portal.api.repo.PortalRepositoryAPIImpl.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for portal.api.repo.PortalRepositoryAPIImpl.java


 * Copyright 2017 University of Patras 
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

package portal.api.repo;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URL;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;

import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.ws.rs.Consumes;
import javax.ws.rs.DELETE;
import javax.ws.rs.GET;
import javax.ws.rs.POST;
import javax.ws.rs.PUT;
import javax.ws.rs.Path;
import javax.ws.rs.PathParam;
import javax.ws.rs.Produces;
import javax.ws.rs.QueryParam;
import javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Context;
import javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders;
import javax.ws.rs.core.MultivaluedMap;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response.ResponseBuilder;
import javax.ws.rs.core.Response.Status;
import javax.ws.rs.core.SecurityContext;
import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.MessageContext;
import org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.ext.multipart.Attachment;
import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils;
import org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationException;
import org.apache.shiro.authc.AuthenticationToken;
import org.apache.shiro.authc.UsernamePasswordToken;
import org.apache.shiro.subject.Subject;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MappingJsonFactory;

import portal.api.model.Category;
import portal.api.model.ConstituentVxF;
import portal.api.model.DeploymentDescriptor;
import portal.api.model.DeploymentDescriptorStatus;
import portal.api.model.DeploymentDescriptorVxFPlacement;
import portal.api.model.ExperimentMetadata;
import portal.api.model.ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor;
import portal.api.model.IPortalRepositoryAPI;
import portal.api.model.Infrastructure;
import portal.api.model.MANOplatform;
import portal.api.model.MANOprovider;
import portal.api.model.OnBoardingStatus;
import portal.api.model.PortalProperty;
import portal.api.model.PortalUser;
import portal.api.model.Product;
import portal.api.model.SubscribedResource;
import portal.api.model.UserRoleType;
import portal.api.model.UserSession;
import portal.api.model.VxFMetadata;
import portal.api.model.VxFOnBoardedDescriptor;
import portal.api.osm.client.OSMClient;
import portal.api.util.EmailUtil;
import pt.it.av.atnog.extractors.NSExtractor;
import pt.it.av.atnog.extractors.VNFExtractor;
import pt.it.av.atnog.requirements.NSRequirements;
import pt.it.av.atnog.requirements.VNFRequirements;
import urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.nfvo.nsd.rev141027.nsd.catalog.Nsd;
import urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.nfvo.nsd.rev141027.nsd.descriptor.ConstituentVnfd;
import urn.ietf.params.xml.ns.yang.nfvo.vnfd.rev150910.vnfd.catalog.Vnfd;

//CORS support
//        allowOrigins = {
//           ""
//        },
//        allowCredentials = true
public class PortalRepositoryAPIImpl implements IPortalRepositoryAPI {

    UriInfo uri;

    HttpHeaders headers;

    MessageContext ws;

    protected SecurityContext securityContext;

    private static final transient Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(PortalRepositoryAPIImpl.class.getName());

    private static final String METADATADIR = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + ".portal"
            + File.separator + "metadata" + File.separator;

    private PortalRepository portalRepositoryRef;

    public static final String KEYSTONE_AUTH_URL = "http://cloud.lab.fi-ware.org:4730/v2.0";

    // PortalUser related API

    /*************** Users API *************************/

    // @RolesAllowed("admin") //see this for this annotation
    // http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/radhelp/v9/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.javaee.doc%2Ftopics%2Ftsecuringejee.html
    public Response getUsers() {

        if (securityContext != null) {
            if (securityContext.getUserPrincipal() != null)
                logger.info(" securityContext.getUserPrincipal().toString() >"
                        + securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName() + "<");


        return Response.ok().entity(portalRepositoryRef.getUserValues()).build();

    public Response getUserById(@PathParam("userid") int userid) {

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(userid);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("User with id=" + userid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response addUser(PortalUser user) {

        logger.info("Received POST for usergetUsername: " + user.getUsername());
        // logger.info("Received POST for usergetPassword: " +
        // user.getPassword());
        // logger.info("Received POST for usergetOrganization: " +
        // user.getOrganization());

        if ((user.getUsername() == null)
                || (user.getUsername().equals("") || (user.getEmail() == null) || (user.getEmail().equals("")))) {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST);
            builder.entity("New user with username=" + user.getUsername() + " cannot be registered");
            logger.info("New user with username=" + user.getUsername() + " cannot be registered BAD_REQUEST.");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByUsername(user.getUsername());
        if (u != null) {
            return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("Username exists").build();

        u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByEmail(user.getEmail());
        if (u != null) {
            return Response.status(Status.BAD_REQUEST).entity("Email exists").build();

        u = portalRepositoryRef.addPortalUserToUsers(user);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested user with username=" + user.getUsername() + " cannot be installed");
            return builder.build();

    public Response addNewRegisterUser(List<Attachment> ats) {

        PortalUser user = new PortalUser();
        user.setName(getAttachmentStringValue("name", ats));
        user.setUsername(getAttachmentStringValue("username", ats));
        user.setPassword(getAttachmentStringValue("userpassword", ats));
        user.setOrganization(getAttachmentStringValue("userorganization", ats) + "^^"
                + getAttachmentStringValue("randomregid", ats));
        user.setEmail(getAttachmentStringValue("useremail", ats));
        user.setActive(false);// in any case the user should be not active
        user.addRole(UserRoleType.EXPERIMENTER); // otherwise in post he can choose
        user.addRole(UserRoleType.VXF_DEVELOPER); // otherwise in post he can choose
        // PORTALADMIN, and the
        // immediately register :-)

        String msg = getAttachmentStringValue("emailmessage", ats);
        logger.info("Received register for usergetUsername: " + user.getUsername());

        Response r = addUser(user);

        if (r.getStatusInfo().getStatusCode() == Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
            logger.info("Email message: " + msg);
            String subj = "[5GinFIREPortal] "
                    + PortalRepository.getPropertyByName("activationEmailSubject").getValue();
            EmailUtil.SendRegistrationActivationEmail(user.getEmail(), msg, subj);

        return r;

    public Response addNewRegisterUserVerify(List<Attachment> ats) {

        String username = getAttachmentStringValue("username", ats);
        String rid = getAttachmentStringValue("rid", ats);

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByUsername(username);
        if (u.getOrganization().contains("^^")) {
            u.setOrganization(u.getOrganization().substring(0, u.getOrganization().indexOf("^^")));
        u = portalRepositoryRef.updateUserInfo(u.getId(), u);
        // getAttachmentStringValue("username", ats)

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested user with username=" + u.getUsername() + " cannot be updated");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response updateUserInfo(@PathParam("userid") int userid, PortalUser user) {
        logger.info("Received PUT for user: " + user.getUsername());

        PortalUser previousUser = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(userid);

