Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * * project: org.matsim.* * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * copyright : (C) 2008 by the members listed in the COPYING, * * LICENSE and WARRANTY file. * * email : info at matsim dot org * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * See also COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY file * * * * *********************************************************************** */ /** * */ package playground.johannes.socialnets; import gnu.trove.TDoubleDoubleHashMap; import gnu.trove.TObjectDoubleHashMap; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.descriptive.DescriptiveStatistics; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.matsim.config.Config; import org.matsim.controler.ScenarioData; import org.matsim.gbl.Gbl; import; import org.matsim.population.Person; import org.matsim.population.Population; import org.matsim.utils.collections.Tuple; import org.matsim.utils.geometry.Coord; import playground.johannes.graph.Edge; import playground.johannes.graph.GraphStatistics; import playground.johannes.graph.Vertex; import; import playground.johannes.socialnet.Ego; import playground.johannes.socialnet.SocialNetwork; import playground.johannes.statistics.WeightedStatistics; /** * @author illenberger * */ public class SpatialNetworkGenerator { private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SpatialNetworkGenerator.class); private static double alpha1; private static double alpha2; private static double gamma; /** * @param args * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException * @throws FileNotFoundException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, FileNotFoundException, IOException { Config config = Gbl.createConfig(args); alpha1 = Double.parseDouble(config.getParam("socialnets", "alpha1")); alpha2 = Double.parseDouble(config.getParam("socialnets", "alpha2")); gamma = Double.parseDouble(config.getParam("socialnets", "gamma"));"Parameters are: alpha1=%1$s, alpha2=%2$s, gamma=%3$s", alpha1, alpha2, gamma));"Loading network and plans..."); ScenarioData data = new ScenarioData(config); final NetworkLayer network = data.getNetwork(); final Population population = data.getPopulation();"Creating egos..."); SocialNetwork socialNet = new SocialNetwork(); ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Ego> egos = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Ego>(); for (Person person : population) { egos.add(socialNet.addEgo(person)); }"Initializing threads step 1..."); double scale = 1;//Double.parseDouble(args[1]); InternalThread.totalEgos = egos.size(); int count = 1;//Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); InternalThread[] threads = new InternalThread[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { threads[i] = new InternalThread(network, socialNet, egos, scale, i); } for (Thread thread : threads) { thread.start(); } for (Thread thread : threads) { thread.join(); } dumpStats(socialNet, args[1], 0); for (int k = 0; k < 0; k++) {"Initializing threads setp " + (k + 2) + "..."); Step2Thread.totalEgos = socialNet.getVertices().size(); Step2Thread[] threads2 = new Step2Thread[count]; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { threads2[i] = new Step2Thread(socialNet, new Random(i * (k + 1))); } for (Thread thread : threads2) { thread.start(); } for (Thread thread : threads2) { thread.join(); } dumpStats(socialNet, args[1], k + 1); } } private static void dumpStats(SocialNetwork socialNet, String histfile, int it) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { int numEdges = socialNet.getEdges().size(); int numVertices = socialNet.getVertices().size();"%1$s vertices, %2$s edges.", numVertices, numEdges)); int isolates = 0; for (Vertex v : socialNet.getVertices()) if (v.getEdges().size() == 0) isolates++;"%1$s isolates.", isolates)); DescriptiveStatistics stats = GraphStatistics.getDegreeStatistics(socialNet); double meanDegree = stats.getMean();"Mean degree is %1$s.", meanDegree)); WeightedStatistics wstats = new WeightedStatistics(); wstats.addAll(stats.getValues()); WeightedStatistics.writeHistogram(wstats.absoluteDistribution(), "/Users/fearonni/vsp-work/socialnets/data-analysis/socialnetgenerator/" + it + ".degreehist.txt"); double clustering = GraphStatistics.getClusteringStatistics(socialNet).getMean();"Mean clustering coefficient is %1$s.", clustering)); double mutuality = GraphStatistics.getMutuality(socialNet);"Mutuality is %1$s.", mutuality)); double dcorrelation = GraphStatistics.getDegreeCorrelation(socialNet);"Degree correlation is %1$s.", dcorrelation)); //"Closeness is %1$s.", GraphStatistics.getCentrality(socialNet).getGraphCloseness())); WeightedStatistics stats3 = new WeightedStatistics(); double binsize = 1000; for (Ego ego : socialNet.getVertices()) { TDoubleDoubleHashMap hist = new TDoubleDoubleHashMap(); Coord c1 = ego.getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity().getCoord(); for (Ego p2 : socialNet.getVertices()) { Coord c2 = p2.getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity().getCoord(); double d = c1.calcDistance(c2); double bin = Math.floor(d / binsize); double val = hist.get(bin); val++; hist.put(bin, val); } // egoHist.put(ego, hist); for (Vertex n : ego.getNeighbours()) { Coord c2 = ((Ego) n).getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity().getCoord(); double dist = c1.calcDistance(c2); stats3.add(dist, 1 / hist.get(Math.floor(dist / binsize))); } } // for(Object o : socialNet.getEdges()) { // Edge e = (Edge)o; // Ego e1 = (Ego) e.getVertices().getFirst(); // Ego e2 = (Ego) e.getVertices().getSecond(); // Coord c1 = e1.getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity().getCoord(); // Coord c2 = e2.getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity().getCoord(); // double dist = c1.calcDistance(c2); // stats3.add(dist); // } WeightedStatistics.writeHistogram(stats3.absoluteDistribution(1000), "/Users/fearonni/vsp-work/socialnets/data-analysis/socialnetgenerator/" + it + ".edgelength.txt"); PajekVisWriter pWriter = new PajekVisWriter(); pWriter.write(socialNet, "/Users/fearonni/vsp-work/socialnets/data-analysis/socialnetgenerator/" + it + ""); WeightedStatistics stats4 = new WeightedStatistics(); for (Object o : socialNet.getEdges()) { Edge e = (Edge) o; Ego e1 = (Ego) e.getVertices().getFirst(); Ego e2 = (Ego) e.getVertices().getSecond(); int age1 = e1.getPerson().getAge(); int age2 = e2.getPerson().getAge(); double dAge = 0; if (age1 > age2) dAge = age1 / (double) age2; else dAge = age2 / (double) age1; stats4.add(dAge); } WeightedStatistics.writeHistogram(stats4.absoluteDistribution(0.05), "/Users/fearonni/vsp-work/socialnets/data-analysis/socialnetgenerator/" + it + ".agedist.txt"); } private static final class InternalThread extends Thread { private static int totalEgos; private static int processedEgos; // private final NetworkLayer network; private final SocialNetwork socialNet; private final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Ego> egos; // private final double scale; private final Random random; // private static SparseGraph<Integer> ttGraph = new SparseGraph<Integer>(); // private static Map<Node, SparseVertex> nodeMap = new HashMap<Node, SparseVertex>(); // public static final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(); public InternalThread(NetworkLayer network, SocialNetwork socialNet, ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Ego> egos, double scale, long seed) { // = network; this.socialNet = socialNet; this.egos = egos; // this.scale = scale; random = new Random(seed); } public void run() { // FreespeedTravelTime freett = new FreespeedTravelTime(); // Dijkstra router = new Dijkstra(network, freett, freett); // UnweightedDijkstra<Ego> dijkstra = new UnweightedDijkstra<Ego>(socialNet); Ego e; while ((e = egos.poll()) != null) { // HashMap<Ego, TDoubleDoubleHashMap> egoHist = new HashMap<Ego, TDoubleDoubleHashMap>(); // double binsize = 1000; //// for(Ego ego : socialNet.getVertices()) { // TDoubleDoubleHashMap hist = new TDoubleDoubleHashMap(); // for(Ego p2 : socialNet.getVertices()) { // Coord c1 = e.getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity().getCoord(); // Coord c2 = p2.getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity().getCoord(); // double d = c1.calcDistance(c2); // double bin = Math.floor(d/binsize); // double val = hist.get(bin); // val++; // hist.put(bin, val); // } //// egoHist.put(ego, hist); //// } for (Ego alter : egos) { // Link egoHome = e.getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity().getLink(); // Link alterHome = alter.getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity().getLink(); // Node from = egoHome.getToNode(); // Node to = alterHome.getFromNode(); // SparseVertex fromVertex = nodeMap.get(from); // SparseVertex toVertex = nodeMap.get(to); // Integer tt = null; // if(fromVertex != null && toVertex != null) { // while(lock.isLocked()) { // } // lock.lock(); // for(SparseEdge<Integer> edge : fromVertex.getEdges()) { // if(edge.getOpposite(fromVertex) == toVertex) // tt = edge.getAttribute(); // } // lock.unlock(); // // } // if(tt == null) { // if(fromVertex == null) { // fromVertex = ttGraph.addVertex(); // nodeMap.put(from, fromVertex); // } // if(toVertex == null) { // toVertex = ttGraph.addVertex(); // nodeMap.put(to, toVertex); // } // Route route = router.calcLeastCostPath(from, to, 0); // // while(lock.isLocked()) { // } // lock.lock(); // SparseEdge<Integer> ttEdge = ttGraph.addEdge(fromVertex, toVertex); // ttEdge.setAttribute((int) route.getTravTime()); // lock.unlock(); // // tt = (int)route.getTravTime(); // } Coord egoHome = e.getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity().getCoord(); Coord alterHome = alter.getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity().getCoord(); double geoDist = egoHome.calcDistance(alterHome); //, alter); // List<Ego> path = dijkstra.getPath(e, alter); // int topoDist = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // if(path != null) // topoDist = path.size(); // double p = y0 + A * scale * Math.exp(alpha * tt); int age1 = e.getPerson().getAge(); int age2 = alter.getPerson().getAge(); double dAge = 0; if (age1 > age2) dAge = age1 / (double) age2; else dAge = age2 / (double) age1; // double beta1 = 0.001; // double beta2 = 10; // double dist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(beta1 * geoDist, 2) + Math.pow(beta2 * dAge, 2)); // double p = alpha1 / Math.pow(1 + dist, gamma); // double p = alpha1 * 1/(Math.pow(1 + geoDist, gamma)); // double p = alpha1 * 1/(Math.pow(1 + geoDist * hist.get(Math.floor(geoDist/binsize)), gamma)); double p = alpha1 * 1 / Math.pow(1 + geoDist, 1);// + alpha2 * 1/Math.pow(dAge, 1000); if (random.nextDouble() <= p) { // synchronized(this) { if (!e.getNeighbours().contains(alter)) { socialNet.addEdge(e, alter); // } } } } processedEgos++; if (processedEgos % 100 == 0)"Processed %1$s of %2$s egos (%3$s).", processedEgos, totalEgos, processedEgos / (double) totalEgos)); } } } private static final class Step2Thread extends Thread { private static int totalEgos; private static int processedEgos; private SocialNetwork socialNet; private Random random; public Step2Thread(SocialNetwork socialNet, Random random) { this.socialNet = socialNet; this.random = random; } public void run() { LinkedList<Tuple<Ego, Ego>> edges = new LinkedList<Tuple<Ego, Ego>>(); LinkedList<Ego> egos = new LinkedList<Ego>(socialNet.getVertices()); Ego e; while ((e = egos.poll()) != null) { TObjectDoubleHashMap<Ego> secondNeighbours = new TObjectDoubleHashMap<Ego>(); for (Vertex n1 : e.getNeighbours()) { for (Vertex n2 : n1.getNeighbours()) { if (n2 != e) { Coord egoHome = e.getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity().getCoord(); Coord alterHome = ((Ego) n2).getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getFirstActivity() .getCoord(); double geoDist = egoHome.calcDistance(alterHome); double p1 = 10 * alpha1 * 1 / Math.pow(geoDist, 2); double p2 = 0;//10 * secondNeighbours.get((Ego) n2); secondNeighbours.put((Ego) n2, (p2 + p1) - (p1 * p2)); // if(random.nextDouble() <= p) { // edges.add(new Tuple<Ego, Ego>(e, (Ego) n2)); // } } } } for (Object alter : secondNeighbours.keys()) { if (random.nextDouble() <= secondNeighbours.get((Ego) alter)) { edges.add(new Tuple<Ego, Ego>(e, (Ego) alter)); } } processedEgos++; if (processedEgos % 100 == 0)"Processed %1$s of %2$s egos (%3$s).", processedEgos, totalEgos, processedEgos / (double) totalEgos)); } for (Tuple<Ego, Ego> t : edges) { e = t.getFirst(); Ego alter = t.getSecond(); if (!e.getNeighbours().contains(alter)) { socialNet.addEdge(e, alter); } } } } }