Java tutorial
/* * photo-manager is a program to manage and organize your photos; Copyright (C) 2010 Dietrich Hentschel * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package pm.inout; import pm.picture.*; import pm.sequence.*; import pm.utilities.*; import org.dom4j.*; import java.util.*; import*; //import; /** Schreiben und lesen der Sequenzdaten in eine xml-Datei * * (die */ public class PM_SequencesInoutXML extends PM_XML implements PM_Interface { protected List<PM_Sequence> listAlbum = new ArrayList<PM_Sequence>(); protected List<PM_Sequence> listBase = new ArrayList<PM_Sequence>(); protected List<PM_Sequence> listExtended = new ArrayList<PM_Sequence>(); protected List<PM_Sequence> listNew = new ArrayList<PM_Sequence>(); protected int getAttributeInt = 0; protected int maxSequNumber = 0; protected int maxSequAlbumNumber = 0; static protected boolean changed = false; // ===================================================== // Konstruktor // ===================================================== protected PM_SequencesInoutXML() { rootTagName = "pm-metadaten-global"; } // ===================================================== // open() // // ===================================================== protected void open() { if (xmlFile != null) return; // bereits erffnet File homeBilder = PM_Configuration.getInstance().getTopLevelPictureDirectory(); String path = homeBilder.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + DIR_METADATEN_ROOT + File.separator + FILE_XML_SEQUENZEN; xmlFile = new File(path); openDocument(OPEN_CREATE); } protected void close(List<PM_Sequence> sequenzen) { // create empty document document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); document.addElement(rootTagName); // write all sequence headers to document updateDocument(sequenzen); // write document to harddisc writeDocument(); } // ====================== PRIVATE ======================================== // ====================== PRIVATE ======================================== // ====================== PRIVATE ======================================== // ====================== PRIVATE ======================================== // ====================== PRIVATE ======================================== // ====================== PRIVATE ======================================== // ====================== PRIVATE ======================================== // ===================================================== // private: readToc() // // <alle-tocs> // <toc> .... // ... // </alle-tocs> // // ===================================================== static public final String TAG_ALLE_TOCS = "alle-tocs"; static public final String TAG_ALLE_ATTR_MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = "max-seq-number"; static public final String TAG_ALLE_ATTR_MAX_ALBUM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER = "max-album-seq-number"; static public final String TAG_TOC = "toc"; public static final String TOC_ATTR_TYPE = "type"; public static final String TOC_ATTR_VON = "von"; public static final String TOC_ATTR_BIS = "bis"; public static final String TOC_ATTR_INHALT = "inhalt"; public static final String TOC_ATTR_INDEX = "index"; public static final String TOC_ATTR_QS = "qs"; public static final String TOC_ATTR_ORT = "ort"; public static final String TOC_ATTR_NAME = "name"; public static final String TOC_ATTR_SG_NAME = "sg-name"; // Geschl.-Sequ.-Name in einer offenen Sequenz public static final String TOC_ATTR_ANZAHL = "anzahl"; public static final String TOC_ATTR_MARKIEREN = "markieren"; protected void readAllSequences() { listNew = new ArrayList<PM_Sequence>(); listBase = new ArrayList<PM_Sequence>(); listExtended = new ArrayList<PM_Sequence>(); listAlbum = new ArrayList<PM_Sequence>(); PM_MetadataContainer metadatenContainer = PM_MetadataContainer.getInstance(); XPath xpathSelector = null; List<Element> result = null; // Wenn <alle-tocs> nicht vorhanden, dann anlegen xpathSelector = DocumentHelper.createXPath("//" + TAG_ALLE_TOCS); result = xpathSelector.selectNodes(document); if (result.size() == 0) { // not found Element rootElement = document.getRootElement(); List<Element> l = rootElement.elements(); Element neuesElement = new org.dom4j.tree.DefaultElement(TAG_ALLE_TOCS); l.add(neuesElement); return; } // read max-a and max-bx (max album number and max base/extended - sequence number) Element root = result.get(0); maxSequNumber = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeInt(root, TAG_ALLE_ATTR_MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER); maxSequAlbumNumber = PM_XML_Utils.getAttributeInt(root, TAG_ALLE_ATTR_MAX_ALBUM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER); // read all sequences elements // ( <toc type="einfach" name="b503" inhalt="hamburg"/> ) xpathSelector = DocumentHelper.createXPath("//" + TAG_TOC); result = xpathSelector.selectNodes(document); for (Iterator<Element> it = result.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Element toc =; String xmlType = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(toc, TOC_ATTR_TYPE); String sequName = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(toc, TOC_ATTR_NAME); String sgName = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(toc, TOC_ATTR_SG_NAME); String von = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(toc, TOC_ATTR_VON); String bis = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(toc, TOC_ATTR_BIS); String inhalt = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(toc, TOC_ATTR_INHALT); String index = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(toc, TOC_ATTR_INDEX); String qual = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(toc, TOC_ATTR_QS); String ort = PM_XML_Utils.getAttribute(toc, TOC_ATTR_ORT); // Anzahl Bilder holen int numberPictures = 