Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2002 The European Bioinformatics Institute, and others. * All rights reserved. Please see the file LICENSE * in the root directory of this distribution. */ package; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import*; import psidev.psi.mi.xml.model.Alias; import psidev.psi.mi.xml.model.*; import psidev.psi.mi.xml.model.Feature; import psidev.psi.mi.xml.model.Interactor; import java.util.*; /** * Converts an psi25 interactor into a simple interactor for MITAB25; * * @author Samuel Kerrien ( * @version $Id$ * @since <pre>02-Oct-2006</pre> */ public abstract class InteractorConverter<T extends> { public static final String IDENTITY = "identity"; public static final String IDENTITY_REF = "MI:0356"; public static final String SOURCE_REFERENCE = "source reference"; public static final String SOURCE_REFERENCE_REF = "MI:0685"; public static final String UNIPROT = "uniprotkb"; public static final String UNIPROT_MI = "MI:0486"; public static final String INTACT = "intact"; public static final String INTACT_MI = "MI:0469"; public static final String CHEBI = "chebi"; public static final String CHEBI_MI = "MI:0474"; public static final String PSIMI = "psi-mi"; public static final String PSIMI_MI = "MI:0488"; public static final String UNKNOWN = "unknown"; private static final List<String> uniprotKeys = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList(new String[] { "gene name", "gene name synonym", "isoform synonym", "locus name", "ordered locus name", "open reading frame name" })); private static final List<String> checksumNames = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList(new String[] { "checksum", "smiles string", "standard inchi", "inchi key", "standard inchi key", "rogid", "rigid", "crogid", "crc" })); public static final String SHORT_LABEL = "shortLabel"; private static final String FULL_NAME = "fullName"; /** * Override the alias source database (column 3/4 & 5/6). */ @Deprecated private CrossReference overrideAliasSourceDatabase; /** * Sets up a logger for that class. */ public static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(InteractorConverter.class); /** * Converts a CV to a CrossReference in Mitab */ private CvConverter cvConverter = new CvConverter(); private CrossReference buildCrossReference(DbReference ref) { return new CrossReferenceImpl(ref.getDb(), ref.getId()); } /////////////////////// // Conversion method public toMitab(Participant xmlParticipant) throws TabConversionException { if (xmlParticipant == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Participant must not be null"); } Interactor xmlInteractor = xmlParticipant.getInteractor(); if (xmlInteractor == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Interactor must not be null"); } List<CrossReference> identifiers = new ArrayList<CrossReference>(); List<CrossReference> altIdentifiers = new ArrayList<CrossReference>(); List<CrossReference> xrefs = new ArrayList<CrossReference>(); Collection<DbReference> identityRefs; // primary accession id if (xmlInteractor.getXref() != null) { identityRefs = XrefUtils.searchByType(xmlInteractor.getXref(), IDENTITY, IDENTITY_REF); // identityRefs.addAll(XrefUtils.searchByType( interactor.getXref(), SOURCE_REFERENCE, SOURCE_REFERENCE_REF )); \ if (!identityRefs.isEmpty()) { //We have the unique identifier in this list CrossReference primaryIdentifier = selectBestIdentfier(identityRefs); if (primaryIdentifier != null) { identifiers.add(primaryIdentifier); } // for (DbReference ref : identityRefs) { // CrossReference cr = buildCrossReference(ref); // if (!identifiers.contains(cr)) { // identifiers.add(cr); // } // } // alternative Ids // -> use the rest of identify xrefs that are not the unique identifier for (DbReference ref : identityRefs) { CrossReference cr = buildCrossReference(ref); if (!altIdentifiers.contains(cr)) { altIdentifiers.add(cr); } } //We remove the unique identifier from alternatives