Java tutorial
package pt.iflow.flows; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.sql.DataSource; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import pt.iflow.api.blocks.Block; import pt.iflow.api.blocks.Port; import pt.iflow.api.core.Activity; import pt.iflow.api.core.BeanFactory; import pt.iflow.api.core.FolderManager; import pt.iflow.api.core.ProcessCatalogue; import pt.iflow.api.core.ProcessManager; import pt.iflow.api.core.ReportManager; import pt.iflow.api.db.DBConnectionWrapper; import pt.iflow.api.db.DBQueryManager; import pt.iflow.api.db.DatabaseInterface; import pt.iflow.api.db.ExistingTransactionException; import; import pt.iflow.api.flows.BlockInfo; import pt.iflow.api.flows.Flow; import pt.iflow.api.flows.FlowSetting; import pt.iflow.api.flows.FlowType; import pt.iflow.api.flows.IFlowData; import pt.iflow.api.licensing.LicenseService; import pt.iflow.api.licensing.LicenseServiceFactory; import pt.iflow.api.notification.NotificationManager; import pt.iflow.api.processannotation.ProcessAnnotationManager; import pt.iflow.api.processannotation.ProcessLabel; import pt.iflow.api.processdata.EvalException; import pt.iflow.api.processdata.ProcessData; import pt.iflow.api.processdata.ProcessHeader; import pt.iflow.api.transition.FlowRolesTO; import pt.iflow.api.transition.FlowStateHistoryTO; import pt.iflow.api.transition.ProfilesTO; import pt.iflow.api.transition.ReportTO; import pt.iflow.api.utils.Const; import pt.iflow.api.utils.DataSetVariables; import pt.iflow.api.utils.Logger; import pt.iflow.api.utils.UserInfoInterface; import pt.iflow.api.utils.Utils; import pt.iflow.blocks.BlockForwardTo; import pt.iknow.utils.StringUtilities; /** * * Flow related logic: (un)deployment, process evaluation, etc * * @author mach * */ public class FlowBean implements Flow { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static final int nMODE_ADD = 0; private static final int nMODE_REMOVE = 1; private static final int nMODE_UPDATE = 2; private static FlowBean instance = null; public static FlowBean getInstance() { if (null == instance) instance = new FlowBean(); return instance; } /** * This method advances to the next block when an event is fired * * @param flowId * @param processId * @ejb.interface-method view-type = "remote" */ public String eventNextBlock(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int flowId, int pid, int subpid) { ProcessData procData = this.getProcessData(userInfo, flowId, pid, subpid); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); String retObj = this.nextBlock(userInfo, procData, true, 0, false); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); Logger.trace("FlowBean", "eventNextBlock", "Block transition took " + (end - start) + " ms"); return retObj; } /** * This method jumps to block bid * * @param flowId * @param processId * @ejb.interface-method view-type = "remote" */ public String jumpToBlock(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, int jumpToBlockId) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); String retObj = this.nextBlock(userInfo, procData, false, jumpToBlockId, false); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); Logger.trace("FlowBean", "jumpToBlock", "Block transition took " + (end - start) + " ms"); return retObj; } /** * This method advances to the next block of the flow. * * @param dataSet * @return String the next url. * @ejb.interface-method view-type = "remote" */ public String nextBlock(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); String retObj = this.nextBlock(userInfo, procData, false, 0, false); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); Logger.trace("FlowBean", "nextBlock", "Block transition took " + (end - start) + " ms"); return retObj; } public String nextBlock(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, boolean useExistingTransaction) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); String retObj = this.nextBlock(userInfo, procData, false, 0, useExistingTransaction); long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); Logger.trace("FlowBean", "nextBlock", "Block transition took " + (end - start) + " ms"); return retObj; } private String nextBlock(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, boolean bEventFired, int jumpToBlockId, boolean useExistingTransaction) { String nextURL = null; LicenseService licenseService = LicenseServiceFactory.getLicenseService(); int flowId = procData.getFlowId(); int pid = procData.getPid(); String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); Logger.trace(this, "nextBlock", login + " call with " + procData.getSignature()); // check if user has write permissions to move process if (!this.checkUserFlowRoles(userInfo, flowId, "" + FlowRolesTO.WRITE_PRIV)) { // XXX AGON Logger.warning(login, this, "nextBlock", "User has no write privilege.. returning nopriv page"); return "nopriv.jsp?flowid=" + flowId; }, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature()); ProcessManager pm = BeanFactory.getProcessManagerBean(); Activity activity = null; Block block = null; boolean callNextBlock = false; boolean saveData = true; String saveFlowStateErrorKey = "flow_error.save_flow_state"; Connection conn = null; String transactionId = null; try { if (useExistingTransaction && userInfo.inTransaction()) { conn = DatabaseInterface.getConnection(userInfo); } else { conn = Utils.getDataSource().getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); transactionId = userInfo.registerTransaction(new DBConnectionWrapper(conn)); } int mid = Const.NO_MID; do { if (procData.isInDB() && !procData.isOnPopup()) { mid = pm.getNextMid(userInfo, procData); procData.setMid(mid); Logger.debug(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "MID: " + mid); } nextURL = null; saveData = true; int blockId = this.getFlowState(userInfo, procData); int blockIdOld = blockId; String subflowMapping = checkSubFlowMapping(procData.getFlowId(), blockId);, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "processing BlockId: " + blockId + subflowMapping); block = this.getBlockById(userInfo, procData.getProcessHeader(), blockId); Port outPort; procData.setOnPopup(block.isBlockRunningInPopup()); if (block == null) { Logger.error(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "block is null for blockId=" + blockId); break; } if (block.isStartBlock() && procData.isInDB()) { // process creation and dataset in db => force creator // activity creation activity = new Activity(login, flowId, pid, procData.getSubPid(), 0, 0, block.getDescription(userInfo, procData), Block.getDefaultUrl(userInfo, procData)); activity.mid = procData.getMid(); boolean createPriv = checkUserSelfFlowRoles(userInfo, flowId, "" + FlowRolesTO.CREATE_PRIV); pm.createActivity(userInfo, activity, createPriv); Logger.debug(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "created activity for start block"); } if (block.hasEvent() && !procData.isOnPopup()) { EventManager.get().deRegisterEvent(userInfo, flowId, pid, procData.getSubPid(), blockId); if (bEventFired) { // from now on, there is no more event. bEventFired = false;, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "event fired"); outPort = block.getEventPort(); if (outPort == null) { Logger.error(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "eventPort is NULL for blockId=" + blockId + "... aborting."); throw new Exception( procData.getSignature() + "eventPort is null for blockId " + block.getId()); } // block hanling of event block.onEventFired(userInfo, procData); Logger.debug(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "called block's onEventFired"); Logger.logFlowState(userInfo, procData, block, "Event triggered, reverting out port to '" + outPort.getName() + "' and switching to block event;"); // switch to block event Logger.debug(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "switching from block " + blockId + " to event block " + outPort.getConnectedBlockId()); blockId = outPort.getConnectedBlockId(); block = this.getBlockById(userInfo, procData.getProcessHeader(), blockId); } } if (block.canProceed(userInfo, procData) == false) {, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "canProceed=FALSE for blockId=" + blockId); if (block.hasInteraction()) { // tell proc to stay in same page procData.setAppData(Const.STAY_IN_PAGE, "true"); } else { nextURL = "blockmsg.jsp?flowid=" + flowId + "&pid=" + pid + "&subpid=" + procData.getSubPid() + "&pnumber=" + procData.getPNumber(); if (block.getCanProceedMsgCode(userInfo, procData) != null) { nextURL += "&msgcode=" + block.getCanProceedMsgCode(userInfo, procData).getCode(); } } break; } procData.setAppData(Const.STAY_IN_PAGE, null); // Call the after method of the current block outPort = block.after(userInfo, procData); if (block instanceof pt.iflow.blocks.BlockSincronizacao) { procData = pm.getProcessData(userInfo, new ProcessHeader(procData.getFlowId(), procData.getPid(), procData.getSubPid())); } if (outPort == null) { Logger.error(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "outPort is NULL for blockId=" + blockId + "... aborting."); throw new Exception(procData.getSignature() + "outport is null for blockId " + block.getId() + " after block's after call"); } // Get the next blockId blockId = outPort.getConnectedBlockId(); // nextBlock is a specific jumpTo block if (jumpToBlockId != 0) { blockId = jumpToBlockId; jumpToBlockId = 0; // reset jump to block id } // Save the flow state to store state result if (!saveFlowState(userInfo, procData, block, false, mid, outPort)) { Logger.error(login, this, "nextBlock", "Unable to SAVE after FLOW STATE (" + blockId + ") for proc " + procData.getFlowId() + "-" + procData.getPid() + "-" + procData.getSubPid()); nextURL = getErrorUrl(saveFlowStateErrorKey); throw new Exception(procData.getSignature() + "unable to save flow state after block " + block.getId() + " after call"); }, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "Going from: " + block.getId() + " to: " + outPort.getConnectedBlockId() + " (using " + outPort.getName() + ")"); // Call the before method of the next block Block blockNext = getBlockById(userInfo, procData.getProcessHeader(), blockId); if (procData.isOnPopup() && !blockNext.canRunInPopupBlock()) { StringBuffer popupErrorLink = new StringBuffer(); popupErrorLink.append("Form/closePopup.jsp?"); popupErrorLink.append("flowid=").append(procData.getFlowId()); popupErrorLink.append("&pid=").append(procData.getPid()); popupErrorLink.append("&subpid=").append(procData.getSubPid()); popupErrorLink.append("&cancelPopup=true"); return