Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2013 Instituto Superior Tcnico - Joo Antunes * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Luis Silva - ACGHSync * Joo Antunes - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package; import static; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; public class ACTask extends ACObject { public static final String CLASS_VALUE = "Task"; // attributes private String _name; private String _body; private boolean _visibility; private int _categoryId; private int _labelId; private int projectId; private int _milestoneId; private int _priority; private int _assigneeId; private Set<Long> otherAssigneesId; private Date _dueOn; private Boolean complete; private boolean archived; public ACTask() { super(); } public ACTask(JSONObject jsonObj) throws IOException { super(jsonObj); } @Override protected void init(JSONObject jsonObj) throws IOException { _name = JsonRest.getString(jsonObj, "name"); _body = JsonRest.getString(jsonObj, "body"); Boolean visibilityFromInt = JsonRest.getBooleanFromInt(jsonObj, "visibility"); _visibility = visibilityFromInt == null ? false : visibilityFromInt; if (jsonObj.get("category") == null) { _categoryId = JsonRest.getInt(jsonObj, "category_id"); } else { _categoryId = JsonRest.getInt((JSONObject) jsonObj.get("category"), "id"); } _labelId = JsonRest.getInt(jsonObj, "label_id"); _milestoneId = JsonRest.getInt(jsonObj, "milestone_id"); _priority = JsonRest.getInt(jsonObj, "priority"); _assigneeId = JsonRest.getInt(jsonObj, "assignee_id"); _dueOn = JsonRest.getDate(jsonObj, "due_on"); if (_dueOn != null) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(_dueOn); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59); _dueOn = cal.getTime(); } // getSubTasks(); setComplete(JsonRest.getBooleanFromInt(jsonObj, "is_completed")); this.otherAssigneesId = new HashSet<Long>(); JSONArray jsonArray = JsonRest.getJSONArray(jsonObj, "other_assignee_ids"); if (jsonArray != null) { for (Object object : jsonArray) { Long value = Long.valueOf((String) object); otherAssigneesId.add(value); } } Boolean archivedBoolean = JsonRest.getBooleanFromInt(jsonObj, "is_archived"); setArchived(archivedBoolean == null ? false : archivedBoolean); setProjectId(JsonRest.getInt(jsonObj, "project_id")); } static public ACTask moveTo(long taskId, long currentProjectId, long newProjectId) throws IOException { String path = getRequestProcessor() .getBasicUrlForPath("projects/" + currentProjectId + "/tasks/" + taskId + "/move-to-project"); StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder(); JsonRest.setString(postData, "move_to_project_id", String.valueOf(newProjectId)); return new ACTask(getRequestProcessor().processPost(path, postData.toString())); } @Override public String toJSONString() { StringBuilder postData = new StringBuilder(); JsonRest.setString(postData, "task[name]", _name); JsonRest.setString(postData, "task[body]", _body); JsonRest.setIntFromBoolean(postData, "task[visibility]", _visibility); JsonRest.setInt(postData, "task[category_id]", _categoryId); JsonRest.setInt(postData, "task[label_id]", _labelId); JsonRest.setInt(postData, "task[milestone_id]", _milestoneId); JsonRest.setInt(postData, "task[priority]", _priority); JsonRest.setInt(postData, "task[assignee_id]", _assigneeId); JsonRest.setDate(postData, "task[due_on]", _dueOn); if (complete != null) JsonRest.setIntFromBoolean(postData, "task[is_complete]", complete); //? not sure //if it should be done through this or through the {context}/complete API call return postData.toString(); } public static ACTask createTask(ACTask preliminarObject, ACProject acProject) throws IOException { return createTask(preliminarObject, acProject.getId()); } public static ACTask createTask(ACTask preliminarObject, long projectId) throws IOException { String path = getRequestProcessor().getBasicUrlForPath("projects/" + projectId + "/tasks/add"); ACTask recentlyCreatedACTask = new ACTask(postObject(path, preliminarObject)); if (preliminarObject.getComplete() != null && preliminarObject.getComplete() == true) { if (ObjectUtils.equals(preliminarObject.getComplete(), recentlyCreatedACTask.getComplete()) == false) { //time to make the recentlyCreatedACTask complete recentlyCreatedACTask = recentlyCreatedACTask.postComplete(); } } return recentlyCreatedACTask; } /** * Posts to {context}/complete and returns the new ACTask * * @throws IOException In case something goes wrong with the post */ public ACTask postComplete() throws IOException { String urlToUse = getUrl() + "/complete"; return new ACTask(getRequestProcessor().processPost((String) null, urlToUse)); } /** * Posts to {context}/reopen and returns the new ACTask * * @throws IOException In case something goes wrong with the post */ public ACTask postReopen() throws IOException { String urlToUse = getUrl() + "/reopen"; return new ACTask(getRequestProcessor().processPost((String) null, urlToUse)); } /** * * @param url the base url of the object to update * @return * @throws IOException */ public ACTask update(String url) throws IOException { checkArgument(StringUtils.isBlank(url) == false); //let us construct the URL and send an edit url += "/edit"; return new ACTask(ACTask.postObject(url, this)); } public String getName() { return _name; } public void setName(String name) { _name = name; } public String getBody() { return _body; } public void setBody(String body) { _body = body; } public boolean getVisibility() { return _visibility; } public void setVisibility(boolean visibility) { _visibility = visibility; } public int getCategoryId() { return _categoryId; } public void setCategoryId(int categoryId) { _categoryId = categoryId; } public int getLabelId() { return _labelId; } public void setLabelId(int labelId) { _labelId = labelId; } public int getMilestoneId() { return _milestoneId; } public void setMilestoneId(int milestoneId) { _milestoneId = milestoneId; } public int getPriority() { return _priority; } public void setPriority(int priority) { _priority = priority; } public int getAssigneeId() { return _assigneeId; } public void setAssigneeId(int assigneeId) { _assigneeId = assigneeId; } public Date getDueOn() { return _dueOn; } public void setDueOn(Date dueOn) { _dueOn = dueOn; } public Set<ACSubTask> getSubTasks() throws IOException { Set<ACSubTask> subtasks = new HashSet<ACSubTask>(); JSONArray jsonArr = (JSONArray) getRequestProcessor().processGet(getUrl() + "/subtasks"); if (jsonArr != null) { for (Object object : jsonArr) { JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) object; subtasks.add(new ACSubTask(jsonObject)); } } return subtasks; } public Set<ACComment> getComments() throws IOException { Set<ACComment> comments = new HashSet<ACComment>(); JSONArray jsonArr = (JSONArray) getRequestProcessor().processGet(getUrl() + "/comments"); //this URL has the if (jsonArr != null) { for (Object object : jsonArr) { JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) object; comments.add(new ACComment(jsonObject)); } } return comments; } public ACCategory getCategory() throws IOException { if (this._categoryId == -1 || this._categoryId == 0) return null; String decodedUrl = URLDecoder.decode(getUrl(), "UTF-8"); int lastIndexOfSlash = StringUtils.lastIndexOf(decodedUrl, "/"); String urlToUse = StringUtils.substring(decodedUrl, 0, lastIndexOfSlash); return new ACCategory( (JSONObject) getRequestProcessor().processGet(urlToUse + "/categories/" + _categoryId)); } public Boolean getComplete() { return complete; } public void setComplete(Boolean complete) { this.complete = complete; } public Set<Long> getOtherAssigneesId() { return otherAssigneesId; } public boolean isArchived() { return archived; } public void setArchived(boolean archived) { this.archived = archived; } public int getProjectId() { return projectId; } public void setProjectId(int projectId) { this.projectId = projectId; } }