Java tutorial
/* -*- mode: java; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* Part of the Processing project - Copyright (c) 2004-10 Ben Fry and Casey Reas Copyright (c) 2001-04 Massachusetts Institute of Technology This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ package; import cc.arduino.Compiler; import cc.arduino.Constants; import cc.arduino.UpdatableBoardsLibsFakeURLsHandler; import cc.arduino.UploaderUtils; import cc.arduino.contributions.*; import cc.arduino.contributions.libraries.*; import cc.arduino.contributions.libraries.ui.LibraryManagerUI; import cc.arduino.contributions.packages.ContributedPlatform; import cc.arduino.contributions.packages.ContributionInstaller; import cc.arduino.contributions.packages.ContributionsIndexer; import cc.arduino.contributions.packages.ui.ContributionManagerUI; import cc.arduino.files.DeleteFilesOnShutdown; import cc.arduino.packages.DiscoveryManager; import cc.arduino.view.Event; import cc.arduino.view.JMenuUtils; import cc.arduino.view.SplashScreenHelper; import org.apache.commons.compress.utils.IOUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import static; /** * The base class for the main processing application. * Primary role of this class is for platform identification and * general interaction with the system (launching URLs, loading * files and images, etc) that comes from that. */ public class Base { private static final int RECENT_SKETCHES_MAX_SIZE = 10; private static boolean commandLine; public static volatile Base INSTANCE; public static Map<String, Object> FIND_DIALOG_STATE = new HashMap<>(); private final ContributionInstaller contributionInstaller; private final LibraryInstaller libraryInstaller; private ContributionsSelfCheck contributionsSelfCheck; // set to true after the first time the menu is built. // so that the errors while building don't show up again. boolean builtOnce; // classpath for all known libraries for p5 // (both those in the p5/libs folder and those with lib subfolders // found in the sketchbook) static public String librariesClassPath; // Location for untitled items static File untitledFolder; // p5 icon for the window // static Image icon; // int editorCount; List<Editor> editors = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Editor>()); Editor activeEditor; // these menus are shared so that the board and serial port selections // are the same for all windows (since the board and serial port that are // actually used are determined by the preferences, which are shared) private List<JMenu> boardsCustomMenus; private List<JMenuItem> programmerMenus; private PdeKeywords pdeKeywords; private final List<JMenuItem> recentSketchesMenuItems = new LinkedList<>(); static public void main(String args[]) throws Exception { if (!OSUtils.isWindows()) { // Those properties helps enabling anti-aliasing on Linux // (but not on Windows where they made things worse actually // and the font rendering becomes ugly). // Those properties must be set before initializing any // graphic object, otherwise they don't have any effect. System.setProperty("awt.useSystemAAFontSettings", "on"); System.setProperty("swing.aatext", "true"); } System.setProperty("", "true"); if (OSUtils.isMacOS()) { System.setProperty("apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar", String.valueOf(!System.getProperty("os.version").startsWith("10.13") ||; ThinkDifferent.init(); } try { INSTANCE = new Base(args); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(System.err); System.exit(255); } } static public void initLogger() { Handler consoleHandler = new ConsoleLogger(); consoleHandler.setLevel(Level.ALL); consoleHandler.setFormatter(new LogFormatter("%1$tl:%1$tM:%1$tS [%4$7s] %2$s: %5$s%n")); Logger globalLogger = Logger.getLogger(Logger.GLOBAL_LOGGER_NAME); globalLogger.setLevel(consoleHandler.getLevel()); // Remove default Handler[] handlers = globalLogger.getHandlers(); for (Handler handler : handlers) { globalLogger.removeHandler(handler); } Logger root = Logger.getLogger(""); handlers = root.getHandlers(); for (Handler handler : handlers) { root.removeHandler(handler); } globalLogger.addHandler(consoleHandler); Logger.getLogger("cc.arduino.packages.autocomplete").setParent(globalLogger); Logger.getLogger("").setParent(globalLogger); Logger.getLogger(Base.class.getPackage().getName()).setParent(globalLogger); } static protected boolean isCommandLine() { return commandLine; } // Returns a File object for the given pathname. If the pathname // is not absolute, it is interpreted relative to the current // directory when starting the IDE (which is not the same as the // current working directory!). static public File absoluteFile(String path) { return BaseNoGui.absoluteFile(path); } public Base(String[] args) throws Exception { Thread deleteFilesOnShutdownThread = new Thread(DeleteFilesOnShutdown.INSTANCE); deleteFilesOnShutdownThread.setName("DeleteFilesOnShutdown"); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(deleteFilesOnShutdownThread); BaseNoGui.initLogger(); initLogger(); BaseNoGui.initPlatform(); BaseNoGui.getPlatform().init(); BaseNoGui.initPortableFolder(); // Look for a possible "--preferences-file" parameter and load preferences BaseNoGui.initParameters(args); CommandlineParser parser = new CommandlineParser(args); parser.parseArgumentsPhase1(); commandLine = !parser.isGuiMode(); BaseNoGui.checkInstallationFolder(); // If no path is set, get the default sketchbook folder for this platform if (BaseNoGui.getSketchbookPath() == null) { File defaultFolder = getDefaultSketchbookFolderOrPromptForIt(); if (BaseNoGui.getPortableFolder() != null) PreferencesData.set("sketchbook.path", BaseNoGui.getPortableSketchbookFolder()); else PreferencesData.set("sketchbook.path", defaultFolder.getAbsolutePath()); if (!defaultFolder.exists()) { defaultFolder.mkdirs(); } } SplashScreenHelper splash; if (parser.isGuiMode()) { // Setup all notification widgets splash = new SplashScreenHelper(SplashScreen.getSplashScreen()); BaseNoGui.notifier = new GUIUserNotifier(this); // Setup the theme coloring fun Theme.init(); System.setProperty("swing.aatext", PreferencesData.get("editor.antialias", "true")); // Set the look and feel before opening the window try { BaseNoGui.getPlatform().setLookAndFeel(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } // Use native popups so they don't look so crappy on osx JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); } else { splash = new SplashScreenHelper(null); } splash.splashText(tr("Loading configuration...")); BaseNoGui.initVersion(); // Don't put anything above this line that might make GUI, // because the platform has to be inited properly first. // Create a location for untitled sketches untitledFolder = FileUtils.createTempFolder("untitled" + new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE), ".tmp"); DeleteFilesOnShutdown.add(untitledFolder); splash.splashText(tr("Initializing packages...")); BaseNoGui.initPackages(); splash.splashText(tr("Preparing boards...")); if (!isCommandLine()) { rebuildBoardsMenu(); rebuildProgrammerMenu(); } else { TargetBoard lastSelectedBoard = BaseNoGui.getTargetBoard(); if (lastSelectedBoard != null) BaseNoGui.selectBoard(lastSelectedBoard); } // Setup board-dependent variables. onBoardOrPortChange(); pdeKeywords = new PdeKeywords(); pdeKeywords.reload(); contributionInstaller = new ContributionInstaller(BaseNoGui.getPlatform(), new GPGDetachedSignatureVerifier()); libraryInstaller = new LibraryInstaller(BaseNoGui.getPlatform()); parser.parseArgumentsPhase2(); // Save the preferences. For GUI mode, this happens in the quit // handler, but for other modes we should also make sure to save // them. if (parser.isForceSavePrefs()) {; } if (parser.isInstallBoard()) { ContributionsIndexer indexer = new ContributionsIndexer(BaseNoGui.getSettingsFolder(), BaseNoGui.getHardwareFolder(), BaseNoGui.getPlatform(), new GPGDetachedSignatureVerifier()); ProgressListener progressListener = new ConsoleProgressListener(); List<String> downloadedPackageIndexFiles = contributionInstaller.updateIndex(progressListener); contributionInstaller.deleteUnknownFiles(downloadedPackageIndexFiles); indexer.parseIndex(); indexer.syncWithFilesystem(); String[] boardToInstallParts = parser.getBoardToInstall().split(":"); ContributedPlatform selected = null; if (boardToInstallParts.length == 3) { selected = indexer.getIndex().findPlatform(boardToInstallParts[0], boardToInstallParts[1], VersionHelper.valueOf(boardToInstallParts[2]).toString()); } else if (boardToInstallParts.length == 2) { List<ContributedPlatform> platformsByName = indexer.getIndex().findPlatforms(boardToInstallParts[0], boardToInstallParts[1]); Collections.sort(platformsByName, new DownloadableContributionVersionComparator()); if (!platformsByName.isEmpty()) { selected = platformsByName.get(platformsByName.size() - 1); } } if (selected == null) { System.out.println(tr("Selected board is not available")); System.exit(1); } ContributedPlatform installed = indexer.getInstalled(boardToInstallParts[0], boardToInstallParts[1]); if (!selected.isBuiltIn()) { contributionInstaller.install(selected, progressListener); } if (installed != null && !installed.isBuiltIn()) { contributionInstaller.remove(installed); } System.exit(0); } else if (parser.isInstallLibrary()) { BaseNoGui.onBoardOrPortChange(); ProgressListener progressListener = new ConsoleProgressListener(); libraryInstaller.updateIndex(progressListener); LibrariesIndexer indexer = new LibrariesIndexer(BaseNoGui.getSettingsFolder()); indexer.parseIndex(); indexer.setLibrariesFolders(BaseNoGui.getLibrariesFolders()); indexer.rescanLibraries(); for (String library : parser.getLibraryToInstall().split(",")) { String[] libraryToInstallParts = library.split(":"); ContributedLibrary selected = null; if (libraryToInstallParts.length == 2) { selected = indexer.getIndex().find(libraryToInstallParts[0], VersionHelper.valueOf(libraryToInstallParts[1]).toString()); } else if (libraryToInstallParts.length == 1) { List<ContributedLibrary> librariesByName = indexer.getIndex().find(libraryToInstallParts[0]); Collections.sort(librariesByName, new DownloadableContributionVersionComparator()); if (!librariesByName.isEmpty()) { selected = librariesByName.get(librariesByName.size() - 1); } } if (selected == null) { System.out.println(tr("Selected library is not available")); System.exit(1); } Optional<ContributedLibrary> mayInstalled = indexer.getIndex() .getInstalled(libraryToInstallParts[0]); if (mayInstalled.isPresent() && selected.isIDEBuiltIn()) { System.out.println(tr(I18n.format( "Library {0} is available as built-in in the IDE.\nRemoving the other version {1} installed in the sketchbook...", library, mayInstalled.get().getParsedVersion()))); libraryInstaller.remove(mayInstalled.get(), progressListener); } else { libraryInstaller.install(selected, mayInstalled, progressListener); } } System.exit(0); } else if (parser.isVerifyOrUploadMode()) { // Set verbosity for command line build PreferencesData.setBoolean("build.verbose", parser.isDoVerboseBuild()); PreferencesData.setBoolean("upload.verbose", parser.isDoVerboseUpload()); // Set preserve-temp flag PreferencesData.setBoolean("runtime.preserve.temp.files", parser.isPreserveTempFiles()); // Make sure these verbosity preferences are only for the current session PreferencesData.setDoSave(false); Sketch sketch = null; String outputFile = null; try { // Build splash.splashText(tr("Verifying...")); File sketchFile = BaseNoGui.absoluteFile(parser.getFilenames().get(0)); sketch = new Sketch(sketchFile); outputFile = new Compiler(sketch).build(progress -> { }, false); } catch (Exception e) { // Error during build e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); } if (parser.isUploadMode()) { // Upload splash.splashText(tr("Uploading...")); try { List<String> warnings = new ArrayList<>(); UploaderUtils uploader = new UploaderUtils(); boolean res = uploader.upload(sketch, null, outputFile, parser.isDoUseProgrammer(), parser.isNoUploadPort(), warnings); for (String warning : warnings) { System.out.println(tr("Warning") + ": " + warning); } if (!res) { throw new Exception(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Error during upload System.out.flush(); System.err.flush(); System.err.println(tr("An error occurred while uploading the sketch")); System.exit(1); } } // No errors exit gracefully System.exit(0); } else if (parser.isGuiMode()) { splash.splashText(tr("Starting...")); for (String path : parser.getFilenames()) { // Correctly resolve relative paths File file = absoluteFile(path); // Fix a problem with systems that use a non-ASCII languages. Paths are // being passed in with 8.3 syntax, which makes the sketch loader code // unhappy, since the sketch folder naming doesn't match up correctly. // if (OSUtils.isWindows()) { try { file = file.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (!parser.isForceSavePrefs()) PreferencesData.setDoSave(true); if (handleOpen(file, retrieveSketchLocation(".default"), false) == null) { String mess = I18n.format(tr("Failed to open sketch: \"{0}\""), path); // Open failure is fatal in upload/verify mode if (parser.isVerifyOrUploadMode()) showError(null, mess, 2); else showWarning(null, mess, null); } } installKeyboardInputMap(); // Check if there were previously opened sketches to be restored restoreSketches(); // Create a new empty window (will be replaced with any files to be opened) if (editors.isEmpty()) { handleNew(); } new Thread(new BuiltInCoreIsNewerCheck(this)).start(); // Check for boards which need an additional core new Thread(new NewBoardListener(this)).start(); // Check for updates if (PreferencesData.getBoolean("update.check")) { new UpdateCheck(this); contributionsSelfCheck = new ContributionsSelfCheck(this, new UpdatableBoardsLibsFakeURLsHandler(this), contributionInstaller, libraryInstaller); new Timer(false).schedule(contributionsSelfCheck, Constants.BOARDS_LIBS_UPDATABLE_CHECK_START_PERIOD); } } else if (parser.isNoOpMode()) { // Do nothing (intended for only changing preferences) System.exit(0); } else if (parser.isGetPrefMode()) { BaseNoGui.dumpPrefs(parser); } else if (parser.isVersionMode()) { System.out.println("Arduino: " + BaseNoGui.VERSION_NAME_LONG); System.exit(0); } } private void installKeyboardInputMap() { UIManager.put("RSyntaxTextAreaUI.inputMap", new SketchTextAreaDefaultInputMap()); } /** * Post-constructor setup for the editor area. Loads the last * sketch that was used (if any), and restores other Editor settings. * The complement to "storePreferences", this is called when the * application is first launched. * * @throws Exception */ protected boolean restoreSketches() throws Exception { // Iterate through all sketches that were open last time p5 was running. // If !windowPositionValid, then ignore the coordinates found for each. // Save the sketch path and window placement for each open sketch int count = PreferencesData.getInteger("last.sketch.count"); int opened = 0; for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String path = PreferencesData.get("last.sketch" + i + ".path"); if (path == null) { continue; } if (BaseNoGui.getPortableFolder() != null && !new File(path).isAbsolute()) { File absolute = new File(BaseNoGui.getPortableFolder(), path); try { path = absolute.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { // path unchanged. } } int[] location = retrieveSketchLocation("" + i); // If file did not exist, null will be returned for the Editor if (handleOpen(new File(path), location, nextEditorLocation(), false, false) != null) { opened++; } } return (opened > 0); } /** * Store screen dimensions on last close */ protected void storeScreenDimensions() { // Save the width and height of the screen Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); PreferencesData.setInteger("last.screen.width", screen.width); PreferencesData.setInteger("last.screen.height", screen.height); } /** * Store list of sketches that are currently open. * Called when the application is quitting and documents are still open. */ protected void storeSketches() { // If there is only one sketch opened save his position as default if (editors.size() == 1) { storeSketchLocation(editors.get(0), ".default"); } // Save the sketch path and window placement for each open sketch String untitledPath = untitledFolder.getAbsolutePath(); List<Editor> reversedEditors = new LinkedList<>(editors); Collections.reverse(reversedEditors); int index = 0; for (Editor editor : reversedEditors) { Sketch sketch = editor.getSketch(); String path = sketch.getMainFilePath(); // Skip untitled sketches if they do not contains changes. if (path.startsWith(untitledPath) && !sketch.isModified()) { continue; } storeSketchLocation(editor, "" + index); index++; } PreferencesData.setInteger("last.sketch.count", index); } private