Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2016 Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Engenharia * Laboratrio de Sistemas e Tecnologia Subaqutica (LSTS) * All rights reserved. * Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, sala I203, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal * * This file is part of Neptus, Command and Control Framework. * * Commercial Licence Usage * Licencees holding valid commercial Neptus licences may use this file * in accordance with the commercial licence agreement provided with the * Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a * written agreement between you and Universidade do Porto. For licensing * terms, conditions, and further information contact * * European Union Public Licence - EUPL v.1.1 Usage * Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the EUPL, * Version 1.1 only (the "Licence"), appearing in the file * included in the packaging of this file. You may not use this work * except in compliance with the Licence. Unless required by applicable * law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the Licence is * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF * ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Licence for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations at * * * For more information please see <>. * * Author: jqcorreia * Apr 2, 2013 */ package pt.lsts.neptus.mra.importers.deltat; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Random; import; import pt.lsts.neptus.NeptusLog; import; import pt.lsts.neptus.mra.MRAProperties; import pt.lsts.neptus.mra.api.BathymetryInfo; import pt.lsts.neptus.mra.api.BathymetryParser; import pt.lsts.neptus.mra.api.BathymetryPoint; import pt.lsts.neptus.mra.api.BathymetrySwath; import pt.lsts.neptus.mra.api.CorrectedPosition; import pt.lsts.neptus.mra.importers.IMraLogGroup; import pt.lsts.neptus.types.coord.CoordinateUtil; import pt.lsts.neptus.types.coord.LocationType; import pt.lsts.neptus.util.DateTimeUtil; import pt.lsts.neptus.util.FileUtil; import pt.lsts.neptus.util.MathMiscUtils; import pt.lsts.neptus.util.llf.LsfLogSource; /** * @author jqcorreia * @author hfq * @author pdias */ public class DeltaTParser implements BathymetryParser { private final IMraLogGroup source; private CorrectedPosition position = null; private boolean isLoaded = false; private File file = null; private FileInputStream fis; private final FileChannel channel; private ByteBuffer buf; private long curPos = 0; private DeltaTHeader header; public BathymetryInfo info; private int realNumberOfBeams = 0; private int totalNumberPoints = 0; private boolean hasIntensity = false; private boolean generateProcessReport = false; private String processResultOutputFileName; private Writer processResultOutputWriter; private long firstTimestamp = 0; private long lastTimestamp = 0; public DeltaTParser(IMraLogGroup source) { this.source = source; file = findDataSource(source); try { fis = new FileInputStream(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } channel = fis.getChannel(); //stateParser = source.getLog("EstimatedState"); initialize(); } private synchronized void initResultOutputFile() { if (processResultOutputWriter != null || new File(processResultOutputFileName).exists()) { generateProcessReport = false; return; } try { try { processResultOutputWriter = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(processResultOutputFileName), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException UEe) { System.err.println("\n-- UnsupportedEncodingException\n"); System.err.flush(); processResultOutputWriter = new OutputStreamWriter( new FileOutputStream(processResultOutputFileName), "iso8859-1"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); generateProcessReport = false; } } private void cleanupResultOutputFile() { if (processResultOutputWriter != null) { try { processResultOutputWriter.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { processResultOutputWriter.