " + "./ -i input -if RAW -o output -of A1 -m folder -t 4\n" + "3: " + "./ -i input -if XML -o output -of XML -x text -d folder1 -m folder2 -c -t 6\n\n"; private static final String FOOTER = "For more instructions, please visit"; private static final String SERVER_README = "Neji: modular biomedical concept recognition made easy, fast and accessible.\n" + "================================================================================\n" + "\n" + "Welcome to neji server!\n" + "\n" + "Index:\n" + " 1. Deployment\n" + " 2. Quick Start\n" + " 3. Configuration\n" + "\n" + "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + "1. DEPLOYMENT\n" + "\n" + "This is your own deployable concept recognition server. In order to deploy it:\n" + "- on Windows systems, run the provided bash ('.bat') file;\n" + "- on Mac OS or Unix systems, run the provided shell ('.sh') file;\n" + "- on any operating system with Java installed, run the command 'java -jar neji-server.jar'\n" + "\n" + "You can also use a number of different arguments when using the above mentioned commands, such as:\n" + " \"-port <port>\" to set the port where the server instance will be executed. 8010 is chosen by default;\n" + " \"-t <number of threads>\" to set the number of threads to be used by the server for concept annotation processing and request queueing;\n" + " \"-v\" to run the server in verbose mode.\n" + "\n" + "neji-server exposes its functionality through a browser interface, accessible at http://localhost:<port>.\n" + "When the server has been successfully deployed, http://localhost:<port> will show the information below and will be ready to receive and process any document with the dictionaries, ML models and parsing tools available in their respective folders, which were provided along with the execution binaries and this README file.\n" + "\n" + "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + "2. QUICK START\n" + "\n" + "This server manages concurrent services, each service representing independent document processing requirements. Services can be individually configured to annotate documents using different sets of dictionaries and models loaded in the server and to use different parsing levels.\n" + "\n" + "A service called \"default\" has been created, and it uses all of the dictionaries, ML models and parsing tools that were set during the server's generation process.\n" + "To start processing documents with this service, go to http://localhost:<port>/services/default/.\n" + "To configure this service, go to http://localhost:<port>/services/default/edit/.\n" + "\n" + "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" + "3. CONFIGURATION\n" + "\n" + "To add a new service or delete currently active services, go to http://localhost:<port>/services.\n" + "In the right side of each service in the list you can:\n" + " - access the processing widget page;\n" + " - access the configuration page;\n" + " - delete the service from the server.\n" + "\n" + "When configuring a service, you can set which of the dictionaries and models loaded in the server will be used during document processing, which parsing level will be used during NLP and if annotations without IDs will be included.\n" + "\n" + "You can set a service to start or stop using a dictionary or model at any time. To permanently delete dictionaries and models from the server, or to add/delete normalization dictionaries from running models, access the administration area in http://localhost:<port>/admin.\n" + "\n" + "New dictionaries and ML models can be added by uploading relevant files, which will then be immediately loaded in the server and made available to any service. When a resource is added to the server, the service that added it will be automatically configured to use it. Other existing services can be manually configured to also use the added resources.\n" + "\n" + "Below is some information on how dictionaries and models should be provided:\n" + "\n" + " + To add a new dictionary, simply upload the dictionary file. Dictionaries\n" + " are distinguished by filename, which means that if a user tries to upload\n" + " a new dictionary whose filename equals an existing one in the server, then\n" + " this new dictionary will NOT be added.\n" + "\n" + " + To add a new model, all relevant files and the properties file must be\n" + " compressed into a single zip file. If the model uses normalization\n" + " dictionaries, these must also exist in the uploaded zip file, and the\n" + " properties file must properly point to these. Models are distinguished by\n" + " the zip filename, which means that if a user tries to upload a new model\n" + " contained in a zip whose filename equals an existing one in the server,\n" + " then this new model will NOT be added.