        List<Product> previousProducts = previousUser.getProducts();

        if (user.getProducts().size() == 0) {

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.updateUserInfo(userid, user);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested user with username=" + user.getUsername() + " cannot be updated");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response deleteUser(@PathParam("userid") int userid) {
        logger.info("Received DELETE for userid: " + userid);


        return Response.ok().build();

    public Response getAllVxFsofUser(@PathParam("userid") int userid) {
        logger.info("getAllVxFsofUser for userid: " + userid);
        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(userid);

        if (u != null) {
            List<Product> prods = u.getProducts();
            List<VxFMetadata> vxfs = new ArrayList<VxFMetadata>();
            for (Product p : prods) {
                if (p instanceof VxFMetadata)
                    vxfs.add((VxFMetadata) p);

            return Response.ok().entity(vxfs).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("User with id=" + userid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getAllAppsofUser(@PathParam("userid") int userid) {
        logger.info("getAllAppsofUser for userid: " + userid);
        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(userid);

        if (u != null) {
            List<Product> prods = u.getProducts();
            List<ExperimentMetadata> apps = new ArrayList<ExperimentMetadata>();
            for (Product p : prods) {
                if (p instanceof ExperimentMetadata)
                    apps.add((ExperimentMetadata) p);

            return Response.ok().entity(apps).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("User with id=" + userid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getVxFofUser(@PathParam("userid") int userid, @PathParam("vxfid") int vxfid) {
        logger.info("getVxFofUser for userid: " + userid + ", vxfid=" + vxfid);
        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(userid);

        if (u != null) {
            VxFMetadata vxf = (VxFMetadata) u.getProductById(vxfid);
            return Response.ok().entity(vxf).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("User with id=" + userid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getAppofUser(@PathParam("userid") int userid, @PathParam("appid") int appid) {
        logger.info("getAppofUser for userid: " + userid + ", appid=" + appid);
        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(userid);

        if (u != null) {
            ExperimentMetadata appmeta = (ExperimentMetadata) u.getProductById(appid);
            return Response.ok().entity(appmeta).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("User with id=" + userid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    // VxFS API

    private Product addNewProductData(Product prod, Attachment image, Attachment submittedFile,
            List<Attachment> screenshots) {

        String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

        logger.info("prodname = " + prod.getName());
        logger.info("version = " + prod.getVersion());
        logger.info("shortDescription = " + prod.getShortDescription());
        logger.info("longDescription = " + prod.getLongDescription());

        prod.setDateCreated(new Date());
        prod.setDateUpdated(new Date());

        // String[] catIDs = categories.split(",");
        // for (String catid : catIDs) {
        // Category category = portalRepositoryRef.getCategoryByID(
        // Integer.valueOf(catid) );
        // prod.addCategory(category);
        // }

        // for (ProductExtensionItem e : extensions) {
        // }
        // String[] exts = extensions.split(",");
        // for (String extparmval : exts) {
        // String[] i = extparmval.split("=");
        // prod.addExtensionItem(i[0], i[1]);
        // }

        URI endpointUrl = uri.getBaseUri();

        String tempDir = METADATADIR + uuid + File.separator;
        try {

            if (image != null) {
                String imageFileNamePosted = getFileName(image.getHeaders());
                logger.info("image = " + imageFileNamePosted);
                if (!imageFileNamePosted.equals("")) {
                    String imgfile = saveFile(image, tempDir + imageFileNamePosted);
                    logger.info("imgfile saved to = " + imgfile);
                    prod.setIconsrc(endpointUrl.toString().replace("http:", "") + "repo/images/" + uuid + "/"
                            + imageFileNamePosted);

            if (submittedFile != null) {
                String aFileNamePosted = getFileName(submittedFile.getHeaders());
                logger.info("vxfFile = " + aFileNamePosted);
                if (!aFileNamePosted.equals("")) {
                    String vxffilepath = saveFile(submittedFile, tempDir + aFileNamePosted);
                    logger.info("vxffilepath saved to = " + vxffilepath);
                    prod.setPackageLocation(endpointUrl.toString().replace("http:", "") + "repo/packages/" + uuid
                            + "/" + aFileNamePosted);
                    File f = new File(vxffilepath);
                    if (prod instanceof VxFMetadata) {
                        VNFExtractor vnfExtract = new VNFExtractor(f);
                        Vnfd vnfd = vnfExtract.extractVnfdDescriptor();
                        if (vnfd != null) {
                            VNFRequirements vr = new VNFRequirements(vnfd);

                            if (vnfExtract.getIconfilePath() != null) {

                                String imageFileNamePosted = vnfd.getLogo();
                                logger.info("image = " + imageFileNamePosted);
                                if (!imageFileNamePosted.equals("")) {
                                    String imgfile = saveFile(vnfExtract.getIconfilePath(),
                                            tempDir + imageFileNamePosted);
                                    logger.info("imgfile saved to = " + imgfile);
                                    prod.setIconsrc(endpointUrl.toString().replace("http:", "") + "repo/images/"
                                            + uuid + "/" + imageFileNamePosted);

                        } else {
                            return null;
                    } else if (prod instanceof ExperimentMetadata) {
                        NSExtractor nsExtract = new NSExtractor(f);
                        Nsd ns = nsExtract.extractNsDescriptor();
                        if (ns != null) {
                            NSRequirements vr = new NSRequirements(ns);

                            for (ConstituentVnfd v : ns.getConstituentVnfd()) {
                                ConstituentVxF cvxf = new ConstituentVxF();
                                cvxf.setMembervnfIndex(v.getMemberVnfIndex().intValue()); // ok we will survive with
                                // this

                                VxFMetadata vxf = (VxFMetadata) portalRepositoryRef


                                ((ExperimentMetadata) prod).getConstituentVxF().add(cvxf);
                            if (nsExtract.getIconfilePath() != null) {

                                String imageFileNamePosted = ns.getLogo();
                                logger.info("image = " + imageFileNamePosted);
                                if (!imageFileNamePosted.equals("")) {
                                    String imgfile = saveFile(nsExtract.getIconfilePath(),
                                            tempDir + imageFileNamePosted);
                                    logger.info("imgfile saved to = " + imgfile);
                                    prod.setIconsrc(endpointUrl.toString().replace("http:", "") + "repo/images/"
                                            + uuid + "/" + imageFileNamePosted);
                        } else {
                            return null;

            List<Attachment> ss = screenshots;
            String screenshotsFilenames = "";
            int i = 1;
            for (Attachment shot : ss) {
                String shotFileNamePosted = getFileName(shot.getHeaders());
                logger.info("Found screenshot image shotFileNamePosted = " + shotFileNamePosted);
                logger.info("shotFileNamePosted = " + shotFileNamePosted);
                if (!shotFileNamePosted.equals("")) {
                    shotFileNamePosted = "shot" + i + "_" + shotFileNamePosted;
                    String shotfilepath = saveFile(shot, tempDir + shotFileNamePosted);
                    logger.info("shotfilepath saved to = " + shotfilepath);
                    shotfilepath = endpointUrl.toString().replace("http:", "") + "repo/images/" + uuid + "/"
                            + shotFileNamePosted;
                    screenshotsFilenames += shotfilepath + ",";
            if (screenshotsFilenames.length() > 0)
                screenshotsFilenames = screenshotsFilenames.substring(0, screenshotsFilenames.length() - 1);


        } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;

        // we must replace given product categories with the ones from our DB
        for (Category c : prod.getCategories()) {
            Category catToUpdate = portalRepositoryRef.getCategoryByID(c.getId());
            // logger.info("BEFORE PROD SAVE, category "+catToUpdate.getName()+"
            // contains Products: "+ catToUpdate.getProducts().size() );
            prod.getCategories().set(prod.getCategories().indexOf(c), catToUpdate);


        // Save now vxf for User
        PortalUser vxfOwner = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(prod.getOwner().getId());
        prod.setOwner(vxfOwner); // replace given owner with the one from our DB

        PortalUser owner = portalRepositoryRef.updateUserInfo(prod.getOwner().getId(), vxfOwner);
        Product registeredProd = portalRepositoryRef.getProductByUUID(uuid);

        // now fix category references
        for (Category c : registeredProd.getCategories()) {
            Category catToUpdate = portalRepositoryRef.getCategoryByID(c.getId());

        return registeredProd;