void storeSketchLocation(Editor editor, String index) { String path = editor.getSketch().getMainFilePath(); String loc = StringUtils.join(editor.getPlacement(), ','); PreferencesData.set("last.sketch" + index + ".path", path); PreferencesData.set("last.sketch" + index + ".location", loc); } private int[] retrieveSketchLocation(String index) { if (PreferencesData.get("last.screen.height") == null) return defaultEditorLocation(); // if screen size has changed, the window coordinates no longer // make sense, so don't use them unless they're identical Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); int screenW = PreferencesData.getInteger("last.screen.width"); int screenH = PreferencesData.getInteger("last.screen.height"); if ((screen.width != screenW) || (screen.height != screenH)) return defaultEditorLocation(); String locationStr = PreferencesData.get("last.sketch" + index + ".location"); if (locationStr == null) return defaultEditorLocation(); return PApplet.parseInt(PApplet.split(locationStr, ',')); } protected void storeRecentSketches(SketchController sketch) { if (sketch.isUntitled()) { return; } Set<String> sketches = new LinkedHashSet<>(); sketches.add(sketch.getSketch().getMainFilePath()); sketches.addAll(PreferencesData.getCollection("recent.sketches")); PreferencesData.setCollection("recent.sketches", sketches); } protected void removeRecentSketchPath(String path) { Collection<String> sketches = new LinkedList<>(PreferencesData.getCollection("recent.sketches")); sketches.remove(path); PreferencesData.setCollection("recent.sketches", sketches); } // Because of variations in native windowing systems, no guarantees about // changes to the focused and active Windows can be made. Developers must // never assume that this Window is the focused or active Window until this // Window receives a WINDOW_GAINED_FOCUS or WINDOW_ACTIVATED event. protected void handleActivated(Editor whichEditor) { activeEditor = whichEditor; activeEditor.rebuildRecentSketchesMenu(); if (PreferencesData.getBoolean("editor.external")) { try { // If the list of files on disk changed, recreate the tabs for them if (activeEditor.getSketch().reload()) activeEditor.createTabs(); else // Let the current tab know it was activated, so it can reload activeEditor.getCurrentTab().activated(); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println(e); } } } protected int[] defaultEditorLocation() { int defaultWidth = PreferencesData.getInteger("editor.window.width.default"); int defaultHeight = PreferencesData.getInteger("editor.window.height.default"); Rectangle screen = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice() .getDefaultConfiguration().getBounds(); return new int[] { (screen.width - defaultWidth) / 2, (screen.height - defaultHeight) / 2, defaultWidth, defaultHeight, 0 }; } protected int[] nextEditorLocation() { if (activeEditor == null) { // If no current active editor, use default placement return defaultEditorLocation(); } Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); // With a currently active editor, open the new window // using the same dimensions, but offset slightly. synchronized (editors) { int[] location = activeEditor.getPlacement(); // Just in case the bounds for that window are bad final int OVER = 50; location[0] += OVER; location[1] += OVER; if (location[0] == OVER || location[2] == OVER || location[0] + location[2] > screen.width || location[1] + location[3] > screen.height) { // Warp the next window to a randomish location on screen. int[] l = defaultEditorLocation(); l[0] *= Math.random() * 2; l[1] *= Math.random() * 2; return l; } return location; } } // ................................................................. boolean breakTime = false; String[] months = { "jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun", "jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec" }; protected File createNewUntitled() throws IOException { File newbieDir = null; String newbieName = null; // In 0126, untitled sketches will begin in the temp folder, // and then moved to a new location because Save will default to Save As. File sketchbookDir = BaseNoGui.getSketchbookFolder(); File newbieParentDir = untitledFolder; // Use a generic name like sketch_031008a, the date plus a char int index = 0; //SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd"); //SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMdd"); //String purty = formatter.format(new Date()).toLowerCase(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); // 1..31 int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); // 0..11 String purty = months[month] +, 2); do { if (index == 26 * 26) { // In 0166, avoid running past zz by sending people outdoors. if (!breakTime) { showWarning(tr("Time for a Break"), tr("You've reached the limit for auto naming of new sketches\n" + "for the day. How about going for a walk instead?"), null); breakTime = true; } else { showWarning(tr("Sunshine"), tr("No really, time for some fresh air for you."), null); } return null; } int multiples = index / 26; if (multiples > 0) { newbieName = ((char) ('a' + (multiples - 1))) + "" + ((char) ('a' + (index % 26))) + ""; } else { newbieName = ((char) ('a' + index)) + ""; } newbieName = "sketch_" + purty + newbieName; newbieDir = new File(newbieParentDir, newbieName); index++; // Make sure it's not in the temp folder *and* it's not in the sketchbook } while (newbieDir.exists() || new File(sketchbookDir, newbieName).exists()); // Make the directory for the new sketch newbieDir.mkdirs(); // Make an empty pde file File newbieFile = new File(newbieDir, newbieName + ".ino"); if (!newbieFile.createNewFile()) { throw new IOException(); } FileUtils.copyFile( new File(getContentFile("examples"), "01.Basics" + File.separator + "BareMinimum" + File.separator + "BareMinimum.ino"), newbieFile); return newbieFile; } /** * Create a new untitled document in a new sketch window. * * @throws Exception */ public void handleNew() throws Exception { try { File file = createNewUntitled(); if (file != null) { handleOpen(file, true); } } catch (IOException e) { if (activeEditor != null) { activeEditor.statusError(e); } } } /** * Prompt for a sketch to open, and open it in a new window. * * @throws Exception */ public void handleOpenPrompt() throws Exception { // get the frontmost window frame for placing file dialog FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(activeEditor, tr("Open an Arduino sketch..."), FileDialog.LOAD); File lastFolder = new File( PreferencesData.get("last.folder", BaseNoGui.getSketchbookFolder().getAbsolutePath())); if (lastFolder.exists() && lastFolder.isFile()) { lastFolder = lastFolder.getParentFile(); } fd.setDirectory(lastFolder.getAbsolutePath()); // Only show .pde files as eligible bachelors fd.setFilenameFilter(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".ino") || name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pde"); } }); fd.setVisible(true); String directory = fd.getDirectory(); String filename = fd.getFile(); // User canceled selection if (filename == null) return; File inputFile = new File(directory, filename); PreferencesData.set("last.folder", inputFile.getAbsolutePath()); handleOpen(inputFile); } /** * Open a sketch in a new window. * * @param file File to open * @return the Editor object, so that properties (like 'untitled') * can be set by the caller * @throws Exception */ public Editor handleOpen(File file) throws Exception { return handleOpen(file, false); } public Editor handleOpen(File file, boolean untitled) throws Exception { return handleOpen(file, nextEditorLocation(), untitled); } protected Editor handleOpen(File file, int[] location, boolean untitled) throws Exception { return handleOpen(file, location, location, true, untitled); } protected Editor handleOpen(File file, int[] storedLocation, int[] defaultLocation, boolean storeOpenedSketches, boolean untitled) throws Exception { if (!file.exists()) return null; // Cycle through open windows to make sure that it's not already open. for (Editor editor : editors) { if (editor.getSketch().getPrimaryFile().getFile().equals(file)) { editor.toFront(); return editor; } } Editor editor = new Editor(this, file, storedLocation, defaultLocation, BaseNoGui.getPlatform()); // Make sure that the sketch actually loaded if (editor.getSketchController() == null) { return