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void recordMsgln() { recordMsg("\r\n"); } private void recordMsgln(String string) { recordMsg(string + "\r\n"); } private void recordMsg(String string) { if (generateProcessReport && processResultOutputWriter != null) { try { processResultOutputWriter.write(string); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else if (generateProcessReport && processResultOutputWriter == null) { generateProcessReport = false; } } /** * Used to gather bathymetry info and generate BathymetryInfo object */ private void initialize() { File f = new File(source.getFile("Data.lsf").getParent() + "/mra/"); File folder = new File(source.getFile("Data.lsf").getParent() + "/mra/"); if (!folder.exists()) folder.mkdirs(); processResultOutputFileName = folder.getAbsolutePath() + "/deltaT-process.txt"; if (MRAProperties.generateDeltaTProcessReport) generateProcessReport = true; if (generateProcessReport) initResultOutputFile(); if (!f.exists()) { info = new BathymetryInfo(); double maxLat = -90; double minLat = 90; double maxLon = -180; double minLon = 180; BathymetrySwath bs; boolean firstTimestampSet = false; while ((bs = nextSwath()) != null) { LocationType loc = bs.getPose().getPosition().convertToAbsoluteLatLonDepth(); double lat = loc.getLatitudeDegs(); double lon = loc.getLongitudeDegs(); maxLat = Math.max(lat, maxLat); maxLon = Math.max(lon, maxLon); minLat = Math.min(lat, minLat); minLon = Math.min(lon, minLon); if (!firstTimestampSet) { firstTimestamp = bs.getTimestamp(); firstTimestampSet = true; } lastTimestamp = bs.getTimestamp(); for (int c = 0; c < bs.getNumBeams(); c++) { BathymetryPoint p = bs.getData()[c]; info.minDepth = Math.min(info.minDepth, p.depth); info.maxDepth = Math.max(info.maxDepth, p.depth); } totalNumberPoints = totalNumberPoints + bs.getNumBeams(); realNumberOfBeams = 0; } info.topLeft = new LocationType(maxLat, minLon).translatePosition(info.maxDepth, -info.maxDepth, 0) .convertToAbsoluteLatLonDepth(); info.bottomRight = new LocationType(minLat, maxLon).translatePosition(-info.maxDepth, info.maxDepth, 0) .convertToAbsoluteLatLonDepth(); info.totalNumberOfPoints = totalNumberPoints; try { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(f)); out.writeObject(info); out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } curPos = 0; } else { try { ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); info = (BathymetryInfo) in.readObject(); in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //"<###> "+info.maxDepth); isLoaded = true; if (processResultOutputWriter != null) { generateProcessReport = false; cleanupResultOutputFile(); StringBuilder dataToSave = new StringBuilder(); dataToSave.append("% Log : " + folder.getParentFile().getName() + "\r\n"); dataToSave.append("% Box top left : " + info.topLeft + "\r\n"); dataToSave.append("% Box bottom right : " + info.bottomRight + "\r\n"); dataToSave.append("% Total number of points: " + info.totalNumberOfPoints + "\r\n"); dataToSave.append("% Depths : [" + info.minDepth + ", " + info.maxDepth + "]" + "\r\n"); if (MRAProperties.timestampMultibeamIncrement != 0) dataToSave.append("% Added milliseconds :" + MRAProperties.timestampMultibeamIncrement + "\r\n"); if (MRAProperties.soundSpeedCorrection) dataToSave.append("% Sound speed correction applied to data" + "\r\n"); dataToSave.append( "% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------" + "\r\n"); try { File mainFx = new File(processResultOutputFileName); File bkpFx = new File(processResultOutputFileName + ".bak"); if (bkpFx.exists()) bkpFx.delete(); FileUtils.moveFile(mainFx, bkpFx); FileUtil.saveToFile(processResultOutputFileName, dataToSave.toString()); FileUtil.concatFiles(mainFx, bkpFx); bkpFx.