Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013 Instituto Superior Tcnico - Joo Antunes * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Luis Silva - ACGHSync * Joo Antunes - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package; import static; import static; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.Milestone; import org.eclipse.egit.github.core.service.MilestoneService; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class ACMilestone extends ACMilestone_Base { private static final String DSC_PRIORITY = "priority"; private static final String DSC_ASSIGNEEID = "assigneeId"; private static final String DSC_PROJECTID = "projectId"; private static final String DSC_NAME = "name"; private static final String DSC_BODY = "body"; private static final String DSC_DUEON = "dueOn"; public ACMilestone() { super(); } // static ACMilestone process( milestone) { // checkNotNull(milestone); // return (ACMilestone) findOrCreateAndProccess(milestone, ACMilestone.class, MaidRoot.getInstance().getAcObjects()); // } public static ACMilestone process( milestone, ACProject project) { checkNotNull(milestone); ACMilestone acMilestone = (ACMilestone) findOrCreateAndProccess(milestone, ACMilestone.class, MaidRoot.getInstance().getAcObjectsSet()); acProject = .process(project); acMilestone.setProject(acProject); return acMilestone; } public static ACMilestone process( milestone, boolean skipSync) { checkNotNull(milestone); ACMilestone acMilestone = (ACMilestone) findOrCreateAndProccess(milestone, ACMilestone.class, MaidRoot.getInstance().getAcObjectsSet(), skipSync); acProject = .findById(milestone.getProjectId()); checkNotNull(acProject); acMilestone.setProject(acProject); return acMilestone; } public static ACMilestone findMilestone(final acProject, final String milestoneName) { return (ACMilestone) Iterables.tryFind(MaidRoot.getInstance().getAcObjectsSet(), new Predicate<ACObject>() { @Override public boolean apply(ACObject input) { if (input == null) return false; if (input instanceof ACMilestone) { ACMilestone acMilestone = (ACMilestone) input; return ObjectUtils.equals(acMilestone.getProject(), acProject) && (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(acMilestone.getName(), milestoneName)); } return false; } }).orNull(); } public static ACMilestone findById(long id) { return (ACMilestone) MiscUtils.findACObjectsById(id, ACMilestone.class); } @Override public DSIObject getDSIObject() { return getDsiObjectMilestone(); } @Override public DSIObject findOrCreateDSIObject() { DSIObject dsiObject = getDSIObject(); if (dsiObject == null) { dsiObject = new DSIMilestone(); setDsiObjectMilestone((DSIMilestone) dsiObject); } return dsiObject; } @Override public SyncActionWrapper sync(SyncEvent syncEvent) { checkNotNull(syncEvent); checkArgument(syncEvent.getTargetSyncUniverse().equals(SyncEvent.SyncUniverse.GITHUB)); SyncActionWrapper<GHMilestone> syncActionWrapperToReturn = null; if (syncEvent.getTypeOfChangeEvent().equals(SyncEvent.TypeOfChangeEvent.CREATE)) { syncActionWrapperToReturn = syncCreateEvent(syncEvent); } else if (syncEvent.getTypeOfChangeEvent().equals(SyncEvent.TypeOfChangeEvent.UPDATE)) { syncActionWrapperToReturn = syncUpdateEvent(syncEvent); } return syncActionWrapperToReturn; } private SyncActionWrapper<GHMilestone> syncUpdateEvent(final SyncEvent syncEvent) { final Set<String> tickedDescriptors = new HashSet<>(); boolean auxChangedName = false; boolean auxChangedDueOn = false; boolean auxChangedBody = false; for (String changedDescriptor : syncEvent.getChangedPropertyDescriptorNames().getUnmodifiableList()) { tickedDescriptors.add(changedDescriptor); switch (changedDescriptor) { case DSC_PERMALINK: case DSC_ID: case DSC_URL: case DSC_PRIORITY: case DSC_ASSIGNEEID: case DSC_PROJECTID: //non code related things to complete //only non relevant descriptors above break; case DSC_BODY: //we should update the bpdy auxChangedBody = true; break; case DSC_DUEON: auxChangedDueOn = true; //the due date as well break; case DSC_NAME: //and the name auxChangedName = true; break; default: tickedDescriptors.remove(changedDescriptor); //if we did not fall on any of the above //cases, let's remove it from the ticked descriptors } } final boolean changedName = auxChangedName; final boolean changedBody = auxChangedBody; final boolean changedDueOn = auxChangedDueOn; return new SyncActionWrapper<GHMilestone>() { @Override public Set<SynchableObject> sync() throws SyncActionError { Multimap<GHRepository, Milestone> milestonesToEdit = null; Set<SynchableObject> ghMilestonesChanged = new HashSet<>(); if (changedName) { milestonesToEdit = getNewPrefilledGHMilestonesToEdit(milestonesToEdit); //let's make sure we edit all of its names for (Milestone milestone : milestonesToEdit.values()) { milestone.setTitle(getName()); } } if (changedBody) { milestonesToEdit = getNewPrefilledGHMilestonesToEdit(milestonesToEdit); //let's make sure we edit all of its bodies for (Milestone milestone : milestonesToEdit.values()) { milestone.setDescription(getBody()); } } if (changedDueOn) { milestonesToEdit = getNewPrefilledGHMilestonesToEdit(milestonesToEdit); //let's make sure we edit all of its due on for (Milestone milestone : milestonesToEdit.values()) { milestone.setDueOn(getDueOn().toDate()); } } if (milestonesToEdit != null) { MilestoneService milestoneService = new MilestoneService(MaidRoot.getGitHubClient()); try { for (GHRepository ghRepository : milestonesToEdit.keySet()) { for (Milestone milestone : milestonesToEdit.get(ghRepository)) { ghMilestonesChanged.add(GHMilestone .process(milestoneService.editMilestone(ghRepository, milestone), true)); } } } catch (IOException exception) { throw new SyncActionError(exception, ghMilestonesChanged); } } return ghMilestonesChanged; } @Override public SyncEvent getOriginatingSyncEvent() { return syncEvent; } @Override public Collection<DSIObject> getSyncDependedDSIObjects() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Set<Class> getSyncDependedTypesOfDSIObjects() { Set<Class> classesDependedOn = new HashSet<>(); classesDependedOn.add(GHRepository.class); return classesDependedOn; } @Override public Collection<String> getPropertyDescriptorNamesTicked() { return tickedDescriptors; } }; } private Multimap<GHRepository, Milestone> getNewPrefilledGHMilestonesToEdit( Multimap<GHRepository, Milestone> milestonesToEdit) { if (milestonesToEdit != null) return milestonesToEdit; //it's already inited Multimap<GHRepository, Milestone> newMilestonesToEdit = HashMultimap.create(); //let's get the dsiMilestone and from there all of the GHMilestones, prefill them, add them to //the newMilestonesToEdit, and return them DSIMilestone dsiMilestone = (DSIMilestone) getDSIObject(); checkNotNull(dsiMilestone); Set<GHMilestone> ghMilestonesSet = dsiMilestone.getGhMilestonesSet(); checkNotNull(ghMilestonesSet); for (GHMilestone ghMilestoneToEdit : ghMilestonesSet) { Milestone milestone = new Milestone(); try { ghMilestoneToEdit.copyPropertiesTo(milestone); } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException | TaskNotVisibleException e) { throw new Error(e); } newMilestonesToEdit.put(ghMilestoneToEdit.getRepository(), milestone); } return newMilestonesToEdit; } private SyncActionWrapper<GHMilestone> syncCreateEvent(final SyncEvent syncEvent) { return new EmptySyncActionWrapper(syncEvent); } }