identifiers altIdentifiers.remove(primaryIdentifier); // xrefs List<DbReference> allRefs = XrefUtils.getAllDbReferences(xmlInteractor.getXref()); // -> use the rest of non-identify xrefs that are not the unique identifier if (allRefs != null) { for (DbReference ref : allRefs) { if (!ref.hasRefType() || (ref.hasRefType() && !ref.getRefType().equalsIgnoreCase("identity"))) { CrossReference cr = buildCrossReference(ref); if (!xrefs.contains(cr)) { xrefs.add(cr); } } } } } else { //Here we don't have identity objects, then the unique id must be a xrefs for the interactor List<DbReference> allRefs = XrefUtils.getAllDbReferences(xmlInteractor.getXref()); if (identifiers.isEmpty() && !allRefs.isEmpty()) { // sort identifiers //TODO Why do we need sort if all are equal? Why don't we choose the first one? allRefs = XrefUtils.sortByIdentifier(allRefs); CrossReference primaryIdentifier = buildCrossReference(allRefs.iterator().next()); // pick the first one in the list identifiers.add(primaryIdentifier); /* Xrefs Columns 23, 24 */ // -> use the rest of non-identify xrefs that are not the unique identifier for (DbReference ref : allRefs) { CrossReference cr = buildCrossReference(ref); if (!xrefs.contains(cr)) { xrefs.add(cr); } } //We remove the unique identifier from alternatives identifiers xrefs.remove(primaryIdentifier); } } if (identifiers.isEmpty()) { throw new TabConversionException( "Could not find any identifiers for interactor " + xmlInteractor.getId()); } } // xrefs //TODO Check if we need add information of the participant in altIds or Xrefs /* Primary identifier Columns 1, 2 */ T tabInteractor = newInteractor(identifiers); /* Alternative Identifiers Columns 3, 4 */ if (!altIdentifiers.isEmpty()) { tabInteractor.setAlternativeIdentifiers(altIdentifiers); } /* Xrefs Columns 23, 24 */ if (!xrefs.isEmpty()) { tabInteractor.setXrefs(xrefs); } // // -> use the gene name // Collection<Alias> aliases = AliasUtils.getAllAliases(interactor.getNames()); // Alias gn = AliasUtils.getGeneName(aliases); // if (gn != null) { // aliases.remove(gn); // (!) the rest will be stored in the alias builder // String geneNameValue = gn.getValue(); // // if (geneNameValue != null && geneNameValue.trim().length() > 0) { // CrossReference cr = new CrossReferenceImpl(UNIPROT, geneNameValue); // cr.setText(gn.getType()); // altIdentifiers.add(cr); // tabInteractor.setAlternativeIdentifiers(altIdentifiers); // } else { // log.warn("Found alias (gene name) without value. Ignoring"); // } // } // aliases if (xmlInteractor.getNames() != null) { List<> tabAliases = new ArrayList<>(); Collection<Alias> aliases = xmlInteractor.getNames().getAliases(); if (aliases != null) { for (Alias alias : aliases) { String aliasValue = alias.getValue(); if (aliasValue != null && aliasValue.trim().length() > 0) { String db; if (uniprotKeys.contains(alias.getType())) { db = UNIPROT; } else { db = UNKNOWN; } a = new, aliasValue); a.setAliasType(alias.getType()); tabAliases.add(a); } else { log.warn("Found alias without value. Ignoring alias"); } } } // shortlabel //We put in alias because we don't have another place now String shortLabel = xmlInteractor.getNames().getShortLabel(); if (shortLabel != null) { a = new, shortLabel); a.setAliasType(SHORT_LABEL); tabAliases.add(a); } // fullName String fullName = xmlInteractor.getNames().getFullName(); if (fullName != null) { a = new, fullName); a.setAliasType(FULL_NAME); tabAliases.add(a); } /* Aliases Columns 5,6 */ if (!tabAliases.isEmpty()) { tabInteractor.setAliases(tabAliases); } } // taxonomy if (xmlInteractor.hasOrganism()) { psidev.psi.mi.xml.model.Organism o = xmlInteractor.getOrganism(); List<CrossReference> organismXrefs = new ArrayList<CrossReference>(); String taxId = String.valueOf(o.getNcbiTaxId()); if (o.hasNames()) { // shortlabel String shortLabel = o.getNames().getShortLabel(); if (shortLabel != null) { organismXrefs.add(new CrossReferenceImpl("taxid", taxId, shortLabel)); } // fullName String