    /******************* VxFs API ***********************/

    public Response getAllVxFs(@QueryParam("categoryid") Long categoryid) {
        logger.info("getVxFs categoryid=" + categoryid);

        List<VxFMetadata> vxfs = portalRepositoryRef.getVxFs(categoryid, true);
        return Response.ok().entity(vxfs).build();


    public Response getVxFs(@QueryParam("categoryid") Long categoryid) {
        logger.info("getVxFs categoryid=" + categoryid);

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        if (u != null) {
            List<VxFMetadata> vxfs;

            if (u.getRoles().contains(UserRoleType.PORTALADMIN)) {
                vxfs = portalRepositoryRef.getVxFs(categoryid, false);
            } else {
                vxfs = portalRepositoryRef.getVxFsByUserID((long) u.getId());

            return Response.ok().entity(vxfs).build();

        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("User not found in portal registry or not logged in");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response addVxFMetadata(List<Attachment> ats) {

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        if (u == null) {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("User not found in portal registry or not logged in ");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

        VxFMetadata vxf = new VxFMetadata();

        try {
            MappingJsonFactory factory = new MappingJsonFactory();
            JsonParser parser = factory.createJsonParser(getAttachmentStringValue("vxf", ats));
            vxf = parser.readValueAs(VxFMetadata.class);

            logger.info("Received @POST for vxf : " + vxf.getName());
            logger.info("Received @POST for vxf.extensions : " + vxf.getExtensions());

        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        vxf = (VxFMetadata) addNewProductData(vxf,

                getAttachmentByName("prodIcon", ats), getAttachmentByName("prodFile", ats),
                getListOfAttachmentsByName("screenshots", ats));

        if (vxf != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(vxf).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested entity cannot be installed");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response updateVxFMetadata(@PathParam("bid") int bid, List<Attachment> ats) {

        VxFMetadata vxf = new VxFMetadata();

        try {
            MappingJsonFactory factory = new MappingJsonFactory();
            JsonParser parser = factory.createJsonParser(getAttachmentStringValue("vxf", ats));
            vxf = parser.readValueAs(VxFMetadata.class);

            logger.info("Received @POST for vxf : " + vxf.getName());
            logger.info("Received @POST for vxf.extensions : " + vxf.getExtensions());

        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        // VxFMetadata sm = (VxFMetadata)
        // portalRepositoryRef.getProductByID(bid);

        for (VxFOnBoardedDescriptor vxFOnBoardedDescriptor : vxf.getVxfOnBoardedDescriptors()) {

        vxf = (VxFMetadata) updateProductMetadata(vxf, getAttachmentByName("prodIcon", ats),
                getAttachmentByName("prodFile", ats), getListOfAttachmentsByName("screenshots", ats));

        return Response.ok().entity(vxf).build();


    // VxFs related API

    private Product updateProductMetadata(Product prod, Attachment image, Attachment prodFile,
            List<Attachment> screenshots) {

        logger.info("userid = " + prod.getOwner().getId());
        logger.info("vxfname = " + prod.getName());
        logger.info("vxfid = " + prod.getId());

        logger.info("vxfuuid = " + prod.getUuid());
        logger.info("version = " + prod.getVersion());
        logger.info("shortDescription = " + prod.getShortDescription());
        logger.info("longDescription = " + prod.getLongDescription());

        // get User
        PortalUser vxfOwner = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(prod.getOwner().getId());
        prod.setOwner(vxfOwner); // replace given owner with the one from our DB

        prod.setDateUpdated(new Date());

        // first remove all references of the product from the previous
        // categories
        Product prodPreUpdate = (Product) portalRepositoryRef.getProductByID(prod.getId());
        for (Category c : prodPreUpdate.getCategories()) {
            // logger.info("Will remove product "+prodPreUpdate.getName()+ ",
            // from Previous Category "+c.getName() );

        // we must replace API given product categories with the ones from our
        // DB
        for (Category c : prod.getCategories()) {
            Category catToUpdate = portalRepositoryRef.getCategoryByID(c.getId());
            // logger.info("BEFORE PROD SAVE, category "+catToUpdate.getName()+"
            // contains Products: "+ catToUpdate.getProducts().size() );
            prod.getCategories().set(prod.getCategories().indexOf(c), catToUpdate);

        URI endpointUrl = uri.getBaseUri();

        String tempDir = METADATADIR + prod.getUuid() + File.separator;
        try {

            if (image != null) {
                String imageFileNamePosted = getFileName(image.getHeaders());
                logger.info("image = " + imageFileNamePosted);
                if (!imageFileNamePosted.equals("unknown")) {
                    String imgfile = saveFile(image, tempDir + imageFileNamePosted);
                    logger.info("imgfile saved to = " + imgfile);
                    prod.setIconsrc(endpointUrl.toString().replace("http:", "") + "repo/images/" + prod.getUuid()
                            + "/" + imageFileNamePosted);

            if (prodFile != null) {
                String vxfFileNamePosted = getFileName(prodFile.getHeaders());
                logger.info("vxfFile = " + vxfFileNamePosted);
                if (!vxfFileNamePosted.equals("unknown")) {
                    String vxffilepath = saveFile(prodFile, tempDir + vxfFileNamePosted);
                    logger.info("vxffilepath saved to = " + vxffilepath);
                    prod.setPackageLocation(endpointUrl.toString().replace("http:", "") + "repo/packages/"
                            + prod.getUuid() + "/" + vxfFileNamePosted);

                    File f = new File(vxffilepath);
                    if (prod instanceof VxFMetadata) {
                        VNFExtractor vnfExtract = new VNFExtractor(f);
                        Vnfd vnfd = vnfExtract.extractVnfdDescriptor();
                        if (vnfd != null) {
                            VNFRequirements vr = new VNFRequirements(vnfd);

                            if (vnfExtract.getIconfilePath() != null) {

                                String imageFileNamePosted = vnfd.getLogo();
                                logger.info("image = " + imageFileNamePosted);
                                if (!imageFileNamePosted.equals("")) {
                                    String imgfile = saveFile(vnfExtract.getIconfilePath(),
                                            tempDir + imageFileNamePosted);
                                    logger.info("imgfile saved to = " + imgfile);
                                    prod.setIconsrc(endpointUrl.toString().replace("http:", "") + "repo/images/"
                                            + prod.getUuid() + "/" + imageFileNamePosted);
                    } else if (prod instanceof ExperimentMetadata) {
                        NSExtractor nsExtract = new NSExtractor(f);
                        Nsd ns = nsExtract.extractNsDescriptor();
                        if (ns != null) {
                            NSRequirements vr = new NSRequirements(ns);
                            ((ExperimentMetadata) prod).getConstituentVxF().clear();
                            for (ConstituentVnfd v : ns.getConstituentVnfd()) {
                                ConstituentVxF cvxf = new ConstituentVxF();
                                cvxf.setMembervnfIndex(v.getMemberVnfIndex().intValue()); // ok we will survive with
                                // this

                                VxFMetadata vxf = (VxFMetadata) portalRepositoryRef


                                ((ExperimentMetadata) prod).getConstituentVxF().add(cvxf);

                            if (nsExtract.getIconfilePath() != null) {

                                String imageFileNamePosted = ns.getLogo();
                                logger.info("image = " + imageFileNamePosted);
                                if (!imageFileNamePosted.equals("")) {
                                    String imgfile = saveFile(nsExtract.getIconfilePath(),
                                            tempDir + imageFileNamePosted);
                                    logger.info("imgfile saved to = " + imgfile);
                                    prod.setIconsrc(endpointUrl.toString().replace("http:", "") + "repo/images/"
                                            + prod.getUuid() + "/" + imageFileNamePosted);


            List<Attachment> ss = screenshots;
            String screenshotsFilenames = "";
            int i = 1;
            for (Attachment shot : ss) {
                String shotFileNamePosted = getFileName(shot.getHeaders());
                logger.info("Found screenshot image shotFileNamePosted = " + shotFileNamePosted);
                logger.info("shotFileNamePosted = " + shotFileNamePosted);
                if (!shotFileNamePosted.equals("")) {
                    shotFileNamePosted = "shot" + i + "_" + shotFileNamePosted;
                    String shotfilepath = saveFile(shot, tempDir + shotFileNamePosted);
                    logger.info("shotfilepath saved to = " + shotfilepath);
                    shotfilepath = endpointUrl.toString().replace("http:", "") + "repo/images/" + prod.getUuid()
                            + "/" + shotFileNamePosted;
                    screenshotsFilenames += shotfilepath + ",";
            if (screenshotsFilenames.length() > 0)
                screenshotsFilenames = screenshotsFilenames.substring(0, screenshotsFilenames.length() - 1);


        } catch (IOException e) {

            return null;

        // save product
        prod = portalRepositoryRef.updateProductInfo(prod);

        // now fix category product references
        for (Category catToUpdate : prod.getCategories()) {
            Product p = portalRepositoryRef.getProductByID(prod.getId());
            Category c = portalRepositoryRef.getCategoryByID(catToUpdate.getId());

        if (vxfOwner.getProductById(prod.getId()) == null)
        portalRepositoryRef.updateUserInfo(prod.getOwner().getId(), vxfOwner);
        return prod;

    @Produces({ "image/jpeg,image/png" })
    public Response getEntityImage(@PathParam("uuid") String uuid, @PathParam("imgfile") String imgfile) {
        logger.info("getEntityImage of uuid: " + uuid);
        String imgAbsfile = METADATADIR + uuid + File.separator + imgfile;
        logger.info("Image RESOURCE FILE: " + imgAbsfile);
        File file = new File(imgAbsfile);

        // ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok((Object) file );
        // logger.info( "attachment; filename=" + file.getName() );
        // response.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" +
        // file.getName());
        // return response.build();
        // String mediaType = SomeContentTypeMapHere(file)
        return Response.ok(file).build();

    public Response downloadVxFPackage(@PathParam("uuid") String uuid, @PathParam("vxffile") String vxffile) {

        logger.info("vxffile: " + vxffile);
        logger.info("uuid: " + uuid);

        String vxfAbsfile = METADATADIR + uuid + File.separator + vxffile;
        logger.info("VxF RESOURCE FILE: " + vxfAbsfile);
        File file = new File(vxfAbsfile);

        if ((uuid.equals("77777777-668b-4c75-99a9-39b24ed3d8be"))
                || (uuid.equals("22cab8b8-668b-4c75-99a9-39b24ed3d8be"))) {
            URL res = getClass().getResource("/files/" + vxffile);
            logger.info("TEST LOCAL RESOURCE FILE: " + res);
            file = new File(res.getFile());

        ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok((Object) file);
        response.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + file.getName());
        return response.build();

    public void deleteVxF(@PathParam("vxfid") int vxfid) {

    public Response getVxFMetadataByID(@PathParam("vxfid") int vxfid) {
        logger.info("getVxFMetadataByID  vxfid=" + vxfid);
        VxFMetadata vxf = (VxFMetadata) portalRepositoryRef.getProductByID(vxfid);

        if (vxf != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(vxf).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("vxf with id=" + vxfid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getAdminVxFMetadataByID(@PathParam("vxfid") int vxfid) {

        return getVxFMetadataByID(vxfid);

    public Response getVxFMetadataByUUID(@PathParam("uuid") String uuid) {

        logger.info("Received GET for vxf uuid: " + uuid);
        VxFMetadata vxf = null;

        URI endpointUrl = uri.getBaseUri();
        if (uuid.equals("77777777-668b-4c75-99a9-39b24ed3d8be")) {
            vxf = new VxFMetadata();
            vxf.setName("IntegrTestLocal example service");
            vxf.setShortDescription("An example local service");

            vxf.setPackageLocation(endpointUrl.toString().replace("http:", "")
                    + "repo/packages/77777777-668b-4c75-99a9-39b24ed3d8be/examplevxf.tar.gz");
            // }else if (uuid.equals("12cab8b8-668b-4c75-99a9-39b24ed3d8be")) {
            // vxf = new VxFMetadata(uuid, "AN example service");
            // vxf.setShortDescription("An example local service");
            // vxf.setVersion("1.0.0rc1");
            // vxf.setIconsrc("");
            // vxf.setLongDescription("");
            // //URI endpointUrl = uri.getBaseUri();
            // vxf.setPackageLocation( endpointUrl
            // +"repo/packages/12cab8b8-668b-4c75-99a9-39b24ed3d8be/examplevxf.tar.gz");
        } else if (uuid.equals("22cab8b8-668b-4c75-99a9-39b24ed3d8be")) {
            vxf = new VxFMetadata();
            vxf.setName("IntegrTestLocal example ErrInstall service");
            vxf.setShortDescription("An example ErrInstall local service");
            // URI endpointUrl = uri.getBaseUri();

            vxf.setPackageLocation(endpointUrl.toString().replace("http:", "")
                    + "repo/packages/22cab8b8-668b-4c75-99a9-39b24ed3d8be/examplevxfErrInstall.tar.gz");
        } else {
            vxf = (VxFMetadata) portalRepositoryRef.getProductByUUID(uuid);

        if (vxf != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(vxf).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("Installed vxf with uuid=" + uuid + " not found in local registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public PortalRepository getPortalRepositoryRef() {
        return portalRepositoryRef;

    public void setPortalRepositoryRef(PortalRepository portalRepositoryRef) {
        this.portalRepositoryRef = portalRepositoryRef;

    // Sessions related API

    // @OPTIONS
    // @Path("/sessions/")
    // @Produces("application/json")
    // @Consumes("application/json")
    // @LocalPreflight
    // public Response addUserSessionOption(){
    // logger.info("Received OPTIONS addUserSessionOption ");
    // String origin = headers.getRequestHeader("Origin").get(0);
    // if (origin != null) {
    // return Response.ok()
    // .header(CorsHeaderConstants.HEADER_AC_ALLOW_METHODS, "GET POST DELETE PUT
    // .header(CorsHeaderConstants.HEADER_AC_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS, "true")
    // .header(CorsHeaderConstants.HEADER_AC_ALLOW_HEADERS, "Origin,
    // X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept")
    // .header(CorsHeaderConstants.HEADER_AC_ALLOW_ORIGIN, origin)
    // .build();
    // } else {
    // return Response.ok().build();
    // }
    // }

    public Response addUserSession(UserSession userSession) {

        logger.info("Received POST addUserSession usergetUsername: " + userSession.getUsername());
        // logger.info("DANGER, REMOVE Received POST addUserSession password: "
        // + userSession.getPassword());

        if (securityContext != null) {
            if (securityContext.getUserPrincipal() != null)
                logger.info(" securityContext.getUserPrincipal().toString() >"
                        + securityContext.getUserPrincipal().toString() + "<");


        Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
        if (currentUser != null) {
            AuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordToken(userSession.getUsername(),
            try {
                PortalUser portalUser = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByUsername(userSession.getUsername());

                if (!portalUser.getActive()) {
                    logger.info("User [" + currentUser.getPrincipal() + "] is not Active");
                    return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();