null; // Just walk away quietly } editor.untitled = untitled; editors.add(editor); if (storeOpenedSketches) { // Store information on who's open and running // (in case there's a crash or something that can't be recovered) storeSketches(); storeRecentSketches(editor.getSketchController()); rebuildRecentSketchesMenuItems();; } // now that we're ready, show the window // (don't do earlier, cuz we might move it based on a window being closed) SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> editor.setVisible(true)); return editor; } protected void rebuildRecentSketchesMenuItems() { Set<File> recentSketches = new LinkedHashSet<File>() { @Override public boolean add(File file) { if (size() >= RECENT_SKETCHES_MAX_SIZE) { return false; } return super.add(file); } }; for (String path : PreferencesData.getCollection("recent.sketches")) { File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { recentSketches.add(file); } } recentSketchesMenuItems.clear(); for (final File recentSketch : recentSketches) { JMenuItem recentSketchMenuItem = new JMenuItem(recentSketch.getParentFile().getName()); recentSketchMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { try { handleOpen(recentSketch); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); recentSketchesMenuItems.add(recentSketchMenuItem); } } /** * Close a sketch as specified by its editor window. * * @param editor Editor object of the sketch to be closed. * @return true if succeeded in closing, false if canceled. */ public boolean handleClose(Editor editor) { // Check if modified // boolean immediate = editors.size() == 1; if (!editor.checkModified()) { return false; } if (editors.size() == 1) { storeScreenDimensions(); storeSketches(); // This will store the sketch count as zero editors.remove(editor); try { Editor.serialMonitor.close(); } catch (Exception e) { //ignore } rebuildRecentSketchesMenuItems(); // Save out the current prefs state; // Since this wasn't an actual Quit event, call System.exit() System.exit(0); } else { // More than one editor window open, // proceed with closing the current window. editor.setVisible(false); editor.dispose(); // for (int i = 0; i < editorCount; i++) { // if (editor == editors[i]) { // for (int j = i; j < editorCount-1; j++) { // editors[j] = editors[j+1]; // } // editorCount--; // // Set to null so that garbage collection occurs // editors[editorCount] = null; // } // } editors.remove(editor); } return true; } /** * Handler for File → Quit. * * @return false if canceled, true otherwise. */ public boolean handleQuit() { // If quit is canceled, this will be replaced anyway // by a later handleQuit() that is not canceled. storeScreenDimensions(); storeSketches(); try { Editor.serialMonitor.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } if (handleQuitEach()) { // Save out the current prefs state; if (!OSUtils.hasMacOSStyleMenus()) { // If this was fired from the menu or an AppleEvent (the Finder), // then Mac OS X will send the terminate signal itself. System.exit(0); } return true; } return false; } /** * Attempt to close each open sketch in preparation for quitting. * * @return false if canceled along the way */ protected boolean handleQuitEach() { for (Editor editor : editors) { if (!editor.checkModified()) { return false; } } return true; } // ................................................................. /** * Asynchronous version of menu rebuild to be used on save and rename * to prevent the interface from locking up until the menus are done. */ public void rebuildSketchbookMenus() { //System.out.println("async enter"); //new Exception().printStackTrace(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { //System.out.println("starting rebuild"); rebuildSketchbookMenu(Editor.sketchbookMenu); rebuildToolbarMenu(Editor.toolbarMenu); //System.out.println("done with rebuild"); } }); //System.out.println("async exit"); } protected void rebuildToolbarMenu(JMenu menu) { JMenuItem item; menu.removeAll(); // Add the single "Open" item item = Editor.newJMenuItem(tr("Open..."), 'O'); item.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { try { handleOpenPrompt(); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } }); menu.add(item); menu.addSeparator(); // Add a list of all sketches and subfolders boolean sketches = addSketches(menu, BaseNoGui.getSketchbookFolder()); if (sketches) menu.addSeparator(); // Add each of the subfolders of examples directly to the menu boolean found = addSketches(menu, BaseNoGui.getExamplesFolder()); if (found) menu.addSeparator(); } protected void rebuildSketchbookMenu(JMenu menu) { menu.removeAll(); addSketches(menu, BaseNoGui.getSketchbookFolder()); JMenu librariesMenu = JMenuUtils.findSubMenuWithLabel(menu, "libraries"); if (librariesMenu != null) { menu.remove(librariesMenu); } JMenu hardwareMenu = JMenuUtils.findSubMenuWithLabel(menu, "hardware"); if (hardwareMenu != null) { menu.remove(hardwareMenu); } } private LibraryList getSortedLibraries() { LibraryList installedLibraries = BaseNoGui.librariesIndexer.getInstalledLibraries(); Collections.sort(installedLibraries, new LibraryOfSameTypeComparator()); return installedLibraries; } public void rebuildImportMenu(JMenu importMenu) { if (importMenu == null) return; importMenu.removeAll(); JMenuItem menu = new JMenuItem(tr("Manage Libraries...")); // Ctrl+Shift+I on Windows and Linux, Command+Shift+I on macOS menu.setAccelerator(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('I', Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask() | ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK)); menu.addActionListener(e -> openLibraryManager("", "")); importMenu.add(menu); importMenu.addSeparator(); JMenuItem addLibraryMenuItem = new JMenuItem(tr("Add .ZIP Library...")); addLibraryMenuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Base.this.handleAddLibrary(); BaseNoGui.librariesIndexer.rescanLibraries(); Base.this.onBoardOrPortChange(); Base.this.rebuildImportMenu(Editor.importMenu); Base.this.rebuildExamplesMenu(Editor.examplesMenu); } }); importMenu.add(addLibraryMenuItem); importMenu.addSeparator(); // Split between user supplied libraries and IDE libraries TargetPlatform targetPlatform = BaseNoGui.getTargetPlatform(); if (targetPlatform != null) { LibraryList libs = getSortedLibraries(); String lastLibType = null; for (UserLibrary lib : libs) { String libType = lib.getTypes().get(0); if (!libType.equals(lastLibType)) { if (lastLibType != null) { importMenu.addSeparator(); } lastLibType = libType; JMenuItem platformItem = new JMenuItem(I18n.format(tr("{0} libraries"), tr(lastLibType))); platformItem.setEnabled(false); importMenu.add(platformItem); } AbstractAction action = new AbstractAction(lib.getName()) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { UserLibrary l = (UserLibrary) getValue("library"); try { activeEditor.getSketchController().importLibrary(l); } catch (IOException e) { showWarning(tr("Error"), I18n.format("Unable to list header files in {0}", l.getSrcFolder()), e); } } }; action.putValue("library", lib); // Add new element at the bottom JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(action); item.putClientProperty("library", lib); importMenu.add(item); } } } public void rebuildExamplesMenu(JMenu menu) { if (menu == null) { return; } menu.removeAll(); // Add examples from distribution "example" folder JMenuItem label = new JMenuItem(tr("Built-in Examples")); label.setEnabled(false); menu.add(label); boolean found = addSketches(menu, BaseNoGui.getExamplesFolder()); if (found) { menu.addSeparator(); } // Libraries can come from 4 locations: collect info about all four String boardId = null; String referencedPlatformName = null; String myArch = null; TargetPlatform targetPlatform = BaseNoGui.getTargetPlatform(); if (targetPlatform != null) { myArch = targetPlatform.getId(); boardId = BaseNoGui.getTargetBoard().getName(); String core = BaseNoGui.getBoardPreferences().get("build.core", "arduino"); if (core.contains(":")) { String refcore = core.split(":")[0]; TargetPlatform referencedPlatform = BaseNoGui.getTargetPlatform(refcore, myArch); if (referencedPlatform != null) { referencedPlatformName = referencedPlatform.getPreferences().get("name"); } } } // Divide the libraries into 7 lists, corresponding to the 4 locations // with the retired IDE libs further divided into their own list, and // any incompatible sketchbook