Java tutorial
package Provider.GoogleMapsStatic.TestUI; import Provider.GoogleMapsStatic.*; import Task.*; import Task.Manager.*; import Task.ProgressMonitor.*; import Task.Support.CoreSupport.*; import Task.Support.GUISupport.*; import com.jgoodies.forms.factories.*; import info.clearthought.layout.*; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*; import javax.imageio.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent; import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener; //import javax.swing.text.Position; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.beans.*; import java.text.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; /** * MapLookup * <p> * * </p> * * * Student Name: Juan Pablo Molina Matute * Student email: * Student UserID: jpmolinamatute * Student Number: 045 445 087 * * * Student Name: Duc Giang * Student email: * Student userID: dhgiang * Student number: 071 408 100 * * Note: Some modifications were made to the original author's codes to enhance features of the API * * @author "Nazmul Idris" -- original * * * {@link #main(String[] args) [main]} {@link #MySample() [MySample]} * {@link #initComponents() [initComponents]} {@link #doInit() [doInit]} * {@link #startTaskAction() [startTaskAction]} {@link #quitProgram() * [quitProgram]} {@link #setNorth() [setNorth]} {@link #setSouth() * [setSouth]} {@link #setEast() [setEast]} {@link #setWest() [setWest]} * {@link #setNorthwest() [setNorthwest]} {@link #setSouthwest() * [setSouthwest]} {@link #setSoutheast() [setSoutheast]} * {@link #setChange() [setChange]} {@link #keyPressed(KeyEvent arg0) * [keyPressed]} {@link #actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) * [actionPerformed]} {@link #keyReleased(KeyEvent arg0) [keyReleased]} * {@link #keyTyped(KeyEvent arg0) [keyTyped]} {@link #_setupTask() * [_setupTask]} {@link #_displayImgInFrame() [_displayImgInFrame]} * {@link #sout(final String s) [sout]} * {@link #_initHook(SwingUIHookAdapter hook) [_initHook]} */ public class MySample extends JFrame implements ActionListener, KeyListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX // data members // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /** reference to task */ private SimpleTask<ByteBuffer> _task; /** this might be null. holds the image to display in a popup */ private BufferedImage _img; private double chgLatitud; private double chgLongitude; private JButton btnGetMap; private JButton btnQuit; private JCheckBox checkboxRecvStatus; private JCheckBox checkboxSendStatus; /** * @author Dhgiang * Added a drop down combo box to allow user to select preset cities */ private JComboBox<Object> cities; private JLabel imgLbl; /*** * @author jpmolinamatute * added a new panel called controlPanel to allow map be * viewed from centre of the content Panel as oppose to sepearate window */ private JPanel controlPanel; private JProgressBar progressBar; private JSlider slider; private JTextArea ttaStatus; private JTextField ttfSizeW; private JTextField ttfLat; private JTextField ttfSizeH; private JTextField ttfLon; private JTextField ttfZoom; private JTextField ttfProgressMsg; // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX // main method... // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXsXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX /** * @author Nazmul * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Utils.createInEDT(MySample.class); } /** * @author Nazmul */ private void doInit() { GUIUtils.setAppIcon(this, "burn.png"); GUIUtils.centerOnScreen(this); setVisible(true); int W = 28, H = W; boolean blur = false; float alpha = .7f; try { btnGetMap.setIcon(ImageUtils.loadScaledBufferedIcon("ok1.png", W, H, blur, alpha)); btnQuit.setIcon(ImageUtils.loadScaledBufferedIcon("charging.png", W, H, blur, alpha)); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } _setupTask(); } /** * create a test task and wire it up with a task handler that dumps output * to the textarea * * @author "Nazmul */ private void _setupTask() { TaskExecutorIF<ByteBuffer> functor = new TaskExecutorAdapter<ByteBuffer>() { @Override public ByteBuffer doInBackground(Future<ByteBuffer> swingWorker, SwingUIHookAdapter hook) throws Exception { _initHook(hook); // set the license key MapLookup.setLicenseKey("AIzaSyBGFBFwiI25og60Qc6ezdqfNcZFULzYW3o"); // get the uri for the static map String uri = MapLookup.getMap(Double.parseDouble(ttfLat.getText()), Double.parseDouble(ttfLon.getText()), Integer.parseInt(ttfSizeW.getText()), Integer.parseInt(ttfSizeH.getText()), Integer.parseInt(ttfZoom.getText())); sout("Google Maps URI=" + uri); // get the map from Google GetMethod get = new GetMethod(uri); new HttpClient().executeMethod(get); ByteBuffer data = HttpUtils.getMonitoredResponse(hook, get); try { _img = ImageUtils.toCompatibleImage(; sout("converted downloaded data to image..."); } catch (Exception e) { _img = null; sout("The URI is not an image. Data is downloaded, can't display it as an image."); } return data; } @Override public String getName() { return _task.getName(); } }; _task = new SimpleTask<ByteBuffer>(new TaskManager(), functor, "HTTP GET Task", "Download an image from a URL", AutoShutdownSignals.Daemon); _task.setTaskHandler(new SimpleTaskHandler<ByteBuffer>() { @Override public void beforeStart(AbstractTask task) { sout(":: taskHandler - beforeStart"); } @Override public void started(AbstractTask task) { sout(":: taskHandler - started "); } /** * {@link SampleApp#_initHook} adds the task status listener, which * is removed here */ @Override public void stopped(long time, AbstractTask task) { sout(":: taskHandler [" + task.getName() + "]- stopped"); sout(":: time = " + time / 1000f + "sec"); task.getUIHook().clearAllStatusListeners(); } @Override public void interrupted(Throwable e, AbstractTask task) { sout(":: taskHandler [" + task.getName() + "]- interrupted - " + e.toString()); } @Override public void ok(ByteBuffer value, long time, AbstractTask task) { sout(":: taskHandler [" + task.getName() + "]- ok - size=" + (value == null ? "null" : value.toString())); if (_img != null) { _displayImgInFrame(); } } @Override public void error(Throwable e, long time, AbstractTask task) { sout(":: taskHandler [" + task.getName() + "]- error - " + e.toString()); } @Override public void cancelled(long time, AbstractTask task) { sout(" :: taskHandler [" + task.getName() + "]- cancelled"); } }); } /** * @author Nazmul * @param hook * @return */ private SwingUIHookAdapter _initHook(SwingUIHookAdapter hook) { hook.enableRecieveStatusNotification(checkboxRecvStatus.isSelected()); hook.enableSendStatusNotification(checkboxSendStatus.isSelected()); hook.setProgressMessage(ttfProgressMsg.getText()); PropertyChangeListener listener = new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { SwingUIHookAdapter.PropertyList type = ProgressMonitorUtils.parseTypeFrom(evt); int progress = ProgressMonitorUtils.parsePercentFrom(evt); String msg = ProgressMonitorUtils.parseMessageFrom(evt); progressBar.setValue(progress); progressBar.setString(type.toString()); sout(msg); } }; hook.addRecieveStatusListener(listener); hook.addSendStatusListener(listener); hook.addUnderlyingIOStreamInterruptedOrClosed(new PropertyChangeListener() { @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { sout(evt.getPropertyName() + " fired!!!"); } }); return hook; } /** * @author Nazmul */ private void _displayImgInFrame() { imgLbl.setIcon(new ImageIcon(_img)); imgLbl.setToolTipText(MessageFormat.format("<html>Image downloaded from URI<br>size: w={0}, h={1}</html>", _img.getWidth(), _img.getHeight())); } /** * @author Nazmul * * simply dump status info to the textarea */ private void sout(final String s) { Runnable soutRunner = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (ttaStatus.getText().equals("")) { ttaStatus.setText(s); } else { ttaStatus.setText(ttaStatus.getText() + "\n" + s); } } }; if (ThreadUtils.isInEDT()) {; } else { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(soutRunner); } } /** * @author Nazmul */ private void startTaskAction() { try { _task.execute(); controlPanel.requestFocus(); // @ jpmolinamatute -- used controlPanel instead of contentPanel } catch (TaskException e) { sout(e.getMessage()); } } /** * XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX * * @author Nazmul * * modified by: dhgiang Friday, March 30th 15:38 PM EST * note: suggested to my partner Juan to have the app load map right away instead of having user to click get map button * * constructor * * XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX */ public MySample() { initComponents(); doInit(); startTaskAction(); // Added this in so that the user does not have to click on Get Map once program loads // The map will automatically display