                ;// so not tosend in response

                logger.info(" currentUser = " + currentUser.toString());
                logger.info("User [" + currentUser.getPrincipal() + "] logged in successfully.");

                portalRepositoryRef.updateUserInfo(portalUser.getId(), portalUser);

                return Response.ok().entity(userSession).build();
            } catch (AuthenticationException ae) {

                return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();

        return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();

    public Response logoutUser() {

        logger.info("Received logoutUser ");

        if (securityContext != null) {
            if (securityContext.getUserPrincipal() != null)
                logger.info(" securityContext.getUserPrincipal().toString() >"
                        + securityContext.getUserPrincipal().toString() + "<");


        return Response.ok().build();

    public Response getUserSessions() {

        logger.info("Received GET addUserSession usergetUsername: ");
        logger.info("Received GET addUserSession password: ");

        if (securityContext != null) {
            if (securityContext.getUserPrincipal() != null)
                logger.info(" securityContext.getUserPrincipal().toString() >"
                        + securityContext.getUserPrincipal().toString() + "<");


        Subject currentUser = SecurityUtils.getSubject();
        if ((currentUser != null) && (currentUser.getPrincipal() != null)) {

            // logger.info(" currentUser = " + currentUser.toString() );
            // logger.info( "User [" + currentUser.getPrincipal() + "] logged in
            // successfully." );
            // logger.info(" currentUser employee = " +
            // currentUser.hasRole("employee") );
            // logger.info(" currentUser boss = " + currentUser.hasRole("boss")
            // );

            return Response.ok().build();

        return Response.status(Status.UNAUTHORIZED).build();

    // Subscribed resources related API

    public Response getSubscribedResources() {

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        if (u != null) {

            if (u.getRoles().contains(UserRoleType.PORTALADMIN)) {
                return Response.ok().entity(portalRepositoryRef.getSubscribedResourcesAsCollection()).build(); // return
                // all
            } else
                return Response.ok().entity(u.getSubscribedResources()).build();


        ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
        builder.entity("User not found in portal registry or not logged in");
        throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response getSubscribedResourceById(@PathParam("smId") int smId) {

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        SubscribedResource sm = portalRepositoryRef.getSubscribedResourceByID(smId);

        if ((sm != null) && (u != null)) {

            if ((u.getRoles().contains(UserRoleType.PORTALADMIN)) || (sm.getOwner().getId() == u.getId()))
                return Response.ok().entity(sm).build();


        ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
        builder.entity("SubscribedResource" + smId + " not found in portal registry");
        throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response addSubscribedResource(SubscribedResource sm) {

        PortalUser u = sm.getOwner();
        u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(sm.getOwner().getId());

        if (u != null) {

            u = portalRepositoryRef.updateUserInfo(u.getId(), u);

            return Response.ok().entity(sm).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested SubscribedResource with rls=" + sm.getURL()
                    + " cannot be registered under not found user");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response updateSubscribedResource(@PathParam("smId") int smId, SubscribedResource sm) {
        logger.info("Received SubscribedResource for user: " + sm.getURL());

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        PortalUser reattachedUser = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(sm.getOwner().getId());

        if (u != null) {

            if ((u.getRoles().contains(UserRoleType.PORTALADMIN)) || (sm.getOwner().getId() == u.getId())) {

                SubscribedResource sr = portalRepositoryRef.updateSubscribedResourceInfo(smId, sm);
                return Response.ok().entity(u).build();


        ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
        builder.entity("Requested SubscribedResource with url=" + sm.getURL() + " cannot be updated");
        throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response deleteSubscribedResource(@PathParam("smId") int smId) {
        logger.info("Received SubscribedResource for userid: " + smId);

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        SubscribedResource sm = portalRepositoryRef.getSubscribedResourceByID(smId);
        if (u != null) {

            if ((u.getRoles().contains(UserRoleType.PORTALADMIN)) || (sm.getOwner().getId() == u.getId())) {
                return Response.ok().build();


        ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
        builder.entity("Requested SubscribedResource with id=" + smId + " cannot be deleted");
        throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    // Applications related API

    public Response getApps(@QueryParam("categoryid") Long categoryid) {

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        if (u != null) {
            List<ExperimentMetadata> apps;

            if (u.getRoles().contains(UserRoleType.PORTALADMIN)) {
                apps = portalRepositoryRef.getExperiments(categoryid, false);
            } else {
                apps = portalRepositoryRef.getAppsByUserID((long) u.getId());

            return Response.ok().entity(apps).build();

        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("User not found in portal registry or not logged in");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response getAllApps(@QueryParam("categoryid") Long categoryid) {
        logger.info("getApps categoryid=" + categoryid);
        List<ExperimentMetadata> vxfs = portalRepositoryRef.getExperiments(categoryid, true);
        return Response.ok().entity(vxfs).build();

    public Response getAppMetadataByID(@PathParam("appid") int appid) {
        logger.info("getAppMetadataByID  appid=" + appid);
        ExperimentMetadata app = (ExperimentMetadata) portalRepositoryRef.getProductByID(appid);

        if (app != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(app).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("App with id=" + appid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getAdminAppMetadataByID(@PathParam("appid") int appid) {
        return getAppMetadataByID(appid);

    public Response getAppMetadataByUUID(@PathParam("uuid") String uuid) {
        logger.info("Received GET for app uuid: " + uuid);
        ExperimentMetadata app = null;

        app = (ExperimentMetadata) portalRepositoryRef.getProductByUUID(uuid);

        if (app != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(app).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("Installed app with uuid=" + uuid + " not found in local registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response addExperimentMetadata(List<Attachment> ats) {

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        if (u == null) {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("User not found in portal registry or not logged in ");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

        ExperimentMetadata experiment = new ExperimentMetadata();

        try {
            MappingJsonFactory factory = new MappingJsonFactory();
            JsonParser parser = factory.createJsonParser(getAttachmentStringValue("exprm", ats));
            experiment = parser.readValueAs(ExperimentMetadata.class);

            logger.info("Received @POST for experiment : " + experiment.getName());

        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        // ExperimentMetadata sm = new ExperimentMetadata();
        experiment = (ExperimentMetadata) addNewProductData(experiment, getAttachmentByName("prodIcon", ats),
                getAttachmentByName("prodFile", ats), getListOfAttachmentsByName("screenshots", ats));
        if (experiment != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(experiment).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested entity cannot be installed");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response updateAppMetadata(@PathParam("aid") int aid, List<Attachment> ats) {

        ExperimentMetadata appmeta = new ExperimentMetadata();

        try {
            MappingJsonFactory factory = new MappingJsonFactory();
            JsonParser parser = factory.createJsonParser(getAttachmentStringValue("exprm", ats));
            appmeta = parser.readValueAs(ExperimentMetadata.class);

            logger.info("Received @POST for experiment : " + appmeta.getName());
            // logger.info("Received @POST for app.containers : " +
            // appmeta.getContainers().size());

        } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        // ExperimentMetadata appmeta = (ExperimentMetadata)
        // portalRepositoryRef.getProductByID(aid);

        for (ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor veDescriptor : appmeta.getExperimentOnBoardDescriptors()) {

        appmeta = (ExperimentMetadata) updateProductMetadata(appmeta, getAttachmentByName("prodIcon", ats),
                getAttachmentByName("prodFile", ats), getListOfAttachmentsByName("screenshots", ats));

        return Response.ok().entity(appmeta).build();

    public void deleteApp(@PathParam("appid") int appid) {


    // categories API
    public Response getCategories() {
        return Response.ok().entity(portalRepositoryRef.getCategories()).build();

    public Response getAdminCategories() {
        return Response.ok().entity(portalRepositoryRef.getCategories()).build();

    public Response addCategory(Category c) {
        Category u = portalRepositoryRef.addCategory(c);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested Category with name=" + c.getName() + " cannot be installed");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response updateCategory(@PathParam("catid") int catid, Category c) {
        Category previousCategory = portalRepositoryRef.getCategoryByID(catid);

