Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2016 Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Engenharia * Laboratrio de Sistemas e Tecnologia Subaqutica (LSTS) * All rights reserved. * Rua Dr. Roberto Frias s/n, sala I203, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal * * This file is part of Neptus, Command and Control Framework. * * Commercial Licence Usage * Licencees holding valid commercial Neptus licences may use this file * in accordance with the commercial licence agreement provided with the * Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in a * written agreement between you and Universidade do Porto. For licensing * terms, conditions, and further information contact * * European Union Public Licence - EUPL v.1.1 Usage * Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the EUPL, * Version 1.1 only (the "Licence"), appearing in the file * included in the packaging of this file. You may not use this work * except in compliance with the Licence. Unless required by applicable * law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the Licence is * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF * ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Licence for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations at * * * For more information please see <>. * * Author: zp * Mar 11, 2014 */ package pt.lsts.neptus.comm.iridium; import java.awt.Component; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import pt.lsts.imc.IMCDefinition; import pt.lsts.imc.IMCMessage; import pt.lsts.imc.IMCUtil; import pt.lsts.imc.IridiumMsgTx; import pt.lsts.imc.MessagePart; import; import pt.lsts.neptus.NeptusLog; import pt.lsts.neptus.comm.manager.imc.ImcMsgManager; import pt.lsts.neptus.util.ByteUtil; import pt.lsts.neptus.util.ImageUtils; import pt.lsts.neptus.util.conf.GeneralPreferences; /** * This class will handle Iridium communications * * @author zp */ public class IridiumManager { private static IridiumManager instance = null; private DuneIridiumMessenger duneMessenger; private RockBlockIridiumMessenger rockBlockMessenger; private HubIridiumMessenger hubMessenger; private SimulatedMessenger simMessenger; private ScheduledExecutorService service = null; //private IridiumMessenger currentMessenger; public static final int IRIDIUM_MTU = 270; public static final int IRIDIUM_HEADER = 6; public enum IridiumMessengerEnum { DuneIridiumMessenger, RockBlockIridiumMessenger, HubIridiumMessenger, SimulatedMessenger } private IridiumManager() { duneMessenger = new DuneIridiumMessenger(); rockBlockMessenger = new RockBlockIridiumMessenger(); hubMessenger = new HubIridiumMessenger(); simMessenger = new SimulatedMessenger(); } public IridiumMessenger getCurrentMessenger() { switch (GeneralPreferences.iridiumMessenger) { case DuneIridiumMessenger: return duneMessenger; case HubIridiumMessenger: return hubMessenger; case RockBlockIridiumMessenger: return rockBlockMessenger; default: return simMessenger; } } private Runnable pollMessages = new Runnable() { Date lastTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 3600 * 1000); @Override public void run() { try { Date now = new Date(); Collection<IridiumMessage> msgs = getCurrentMessenger().pollMessages(lastTime); for (IridiumMessage m : msgs) processMessage(m); lastTime = now; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();; } } }; public boolean isAvailable() { return getCurrentMessenger().isAvailable(); } public synchronized boolean isActive() { return service != null; } public void processMessage(IridiumMessage msg) { //if (msg.getSource() != ImcMsgManager.getManager().getLocalId().intValue()) { try { IridiumMsgTx transmission = new IridiumMsgTx(); transmission.setData(msg.serialize()); transmission.setSrc(msg.getSource()); transmission.setDst(msg.getDestination()); transmission.setTimestamp(msg.timestampMillis / 1000.0); ImcMsgManager.getManager().postInternalMessage("IridiumManager", transmission); } catch (Exception e) {; } //} Collection<IMCMessage> msgs = msg.asImc(); for (IMCMessage m : msgs) { ImcMsgManager.getManager().postInternalMessage("iridium", m); } } public void selectMessenger(Component parent) { Object op = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(parent, "Select Iridium provider", "Iridium Provider", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, ImageUtils.createImageIcon("images/satellite.png"), IridiumMessengerEnum.values(), GeneralPreferences.iridiumMessenger); if (op != null) { GeneralPreferences.iridiumMessenger = (IridiumMessengerEnum) op; GeneralPreferences.saveProperties(); } } public synchronized void start() { if (service != null) stop(); ImcMsgManager.getManager().registerBusListener(this); service = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1); service.scheduleAtFixedRate(pollMessages, 0, 5, TimeUnit.MINUTES); } public synchronized void stop() { if (service != null) { service.shutdownNow(); service = null; } ImcMsgManager.getManager().unregisterBusListener(this); } public static IridiumManager getManager() { if (instance == null) instance = new IridiumManager(); return instance; } public static Collection<ImcIridiumMessage> iridiumEncode(IMCMessage msg) throws Exception { if (msg.getPayloadSize() < ImcIridiumMessage.MaxPayloadSize) { ImcIridiumMessage m = new ImcIridiumMessage(); m.setSource(msg.getSrc()); m.setDestination(msg.getDst()); m.timestampMillis = msg.getTimestampMillis(); m.msg = msg; return Arrays.asList(m); } else { MessagePart[] parts = new IMCFragmentHandler(IMCDefinition.getInstance()).fragment(msg, ImcIridiumMessage.MaxPayloadSize + IMCDefinition.getInstance().headerLength()); ArrayList<ImcIridiumMessage> ret = new ArrayList<ImcIridiumMessage>(); for (MessagePart mp : parts) { ImcIridiumMessage m = new ImcIridiumMessage(); m.setSource(msg.getSrc()); m.setDestination(msg.getDst()); m.timestampMillis = msg.getTimestampMillis(); m.msg = mp; ret.add(m); } return ret; } } public static void testMessageSerialization() { IMCDefinition defs = IMCDefinition.getInstance(); for (String abbrev : defs.getMessageNames()) { IMCMessage m = defs.create(abbrev); IMCUtil.fillWithRandomData(m); System.out.println("Message of type " + m.getAbbrev() + " and size " + (m.getPayloadSize())); System.out.println(m); try { Collection<ImcIridiumMessage> msgs = iridiumEncode(m); System.out.println(" ==> " + msgs.size() + " messages"); for (ImcIridiumMessage msg : msgs) { ByteUtil.dumpAsHex("Iridium message of type " + msg.getMessageType(), msg.serialize(), System.out); for (byte b : msg.serialize()) { System.out.printf("%02X", b); } System.out.println(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * This method will send the given message using the currently selected messenger * * @param msg * @return */ public void send(IridiumMessage msg) throws Exception {"Sending iridum message via " + getCurrentMessenger().getName() + ": " + ByteUtil.encodeToHex(msg.serialize())); getCurrentMessenger().sendMessage(msg); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String hexText = "ffff0000db07002247545653000000000000000041002147545653000000000000000042000147545653000000000000000031000047545653000000000000000032000047545653000000000000000030"; byte[] data = Hex.decodeHex(hexText.toCharArray()); ExtendedDeviceUpdate devupd = (ExtendedDeviceUpdate) IridiumMessage.deserialize(data); for (Position p : devupd.positions.values()) { System.out.println(p.posType); } } }