\n" + "\n"; /** * {@link org.slf4j.Logger} to be used in the class. */ private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Main.class); /** * Print help message of the program. * * @param options Command line arguments. * @param msg Message to be displayed. */ private static void printHelp(final Options options, final String msg) { if (msg.length() != 0) { logger.error(msg); } HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(150, "./ " + USAGE, HEADER, options, EXAMPLES + FOOTER); } public static void main(String[] args) { // installUncaughtExceptionHandler(); int NUM_THREADS = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() - 1; NUM_THREADS = NUM_THREADS > 0 ? NUM_THREADS : 1; CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("h", "help", false, "Print this usage information."); options.addOption("i", "input", true, "Folder with corpus files."); options.addOption("o", "output", true, "Folder to save the annotated corpus files."); options.addOption("f", "input-filter", true, "Wildcard to filter files in input folder"); options.addOption("p", "parser", true, "Folder that contains the parsing tool."); Option o = new Option("m", "models", true, "Folder that contains the ML models."); o.setArgs(Integer.MAX_VALUE); options.addOption(o); options.addOption("d", "dictionaires", true, "Folder that contains the dictionaries."); options.addOption("if", "input-format", true, "BIOC, RAW or XML"); o = new Option("of", "output-formats", true, "A1, B64, BIOC, CONLL, JSON, NEJI or XML"); o.setArgs(Integer.MAX_VALUE); options.addOption(o); options.addOption("ptool", "parsing-tool", true, "GDEP or OPENNLP (GDEP is set by default)"); options.addOption("plang", "parsing-language", true, "DANISH, DUTCH, ENGLISH, FRENCH, GERMAN, PORTUGUESE or SWEDISH (ENGLISH is set by default)"); options.addOption("plvl", "parsing-level", true, "TOKENIZATION, POS, LEMMATIZATION, CHUNKING or DEPENDENCY (TOKENIZATION is set by default)"); options.addOption("pcls", "processor-class", true, "Full name of pipeline processor class."); options.addOption("custom", "custom-modules", true, "Names of custom modules to be used in order, separated by pipes. If a specified module are not a reader or a writer, it will be executed after dictionary and model processing."); options.addOption("x", "xml-tags", true, "XML tags to be considered, separated by commas."); options.addOption("v", "verbose", false, "Verbose mode."); options.addOption("s", "server", false, "Generate server."); options.addOption("c", "compressed", false, "If files are compressed using GZip."); options.addOption("noids", "include-no-ids", false, "If annotations without IDs should be included."); options.addOption("t", "threads", true, "Number of threads. By default, if more than one core is available, it is the number of cores minus 1."); options.addOption("fp", "false-positives-filter", true, "File that contains the false positive terms."); options.addOption("gn", "semantic-groups-normalization", true, "File that contains the semantic groups normalization terms."); CommandLine commandLine = null; try { // Parse the program arguments commandLine = parser.parse(options, args); } catch (ParseException ex) { logger.error("There was a problem processing the input arguments.", ex); return; } // Show help text if (commandLine.hasOption('h')) { printHelp(options, ""); return; } // No options if (commandLine.getOptions().length == 0) { printHelp(options, ""); return; } // Generate server from dictionary, model and parser parameters boolean generateServer = false; if (commandLine.hasOption('s')) { generateServer = true; } // Get corpus folder for input String folderCorpusIn = null; if (commandLine.hasOption('i')) { folderCorpusIn = commandLine.getOptionValue('i'); File test = new File(folderCorpusIn); if (!test.isDirectory() || !test.canRead()) { logger.error("The specified path is not a folder or is not readable."); return; } folderCorpusIn = test.getAbsolutePath(); folderCorpusIn += File.separator; } else { printHelp(options, "Please specify the input corpus folder."); return; } String inputFolderWildcard = null; if (commandLine.hasOption("f")) { inputFolderWildcard = commandLine.getOptionValue("f"); } // Get Input format InputFormat inputFormat; if (commandLine.hasOption("if")) { inputFormat = InputFormat.valueOf(commandLine.getOptionValue("if")); } else { printHelp(options, "Please specify