Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.MarginInfo; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.ContentMode; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Form; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.ProgressBar; import com.vaadin.ui.ProgressIndicator; import com.vaadin.ui.Select; import com.vaadin.ui.TextArea; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.Upload; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.Reindeer; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; /** * * @author Yehia Farag */ public class QuantDataUploader extends VerticalLayout implements Upload.Receiver, Upload.SucceededListener, Serializable { private final CSFPRHandler handler; private final User user; private final ProgressBar pi = new ProgressBar(); private Map<Integer, IdentificationDatasetBean> expList; private final GeneralUtil util = new GeneralUtil(); private Upload upload; private File file; private VerticalLayout selectRemoveExpLayout; /** * * @param handler main application handler * @param user authenticated user */ public QuantDataUploader(CSFPRHandler handler, User user) { this.handler = handler; this.user = user; this.pi.setValue(0f); this.pi.setCaption("Loading..."); this.pi.setVisible(false); this.setWidth("100%"); this.setSpacing(true); this.initLayouts(); } /** * initialize the upload unit layout */ private void initLayouts() { Label selectFileTitle = new Label( "<h4 style='font-family:verdana;font-weight:bold;'><strong aligen='center' style='font-family:verdana;color:#00000;'>Upload New File</strong></h4>"); selectFileTitle.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); selectFileTitle.setHeight("45px"); selectFileTitle.setWidth("100%"); this.addComponent(selectFileTitle); this.setComponentAlignment(selectFileTitle, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); upload = new Upload(null, this); upload.setStyleName("small"); upload.setVisible(true); upload.setHeight("30px"); upload.setWidth("100%"); upload.setButtonCaption("UPLOAD ADD / EDIT EXPERIMENT"); upload.addSucceededListener(this); this.addComponent(upload); } @Override public OutputStream receiveUpload(String filename, String mimeType) { FileOutputStream fos = null; // Output stream to write to file = new File(filename); System.out.println("file type " + mimeType); try { if (mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("text/csv") || mimeType.trim().equalsIgnoreCase( "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet".trim()) || mimeType.equalsIgnoreCase("application/octet-stream")) { fos = new FileOutputStream(file); } } catch (final e) { Label l = new Label("<h4 style='color:red'>" + e.getMessage() + "</h4>"); l.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); this.addComponent(l); System.err.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); return null; } catch (final Exception e) { // Error while opening the file. Not reported here. System.err.println(e.getLocalizedMessage()); return null; } return fos; // Return the output stream to write to } @Override public void uploadSucceeded(Upload.SucceededEvent event) { boolean validData = true; try { if (validData) { // send the file to the reader to extract the information boolean test = handler.handelQuantDataFile(file, event.getMIMEType());//Getting data from the uploaded we assume that the experiment id is 1 if (!test) {"Failed ! Please Check Your Uploaded File !", Notification.Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION); //file didn't store in db } else { // Display the uploaded file in the file panel."Successful !", Notification.Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } } /** * validate the dataset form before start uploading and processing the files */ }