Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2010 Pedro Gomes and Universidade do Minho.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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 * *********************************************************************
 * Copyright (c) 2011 Valter Balegas and Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
 * All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.database;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import org.json.JSONArray;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.uminho.gsd.benchmarks.benchmark.BenchmarkNodeID;
import org.uminho.gsd.benchmarks.dataStatistics.ResultHandler;
import org.uminho.gsd.benchmarks.generic.BuyingResult;
import org.uminho.gsd.benchmarks.helpers.BenchmarkUtil;
import org.uminho.gsd.benchmarks.helpers.TPM_counter;
import org.uminho.gsd.benchmarks.helpers.ThinkTime;
import org.uminho.gsd.benchmarks.interfaces.Entity;
import org.uminho.gsd.benchmarks.interfaces.KeyGenerator;
import org.uminho.gsd.benchmarks.interfaces.Workload.Operation;
import org.uminho.gsd.benchmarks.interfaces.Workload.WorkloadGeneratorInterface;
import org.uminho.gsd.benchmarks.interfaces.executor.DatabaseExecutorInterface;

import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.Address;
import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.Author;
import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.AuthorIndex;
import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.BestSellerEntry;
import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.BestSellerSubject;
import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.CCXact;
import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.CCXactItem;
import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.Customer;
import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.Item;
import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.Order;
import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.OrderLine;
import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.SCLine;
import pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.ShoppingCart;

import com.basho.riak.client.IRiakClient;
import com.basho.riak.client.IRiakObject;
import com.basho.riak.client.RiakClient;
import com.basho.riak.client.RiakException;
import com.basho.riak.client.RiakFactory;
import com.basho.riak.client.RiakLink;
import com.basho.riak.client.RiakObject;
import com.basho.riak.client.RiakRetryFailedException;
import com.basho.riak.client.bucket.Bucket;
import com.basho.riak.client.bucket.FetchBucket;
import com.basho.riak.client.cap.UnresolvedConflictException;
import com.basho.riak.client.convert.ConversionException;
import com.basho.riak.client.http.RiakConfig;
import com.basho.riak.client.mapreduce.JavascriptFunction;
import com.basho.riak.client.mapreduce.filter.StartsWithFilter;
import com.basho.riak.client.raw.RawClient;
import com.basho.riak.client.raw.pbc.PBClientAdapter;
import com.basho.riak.client.raw.pbc.PBClientConfig;
import com.basho.riak.client.raw.pbc.PBClusterConfig;
import com.basho.riak.client.response.MapReduceResponse;

//Falta o consistency level em todos os fetchs!
public class TPCW_Riak_Executor implements DatabaseExecutorInterface {

    private static final int BESTSELLERMAX = 50;
    private String keyspace;
    private Map<String, Integer> connections;
    private KeyGenerator keyGenerator;
    private ArrayList<IRiakClient> iclients;
    private ArrayList<RawClient> clients;
    //private ArrayList<RiakClient> swiftClients;
    private Map<String, String> paths;
    private TPM_counter counter;
    private long simulatedDelay;
    private int search_slice_ratio;
    private int global_executor_counter;
    private int executor_id;
    private ResultHandler client_result_handler;
    private Gson GSON = new Gson();

    //TODO: No est implementado
    public static int INSERT_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = 2;
    public static int REMOVE_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = 2;
    public static int RANGE_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = 2;
    public static int TRANSACTIONAL_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = 2;
    public static int READ_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = 2;
    public static int WRITE_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = 2;
    public static int ALL = 10;

    private PBClusterConfig clusterConf;

    Map<String, Integer> partialBought = new TreeMap<String, Integer>();
    ArrayList<String> operations = new ArrayList<String>();
    int bought_qty;
    int bought_actions;
    int bought_carts;
    int zeros;
    private int debug_bougth_items;
    private int total_bought;
    int last, lastRaw = 0;

    private String[] credit_cards = { "VISA", "MASTERCARD", "DISCOVER", "AMEX", "DINERS" };
    private String[] ship_types = { "AIR", "UPS", "FEDEX", "SHIP", "COURIER", "MAIL" };
    private String[] status_types = { "PROCESSING", "SHIPPED", "PENDING", "DENIED" };

    private Random random = new Random();

    public TPCW_Riak_Executor(String keyspace, Map<String, Integer> connections,
            //   ConsistencyLevel[] consistencyLevels,
            Map<String, String> key_paths, int think_time, int search_slices, KeyGenerator keyGenerator,
            TPM_counter tpm_counter) {

        this.keyspace = keyspace;
        this.keyGenerator = keyGenerator;
        this.connections = connections;
        //      INSERT_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = consistencyLevels[0];
        //      REMOVE_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = consistencyLevels[1];
        //      RANGE_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = consistencyLevels[2];
        //      TRANSACTIONAL_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = consistencyLevels[3];
        //      READ_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = consistencyLevels[4];
        //      WRITE_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL = consistencyLevels[5];
        this.iclients = new ArrayList<IRiakClient>();
        this.clients = new ArrayList<RawClient>();
        this.connections = connections;
        this.keyspace = keyspace;
        this.paths = key_paths;
        this.counter = tpm_counter;

        Map<String, Integer> sortedConnections = BenchmarkUtil.randomizeMap(connections);

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            for (String rand_host : sortedConnections.keySet()) {
                String host = rand_host.split(":")[1];
                try {
                    IRiakClient client = RiakFactory.pbcClient();
                } catch (RiakException e) {


        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            for (String rand_host : sortedConnections.keySet()) {
                com.basho.riak.pbc.RiakClient pbcClient;
                try {
                    pbcClient = new com.basho.riak.pbc.RiakClient(rand_host.split(":")[1]);
                    RawClient rawClient = null;
                    rawClient = new PBClientAdapter(pbcClient);
                } catch (IOException e1) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block


        search_slice_ratio = search_slices;
        simulatedDelay = think_time;


    public void start(WorkloadGeneratorInterface workload, BenchmarkNodeID nodeId, int operation_number,
            ResultHandler handler) {

        executor_id = global_executor_counter;
        client_result_handler = handler;

        for (int operation = 0; operation < operation_number; operation++) {
            long g_init_time = System.currentTimeMillis();

            try {
                long init_time = System.currentTimeMillis();

                Operation op = workload.getNextOperation();
                long end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
                client_result_handler.logResult(op.getOperation(), (end_time - init_time));

                simulatedDelay = ThinkTime.getThinkTime();

                if (simulatedDelay > 0) {

            } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
                System.out.println("[ERROR:] THIS OPERATION DOES NOT EXIST: " + e.getMessage());
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                System.out.println("[ERROR:] THINK TIME AFTER METHOD EXECUTION INTERRUPTED: " + e.getMessage());

            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("-- Error : Client " + executor_id + " going down....");

            long end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
            client_result_handler.logResult("OPERATIONS", (end_time - g_init_time));


        client_result_handler.getResulSet().put("bought", partialBought);
        client_result_handler.getResulSet().put("total_bought", bought_qty);
        client_result_handler.getResulSet().put("buying_actions", bought_actions);
        client_result_handler.getResulSet().put("bought_carts", bought_carts);
        client_result_handler.getResulSet().put("zeros", zeros);


    public void execute(Operation op) throws Exception {

    public void executeMethod(Operation op) throws Exception {

        if (op == null) {
            System.out.println("[ERROR]: NULL OPERATION");


        String method_name = op.getOperation();

        if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("GET_STOCK_AND_PRODUCTS")) {
            ArrayList<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>();
            Map<String, Map<String, Object>> items_info = rangeQuery("Item", fields, -1);


        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("Get_Stock_And_Products_after_increment")) {

            ArrayList<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>();
            int stock = (Integer) op.getParameter("STOCK");

            System.out.println("sleeeping after stock reposition...");

            Map<String, Map<String, Object>> items_info = rangeQuery("item", fields, -1);

        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("GET_ITEM_STOCK")) {

            String item_id = (String) op.getParameters().get("ITEM_ID");

            Object o = read(item_id, "item", "I_STOCK", null);
            int stock = -1;
            if (o != null) {
                stock = (Integer) o;

        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("ADD_TO_CART")) {

            String cart = (String) op.getParameter("CART_ID");
            String item_id = (String) op.getParameter("ITEM_ID");
            int qty = (Integer) op.getParameter("QTY");

            addToCart(cart, item_id, qty);

        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("BUY_CART")) {

            String cart_id = (String) op.getParameter("CART_ID");

            Customer c = null;

            if (op.getParameters().containsKey("Customer")) {
                c = (Customer) op.getParameter("Customer");
            buyCart(cart_id, c);

        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("GET_BENCHMARK_RESULTS")) {
            // op.setResult(getResults());

        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("OP_HOME")) {

            int costumer = (Integer) op.getParameter("COSTUMER");
            int item_id = (Integer) op.getParameter("ITEM");
            HomeOperation(costumer, item_id);
        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("OP_SHOPPING_CART")) {

            String cart = (String) op.getParameter("CART");
            int item_id = (Integer) op.getParameter("ITEM");
            boolean create = (Boolean) op.getParameter("CREATE");
            shoppingCartInteraction(item_id, create, cart);

        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("OP_REGISTER")) {
            String customer = (String) op.getParameter("CUSTOMER");


        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("OP_LOGIN")) {

            String customer = (String) op.getParameter("CUSTOMER");

            // TODO: Para descomentar refreshSession(customer);

        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("OP_BUY_REQUEST")) {

            String id = (String) op.getParameter("CART");

        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("OP_BUY_CONFIRM")) {

            String car_id = (String) op.getParameter("CART");
            String costumer = (String) op.getParameter("CUSTOMER");
            BuyComfirm(costumer, car_id);

        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("OP_ORDER_INQUIRY")) {
            String costumer = (String) op.getParameter("CUSTOMER");


        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("OP_SEARCH")) {
            String term = (String) op.getParameter("TERM");
            String field = (String) op.getParameter("FIELD");

            // TODO: Para descomentar doSearch(term, field);

        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("OP_NEW_PRODUCTS")) {
            String field = (String) op.getParameter("FIELD");

        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("OP_BEST_SELLERS")) {
            String field = (String) op.getParameter("FIELD");
        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("OP_ITEM_INFO")) {
            int id = (Integer) op.getParameter("ITEM");
        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("OP_ADMIN_CHANGE")) {
            int id = (Integer) op.getParameter("ITEM");

        } else if (method_name.equalsIgnoreCase("")) {

        } else {
            System.out.println("[WARN:]UNKNOWN REQUESTED METHOD: " + method_name);


    public Object insert(String key, String path, Entity value) throws Exception {

        TreeMap<String, Object> values_to_insert = value.getValuesToInsert();
        path = path.toLowerCase();
        modifyOrInsertListOfColumns(key, path, values_to_insert, INSERT_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL);

        return null;

    public void remove(String key, String path, String column) throws Exception {
        List<String> columns = null;
        if (column != null) {
            columns = new ArrayList<String>();
        removeKeyOrColumn(key, path, columns, REMOVE_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL);

    public void update(String key, String bucketName, String column, Object value, String superfield)
            throws Exception {

        if (superfield != null) {
            System.out.println("No  suposto acontecer");
        Bucket bucket = getBucket(bucketName);
        String objectString = bucket.fetch(key).execute().getValueAsString();
        Entity entity = (Entity) GSON.fromJson(objectString, getEntityClass(bucketName));
        insertOrModifyAttribute(entity, value, column, WRITE_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL);
        getBucket(bucketName).store(key, GSON.toJson(entity).toString()).execute();

    public Object read(String key, String bucketName, String column, String superfield) throws Exception {
        Bucket bucket = getBucket(bucketName);
        Entity entity = (Entity) GSON.fromJson(bucket.fetch(key).execute().getValueAsString(),
        Field fld = getEntityClass(bucketName).getField(column);
        Object ret = fld.get(entity);
        return ret;


    public Map<String, Map<String, Object>> rangeQuery(String bucketName, List<String> fields, int limit)
            throws Exception {
        int i = 0;
        Iterable<String> it = getRawClient().listKeys(bucketName);
        Bucket bucket = getBucket(bucketName);
        Map<String, Map<String, Object>> results = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
        for (String key : it) {
            IRiakObject objRiak = bucket.fetch(key).execute();
            Entity obj = (Entity) GSON.fromJson(objRiak.getValueAsString(), getEntityClass(bucketName));

            Map<String, Object> columnValues = new HashMap<String, Object>();
            for (Entry<String, Object> pair : obj.getValuesToInsert().entrySet()) {
                columnValues.put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue());
            results.put(key, columnValues);
            if (!(i < limit || limit == -1)) {
        return results;

    public void truncate(String bucketName) throws Exception {
        Bucket bucket = getBucket(bucketName);
        Iterable<String> it = bucket.keys();
        for (String key : it) {
            removeKeyOrColumn(key, bucketName, null, WRITE_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL);


    public void index(String key, String path, Object value) throws Exception {


    public void index(String key, String path, String indexed_key, Map<String, Object> value) throws Exception {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


    public void index(String key, String path, String indexed_key, AuthorIndex entity) throws Exception {


    public void closeClient() {

    public Map<String, String> getInfo() {
        TreeMap<String, String> info = new TreeMap<String, String>();
        return info;

    /**** TPCW benchmark consistency and old operations ****/
     * ****************************************************

    public void setItemStocks(int initial_stock) throws Exception {

        ArrayList<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>();
        Map<String, Map<String, Object>> items_info = rangeQuery("item", fields, -1);

        for (String key : items_info.keySet()) {
            insert(initial_stock, key, "item", "I_STOCK", ALL);


     * Adiciona uma certa quantidade de itens a um carrinho
    public void addToCart(String cart, String item, int qty_to_add) throws Exception {
        int itemInt = Integer.parseInt(item);

        Bucket bucket = getBucket("shopping_cart");
        IRiakObject obj = bucket.fetch(cart).execute();
        ShoppingCart sc = GSON.fromJson(obj.getValueAsString(), ShoppingCart.class);

        SCLine sc_line = sc.getSCLine(itemInt);
        sc_line.setSCL_QTY(sc_line.getSCL_QTY() + qty_to_add);
        getBucket("shopping_cart").store(cart, GSON.toJson(sc).toString()).execute();

     * Actualiza Stock e quantidade de itens vendidos
    public BuyingResult BuyCartItem(String item, int qty) throws Exception {

        try {
            Item itemObj = (Item) GSON.fromJson(getBucket("item").fetch(item).execute().getValueAsString(),

            if (itemObj == null) {
                return BuyingResult.DOES_NOT_EXIST;
            int stock = itemObj.getI_STOCK();
            if ((stock - qty) >= 0) { // if stock is sufficient

                if (stock - qty == 0) {

                stock -= qty;
                itemObj.setI_TOTAL_SOLD(itemObj.getI_TOTAL_SOLD() + qty);

                BestSellerEntry bse = new BestSellerEntry(itemObj.getI_SUBJECT(), Integer.parseInt(item),

                getBucket("BestSellersBuff").store(item + "", GSON.toJson(bse).toString()).execute();

                getBucket("item").store(item, GSON.toJson(itemObj).toString());

            } else {
                return BuyingResult.NOT_AVAILABLE;
            return BuyingResult.BOUGHT;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            return BuyingResult.CANT_COMFIRM;


    public BuyingResult buyItem(String item_id, int qty) throws Exception {
        long init_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        BuyingResult result = BuyCartItem(item_id, qty);
        long end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
        client_result_handler.logResult("BUY_ITEM", (end_time - init_time));
        List<Object> buying_information = new LinkedList<Object>();
        client_result_handler.record_unstructured_data("BOUGHT_ITEMS_TIMELINE", item_id + "", buying_information);

        return result;

    // Compra os itens do carrinho
    // actualiza o stock, e os tops
    public void buyCart(String cart_id, Customer c) throws Exception {

        Bucket bucket = getBucket("shopping_cart");
        ShoppingCart shop_c = (ShoppingCart) GSON.fromJson(bucket.fetch(cart_id + "").execute().getValueAsString(),
         * Map<String, Set<String>> map = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
         * Set<String> list = new HashSet<String>(); list.add(shop_c.SC_C_ID);
         * map.put("shopping_cart", list); MapReduceResponse res =
         * getRiakClient().mapReduceOverObjects(map) .link("sc_lines",
         * "cartline", false)
         * .map(JavascriptFunction.named("Riak.mapValuesJson"), true) .submit();
        for (SCLine line : shop_c.SCLine) {
            BuyingResult result = buyItem(line.I_ID + "", line.SCL_QTY);
            client_result_handler.countEvent("BUYING_COUNTERS",, 1);

            if (result.equals(BuyingResult.BOUGHT)) {
                bought_qty += line.SCL_QTY;
                if (!partialBought.containsKey(line.I_ID)) {
                    partialBought.put(line.I_ID + "", line.SCL_QTY);

                } else {
                    int bought = partialBought.get(line.I_ID + "");
                    partialBought.put(line.I_ID + "", (line.SCL_QTY + bought));


     * public Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> getResults() throws
     * Exception {
     * String column_family = "results"; Map<String, Map<String, Map<String,
     * Object>>> results = new TreeMap<String, Map<String, Map<String,
     * Object>>>(); SlicePredicate predicate = new SlicePredicate(); SliceRange
     * slice_range = new SliceRange("".getBytes(), "".getBytes(), false, 10500);
     * ColumnParent parent = new ColumnParent();
     * parent.setColumn_family(column_family);
     * predicate.setSlice_range(slice_range);
     * String last_key = "";
     * KeyRange range = new KeyRange(); range.setStart_key("");
     * range.setEnd_key(""); range.setCount(search_slice_ratio);
     * boolean terminated = false;
     * while (!terminated) { List<KeySlice> keys =
     * getCassandraClient().get_range_slices(keyspace, parent, predicate, range,
     * ConsistencyLevel.ONE); //delay();
     * if (keys.isEmpty()) {
     * System.out.println("[INFO|CASSANDRA:]The key range is empty"); } else {
     * last_key = keys.get(keys.size() - 1).key; range.setStart_key(last_key); }
     * ColumnPath path = new ColumnPath(); path.setColumn_family(column_family);
     * for (KeySlice key : keys) { if (!key.columns.isEmpty()) { String key_name
     * = key.key; //for each client if (!results.containsKey(key_name)) {
     * results.put(key_name, new TreeMap<String, Map<String, Object>>()); } for
     * (ColumnOrSuperColumn c : key.getColumns()) { if (c.isSetSuper_column()) {
     * String superColumn_name = null; //for each item try { superColumn_name =
     * new String(c.getSuper_column().getName(), "UTF-8"); } catch
     * (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); //To change body
     * of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. } if
     * (!results.get(key_name).containsKey(superColumn_name)) {
     * results.get(key_name).put(superColumn_name, new TreeMap<String,
     * Object>()); } for (Column co : c.getSuper_column().columns) {
     * results.get(key_name).get(superColumn_name).put(new String(co.getName()),
     * BenchmarkUtil.toObject(co.getValue())); } } } }
     * } if (keys.size() < search_slice_ratio) { terminated = true; } } return
     * results;
     * }
    /**** TPCW benchmark operations ****/
     * ********************************

    // Receives an Costumer id and retrieves is name
    // Receives a item and returns the id and thumbnail of related.
    public void HomeOperation(int customer, int item) throws Exception {

        Bucket bucket = getBucket("item");
        Item itemObj = (Item) GSON.fromJson(bucket.fetch(item + "").execute().getValueAsString(), Item.class);
        bucket = getBucket("customer");
        Customer customerObj = (Customer) GSON.fromJson(bucket.fetch(customer + "").execute().getValueAsString(),

     * Adiciona um item com quantidade 1 ao carrinho cria um carrinho novo se
     * 'create'

    public void shoppingCartInteraction(int item, boolean create, String cart_id) throws Exception {
        ShoppingCart shop_c;
        IRiakObject shop_cObj;
        if (create) {
            Timestamp stamp = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());
            shop_c = new ShoppingCart(cart_id);
            shop_c.setCartInfo("SC_DATE", stamp.toString());
            shop_cObj = RiakObjectBuilder.newBuilder("shopping_cart", cart_id).build();

        } else {
            Bucket bucket = getBucket("shopping_cart");
            shop_cObj = bucket.fetch(cart_id).execute();
            shop_c = (ShoppingCart) GSON.fromJson(shop_cObj.getValueAsString(), ShoppingCart.class);
        Bucket bucket = getBucket("item");
        Item itemObj = (Item) GSON.fromJson(bucket.fetch(item + "").execute().getValueAsString(), Item.class);

        SCLine sc_line = shop_c.getSCLine(item);

        if (sc_line != null) {
            sc_line.setSCL_QTY(sc_line.getSCL_QTY() + 1);
        } else {
            sc_line = new SCLine(item);
            // getBucket("sc_lines").store(cart_id + "_" + item,
            // GSON.toJson(sc_line)).execute();

        getBucket("shopping_Cart").store(cart_id + "", GSON.toJson(shop_c).toString()).execute();


     * Registo de utilizador

    public void CustomerRegistration(String costumer_id) throws Exception {

        String name = (BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(8, 13) + " " + BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(8, 15));
        String[] names = name.split(" ");
        Random r = new Random();
        int random_int = r.nextInt(1000);

        String key = names[0] + "_" + (costumer_id);

        String pass = names[0].charAt(0) + names[1].charAt(0) + "" + random_int;

        String first_name = names[0];

        String last_name = names[1];

        int phone = r.nextInt(999999999 - 100000000) + 100000000;

        String email = key + "@" + BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(2, 9) + ".com";

        double discount = r.nextDouble();

        String adress = "Street: "
                + (BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(8, 15) + " " + BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(8, 15))
                + " number: " + r.nextInt(500);

        double C_BALANCE = 0.00;

        double C_YTD_PMT = (double) BenchmarkUtil.getRandomInt(0, 99999) / 100.0;

        GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();
        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1 * BenchmarkUtil.getRandomInt(1, 730));

        java.sql.Date C_SINCE = new java.sql.Date(cal.getTime().getTime());

        cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, BenchmarkUtil.getRandomInt(0, 60));
        if (cal.after(new GregorianCalendar())) {
            cal = new GregorianCalendar();

        java.sql.Date C_LAST_LOGIN = new java.sql.Date(cal.getTime().getTime());

        java.sql.Timestamp C_LOGIN = new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis());

        cal = new GregorianCalendar();
        cal.add(Calendar.HOUR, 2);

        java.sql.Timestamp C_EXPIRATION = new java.sql.Timestamp(cal.getTime().getTime());

        cal = BenchmarkUtil.getRandomDate(1880, 2000);
        java.sql.Date C_BIRTHDATE = new java.sql.Date(cal.getTime().getTime());

        String C_DATA = BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(100, 500);

        String address_id = insertAdress();

        Customer c = new Customer(costumer_id, key, pass, last_name, first_name, phone + "", email,
                C_SINCE.toString(), C_LAST_LOGIN.toString(), C_LOGIN.toString(), C_EXPIRATION.toString(), C_BALANCE,
                C_YTD_PMT, C_BIRTHDATE.toString(), C_DATA, discount, address_id);

        insert(costumer_id, "customer", c);


    public String insertAdress() throws Exception {

        String ADDR_ZIP;
        int country_id;

        ADDR_STREET1 = "street" + BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(10, 30);

        ADDR_STREET2 = "street" + BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(10, 30);
        ADDR_CITY = BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(4, 30);
        ADDR_STATE = BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(2, 20);
        ADDR_ZIP = BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(5, 10);
        country_id = BenchmarkUtil.getRandomInt(0, 92 - 1);

        String key = ADDR_STREET1 + ADDR_STREET2 + ADDR_CITY + ADDR_STATE + ADDR_ZIP + country_id;

        pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities.Address address = new Address(key, ADDR_STREET1, ADDR_STREET2,
                ADDR_CITY, ADDR_STATE, ADDR_ZIP, country_id);

        if (getBucket("address").fetch(key).execute() == null) { // does
            insert(key, "address", address);

        return key;

    public void refreshSession(String C_ID) throws Exception {

        Customer customer = GSON.fromJson(getBucket("customer").fetch(C_ID).execute().getValueAsString(),
        Address address = GSON.fromJson(
                getBucket("address").fetch(customer.getAddress()).execute().getValueAsString(), Address.class);
        customer.setLogin(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString());
        customer.setExpiration((new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() + 7200000)).toString());

     * Obtem carrinho Para todas as linhas soma a quantidade e o custo Actualiza
     * os valores numericos do carrinho
    public void BuyRequest(String shopping_id) throws RiakRetryFailedException, JsonSyntaxException,
            UnresolvedConflictException, ConversionException, JSONException {

        Bucket bucket = getBucket("shopping_cart");
        ShoppingCart shop_c = (ShoppingCart) GSON
                .fromJson(bucket.fetch(shopping_id + "").execute().getValueAsString(), ShoppingCart.class);

        int qty = 0;
        float cost = 0;

        Collection<SCLine> scLines = shop_c.getSCLines();
        for (SCLine line : scLines) {

            int qty_read = line.getSCL_QTY();
            qty += qty_read;
            cost += line.getSCL_COST();


        Float SC_SUB_TOTAL = cost * (1 - 0.2f);
        Float SC_TAX = SC_SUB_TOTAL * 0.0825f;
        Float SC_SHIP_COST = 3.00f + (1.00f * qty);
        shop_c.setCartInfo("SC_SUB_TOTAL", SC_SUB_TOTAL);// cheats...
        shop_c.setCartInfo("SC_TAX", SC_TAX);
        shop_c.setCartInfo("SC_SHIP_COST", SC_SHIP_COST);
        shop_c.setCartInfo("SC_TOTAL", SC_TOTAL);

        bucket = getBucket("shopping_cart"); + "", GSON.toJson(shop_c).toString()).execute();

     * Recebe um customer e um carrinho cria um order e um ccxact ccxact
     * indexado por order_id
    public void BuyComfirm(String customer, String cart) throws Exception {

        Bucket bucket = getBucket("shopping_cart");
        ShoppingCart shop_c = (ShoppingCart) GSON.fromJson(bucket.fetch(cart).execute().getValueAsString(),

        bucket = getBucket("customer");
        Customer customerObj = (Customer) GSON.fromJson(bucket.fetch(customer).execute().getValueAsString(),

        double c_discount = (Double) customerObj.getC_DISCOUNT();

        String ship_addr_id = "";
        String cust_addr = (String) customerObj.getAddress();

        float decision = random.nextFloat();
        if (decision < 0.2) {
            ship_addr_id = insertAdress();
        } else {
            ship_addr_id = cust_addr;

        String[] ids = cart.split("\\.");
        int thread_id = Integer.parseInt(ids[1]);

        String shipping = ship_types[random.nextInt(ship_types.length)];

        float total = 0;
        try {
            total = (Float) shop_c.cartInfo.getSC_TOTAL();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Null pointer on cart:" + cart);
            System.out.println("OPERATIONS: " + operations.toString());

        String order_id = enterOrder(customer, thread_id, shop_c, ship_addr_id, cust_addr, shipping, total,

        String cc_type = BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(10);
        long cc_number = BenchmarkUtil.getRandomNString(16);
        String cc_name = BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(30);
        Date cc_expiry = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(644444400));

        enterCCXact(order_id, customer, cc_type, cc_number, cc_name, cc_expiry.toString(), total,


     * Recebe um customer e um shopping cart Cria um order adiciona orderLines
     * actualiza a quantidade de items vendidos, actualiza a quantidade de
     * vendidos. Indica que o customer fez um order novo Operaao pesada
    public String enterOrder(String customer_id, int thread_id, ShoppingCart shoppingCart, String ship_addr_id,
            String cust_addr, String shipping, float total, double c_discount) throws Exception {
        String key = (String) keyGenerator.getNextKey(thread_id);

        float subTotal = (Float) shoppingCart.getCartInfo("SC_SUB_TOTAL");
        float tax = (Float) shoppingCart.getCartInfo("SC_TAX");
        float ship = (Float) shoppingCart.getCartInfo("SC_SHIP_COST");
        String shipType = ship_types[random.nextInt(ship_types.length)];
        String status = status_types[random.nextInt(status_types.length)];

        Order order = new Order(key, customer_id, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString(), subTotal, tax,
                total, shipType, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + random.nextInt(604800000)).toString(),
                status, cust_addr, ship_addr_id);

        int index = 0;

         * Map<String, Set<String>> map = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
         * Set<String> list = new HashSet<String>();
         * list.add(shoppingCart.SC_C_ID); map.put("shopping_cart", list);
         * MapReduceResponse res = getRiakClient().mapReduceOverObjects(map)
         * .link("sc_lines", "cartline", false)
         * .map(JavascriptFunction.named("Riak.mapValuesJson"), true) .submit();

        for (SCLine item : shoppingCart.getSCLines()) {
            int qty = item.getSCL_QTY();
            int item_id = item.getI_ID();

            String ol_key = key + "." + index;

            OrderLine orderLine = new OrderLine(ol_key, key, item_id, qty, c_discount,
                    BenchmarkUtil.getRandomAString(20, 100));



            int item_i = orderLine.OL_QTY;
            Item itemFromBucket = GSON.fromJson(getBucket("item").fetch(item_id + "").execute().getValueAsString(),
            int stock = (Integer) itemFromBucket.getI_STOCK();
            int new_stock = stock - item_i;

            itemFromBucket.setI_TOTAL_SOLD(itemFromBucket.getI_TOTAL_SOLD() + item_i);

            BestSellerEntry bse = new BestSellerEntry(itemFromBucket.I_SUBJECT, item_id,

            getBucket("BestSellersBuff").store(item_id + "", GSON.toJson(bse).toString()).execute();
            getBucket("item").store(item_id + "", GSON.toJson(itemFromBucket).toString());
        Customer customer = (Customer) GSON
                .fromJson(getBucket("customer").fetch(customer_id).execute().getValueAsString(), Customer.class);

        getBucket("customer").store(customer_id, GSON.toJson(customer).toString());
        getBucket("order").store(key, GSON.toJson(order).toString()).execute();
        return customer_id;

    public void enterCCXact(String order_id, String customer, String cc_type, long cc_number, String cc_name,
            String cc_expiry, float total, String ship_addr_id) throws Exception {

        Bucket bucket = getBucket("cc_xacts");
        int co_id = (Integer) readfromColumn(ship_addr_id, "address", "ADDR_CO_ID", READ_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL);
        CCXactItem ccxactItem = new CCXactItem(cc_type, cc_number, cc_name, cc_expiry, total, cc_expiry, order_id,
        bucket = getBucket("cc_xacts");, GSON.toJson(ccxactItem).toString()).execute();


    // TODO: OS fetchs devem estar melhorados com os links
    public void OrderInquiry(String customer) throws Exception {

        Bucket bucket = getBucket("customer");
        IRiakObject obj = bucket.fetch(customer).execute();
        Customer customerObj = (Customer) GSON.fromJson(obj.getValueAsString(), Customer.class);

        if (customerObj.getC_O_LAST_ID() == null) {
            // System.out.println("Cliente nunca fez orders");
        } else {
            // System.out.println("Cliente ja fez orders");

        IRiakObject orderRiak = getBucket("order").fetch(customerObj.getC_O_LAST_ID()).execute();

        Order orderObj = (Order) GSON.fromJson(orderRiak.getValueAsString(), Order.class);

        IRiakObject CC_XACTS_obj = getBucket("cc_xacts").fetch(customer).execute();

        IRiakObject o_bill_addr_id_obj = getBucket("address").fetch(orderObj.getO_BILL_ADDR_ID()).execute();
        Address o_bill_addr_id = (Address) GSON.fromJson(o_bill_addr_id_obj.getValueAsString(), Address.class);
        IRiakObject o_ship_addr_id_obj = getBucket("address").fetch(orderObj.getO_SHIP_ADDR()).execute();
        Address o_ship_addr_id_json = (Address) GSON.fromJson(o_ship_addr_id_obj.getValueAsString(), Address.class);
        IRiakObject o_ship_addr_co_id_obj = getRiakIClient().fetchBucket("country").execute()
                .fetch(o_ship_addr_id_json.getCountry_id() + "").execute();
        IRiakObject o_bill_addr_co_id_obj = getRiakIClient().fetchBucket("country").execute()
                .fetch(o_bill_addr_id.getCountry_id() + "").execute();


     * Metodo que insere um order sem contexto de utilizaao, tambm actualiza o
     * last order de cada cliente e coloca a venda no buffer
    public void insertOrder(Order order, List<OrderLine> orderLines, CCXactItem ccXact) throws Exception {

        for (OrderLine ol : orderLines) {
        getBucket("order").store(order.getO_ID(), GSON.toJson(order).toString()).execute();

        for (OrderLine orderLine : orderLines) {
            Item item = GSON.fromJson(
                    getBucket("item").fetch(orderLine.getOL_I_ID() + "").execute().getValueAsString(), Item.class);
            int sold = item.getI_TOTAL_SOLD();
            sold += orderLine.OL_QTY;
            // verificar se i_id a null
            BestSellerEntry bse = new BestSellerEntry(item.I_SUBJECT, item.I_ID, sold);

            getBucket("BestSellersBuff").store(item.getI_ID() + "", GSON.toJson(bse).toString()).execute();
            getBucket("item").store(item.getI_ID() + "", GSON.toJson(item).toString()).execute();

        IRiakObject customerRiak = getBucket("customer").fetch(order.O_C_ID).execute();
        Customer customer = (Customer) GSON.fromJson(customerRiak.getValueAsString(), Customer.class);

        getBucket("customer").store(order.O_C_ID, GSON.toJson(customer).toString()).execute();

        getBucket("cc_xacts").store(order.getO_ID(), GSON.toJson(ccXact)).execute();


    public void doSearch(String term, String field) throws Exception { // 30
        // TODO: Fazer a pesquisa no texto

        if (term.equalsIgnoreCase("SUBJECT")) {
            getBucket(field + "_" + "item_subject_index");

        } else if (term.equalsIgnoreCase("AUTHOR")) {
            getBucket(field + "_" + "item_author_index");

        } else if (term.equalsIgnoreCase("TITLE")) {
            getBucket(field + "_" + "item_title_index");