the input format."); return; } // Get corpus folder for output String folderCorpusOut = null; if (commandLine.hasOption('o')) { folderCorpusOut = commandLine.getOptionValue('o'); File test = new File(folderCorpusOut); if (!test.isDirectory() || !test.canWrite()) { logger.error("The specified path is not a folder or is not writable."); return; } folderCorpusOut = test.getAbsolutePath(); folderCorpusOut += File.separator; } else { printHelp(options, "Please specify the output corpus folder."); return; } // Get Output format List<OutputFormat> outputFormats = new ArrayList<>(); if (commandLine.hasOption("of")) { String[] command = commandLine.getOptionValues("of"); for (String s : command) { OutputFormat f = OutputFormat.valueOf(s); if (f.equals(OutputFormat.A1) || f.equals(OutputFormat.JSON) || f.equals(OutputFormat.NEJI)) { if (inputFormat.equals(InputFormat.XML)) { logger.error("XML input format only supports XML and CoNLL output formats, " + "since other formats are based on character positions."); return; } } outputFormats.add(f); } } else { printHelp(options, "Please specify the output formats (in case of multiple formats, " + "separate them with a \"\\|\")."); return; } // Get XML tags String[] xmlTags = null; if (inputFormat.equals(InputFormat.XML)) { if (commandLine.hasOption("x")) { xmlTags = commandLine.getOptionValue("x").split(","); } else { printHelp(options, "Please specify XML tags to be used."); return; } } // Get models folder String modelsFolder = null; if (commandLine.hasOption('m')) { modelsFolder = commandLine.getOptionValue('m'); File test = new File(modelsFolder); if (!test.isDirectory() || !test.canRead()) { logger.error("The specified models path is not a folder or is not readable."); return; } modelsFolder = test.getAbsolutePath(); modelsFolder += File.separator; } // Get dictionaries folder String dictionariesFolder = null; if (commandLine.hasOption('d')) { dictionariesFolder = commandLine.getOptionValue('d'); File test = new File(dictionariesFolder); if (!test.isDirectory() || !test.canRead()) { logger.error("The specified dictionaries path is not a folder or is not readable."); return; } dictionariesFolder = test.getAbsolutePath(); dictionariesFolder += File.separator; } // Get parser folder String parserFolder = null; if (commandLine.hasOption("p")) { parserFolder = commandLine.getOptionValue("p"); File test = new File(parserFolder); if (!test.isDirectory() || !test.canRead()) { logger.error("The specified parser path is not a folder or is not readable."); return; } parserFolder = test.getAbsolutePath(); parserFolder += File.separator; } // Get processing modules String modulesCommandLine = ""; if (commandLine.hasOption("custom")) { modulesCommandLine = commandLine.getOptionValue("custom"); } // Get verbose mode boolean verbose = commandLine.hasOption('v'); Constants.verbose = verbose; if (Constants.verbose) { MalletLogger.getGlobal().setLevel(Level.INFO); // Redirect sout LoggingOutputStream los = new LoggingOutputStream(LoggerFactory.getLogger("stdout"), false); System.setOut(new PrintStream(los, true)); // Redirect serr los = new LoggingOutputStream(LoggerFactory.getLogger("sterr"), true); System.setErr(new PrintStream(los, true)); } else { MalletLogger.getGlobal().setLevel(Level.OFF); } // Redirect JUL to SLF4 SLF4JBridgeHandler.removeHandlersForRootLogger(); SLF4JBridgeHandler.install(); // Get compressed mode boolean compressed = false; if (commandLine.hasOption('c')) { compressed = true; } // Get threads String threadsText = null; if (commandLine.hasOption('t')) { threadsText = commandLine.getOptionValue('t'); NUM_THREADS = Integer.parseInt(threadsText); if (NUM_THREADS <= 0 || NUM_THREADS > 32) { logger.error("Illegal number of threads. Must be between 1 and 32."); return; } } // Load pipeline processor Class processor = FileProcessor.class; if (commandLine.hasOption("pcls")) { String processorName = commandLine.getOptionValue("pcls"); try { processor = Class.forName(processorName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { logger.error("Could not load pipeline processor \"" + processorName + "\""); return; } } // Load parsing tool ParserTool parsingTool = ParserTool.GDEP; if (commandLine.hasOption("ptool")) { String parsingToolName = commandLine.getOptionValue("ptool"); try { parsingTool = ParserTool.valueOf(parsingToolName); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.error("Invalid parsing tool \"" + parsingToolName + "\". " + "Must be one of " + StringUtils.join(ParserTool.values(), ", ")); return; } } // Load parsing language ParserLanguage parsingLanguage = ParserLanguage.ENGLISH; if (commandLine.hasOption("plang")) { String parsingLanguageName = commandLine.getOptionValue("plang"); try { parsingLanguage = ParserLanguage.valueOf(parsingLanguageName); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.error("Invalid parsing language \"" + parsingLanguageName + "\". " + "Must be one of " + StringUtils.join(ParserLanguage.values(), ", ")); return; } } // Load parsing level ParserLevel parsingLevel = ParserLevel.TOKENIZATION; if (commandLine.hasOption("plvl")) { String parsingLevelName = commandLine.getOptionValue("plvl"); try { parsingLevel = ParserLevel.valueOf(parsingLevelName); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.error("Invalid parsing level \"" + parsingLevelName + "\". " + "Must be one of " + StringUtils.join(ParserLevel.values(), ", ")); return; } } else { // Set model parsing level if ML will be used to annotate and no parsing level has been setted if (modelsFolder != null) { try { parsingLevel = getModelsParsingLevel(modelsFolder); } catch (NejiException ex) { logger.error("Could not load models parsing level."); return; } } } // Get if annotations without ids should be included boolean includeAnnotationsWithoutIDs = false; if (commandLine.hasOption("noids")) { includeAnnotationsWithoutIDs = true; } // Get false positives filter byte[] fpByteArray = null; if (commandLine.hasOption("fp")) { String fpPath = commandLine.getOptionValue("fp"); File test = new File(fpPath); if (!test.isFile() || !test.canRead()) { logger.error("The specified false positives path is not a file or is not readable."); return; } fpPath = test.getAbsolutePath(); fpPath += File.separator; try { fpByteArray = IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(new File(fpPath))); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("There was a problem loading the false positives " + "file.", ex); return; } } // Get semantic groups normalization byte[] groupsNormByteArray = null; if (commandLine.hasOption("gn")) { String gnPath = commandLine.getOptionValue("gn"); File test = new File(gnPath); if (!test.isFile() || !test.canRead()) { logger.error( "The specified semantic groups normalization path " + "is not a file or is not readable."); return; } gnPath = test.getAbsolutePath(); gnPath += File.separator; try { groupsNormByteArray = IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(new File(gnPath))); } catch (IOException ex) { logger.error("There was a problem loading the semantic groups " + "normalization file.", ex); return; } } // Context is built through a descriptor first, so that the pipeline can be validated before any processing ContextConfiguration descriptor = null; try { descriptor = new ContextConfiguration.Builder().withInputFormat(inputFormat) .withOutputFormats(outputFormats).withParserTool(parsingTool) .withParserLanguage(parsingLanguage).withParserLevel(parsingLevel).parseCLI(modulesCommandLine) .build(); descriptor.setFalsePositives(fpByteArray); descriptor.setSemanticGroupsNormalization(groupsNormByteArray); } catch (NejiException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } if (generateServer) { try { generateServer(descriptor, modelsFolder, dictionariesFolder, includeAnnotationsWithoutIDs); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } } else { boolean storeDocuments = false; Context context = new Context(descriptor, modelsFolder, // Models dictionariesFolder, // Dictionaries folder parserFolder // Parser folder ); try { BatchExecutor batchExecutor = new FileBatchExecutor(folderCorpusIn, folderCorpusOut, compressed, NUM_THREADS, inputFolderWildcard, storeDocuments, includeAnnotationsWithoutIDs); if (xmlTags == null) {, context); } else {, context, new Object[] { xmlTags }); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("There was a problem running the batch.", ex); } } } private static void installUncaughtExceptionHandler() { Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() { @Override public void uncaughtException(Thread thread, Throwable thrwbl) { if (thrwbl instanceof ThreadDeath) { logger.warn("Ignoring uncaught ThreadDead exception."); return; } logger.error("Uncaught exception on cli thread, aborting.", thrwbl); System.exit(0); } }); } /** * Get the higher parsing level from a folder with one or more models. * * @param modelsFolderPath models folder path * @return parsing level */ private static ParserLevel getModelsParsingLevel(String modelsFolderPath) throws NejiException { String priorityFileName = modelsFolderPath + "_priority"; MLModelsLoader ml; ParserLevel parsingLevel = ParserLevel.TOKENIZATION; // Load