popupErrorLink.toString(); } if (blockNext != null) { // block by id returns a valid block.. // set block var with it // otherwise, if next block is null/not valid, // block is not updated and therefore no changes are made block = blockNext; procData.setOnPopup(block.isBlockRunningInPopup()); } else { // do not set block with blocknext (maintain old block object) // revert block id to old value blockId = blockIdOld; } // Join OR // se tem interaccao e vai morrer // devolve o url da pagina de erro e termina o subproc if (pm.checkBlockIsMined(userInfo, procData, blockIdOld, blockNext.getId())) { // close proc nextURL = endProc(userInfo, procData); nextURL += "&mined=true"; saveData = false; // endProc handles it, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "block is mined"); break; } if (block.isProcInDBRequired() && !procData.isInDB() && !procData.isOnPopup()) {, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "Going to prepare Proc in DB"); if (pm.prepareProcInDB(userInfo, procData, block.isForwardBlock())) { pid = procData.getPid(); mid = procData.getMid(); if (!userInfo.isGuest()) { activity = new Activity(login, flowId, pid, procData.getSubPid(), 0, 0, block.getDescription(userInfo, procData), Block.getDefaultUrl(userInfo, procData)); activity.mid = procData.getMid(); boolean createPriv = checkUserSelfFlowRoles(userInfo, flowId, "" + FlowRolesTO.CREATE_PRIV); pm.createActivity(userInfo, activity, createPriv); } } else { throw new Exception("Unable to create process data"); } } // Register block events in DB if (block.hasEvent() && !procData.isOnPopup()) { // TODO novamente ver bem como eh Port portEvent = block.getEventPort(); // Port[] eventOP = block.getOutPorts(userInfo); // Get portEvent, is the last port of all blocks // Port portEvent = eventOP[eventOP.length-1]; if (portEvent != null) { Block blockEvent = this.getBlockById(userInfo, procData.getProcessHeader(), portEvent.getConnectedBlockId()); if (!blockEvent.isDisabled(userInfo, procData)) { HashMap<String, String> attributes = blockEvent.getAttributeMap(); for (int i = 0; i < attributes.size() / 2; i++) { String sType = attributes.get("dest" + i); if (sType == null) break; String sProps = attributes.get("orig" + i); EventManager.get().registerEvent(userInfo, flowId, pid, procData.getSubPid(), blockId, sType, sProps); } } } } nextURL = block.before(userInfo, procData); // consume block licenseService.consume(userInfo, flowId, block.getCost()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(nextURL) && !block.hasInteraction() && !block.isEndBlock()) { // overwrite url to generic/forward if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Logger.debug(login, this, "nextBlock", "pid=" + pid + ", subpid=" + procData.getSubPid() + ": overwriting NEXT URL: " + nextURL + " to default url"); } nextURL = Block.getDefaultUrl(userInfo, procData); } if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Logger.debug(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "NEXT URL: " + nextURL + "; block desc: " + block.getDescription(userInfo, procData)); } // Save the flow state if (!saveFlowState(userInfo, procData, block, true, mid, null)) { Logger.error(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "Unable to SAVE before FLOW STATE (" + blockId + ")"); nextURL = getErrorUrl(saveFlowStateErrorKey); throw new Exception(procData.getSignature() + "unable to save flow state after before in block " + block.getId()); } if (procData.isInDB() && !procData.getCachedReports().isEmpty() && !procData.isOnPopup()) { Logger.debug(login, this, "nextBlock", "Storing cached reports in DB"); ReportManager rm = BeanFactory.getReportManagerBean(); for (ReportTO report : procData.getCachedReports().values()) { report.setPid(procData.getPid()); report.setSubpid(procData.getSubPid()); rm.storeReport(userInfo, procData, report); } } else if (block.isEndBlock()) { Logger.debug(login, this, "nextBlock", "Making sure all reports in DB have been closed"); ReportManager rm = BeanFactory.getReportManagerBean(); for (ReportTO report : rm.getProcessReports(userInfo, procData)) { boolean store = false; if (report.isActive()) { report.setActive(false); store = true; } if (report.getStopReporting() == null) { report.setStopReporting(new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())); store = true; } if (store) { rm.storeReport(userInfo, procData, report); } } } callNextBlock = (blockId != blockIdOld) && !block.isEndBlock() && !block.hasInteraction();, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + ": Block id=" + blockId + " next block's flag: " + callNextBlock); if (procData.isInDB() && !procData.isOnPopup()) { // check if requesting user can continue editing/accessing // process nextURL = pm.getUserProcessUrl(userInfo, procData, nextURL); if (nextURL == null) { if (callNextBlock) { // if here, block does not have interaction and user does // not have process access (no user process url), which means that we // must stop calling next block and show info page., this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + ": Block id=" + blockId + " user does not have process in his activities... setting next block's flag off."); callNextBlock = false; } String forwardBlockUpdateLabelParams = getFowardBlockUpdateLabelParams(userInfo, block, procData); // show info page nextURL = "proc_info.jsp?flowid=" + flowId + "&pid=" + pid + "&subpid=" + procData.getSubPid() + (block.isForwardBlock() ? "&from=forward" + forwardBlockUpdateLabelParams : ""); } } if (!procData.isOnPopup()) { saveDataSet(userInfo, procData, null, mid); } saveData = false; Logger.debug(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "going to commit iteration " + blockIdOld + "->" + blockId + " (mid: " + mid + ")"); DatabaseInterface.commitConnection(conn);, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "db connection committed for iteration " + blockIdOld + "->" + blockId + " (mid: " + mid + ")"); } while (callNextBlock); if (saveData) { saveDataSet(userInfo, procData, null, mid); } checkFlowEnd(userInfo, procData, block, false); DatabaseInterface.commitConnection(conn);, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "db connection committed (mid: " + mid + ")"); } catch (ExistingTransactionException e) { Logger.error(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "already in a transaction", e); nextURL = getErrorUrl("flow_error.existing_transaction"); } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "caught exception", t); if (conn != null) { try { DatabaseInterface.rollbackConnection(conn); Logger.warning(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "db connection rollback"); } catch (Exception ec) { Logger.error(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "rolling back transaction", ec); } } nextURL = getErrorUrl("flow_error.generic_error"); } finally { procData.setMid(Const.NO_MID); try { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(transactionId)) { try { userInfo.unregisterTransaction(transactionId); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.error(login, this, "nextBlock", procData.getSignature() + "unregistering transaction in userinfo", e); NotificationManager notificationManager = BeanFactory.getNotificationManagerBean(); notificationManager.notifySystemError(userInfo, "nextBlock@FlowBean", procData.getSignature() + "illegal access unregistering transaction in userInfo! " + e.getMessage()); nextURL = getErrorUrl("flow_error.unregister_transaction"); } } } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(conn); } } // Update Folder getFowardBlockUpdateFolderParams(userInfo, block, procData); return nextURL; } /** * * @param flowid * Main flowid * @param blockid * id of a block that may belong to a subflow * @return {subflow name, blockid in subflow}, null if the blockid is not in a subflow */ private String checkSubFlowMapping(Integer flowid, Integer blockid) { String[] ret = null; String result = ""; Connection db = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; try { db = Utils.getDataSource().getConnection(); pst = db.prepareStatement( "SELECT sub_flowname, original_blockid FROM iflow.subflow_block_mapping s, iflow.flow f where f.flowfile=s.flowname and flowid=? and mapped_blockid=? order by id desc"); pst.setInt(1, flowid); pst.setInt(2, blockid); ResultSet rs = pst.executeQuery(); if ( { ret = new String[4]; ret[0] = rs.getString(1); ret[1] = "" + rs.getInt(2); pst.setInt(1, flowid); pst.setInt(2, Integer.parseInt(ret[0].substring(ret[0].lastIndexOf("_") + 1))); rs = pst.executeQuery(); if ( { ret[2] = rs.getString(1); ret[3] = "" + rs.getInt(2); } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ret[2])) result = ", original id=" + ret[1] + " of subflow=" + ret[0].substring(0, ret[0].lastIndexOf("_")) + " placed in mainflow at block=" + ret[3] + " of subflow=" + ret[2].substring(0, ret[2].lastIndexOf("_")) + " placed in mainflow at block=" + ret[2].substring(ret[2].lastIndexOf("_") + 1); else result = ", original id=" + ret[1] + " of subflow=" + ret[0].substring(0, ret[0].lastIndexOf("_")) + " placed in mainflow at block=" + ret[0].substring(ret[0].lastIndexOf("_") + 1); } catch (Exception e) { result = ""; } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, pst); } return result; } private String getFowardBlockUpdateLabelParams(UserInfoInterface userInfo, Block block, ProcessData procData) { String forwardBlockUpdateLabelParams = ""; if (block.isForwardBlock()) { String updateTaskAnnotationLabelCond = block.getAttribute(BlockForwardTo.sFORWARD_TO_UPDATE_LABEL_COND); String updateTaskAnnotationLabel = block.getAttribute(BlockForwardTo.sFORWARD_TO_UPDATE_LABEL); boolean isUpdateLabel = false; if (StringUtilities.isEmpty(updateTaskAnnotationLabelCond) || StringUtilities.isEmpty(updateTaskAnnotationLabel)) { Logger.warning(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "before", "Missing update condition or label, assuming false"); isUpdateLabel = false; } try { isUpdateLabel = procData.query(userInfo, updateTaskAnnotationLabelCond); } catch (EvalException e) { Logger.warning(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "getFowardBlockUpdateLabelParams", "Unable to process update label condition, assuming false", e); isUpdateLabel = false; } if (isUpdateLabel) { ProcessAnnotationManager processAnnotationManager = BeanFactory.getProcessAnnotationManagerBean(); List<ProcessLabel> dbLabels = processAnnotationManager.getLabelList(userInfo); for (ProcessLabel label : dbLabels) { String dbLabelKey = label.getName() + " - " + label.getDescription(); if (updateTaskAnnotationLabel.equals(dbLabelKey)) { forwardBlockUpdateLabelParams = "&labelid=" + label.getId() + "&labelname=" + label.getName(); } } } } return forwardBlockUpdateLabelParams; } private void getFowardBlockUpdateFolderParams(UserInfoInterface userInfo, Block block, ProcessData procData) { if (block.isForwardBlock()) { String updateTaskFolderCond = block.getAttribute(BlockForwardTo.sFORWARD_TO_UPDATE_FOLDER_COND); String updateTaskFolder = block.getAttribute(BlockForwardTo.sFORWARD_TO_UPDATE_FOLDER); boolean isUpdateFolder = false; if (StringUtilities.isEmpty(updateTaskFolderCond) || StringUtilities.isEmpty(updateTaskFolder)) { Logger.warning(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "before", "Missing update condition or Category, assuming false"); isUpdateFolder = false; } try { isUpdateFolder = procData.query(userInfo, updateTaskFolderCond); } catch (EvalException e) { Logger.warning(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "getFowardBlockUpdateFolderParams", "Unable to process update folder condition, assuming false", e); isUpdateFolder = false; } if (isUpdateFolder) { FolderManager fm = BeanFactory.getFolderManagerBean(); fm.setActivityToFolderByName(userInfo, updateTaskFolder, procData.getFlowId(), procData.getPid(), procData.getSubPid()); } } } private String getErrorUrl(String msgKey) { return "flow_error.jsp?msg_key=" + (StringUtils.isEmpty(msgKey) ? "" : msgKey); } public void storeProcess(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData) throws Exception { storeProcess(userInfo, procData, true); } public void storeProcess(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, boolean markActivityHasRead) throws Exception { if (procData.isInDB()) return; String login = userInfo.getUtilizador();, this, "storeProcess", procData.getSignature() + "Going to prepare Proc in DB"); ProcessManager pm = BeanFactory.getProcessManagerBean(); Block block = this.getBlock(userInfo, procData); if (pm.prepareProcInDB(userInfo, procData, block.isForwardBlock())) { int pid = procData.getPid(); int mid = procData.getMid(); if (!saveFlowState(userInfo, procData, block, true, mid, null)) { Logger.error(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "storeProcess", procData.getSignature() + "Unable to SAVE before FLOW STATE " + block.getId()); throw new Exception("Unable to save flow state"); } if (!userInfo.isGuest()) { Activity activity = new Activity(login, procData.getFlowId(), pid, procData.getSubPid(), 0, 0, block.getDescription(userInfo, procData), Block.getDefaultUrl(userInfo, procData)); activity.mid = procData.getMid(); boolean createPriv = checkUserSelfFlowRoles(userInfo, procData.getFlowId(), "" + FlowRolesTO.CREATE_PRIV); pm.createActivity(userInfo, activity, createPriv); if (!markActivityHasRead) { Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; try { conn = DatabaseInterface.getConnection(userInfo); pst = conn.prepareStatement("update activity set read_flag=0 where flowid=?" + " and pid=? and subpid=? and read_flag=1 and userid=?"); pst.setInt(1, activity.flowid); pst.setInt(2,; pst.setInt(3, activity.subpid); pst.setString(4, activity.userid); pst.executeUpdate(); } catch (Exception ee) { Logger.warning(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "storeProcess", procData.getSignature() + "ERROR marking activity as unread", ee); } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(conn, pst); } } } } else { throw new Exception("Unable to create process data"); } } /** * Saves the dataSet to the database. Calls the saveDataset method of the current block. * * @param dataSet * @param session * @return mid * @ejb.interface-method view-type = "remote" */ public int saveDataSet(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, ServletRequest request) { return saveDataSet(userInfo, procData, request, Const.NO_MID); } private int saveDataSet(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, ServletRequest request, int mid) { String requestMid = String.valueOf(mid); if (null != request) { requestMid = (String) request.getAttribute(Const.sMID_ATTRIBUTE); } ProcessManager pm = BeanFactory.getProcessManagerBean(); Block block = null; if (!procData.isInDB()) { if (request != null) { try { block = this.getBlock(userInfo, procData); if (pm.prepareProcInDB(userInfo, procData)) { if (mid == Const.NO_MID) { mid = procData.getMid(); requestMid = String.valueOf(mid); } if (!saveFlowState(userInfo, procData, block, true, mid, null)) { Logger.error(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "saveDataSet", "Unable to SAVE before FLOW STATE (" + block.getId() + ") for proc " + procData.getFlowId() + "-" + procData.getPid() + "-" + procData.getSubPid()); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { return 0; } } int retObj = -1; int flowId = procData.getFlowId(); int pid = procData.getPid(); int subpid = procData.getSubPid(); String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); Logger.trace(this, "saveDataSet", login + " call " + procData.getSignature()); try { Activity activity = null; activity = pm.getUserProcessActivity(userInfo, procData.getProcessHeader()); if (activity != null || request != null) { // user has process scheduled on him or // user made explicit request to save process data: // mark saved flag in process data procData.set(DataSetVariables.PROCESS_SAVED, "1"); } if (request != null) { // this means that saving request was made by end-user (jsp) int curMid = pm.getModificationId(userInfo, procData.getProcessHeader()); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(requestMid) && !StringUtils.equals(String.valueOf(curMid), requestMid)) { retObj = Const.ERROR_PROCESS_CHANGED; } else { retObj = pm.modifyProcessData(userInfo, procData); } if (activity == null) { // user does not have this process in his activity list: // schedule this process on him. // first get block to be able to get description and url block = this.getBlock(userInfo, procData); if (block != null) { if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Logger.debug(login, this, "saveDataSet", "Creating activity for user for subpid=" + subpid + ",pid " + pid + ", desc=" + block.getDescription(userInfo, procData) + ", url=" + Block.getDefaultUrl(userInfo, procData)); } activity = new Activity(login, flowId, pid, subpid, 0, 0, block.getDescription(userInfo, procData), Block.getDefaultUrl(userInfo, procData)); activity.mid = procData.getMid(); boolean createPriv = checkUserSelfFlowRoles(userInfo, flowId, "" + FlowRolesTO.CREATE_PRIV); pm.createActivity(userInfo, activity, createPriv); } } } else { retObj = pm.modifyProcessData(userInfo, procData); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(login, this, "saveDataSet", procData.getSignature() + "caught exception: ", e); retObj = -1; } if (retObj < 0) { Logger.warning(login, this, "saveDataSet", procData.getSignature() + "Not able to save DataSet"); } else if (retObj == 0) { Logger.warning(login, this, "saveDataSet", procData.getSignature() + "No changes in DataSet"); } else { Logger.debug(login, this, "saveDataSet", procData.getSignature() + "DataSet saved"); } return retObj; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see pt.iknow.flows.Flow#getPossibleUndoStates(pt.iknow.utils.UserInfoInterface, pt.iknow.iflow.ProcessData) */ public List<FlowStateHistoryTO> getPossibleUndoStates(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData) { String userid = userInfo.getUtilizador(); DataSource ds = null; Connection db = null; PreparedStatement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<FlowStateHistoryTO> retObj = null; try { ds = Utils.getDataSource(); db = ds.getConnection(); // get fork states HashMap<Integer, Integer> forkStates = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); st = db.prepareStatement("select state,mid,count(*) from flow_state_history " + "where flowid=? and pid=? and undoflag=0 and exit_flag=1 " + "group by state,mid having count(*) > 1"); st.setInt(1, procData.getFlowId()); st.setInt(2, procData.getPid()); rs = st.executeQuery(); while ( { int forkstate = rs.getInt("state"); int forkmid = rs.getInt("mid"); forkStates.put(forkstate, forkmid); } DatabaseInterface.closeResources(rs, st); st = db.prepareStatement("select f.*,m.muser from flow_state_history f, modification m" + " where f.flowid=? and and f.subpid=? and f.undoflag=0" + " and m.flowid=f.flowid and and m.subpid=f.subpid and m.mid=f.mid"); st.setInt(1, procData.getFlowId()); st.setInt(2, procData.getPid()); st.setInt(3, procData.getSubPid()); rs = st.executeQuery(); retObj = new ArrayList<FlowStateHistoryTO>(); int minmid = -1; while ( { FlowStateHistoryTO item = new FlowStateHistoryTO(rs); item.setModificationUser(rs.getString("muser")); if (forkStates.containsKey(item.getState())) { int forkmid = forkStates.get(item.getState()); if (forkmid > minmid) minmid = forkmid; } Block block = this.getBlockById(userInfo, procData.getProcessHeader(), item.getState().intValue()); if (block != null && block.hasInteraction()) { retObj.add(item); } } for (int i = 0; i < retObj.size(); i++) { FlowStateHistoryTO item = retObj.get(i); item.setUndoable(item.getMid() >= minmid); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(userid, this, "getPossibleUndoStates", procData.getSignature() + "Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st, rs); } return retObj; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see pt.iknow.flows.Flow#undoProcess(pt.iknow.utils.UserInfoInterface, int, int, int, int, int, int) */ public boolean undoProcess(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int flowid, int pid, int subpid, int flowState, int mid, int exit_flag) { return undoProcess(userInfo, flowid, pid, subpid, flowState, mid, exit_flag, true); } public boolean undoProcess(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int flowid, int pid, int subpid, int flowState, int mid, int exit_flag, boolean registerTransaction) { String userid = userInfo.getUtilizador(); ProcessManager pm = BeanFactory.getProcessManagerBean(); Connection db = null; Statement st = null; PreparedStatement updateStatement = null; ResultSet rs = null; boolean retObj = false; String transactionId = null; try { db = Utils.getDataSource().getConnection(); db.setAutoCommit(false); if (registerTransaction) { transactionId = userInfo.registerTransaction(new DBConnectionWrapper(db)); } st = db.createStatement(); StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(); query.append("SELECT " + FlowStateHistoryTO.STATE); query.append(" FROM " + FlowStateHistoryTO.TABLE_NAME); query.append(" WHERE " + FlowStateHistoryTO.FLOW_ID + "=" + flowid); query.append(" AND " + FlowStateHistoryTO.PID + "=" + pid); query.append(" AND " + FlowStateHistoryTO.SUBPID + "=" + subpid); query.append(" AND " + FlowStateHistoryTO.STATE + "=" + flowState); query.append(" AND " + FlowStateHistoryTO.MID + "=" + mid); query.append(" AND " + FlowStateHistoryTO.EXIT_FLAG + "=" + exit_flag); query.append(" AND " + FlowStateHistoryTO.UNDO_FLAG + "=0"); rs = st.executeQuery(query.toString()); if (! { throw new Exception( "Unable to undo to state " + flowState + ": State does not exist for mid " + mid + "!"); } rs.close(); rs = null; updateStatement = db.prepareStatement( "update flow_state_history set undoflag=1 where flowid=? and pid=? and subpid=? and mid > ?"); updateStatement.setInt(1, flowid); updateStatement.setInt(2, pid); updateStatement.setInt(3, subpid); updateStatement.setInt(4, mid); updateStatement.executeUpdate(); String sql = DBQueryManager.processQuery("Flow.undo_get_state_result", new Object[] { String.valueOf(flowid), String.valueOf(pid), String.valueOf(subpid), String.valueOf(flowState), String.valueOf(mid) }); rs = st.executeQuery(sql); if ( { // update flow_state set result={4}, mdate=NOW(), state={3} where flowid={0} and pid={1} and subpid={2} sql = DBQueryManager.processQuery("Flow.update_state_undo", new Object[] { String.valueOf(flowid), String.valueOf(pid), String.valueOf(subpid), String.valueOf(flowState), String.valueOf(rs.getString(1)), String.valueOf(mid) }); st.executeUpdate(sql); } rs.close(); rs = null; ProcessHeader oldProcHeader = new ProcessHeader(flowid, pid, subpid); ProcessData oldProcData = pm.getProcessData(userInfo, oldProcHeader); // TODO // FIXME // actualizar para os useres associados ao mid, quando for feita a alteracao as actividades // para suportarem tambem os mids ProcessData newProcData = pm.undoProcessData(userInfo, flowid, pid, subpid, mid, oldProcData); if (pm.undoProcessActivities(userInfo, newProcData, mid, flowState)) { pm.notifyProcessUndone(userInfo, newProcData); } Logger.debug(userid, this, "undoProcess", newProcData.getSignature() + "commiting changes..."); db.commit(); Logger.debug(userid, this, "undoProcess", newProcData.getSignature() + "...done commiting changes. Process reverted to flowstate " + flowState + " (mid " + mid + ")"); retObj = true; } catch (Exception e) { retObj = false; Logger.error(userid, this, "undoProcess", "Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); try { db.rollback(); } catch (SQLException ee) { Logger.error(userid, this, "undoProcess", "Exception rolling back: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } finally { try { if (registerTransaction) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(transactionId)) { try { userInfo.unregisterTransaction(transactionId); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.error(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "undoProcess", "unregistering transaction in userinfo", e); NotificationManager notificationManager = BeanFactory.getNotificationManagerBean(); notificationManager.notifySystemError(userInfo, "undoProcess@FlowBean", "illegal access unregistering transaction in userInfo! " + e.getMessage()); } } } } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st, updateStatement, rs); } } return retObj; } public ProcessData getProcessData(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int flowid, int pid, int subpid) { try { ProcessManager pm = BeanFactory.getProcessManagerBean(); return pm.getProcessData(userInfo, new ProcessHeader(flowid, pid, subpid)); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "getProcessData", "Caught an unexpected exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } /** * Gets this flow's current state block * * @return current state block or null if an error occurs * @ejb.interface-method view-type = "remote" */ public Block getBlock(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData) { Block retObj = null; String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); try { int nBlockID = this.getFlowState(userInfo, procData); retObj = this.getBlockById(userInfo, procData.getProcessHeader(), nBlockID); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(login, this, "getBlock", procData.getSignature() + "exception caught: " + e.getMessage(), e); } return retObj; } /** * Gets the flow state from the database. * * @param flowId * @param prefix * @param pid * @return the flow state (the current block id) or -1 if the state does not exist. * @throws NamingException */ private int getFlowState(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData) throws Exception { Connection db = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; int flowState = -1; int flowId = procData.getFlowId(); int pid = procData.getPid(); int subpid = procData.getSubPid(); String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); if (!procData.isInDB()) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(procData.getTempData(DataSetVariables.FLOW_STATE))) { flowState = getStartBlockId(userInfo, procData); } else { flowState = Integer.parseInt(procData.getTempData(DataSetVariables.FLOW_STATE)); } } else { try { if (pid <= 0) { // shouldn't be here return flowState; } db = DatabaseInterface.getConnection(userInfo); st = db.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery("select state from flow_state" + " where flowid=" + flowId + " and pid=" + pid + " and subpid=" + subpid + " and closed=0"); if ( { flowState = rs.getInt("state"); } else { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(procData.getTempData(DataSetVariables.FLOW_STATE))) { // check if process already existed rs.close(); rs = null; rs = st.executeQuery("select state from flow_state_history where flowid=" + flowId + " and pid=" + pid + " and subpid=" + subpid); if ( { // strange!! shouldn't be here. don't set flowstate to start state Logger.error(login, this, "getFlowState", procData.getSignature() + "process does not exist in flow state but exists in flow state history."); flowState = getStartBlockId(userInfo, procData); Logger.warning(login, this, "getFlowState", procData.getSignature() + "TESTING - returning flowstate =" + flowState); } else { flowState = getStartBlockId(userInfo, procData); } rs.close(); rs = null; } else { // switching from session dataset to db dataset... // get state from dataset's temp data flowState = Integer.parseInt(procData.getTempData(DataSetVariables.FLOW_STATE)); } } if (rs != null) { rs.close(); rs = null; } } catch (SQLException sqle) { Logger.error(login, this, "getFlowState", procData.getSignature() + "caught sql exception: " + sqle.getMessage(), sqle); throw sqle; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(login, this, "getFlowState", procData.getSignature() + "caught exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st, rs); } } return flowState; } /** * Gets a block given its Id. * * @param blockId * the block's Id. * @return the wanted block or null if the block wasn't found. */ public Block getBlockById(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessHeader procHeader, int blockId) { Block block = null; if (blockId < 0) { return null; } IFlowData fd = BeanFactory.getFlowHolderBean().getFlow(userInfo, procHeader.getFlowId()); Vector<Block> flowVector = null; if (fd != null && !fd.hasError()) { flowVector = fd.getFlow(); } if (flowVector != null) { // Find the required block for (int index = 0; index < flowVector.size(); index++) { block = flowVector.get(index); if (block.getId() == blockId) { break; } block = null; } } return block; } /** * Returns the id of the BlockStart * * @return the BlockStart id */ private int getStartBlockId(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData) { int retObj = -1; int flowId = procData.getFlowId(); IFlowData fd = BeanFactory.getFlowHolderBean().getFlow(userInfo, flowId); Vector<Block> flowVector = null; Block block = null; if (fd != null && !fd.hasError()) { flowVector = fd.getFlow(); } if (flowVector != null) { for (int index = 0; index < flowVector.size(); index++) { block = flowVector.get(index); if (block.isStartBlock()) { retObj = block.getId(); break; } } } return retObj; } /** * Stores the flow state to the database. * * @param flowId * @param prefix * @param pid * @param block * the current block * @param abBefore * flag that tells that state is saved after calling block's before method; otherwise state is saved after calling * block's after method. * @return boolean * @throws NamingException */ private boolean saveFlowState(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, Block block, boolean abBefore, int mid, Port outPort) throws NamingException { int flowid = procData.getFlowId(); int pid = procData.getPid(); int subpid = procData.getSubPid(); String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); Connection db = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; String sResult = ""; int nExitFlag = 0; if (abBefore) { sResult = block.getDescription(userInfo, procData); nExitFlag = 0; } else { sResult = block.getResult(userInfo, procData); nExitFlag = 1; } Logger.debug(login, this, "saveFlowState", procData.getSignature() + "SAVING FLOW STATE: BLOCKID: " + block.getId()); if (!procData.isInDB() || procData.isOnPopup()) { if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Logger.debug(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "saveFlowState", "Process is not in DB, no persistence performed."); } procData.setTempData(DataSetVariables.FLOW_STATE, String.valueOf(block.getId())); procData.setTempData(DataSetVariables.FLOW_STATE_RESULT, sResult); } else { try { db = DatabaseInterface.getConnection(userInfo); db.setAutoCommit(false); st = db.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery("select state,result,exit_flag from flow_state" + " where flowid=" + flowid + " and pid=" + pid + " and subpid=" + subpid + " and closed=0"); if ( { int currState = rs.getInt("state"); String currResult = rs.getString("result"); int currExitFlag = rs.getInt("exit_flag"); String query = DBQueryManager.processQuery("Flow.update", new Object[] { String.valueOf(block.getId()), sResult, String.valueOf(nExitFlag), String.valueOf(flowid), String.valueOf(pid), String.valueOf(subpid), String.valueOf(mid) }); st.executeUpdate(query); if (block.getId() != currState || !StringUtils.equals(sResult, currResult) || nExitFlag != currExitFlag) { // insert history entry if (block.isSaveFlowState() && Const.sSAVE_FLOW_STATE_ALLWAYS.equals("true")) { query = DBQueryManager.processQuery("Flow.insert_state_history", new Object[] { String.valueOf(flowid), String.valueOf(pid), String.valueOf(subpid), String.valueOf(block.getId()), sResult, String.valueOf(nExitFlag), String.valueOf(mid), outPort == null ? null : "'" + outPort.getName() + "'" }); st.executeUpdate(query); } } DatabaseInterface.commitConnection(db); } else { // there's no blockId. String query = DBQueryManager.processQuery("Flow.insert_state", new Object[] { String.valueOf(flowid), String.valueOf(pid), String.valueOf(subpid), String.valueOf(block.getId()), sResult, String.valueOf(nExitFlag), String.valueOf(mid) }); st.executeUpdate(query); if (block.isSaveFlowState() && Const.sSAVE_FLOW_STATE_ALLWAYS.equals("true")) { query = DBQueryManager.processQuery("Flow.insert_state_history", new Object[] { String.valueOf(flowid), String.valueOf(pid), String.valueOf(subpid), String.valueOf(block.getId()), sResult, String.valueOf(nExitFlag), String.valueOf(mid), outPort == null ? null : "'" + outPort.getName() + "'" }); st.executeUpdate(query); } DatabaseInterface.commitConnection(db); } rs.close(); rs = null; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(login, this, "saveFlowState", procData.getSignature() + "caught exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); try { DatabaseInterface.rollbackConnection(db); } catch (Exception er) { Logger.error(login, this, "saveFlowState", procData.getSignature() + "exception rolling back connection: " + er.getMessage(), er); } return false; } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st, rs); } procData.setTempData(DataSetVariables.FLOW_STATE, null); procData.setTempData(DataSetVariables.FLOW_STATE_RESULT, null); } return true; } /** * Checks if a flow as reached the end. If so, closes it. * * @param flowId * @param procData * @param block * - the current block * * @throws Exception */ public void checkFlowEnd(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, Block block) throws Exception { checkFlowEnd(userInfo, procData, block, false, false); } private void checkFlowEnd(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, Block block, boolean abForce) throws Exception { checkFlowEnd(userInfo, procData, block, abForce, false); } private void checkFlowEnd(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, Block block, boolean abForce, boolean isCancel) throws Exception { if (!procData.isInDB()) { return; } String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); int blockid = -1; if (block != null) blockid = block.getId(); Logger.debug(login, this, "checkFlowEnd", procData.getSignature() + "BLOCKID: " + blockid); if ((block != null && block.isEndBlock()) || abForce) { String transactionId = null; Connection conn = null; if (!userInfo.inTransaction()) { conn = Utils.getDataSource().getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); transactionId = userInfo.registerTransaction(new DBConnectionWrapper(conn)); } try { endFlow(userInfo, procData, isCancel); if (conn != null) { conn.commit(); Logger.debug(login, this, "checkFlowEnd", procData.getSignature() + "...done commiting changes."); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(login, this, "checkFlowEnd", "Exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); if (conn != null) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (SQLException ee) { Logger.error(login, this, "checkFlowEnd", "Exception rolling back: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } throw e; } finally { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(transactionId)) { try { userInfo.unregisterTransaction(transactionId); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.error(login, this, "checkFlowEnd", "unregistering transaction in userinfo", e); NotificationManager notificationManager = BeanFactory.getNotificationManagerBean(); notificationManager.notifySystemError(userInfo, "checkFlowEnd@FlowBean", "illegal access unregistering transaction in userInfo! " + e.getMessage()); } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(conn); } } } } } private synchronized void endFlow(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, boolean isCancel) throws Exception { int flowId = procData.getFlowId(); int pid = procData.getPid(); int subpid = procData.getSubPid(); String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); Connection db = null; Statement st = null; try { db = DatabaseInterface.getConnection(userInfo);, this, "endFlow", "Reached flow end. Deleting flow_state associated entry"); ProcessManager pm = BeanFactory.getProcessManagerBean(); pm.endProc(userInfo, procData, isCancel);, this, "endFlow", procData.getSignature() + "Deleting flow_state associated entry"); st = db.createStatement(); String sQuery = "update flow_state set closed=1"; if (isCancel) { sQuery += ",canceled=1"; } sQuery += " where flowid=" + flowId; sQuery += " and pid=" + pid; sQuery += " and subpid=" + subpid; st.executeUpdate(sQuery);, this, "saveFlowState", procData.getSignature() + "process reached flow end"); } catch (Exception sqle) { Logger.error(login, this, "endFlow", procData.getSignature() + "Caught exception: " + sqle.getMessage(), sqle); throw sqle; } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st); } } /** * Returns the id of the given Block * * @param asBlockName * the block's name (without package, only name) * @return the Block's id * @ejb.interface-method view-type = "remote" */ public int getBlockId(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, String asBlockName) { Block block = null; int blockId = -1; String sFullBlockName = "pt.iknow.blocks." + asBlockName; int flowId = procData.getFlowId(); IFlowData fd = BeanFactory.getFlowHolderBean().getFlow(userInfo, flowId); Vector<Block> flowVector = null; String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); if (fd != null && !fd.hasError()) { flowVector = fd.getFlow(); } if (flowVector != null) { try { Class<?> cBlock = Class.forName(sFullBlockName); Logger.debug(login, this, "getBlockId", procData.getSignature() + "CLASS=" + cBlock); Logger.debug(login, this, "getBlockId", procData.getSignature() + "FLOW VECTOR SIZE=" + flowVector.size()); // Find the start block for (int index = 0; index < flowVector.size(); index++) { block = flowVector.get(index); Logger.debug(login, this, "getBlockId", "BLOCK AT INDEX " + index + "=" + block); if (cBlock.isInstance(block)) { blockId = block.getId(); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(login, this, "getBlockId", procData.getSignature() + "getBlockId for " + asBlockName + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } if (blockId == -1) { Logger.debug(login, this, "getBlockId", procData.getSignature() + "Block " + asBlockName + " not found."); } else { Logger.debug(login, this, "getBlockId", procData.getSignature() + "BLOCK " + asBlockName + " ID: " + blockId); } return blockId; } public String deployFlow(UserInfoInterface userInfo, String asFile) { return BeanFactory.getFlowHolderBean().deployFlow(userInfo, asFile); } public String undeployFlow(UserInfoInterface userInfo, String asFile) { return BeanFactory.getFlowHolderBean().undeployFlow(userInfo, asFile); } public void saveFlowSettings(UserInfoInterface userInfo, FlowSetting[] afsaSettings) { BeanFactory.getFlowSettingsBean().saveFlowSettings(userInfo, afsaSettings); } public void exportFlowSettings(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int flowid, PrintStream apsOut) { BeanFactory.getFlowSettingsBean().exportFlowSettings(userInfo, flowid, apsOut); } public String importFlowSettings(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int flowid, byte[] file) { return BeanFactory.getFlowSettingsBean().importFlowSettings(userInfo, flowid, file); } public void refreshFlowSettings(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int flowid) { BeanFactory.getFlowSettingsBean().refreshFlowSettings(userInfo, flowid); } public FlowSetting[] getFlowSettings(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int flowid) { return BeanFactory.getFlowSettingsBean().getFlowSettings(userInfo, flowid); } public IFlowData getFlow(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId) { return BeanFactory.getFlowHolderBean().getFlow(userInfo, anFlowId); } public boolean checkFlowEnabled(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId) { return BeanFactory.getFlowHolderBean().isOnline(userInfo, anFlowId); } public FlowRolesTO[] getFlowRoles(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId) { FlowRolesTO[] retObj = null; DataSource ds = null; Connection db = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<FlowRolesTO> altmp = null; FlowRolesTO fr = null; try { ds = Utils.getDataSource(); db = ds.getConnection(); db.setAutoCommit(false); st = db.createStatement(); rs = null; StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("SELECT r." + FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID); sql.append(", r." + FlowRolesTO.PERMISSIONS); sql.append(", r." + FlowRolesTO.PROFILE_ID); sql.append(", p." + ProfilesTO.NAME); sql.append(", p." + ProfilesTO.DESCRIPTION); sql.append(" FROM " + FlowRolesTO.TABLE_NAME + " r"); sql.append(" , " + ProfilesTO.TABLE_NAME + " p"); sql.append(" WHERE r." + FlowRolesTO.PROFILE_ID + "=p." + ProfilesTO.PROFILE_ID); if (anFlowId > 0) { sql.append(" AND " + FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID + "=" + anFlowId); } sql.append(" ORDER BY " + FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID); rs = st.executeQuery(sql.toString()); altmp = new ArrayList<FlowRolesTO>(); while ( { int flowid = rs.getInt(FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID); ProfilesTO profile = new ProfilesTO(rs.getInt(FlowRolesTO.PROFILE_ID), rs.getString(ProfilesTO.NAME), rs.getString(ProfilesTO.DESCRIPTION), userInfo.getCompanyID()); String permissions = rs.getString(FlowRolesTO.PERMISSIONS); fr = new FlowRolesTO(flowid, profile, permissions); altmp.add(fr); } rs.close(); rs = null; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "getFlowRoles", "exception caught: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st, rs); } if (altmp != null) { retObj = new FlowRolesTO[altmp.size()]; retObj = altmp.toArray(retObj); } return retObj; } public void addFlowRoles(UserInfoInterface userInfo, FlowRolesTO afrRoles) { FlowRolesTO[] fra = new FlowRolesTO[1]; fra[0] = afrRoles; this.setFlowRoles(userInfo, fra, nMODE_ADD); } public void removeFlowRoles(UserInfoInterface userInfo, FlowRolesTO afrRoles) { FlowRolesTO[] fra = new FlowRolesTO[1]; fra[0] = afrRoles; this.setFlowRoles(userInfo, fra, nMODE_REMOVE); } public void setFlowRoles(UserInfoInterface userInfo, FlowRolesTO[] afraRoles) { this.setFlowRoles(userInfo, afraRoles, nMODE_UPDATE); } private void setFlowRoles(UserInfoInterface userInfo, FlowRolesTO[] afraRoles, int anMode) { DataSource ds = null; Connection db = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ds = Utils.getDataSource(); db = ds.getConnection(); db.setAutoCommit(false); st = db.createStatement(); rs = null; for (int fr = 0; fr < afraRoles.length; fr++) { StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); if (anMode == nMODE_ADD) { sql.append("INSERT INTO " + FlowRolesTO.TABLE_NAME); sql.append(" (" + FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID); sql.append("," + FlowRolesTO.PROFILE_ID); sql.append("," + FlowRolesTO.PERMISSIONS + ")"); sql.append(" values (" + afraRoles[fr].getValueOf(FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID)); sql.append("," + afraRoles[fr].getValueOf(FlowRolesTO.PROFILE_ID)); sql.append("," + afraRoles[fr].getValueOf(FlowRolesTO.PERMISSIONS) + ")"); } else if (anMode == nMODE_REMOVE) { sql.append("DELETE FROM " + FlowRolesTO.TABLE_NAME); sql.append( " WHERE " + FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID + "=" + afraRoles[fr].getValueOf(FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID)); sql.append(" AND " + FlowRolesTO.PROFILE_ID + "=" + afraRoles[fr].getValueOf(FlowRolesTO.PROFILE_ID)); } else if (anMode == nMODE_UPDATE) { sql.append("UPDATE " + FlowRolesTO.TABLE_NAME); sql.append(" SET " + FlowRolesTO.PERMISSIONS + "=" + afraRoles[fr].getValueOf(FlowRolesTO.PERMISSIONS)); sql.append( " WHERE " + FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID + "=" + afraRoles[fr].getValueOf(FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID)); sql.append(" AND " + FlowRolesTO.PROFILE_ID + "=" + afraRoles[fr].getValueOf(FlowRolesTO.PROFILE_ID)); } else { throw new Exception("NO PREDIFINED MODE.. exiting"); } if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Logger.debug(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "setFlowRoles", "query[" + fr + "]=" + sql); } st.executeUpdate(sql.toString()); } db.commit(); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Logger.debug(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "setFlowRoles", "set commited"); } } catch (Exception e) { try { db.rollback(); } catch (Exception ei) { } Logger.error(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "setFlowRoles", "exception caught: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st, rs); } } public FlowRolesTO[] getUserFlowRolesDelegated(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId) { FlowRolesTO[] retObj = null; DataSource ds = null; Connection db = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<FlowRolesTO> altmp = null; FlowRolesTO fr = null; try { ds = Utils.getDataSource(); db = ds.getConnection(); st = db.createStatement(); StringBuffer sbtmp = new StringBuffer(); sbtmp.append("select distinct flowid, userid, permissions from "); sbtmp.append("activity_hierarchy where pending=0 "); sbtmp.append("and userid like '"); sbtmp.append(userInfo.getUtilizador().toUpperCase()).append("'"); if (anFlowId > 0) { sbtmp.append(" and flowid=").append(anFlowId); } rs = st.executeQuery(sbtmp.toString()); altmp = new ArrayList<FlowRolesTO>(); while ( { fr = new FlowRolesTO(rs.getInt("flowid"), rs.getString("userid"), rs.getString("permissions")); altmp.add(fr); } rs.close(); rs = null; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "getUserFlowRolesDelegated", "exception caught: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st, rs); } if (altmp != null) { retObj = new FlowRolesTO[altmp.size()]; retObj = altmp.toArray(retObj); } return retObj; } public FlowRolesTO[] getUserFlowRoles(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId) { FlowRolesTO[] retObj = null; DataSource ds = null; Connection db = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<FlowRolesTO> altmp = null; FlowRolesTO fr = null; String[] saProfiles = userInfo.getProfiles(); if (saProfiles != null && saProfiles.length > 0) { try { ds = Utils.getDataSource(); db = ds.getConnection(); st = db.createStatement(); rs = null; StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer(); sql.append("SELECT r." + FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID); sql.append(", r." + FlowRolesTO.PROFILE_ID); sql.append(", r." + FlowRolesTO.PERMISSIONS); sql.append(", p." + ProfilesTO.NAME); sql.append(", p." + ProfilesTO.DESCRIPTION); sql.append(" FROM " + FlowRolesTO.TABLE_NAME + " r, flow f"); sql.append(", " + ProfilesTO.TABLE_NAME + " p"); sql.append(" WHERE r." + FlowRolesTO.PROFILE_ID + "=p." + ProfilesTO.PROFILE_ID); sql.append(" AND p." + ProfilesTO.NAME + " in ("); for (int i = 0; i < saProfiles.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sql.append(","); } sql.append("'" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeSql(saProfiles[i]) + "'"); } sql.append(")"); if (anFlowId > 0) { sql.append(" AND r." + FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID + "=" + anFlowId); } sql.append(" AND f.flowid=r." + FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID); sql.append(" AND f.organizationid LIKE '" + userInfo.getCompanyID() + "'"); sql.append(" ORDER BY " + FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID); rs = st.executeQuery(sql.toString()); altmp = new ArrayList<FlowRolesTO>(); while ( { int flowid = rs.getInt(FlowRolesTO.FLOW_ID); ProfilesTO profile = new ProfilesTO(rs.getInt(FlowRolesTO.PROFILE_ID), rs.getString(ProfilesTO.NAME), rs.getString(ProfilesTO.DESCRIPTION), userInfo.getCompanyID()); String permissions = rs.getString(FlowRolesTO.PERMISSIONS); fr = new FlowRolesTO(flowid, profile, permissions); altmp.add(fr); } rs.close(); rs = null; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "getUserFlowRoles", "exception caught: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st, rs); } } if (altmp != null) { retObj = altmp.toArray(new FlowRolesTO[altmp.size()]); } return retObj; } public FlowRolesTO[] getAllUserFlowRoles(UserInfoInterface userInfo) { FlowRolesTO[] fr = this.getUserFlowRoles(userInfo, -1); FlowRolesTO[] frd = this.getUserFlowRolesDelegated(userInfo, -1); int size = 0; if (fr != null) { size += fr.length; } if (frd != null) { size += frd.length; } FlowRolesTO[] retObj = new FlowRolesTO[size]; int i = 0; for (; fr != null && i < fr.length; i++) { retObj[i] = fr[i]; } for (int j = 0; frd != null && j < frd.length; j++) { retObj[i + j] = frd[j]; } return retObj; } public boolean checkUserSelfFlowRoles(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId, String asPrivilege) { boolean retObj = BeanFactory.getFlowSettingsBean().isGuestAccessible(userInfo, anFlowId); if (!retObj) { FlowRolesTO[] fra = this.getUserFlowRoles(userInfo, anFlowId); char[] privs = asPrivilege.toCharArray(); for (char priv : privs) { if (fra != null) { for (int i = 0; i < fra.length; i++) { if (fra[i].hasPrivilege(priv)) { return true; } } } } } return retObj; } private boolean checkUserDelegatedFlowRoles(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId, String asPrivilege) { FlowRolesTO[] frad = this.getUserFlowRolesDelegated(userInfo, anFlowId); if (frad != null) { char[] privs = asPrivilege.toCharArray(); for (char priv : privs) { for (int i = 0; i < frad.length; i++) { if (frad[i].hasPrivilege(priv)) { return true; } } } } return false; } public boolean checkUserFlowRoles(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId, String asPrivilege) { if (userInfo.isManager()) return true; boolean retObj = false; retObj = this.checkUserSelfFlowRoles(userInfo, anFlowId, asPrivilege); if (!retObj) { retObj = this.checkUserDelegatedFlowRoles(userInfo, anFlowId, asPrivilege); } return retObj; } public String endProc(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData) { String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); Logger.trace("FlowBean", "endProc", procData.getSignature() + login + "call"); int flowid = procData.getFlowId(); int pid = procData.getPid(); int subpid = procData.getSubPid(); String retPage = "End/end.jsp?flowid=" + flowid + "&pid=" + pid + "&subpid=" + subpid + "&canceled=true"; if (!procData.isInDB()) { return retPage; } Connection conn = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; String transactionId = null; try { ProcessManager pm = BeanFactory.getProcessManagerBean(); if (userInfo.inTransaction()) { conn = DatabaseInterface.getConnection(userInfo); } else { conn = Utils.getDataSource().getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); transactionId = userInfo.registerTransaction(new DBConnectionWrapper(conn)); } if (procData.getMid() < 0 && procData.isInDB()) { int mid = pm.getNextMid(userInfo, procData); procData.setMid(mid); Logger.debug(login, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "MID: " + mid); } procData.set(DataSetVariables.PROCESS_STATE_DESC, DataSetVariables.USER_CANCELED + ": " + login); try { pm.deleteAllActivities(userInfo, procData); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(login, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "caught exception unscheduling activities: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } st = conn.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery("select state from flow_state" + " where flowid=" + flowid + " and pid=" + pid + " and subpid=" + subpid + " and closed=0"); if ( { String stmp = rs.getString("state"); String query = DBQueryManager.processQuery("Flow.update_state", new Object[] { stmp, procData.get(DataSetVariables.PROCESS_STATE_DESC).format(), String.valueOf(flowid), String.valueOf(pid) }); st.executeUpdate(query); this.saveDataSet(userInfo, procData, null); this.checkFlowEnd(userInfo, procData, null, true, true); DatabaseInterface.commitConnection(conn);, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "proc ended"); } rs.close(); rs = null; } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(login, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "caught exception", t); if (conn != null) { try { DatabaseInterface.rollbackConnection(conn); Logger.warning(login, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "db connection rollback"); } catch (Exception ec) { Logger.error(login, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "rolling back transaction", ec); } } getErrorUrl("flow_error.end_proc"); } finally { procData.setMid(Const.NO_MID); try { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(transactionId)) { try { userInfo.unregisterTransaction(transactionId); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.error(login, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "unregistering transaction in userinfo", e); NotificationManager notificationManager = BeanFactory.getNotificationManagerBean(); notificationManager.notifySystemError(userInfo, "endProc@FlowBean", procData.getSignature() + "illegal access unregistering transaction in userInfo! " + e.getMessage()); retPage = getErrorUrl("flow_error.unregister_transaction"); } } } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(conn, st, rs); } } return retPage; } public boolean endProccessInBlockAdministration(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData) { boolean result = false; String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); Logger.trace("FlowBean", "endProccessInBlockAdministration", procData.getSignature() + login + "call"); int flowid = procData.getFlowId(); int pid = procData.getPid(); int subpid = procData.getSubPid(); if (!procData.isInDB()) { return true; } Connection conn = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; String transactionId = null; try { ProcessManager pm = BeanFactory.getProcessManagerBean(); if (userInfo.inTransaction()) { conn = DatabaseInterface.getConnection(userInfo); } else { conn = Utils.getDataSource().getConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); transactionId = userInfo.registerTransaction(new DBConnectionWrapper(conn)); } if (procData.getMid() < 0 && procData.isInDB()) { int mid = pm.getNextMid(userInfo, procData); procData.setMid(mid); Logger.debug(login, this, "endProccessInBlockAdministration", procData.getSignature() + "MID: " + mid); } procData.set(DataSetVariables.PROCESS_STATE_DESC, DataSetVariables.USER_CANCELED + ": " + login); try { pm.deleteAllActivities(userInfo, procData); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(login, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "caught exception unscheduling activities: " + e.getMessage(), e); throw e; } st = conn.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery("select state from flow_state" + " where flowid=" + flowid + " and pid=" + pid + " and subpid=" + subpid + " and closed=0"); if ( { String stmp = rs.getString("state"); String query = DBQueryManager.processQuery("Flow.update_state", new Object[] { stmp, procData.get(DataSetVariables.PROCESS_STATE_DESC).format(), String.valueOf(flowid), String.valueOf(pid) }); st.executeUpdate(query); this.saveDataSet(userInfo, procData, null); this.checkFlowEnd(userInfo, procData, null, true, true); DatabaseInterface.commitConnection(conn);, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "proc ended"); result = true; } rs.close(); rs = null; } catch (Throwable t) { Logger.error(login, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "caught exception", t); if (conn != null) { try { DatabaseInterface.rollbackConnection(conn); Logger.warning(login, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "db connection rollback"); } catch (Exception ec) { Logger.error(login, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "rolling back transaction", ec); } } result = false; } finally { procData.setMid(Const.NO_MID); try { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(transactionId)) { try { userInfo.unregisterTransaction(transactionId); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.error(login, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "unregistering transaction in userinfo", e); NotificationManager notificationManager = BeanFactory.getNotificationManagerBean(); notificationManager.notifySystemError(userInfo, "endProc@FlowBean", procData.getSignature() + "illegal access unregistering transaction in userInfo! " + e.getMessage()); result = false; } } } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(conn, st, rs); } } return result; } public String endSubProc(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData, String endMsg) { String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); try { procData.parseAndSet(DataSetVariables.PROCESS_STATE_DESC, endMsg); } catch (ParseException e) { } try { ProcessManager pm = BeanFactory.getProcessManagerBean(); pm.deleteAllActivities(userInfo, procData); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(login, this, "endProc", procData.getSignature() + "caught exception unscheduling activities: " + e.getMessage(), e); } int flowid = procData.getFlowId(); int pid = procData.getPid(); int subpid = procData.getSubPid(); Connection db = null; PreparedStatement pst = null; try { db = DatabaseInterface.getConnection(userInfo); db.setAutoCommit(false); pst = db.prepareStatement( "update flow_state set mdate=?,result=? where flowid=? and pid=? and subpid=?"); pst.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())); pst.setString(2, endMsg); pst.setInt(3, flowid); pst.setInt(4, pid); pst.setInt(5, subpid); pst.executeUpdate(); pst.close(); pst = null; this.saveDataSet(userInfo, procData, null); this.checkFlowEnd(userInfo, procData, null, true); DatabaseInterface.commitConnection(db);, this, "endSubProc", procData.getSignature() + "subProc ended"); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(login, this, "endSubProc", procData.getSignature() + "caught exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); try { DatabaseInterface.rollbackConnection(db); } catch (Exception e2) { } return getErrorUrl("flow_error.end_sub_proc"); } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, pst); } return "End/end.jsp?flowid=" + flowid + "&pid=" + pid + "&subpid=" + subpid; } public String resyncFlow(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId, int anOldBlockId, int anNewBlockId) { return resyncFlow(userInfo, anFlowId, anOldBlockId, anNewBlockId, false); } public String resyncFlow(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId, int anOldBlockId, int anNewBlockId, boolean force) { String retObj = null; StringBuilder sbError = new StringBuilder(); LicenseService licenseService = LicenseServiceFactory.getLicenseService(); String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); StringBuilder sbPids = null; Connection db = null; Statement st = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; String transactionId = null; try { IFlowData fd = this.getFlow(userInfo, anFlowId); Block block = null; ProcessHeader procHeader = new ProcessHeader(anFlowId, Const.nSESSION_PID, Const.nSESSION_SUBPID); if (fd == null || fd.hasError()) { sbError.append("Flow inválido.<br>"); } else if (fd.isOnline()) { sbError.append("O flow está online, pelo que não pode ser re-sincronizado.<br>"); } else { block = this.getBlockById(userInfo, procHeader, anOldBlockId); if (!force && block != null) { sbError.append( "O estado antigo escolhido corresponde a um estado ainda válido no flow.<br>"); } else { block = this.getBlockById(userInfo, procHeader, anNewBlockId); if (block == null) { sbError.append("O novo estado escolhido não é válido no flow.<br>"); } else { boolean isDeployed = BeanFactory.getFlowHolderBean().isOnline(userInfo, anFlowId); if (isDeployed) { sbError.append("O flow encontra-se activo.<br>"); } else { db = Utils.getDataSource().getConnection(); db.setAutoCommit(false); transactionId = userInfo.registerTransaction(new DBConnectionWrapper(db)); st = db.createStatement(); rs = null; // now get all (sub)processes in anOldBlockId state String query = "select pid, subpid, mid from flow_state" + " where state=" + anOldBlockId + " and flowid=" + anFlowId + " and closed=0" + " order by pid asc"; List<ProcessHeader> alProcHeaders = new ArrayList<ProcessHeader>(); rs = st.executeQuery(query); while ( { ProcessHeader phHeader = new ProcessHeader(anFlowId, rs.getInt("pid"), rs.getInt("subpid")); phHeader.setMid(rs.getInt("mid")); alProcHeaders.add(phHeader); } rs.close(); rs = null; if (alProcHeaders.size() == 0) { sbError.append("Não existem processos no estado "); sbError.append(anOldBlockId).append(".<br>"); } else { ProcessManager pm = BeanFactory.getProcessManagerBean(); ps = db.prepareStatement("update flow_state " + "set state=?, result=result||' (FlowResync in progress)' " + "where flowid=? and pid=? and subpid=?"); sbPids = new StringBuilder(); for (int header = 0; header < alProcHeaders.size(); header++) { ProcessHeader ph = alProcHeaders.get(header); int pid = ph.getFlowId(); int subpid = ph.getPid(); int mid = ph.getMid(); try { // update state in db ps.setInt(1, anNewBlockId); ps.setInt(2, anFlowId); ps.setInt(3, pid); ps.setInt(4, subpid); ps.executeUpdate(); if (header > 0) sbPids.append(","); sbPids.append(pid); // now call block's before method ProcessData pdProc = pm.getProcessData(userInfo, ph); String blockUrl = block.before(userInfo, pdProc); licenseService.consume(userInfo, anFlowId, block.getCost()); if (!block.isEndBlock() && !block.hasInteraction()) { // call next block if block has no // user interaction blockUrl = this.nextBlock(userInfo, pdProc, true); // refetch block int state = this.getFlowState(userInfo, pdProc); block = this.getBlockById(userInfo, ph, state); } else { // save flow state and dataset this.saveFlowState(userInfo, pdProc, block, true, mid, null); this.saveDataSet(userInfo, pdProc, null, mid); } if (blockUrl != null) { // call update activity (url and // description) // (everything should be ok, but is // better to ensure) Activity activity = new Activity(login, anFlowId, pid, subpid, 0, 0, block.getDescription(userInfo, pdProc), Block.getDefaultUrl(userInfo, pdProc), 1); activity.mid = mid; pm.updateActivity(userInfo, activity); } db.commit();, this, "resyncFlow", pdProc.getSignature() + "db connection commit"); } catch (Exception ei) { db.rollback(); Logger.error(login, getClass(), "resyncFlow", "Error resync process: " + pid, ei); sbError.append("Ocorreu um erro ao sincronizar processo id="); sbError.append(pid).append(".