        Category u = portalRepositoryRef.updateCategoryInfo(c);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested Category with name=" + c.getName() + " cannot be updated");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response deleteCategory(@PathParam("catid") int catid) {
        Category category = portalRepositoryRef.getCategoryByID(catid);
        if ((category.getProducts().size() > 0)) {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
            builder.entity("The category has assigned elements. You cannot delete it!");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());
        } else {
            return Response.ok().build();

    public Response getCategoryById(@PathParam("catid") int catid) {
        Category sm = portalRepositoryRef.getCategoryByID(catid);

        if (sm != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(sm).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("Category " + catid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getAdminCategoryById(@PathParam("catid") int catid) {
        return getCategoryById(catid);

    // Attachment utils ///////////////////////
    private String saveFile(Attachment att, String filePath) {
        DataHandler handler = att.getDataHandler();
        try {
            InputStream stream = handler.getInputStream();
            MultivaluedMap map = att.getHeaders();
            File f = new File(filePath);
            OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f);

            int read = 0;
            byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
            while ((read = stream.read(bytes)) != -1) {
                out.write(bytes, 0, read);
            return f.getAbsolutePath();

        } catch (Exception e) {
        return null;

    // Attachment utils ///////////////////////
    private String saveFile(ByteArrayOutputStream att, String filePath) throws IOException {

        File f = new File(filePath);
        FileOutputStream fos;
        try {
            fos = new FileOutputStream(f);
            return f.getAbsolutePath();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            // Handle exception here
        } finally {

        return null;


    private String getFileName(MultivaluedMap<String, String> header) {
        String[] contentDisposition = header.getFirst("Content-Disposition").split(";");
        for (String filename : contentDisposition) {
            if ((filename.trim().startsWith("filename"))) {
                String[] name = filename.split("=");
                String exactFileName = name[1].trim().replaceAll("\"", "");
                return exactFileName;
        return "unknown";

    public String getAttachmentStringValue(String name, List<Attachment> attachments) {

        Attachment att = getAttachmentByName(name, attachments);
        if (att != null) {
            return att.getObject(String.class);
        return null;

    public Attachment getAttachmentByName(String name, List<Attachment> attachments) {

        for (Attachment attachment : attachments) {
            String s = getAttachmentName(attachment.getHeaders());
            if ((s != null) && (s.equals(name)))
                return attachment;

        return null;

    private List<Attachment> getListOfAttachmentsByName(String name, List<Attachment> attachments) {

        List<Attachment> la = new ArrayList<Attachment>();
        for (Attachment attachment : attachments) {
            if (getAttachmentName(attachment.getHeaders()).equals(name))
        return la;

    private String getAttachmentName(MultivaluedMap<String, String> header) {

        if (header.getFirst("Content-Disposition") != null) {
            String[] contentDisposition = header.getFirst("Content-Disposition").split(";");
            for (String filename : contentDisposition) {
                if ((filename.trim().startsWith("name"))) {
                    String[] name = filename.split("=");
                    String exactFileName = name[1].trim().replaceAll("\"", "");
                    return exactFileName;
        return null;

    public Response getProperties() {
        List<PortalProperty> props = portalRepositoryRef.getProperties();
        for (PortalProperty portalProperty : props) {
            if (portalProperty.getName().equals("mailpassword")) {
        return Response.ok().entity(props).build();

    public Response updateProperty(@PathParam("catid") int propid, PortalProperty p) {
        PortalProperty previousProperty = portalRepositoryRef.getPropertyByID(propid);

        PortalProperty u = portalRepositoryRef.updateProperty(p);
        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested PortalProperty with name=" + p.getName() + " cannot be updated");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response getPropertyById(@PathParam("propid") int propid) {
        PortalProperty sm = portalRepositoryRef.getPropertyByID(propid);

        if (sm.getName().equals("mailpassword")) {
        if (sm != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(sm).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("PortalProperty " + propid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getAllDeploymentsofUser() {

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        if (u != null) {
            logger.info("getAllDeploymentsofUser for userid: " + u.getId());
            List<DeploymentDescriptor> deployments;

            if (u.getRoles().contains(UserRoleType.PORTALADMIN)) {
                deployments = portalRepositoryRef.getAllDeploymentDescriptors();
            } else {
                deployments = u.getDeployments();

            return Response.ok().entity(deployments).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("User not found in portal registry or not logged in");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response addDeployment(DeploymentDescriptor deployment) {

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        if (u != null) {
            logger.info("addDeployment for userid: " + u.getId());

            for (DeploymentDescriptor d : u.getDeployments()) {
                logger.info("deployment already for userid: " + d.getId());

            deployment.setDateCreated(new Date());

            u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(u.getId());
            deployment.setOwner(u); // reattach from the DB model

            ExperimentMetadata baseApplication = (ExperimentMetadata) portalRepositoryRef
            deployment.setExperiment(baseApplication); // reattach from the
            // DB model

            u = portalRepositoryRef.updateUserInfo(u.getId(), u);

            String adminemail = PortalRepository.getPropertyByName("adminEmail").getValue();
            if ((adminemail != null) && (!adminemail.equals(""))) {
                String subj = "[5GinFIREPortal] New Deployment Request";
                        "5GinFIREPortal New Deployment Request by user : " + u.getUsername() + ", " + u.getEmail()
                                + "\n<br/> Status: " + deployment.getStatus().name() + "\n<br/> Description: "
                                + deployment.getDescription(),

            return Response.ok().entity(deployment).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("User not found in portal registry or not logged in. DeploymentDescriptor not added.");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response deleteDeployment(@PathParam("id") int id) {
        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        DeploymentDescriptor dep = portalRepositoryRef.getDeploymentByID(id);
        if (u != null) {
            if (u.getRoles().contains(UserRoleType.PORTALADMIN) || u.getId() == dep.getOwner().getId()) {
                return Response.ok().build();

        ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
        builder.entity("User not found in portal registry or not logged in");
        throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getDeploymentById(@PathParam("id") int deploymentId) {

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        if (u != null) {
            logger.info("getDeploymentById for id: " + deploymentId);
            DeploymentDescriptor deployment = portalRepositoryRef.getDeploymentByID(deploymentId);

            if ((u.getRoles().contains(UserRoleType.PORTALADMIN)) || (deployment.getOwner().getId() == u.getId())) {
                return Response.ok().entity(deployment).build();


        ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
        builder.entity("User not found in portal registry or not logged in");
        throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response updateDeployment(@PathParam("id") int id, DeploymentDescriptor d) {

        PortalUser u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserBySessionID(ws.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getId());

        if ((u != null)) {

            if ((u.getRoles().contains(UserRoleType.PORTALADMIN))) // only admin can alter a deployment
                PortalUser deploymentOwner = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(d.getOwner().getId());
                d.setOwner(deploymentOwner); // reattach from the DB model

                ExperimentMetadata baseApplication = (ExperimentMetadata) portalRepositoryRef
                d.setExperiment(baseApplication); // reattach from the DB model

                DeploymentDescriptor deployment = portalRepositoryRef.updateDeploymentDescriptor(d);

                logger.info("updateDeployment for id: " + d.getId());