fullName = o.getNames().getFullName(); if (fullName != null && !shortLabel.equalsIgnoreCase(fullName)) { organismXrefs.add(new CrossReferenceImpl("taxid", taxId, fullName)); } if (shortLabel == null && fullName == null) { organismXrefs.add(new CrossReferenceImpl("taxid", taxId)); } } else { organismXrefs.add(new CrossReferenceImpl("taxid", taxId)); } /* Organism Columns 10, 11 */ tabInteractor.setOrganism(new OrganismImpl(organismXrefs)); } //biological roles if (xmlParticipant.hasBiologicalRole()) { List<CrossReference> tabBioRole = new ArrayList<CrossReference>(); BiologicalRole xmlBioRole = xmlParticipant.getBiologicalRole(); CrossReference cr = cvConverter.toMitab(xmlBioRole); if (cr != null) { tabBioRole.add(cr); } if (!tabBioRole.isEmpty()) { /* Biological Roles Columns 17, 18 */ tabInteractor.setBiologicalRoles(tabBioRole); } } //experimental roles if (xmlParticipant.hasExperimentalRoles()) { List<CrossReference> tabExpRoles = new ArrayList<CrossReference>(); Collection<ExperimentalRole> xmlExpRoles = xmlParticipant.getExperimentalRoles(); for (ExperimentalRole xmlExpRole : xmlExpRoles) { CrossReference cr = cvConverter.toMitab(xmlExpRole); if (cr != null && !tabExpRoles.contains(cr)) { tabExpRoles.add(cr); } } if (!tabExpRoles.isEmpty()) { /* Biological Roles Columns 19, 20 */ tabInteractor.setExperimentalRoles(tabExpRoles); } } //interactor type if (xmlInteractor.getInteractorType() != null) { List<CrossReference> tabInteractorType = new ArrayList<CrossReference>(); InteractorType xmlInteractorType = xmlInteractor.getInteractorType(); CrossReference cr = cvConverter.toMitab(xmlInteractorType); if (cr != null) { tabInteractorType.add(cr); } if (!tabInteractorType.isEmpty()) { /* Interactor Type Columns 21, 22 */ tabInteractor.setInteractorTypes(tabInteractorType); } } //xrefs. See identifiers /* Xrefs Columns 23, 24 */ //annotations && checksum List<Annotation> annotations = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); List<Checksum> checksums = new ArrayList<Checksum>(); if (xmlInteractor.getAttributes() != null) { Collection<Attribute> xmlInteractorAttributes = xmlInteractor.getAttributes(); for (Attribute xmlInteractorAttribute : xmlInteractorAttributes) { String name = xmlInteractorAttribute.getName(); String text = xmlInteractorAttribute.getValue(); if (checksumNames.contains(name.toLowerCase())) { //Is a checksum checksums.add(new ChecksumImpl(name, text)); } else { //Is a normal attribute annotations.add(new AnnotationImpl(name, text)); } } } if (xmlParticipant.getAttributes() != null) { Collection<Attribute> xmlParticipantAttributes = xmlParticipant.getAttributes(); for (Attribute xmlParticipantAttribute : xmlParticipantAttributes) { String name = xmlParticipantAttribute.getName(); String text = xmlParticipantAttribute.getValue(); if (checksumNames.contains(name.toLowerCase())) { //Is a checksum checksums.add(new ChecksumImpl(name, text)); } else { //Is a normal attribute annotations.add(new AnnotationImpl(name, text)); } } } if (!annotations.isEmpty()) { /* Annotations Columns 26, 27 */ tabInteractor.setAnnotations(annotations); } if (!checksums.isEmpty()) { /* Annotations Columns 33, 34 */ tabInteractor.setChecksums(checksums); } if (xmlParticipant.getFeatures() != null) { Collection<Feature> xmlFeatures = xmlParticipant.getFeatures(); List<> tabFeatures = new ArrayList<>(); for (Feature xmlFeature : xmlFeatures) { List<String> ranges = null; String tabFeatureType; String text = null; if (xmlFeature.getRanges() != null && !xmlFeature.getRanges().isEmpty()) { ranges = RangeUtils.toMitab(xmlFeature.getRanges()); } if (xmlFeature.hasFeatureType()) { FeatureType featureType = xmlFeature.getFeatureType(); if (featureType.hasNames()) { String shortLabel = featureType.getNames().getShortLabel(); String fullName = featureType.getNames().getFullName(); if (shortLabel != null) { tabFeatureType = shortLabel; } else if (fullName != null) { tabFeatureType = fullName; } else { throw new