libs further divided into their own list. // The 7th list of "other" libraries should always be empty, but serves // as a safety feature to prevent any library from vanishing. LibraryList allLibraries = BaseNoGui.librariesIndexer.getInstalledLibraries(); LibraryList ideLibs = new LibraryList(); LibraryList retiredIdeLibs = new LibraryList(); LibraryList platformLibs = new LibraryList(); LibraryList referencedPlatformLibs = new LibraryList(); LibraryList sketchbookLibs = new LibraryList(); LibraryList sketchbookIncompatibleLibs = new LibraryList(); LibraryList otherLibs = new LibraryList(); for (UserLibrary lib : allLibraries) { // Get the library's location - used for sorting into categories Location location = lib.getLocation(); // Is this library compatible? List<String> arch = lib.getArchitectures(); boolean compatible; if (myArch == null || arch == null || arch.contains("*")) { compatible = true; } else { compatible = arch.contains(myArch); } // IDE Libaries (including retired) if (location == Location.IDE_BUILTIN) { if (compatible) { // only compatible IDE libs are shown if (lib.getTypes().contains("Retired")) { retiredIdeLibs.add(lib); } else { ideLibs.add(lib); } } // Platform Libraries } else if (location == Location.CORE) { // all platform libs are assumed to be compatible platformLibs.add(lib); // Referenced Platform Libraries } else if (location == Location.REFERENCED_CORE) { // all referenced platform libs are assumed to be compatible referencedPlatformLibs.add(lib); // Sketchbook Libraries (including incompatible) } else if (location == Location.SKETCHBOOK) { if (compatible) { // libraries promoted from sketchbook (behave as builtin) if (!lib.getTypes().isEmpty() && lib.getTypes().contains("Arduino") && lib.getArchitectures().contains("*")) { ideLibs.add(lib); } else { sketchbookLibs.add(lib); } } else { sketchbookIncompatibleLibs.add(lib); } // Other libraries of unknown type (should never occur) } else { otherLibs.add(lib); } } // Add examples from libraries if (!ideLibs.isEmpty()) { ideLibs.sort(); label = new JMenuItem(tr("Examples for any board")); label.setEnabled(false); menu.add(label); } for (UserLibrary lib : ideLibs) { addSketchesSubmenu(menu, lib); } if (!retiredIdeLibs.isEmpty()) { retiredIdeLibs.sort(); JMenu retired = new JMenu(tr("RETIRED")); menu.add(retired); for (UserLibrary lib : retiredIdeLibs) { addSketchesSubmenu(retired, lib); } } if (!platformLibs.isEmpty()) { menu.addSeparator(); platformLibs.sort(); label = new JMenuItem(I18n.format(tr("Examples for {0}"), boardId)); label.setEnabled(false); menu.add(label); for (UserLibrary lib : platformLibs) { addSketchesSubmenu(menu, lib); } } if (!referencedPlatformLibs.isEmpty()) { menu.addSeparator(); referencedPlatformLibs.sort(); label = new JMenuItem(I18n.format(tr("Examples for {0}"), referencedPlatformName)); label.setEnabled(false); menu.add(label); for (UserLibrary lib : referencedPlatformLibs) { addSketchesSubmenu(menu, lib); } } if (!sketchbookLibs.isEmpty()) { menu.addSeparator(); sketchbookLibs.sort(); label = new JMenuItem(tr("Examples from Custom Libraries")); label.setEnabled(false); menu.add(label); for (UserLibrary lib : sketchbookLibs) { addSketchesSubmenu(menu, lib); } } if (!sketchbookIncompatibleLibs.isEmpty()) { sketchbookIncompatibleLibs.sort(); JMenu incompatible = new JMenu(tr("INCOMPATIBLE")); menu.add(incompatible); for (UserLibrary lib : sketchbookIncompatibleLibs) { addSketchesSubmenu(incompatible, lib); } } if (!otherLibs.isEmpty()) { menu.addSeparator(); otherLibs.sort(); label = new JMenuItem(tr("Examples from Other Libraries")); label.setEnabled(false); menu.add(label); for (UserLibrary lib : otherLibs) { addSketchesSubmenu(menu, lib); } } } private static String priorPlatformFolder; private static boolean newLibraryImported; public void onBoardOrPortChange() { BaseNoGui.onBoardOrPortChange(); // reload keywords when package/platform changes TargetPlatform tp = BaseNoGui.getTargetPlatform(); if (tp != null) { String platformFolder = tp.getFolder().getAbsolutePath(); if (priorPlatformFolder == null || !priorPlatformFolder.equals(platformFolder) || newLibraryImported) { pdeKeywords = new PdeKeywords(); pdeKeywords.reload(); priorPlatformFolder = platformFolder; newLibraryImported = false; for (Editor editor : editors) { editor.updateKeywords(pdeKeywords); } } } // Update editors status bar for (Editor editor : editors) { editor.onBoardOrPortChange(); } } public void openLibraryManager(final String filterText, String dropdownItem) { if (contributionsSelfCheck != null) { contributionsSelfCheck.cancel(); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") LibraryManagerUI managerUI = new LibraryManagerUI(activeEditor, libraryInstaller) { @Override protected void onIndexesUpdated() throws Exception { BaseNoGui.initPackages(); rebuildBoardsMenu(); rebuildProgrammerMenu(); onBoardOrPortChange(); updateUI(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dropdownItem)) { selectDropdownItemByClassName(dropdownItem); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(filterText)) { setFilterText(filterText); } } }; managerUI.setLocationRelativeTo(activeEditor); managerUI.updateUI(); managerUI.setVisible(true); // Manager dialog is modal, waits here until closed //handleAddLibrary(); newLibraryImported = true; onBoardOrPortChange(); rebuildImportMenu(Editor.importMenu); rebuildExamplesMenu(Editor.examplesMenu); } public void openBoardsManager(final String filterText, String dropdownItem) throws Exception { if (contributionsSelfCheck != null) { contributionsSelfCheck.cancel(); } @SuppressWarnings("serial") ContributionManagerUI managerUI = new ContributionManagerUI(activeEditor, contributionInstaller) { @Override protected void onIndexesUpdated() throws Exception { BaseNoGui.initPackages(); rebuildBoardsMenu(); rebuildProgrammerMenu(); updateUI(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dropdownItem)) { selectDropdownItemByClassName(dropdownItem); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(filterText)) { setFilterText(filterText); } } }; managerUI.setLocationRelativeTo(activeEditor); managerUI.updateUI(); managerUI.setVisible(true); // Installer dialog is modal, waits here until closed // Reload all boards (that may have been installed/updated/removed) BaseNoGui.initPackages(); rebuildBoardsMenu(); rebuildProgrammerMenu(); onBoardOrPortChange(); } public void rebuildBoardsMenu() throws Exception { boardsCustomMenus = new LinkedList<>(); // The first custom menu is the "Board" selection submenu JMenu boardMenu = new JMenu(tr("Board")); boardMenu.putClientProperty("removeOnWindowDeactivation", true); MenuScroller.setScrollerFor(boardMenu).setTopFixedCount(1); boardMenu.add(new JMenuItem(new AbstractAction(tr("Boards Manager...")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionevent) { String filterText = ""; String dropdownItem = ""; if (actionevent instanceof Event) { filterText = ((Event) actionevent).getPayload().get("filterText").toString(); dropdownItem = ((Event) actionevent).getPayload().get("dropdownItem").toString(); } try { openBoardsManager(filterText, dropdownItem); } catch (Exception e) { //TODO show error e.printStackTrace(); } } })); boardsCustomMenus.add(boardMenu); // If there are no platforms installed we are done if (BaseNoGui.packages.size() == 0) return; // Separate "Install boards..." command from installed boards boardMenu.add(new JSeparator()); // Generate custom menus for all platforms Set<String> customMenusTitles = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (TargetPackage targetPackage : BaseNoGui.packages.values()) { for (TargetPlatform targetPlatform : targetPackage.platforms()) { customMenusTitles.addAll(targetPlatform.getCustomMenus().values()); } } for (String customMenuTitle : customMenusTitles) { JMenu customMenu = new JMenu(tr(customMenuTitle)); customMenu.putClientProperty("removeOnWindowDeactivation", true); boardsCustomMenus.add(customMenu); } List<JMenuItem> menuItemsToClickAfterStartup = new LinkedList<>(); ButtonGroup boardsButtonGroup = new ButtonGroup(); Map<String, ButtonGroup> buttonGroupsMap = new HashMap<>(); // Cycle through all packages boolean first = true; for (TargetPackage targetPackage : BaseNoGui.packages.values()) { // For every package cycle through all platform for (TargetPlatform targetPlatform : targetPackage.platforms()) { // Add a separator from the