                String adminemail = PortalRepository.getPropertyByName("adminEmail").getValue();
                if ((adminemail != null) && (!adminemail.equals(""))) {
                    String subj = "[5GinFIREPortal] Deployment Request";
                            "5GinFIREPortal Deployment Request for experiment: " + d.getName() + "\n<br/>Status: "
                                    + d.getStatus().name() + "\n<br/>Feedback: " + d.getFeedback()
                                    + "\n\n<br/><br/> The 5GinFIRE team",

                return Response.ok().entity(deployment).build();



        ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE);
        builder.entity("User not found in portal registry or not logged in as admin");
        throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response addANewAnauthSubscribedResource(SubscribedResource sm) {

        logger.info("Received SubscribedResource for client: " + sm.getUuid() + ", URLs:" + sm.getURL()
                + ", OwnerID:" + sm.getOwner().getId());

        PortalUser u = sm.getOwner();
        u = portalRepositoryRef.getUserByID(sm.getOwner().getId());

        if ((u != null) && (sm.getUuid() != null)) {

            SubscribedResource checkSM = portalRepositoryRef.getSubscribedResourceByUUID(sm.getUuid());

            if (checkSM == null) {
                u = portalRepositoryRef.updateUserInfo(u.getId(), u);
                return Response.ok().entity(sm).build();
            } else {
                checkSM.setURL(sm.getURL());// update URL if changed
                // u = portalRepositoryRef.updateUserInfo( u.getId(), u);
                checkSM = portalRepositoryRef.updateSubscribedResourceInfo(checkSM.getId(), checkSM);
                return Response.ok().entity(checkSM).build();

        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested SubscribedResource with rls=" + sm.getURL()
                    + " cannot be registered under not found user");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

     * admin MANO platforms

    public Response getMANOplatforms() {
        return Response.ok().entity(portalRepositoryRef.getMANOplatforms()).build();

    public Response getAdminMANOplatforms() {
        return Response.ok().entity(portalRepositoryRef.getMANOplatforms()).build();

    public Response addMANOplatform(MANOplatform c) {
        MANOplatform u = portalRepositoryRef.addMANOplatform(c);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested MANOplatform with name=" + c.getName() + " cannot be installed");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response updateMANOplatform(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid, MANOplatform c) {
        MANOplatform previousMP = portalRepositoryRef.getMANOplatformByID(mpid);

        MANOplatform u = portalRepositoryRef.updateMANOplatformInfo(c);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested MANOplatform with name=" + c.getName() + " cannot be updated");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response deleteMANOplatform(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid) {
        MANOplatform category = portalRepositoryRef.getMANOplatformByID(mpid);

        return Response.ok().build();


    public Response getMANOplatformById(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid) {
        MANOplatform sm = portalRepositoryRef.getMANOplatformByID(mpid);

        if (sm != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(sm).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("MANOplatform " + mpid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getAdminMANOplatformById(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid) {
        return getMANOplatformById(mpid);

     * admin MANO providers

     * @return
    public Response getAdminMANOproviders() {
        return Response.ok().entity(portalRepositoryRef.getMANOproviders()).build();

    public Response addMANOprovider(MANOprovider c) {
        MANOprovider u = portalRepositoryRef.addMANOprovider(c);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested MANOprovider with name=" + c.getName() + " cannot be installed");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response updateMANOprovider(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid, MANOprovider c) {

        MANOprovider u = portalRepositoryRef.updateMANOproviderInfo(c);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested MANOprovider with name=" + c.getName() + " cannot be updated");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response deleteMANOprovider(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid) {

        return Response.ok().build();


    public Response getAdminMANOproviderById(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid) {
        MANOprovider sm = portalRepositoryRef.getMANOproviderByID(mpid);

        if (sm != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(sm).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("MANOprovider " + mpid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getOSMVNFMetadataByKOSMMANOID(@PathParam("mpid") int manoprovid,
            @PathParam("vxfid") String vxfid) {
        logger.info("getOSMVNFMetadataByID  vxfid=" + vxfid);

        MANOprovider sm = portalRepositoryRef.getMANOproviderByID(manoprovid);

        Vnfd vnfd = OSMClient.getInstance(sm).getVNFDbyID(vxfid);

        if (vnfd != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(vnfd).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("vxf with id=" + vxfid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getOSMVNFMetadata(@PathParam("mpid") int manoprovid) {

        MANOprovider sm = portalRepositoryRef.getMANOproviderByID(manoprovid);

        List<Vnfd> vnfd = OSMClient.getInstance(sm).getVNFDs();

        if (vnfd != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(vnfd).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("manoprovid with id=" + manoprovid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getOSM_NSD_MetadataByKOSMMANOID(@PathParam("mpid") int manoprovid,
            @PathParam("vxfid") String nsdid) {
        logger.info("getOSMVNFMetadataByID  nsdid=" + nsdid);

        MANOprovider sm = portalRepositoryRef.getMANOproviderByID(manoprovid);

        Nsd nsd = OSMClient.getInstance(sm).getNSDbyID(nsdid);

        if (nsd != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(nsd).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("nsdid with id=" + nsdid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getOSM_NSD_Metadata(@PathParam("mpid") int manoprovid) {

        MANOprovider sm = portalRepositoryRef.getMANOproviderByID(manoprovid);

        List<Nsd> nsd = OSMClient.getInstance(sm).getNSDs();

        if (nsd != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(nsd).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("manoprovid with id=" + manoprovid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

     * admin VxFOnBoardedDescriptors

    public Response getVxFOnBoardedDescriptors() {
        return Response.ok().entity(portalRepositoryRef.getVxFOnBoardedDescriptors()).build();

    public Response addVxFOnBoardedDescriptor(VxFOnBoardedDescriptor c) {
        VxFOnBoardedDescriptor u = portalRepositoryRef.addVxFOnBoardedDescriptor(c);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested VxFOnBoardedDescriptor with name=" + c.getId() + " cannot be installed");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response updateVxFOnBoardedDescriptor(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid, VxFOnBoardedDescriptor c) {

        VxFOnBoardedDescriptor u = portalRepositoryRef.updateVxFOnBoardedDescriptor(c);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested VxFOnBoardedDescriptor with name=" + c.getId() + " cannot be updated");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response deleteVxFOnBoardedDescriptor(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid) {

        return Response.ok().build();


    public Response getVxFOnBoardedDescriptorById(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid) {
        VxFOnBoardedDescriptor sm = portalRepositoryRef.getVxFOnBoardedDescriptorByID(mpid);

        if (sm != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(sm).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("VxFOnBoardedDescriptor " + mpid + " not found in portal registry");
            return builder.build();
            // throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getVxFOnBoardedDescriptorByIdCheckMANOProvider(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid) {

        VxFOnBoardedDescriptor sm = portalRepositoryRef.getVxFOnBoardedDescriptorByID(mpid);

        if (sm == null) {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("VxFOnBoardedDescriptor " + mpid + " not found in portal registry");
            return builder.build();

        if (sm.getOnBoardingStatus().equals(OnBoardingStatus.ONBOARDING)) {

            Vnfd vnfd = null;
            List<Vnfd> vnfds = OSMClient.getInstance(sm.getObMANOprovider()).getVNFDs();
            for (Vnfd v : vnfds) {
                if (v.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(sm.getVxfMANOProviderID())
                        || v.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(sm.getVxfMANOProviderID())) {
                    vnfd = v;

            if (vnfd == null) {
            } else {

            sm = portalRepositoryRef.updateVxFOnBoardedDescriptor(sm);


        return Response.ok().entity(sm).build();


    public Response onBoardDescriptor(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid, final VxFOnBoardedDescriptor c) {

        VxFMetadata vxf = c.getVxf();
        if (vxf == null) {
            vxf = (VxFMetadata) portalRepositoryRef.getProductByID(c.getVxfid());

         * The following is not OK. When we submit to OSMClient the createOnBoardPackage
         * we just get a response something like response = {"output":
         * {"transaction-id": "b2718ef9-4391-4a9e-97ad-826593d5d332"}} which does not
         * provide any information. The OSM RIFTIO API says that we could get
         * information about onboarding (create or update) jobs see
         * https://open.riftio.com/documentation/riftware/4.4/a/api/orchestration/pkt-mgmt/rw-pkg-mgmt-download-jobs.htm
         * with /api/operational/download-jobs, but this does not return pending jobs.
         * So the only solution is to ask again OSM if something is installed or not, so
         * for now the client (the portal ) must check via the
         * getVxFOnBoardedDescriptorByIdCheckMANOProvider giving the VNF ID in OSM. OSM
         * uses the ID of the yaml description Thus we asume that the vxf name can be
         * equal to the VNF ID in the portal, and we use it for now as the OSM ID. Later
         * in future, either OSM API provide more usefull response or we extract info
         * from the VNFD package


        c.setLastOnboarding(new Date());

        VxFOnBoardedDescriptor u = portalRepositoryRef.updateVxFOnBoardedDescriptor(c);

        logger.info("VxF Package Location: " + vxf.getPackageLocation());

        String pLocation = vxf.getPackageLocation();
        if (!pLocation.contains("http")) {
            pLocation = "https:" + pLocation;

        OSMClient.getInstance(u.getObMANOprovider()).createOnBoardVNFDPackage(pLocation, c.getDeployId());

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested VxFOnBoardedDescriptor with ID=" + c.getId() + " cannot be onboarded");
            return builder.build();


    public Response offBoardDescriptor(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid, final VxFOnBoardedDescriptor c) {

        VxFOnBoardedDescriptor u = portalRepositoryRef.updateVxFOnBoardedDescriptor(c);
        // TODO: Implement this towards MANO

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested VxFOnBoardedDescriptor with ID=" + c.getId() + " cannot be onboarded");
            return builder.build();


     * admin ExperimentOnBoardDescriptors

    public Response getExperimentOnBoardDescriptors() {
        return Response.ok().entity(portalRepositoryRef.getExperimentOnBoardDescriptors()).build();

    public Response addExperimentOnBoardDescriptor(ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor c) {
        ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor u = portalRepositoryRef.addExperimentOnBoardDescriptor(c);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor with name=" + c.getId() + " cannot be installed");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response updateExperimentOnBoardDescriptor(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid, ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor c) {

        ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor u = portalRepositoryRef.updateExperimentOnBoardDescriptor(c);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor with name=" + c.getId() + " cannot be updated");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response deleteExperimentOnBoardDescriptor(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid) {

        return Response.ok().build();


    public Response getExperimentOnBoardDescriptorById(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid) {
        ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor sm = portalRepositoryRef.getExperimentOnBoardDescriptorByID(mpid);

        if (sm != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(sm).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor " + mpid + " not found in portal registry");
            return builder.build();
            // throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response getExperimentOnBoardDescriptorByIdCheckMANOProvider(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid) {

        ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor sm = portalRepositoryRef.getExperimentOnBoardDescriptorByID(mpid);

        if (sm == null) {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor " + mpid + " not found in portal registry");
            return builder.build();

        if (sm.getOnBoardingStatus().equals(OnBoardingStatus.ONBOARDING)) {

            Nsd nsd = null;
            List<Nsd> nsds = OSMClient.getInstance(sm.getObMANOprovider()).getNSDs();
            for (Nsd v : nsds) {
                if (v.getId().equalsIgnoreCase(sm.getVxfMANOProviderID())
                        || v.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(sm.getVxfMANOProviderID())) {
                    nsd = v;

            if (nsd == null) {
            } else {

            sm = portalRepositoryRef.updateExperimentOnBoardDescriptor(sm);


        return Response.ok().entity(sm).build();


    public Response onExperimentBoardDescriptor(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid, final ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor c) {

        ExperimentMetadata em = c.getExperiment();
        if (em == null) {
            em = (ExperimentMetadata) portalRepositoryRef.getProductByID(c.getExperimentid());

         * The following is not OK. When we submit to OSMClient the createOnBoardPackage
         * we just get a response something like response = {"output":
         * {"transaction-id": "b2718ef9-4391-4a9e-97ad-826593d5d332"}} which does not
         * provide any information. The OSM RIFTIO API says that we could get
         * information about onboarding (create or update) jobs see
         * https://open.riftio.com/documentation/riftware/4.4/a/api/orchestration/pkt-mgmt/rw-pkg-mgmt-download-jobs.htm
         * with /api/operational/download-jobs, but this does not return pending jobs.
         * So the only solution is to ask again OSM if something is installed or not, so
         * for now the client (the portal ) must check via the
         * getVxFOnBoardedDescriptorByIdCheckMANOProvider giving the VNF ID in OSM. OSM
         * uses the ID of the yaml description Thus we asume that the vxf name can be
         * equal to the VNF ID in the portal, and we use it for now as the OSM ID. Later
         * in future, either OSM API provide more usefull response or we extract info
         * from the VNFD package


        c.setLastOnboarding(new Date());

        ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor u = portalRepositoryRef.updateExperimentOnBoardDescriptor(c);

        String pLocation = em.getPackageLocation();
        if (!pLocation.contains("http")) {
            pLocation = "https:" + pLocation;

        logger.info("Experiment Package Location: " + em.getPackageLocation());
        OSMClient.getInstance(u.getObMANOprovider()).createOnBoardNSDPackage(pLocation, c.getDeployId());

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor with ID=" + c.getId() + " cannot be onboarded");
            return builder.build();


    public Response offBoardExperimentDescriptor(@PathParam("mpid") int mpid, final ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor c) {

        ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor u = portalRepositoryRef.updateExperimentOnBoardDescriptor(c);
        // TODO: Implement this towards MANO

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested ExperimentOnBoardDescriptor with ID=" + c.getId() + " cannot be onboarded");
            return builder.build();


    public Response getAdminInfrastructures() {
        return Response.ok().entity(portalRepositoryRef.getInfrastructures()).build();

    public Response addInfrastructure(Infrastructure c) {
        Infrastructure u = portalRepositoryRef.addInfrastructure(c);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested Infrastructure with name=" + c.getName() + " cannot be created");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());

    public Response updateInfrastructure(@PathParam("infraid") int infraid, Infrastructure c) {
        Infrastructure previousCategory = portalRepositoryRef.getInfrastructureByID(infraid);

        Infrastructure u = portalRepositoryRef.updateInfrastructureInfo(c);

        if (u != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(u).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            builder.entity("Requested Infrastructure with name=" + c.getName() + " cannot be updated");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());


    public Response deleteInfrastructure(@PathParam("infraid") int infraid) {
        return Response.ok().build();


    public Response getInfrastructureById(@PathParam("infraid") int infraid) {
        Infrastructure sm = portalRepositoryRef.getInfrastructureByID(infraid);

        if (sm != null) {
            return Response.ok().entity(sm).build();
        } else {
            ResponseBuilder builder = Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND);
            builder.entity("Infrastructure " + infraid + " not found in portal registry");
            throw new WebApplicationException(builder.build());