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { boolean firstTimestampSet = false; try { while (curPos < channel.size()) { buf =, curPos, 256); header = new DeltaTHeader(); header.parse(buf); if (!firstTimestampSet) { firstTimestamp = header.timestamp; firstTimestampSet = true; } lastTimestamp = header.timestamp; curPos += header.numBytes; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } curPos = 0; } } public static boolean canBeApplied(IMraLogGroup source) { File file = findDataSource(source); if (file != null && file.exists()) return true; return false; } /** * @param source */ public static File findDataSource(IMraLogGroup source) { if (source.getFile("data.83P") != null) return source.getFile("data.83P"); else if (source.getFile("Data.83P") != null) return source.getFile("Data.83P"); else if (source.getFile("multibeam.83P") != null) return source.getFile("multibeam.83P"); else return null; } public boolean isLoaded() { return isLoaded; } /** * @return the position */ public CorrectedPosition getCorrectedPosition() { if (position == null) position = new CorrectedPosition(source); return position; } @Override public long getFirstTimestamp() { return firstTimestamp; } @Override public long getLastTimestamp() { return lastTimestamp; } @Override public BathymetryInfo getBathymetryInfo() { return info; } @Override public BathymetrySwath getSwathAt(long timestamp) { if (this.header.timestamp == timestamp) { curPos -= header.numBytes; return nextSwath(1); } long oldCurPos = curPos; long posSearch = oldCurPos; if (timestamp < this.header.timestamp) posSearch = 0; try { DeltaTHeader headerTest = null; while (posSearch < channel.size()) { buf =, posSearch, 256); headerTest = new DeltaTHeader(); headerTest.parse(buf); if (headerTest.timestamp >= timestamp) { curPos = posSearch; return nextSwath(1); } posSearch += headerTest.numBytes; } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } @Override public BathymetrySwath nextSwath() { return nextSwath(1); } @Override public BathymetrySwath nextSwath(double prob) { if (position == null) position = new CorrectedPosition(source); try { if (curPos >= channel.size()) { // cleanupResultOutputFile(); return null; } BathymetryPoint data[]; realNumberOfBeams = 0; buf =, curPos, 256); header = new DeltaTHeader(); header.parse(buf); hasIntensity = header.hasIntensity; // if (hasIntensity) //"LOG has intensity"); // else //"Log doesn't have intensity"); // Parse and process data ( no need to create another structure for this ) if (header.hasIntensity) buf =, curPos + 256, header.numBeams * 4); else buf =, curPos + 256, header.numBeams * 2); data = new BathymetryPoint[header.numBeams]; long timestamp = header.timestamp + MRAProperties.timestampMultibeamIncrement; boolean poseFromCorrected = true; SystemPositionAndAttitude pose = position.getPosition(timestamp / 1000.0); if (pose == null) { poseFromCorrected = false; pose = new SystemPositionAndAttitude(); LocationType loc = new LocationType(); loc.setLatitudeDegs(CoordinateUtil.latFrom83PFormatWorker(header.gnssShipPosLat)); loc.setLongitudeDegs(CoordinateUtil.lonFrom83PFormatWorker(header.gnssShipPosLon)); loc.setAbsoluteDepth(-1); pose.setPosition(loc); pose.setTime(timestamp); pose.setAltitude(header.altitude); pose.setRoll(Math.toRadians(header.rollAngleDegreesOrientModule)); pose.setPitch(Math.toRadians(header.pitchAngleDegreesOrientModule)); pose.setYaw(Math.toRadians(header.headingAngleDegreesOrientModule));"No position found on navigation, using partial data from Sonar"); } boolean doSpeedCorrection = MRAProperties.soundSpeedCorrection; if (generateProcessReport) { recordMsgln(); recordMsgln("% Swath type & version : " + header.fileType + ", " + header.fileVersion); recordMsgln("% Swath time : " + DateTimeUtil.dateTimeFileNameFormatterMillis.format(new Date(timestamp))); recordMsgln("% Swath position : " + pose.getPosition().toString().replaceAll("\n", " ") + "m depth :: " + MathMiscUtils.round(pose.getAltitude(), 2) + "m altitude" + (poseFromCorrected ? " from corrected position" : " from data")); recordMsgln("% Swath attitude : R" + MathMiscUtils.round(Math.toDegrees(pose.getRoll()), 1) + "\u00B0 P" + MathMiscUtils.round(Math.toDegrees(pose.getPitch()), 1) + "\u00B0 Y" + MathMiscUtils.round(Math.toDegrees(pose.getYaw()), 1) + "\u00B0"); recordMsgln("% Orient. module : R" + MathMiscUtils.round(Math.toDegrees(header.rollAngleDegreesOrientModule), 1) + "\u00B0 