0; if (metadatenContainer.getInitSequences().containsKey(sequName)) { numberPictures = metadatenContainer.getInitSequences().get(sequName); } if (sequName.startsWith(SEQ_CHARACTER_BASE)) { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Base: // <toc type="einfach" name="b206" inhalt="1998.venedig" /> // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PM_SequenceBase sequence; if (sequName.equals(SEQ_CHARACTER_BASE)) { sequence = new PM_SequenceBase(inhalt, sequName); sequence.setStringLeaf(true); listBase.add(sequence); continue; } if (!inInitDicAllSequences(sequName)) { continue; } sequence = new PM_SequenceBase(inhalt, sequName); sequence.setAnzahlBilder(numberPictures); listBase.add(sequence); continue; } else if (sequName.startsWith(SEQ_CHARACTER_EXTENDED)) { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Extended: // <toc type="einfach" name="s169" inhalt="" /> // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PM_SequenceExtended sequence; if (sequName.equals(SEQ_CHARACTER_EXTENDED)) { sequence = new PM_SequenceExtended(inhalt, sequName); sequence.setStringLeaf(true); listExtended.add(sequence); continue; } if (!inInitDicAllSequences(sequName)) { continue; } sequence = new PM_SequenceExtended(inhalt, sequName); sequence.setAnzahlBilder(numberPictures); listExtended.add(sequence); continue; } else if (sequName.startsWith(SEQ_CHARACTER_NEW)) { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // New: // <toc type="neu" name="n475" inhalt="1249670506839"/> // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!inInitDicAllSequences(sequName)) { continue; } PM_SequenceNew sequence = new PM_SequenceNew(inhalt, sequName); sequence.setAnzahlBilder(numberPictures); listNew.add(sequence); continue; } else if (xmlType.equals("komplex")) { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Album: // <toc type="komplex" name="v481" von="1998.03.01" bis="2000.02.01" // inhalt="test.ich.harz" index=" kal2008 kal2009kuechealle" // qs="13" ort=" bad_sooden towcqnq" sg-name="b17" markieren="n"/> // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PM_SequenceAlbum sequence; if (sequName.equals(SEQ_CHARACTER_ALBUM)) { sequence = new PM_SequenceAlbum(inhalt, sequName); sequence.setStringLeaf(true); listAlbum.add(sequence); continue; } sequence = new PM_SequenceAlbum(inhalt, sequName); sequence.setAnzahlBilder(numberPictures); sequence.setVon(von); sequence.setBis(bis); sequence.setIndex(index); sequence.setQual(qual); sequence.setOrt(ort); sequence.setSeqClosedName(sgName); listAlbum.add(sequence); continue; } } // for // ----------------------------------------------------------- // Version auf 1 // ----------------------------------------------------------- setVersionWrite(1); } // =========================================================================== // inInitDicAllSequences() // // der Name (b11, n34, ....) muss in den Metadaten vorhanden sein // =========================================================================== private boolean inInitDicAllSequences(String sequName) { PM_MetadataContainer metadatenContainer = PM_MetadataContainer.getInstance(); if (!metadatenContainer.getInitSequences().containsKey(sequName)) { return false; // nicht in den Metadaten } metadatenContainer.getInitSequences().remove(sequName); return true; } private void updateDocument(List<PM_Sequence> sequenzen) { Element root = new org.dom4j.tree.DefaultElement(TAG_ALLE_TOCS); updateAttribute(root, TAG_ALLE_ATTR_MAX_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, String.valueOf(maxSequNumber)); updateAttribute(root, TAG_ALLE_ATTR_MAX_ALBUM_SEQUENCE_NUMBER, String.valueOf(maxSequAlbumNumber)); document.getRootElement().add(root); for (PM_Sequence sequenz : sequenzen) { //System.out.println(" sequ = " + sequenz); Element e = new org.dom4j.tree.DefaultElement(TAG_TOC); String type = typeToXmlType(sequenz.getType()); String sequName = ""; String sgName = ""; String von = ""; String bis = ""; String inhalt = sequenz.getPath(); String index = ""; String qual = ""; String ort = ""; if (sequenz.getStringLeaf()) { sequName = sequenz.getSequenceCharacter(); } else { sequName = sequenz.getShortName(); if (sequenz instanceof PM_SequenceAlbum) { PM_SequenceAlbum album = (PM_SequenceAlbum) sequenz; von = album.getVon(); bis = album.getBis(); index = album.getIndex(); qual = album.getQual(); ort = album.getOrt(); PM_Sequence seq = album.getSeqClosed(); if (seq != null) { sgName = seq.getShortName(); } } } updateAttribute(e, TOC_ATTR_TYPE, type); updateAttribute(e, TOC_ATTR_NAME, sequName); updateAttribute(e, TOC_ATTR_VON, von); updateAttribute(e, TOC_ATTR_BIS, bis); updateAttribute(e, TOC_ATTR_INHALT, inhalt); updateAttribute(e, TOC_ATTR_INDEX, index); updateAttribute(e, TOC_ATTR_QS, qual); updateAttribute(e, TOC_ATTR_ORT, ort); updateAttribute(e, TOC_ATTR_SG_NAME, sgName); root.add(e); } } // =================================================================== // xmlTypeToType() // // xml-type (so wie in der xml-Datei steht) --> Type der Sequenz-Instanz // ===================================================================== // Inhalte der Attribute in pm_metadaten_global.xml private static final String XML_TYPE_GESCHLOSSEN = "einfach"; // 'normal' und Basis // Sequenzen private static final String XML_TYPE_OFFEN = "komplex"; // virtuell // Sequenzen private static final String XML_TYPE_NEU = "neu"; // neue Bilder private String typeToXmlType(SequenceType type) { if (type == SequenceType.EXTENDED || type == SequenceType.BASE) return XML_TYPE_GESCHLOSSEN; if (type == SequenceType.ALBUM) return XML_TYPE_OFFEN; if (type == SequenceType.NEW) return XML_TYPE_NEU; return XML_TYPE_OFFEN; } protected int getSequendeNumber(String name) { if (name.length() == 0) return 0; return PM_Utils.stringToInt(name.substring(1)); } }