        } else {
            System.out.println("OPTION NOT RECOGNIZED");

    public void newProducts(String field) throws Exception {
        Iterable<String> it = getRawClient().listKeys(field + "_item_subject_index");
        Map<String, Map<String, Object>> results = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>();
        for (String key : it) {

    public Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, Object>>> getResults() throws Exception {
         * Map<String, Map<String, Object>> results = rangeQuery("results",
         * null, 10000); // Parece que nos results estao itens e para cada chave
         * faz-se o // seguinte processamento for (KeySlice key : keys) { if
         * (!key.columns.isEmpty()) { String key_name = key.key; // for each
         * client if (!results.containsKey(key_name)) { results.put(key_name,
         * new TreeMap<String, Map<String, Object>>()); } for
         * (ColumnOrSuperColumn c : key.getColumns()) { if
         * (c.isSetSuper_column()) { String superColumn_name = null; // for each
         * item try { superColumn_name = new String(c.getSuper_column()
         * .getName(), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
         * e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch // statement use File
         * | // Settings | File // Templates. } if (!results.get(key_name)
         * .containsKey(superColumn_name)) {
         * results.get(key_name).put(superColumn_name, new TreeMap<String,
         * Object>()); } for (Column co : c.getSuper_column().columns) {
         * results.get(key_name) .get(superColumn_name) .put(new
         * String(co.getName()), BenchmarkUtil.toObject(co .getValue())); } } }
         * }
         * }
         * return results;
        return null;

    // Todos os ns processam as mesmas chaves. Errado :( [DISCTUIR]
    public void BestSellers(String subject) throws JsonSyntaxException, RiakException {

        Map<String, BestSellerSubject> subjectBestSellers = new HashMap<String, BestSellerSubject>();
        Bucket bucket = getBucket("BestSellersBuff");
        //TODO: Este varrimento de keys provoca repeties. 
        Iterable<String> it = bucket.keys();
        BestSellerSubject orderedSubjectEntries;
        for (String key : it) {
            IRiakObject objRiak = getBucket("BestSellersBuff").fetch(key).execute();
            if (objRiak == null)
            BestSellerEntry bse = GSON.fromJson(objRiak.getValueAsString(), BestSellerEntry.class);
            if (!subjectBestSellers.containsKey(bse.I_SUBJECT)) {
                IRiakObject obj = getBucket("bestsellers").fetch(bse.getI_SUBJECT()).execute();
                if (obj == null) {
                    orderedSubjectEntries = new BestSellerSubject();
                } else {
                    orderedSubjectEntries = GSON.fromJson(obj.getValueAsString(), BestSellerSubject.class);
                subjectBestSellers.put(bse.I_SUBJECT, orderedSubjectEntries);
            } else {
                orderedSubjectEntries = subjectBestSellers.get(bse.I_SUBJECT);
            List<BestSellerEntry> entries = orderedSubjectEntries.getEntries();
            if (entries.size() == 0) {
            } else
                for (int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
                    if (entries.get(i).getI_TOTAL_SOLD() <= bse.getI_TOTAL_SOLD()) {
                        entries.add(i, bse);
                        if (entries.size() > BESTSELLERMAX)
                            entries.remove(entries.size() - 1);
                    if (i == entries.size() - 1 && entries.size() + 1 <= BESTSELLERMAX) {
                        entries.add(i + 1, bse);

        for (Entry<String, BestSellerSubject> entry : subjectBestSellers.entrySet()) {
            getBucket("bestsellers").store(entry.getKey(), GSON.toJson(entry.getValue())).execute();


     * Obtem informaes de um item
    public void ItemInfo(int id) throws Exception {
        IRiakObject obj = getBucket("item").fetch(id + "").execute();
        Item item = GSON.fromJson(obj.getValueAsString(), Item.class);
        IRiakObject obj2 = getBucket("author").fetch(item.I_A_ID + "").execute();
        Author author = GSON.fromJson(obj2.getValueAsString(), Author.class);


     * obtem item Actualiza indice (insere este item no indice do subject e
     * remove o item mais antigo) obtem 5 best sellers entre 10000 itens Altera
     * atributos do item e armazena
    public void AdminChange(int item_id) throws Exception {

        Item item = (Item) GSON.fromJson(getBucket("item").fetch(item_id + "").execute().getValueAsString(),
        String dateString = item.getI_PUB_DATE();

        SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        java.util.Date date = formatter.parse(dateString);
        String subject = (String) item.getI_SUBJECT();
        int author_id = (Integer) item.getI_AUTHOR();
        String title = (String) item.getI_TITLE();

        updateIndex(subject, date, item_id, title, author_id);

        Map<String, Map<String, Object>> orders = rangeQuery("order", null, 10000);

        Map<Integer, Integer> items_info = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>();

        for (Map<String, Object> orders_info : orders.values()) {
            boolean found = false;
            Collection<OrderLine> orderLines = (Collection<OrderLine>) orders_info.get("orderLines");
            TreeMap<Integer, Integer> bought_items = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>();
            for (OrderLine order_line : orderLines) {
                int i_id = (Integer) order_line.getOL_I_ID();
                if (i_id == item_id) {
                    found = true;

                } else {
                    int item_qty = (Integer) order_line.getOL_QTY();
                    bought_items.put(i_id, item_qty);

            if (found == true) {
                for (Integer i_id : bought_items.keySet()) {
                    if (items_info.containsKey(i_id)) {
                        int current_qty = items_info.get(i_id);
                        items_info.put(i_id, (bought_items.get(i_id) + current_qty));
                    } else {
                        items_info.put(i_id, bought_items.get(i_id));

        Map top_sellers = reverseSortByValue(items_info);