P" + MathMiscUtils.round(Math.toDegrees(header.pitchAngleDegreesOrientModule), 1) + "\u00B0 H" + MathMiscUtils.round(Math.toDegrees(header.headingAngleDegreesOrientModule), 1) + "\u00B0"); recordMsgln("% Ship Course : " + header.gnssShipCourse + "\u00B0"); recordMsgln("% Ship Lat/Lon : " + header.gnssShipPosLat + " " + header.gnssShipPosLon); recordMsgln("% Sonar XYZ offsets : " + header.sonarXOffset + "m, " + header.sonarYOffset + "m, " + header.sonarZOffset + "m"); recordMsgln("% Angle start/increment: " + header.startAngle + "\u00B0" + ", " + header.angleIncrement + "\u00B0"); recordMsgln("% Beams : " + header.numBeams); recordMsgln("% Samples per beam : " + header.samplesPerBeam); recordMsgln("% Number of pings avg : " + header.numberOfPingsAveraged); recordMsgln("% Sample rate high/std : " + (header.sampleRateHigh ? "high" : "std") + " [std(1 in 500)/high (1 in 5000)]"); recordMsgln("% Range : " + header.range + "m"); recordMsgln("% Range resolution : " + header.rangeResolution + "mm"); recordMsgln("% Sonar Freq. : " + header.sonarFreqKHz + "kHz"); recordMsgln("% Pulse length : " + header.pulseLength + "\u03BCs"); recordMsg("% 1/PRF : " + header.pulseRepetingRate + "ms"); recordMsgln( " (" + MathMiscUtils.parseToEngineeringNotation(1. / (header.pulseRepetingRate / 1E3), 1) + "Hz)"); recordMsgln("% Ping number : " + header.pingNumber); recordMsgln("% Sector size : " + header.sectorSize + "\u00B0 :: " + (header.angleIncrement * header.numBeams) + "\u00B0 calculated"); recordMsgln("% Speed : " + MathMiscUtils.round(header.speed, 1) + "m/s"); recordMsgln("% Sound speed : " + header.soundVelocity + "m/s" + (doSpeedCorrection ? "" : " (1500m/s used for calculation)")); recordMsgln("% Roll correction : " + (header.dataIsCorrectedForRoll ? "yes" : "no")); recordMsgln("% RayBending correction: " + (header.dataIsCorrectedForRayBending ? "yes" : "no")); recordMsgln("% Op overlap mode : " + (header.sonarIsOperatingInOverlappedMode ? "yes" : "no")); recordMsgln("% Altitude : " + header.altitude + "m"); recordMsgln("% ---------------------"); } StringBuilder rangesStr = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder heightStr = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder intensityStr = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder oxStr = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder oyStr = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder deltasStr = new StringBuilder(); float prevX = Float.NaN; float prevY = Float.NaN; for (int c = 0; c < header.numBeams; c++) { double range = buf.getShort(c * 2) * (header.rangeResolution / 1000.0); // rangeResolution in mm if (range == 0.0 || Math.random() > prob) { if (generateProcessReport) { if (range != 0) { recordMsgln("% Skip swath beam " + c + " range=" + range); } else { rangesStr.append(" " + MathMiscUtils.round(range, 3)); heightStr.append(" " + Double.NaN); intensityStr.append(" " + Double.NaN); oxStr.append(" " + Double.NaN); oyStr.append(" " + Double.NaN); deltasStr.append(" " + Float.NaN); prevX = Float.NaN; prevY = Float.NaN; } } continue; } if (doSpeedCorrection && header.soundVelocity != 1500f) { range = range * header.soundVelocity / 1500f; } if (generateProcessReport) { rangesStr.append(" " + MathMiscUtils.round(range, 3)); } double angle = header.startAngle + header.angleIncrement * c; float height = (float) (range * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)) + pose.getPosition().getDepth()); double x = range * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); double yawAngle = -pose.getYaw(); float ox = (float) (x * Math.sin(yawAngle)); float oy = (float) (x * Math.cos(yawAngle)); if (header.hasIntensity) { short intensity = buf.getShort(480 + (c * 2) - 1); // sometimes there's a return = 0 int intensityInt = 0xffff & intensity; data[realNumberOfBeams] = new BathymetryPoint(ox, oy, height, intensityInt); data[realNumberOfBeams].intensityMaxValue = 65535; if (generateProcessReport) intensityStr.append(" " + intensityInt); } else { data[realNumberOfBeams] = new BathymetryPoint(ox, oy, height); data[realNumberOfBeams].intensityMaxValue = 65535; if (generateProcessReport) intensityStr.append(" " + Double.NaN); } realNumberOfBeams++; if (generateProcessReport) { heightStr.append(" " + MathMiscUtils.round(height, 3)); oxStr.append(" " + MathMiscUtils.round(ox, 3)); oyStr.append(" " + MathMiscUtils.round(oy, 3)); if (!Float.isNaN(prevX) && !Float.isNaN(prevY)) { float delta = (float) Math.sqrt((ox - prevX) * (ox - prevX) + (oy - prevY) * (oy - prevY)); deltasStr.append(" " + MathMiscUtils.round(delta, 3)); } else { deltasStr.append(" " + Float.NaN); } prevX = ox; prevY = oy; } } if (generateProcessReport) { recordMsgln("% Ranges:"); recordMsgln(rangesStr.toString()); recordMsgln("% Heights:"); recordMsgln(heightStr.toString()); recordMsgln("% Intensities:"); recordMsgln(intensityStr.toString()); recordMsgln("% Offsets X:"); recordMsgln(oxStr.toString()); recordMsgln("% Offsets Y:"); recordMsgln(oyStr.toString()); recordMsgln("% Deltas:"); recordMsgln(deltasStr.toString()); recordMsgln("% Number of beams vs read: " + header.numBeams + " vs " + realNumberOfBeams); } curPos += header.numBytes; // Advance current position BathymetrySwath swath = new BathymetrySwath(header.timestamp, pose, data); swath.setNumBeams(realNumberOfBeams); return swath; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public BathymetrySwath nextSwathNoData() { if (position == null) position = new CorrectedPosition(source); try { if (curPos >= channel.size()) return null; realNumberOfBeams = 0; buf =, curPos, 256); DeltaTHeader header = new DeltaTHeader(); header.parse(buf); long timestamp = header.timestamp + MRAProperties.timestampMultibeamIncrement; SystemPositionAndAttitude pose = position.getPosition(timestamp / 1000.0); curPos += header.numBytes; // Advance current position BathymetrySwath swath = new BathymetrySwath(header.timestamp, pose, null); swath.setNumBeams(realNumberOfBeams); return swath; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Gets the current position * @return */ public long getCurrentPosition() { return curPos; } /** * @return the header */ public DeltaTHeader getCurrentHeader() { return header; } @Override public void rewind() { curPos = 0; //stateParser.firstLogEntry(); } @Override public boolean getHasIntensity() { return hasIntensity; } public static void main(String[] args) { try { LsfLogSource source = new LsfLogSource(new File( // "/home/lsts/Desktop/to_upload_20130715/lauv-noptilus-1/20130715/122455_out_survey/Data.lsf" "D:\\LSTS-Logs\\2014-11-09-Madeira\\2014-11-12-Madeira_115528_rows_maneuver_cais2_day3\\Data.lsf.gz"), null); File fxB = source.getFile("mra/"); if (fxB != null && fxB.exists()) fxB.delete(); fxB = source.getFile("mra/deltaT-process.txt"); if (fxB != null && fxB.exists()) fxB.delete(); MRAProperties.generateDeltaTProcessReport = true; MRAProperties.soundSpeedCorrection = true; DeltaTParser p = new DeltaTParser(source); int c = 0; BathymetrySwath s; while ((s = p.nextSwath()) != null) { // // for(BathymetryPoint bp : bs.getData()) { // // double r[] = CoordinateUtil.latLonAddNE2(, bp.lon, bp.north, bp.east); // // float f[] = new float[2]; // // // // f[0] = (float) (r[0] * 1000000f); // // f[1] = new Double(r[1]).floatValue(); // // // //"<###> "+r[0]); // //"<###> " + f[0]); // // } // c++; // // kryo.writeObject(output, bs); System.out.println(Math.toDegrees(s.getPose().getYaw())); c++; } System.out.println(c); long fTs = p.getFirstTimestamp(); long lTs = p.getLastTimestamp(); long sTs = lTs - fTs; Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { double perc = rand.nextDouble(); long searchTs = (long) (sTs * perc + fTs); long markStart = System.nanoTime(); BathymetrySwath swath = p.getSwathAt(searchTs); long markEnd = System.nanoTime(); System.out.printf("Search swath at '%s' and got one for time '%s' and took %.3fms\n", DateTimeUtil.dateTimeFormatterUTC.format(new Date(searchTs)), (swath != null ? DateTimeUtil.dateTimeFormatterUTC.format(new Date(swath.getTimestamp())) : "NONE"), (markEnd - markStart) / 1E6); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }