Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * * project: org.matsim.* * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * copyright : (C) 2014 by the members listed in the COPYING, * * LICENSE and WARRANTY file. * * email : info at matsim dot org * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * See also COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY file * * * * *********************************************************************** */ package playground.michalm.util.matrices; import java.util.Map; import org.matsim.api.core.v01.Scenario; import org.matsim.core.config.ConfigUtils; import org.matsim.core.scenario.ScenarioUtils; import org.matsim.matrices.*; import; import; public class MatrixUtils { public static Matrices readMatrices(String file) { Scenario scenario = ScenarioUtils.createScenario(ConfigUtils.createConfig()); Matrices matrices = new Matrices(); new MatsimMatricesReader(matrices, scenario).readFile(file); return matrices; } public static Matrix createDenseMatrix(String id, Iterable<?> ids, double[][] values) { return createMatrix(id, ids, values, true); } public static Matrix createSparseMatrix(String id, Iterable<?> ids, double[][] values) { return createMatrix(id, ids, values, false); } public static Matrix createMatrix(String id, Iterable<?> ids, double[][] values, boolean denseMatrix) { Matrix matrix = new Matrix(id, null); Object[] idArray = Iterables.toArray(ids, Object.class); for (int i = 0; i < idArray.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < idArray.length; j++) { if (denseMatrix || values[i][j] != 0) { matrix.createEntry(idArray[i].toString(), idArray[j].toString(), values[i][j]); } } } return matrix; } // TODO add this method when refactoring Matrix // public static Matrix createMatrix(String id, Iterable<?> ids, DoubleProvider provider, boolean denseMatrix) // { // // } public static Matrix getOrCreateMatrix(Matrices matrices, String key) { Matrix matrix = matrices.getMatrix(key); if (matrix == null) { matrix = matrices.createMatrix(key + "", null); } return matrix; } public static void setOrIncrementValue(Matrix matrix, String fromId, String toId, double value) { Entry entry = matrix.getEntry(fromId, toId); if (entry == null) { matrix.createEntry(fromId, toId, value); } else { entry.setValue(entry.getValue() + value); } } public static double calculateTotalValue(Matrix matrix) { return calculateTotalValue(createEntryIterable(matrix)); } public static double calculateTotalValue(Iterable<Entry> entries) { double total = 0; for (Entry e : entries) { total += e.getValue(); } return total; } public static Iterable<Entry> createEntryIterable(Matrix matrix) { return Iterables.concat(matrix.getFromLocations().values()); } public static Matrices aggregateMatrices(Matrices input, Function<? super String, String> keyAggregator) { Matrices output = new Matrices(); for (Map.Entry<String, Matrix> mapEntry : input.getMatrices().entrySet()) { String toKey = keyAggregator.apply(mapEntry.getKey()); Matrix matrix = MatrixUtils.getOrCreateMatrix(output, toKey); for (Entry e : MatrixUtils.createEntryIterable(mapEntry.getValue())) { MatrixUtils.setOrIncrementValue(matrix, e.getFromLocation(), e.getToLocation(), e.getValue()); } } return output; } public static void scaleMatrices(Matrices matrices, double factor) { for (Matrix m : matrices.getMatrices().values()) { for (Entry e : MatrixUtils.createEntryIterable(m)) { e.setValue(e.getValue() * factor); } } } }