once the program runs. } /** * @author Nazmul */ private void quitProgram() { _task.shutdown(); System.exit(0); } /** * @author jpmolinamatute * * this method is going to change the Latitude toward north */ private void setNorth() { String var1 = ttfLat.getText(); Double latitude = Double.valueOf(var1.trim()).doubleValue(); latitude += chgLatitud; if (latitude > 90.00) { latitude = 90.00; } ttfLat.setText(latitude.toString()); } /** * @author jpmolinamatute * * this method is going to change the Latitude toward south */ private void setSouth() { String var1 = ttfLat.getText(); Double latitude = Double.valueOf(var1.trim()).doubleValue(); latitude -= chgLatitud; if (latitude < -90.00) { latitude = -90.00; } ttfLat.setText(latitude.toString()); } /** * @author jpmolinamatute * * this method is going to change the Longitude toward east */ private void setEast() { String var1 = ttfLon.getText(); Double longitude = Double.valueOf(var1.trim()).doubleValue(); longitude += chgLongitude; if (longitude > 180.00) { longitude = 180.00; } ttfLon.setText(longitude.toString()); } /** * @author jpmolinamatute * * this method is going to change the Longitude toward west */ private void setWest() { String var1 = ttfLon.getText(); Double longitude = Double.valueOf(var1.trim()).doubleValue(); longitude -= chgLongitude; if (longitude < -180.00) { longitude = -180.00; } ttfLon.setText(longitude.toString()); } /** * @author jpmolinamatute * * this method is going to change the Latitude toward north * this method is going to change the Longitude toward west */ private void setNorthwest() { setNorth(); setWest(); } /** * @author jpmolinamatute * * this method is going to change the Latitude toward north * this method is going to change the Longitude toward east */ private void setNortheast() { setNorth(); setEast(); } /** * @author jpmolinamatute * * this method is going to change the Latitude toward south * this method is going to change the Longitude toward west */ private void setSouthwest() { setSouth(); setWest(); } /** * @author jpmolinamatute * * this method is going to change the Latitude toward south * this method is going to change the Longitude toward east */ private void setSoutheast() { setSouth(); setEast(); } /** * @author jpmolinamatute * * this method is set the rules for how much Latitude and Longitude are going to change according to the zoom */ private void setChange() { String var1 = ttfZoom.getText(); Integer zoom = Integer.valueOf(var1.trim()).intValue(); if (zoom >= 1 && zoom < 4) { chgLatitud = 20.00; chgLongitude = chgLatitud * 2; } else if (zoom >= 4 && zoom < 7) { chgLatitud = 10.00; chgLongitude = chgLatitud * 2; } else if (zoom >= 7 && zoom < 10) { chgLatitud = 5.00; chgLongitude = chgLatitud * 2; } else if (zoom >= 10 && zoom < 13) { chgLatitud = 2.50; chgLongitude = chgLatitud * 2; } else if (zoom >= 13 && zoom < 16) { chgLatitud = 1.25; chgLongitude = chgLatitud * 2; } else if (zoom >= 16 && zoom < 20) { chgLatitud = 0.75; chgLongitude = chgLatitud * 2; } } /** * @author Nazmul */ private void initComponents() { // JFormDesigner - Component initialization - DO NOT MODIFY // //GEN-BEGIN:initComponents // Generated using JFormDesigner non-commercial license ttfSizeW = new JTextField("512"); ttfLat = new JTextField("45.5"); btnGetMap = new JButton("Get Map"); btnQuit = new JButton("Quit"); ttfSizeH = new JTextField("512"); ttfLon = new JTextField("-73.55"); ttfZoom = new JTextField("14"); ttaStatus = new JTextArea(); checkboxRecvStatus = new JCheckBox(); checkboxSendStatus = new JCheckBox(); ttfProgressMsg = new JTextField(); progressBar = new JProgressBar(); imgLbl = new JLabel(); /*** * @author Dhgiang, jpmolinamatute * Created a slider, zoom in/out buttons, conbo box (drop down listbox) for city selection, * a panel to group the zoom buttons and the slider bar */ slider = new JSlider(0, 19, 14); controlPanel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); // controlPanel was created by jpmolinamatute cities = new JComboBox<Object>(new String[] { "Montreal", "Toronto", // the place setting where the combo box is now used to be a text field "Vancouver", "New York City", "Caracas", "Hong Kong" }); // for license key, but it was removed to accommodate space for combo box // @author Dhgiang JPanel panel1 = new JPanel(); JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel(); JPanel btnPanel = new