previous platform if (!first) boardMenu.add(new JSeparator()); first = false; // Add a title for each platform String platformLabel = targetPlatform.getPreferences().get("name"); if (platformLabel != null && !targetPlatform.getBoards().isEmpty()) { JMenuItem menuLabel = new JMenuItem(tr(platformLabel)); menuLabel.setEnabled(false); boardMenu.add(menuLabel); } // Cycle through all boards of this platform for (TargetBoard board : targetPlatform.getBoards().values()) { if (board.getPreferences().get("hide") != null) continue; JMenuItem item = createBoardMenusAndCustomMenus(boardsCustomMenus, menuItemsToClickAfterStartup, buttonGroupsMap, board, targetPlatform, targetPackage); boardMenu.add(item); boardsButtonGroup.add(item); } } } if (menuItemsToClickAfterStartup.isEmpty()) { menuItemsToClickAfterStartup.add(selectFirstEnabledMenuItem(boardMenu)); } for (JMenuItem menuItemToClick : menuItemsToClickAfterStartup) { menuItemToClick.setSelected(true); menuItemToClick.getAction().actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, -1, "")); } } private JRadioButtonMenuItem createBoardMenusAndCustomMenus(final List<JMenu> boardsCustomMenus, List<JMenuItem> menuItemsToClickAfterStartup, Map<String, ButtonGroup> buttonGroupsMap, TargetBoard board, TargetPlatform targetPlatform, TargetPackage targetPackage) throws Exception { String selPackage = PreferencesData.get("target_package"); String selPlatform = PreferencesData.get("target_platform"); String selBoard = PreferencesData.get("board"); String boardId = board.getId(); String packageName = targetPackage.getId(); String platformName = targetPlatform.getId(); // Setup a menu item for the current board @SuppressWarnings("serial") Action action = new AbstractAction(board.getName()) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionevent) { BaseNoGui.selectBoard((TargetBoard) getValue("b")); filterVisibilityOfSubsequentBoardMenus(boardsCustomMenus, (TargetBoard) getValue("b"), 1); onBoardOrPortChange(); rebuildImportMenu(Editor.importMenu); rebuildExamplesMenu(Editor.examplesMenu); } }; action.putValue("b", board); JRadioButtonMenuItem item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(action); if (selBoard.equals(boardId) && selPackage.equals(packageName) && selPlatform.equals(platformName)) { menuItemsToClickAfterStartup.add(item); } PreferencesMap customMenus = targetPlatform.getCustomMenus(); for (final String menuId : customMenus.keySet()) { String title = customMenus.get(menuId); JMenu menu = getBoardCustomMenu(tr(title)); if (board.hasMenu(menuId)) { PreferencesMap boardCustomMenu = board.getMenuLabels(menuId); for (String customMenuOption : boardCustomMenu.keySet()) { @SuppressWarnings("serial") Action subAction = new AbstractAction(tr(boardCustomMenu.get(customMenuOption))) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { PreferencesData.set("custom_" + menuId, ((TargetBoard) getValue("board")).getId() + "_" + getValue("custom_menu_option")); onBoardOrPortChange(); } }; subAction.putValue("board", board); subAction.putValue("custom_menu_option", customMenuOption); if (!buttonGroupsMap.containsKey(menuId)) { buttonGroupsMap.put(menuId, new ButtonGroup()); } JRadioButtonMenuItem subItem = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(subAction); menu.add(subItem); buttonGroupsMap.get(menuId).add(subItem); String selectedCustomMenuEntry = PreferencesData.get("custom_" + menuId); if (selBoard.equals(boardId) && (boardId + "_" + customMenuOption).equals(selectedCustomMenuEntry)) { menuItemsToClickAfterStartup.add(subItem); } } } } return item; } private void filterVisibilityOfSubsequentBoardMenus(List<JMenu> boardsCustomMenus, TargetBoard board, int fromIndex) { for (int i = fromIndex; i < boardsCustomMenus.size(); i++) { JMenu menu = boardsCustomMenus.get(i); for (int m = 0; m < menu.getItemCount(); m++) { JMenuItem menuItem = menu.getItem(m); menuItem.setVisible(menuItem.getAction().getValue("board").equals(board)); } menu.setVisible(ifThereAreVisibleItemsOn(menu)); if (menu.isVisible()) { JMenuItem visibleSelectedOrFirstMenuItem = selectVisibleSelectedOrFirstMenuItem(menu); if (!visibleSelectedOrFirstMenuItem.isSelected()) { visibleSelectedOrFirstMenuItem.setSelected(true); visibleSelectedOrFirstMenuItem.getAction().actionPerformed(null); } } } } private static boolean ifThereAreVisibleItemsOn(JMenu menu) { for (int i = 0; i < menu.getItemCount(); i++) { if (menu.getItem(i).isVisible()) { return true; } } return false; } private JMenu getBoardCustomMenu(String label) throws Exception { for (JMenu menu : boardsCustomMenus) { if (label.equals(menu.getText())) { return menu; } } throw new Exception("Custom menu not found!"); } public List<JMenuItem> getProgrammerMenus() { return programmerMenus; } private static JMenuItem selectVisibleSelectedOrFirstMenuItem(JMenu menu) { JMenuItem firstVisible = null; for (int i = 0; i < menu.getItemCount(); i++) { JMenuItem item = menu.getItem(i); if (item != null && item.isVisible()) { if (item.isSelected()) { return item; } if (firstVisible == null) { firstVisible = item; } } } if (firstVisible != null) { return firstVisible; } throw new IllegalStateException("Menu has no enabled items"); } private static JMenuItem selectFirstEnabledMenuItem(JMenu menu) { for (int i = 1; i < menu.getItemCount(); i++) { JMenuItem item = menu.getItem(i); if (item != null && item.isEnabled()) { return item; } } throw new IllegalStateException("Menu has no enabled items"); } public void rebuildProgrammerMenu() { programmerMenus = new LinkedList<>(); ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup(); for (TargetPackage targetPackage : BaseNoGui.packages.values()) { for (TargetPlatform targetPlatform : targetPackage.platforms()) { for (String programmer : targetPlatform.getProgrammers().keySet()) { String id = targetPackage.getId() + ":" + programmer; @SuppressWarnings("serial") AbstractAction action = new AbstractAction( targetPlatform.getProgrammer(programmer).get("name")) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionevent) { PreferencesData.set("programmer", "" + getValue("id")); } }; action.putValue("id", id); JMenuItem item = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(action); if (PreferencesData.get("programmer").equals(id)) { item.setSelected(true); } group.add(item); programmerMenus.add(item); } } } } /** * Scan a folder recursively, and add any sketches found to the menu * specified. Set the openReplaces parameter to true when opening the sketch * should replace the sketch in the current window, or false when the * sketch should open in a new window. */ protected boolean addSketches(JMenu menu, File folder) { if (folder == null) return false; if (!folder.isDirectory()) return false; File[] files = folder.listFiles(); // If a bad folder or unreadable or whatever, this will come back null if (files == null) return false; // Alphabetize files, since it's not always alpha order Arrays.sort(files, new Comparator<File>() { @Override public int compare(File file, File file2) { return file.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(file2.getName()); } }); boolean ifound = false; for (File subfolder : files) { if (FileUtils.isSCCSOrHiddenFile(subfolder)) { continue; } if (!subfolder.isDirectory()) continue; if (addSketchesSubmenu(menu, subfolder.getName(), subfolder)) { ifound = true; } } return ifound; } private boolean addSketchesSubmenu(JMenu menu, UserLibrary lib) { return addSketchesSubmenu(menu, lib.getName(), lib.getInstalledFolder()); } private boolean addSketchesSubmenu(JMenu menu, String name, File folder) { ActionListener listener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String path = e.getActionCommand(); File file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { try { handleOpen(file); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } else { showWarning(tr("Sketch Does Not Exist"), tr("The selected sketch no longer exists.\n" + "You may need to restart Arduino to update\n" + "the sketchbook menu."), null); } } }; File entry = new File(folder, name + ".ino"); if (!entry.exists() && (new File(folder, name + ".pde")).exists()) entry = new File(folder, name + ".pde"); // if a .pde file of the same prefix as the folder exists.. if (entry.exists()) { if (!BaseNoGui.isSanitaryName(name)) { if (!builtOnce) { String complaining = I18n.format( tr("The sketch \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n" + "Sketch names must contain only basic letters and numbers\n" + "(ASCII-only with no spaces, " + "and it cannot start with a number).\n" + "To get rid of this message, remove the sketch from\n" + "{1}"), name, entry.getAbsolutePath()); showMessage(tr("Ignoring sketch with bad name"), complaining); } return false; } JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(name); item.addActionListener(listener); item.setActionCommand(entry.getAbsolutePath()); menu.add(item); return true; } // don't create an extra menu level for a folder named "examples" if (folder.getName().equals("examples")) return addSketches(menu, folder); // not a sketch folder, but maybe a subfolder containing sketches JMenu submenu = new JMenu(name); boolean found = addSketches(submenu, folder); if (found) { menu.add(submenu); MenuScroller.setScrollerFor(submenu); } return found; } protected void addLibraries(JMenu menu, LibraryList libs) throws IOException { LibraryList list = new LibraryList(libs); list.sort(); for (UserLibrary lib : list) { @SuppressWarnings("serial") AbstractAction action = new AbstractAction(lib.getName()) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { UserLibrary l = (UserLibrary) getValue("library"); try { activeEditor.getSketchController().importLibrary(l); } catch (IOException e) { showWarning(tr("Error"), I18n.format("Unable to list header files in {0}", l.getSrcFolder()), e); } } }; action.putValue("library", lib); // Add new element at the bottom JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(action); item.putClientProperty("library", lib); menu.add(item); // XXX: DAM: should recurse here so that library folders can be nested } } /** * Given a folder, return a list of the header files in that folder (but not * the header files in its sub-folders, as those should be included from * within the header files at the top-level). */ static public String[] headerListFromIncludePath(File path) throws IOException { String[] list = path.list(new OnlyFilesWithExtension(".h")); if (list == null) { throw new IOException(); } return list; } /** * Show the About box. */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public void handleAbout() { final Image image = Theme.getLibImage("about", activeEditor, Theme.scale(475), Theme.scale(300)); final Window window = new Window(activeEditor) { public void paint(Graphics graphics) { Graphics2D g = Theme.setupGraphics2D(graphics); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); Font f = new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, Theme.scale(11)); g.setFont(f); g.setColor(new Color(0, 151, 156)); g.drawString(BaseNoGui.VERSION_NAME_LONG, Theme.scale(33), Theme.scale(20)); } }; window.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { window.dispose(); } }); int w = image.getWidth(activeEditor); int h = image.getHeight(activeEditor); Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); window.setBounds((screen.width - w) / 2, (screen.height - h) / 2, w, h); window.setLocationRelativeTo(activeEditor); window.setVisible(true); } /** * Show the Preferences window. */ public void handlePrefs() { cc.arduino.view.preferences.Preferences dialog = new cc.arduino.view.preferences.Preferences(activeEditor, this); if (activeEditor != null) { dialog.setLocationRelativeTo(activeEditor); } dialog.setVisible(true); } /** * Adjust font size */ public void handleFontSizeChange(int change) { String pieces[] = PreferencesData.get("editor.font").split(","); try { int newSize = Integer.parseInt(pieces[2]) + change; if (newSize < 4) newSize = 4; pieces[2] = String.valueOf(newSize); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // ignore return; } PreferencesData.set("editor.font", StringUtils.join(pieces, ',')); getEditors().forEach(Editor::applyPreferences); } public List<JMenu> getBoardsCustomMenus() { return boardsCustomMenus; } public File getDefaultSketchbookFolderOrPromptForIt() { File sketchbookFolder = BaseNoGui.getDefaultSketchbookFolder(); if (sketchbookFolder == null && !isCommandLine()) { sketchbookFolder = promptSketchbookLocation(); } // create the folder if it doesn't exist already boolean result = true; if (!sketchbookFolder.exists()) { result = sketchbookFolder.mkdirs(); } if (!result) { showError(tr("You forgot your sketchbook"), tr("Arduino cannot run because it could not\n" + "create a folder to store your sketchbook."), null); } return sketchbookFolder; } /** * Check for a new sketchbook location. */ static protected File promptSketchbookLocation() { File folder = null; folder = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), "sketchbook"); if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); return folder; } String prompt = tr("Select (or create new) folder for sketches..."); folder = selectFolder(prompt, null, null); if (folder == null) { System.exit(0); } return folder; } // ................................................................. /** * Implements the cross-platform headache of opening URLs * TODO This code should be replaced by, * however that's not a static method (because it requires * an AppletContext when used as an applet), so it's mildly * trickier than just removing this method. */ static public void openURL(String url) { try { BaseNoGui.getPlatform().openURL(url); } catch (Exception e) { showWarning(tr("Problem Opening URL"), I18n.format(tr("Could not open the URL\n{0}"), url), e); } } /** * Used to determine whether to disable the "Show Sketch Folder" option. * * @return true If a means of opening a folder is known to be available. */ static protected boolean openFolderAvailable() { return BaseNoGui.getPlatform().openFolderAvailable(); } /** * Implements the other cross-platform headache of opening * a folder in the machine's native file browser. */ static public void openFolder(File file) { try { BaseNoGui.getPlatform().openFolder(file); } catch (Exception e) { showWarning(tr("Problem Opening Folder"), I18n.format(tr("Could not open the folder\n{0}"), file.getAbsolutePath()), e); } } // ................................................................. static public File selectFolder(String prompt, File folder, Component parent) { JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); fc.setDialogTitle(prompt); if (folder != null) { fc.setSelectedFile(folder); } fc.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); int returned = fc.showOpenDialog(parent); if (returned == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return fc.getSelectedFile(); } return null; } // ................................................................. /** * Give this Frame an icon. */ static public void setIcon(Frame frame) { if (OSUtils.isMacOS()) { return; } List<Image> icons = Stream.of("16", "24", "32", "48", "64", "72", "96", "128", "256") .map(res -> "/lib/icons/" + res + "x" + res + "/apps/arduino.png") .map(path -> BaseNoGui.getContentFile(path).getAbsolutePath()) .map(absPath -> Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(absPath)).collect(Collectors.toList()); frame.setIconImages(icons); } /** * Registers key events for a Ctrl-W and ESC with an ActionListener * that will take care of disposing the window. */ static public void registerWindowCloseKeys(JRootPane root, ActionListener disposer) { KeyStroke stroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0); root.registerKeyboardAction(disposer, stroke, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); int modifiers = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getMenuShortcutKeyMask(); stroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('W', modifiers); root.registerKeyboardAction(disposer, stroke, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); } // ................................................................. static public void showReference(String filename) { showReference("reference/", filename); } static public void showReference(String prefix, String filename) { File referenceFolder = getContentFile(prefix); File referenceFile = new File(referenceFolder, filename); if (!referenceFile.exists()) referenceFile = new File(referenceFolder, filename + ".html"); if (referenceFile.exists()) { openURL(referenceFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { showWarning(tr("Problem Opening URL"), I18n.format(tr("Could not open the URL\n{0}"), referenceFile), null); } } public static void showEdisonGettingStarted() { showReference("reference/Edison_help_files", "ArduinoIDE_guide_edison"); } static