models list try { ml = new MLModelsLoader(Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(priorityFileName))); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new NejiException("There was a problem reading the models.", ex); } ml.load(new File(modelsFolderPath)); Map<String, MLModel> modelsTS = ml.getModels(); List<MLModel> modelList = Lists.newArrayList(modelsTS.values()); // Get higher models parsing level for (MLModel model : modelList) { ModelConfig mc = new ModelConfig(model.getConfigFile()); if (mc.isNLP()) { parsingLevel = ParserLevel.DEPENDENCY; break; } else if (mc.isChunk()) { parsingLevel = ParserLevel.CHUNKING; } else if (mc.isPos()) { if (parsingLevel != ParserLevel.CHUNKING) { parsingLevel = ParserLevel.POS; } } else if (mc.isLemma()) { if ((parsingLevel != ParserLevel.CHUNKING) && (parsingLevel != ParserLevel.POS)) { parsingLevel = ParserLevel.LEMMATIZATION; } } } return parsingLevel; } private static void generateServer(ContextConfiguration contextConfig, String modelsFolderPath, String dictionariesFolderPath, boolean includeAnnotationsWithoutIDs) throws IOException { // Zip file final File zipFile = new File(, ""); if (zipFile.exists()) { FileDeleteStrategy.FORCE.delete(zipFile); } File tmpRoot = new File(TMP_DIR, "neji-server"); if (tmpRoot.exists()) { FileDeleteStrategy.FORCE.delete(tmpRoot); } tmpRoot.mkdirs(); tmpRoot.deleteOnExit(); // Server jar file File serverFile = new File(, "neji-2.0.0-server.jar"); if (!serverFile.exists()) { throw new IOException( "The neji-server jar file must be packaged first! " + "Please run 'mvn clean install' first."); } // bat, sh and readme files File batFile = new File(tmpRoot, "neji-server.bat"); File shFile = new File(tmpRoot, ""); File readmeFile = new File(tmpRoot, "README.txt"); File loginRealmFile = new File(tmpRoot, ""); // Web resources folders File webResourcesFolder = new File(tmpRoot, "resources"); webResourcesFolder.mkdirs(); File dictionariesResourcesFolder = new File(tmpRoot, "resources" + File.separator + "dictionaries"); dictionariesResourcesFolder.mkdirs(); File modelsResourcesFolder = new File(tmpRoot, "resources" + File.separator + "models"); modelsResourcesFolder.mkdirs(); // Tools folder File toolsFolder = new File(; // Models folder if (modelsFolderPath != null) { FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(modelsFolderPath), modelsResourcesFolder); } // Dictionaries folder if (dictionariesFolderPath != null) { FileUtils.copyDirectory(new File(dictionariesFolderPath), dictionariesResourcesFolder); } // Write bat file FileUtils.write(batFile, "@echo off\n" + "\n" + "set cp=neji-server.jar\n" + "set memory=6144m\n" + "set encoding=UTF-8\n" + "set\n" + "\n" + ":run\n" + "\n" + "java -Xmx%memory% -ea -Dfile.encoding=%encoding% -classpath %cp% %class% %*\n" + "\n" + ":eof", "UTF-8"); // Write sh file FileUtils.write(shFile, "#!/bin/bash\n" + "cp=neji-server.jar:$CLASSPATH\n" + "MEMORY=6G\n" + "JAVA_COMMAND=\"java -Xmx$MEMORY -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath $cp\"\n" + "\n" + "\n" + "$JAVA_COMMAND $CLASS $*", "UTF-8"); // Write readme file FileUtils.write(readmeFile, SERVER_README); // Write login realm file FileUtils.write(loginRealmFile, "jdbcdriver = org.sqlite.JDBC\n" + "url = jdbc:sqlite:neji.db\n" + "usertable = users\n" + "usertablekey = id\n" + "usertableuserfield = username\n" + "usertablepasswordfield = pwd\n" + "roletable = roles\n" + "roletablekey = id\n" + "roletablerolefield = role\n" + "userroletable = user_roles\n" + "userroletableuserkey = user_id\n" + "userroletablerolekey = role_id\n" + "cachetime = 300"); try { String dbName = "neji.db"; FileDeleteStrategy.FORCE.delete(new File(dbName)); DatabaseHandler db = new DefaultDatabaseHandler(dbName, true); Map<String, String> groups = new HashMap<>(); // Dictionaries List<String> dicts; List<String> dictFiles = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> dictionaries = new ArrayList<>(); File dictPriorityFile = new File(dictionariesResourcesFolder, "_priority"); if (!dictPriorityFile.exists()) { dictPriorityFile.createNewFile(); } dicts = DictionariesLoader.loadPriority(new FileInputStream(dictPriorityFile)); for (String dict : dicts) { File dictionaryFile = new File( dictionariesResourcesFolder.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + dict); List<String> dictionaryLines = IOUtils.readLines(new FileInputStream(dictionaryFile), "UTF-8"); Dictionary d = VariantMatcherLoader.loadDictionaryFromLines(dictionaryLines); String dictGroup = d.getGroup(); String dictName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(dictionaryFile.getName()); dictName = dictName.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]", ""); serverDictionary = new dictName, dict, new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<String>(), dictGroup); dictionaries.add(dictName); dictFiles.add(FilenameUtils.getName(dictionaryFile.getName())); groups.put(dictGroup, dictGroup); db.addDictionary(serverDictionary); } // Models List<String> models = new ArrayList<>(); File modelPriorityFile = new File(modelsResourcesFolder, "_priority"); if (!modelPriorityFile.exists()) { modelPriorityFile.createNewFile(); } List<String> modelsPriority = MLModelsLoader.loadPriority(new FileInputStream(modelPriorityFile)); for (String p : modelsPriority) { String propertiesFilePath = modelsResourcesFolder.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + p; File propertiesFile = new File(propertiesFilePath); String modelName = propertiesFile.getParentFile().getName(); MLModel ml = new MLModel(modelName, propertiesFile); String modelGroup = ml.getSemanticGroup(); String modelFile = FilenameUtils.getName(ml.getModelFile()); models.add(modelName); groups.put(modelGroup, modelGroup); // Get model normalization dictionaries List<String> normDicts = new ArrayList<>(); if (ml.getNormalizationDictionariesFolder() != null) { String normalizationFolder = ml.getNormalizationDictionariesFolder(); File normalizationPriorityFile = new File(normalizationFolder, "_priority"); List<String> normalizationDictsPath = FileUtils.readLines(normalizationPriorityFile); List<String> normPriorityLines = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> dictPriorityLines = FileUtils.readLines(dictPriorityFile); for (String normDictPath : normalizationDictsPath) { String dictFileName = FilenameUtils.getName(normDictPath); if (!dictFiles.contains(dictFileName)) { File dictionaryFile = new File(normalizationFolder, dictFileName); List<String> dictionaryLines = IOUtils.readLines(new FileInputStream(dictionaryFile), "UTF-8"); Dictionary d = VariantMatcherLoader.loadDictionaryFromLines(dictionaryLines); String dictGroup = d.getGroup(); String dictName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(dictionaryFile.getName()); serverDictionary = new dictName, dictFileName, new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<String>(), dictGroup); normDicts.add(dictName); dictFiles.add(dictFileName); db.addDictionary(serverDictionary); FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(dictionaryFile, dictionariesResourcesFolder); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(dictionaryFile); } normPriorityLines.add("../../../dictionaries/" + dictFileName); dictPriorityLines.add(dictFileName); } FileUtils.writeLines(normalizationPriorityFile, normPriorityLines); FileUtils.writeLines(dictPriorityFile, dictPriorityLines); File normDir = new File(normalizationFolder); if (!normDir.getName().equals("normalization")) { File newNormDir = new File(normDir.getParent(), "normalization" + File.separator); normDir.renameTo(newNormDir); List<String> lines = FileUtils.readLines(propertiesFile); int i = 0; for (String line : lines) { if (line.startsWith("dictionaries=")) { break; } i++; } if (i < lines.size()) { lines.remove(i); } lines.add("dictionaries=normalization" + File.separator); FileUtils.writeLines(propertiesFile, lines); } } modelName = modelName.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]", ""); Model model = new Model(modelName, modelFile, normDicts, new ArrayList<String>(), modelGroup); db.addModel(model); } // Default Service if ((!dicts.isEmpty()) || (!models.isEmpty())) { String parsingLevel = models.isEmpty() ? "Tokenization" : "Chunking"; boolean noIds = !models.isEmpty(); Service defaultService = new Service("default", null, parsingLevel, noIds, dictionaries, models, groups, null); db.addService(defaultService); } } catch (NejiException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); logger.error("Zip file could not be generated."); return; } // Configuration folder File confFolder = new File("conf"); // Create the zip with all files to run the server InputStream zipFileStream = new ZipGenerator(tmpRoot, // root folder new Pair<>("neji-server.jar", serverFile), // server executable jar new Pair<>("resources" + File.separator + "tools" + File.separator + toolsFolder.getName(), toolsFolder), // selected tools // selected dictionaries new Pair<>("conf", confFolder), // configuration folder new Pair<>("neji.db", new File("neji.db"))).generate(); FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(zipFileStream, zipFile); } }