JPanel(); JPanel dialogPane = new JPanel(); JLabel label1 = new JLabel("Select City"); // this used to be the label for license key, it was changed to label as 'select city' JLabel label2 = new JLabel("Size Width"); JLabel label3 = new JLabel("Size Height"); JLabel label4 = new JLabel("Latitude"); JLabel label5 = new JLabel("Longitude"); JLabel label6 = new JLabel("Zoom"); JButton btnZoomIn = new JButton("-"); JButton btnZoomOut = new JButton("+"); /*** * @author jpmolinamatute * Created 8 cardinal points: N,NE,NW; S,SE,SW; E, W; */ JButton btnSE = new JButton("SE"); JButton btnS = new JButton("S"); JButton btnSW = new JButton("SW"); JButton btnE = new JButton("E"); JButton btnW = new JButton("W"); JButton btnNE = new JButton("NE"); JButton btnN = new JButton("N"); JButton btnNW = new JButton("NW"); /*** * @author JPMolinaMatute * Creaetd a spaceControl GridBagConstraints object to manage * the cardinal points, and add KeyListener so users can use the * 8 cardinal keys on the num pad; initialize dimensions * */ GridBagConstraints spaceControl = new GridBagConstraints(); spaceControl.insets = new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5); controlPanel.addKeyListener(this); controlPanel.setSize(new Dimension(512, 512)); // ---- My Combo Boxes for different city coordinates ----// // ======== this ======== setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setTitle("Google Static Maps"); setIconImage(null); Container contentPane = getContentPane(); contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // ======== dialogPane ======== { dialogPane.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(12, 12, 12, 12)); dialogPane.setOpaque(false); dialogPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // ======== contentPanel ======== { contentPanel.setOpaque(false); contentPanel.setLayout(new TableLayout( new double[][] { { TableLayoutConstants.FILL }, { TableLayoutConstants.PREFERRED, TableLayoutConstants.FILL, TableLayoutConstants.PREFERRED } })); ((TableLayout) contentPanel.getLayout()).setHGap(5); ((TableLayout) contentPanel.getLayout()).setVGap(5); // ======== panel1 ======== { panel1.setOpaque(false); panel1.setBorder(new CompoundBorder( new TitledBorder("Configure the inputs to Google Static Maps"), Borders.DLU2_BORDER)); panel1.setLayout(new TableLayout( new double[][] { { 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.17, 0.05, TableLayoutConstants.FILL }, { TableLayoutConstants.PREFERRED, TableLayoutConstants.PREFERRED, TableLayoutConstants.PREFERRED } })); ((TableLayout) panel1.getLayout()).setHGap(5); ((TableLayout) panel1.getLayout()).setVGap(5); label1.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); panel1.add(label1, new TableLayoutConstraints(0, 2, 0, 2, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); // ---- label2 ---- label2.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); panel1.add(label2, new TableLayoutConstraints(0, 0, 0, 0, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); // ---- ttfSizeW ---- panel1.add(ttfSizeW, new TableLayoutConstraints(1, 0, 1, 0, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); // ---- label4 ---- label4.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); panel1.add(label4, new TableLayoutConstraints(2, 0, 2, 0, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); // ---- ttfLat ---- panel1.add(ttfLat, new TableLayoutConstraints(3, 0, 3, 0, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); // ---- btnGetMap ---- btnGetMap.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.LEFT); btnGetMap.setMnemonic('G'); btnGetMap.setActionCommand("getMap"); btnGetMap.addActionListener(this); panel1.add(btnGetMap, new TableLayoutConstraints(5, 0, 5, 0, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); // ---- label3 ---- label3.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); panel1.add(label3, new TableLayoutConstraints(0, 1, 0, 1, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); // ---- ttfSizeH ---- panel1.add(ttfSizeH, new TableLayoutConstraints(1, 1, 1, 1, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); // ---- label5 ---- label5.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); panel1.add(label5, new TableLayoutConstraints(2, 1, 2, 1, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); // ---- ttfLon ---- panel1.add(ttfLon, new TableLayoutConstraints(3, 1, 3, 1, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); // ---- btnQuit ---- btnQuit.setMnemonic('Q'); btnQuit.