public void showArduinoGettingStarted() { if (OSUtils.isMacOS()) { showReference("Guide/MacOSX"); } else if (OSUtils.isWindows()) { showReference("Guide/Windows"); } else { openURL(""); } } static public void showReference() { showReference("Reference/HomePage"); } static public void showEnvironment() { showReference("Guide/Environment"); } static public void showTroubleshooting() { showReference("Guide/Troubleshooting"); } static public void showFAQ() { showReference("Main/FAQ"); } // ................................................................. /** * "No cookie for you" type messages. Nothing fatal or all that * much of a bummer, but something to notify the user about. */ static public void showMessage(String title, String message) { BaseNoGui.showMessage(title, message); } /** * Non-fatal error message with optional stack trace side dish. */ static public void showWarning(String title, String message, Exception e) { BaseNoGui.showWarning(title, message, e); } static public void showError(String title, String message, Throwable e) { showError(title, message, e, 1); } static public void showError(String title, String message, int exit_code) { showError(title, message, null, exit_code); } /** * Show an error message that's actually fatal to the program. * This is an error that can't be recovered. Use showWarning() * for errors that allow P5 to continue running. */ static public void showError(String title, String message, Throwable e, int exit_code) { BaseNoGui.showError(title, message, e, exit_code); } static public File getContentFile(String name) { return BaseNoGui.getContentFile(name); } // ................................................................... /** * Get the number of lines in a file by counting the number of newline * characters inside a String (and adding 1). */ static public int countLines(String what) { return BaseNoGui.countLines(what); } /** * Same as PApplet.loadBytes(), however never does gzip decoding. */ static public byte[] loadBytesRaw(File file) throws IOException { int size = (int) file.length(); FileInputStream input = null; try { input = new FileInputStream(file); byte buffer[] = new byte[size]; int offset = 0; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead =, offset, size - offset)) != -1) { offset += bytesRead; if (bytesRead == 0) break; } return buffer; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(input); } } /** * Read from a file with a bunch of attribute/value pairs * that are separated by = and ignore comments with #. */ static public HashMap<String, String> readSettings(File inputFile) { HashMap<String, String> outgoing = new HashMap<>(); if (!inputFile.exists()) return outgoing; // return empty hash String lines[] = PApplet.loadStrings(inputFile); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { int hash = lines[i].indexOf('#'); String line = (hash == -1) ? lines[i].trim() : lines[i].substring(0, hash).trim(); if (line.length() == 0) continue; int equals = line.indexOf('='); if (equals == -1) { System.err.println("ignoring illegal line in " + inputFile); System.err.println(" " + line); continue; } String attr = line.substring(0, equals).trim(); String valu = line.substring(equals + 1).trim(); outgoing.put(attr, valu); } return outgoing; } static public void copyFile(File sourceFile, File targetFile) throws IOException { InputStream from = null; OutputStream to = null; try { from = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(sourceFile)); to = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(targetFile)); byte[] buffer = new byte[16 * 1024]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { to.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } to.flush(); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(from); IOUtils.closeQuietly(to); } targetFile.setLastModified(sourceFile.lastModified()); } /** * Grab the contents of a file as a string. */ static public String loadFile(File file) throws IOException { return BaseNoGui.loadFile(file); } /** * Spew the contents of a String object out to a file. */ static public void saveFile(String str, File file) throws IOException { BaseNoGui.saveFile(str, file); } /** * Calculate the size of the contents of a folder. * Used to determine whether sketches are empty or not. * Note that the function calls itself recursively. */ static public int calcFolderSize(File folder) { int size = 0; String files[] = folder.list(); // null if folder doesn't exist, happens when deleting sketch if (files == null) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].equals(".") || (files[i].equals("..")) || files[i].equals(".DS_Store")) continue; File fella = new File(folder, files[i]); if (fella.isDirectory()) { size += calcFolderSize(fella); } else { size += (int) fella.length(); } } return size; } public void handleAddLibrary() { JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(System.getProperty("user.home")); fileChooser.setDialogTitle(tr("Select a zip file or a folder containing the library you'd like to add")); fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_AND_DIRECTORIES); fileChooser.setFileFilter(new FileNameExtensionFilter(tr("ZIP files or folders"), "zip")); Dimension preferredSize = fileChooser.getPreferredSize(); fileChooser.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(preferredSize.width + 200, preferredSize.height + 200)); int returnVal = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(activeEditor); if (returnVal != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { return; } File sourceFile = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); File tmpFolder = null; try { // unpack ZIP if (!sourceFile.isDirectory()) { try { tmpFolder = FileUtils.createTempFolder(); ZipDeflater zipDeflater = new ZipDeflater(sourceFile, tmpFolder); zipDeflater.deflate(); File[] foldersInTmpFolder = tmpFolder.listFiles(new OnlyDirs()); if (foldersInTmpFolder.length != 1) { throw new IOException(tr("Zip doesn't contain a library")); } sourceFile = foldersInTmpFolder[0]; } catch (IOException e) { activeEditor.statusError(e); return; } } File libFolder = sourceFile; if (FileUtils.isSubDirectory(new File(PreferencesData.get("sketchbook.path")), libFolder)) { activeEditor.statusError(tr("A subfolder of your sketchbook is not a valid library")); return; } if (FileUtils.isSubDirectory(libFolder, new File(PreferencesData.get("sketchbook.path")))) { activeEditor.statusError(tr("You can't import a folder that contains your sketchbook")); return; } String libName = libFolder.getName(); if (!BaseNoGui.isSanitaryName(libName)) { String mess = I18n.format(tr("The library \"{0}\" cannot be used.\n" + "Library names must contain only basic letters and numbers.\n" + "(ASCII only and no spaces, and it cannot start with a number)"), libName); activeEditor.statusError(mess); return; } String[] headers; File libProp = new File(libFolder, ""); File srcFolder = new File(libFolder, "src"); if (libProp.exists() && srcFolder.isDirectory()) { headers = BaseNoGui.headerListFromIncludePath(srcFolder); } else { headers = BaseNoGui.headerListFromIncludePath(libFolder); } if (headers.length == 0) { activeEditor.statusError(tr("Specified folder/zip file does not contain a valid library")); return; } // copy folder File destinationFolder = new File(BaseNoGui.getSketchbookLibrariesFolder().folder, sourceFile.getName()); if (!destinationFolder.mkdir()) { activeEditor .statusError(I18n.format(tr("A library named {0} already exists"), sourceFile.getName())); return; } try { FileUtils.copy(sourceFile, destinationFolder); } catch (IOException e) { activeEditor.statusError(e); return; } activeEditor.statusNotice(tr("Library added to your libraries. Check \"Include library\" menu")); } catch (IOException e) { // FIXME error when importing. ignoring :( } finally { // delete zip created temp folder, if exists newLibraryImported = true; FileUtils.recursiveDelete(tmpFolder); } } public static DiscoveryManager getDiscoveryManager() { return BaseNoGui.getDiscoveryManager(); } public Editor getActiveEditor() { return activeEditor; } public boolean hasActiveEditor() { return activeEditor != null; } public List<Editor> getEditors() { return new LinkedList<>(editors); } public PdeKeywords getPdeKeywords() { return pdeKeywords; } public List<JMenuItem> getRecentSketchesMenuItems() { return recentSketchesMenuItems; } }