Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 ikonstas * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package pltag.parser; import fig.basic.LogInfo; import fig.basic.Pair; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; public class Chart implements Serializable { static final long serialVersionUID = -1L; private transient Options opts; private LinkedList<ArrayList<ChartEntry>> treeStateListArray; private transient MultiValueMap<String, ChartEntry> chartEntrySorter;//fringe -> pointer private long startTime = 0; public Chart() { } public Chart(Options opts, String[] words) { this.opts = opts; treeStateListArray = new LinkedList<ArrayList<ChartEntry>>(); if (opts.aggregate) { chartEntrySorter = new MultiValueMap(); } for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { treeStateListArray.add(new ArrayList<ChartEntry>()); //if (ParserRunner.aggregate) chartEntrySorter[i] = new MultiValueMap(); } } public void putAll(ArrayList<ChartEntry> entryList, double startTime, boolean discriminative, boolean pruneUsingScores) { //double startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!entryList.isEmpty()) { int slice = entryList.get(0).getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]; treeStateListArray.get(slice).ensureCapacity(entryList.size()); for (ChartEntry ce : entryList) { if (opts.train && System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > 300000) { break; } try { //double sum = ce.getBuildBlocks().get(0).getProbability()+ce.getBuildBlocks().get(0).getPrevChartEntry().getBestProbability(); //System.out.println(ce.getBuildBlocks().get(0));//+"\t"+ce.getBuildBlocks().get(0).getPrevChartEntry()); put(ce, startTime, discriminative, pruneUsingScores); } catch (TimeOutDuringSearchException e) { LogInfo.error("Time out " + e); return; } //System.out.println("Chart.putAll:"+ce.getTreeState().getFutureFringe()); } treeStateListArray.get(slice).trimToSize(); } //System.out.println("putAll took"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime)/1000 +" secs." ); } /** * add a new chart entry to the chart and register it in the chartEntrySorter. * @param chartEntry * @param startTime2 * @param discriminative use discriminative model to rerank chart entries * @param pruneUsingScores prune chart using discriminative model scores * @throws TimeOutDuringSearchException */ public void put(ChartEntry chartEntry, double startTime2, boolean discriminative, boolean pruneUsingScores) throws TimeOutDuringSearchException { TreeState ts = chartEntry.getTreeState(); if (opts.aggregate) { ChartEntry existingCE = getChartEntryWithSameFringe(ts); if (existingCE != null) { //System.out.print("2"); existingCE.combineCEs(chartEntry, discriminative, pruneUsingScores); } else { int slice = ts.getWordCover()[1]; treeStateListArray.get(slice).add(chartEntry); chartEntrySorter.put(ts.getFringe().toString(), chartEntry); } if (opts.train && System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime2 > 300000) { throw new TimeOutDuringSearchException(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime2); } } else { int slice = ts.getWordCover()[1]; treeStateListArray.get(slice).add(chartEntry); } } /** * expands the fringe as needed using fringe continuations (making currently * invisible unaccessible fringes visible) and adding a version of the fringe * which is shifted to after-empty-element-position if applicable. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ArrayList<ChartEntry> makeExpansions(ChartEntry ce) { ArrayList<ChartEntry> expandedCEs = new ArrayList<ChartEntry> (); TreeState treeStateShrunk = ce.getTreeState(); if (treeStateShrunk.getUnaccessibles().isEmpty()){ ArrayList<TreeState> expanded = treeStateShrunk.expand(ce); if (expanded == null) return expandedCEs; for (TreeState expandedTS : expanded){ for (TreeState traceFixedExpanded : expandedTS.fixForTrace()){ ArrayList<TreeState> fullyExpanded; if (TreeState.isNullLexeme(traceFixedExpanded.getFringe().getAdjNodesOpenRight().get(0).getCategory())&& traceFixedExpanded.getUnaccessibles().isEmpty()){ fullyExpanded = traceFixedExpanded.expand(ce); if (fullyExpanded== null){ fullyExpanded = new ArrayList<TreeState>(); fullyExpanded.add(traceFixedExpanded); }else if (fullyExpanded.isEmpty()) fullyExpanded.add(traceFixedExpanded); } else{ fullyExpanded = new ArrayList<TreeState>(); fullyExpanded.add(traceFixedExpanded); } for (TreeState fex : fullyExpanded){ ChartEntry expandedCE = new ChartEntry(fex, (ArrayList<BuildBlock>) ce.getBuildBlocks().clone()); if (!ParserModel.train) //expandedCE.setProbability(fex.getLastFringe().getProbability(ce)); expandedCE.setProbability(fex.getFutureFringe().getnBestProbs()); expandedCEs.add(expandedCE); } } } } if (expandedCEs.isEmpty()){ expandedCEs.add(ce); } return expandedCEs; } //*/ /** * return those entries with a fringe that is completely identical (also hidden bits of fringe). * @param ts * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ChartEntry getChartEntryWithSameFringe(TreeState ts) { Collection<ChartEntry> relevants = (Collection<ChartEntry>) chartEntrySorter.get(ts.getFringe().toString()); if (relevants == null) { return null; } for (ChartEntry ce : relevants) { if (ce.getTreeState().identical(ts)) { //System.out.print(" "+ce.getTreeState().getUnaccessibles().size() + ce.getBuildBlocks().get(0).getOperation()); return ce; } } return null; } public int getTreeStateIndexNo(ArrayList<ChartEntry> currentSlice, TreeState ts) { int no = -1; for (ChartEntry ce : currentSlice) { no++; if (ce.getTreeState().identical(ts)) { return no; } } return no; } public ArrayList<TreeState> getTreeStates(ArrayList<ChartEntry> currentSlice) { ArrayList<TreeState> statelist = new ArrayList<TreeState>(); for (ChartEntry ce : currentSlice) { statelist.add(ce.getTreeState()); } return statelist; } /** * * This method is used to find the n-best paths through the chart, and thereby build the n-best trees. * @param ce * @param contList * @param nextPOStag * @param top * @param targetprob * @param train * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public ArrayList<StringTreeAnalysis> getAnalyses(ChartEntry ce, ArrayList<ArrayList<BuildBlock>>[] contList, String nextPOStag, boolean top, double targetprob, boolean train) { // if (ParserModel.useTimeOut && System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > 600000) if (ParserModel.useTimeOut && System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > opts.timeOutStage2) {//1000 = 1sec, 60 000 = 1 min, 300 000 = 5 min // LogInfo.logs("Time out at stage 2 (10min)."); if (!opts.silentMode) LogInfo.logs("Time out at stage 2 - analyses reconstruction ( " + (((double) opts.timeOutStage2 / 1000.0) / 60.0) + " min)."); // ParserRunner.printConsole("Time out at stage 2 (10min).\t"); return new ArrayList<StringTreeAnalysis>(); //null; } /*if ( Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()/(1024*1024) < 20){//1000 = 1sec, 60 000 = 1 min, 300 000 = 5 min System.out.print("-");//Time out at stage 2 (1min)."); ParserRunner.printConsole("less than 20MB free mem left-A-.\t"); return null; }//*/ ArrayList<StringTreeAnalysis> derivations = new ArrayList<StringTreeAnalysis>(); if (ce == null) { return new ArrayList<StringTreeAnalysis>(); //null; } //System.out.print("["+ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]+", "); //System.out.print(treestatelistarray.get(ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]).indexOf(ce)+"]"); /* * in the following block of code, the goal is to identify a list of buildBlocks which were used for * generating the best analyses, based on the determined top probability analysis (basically, I am * trying to recover it by checking whether the determined best log-probability is equal to the sum of the * log-probs of the buildblocks used to create the analysis. * In a first step, we make sure to exclude any inconsistent analyses (that's what the restrictlist is used for). * In a second step, the buildblocks for analyses with matching probability are calculated. * There could be several analyses with same probability; all of these are calculated, * we therefore might have several buildblocks. */ ArrayList<ArrayList<BuildBlock>> restrictList = contList[ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]]; StringBuilder bbidbuilder = new StringBuilder(); int max = ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]; //if (max >= contList.length) max = contList.length-1; for (int z = max; z >= 0; z--) { if (contList[z] != null && !contList[z].isEmpty()) { bbidbuilder.append(contList[z].hashCode()); } } // List<BuildBlock> buildBlocks; List<Pair<BuildBlock, Integer>> buildBlocks; if (restrictList != null && !restrictList.isEmpty()) { // buildBlocks = (ArrayList<BuildBlock>) ce.getBuildBlocks().clone(); buildBlocks = newBuildBlockList((ArrayList<BuildBlock>) ce.getBuildBlocks().clone()); for (ArrayList<BuildBlock> restriction : restrictList) { List<Pair<BuildBlock, Integer>> restrictionPair = newBuildBlockList(restriction); // ArrayList<BuildBlock> intersection = (ArrayList<BuildBlock>) ce.getBuildBlocks().clone(); List<Pair<BuildBlock, Integer>> intersection = newBuildBlockList( (ArrayList<BuildBlock>) ce.getBuildBlocks().clone()); // intersection.retainAll(restriction); intersection.retainAll(restrictionPair); if (intersection.isEmpty()) { if (ce.getBuildBlocks().get(0).getOperation().name().endsWith("S")) { continue; } } else { buildBlocks.retainAll(intersection); } } if (buildBlocks.isEmpty()) { // buildBlocks = ce.getBuildBlocks(); buildBlocks = newBuildBlockList(ce.getBuildBlocks()); } } else { // buildBlocks = ce.getBuildBlocks(); buildBlocks = newBuildBlockList(ce.getBuildBlocks()); } /*just for baseline. BuildBlock single = buildBlocks.get(0); buildBlocks.clear(); buidBlocks.add(single);*/ if (top && ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1] > 0) {// && buildBlocks.size()>1){ //double maxProb = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; ArrayList<Pair<BuildBlock, Integer>> altlist = new ArrayList<Pair<BuildBlock, Integer>>(); for (int i = buildBlocks.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // BuildBlock bb = buildBlocks.get(i); Pair<BuildBlock, Integer> bbPair = buildBlocks.get(i); BuildBlock bb = bbPair.getFirst(); for (double d : bb.getPrevChartEntry().getNBestProbs()) { if (d == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { continue; } double bbprobdiff = bb.getProbability() + d - targetprob;// bb.getPrevChartEntry().getNBestProb()//.getBestProbability(); /*if (bbprob > maxProb){ maxProb = bbprob; altlist.clear();altlist.add(bb); } else*/ // if (Math.abs(bbprobdiff) < 0.00000001 && !altlist.contains(bb)) if (Math.abs(bbprobdiff) < 0.00000001 && !altlist.contains(bbPair)) { altlist.add(new Pair(bb, i)); // System.out.print("->"); } } } buildBlocks.clear(); buildBlocks.addAll(altlist); //if (buildBlocks.isEmpty()) System.out.println("Failed to find path back at word +"+ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]); } bbidbuilder.append(treeStateListArray.get(ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]).indexOf(ce)); String bbid = bbidbuilder.toString(); /* * Now we loop over all buildblocks (these should all yield the analysis with target probability) */ int bbi = 0; // for (BuildBlock bb : buildBlocks) for (Pair<BuildBlock, Integer> bbPair : buildBlocks) { BuildBlock bb = bbPair.getFirst(); //if (bbi>0) System.out.print("\t"); double res = targetprob - bb.getProbability(); //double rem = res - bb.getPrevChartEntry().getBestProbability(); //System.out.println(ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]+" "+bbi+"\t"+ bb.getProbability() + "\t"+ bb.getPrevChartEntry().getBestProbability() +"\t"+ bb);//.getProbability()+"\t"+res + "\t"+ bb.getPrevChartEntry().getBestProbability()+"\t"+rem); //System.out.print("\n"+ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]+" "+bbi+"\t"+ bb.getProbability() + "\t"+ bb.getOperation()); // bbi++; if (bb.getOperation() == ParserOperation.initial) { if (!top || Math.abs(res) < 0.00000001)// in the end it has to sum to zero, otherwise something went wrong. { Fringe f = ce.getTreeState().getFringe(); f.setClusterNumberCount(true); StringTreeAnalysis sta = new StringTreeAnalysis(opts, bb, f); //if (ParserModel.train) // here we start building the proper tree. // the following lines with buildTrace are for keeping track of the events that occur in the analysis // which are needed for training, where we want to count the events that lead to the correct analysis. // changed "-" to Integer.MAX_VALUE. "-" is an illegal value, that is never used in the // called method, otherwise it would throw an exception, as it refers to an array index. if (train) sta.setTrace(bb.getFreqCounter().getWordProbs().get(0), bb.getFreqCounter().getTreeProbs(), Integer.MAX_VALUE, ParserOperation.initial, sta.getStringTree(), null, "-"); // sta.setTrace(bb.getFreqCounter().getWordProbs().get(0), bb.getFreqCounter().getTreeProbs(), "-", ParserOperation.initial, sta.getStringTree(), null, "-"); sta.getStringTree().setProbability(bb.getProbability()); //so here our analysis, which we are building up, is added to the set of trees that are constructed. derivations.add(sta); bb.addAnalysis(buildBlocks.toString(), sta); sta.addToBuiltTrace("[" + ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1] + ", "); // sta.addToBuiltTrace(treeStateListArray.get(ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]).indexOf(ce) + "]"); // sta.addToBuiltTrace(treeStateListArray.get(ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]).indexOf(ce) + " " + bbPair.getSecond() + " " + (bb.getAnalyses(buildBlocks.toString()).size() - 1) + "]"); sta.addToBuiltTrace(treeStateListArray.get(ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]).indexOf(ce) + " " + bbPair.getSecond() + " " + targetprob + "]"); } // System.out.println(""); } else // for all other parser operations beside "initial" { // we don't want to do the same work over and over if calculating more than // one analysis. (In particular, it often happens that several final analysis start out the same.) // Therefore, we just re-use those trees that we've already built. if (!top && bb.hasAnalysis(bbid)) { derivations.addAll(bb.getAnalyses(bbid)); //System.out.println("has analysis"); // System.out.println(""); } else { /* * if we haven't done the tree that we need yet, still need to do the proper building work... * again, we first need to make sure that everything is consistent, and we use the history of * buildblocks for that (they are here put into contListNew). Basically, the idea is that the * buildblock we're working on now gives us some restrictions on what other buildblocks are * consistent with it. */ FringeAndProb fap = bb.getPrevChartEntry().getTreeState().getFutureFringe(); ArrayList<BuildBlock>[] contListNew = new ArrayList[contList.length]; int wind = 0; if (fap.getBBHist() != null) { for (LinkedList<BuildBlock> lb : fap.getBBHist()) { for (BuildBlock b : lb) { if (b.getPrevChartEntry() == null) { continue; } if (contListNew[wind] == null) { contListNew[wind] = new ArrayList<BuildBlock>(); } if (!contListNew[wind].contains(b)) { contListNew[wind].add(b); } } wind++; } } ArrayList<ArrayList<BuildBlock>>[] contListRes = new ArrayList[contList.length];//contList.clone();// new ArrayList[contList.length];// for (int i = 0; i < contListNew.length; i++) { ArrayList<BuildBlock> bblist = contListNew[i]; if (bblist != null && !bblist.isEmpty()) { if (contList[i] == null) { contListRes[i] = new ArrayList<ArrayList<BuildBlock>>(); } else { contListRes[i] = (ArrayList<ArrayList<BuildBlock>>) contList[i].clone(); } contListRes[i].add(bblist); } else { contListRes[i] = contList[i];//.clone(); } } String nextPos = bb.getElemTreeString(); int anchorind = nextPos.indexOf("+<>"); if (anchorind == -1) { if (nextPos.contains("^null_1")) { anchorind = nextPos.indexOf("+^1_1)"); } if (anchorind == -1 && nextPos.contains("^null_2")) { anchorind = nextPos.indexOf("+^2_2)"); if (anchorind == -1) { anchorind = nextPos.indexOf("_2)") - 3; } } if (anchorind == -1 && nextPos.contains("^null_3")) { anchorind = nextPos.indexOf("+^3_3)"); if (anchorind == -1) { anchorind = nextPos.indexOf("_3)") - 3; } } if (anchorind == -1 && nextPos.contains("^null_4")) { anchorind = nextPos.indexOf("+^4_4)"); if (anchorind == -1) { anchorind = nextPos.indexOf("_4)") - 3; } } if (anchorind == -1 && nextPos.contains("^null_5")) { anchorind = nextPos.indexOf("+^5_5)"); if (anchorind == -1) { anchorind = nextPos.indexOf("_5)") - 3; } } if (anchorind == -1 && nextPos.contains("^null_6")) { anchorind = nextPos.indexOf("+^6_6)"); if (anchorind == -1) { anchorind = nextPos.indexOf("_6)") - 3; } } nextPos = nextPos.substring(0, anchorind); nextPos = nextPos.substring(nextPos.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1); } else { nextPos = nextPos.substring(0, anchorind); nextPos = nextPos.substring(nextPos.lastIndexOf("( ") + 2); nextPos = nextPos.substring(0, nextPos.indexOf("^") - 1); } /* * here is now the recursive call which will give us the analysis built up to this point. */ ArrayList<StringTreeAnalysis> prevDerivations = getAnalyses(bb.getPrevChartEntry(), contListRes, nextPos, top, targetprob - bb.getProbability(), train); if (prevDerivations != null) { /* * for all derivations up to the current point, we need to now integrate the current buildblock * (or more correctly, the elementary tree that buildblock tells us to, using the operation and integration * site saved in buildblock). */ for (StringTreeAnalysis deriv : prevDerivations) { if (deriv == null) { System.out.println("prevderiv empty."); continue; } if (opts.verbose)//just some trace to see what's going on. { System.out.println("Chart:getAnalyses: " + deriv.getStringTree() + "\n + " + bb.getElemTreeString()); System.out.println(ce.getTreeState()); FringeAndProb futureFringe = ce.getTreeState().getFutureFringe(); //if (ce.getTreeState().getFringe()!=null && !ce.getTreeState().getFringe().isEmpty()) //System.out.println(futureFringe.getFringe()); if (futureFringe != null && futureFringe.hasNext()) { System.out.println(futureFringe.getNext()); } System.out.println(); } /* * So here is the real meat: the prefix tree gets integrated with the new elementary tree. */ StringTreeAnalysis result = deriv.integrate(bb, bb.getPrevChartEntry().getTreeState(), ce.getTreeState(), nextPOStag, train); // after that we just deal with what went wrong, and store the analysis and return it // if (opts.timeProfile) // { // System.out.println(result); // System.err.println(ce.getTreeState()); // } if (result == null) { // System.out.print("."); // COMMENTED OUT //System.out.println("incorrect analysis."+bb+"\n("+deriv+")\n"); if (ParserModel.useTimeOut && System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > opts.timeOutStage2) {//1000 = 1sec, 60 000 = 1 min, 300 000 = 5 min // LogInfo.logs("Time out at stage 2 (10min)."); if (!opts.silentMode) LogInfo.logs("Time out at stage 2 - analyses reconstruction ( " + (((double) opts.timeOutStage2 / 1000.0) / 60.0) + " min)."); // System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > 1800000) // ParserRunner.printConsole("Time out at stage 2 (30min).\t"); return null; } deriv.integrate(bb, bb.getPrevChartEntry().getTreeState(), ce.getTreeState(), nextPOStag, train); continue; } derivations.add(result); bb.addAnalysis(bbid, result); result.addToBuiltTrace("[" + ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1] + ", "); // result.addToBuiltTrace(treeStateListArray.get(ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]).indexOf(ce) + " " + bbPair.getSecond() + " " + (bb.getAnalyses(bbid).size() - 1) + "]"); result.addToBuiltTrace( treeStateListArray.get(ce.getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]).indexOf(ce) + " " + bbPair.getSecond() + " " + targetprob + "]"); if (ParserModel.useTimeOut && System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > opts.timeOutStage2) {//1000 = 1sec, 60 000 = 1 min, 300 000 = 5 min // LogInfo.logs("Time out at stage 2 (10min)."); if (!opts.silentMode) LogInfo.logs("Time out at stage 2 - analyses reconstruction ( " + (((double) opts.timeOutStage2 / 1000.0) / 60.0) + " min)."); // ParserRunner.printConsole("Time out at stage 2 (10min).\t"); return derivations; } //if ( Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()/(1024*1024) < 100){//1000 = 1sec, 60 000 = 1 min, 300 000 = 5 min //System.out.print("o");//Time out at stage 2 (1min)."); //StatsRunner.printConsole("less than 20MB free mem left.\t"); //return derivations; //}//*/ } // for prevDerivations } } // else } // else bbi++; } // for //if (!derivations.isEmpty()) // System.out.print("!"+derivations.get(0).getBuiltTrace()); // System.out.println("empty deriv."); return derivations; } private List<Pair<BuildBlock, Integer>> newBuildBlockList(List<BuildBlock> ceBbs) { List<Pair<BuildBlock, Integer>> list = new ArrayList(); for (BuildBlock bb : ceBbs) list.add(new Pair(bb, 0)); return list; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ArrayList<BuildBlock> combineRestrictList(ArrayList<BuildBlock> arrayList, ArrayList<BuildBlock> arrayList2) { if (arrayList == null) { return arrayList2; } if (arrayList2 == null) { return arrayList; } ArrayList<BuildBlock> alc = (ArrayList<BuildBlock>) arrayList.clone(); alc.addAll(arrayList2); return alc; } private Integer getWIndex(BuildBlock b) { int index = b.getPrevChartEntry().getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]; if (!b.getOperation().toString().endsWith("S")) { index++; } return index; } /*find b in chart. private String getId(BuildBlock b) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("]"); int sliceId; if (! b.getOperation().toString().endsWith("S")){ sliceId = b.getPrevChartEntry().getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]+1; } else sliceId = b.getPrevChartEntry().getTreeState().getWordCover()[1]; sb.append(sliceId).append(","); treestatelistarray[sliceId].indexOf(b) return sb.toString(); }*/ public ArrayList<ChartEntry> get(int position) { if (position < 0 || position >= treeStateListArray.size()) { return null; /*Fringe noContext = new Fringe(ParserOperation.initial); ArrayList<Fringe> newChart = new ArrayList<Fringe>(); newChart.add(noContext); return newChart; */ } return treeStateListArray.get(position); } public ChartEntry getEntry(Integer[] pos) { int sliceNo = pos[0]; int arrayPos = pos[1]; if (sliceNo < 0 || sliceNo >= treeStateListArray.size() || arrayPos >= treeStateListArray.get(sliceNo).size()) { return null; } return treeStateListArray.get(sliceNo).get(arrayPos); } /* public Collection<String> getFringes(int sliceNo){ return chartEntrySorter[sliceNo].keySet(); } public Collection<ChartEntry> getEntriesByFringe(int sliceNo, String fringe){ return chartEntrySorter[sliceNo].getCollection(fringe); } public boolean charttest(int sliceno){ return this.chartEntrySorter[sliceno].values().size() == treestatelistarray[sliceno].size(); } */ public String printChartSize() { String string = ""; for (int i = 0; i < treeStateListArray.size(); i++) { if (treeStateListArray.get(i).isEmpty()) { string += i + "-" + treeStateListArray.size() + ": 0\n"; return string; } string += i + ": " + treeStateListArray.get(i).size() + "\n"; } return string; } public void setTime(long currentTimeMillis) { startTime = currentTimeMillis; } public String printChartStats(int currentWordNo) { ArrayList<ChartEntry> thisSlice = treeStateListArray.get(currentWordNo); return "number of entries: " + thisSlice.size() + getAggregationFactor(thisSlice) + " thereof unique fringes: " + chartEntrySorter.keySet().size(); } private String getAggregationFactor(ArrayList<ChartEntry> thisSlice) { if (!opts.aggregate) { return ""; } int buildBlocksNumber = 0; for (ChartEntry ce : thisSlice) { buildBlocksNumber += ce.getBuildBlocks().size(); } return " (" + Integer.toString(buildBlocksNumber) + ") "; } public void print(int wno) { int jnum = 0; System.out.println("Chart slice size: " + get(wno).size()); for (ChartEntry j : get(wno)) { for (BuildBlock bb : j.getBuildBlocks()) { //BuildBlock bb = j.getBuildBlock(); System.out.println(wno + "," + jnum + ": " + bb.toString() + " " + j.getTreeState()); } jnum++; } } public boolean removeAll(int sliceNo, ArrayList<ChartEntry> removeList) { for (ChartEntry entry : removeList) { for (BuildBlock b : entry.getBuildBlocks()) { b = null; } boolean r1 = treeStateListArray.get(sliceNo).remove(entry); chartEntrySorter.remove(entry.getTreeState().getFringe().toString(), entry); if (!r1) {// || r1 && chartEntrySorter[sliceNo].remove(entry.getTreeState().getFringe().toString(), entry)==null){ return false; } } return true; } public void compressSlice(int i) { if (i < 0) { return; } ArrayList<ChartEntry> slice = treeStateListArray.get(i); int size = slice.size(); for (int j = size - 1; j >= 0; j--) { ChartEntry ce = slice.get(j); if (!ce.wasUsed()) { for (BuildBlock b : ce.getBuildBlocks()) { b = null; } slice.remove(ce); //chartEntrySorter.remove(ce); } else { ce.minimizeSpace(); } } slice.trimToSize(); if (opts.aggregate) { chartEntrySorter.clear(); } } public int length() { return this.treeStateListArray.size(); } public void clear() { treeStateListArray.clear(); chartEntrySorter.clear(); } }