<br>"); } } ps.close(); ps = null; } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (db != null) { try { db.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e1) { } } Logger.error(login, getClass(), "resyncFlow", "Error resync flow: " + anFlowId, e); sbError.append("Ocorreu um erro ao sincronizar o fluxo.<br>"); } finally { try { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(transactionId)) { try { userInfo.unregisterTransaction(transactionId); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.error(login, this, "resyncFlow", "unregistering transaction in userinfo", e); NotificationManager notificationManager = BeanFactory.getNotificationManagerBean(); notificationManager.notifySystemError(userInfo, "resyncFlow@FlowBean", "illegal access unregistering transaction in userInfo! " + e.getMessage()); } } } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st, rs, ps); } } if (sbError.length() > 0) { retObj = sbError.toString(); } if (sbPids != null) { Logger.warning(login, this, "resyncFlow", "flowid=" + anFlowId + " from blockid " + anOldBlockId + " to " + anNewBlockId + " for procs " + sbPids.toString() + ". ERROR: " + retObj); } else { Logger.warning(login, this, "resyncFlow", "flowid=" + anFlowId + " from blockid " + anOldBlockId + " to " + anNewBlockId + ". ERROR: " + retObj); } return retObj; } /** * Retrives a given flow's info. * * @param userInfo * caller user * @param anFlowId * desired flow id * * @return list of hashmaps with each block's info (key/value: id/string,type/string,hasinteraction/boolean, * outblocks/arraylist(hmtmp(portname,connectedblockid))) * @ejb.interface-method view-type = "remote" */ public List<BlockInfo> getFlowInfo(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId) { List<BlockInfo> retObj = null; IFlowData fd = getFlow(userInfo, anFlowId); Vector<Block> flowVector = null; String stmp = null; Port[] pa = null; Block block = null; if (fd != null && !fd.hasError()) { flowVector = fd.getFlow(); } if (flowVector != null) { retObj = new ArrayList<BlockInfo>(); for (int index = 0; index < flowVector.size(); index++) { block = flowVector.get(index); BlockInfo bInfo = new BlockInfo(); stmp = String.valueOf(block.getId()); bInfo.setId(stmp); stmp = block.getClass().getName(); stmp = stmp.substring((stmp.lastIndexOf(".") + 1)); bInfo.setType(stmp); bInfo.setInteraction(block.hasInteraction()); pa = block.getOutPorts(userInfo); if (pa != null) { for (int ii = 0; ii < pa.length; ii++) { if (pa[ii] == null) continue; Map<String, String> outblock = new HashMap<String, String>(); outblock.put("name", pa[ii].getName()); outblock.put("connectedblockid", String.valueOf(pa[ii].getConnectedBlockId())); bInfo.addOutblock(outblock); } } retObj.add(bInfo); } } return retObj; } /** * Retrives a given flow's states. * * @param userInfo * caller user * @param procData * the process data to fetch the states * * @return arraylist with the process states (string) * @ejb.interface-method view-type = "remote" */ public List<String> getFlowStates(UserInfoInterface userInfo, ProcessData procData) { Connection db = null; Statement st = null; ResultSet rs = null; List<String> retObj = null; int flowId = procData.getFlowId(); int pid = procData.getPid(); int subpid = procData.getSubPid(); String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); if (procData.isInDB()) { try { if (pid <= 0) { // shouldn't be here return retObj; } db = DatabaseInterface.getConnection(userInfo); st = db.createStatement(); rs = st.executeQuery("select distinct(state) from flow_state" + " where flowid=" + flowId + " and pid=" + pid + " and subpid=" + subpid + " and closed=0"); retObj = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { retObj.add(rs.getString(1)); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(login, this, "getFlowStates", procData.getSignature() + "caught exception: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st, rs); } } return retObj; } public ProcessCatalogue getFlowCatalogue(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId) { IFlowData flow = getFlow(userInfo, anFlowId); if (null == flow) return null; return flow.getCatalogue(); } public FlowType getFlowType(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId) { IFlowData flow = getFlow(userInfo, anFlowId); if (null == flow) return null; return flow.getFlowType(); } public boolean setFlowType(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int flowid, FlowType flowType) { if (null == userInfo || !userInfo.isOrgAdmin()) { Logger.warning(userInfo == null ? null : userInfo.getUtilizador(), this, "setFlowType", "Access denied"); return false; } // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } private Block getBlockById(IFlowData fd, Integer anOldBlockId) { Block block = null; Vector<Block> flowVector = null; if (fd != null && !fd.hasError()) { flowVector = fd.getFlow(); } if (flowVector != null) { // Find the required block for (int index = 0; index < flowVector.size(); index++) { block = flowVector.get(index); if (block.getId() == anOldBlockId) { break; } block = null; } } return block; } public String resyncFlow(UserInfoInterface userInfo, int anFlowId, Integer anOldBlockId, Integer anNewBlockId, boolean force, IFlowData fd) { String retObj = null; StringBuilder sbError = new StringBuilder(); LicenseService licenseService = LicenseServiceFactory.getLicenseService(); String login = userInfo.getUtilizador(); StringBuilder sbPids = null; Connection db = null; Statement st = null; PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; String transactionId = null; try { Block block = null; if (fd == null || fd.hasError()) { sbError.append("Flow inválido.<br>"); } else if (fd.isOnline()) { sbError.append("O flow está online, pelo que não pode ser re-sincronizado.<br>"); } else { block = getBlockById(fd, anOldBlockId); if (!force && block != null) { sbError.append( "O estado antigo escolhido corresponde a um estado ainda válido no flow.<br>"); } else { block = this.getBlockById(fd, anNewBlockId); if (block == null) { sbError.append("O novo estado escolhido não é válido no flow.<br>"); } else { boolean isDeployed = BeanFactory.getFlowHolderBean().isOnline(userInfo, anFlowId); if (isDeployed) { sbError.append("O flow encontra-se activo.<br>"); } else { db = Utils.getDataSource().getConnection(); db.setAutoCommit(false); transactionId = userInfo.registerTransaction(new DBConnectionWrapper(db)); st = db.createStatement(); rs = null; // now get all (sub)processes in anOldBlockId state String query = "select pid, subpid, mid from flow_state" + " where state=" + anOldBlockId + " and flowid=" + anFlowId + " and closed=0" + " order by pid asc"; List<ProcessHeader> alProcHeaders = new ArrayList<ProcessHeader>(); rs = st.executeQuery(query); while ( { ProcessHeader phHeader = new ProcessHeader(anFlowId, rs.getInt("pid"), rs.getInt("subpid")); phHeader.setMid(rs.getInt("mid")); alProcHeaders.add(phHeader); } rs.close(); rs = null; if (alProcHeaders.size() == 0) { sbError.append("Não existem processos no estado "); sbError.append(anOldBlockId).append(".<br>"); } else { ProcessManager pm = BeanFactory.getProcessManagerBean(); ps = db.prepareStatement("update flow_state " + "set state=?, result=result||' (FlowResync in progress)' " + "where flowid=? and pid=? and subpid=?"); sbPids = new StringBuilder(); for (int header = 0; header < alProcHeaders.size(); header++) { ProcessHeader ph = alProcHeaders.get(header); int pid = ph.getFlowId(); int subpid = ph.getPid(); int mid = ph.getMid(); try { // update state in db ps.setInt(1, anNewBlockId); ps.setInt(2, anFlowId); ps.setInt(3, pid); ps.setInt(4, subpid); ps.executeUpdate(); if (header > 0) sbPids.append(","); sbPids.append(pid); // now call block's before method ProcessData pdProc = pm.getProcessData(userInfo, ph); String blockUrl = block.before(userInfo, pdProc); licenseService.consume(userInfo, anFlowId, block.getCost()); if (!block.isEndBlock() && !block.hasInteraction()) { // call next block if block has no // user interaction blockUrl = this.nextBlock(userInfo, pdProc, true); // refetch block int state = this.getFlowState(userInfo, pdProc); block = this.getBlockById(fd, state); } else { // save flow state and dataset this.saveFlowState(userInfo, pdProc, block, true, mid, null); this.saveDataSet(userInfo, pdProc, null, mid); } if (blockUrl != null) { // call update activity (url and // description) // (everything should be ok, but is // better to ensure) Activity activity = new Activity(login, anFlowId, pid, subpid, 0, 0, block.getDescription(userInfo, pdProc), Block.getDefaultUrl(userInfo, pdProc), 1); activity.mid = mid; pm.updateActivity(userInfo, activity); } db.commit();, this, "resyncFlow", pdProc.getSignature() + "db connection commit"); } catch (Exception ei) { db.rollback(); Logger.error(login, getClass(), "resyncFlow", "Error resync process: " + pid, ei); sbError.append("Ocorreu um erro ao sincronizar processo id="); sbError.append(pid).append(".<br>"); } } ps.close(); ps = null; } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { if (db != null) { try { db.rollback(); } catch (SQLException e1) { } } Logger.error(login, getClass(), "resyncFlow", "Error resync flow: " + anFlowId, e); sbError.append("Ocorreu um erro ao sincronizar o fluxo.<br>"); } finally { try { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(transactionId)) { try { userInfo.unregisterTransaction(transactionId); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { Logger.error(login, this, "resyncFlow", "unregistering transaction in userinfo", e); NotificationManager notificationManager = BeanFactory.getNotificationManagerBean(); notificationManager.notifySystemError(userInfo, "resyncFlow@FlowBean", "illegal access unregistering transaction in userInfo! " + e.getMessage()); } } } finally { DatabaseInterface.closeResources(db, st, rs, ps); } } if (sbError.length() > 0) { retObj = sbError.toString(); } if (sbPids != null) { Logger.warning(login, this, "resyncFlow", "flowid=" + anFlowId + " from blockid " + anOldBlockId + " to " + anNewBlockId + " for procs " + sbPids.toString() + ". ERROR: " + retObj); } else { Logger.warning(login, this, "resyncFlow", "flowid=" + anFlowId + " from blockid " + anOldBlockId + " to " + anNewBlockId + ". ERROR: " + retObj); } return retObj; } }