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.LEFT); btnQuit.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.RIGHT); btnQuit.setActionCommand("quit"); btnQuit.addActionListener(this); panel1.add(btnQuit, new TableLayoutConstraints(5, 1, 5, 1, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); /*** * @author Dhgiang * Added an anonymous inner class for ItemLister and event handling for the combo box * Used the switch case condition handling to set coordinates based on the city selected * Juan helped modified this method by adding the startTaskAction() at the end so * users don't have to click on Get Map button. */ cities.setSelectedIndex(0); // initialize the city selection item to 0 (or the first item) cities.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { Integer z = cities.getSelectedIndex(); switch (z) { case 0: ttfLat.setText("45.5"); ttfLon.setText("-73.55"); break; case 1: ttfLat.setText("43.65"); ttfLon.setText("-79.38"); break; case 2: ttfLat.setText("49.2505"); ttfLon.setText("-123.1119"); break; case 3: ttfLat.setText("40.7142"); ttfLon.setText("-74.0064"); break; case 4: ttfLat.setText("10.4901"); ttfLon.setText("-66.9151"); break; case 5: ttfLat.setText("22.257"); ttfLon.setText("114.2"); break; default: break; } startTaskAction(); } }); /*** * @author Dhgiang * Added the combo box to the panel */ panel1.add(cities, new TableLayoutConstraints(1, 2, 1, 2, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL)); // ---- label6 ---- label6.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); panel1.add(label6, new TableLayoutConstraints(2, 2, 2, 2, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); // ---- ttfZoom ---- panel1.add(ttfZoom, new TableLayoutConstraints(3, 2, 3, 2, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); } { btnPanel.setOpaque(false); btnPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0, 3)); /**** * @author Dhgiang * Initializing the zoom IN / OUT buttons with proper parameters and * adding them to the btnPanel of Panel1 (panel within a panel) */ // ---- btnZoomIn ---- btnZoomIn.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.LEFT); btnZoomIn.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.RIGHT); btnZoomIn.setActionCommand("Zoomin"); btnZoomIn.addActionListener(this); btnPanel.add(btnZoomIn, new TableLayoutConstraints(5, 2, 5, 2, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL)); // ---- btnZoomOut ---- btnZoomOut.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); btnZoomOut.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.RIGHT); btnZoomOut.setActionCommand("Zoomout"); btnZoomOut.addActionListener(this); btnPanel.add(btnZoomOut, new TableLayoutConstraints(5, 2, 5, 2, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL)); /*** * @author Dhgiang * Having created a new JSlider slider object, maximum & minimum values * are initialized along with incremental values * */ // ---- slider ----- slider.setMaximum(19); slider.setMinimum(0); slider.setPaintTicks(true); slider.setMajorTickSpacing(19); slider.setMinorTickSpacing(1); slider.setPaintTrack(false); slider.createStandardLabels(4, 0); /*** * @author Dhgiang * Added a ChangeListener to the slider so that * 1) the slider moves left if (-) button is clicked, slider moves right if (+) is clicked * 2) and zoom values will increase or decrease if slider bar is shifted left or right accordingly * 3) after the user releases the click button, the map will display automatically with the values * set by the slider bar, without having the user to click on get map button */ slider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent arg0) { Integer a = slider.getValue(); if (a >= 0 && a <= 19) { ttfZoom.setText(a.toString()); startTaskAction(); } } }); slider.setBorder(null); /*** * @author Dhgiang * Added the slider bar to the button panel */ btnPanel.add(slider, new TableLayoutConstraints(5, 2, 5, 2, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL)); } /*** * @author Dhgiang * Adding the button panel to panel1 */ panel1.add(btnPanel, new TableLayoutConstraints(5, 2, 5, 2, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL, TableLayoutConstraints.FULL)); contentPanel.add(panel1, new TableLayoutConstraints(0, 0, 0, 0, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); /*** * @author jpmolinamatute * Initializing coordinates for the cardinal points * Adding the cardinal points button to the control panel */ // ---- Cardinals points ----- btnNW.setActionCommand("Northwest"); btnNW.addActionListener(this); spaceControl.gridx = 0; spaceControl.gridy = 0; controlPanel.add(btnNW, spaceControl); btnN.setActionCommand("North"); btnN.addActionListener(this); spaceControl.gridx = 3; spaceControl.gridy = 0; controlPanel.add(btnN, spaceControl); btnNE.setActionCommand("Northeast"); btnNE.addActionListener(this); spaceControl.gridx = 6; spaceControl.gridy = 0; controlPanel.add(btnNE, spaceControl); btnW.setActionCommand("West"); btnW.addActionListener(this); spaceControl.gridx = 0; spaceControl.gridy = 3; controlPanel.add(btnW, spaceControl); spaceControl.gridx = 3; spaceControl.gridy = 3; controlPanel.add(imgLbl, spaceControl); btnE.setActionCommand("East"); btnE.addActionListener(this); spaceControl.gridx = 6; spaceControl.gridy = 3; controlPanel.add(btnE, spaceControl); btnSW.setActionCommand("Southwest"); btnSW.addActionListener(this); spaceControl.gridx = 0; spaceControl.gridy = 6; controlPanel.add(btnSW, spaceControl); btnS.setActionCommand("South"); btnS.addActionListener(this); spaceControl.gridx = 3; spaceControl.gridy = 6; controlPanel.add(btnS, spaceControl); btnSE.setActionCommand("Southeast"); btnSE.addActionListener(this); spaceControl.gridx = 6; spaceControl.gridy = 6; controlPanel.add(btnSE, spaceControl); contentPanel.add(controlPanel, new TableLayoutConstraints(0, 1, 0, 1, TableLayoutConstants.FULL, TableLayoutConstants.FULL)); } dialogPane.add(contentPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); } contentPane.add(dialogPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); setSize(700, 800); setLocationRelativeTo(null); } // JFormDesigner - End of component initialization // //GEN-END:initComponents // JFormDesigner - Variables declaration - DO NOT MODIFY // //GEN-BEGIN:variables // Generated using JFormDesigner non-commercial license // JFormDesigner - End of variables declaration //GEN-END:variables /** * @author jpmolinamatute * * this method control the use the longitude and latitud using the numerical and arrows keyboard */ @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent arg0) { char keyLetter = arg0.getKeyChar(); int keyCode = arg0.getKeyCode(); setChange(); if (keyLetter == '8' || keyCode == 38) { setNorth(); startTaskAction(); } else if (keyLetter == '6' || keyCode == 39) { setEast(); startTaskAction(); } else if (keyLetter == '2' || keyCode == 40) { setSouth(); startTaskAction(); } else if (keyLetter == '4' || keyCode == 37) { setWest(); startTaskAction(); } else if (keyLetter == '7') { setNorthwest(); startTaskAction(); } else if (keyLetter == '9') { setNortheast(); startTaskAction(); } else if (keyLetter == '3') { setSoutheast(); startTaskAction(); } else if (keyLetter == '1') { setSouthwest(); startTaskAction(); } else if (keyLetter == 'Q' || keyLetter == 'q') { quitProgram(); } if (keyCode == 10) { startTaskAction(); } } /** * @author Nazmul * * Modified by: * jpmolinamatute * dhgiang * this method perform all the action for all the buttons in the program */ @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) { String actionToPerform = new String(arg0.getActionCommand()); Integer b = Integer.parseInt(ttfZoom.getText()); setChange(); if (actionToPerform.equals("North")) { setNorth(); } else if (actionToPerform.equals("East")) { setEast(); } else if (actionToPerform.equals("Northeast")) { setNortheast(); } else if (actionToPerform.equals("Southeast")) { setSoutheast(); } else if (actionToPerform.equals("Southwest")) { setSouthwest(); } else if (actionToPerform.equals("South")) { setSouth(); } else if (actionToPerform.equals("Northwest")) { setNorthwest(); } else if (actionToPerform.equals("West")) { setWest(); } else if (actionToPerform.equals("quit")) { quitProgram(); } else if (actionToPerform.equals("Zoomin")) { b = b - 1; if (b >= 0) { ttfZoom.setText(b.toString()); slider.setValue(b); } } else if (actionToPerform.equals("Zoomout")) { b = b + 1; if (b <= 19) { ttfZoom.setText(b.toString()); slider.setValue(b); } } startTaskAction(); } /** * @author jpmolinamatute */ @Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /** * @author jpmolinamatute */ @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }