Java tutorial
/* *********************************************************************** * * project: org.matsim.* * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * copyright : (C) 2014 by the members listed in the COPYING, * * LICENSE and WARRANTY file. * * email : info at matsim dot org * * * * *********************************************************************** * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * See also COPYING, LICENSE and WARRANTY file * * * * *********************************************************************** */ package playground.gregor.vis; import io.netty.bootstrap.Bootstrap; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.gicentre.utils.move.ZoomPan; import org.matsim.core.gbl.MatsimRandom; import playground.gregor.casim.simulation.physics.AbstractCANetwork; import playground.gregor.proto.ProtoFrame; import playground.gregor.proto.ProtoFrame.CtrlMsg; import playground.gregor.proto.ProtoFrame.CtrlMsgRsp; import playground.gregor.proto.ProtoFrame.Frame; import playground.gregor.proto.ProtoFrame.Frame.Event; import playground.gregor.proto.ProtoFrame.Frame.Event.Type; import playground.gregor.proto.ProtoFrame.FrameRqst; import playground.gregor.proto.ProtoFrame.FrameServerService.BlockingInterface; import playground.gregor.proto.ProtoScenario.Scenario; import playground.gregor.proto.ProtoScenario.Scenario.Network.Link; import playground.gregor.proto.ProtoScenario.Scenario.Network.Node; import playground.gregor.proto.ProtoScenario.ScnReq; import playground.gregor.sim2d_v4.debugger.eventsbaseddebugger.Control; import playground.gregor.vis.drawing.EventsBasedVisDebugger; import playground.gregor.vis.drawing.InfoBox; import processing.core.PVector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class CASimVisClient { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CASimVisClient.class); private BlockingInterface visService; private RpcController cntr; private EventsBasedVisDebugger drawer; private final Map<String, CircleProperty> circProps = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<String, LinkInfo> linkInfos = new HashMap<>(); private final CircleProperty defaultCp = new CircleProperty(); private long lastUpdate; private Control keyControl; private double dT = 1. / 25; private final String id = MatsimRandom.getRandom().nextDouble() + ""; // TODO // create // unique // id public CASimVisClient(BlockingInterface visService, RpcController cntr) { this.visService = visService; this.cntr = cntr; } private void init() { this.defaultCp.a = 255; this.defaultCp.minScale = 0; this.defaultCp.rr = .19f; this.keyControl = new Control(this.drawer.zoomer, 90, null); this.drawer.addKeyControl(this.keyControl); } private void run() { try { CtrlMsg regReq = CtrlMsg.newBuilder().setCtrlMsgTyp(CtrlMsg.Type.REGISTER).setId(id).build(); CtrlMsgRsp regRsp = visService.ctrl(cntr, regReq); ScnReq scReq = ScnReq.newBuilder().build(); Scenario scRsp = visService.reqScn(cntr, scReq); this.drawer = new EventsBasedVisDebugger(scRsp, null); this.drawer.addAdditionalDrawer(new InfoBox()); init(); ZoomPan zoomer = this.drawer.zoomer; int w = this.drawer.getWidth(); int h = this.drawer.getHeight(); PVector br = new PVector(w, h); PVector tl = new PVector(0, 0); loadScenario(scRsp); //; while (true) { PVector brC = zoomer.getDispToCoord(br); PVector tlC = zoomer.getDispToCoord(tl); FrameRqst frReq = FrameRqst.newBuilder().setTlX(tlC.x - drawer.getOffsetX() - 100) .setTlY(-(drawer.getOffsetY() + tlC.y) + 100).setBrX(brC.x - drawer.getOffsetX() + 100) .setBrY(-(drawer.getOffsetY() + brC.y) - 100).setTime(0).setId(id).build(); Frame frame = visService.reqFrame(cntr, frReq); handleFrame(frame); } } catch (ServiceException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void loadScenario(Scenario scRsp) { Map<String, Node> nodes = new HashMap<>(); for (Node n : scRsp.getNet().getNodesList()) { nodes.put(n.getId(), n); } Set<String> handled = new HashSet<>(); for (Link l : scRsp.getNet().getLinksList()) { Node from = nodes.get(l.getFromNodeId()); Node to = nodes.get(l.getToNodeId()); StringBuffer b1 = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer b2 = new StringBuffer(); b1.append(from.getId()); b1.append('_'); b1.append(to.getId()); String id = b1.toString(); b2.append(to.getId()); b2.append('_'); b2.append(from.getId()); String refId = b2.toString(); LinkInfo i = new LinkInfo(); i.x0 = from.getX(); i.y0 = from.getY(); i.x1 = to.getX(); i.y1 = to.getY(); i.width = l.getCapacity() * 3; // LinkInfoPoly p = new LinkInfoPoly(); // double dx = (to.getX() - from.getX()); // double dy = (to.getY() - from.getY()); // double length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); // dx /= length; // dy /= length; // double x0 = from.getX() - dy * l.getCapacity() / 2; // double y0 = from.getY() + dx * l.getCapacity() / 2; // double x1 = from.getX() + dy * l.getCapacity() / 2; // double y1 = from.getY() - dx * l.getCapacity() / 2; // double x2 = to.getX() + dy * l.getCapacity() / 2; // double y2 = to.getY() - dx * l.getCapacity() / 2; // double x3 = to.getX() - dy * l.getCapacity() / 2; // double y3 = to.getY() + dx * l.getCapacity() / 2; // p.x = new double[] { x0, x1, x2, x3, x0 }; // p.y = new double[] { y0, y1, y2, y3, y0 }; // double area = l.getLength() * l.getCapacity(); i.area = area; // // this.linkPolys.put(l.getId(), p); this.linkInfos.put(l.getId(), i); if (handled.contains(refId)) { continue; } handled.add(id); this.drawer.addLineStatic(from.getX(), from.getY(), to.getX(), to.getY(), 192, 192, 192, 255, 0, 3 * l.getCapacity()); } } private void handleFrame(Frame frame) { for (Event e : frame.getEvntList()) { if (e.getEvntType() == Type.POS) { handlePosEvent(e); } else if (e.getEvntType() == Type.LINK_INF) { handleLinkInfEvent(e); } } update(frame.getTime()); } private void update(double time) { this.keyControl.awaitPause(); this.keyControl.awaitScreenshot(); this.keyControl.update(time); long timel = System.currentTimeMillis(); long last = this.lastUpdate; long diff = timel - last; if (diff < this.dT * 1000 / this.keyControl.getSpeedup()) { long wait = (long) (this.dT * 1000 / this.keyControl.getSpeedup() - diff); try { Thread.sleep(wait); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } this.drawer.update(time); this.lastUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); } private void handlePosEvent(Event event) { double dx = event.getVy(); double dy = -event.getVx(); double length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); dx /= length; dy /= length; double x0 = event.getX() + event.getVx(); double y0 = event.getY() + event.getVy(); double al = .20; double x1 = x0 + dy * al - dx * al / 4; double y1 = y0 - dx * al - dy * al / 4; double x2 = x0 + dy * al + dx * al / 4; double y2 = y0 - dx * al + dy * al / 4; double z = this.drawer.zoomer.getZoomScale(); int a = 255; if (z >= 48 && z < 80) { z -= 48; a = (int) (255. / 32 * z + .5); } this.drawer.addLine(event.getX(), event.getY(), event.getX() + event.getVx() + dy * al, event.getY() + event.getVy() - dx * al, 0, 0, 0, a, 50); this.drawer.addTriangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, 0, 0, 0, a, 50, true); CircleProperty cp = this.circProps.get(event.getId()); if (cp == null) { cp = createAndAddCircleProperty(event); } this.drawer.addCircle(event.getX(), event.getY(), cp.rr, cp.r, cp.g, cp.b, cp.a, cp.minScale, cp.fill); this.drawer.addText(event.getX(), event.getY(), event.getId(), 300); } private CircleProperty createAndAddCircleProperty(Event event) { CircleProperty cp = new CircleProperty(); cp.rr = (float) Math.sqrt((1 / AbstractCANetwork.RHO_HAT) / Math.PI); int nr = event.getId().hashCode() % 100; int color = (nr / 10) % 3; // if (Integer.parseInt(a.getId().toString()) < 0) { // color = 1; // } else { // color = 2; // } if (color == 1) { cp.r = 255; cp.g = 255 - nr; cp.b = 0; cp.a = 255; } else if (color == 2) { cp.r = nr - nr; cp.g = 0; cp.b = 255; cp.a = 255; } else { cp.r = 0; cp.g = 255; cp.b = 255 - nr; cp.a = 255; } this.circProps.put(event.getId(), cp); return cp; } private void handleLinkInfEvent(Event e) { LinkInfo i = this.linkInfos.get(e.getId()); double density = e.getNrAgents() / i.area; int r, g, b; if (density < 1) { r = 0; g = 255; b = 0; } else if (density < 1.5) { r = 255; g = 255; b = 0; } else if (density < 2) { r = 255; g = 64; b = 0; } else if (density < 4) { r = 255; g = 0; b = 0; } else { r = 128; g = 0; b = 128; } // this.drawer.addPolygon(p.x, p.y, r, g, b, 255, 0); this.drawer.addLine(i.x0, i.y0, i.x1, i.y1, r, g, b, 255, 0, i.width); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length != 2) { System.out.println("usage: VisClient <server> <port>"); System.exit(-1); } String serv = args[0]; int port = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); PeerInfo server = new PeerInfo(serv, port); DuplexTcpClientPipelineFactory clientFactory = new DuplexTcpClientPipelineFactory(); // in case client acts as server, which is the reason behind a duplex // connection indeed. RpcServerCallExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolCallExecutor(3, 100); clientFactory.setRpcServerCallExecutor(executor); clientFactory.setConnectResponseTimeoutMillis(1000); // clientFactory.getRpcServiceRegistry().registerService(); Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap(); NioEventLoopGroup()); bootstrap.handler(clientFactory);; bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.TCP_NODELAY, true); bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, 10000); bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.SO_SNDBUF, 1048576); bootstrap.option(ChannelOption.SO_RCVBUF, 1048576); RpcClientChannel channel = clientFactory.peerWith(server, bootstrap); BlockingInterface visService = ProtoFrame.FrameServerService.newBlockingStub(channel); RpcController cntr = channel.newRpcController(); clientFactory.getRpcServiceRegistry().registerService( ProtoFrame.FrameServerService.newReflectiveBlockingService(new BlockingVisServiceImpl(null, null))); new CASimVisClient(visService, cntr).run(); // // channel.close(); // executor.shutdown(); // System.exit(0); } private static final class CircleProperty { boolean fill = true; float rr; int r, g, b, a, minScale = 0; } private static final class LinkInfoPoly { double[] x; double[] y; double area; } private static final class LinkInfo { public double area; double x0; double x1; double y0; double y1; double width; } }