        List<Integer> best = new ArrayList<Integer>();
        int num = 0;
        for (Iterator<Integer> it = top_sellers.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            int key =;
            if (num == 5)

        if (num < 5) {
            for (int i = num; i < 5; i++) {
                best.add(random.nextInt(990)); // the items are form 0 to 1000
                // right?


        item.setPubDate(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()).toString());
        item.setI_IMAGE(new String("img" + random.nextInt(1000) % 100 + "/image_" + random.nextInt(1000) + ".gif"));
                new String("img" + random.nextInt(1000) % 100 + "/thumb" + random.nextInt(1000) + ".gif"));
        getBucket("item").store(item_id + "", GSON.toJson(item).toString()).execute();

    public Object readfromColumn(String key, String ColumnFamily, String column, int con) throws Exception {

        IRiakObject bucketObject = getBucket(ColumnFamily).fetch(key).execute();

        if (bucketObject == null)
            return null;
        Entity entity = (Entity) GSON.fromJson(bucketObject.getValueAsString(), getEntityClass(ColumnFamily));

        return entity.getValuesToInsert().get(column);


    public void insert(Object value, String key, String column_family, String column, int writeConsistency)
            throws Exception {
        IRiakObject response = getBucket(column_family).fetch(key).execute();
        Entity entity;
        if (response != null && !response.getValue().equals("")) {
            entity = (Entity) GSON.fromJson(response.getValueAsString(), getEntityClass(column_family));
        } else {
            Class<?> entityClass = getEntityClass(column_family);
            Constructor<?> ct = entityClass.getConstructor(null);
            entity = (Entity) ct.newInstance(null);
        insertOrModifyAttribute(entity, value, column, writeConsistency);

    private Entity insertOrModifyAttribute(Entity entity, Object value, String column, int writeConsistency)
            throws Exception {

        Class<? extends Entity> cls = entity.getClass();
        Field fld = cls.getField(column);
        fld.set(entity, value);
        return entity;

    public IRiakClient getRiakIClient() {
        boolean openClient = false;
        IRiakClient cl = null;

        while (!openClient) { // until there is one open

            if (!iclients.isEmpty()) { // if none, then null...
                cl = iclients.get(last);
                openClient = true;
                last = last >= iclients.size() ? 0 : last;
            } else {
                openClient = true;

        return cl;

    public RawClient getRawClient() {

        boolean openClient = false;
        RawClient cl = null;

        while (!openClient) { // until there is one open

            if (!clients.isEmpty()) { // if none, then null... cl =
                cl = clients.get(lastRaw);
                openClient = true;
                lastRaw = lastRaw >= clients.size() ? 0 : lastRaw;
            } else {
                openClient = true;

        if (cl == null) {


        return cl;


    public void modifyOrInsertListOfColumns(String key, String columnFamily, Map<String, Object> columnToValuesMap,
            int level) throws Exception {

        Entity entity;
        IRiakObject obj = getBucket(columnFamily).fetch(key).execute();
        if (obj != null) {
            entity = (Entity) GSON.fromJson(obj.getValueAsString(), getEntityClass(columnFamily));

        } else {
            entity = (Entity) GSON.fromJson("{}", getEntityClass(columnFamily));

        for (Entry<String, Object> cols : columnToValuesMap.entrySet()) {
            insertOrModifyAttribute(entity, cols.getValue(), cols.getKey(), level);

        getBucket(columnFamily).store(key, GSON.toJson(entity, getEntityClass(columnFamily)).toString()).execute();

    // if columnToValueMap is empty remove key
    public void removeKeyOrColumn(String key, String bucket, List<String> columns, int level) throws Exception {

        if (columns == null) {
        } else {
            // TODO: else nao est feito. Analisar se  preciso fazer
            System.out.println("Nao devia entrar aqui");
             * RiakObject obj = getRiakClient().fetch(bucket, key).getObject();
             * Entity json = (Entity)new Gson().fromJson(obj.getValue(),
             * getEntityClass(bucket);
             * for (String cols : columns) { json.remove(cols); }
             * obj.setValue(new Gson().toJson(json));
             * getRiakClient().store(obj);

    private Class<?> getEntityClass(String string) {
        String className = string.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.substring(1);
        try {
            return Class.forName("pt.fct.di.benchmarks.TPCW_Riak.entities." + className);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        return null;

    private Bucket getBucket(String bucketName) throws RiakRetryFailedException {
        Bucket bucket = getRiakIClient().fetchBucket(bucketName.toLowerCase()).execute();
        return bucket;

     * Recebe um assunto e um item insere o item no indice do assunto TODO:
     * [DISCTUIR]Esta funao devia ser chamada em mais sitios?
    public void updateIndex(String subject, java.util.Date date, int item_id, String title, int author_key)
            throws Exception {

        Author author = (Author) GSON
                .fromJson(getBucket("author").fetch(author_key + "").execute().getValueAsString(), Author.class);

        AuthorIndex authorIndex = new AuthorIndex(author.getA_FNAME(), author.getA_LNAME(), title);

        Date d = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
        Long new_time_stamp = Long.MAX_VALUE - d.getTime();
        String new_index_key = new_time_stamp + "." + item_id;
        getBucket(subject + "_item_subject_index").store(new_index_key, GSON.toJson(authorIndex)).execute();
        // index(new_index_key, subject+"_item_subject_index", new_index_key,
        // authorIndex);

        // TODO: Isto no deve estar a funcionar, parece estranho
        Long old_time_stamp = Long.MAX_VALUE - date.getTime();
        String old_index_key = old_time_stamp + "." + item_id;
        remove(old_index_key, subject + "_item_subject_index", null);

    static Map reverseSortByValue(Map map) {
        List list = new LinkedList(map.entrySet());
        Collections.sort(list, new Comparator() {
            public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
                return ((Comparable) ((Map.Entry) (o1)).getValue()).compareTo(((Map.Entry) (o2)).getValue());
        Map result = new LinkedHashMap();
        for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            result.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        return result;