TabConversionException("The feature need a feature type"); } } else { throw new TabConversionException("The feature need a feature type"); } } else { throw new TabConversionException("The feature need a feature type"); } if (xmlFeature.hasNames()) { String shortLabel = xmlFeature.getNames().getShortLabel(); String fullName = xmlFeature.getNames().getFullName(); if (shortLabel != null) { text = shortLabel; } else if (fullName != null) { text = fullName; } } tabFeatures.add(new FeatureImpl(tabFeatureType, ranges, text)); } /* Features Columns 37, 38 */ if (!tabFeatures.isEmpty()) { tabInteractor.setFeatures(tabFeatures); } } /* Stoichiometry Columns 39, 40 */ if (xmlParticipant.getAttributes() != null) { Collection<Attribute> attributes = xmlParticipant.getAttributes(); List<Integer> tabStoichiometry = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Attribute attribute : attributes) { if (attribute.getName().equals("comment") || attribute.getNameAc().equals("MI:0612")) { if (attribute.getValue() != null && attribute.getValue().contains("Stoichiometry:")) { String[] s = attribute.getValue().split(" "); try { if (s.length == 2) { Float st = Float.parseFloat(s[1]); tabStoichiometry.add(st.intValue()); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("The stoichiometry can not be converted, " + attribute.toString(), e); } } } } /* Stoichiometry Columns 39, 40 */ if (!tabStoichiometry.isEmpty()) { tabInteractor.setStoichiometry(tabStoichiometry); } } if (xmlParticipant.getParticipantIdentificationMethods() != null) { List<> tabPartIdentMethods = new ArrayList<>(); Collection<ParticipantIdentificationMethod> xmlPartIdentMethodsRoles = xmlParticipant .getParticipantIdentificationMethods(); for (ParticipantIdentificationMethod xmlPartIdentMethodsRole : xmlPartIdentMethodsRoles) { cr = cvConverter.toMitab(xmlPartIdentMethodsRole); if (cr != null && !tabPartIdentMethods.contains(cr)) { tabPartIdentMethods.add(cr); } } if (!tabPartIdentMethods.isEmpty()) { /* Participant Identification Methods Columns 41, 42 */ tabInteractor.setParticipantIdentificationMethods(tabPartIdentMethods); } } return tabInteractor; } private CrossReference selectBestIdentfier(Collection<DbReference> identityRefs) { Iterator<DbReference> iterator = identityRefs.iterator(); boolean found = false; CrossReference reference = null; while (iterator.hasNext() && !found) { DbReference ref =; if (ref.getDb().equals(UNIPROT)) { found = true; reference = buildCrossReference(ref); } else if (ref.getDb().equals(CHEBI)) { found = true; reference = buildCrossReference(ref); } else if (ref.getDb().equals(INTACT)) { found = true; reference = buildCrossReference(ref); } } //If we don't have a "good" candidate with select the first one. if (!found && !identityRefs.isEmpty()) { reference = buildCrossReference(identityRefs.iterator().next()); } return reference; //To change body of created methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } protected T newInteractor(List<CrossReference> identifiers) { return (T) new; } /** * Strategy defining which interactor name used. */ private InteractorNameBuilder interactorNameBuilder; ///////////////////////////////////// // Getters & Setters /** * Getter for property 'interactorNameBuilder' */ public InteractorNameBuilder getInteractorNameBuilder() { return interactorNameBuilder; } /** * Setter for property 'interactorNameBuilder' */ public void setInteractorNameBuilder(InteractorNameBuilder interactorNameBuilder) { this.interactorNameBuilder = interactorNameBuilder; } public psidev.psi.mi.xml.model.Interactor fromMitab( tabInteractor) throws XmlConversionException { if (tabInteractor == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Interactor must not be null"); } psidev.psi.mi.xml.model.Interactor xmlInteractor = new psidev.psi.mi.xml.model.Interactor(); xmlInteractor.setId(IdentifierGenerator.getInstance().nextId()); // set interactor name Names interactorName; if (interactorNameBuilder != null) { interactorName =; } else { log.debug("No InteractorNameBuilder choosen. default = " + InteractorUniprotIdBuilder.class); InteractorNameBuilder builder = new InteractorUniprotIdBuilder(); interactorName =; } if (interactorName != null) { xmlInteractor.setNames(interactorName); } // taxonomy if (tabInteractor.hasOrganism()) { o = tabInteractor.getOrganism(); // get shortLabel Iterator<CrossReference> idIterator = o.getIdentifiers().iterator(); String shortlabel = null; if (idIterator.hasNext()) { CrossReference first =; if (first.hasText()) { shortlabel = first.getText(); } } // get taxid int ncbiTaxId; if (o.getTaxid() != null) { try { ncbiTaxId = Integer.parseInt(o.getTaxid()); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { final String msg = "Could not parse taxid " + o.getTaxid() + ", it doesn't seem to be a valid integer value."; throw new XmlConversionException(msg); } psidev.psi.mi.xml.model.Organism organism = new psidev.psi.mi.xml.model.Organism(); Names names = new Names(); organism.setNames(names); if (shortlabel != null) { names.setShortLabel(shortlabel); } else { switch (ncbiTaxId) { case -1: names.setShortLabel("in vitro"); break; case -2: names.setShortLabel("chemical synthesis"); break; case -3: names.setShortLabel("unknown"); break; case -4: names.setShortLabel("in vivo"); break; case -5: names.setShortLabel("in silico"); break; default: names.setShortLabel(String.valueOf(ncbiTaxId)); } } organism.setNcbiTaxId(ncbiTaxId); xmlInteractor.setOrganism(organism); } } // set primary & secondary references DbReference primaryReferece = null; Collection<DbReference> secondaryRefs = new ArrayList<DbReference>(); Collection<CrossReference> tabIdentifiers = tabInteractor.getIdentifiers(); String primaryDatabase; String primaryId; if (!tabIdentifiers.isEmpty()) { Iterator<CrossReference> identifierIterator = tabIdentifiers.iterator(); CrossReference primaryIdentifier =; overrideAliasSourceDatabase = primaryIdentifier; primaryDatabase = primaryIdentifier.getDatabase(); primaryId = primaryIdentifier.getIdentifier(); primaryReferece = new DbReference(primaryId, primaryDatabase); if (primaryDatabase.equals(UNIPROT)) { primaryReferece.setDbAc(UNIPROT_MI); primaryReferece.setRefType(IDENTITY); primaryReferece.setRefTypeAc(IDENTITY_REF); } else if (primaryDatabase.equals(CHEBI)) { primaryReferece.setDbAc(CHEBI_MI); primaryReferece.setRefType(IDENTITY); primaryReferece.setRefTypeAc(IDENTITY_REF); } else if (primaryDatabase.equals(INTACT)) { primaryReferece.setDbAc(INTACT_MI); primaryReferece.setRefType(IDENTITY); primaryReferece.setRefTypeAc(IDENTITY_REF); } while (identifierIterator.hasNext()) { CrossReference secondaryIdentifier =; DbReference secondaryRef = createSecondaryRef(secondaryIdentifier); secondaryRefs.add(secondaryRef); } } //Fields 23 24 Xrefs if (!tabInteractor.getXrefs().isEmpty()) { for (CrossReference secondaryIdentifier : tabInteractor.getXrefs()) { DbReference secondaryRef = createSecondaryRef(secondaryIdentifier); secondaryRefs.add(secondaryRef); } } if (primaryReferece != null) { if (!secondaryRefs.isEmpty()) { Xref interactorXref = new Xref(primaryReferece, secondaryRefs); xmlInteractor.setXref(interactorXref); } else { Xref interactorXref = new Xref(primaryReferece); xmlInteractor.setXref(interactorXref); } } else { throw new XmlConversionException("No Xref found"); } // Fields 21 22 Interactor Type InteractorType interactorType = null; if (tabInteractor.getInteractorTypes() != null && !tabInteractor.getInteractorTypes().isEmpty()) { Collection<CrossReference> interactorTypes = tabInteractor.getInteractorTypes(); interactorType = cvConverter.fromMitab(interactorTypes, InteractorType.class); if (!interactorType.hasNames() && interactorType.getXref() != null && interactorType.getXref().getPrimaryRef() != null) { String id = interactorType.getXref().getPrimaryRef().getId(); Names interactorTypeName = new Names(); //Main types of interactors if (id.equals("MI:0326")) { interactorTypeName.setShortLabel("protein"); interactorTypeName.setFullName("protein"); } else if (id.equals("MI:0328")) { interactorTypeName.setShortLabel("small molecule"); interactorTypeName.setFullName("small molecule"); } else if (id.equals("MI:0317")) { interactorTypeName.setShortLabel("interaction"); interactorTypeName.setFullName("interaction"); } else if (id.equals("MI:0329")) { interactorTypeName.setShortLabel("unknown participant"); interactorTypeName.setFullName("unknown participant"); } else { interactorTypeName.setShortLabel(id); interactorTypeName.setFullName(id); } interactorType.setNames(interactorTypeName); } xmlInteractor.setInteractorType(interactorType); } else { Xref interactorTypeXref; Names interactorTypeName = new Names(); //Default value if (xmlInteractor.hasXref()) { interactorType = new InteractorType(); String xrefPrimaryDB = xmlInteractor.getXref().getPrimaryRef().getDb(); if (xrefPrimaryDB.equals(UNIPROT)) { // in this case the interactorType is a protein interactorTypeName.setShortLabel("protein"); interactorTypeName.setFullName("protein"); DbReference dbRef = new DbReference("MI:0326", PSIMI); dbRef.setDbAc(PSIMI_MI); dbRef.setRefType(IDENTITY); dbRef.setRefTypeAc(IDENTITY_REF); interactorTypeXref = new Xref(dbRef); } else if (xrefPrimaryDB.equals(CHEBI)) { // in this case the interactorType is a small molecule interactorTypeName.setShortLabel("small molecule"); interactorTypeName.setFullName("small molecule"); DbReference dbRef = new DbReference("MI:0328", PSIMI); dbRef.setDbAc(PSIMI_MI); dbRef.setRefType(IDENTITY); dbRef.setRefTypeAc(IDENTITY_REF); interactorTypeXref = new Xref(dbRef); } else { // in other cases its not possible to know which type -> so we create a unknown interactorTypeName.setShortLabel("unknown participant"); interactorTypeName.setFullName("unknown participant"); DbReference dbRef = new DbReference("MI:0329", PSIMI); dbRef.setDbAc(PSIMI_MI); dbRef.setRefType(IDENTITY); dbRef.setRefTypeAc(IDENTITY_REF); interactorTypeXref = new Xref(dbRef); log.debug("Interactor type is unknown"); } } else { // in other cases its not possible to know which type -> so we create a unknown interactorTypeName.setShortLabel("unknown participant"); interactorTypeName.setFullName("unknown participant"); DbReference dbRef = new DbReference("MI:0329", PSIMI); dbRef.setDbAc(PSIMI_MI); dbRef.setRefType(IDENTITY); dbRef.setRefTypeAc(IDENTITY_REF); interactorTypeXref = new Xref(dbRef); log.debug("Interactor type is unknown"); } interactorType.setNames(interactorTypeName); interactorType.setXref(interactorTypeXref); xmlInteractor.setInteractorType(interactorType); } //Fields 26 27 Annotations for interactors if (tabInteractor.getAnnotations() != null) { if (!tabInteractor.getAnnotations().isEmpty()) { for (Annotation annotation : tabInteractor.getAnnotations()) { Attribute attribute = new Attribute(annotation.getTopic(), annotation.getText()); xmlInteractor.getAttributes().add(attribute); } } } // note: interactionType are not stored in MITAB25, but XMLWriter need one -> default (=empty) InteractorType were set. //Fields 34 35 Checksum Collection<Checksum> checksums = tabInteractor.getChecksums(); if (!checksums.isEmpty()) { for (Checksum checksum : checksums) { Attribute attribute = new Attribute(checksum.getMethodName(), checksum.getChecksum()); if (!xmlInteractor.getAttributes().contains(attribute)) { xmlInteractor.getAttributes().add(attribute); } } } return xmlInteractor; } private DbReference createSecondaryRef(CrossReference secondaryIdentifier) { String database = secondaryIdentifier.getDatabase(); String id = secondaryIdentifier.getIdentifier(); return new DbReference(id, database); } public abstract Participant buildParticipantA(Interactor xmlInteractor, BinaryInteraction binaryInteraction, int index) throws XmlConversionException; public abstract Participant buildParticipantB(Interactor xmlInteractor, BinaryInteraction binaryInteraction, int index) throws XmlConversionException; }