Java tutorial
package play.modules.swagger; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType; import io.swagger.annotations.*; import io.swagger.annotations.Info; import io.swagger.converter.ModelConverters; import io.swagger.models.*; import io.swagger.models.Contact; import io.swagger.models.ExternalDocs; import io.swagger.models.Tag; import io.swagger.models.parameters.*; import io.swagger.models.parameters.Parameter; import*; import io.swagger.util.BaseReaderUtils; import io.swagger.util.Json; import io.swagger.util.ParameterProcessor; import io.swagger.util.PrimitiveType; import io.swagger.util.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import play.Logger; import play.modules.swagger.util.CrossUtil; import play.routes.compiler.*; import scala.Option; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class PlayReader { private static final String SUCCESSFUL_OPERATION = "successful operation"; private Swagger swagger; public Swagger getSwagger() { return swagger; } public PlayReader(Swagger swagger) { this.swagger = swagger == null ? new Swagger() : swagger; } public Swagger read(Set<Class<?>> classes) { // process SwaggerDefinitions first - so we get tags in desired order for (Class<?> cls : classes) { SwaggerDefinition swaggerDefinition = cls.getAnnotation(SwaggerDefinition.class); if (swaggerDefinition != null) { readSwaggerConfig(cls, swaggerDefinition); } } for (Class<?> cls : classes) { read(cls); } return swagger; } public Swagger read(Class<?> cls) { return read(cls, false); } private Swagger read(Class<?> cls, boolean readHidden) { RouteWrapper routes = RouteFactory.getRoute(); PlaySwaggerConfig config = PlayConfigFactory.getConfig(); Api api = cls.getAnnotation(Api.class); Map<String, Tag> tags = new HashMap<>(); List<SecurityRequirement> securities = new ArrayList<>(); String[] consumes = new String[0]; String[] produces = new String[0]; final Set<Scheme> globalSchemes = EnumSet.noneOf(Scheme.class); final boolean readable = (api != null && readHidden) || (api != null && !api.hidden()); // TODO possibly allow parsing also without @Api annotation if (readable) { // the value will be used as a tag for 2.0 UNLESS a Tags annotation is present Set<String> tagStrings = extractTags(api); for (String tagString : tagStrings) { Tag tag = new Tag().name(tagString); tags.put(tagString, tag); } for (String tagName : tags.keySet()) { getSwagger().tag(tags.get(tagName)); } if (!api.produces().isEmpty()) { produces = toArray(api.produces()); } if (!api.consumes().isEmpty()) { consumes = toArray(api.consumes()); } globalSchemes.addAll(parseSchemes(api.protocols())); Authorization[] authorizations = api.authorizations(); for (Authorization auth : authorizations) { if (auth.value() != null && !"".equals(auth.value())) { SecurityRequirement security = new SecurityRequirement(); security.setName(auth.value()); AuthorizationScope[] scopes = auth.scopes(); for (AuthorizationScope scope : scopes) { if (scope.scope() != null && !"".equals(scope.scope())) { security.addScope(scope.scope()); } } securities.add(security); } } // parse the method Method methods[] = cls.getMethods(); for (Method method : methods) { if (ReflectionUtils.isOverriddenMethod(method, cls)) { continue; } // complete name as stored in route String fullMethodName = getFullMethodName(cls, method); if (!routes.exists(fullMethodName)) { continue; } Route route = routes.get(fullMethodName); String operationPath = getPathFromRoute(route.path(), config.basePath); if (operationPath != null) { final ApiOperation apiOperation = ReflectionUtils.getAnnotation(method, ApiOperation.class); String httpMethod = extractOperationMethod(apiOperation, method, route); Operation operation = null; if (apiOperation != null || httpMethod != null) { operation = parseMethod(cls, method, route); } if (operation == null) { continue; } if (apiOperation != null) { for (Scheme scheme : parseSchemes(apiOperation.protocols())) { operation.scheme(scheme); } } if (operation.getSchemes() == null || operation.getSchemes().isEmpty()) { for (Scheme scheme : globalSchemes) { operation.scheme(scheme); } } // can't continue without a valid http method if (httpMethod != null) { if (apiOperation != null) { for (String tag : apiOperation.tags()) { if (!"".equals(tag)) { operation.tag(tag); getSwagger().tag(new Tag().name(tag)); } } operation.getVendorExtensions() .putAll(BaseReaderUtils.parseExtensions(apiOperation.extensions())); } if (operation.getConsumes() == null) { for (String mediaType : consumes) { operation.consumes(mediaType); } } if (operation.getProduces() == null) { for (String mediaType : produces) { operation.produces(mediaType); } } if (operation.getTags() == null) { for (String tagString : tags.keySet()) { operation.tag(tagString); } } // Only add global @Api securities if operation doesn't already have more specific securities if (operation.getSecurity() == null) { for (SecurityRequirement security : securities) {; } } Path path = getSwagger().getPath(operationPath); if (path == null) { path = new Path(); getSwagger().path(operationPath, path); } path.set(httpMethod, operation); try { readImplicitParameters(method, operation, cls); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } } } } } return getSwagger(); } String getPathFromRoute(PathPattern pathPattern, String basePath) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); scala.collection.Iterator iter =; while (iter.hasNext()) { PathPart part = (PathPart); if (part instanceof StaticPart) { sb.append(((StaticPart) part).value()); } else if (part instanceof DynamicPart) { sb.append("{"); sb.append(((DynamicPart) part).name()); sb.append("}"); } else { try { sb.append(((StaticPart) part).value()); } catch (ClassCastException e) { Logger.warn(String.format("ClassCastException parsing path from route: %s", e.getMessage())); } } } StringBuilder operationPath = new StringBuilder(); if (basePath.startsWith("/")) basePath = basePath.substring(1); operationPath.append(sb.toString().replaceFirst(basePath, "")); if (!operationPath.toString().startsWith("/")) operationPath.insert(0, "/"); return operationPath.toString(); } protected void readSwaggerConfig(Class<?> cls, SwaggerDefinition config) { if (!config.basePath().isEmpty()) { swagger.setBasePath(config.basePath()); } if (! { swagger.setHost(; } readInfoConfig(config); for (String consume : config.consumes()) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(consume)) { swagger.addConsumes(consume); } } for (String produce : config.produces()) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(produce)) { swagger.addProduces(produce); } } if (!config.externalDocs().value().isEmpty()) { ExternalDocs externalDocs = swagger.getExternalDocs(); if (externalDocs == null) { externalDocs = new ExternalDocs(); swagger.setExternalDocs(externalDocs); } externalDocs.setDescription(config.externalDocs().value()); if (!config.externalDocs().url().isEmpty()) { externalDocs.setUrl(config.externalDocs().url()); } } for (io.swagger.annotations.Tag tagConfig : config.tags()) { if (! { Tag tag = new Tag(); tag.setName(; tag.setDescription(tagConfig.description()); if (!tagConfig.externalDocs().value().isEmpty()) { tag.setExternalDocs( new ExternalDocs(tagConfig.externalDocs().value(), tagConfig.externalDocs().url())); } tag.getVendorExtensions().putAll(BaseReaderUtils.parseExtensions(tagConfig.extensions())); swagger.addTag(tag); } } for (SwaggerDefinition.Scheme scheme : config.schemes()) { if (scheme != SwaggerDefinition.Scheme.DEFAULT) { swagger.addScheme(Scheme.forValue(; } } } protected void readInfoConfig(SwaggerDefinition config) { Info infoConfig =; io.swagger.models.Info info = swagger.getInfo(); if (info == null) { info = new io.swagger.models.Info(); swagger.setInfo(info); } if (!infoConfig.description().isEmpty()) { info.setDescription(infoConfig.description()); } if (!infoConfig.termsOfService().isEmpty()) { info.setTermsOfService(infoConfig.termsOfService()); } if (!infoConfig.title().isEmpty()) { info.setTitle(infoConfig.title()); } if (!infoConfig.version().isEmpty()) { info.setVersion(infoConfig.version()); } if (! { Contact contact = info.getContact(); if (contact == null) { contact = new Contact(); info.setContact(contact); } contact.setName(; if (! { contact.setEmail(; } if (! { contact.setUrl(; } } if (!infoConfig.license().name().isEmpty()) { io.swagger.models.License license = info.getLicense(); if (license == null) { license = new io.swagger.models.License(); info.setLicense(license); } license.setName(infoConfig.license().name()); if (!infoConfig.license().url().isEmpty()) { license.setUrl(infoConfig.license().url()); } } info.getVendorExtensions().putAll(BaseReaderUtils.parseExtensions(infoConfig.extensions())); } private void readImplicitParameters(Method method, Operation operation, Class<?> cls) { ApiImplicitParams implicitParams = method.getAnnotation(ApiImplicitParams.class); if (implicitParams != null && implicitParams.value().length > 0) { for (ApiImplicitParam param : implicitParams.value()) { Parameter p = readImplicitParam(param, cls); if (p != null) { operation.addParameter(p); } } } } protected io.swagger.models.parameters.Parameter readImplicitParam(ApiImplicitParam param, Class<?> cls) { final Parameter p; if (param.paramType().equalsIgnoreCase("path")) { p = new PathParameter(); } else if (param.paramType().equalsIgnoreCase("query")) { p = new QueryParameter(); } else if (param.paramType().equalsIgnoreCase("form") || param.paramType().equalsIgnoreCase("formData")) { p = new FormParameter(); } else if (param.paramType().equalsIgnoreCase("body")) { p = null; } else if (param.paramType().equalsIgnoreCase("header")) { p = new HeaderParameter(); } else { Logger.warn("Unkown implicit parameter type: [" + param.paramType() + "]"); return null; } Type type = null; // Swagger ReflectionUtils can't handle file or array datatype if (!"".equalsIgnoreCase(param.dataType()) && !"file".equalsIgnoreCase(param.dataType()) && !"array".equalsIgnoreCase(param.dataType())) { type = typeFromString(param.dataType(), cls); } Parameter result = ParameterProcessor.applyAnnotations(getSwagger(), p, type == null ? String.class : type, Collections.singletonList(param)); if (result instanceof AbstractSerializableParameter && type != null) { Property schema = createProperty(type); ((AbstractSerializableParameter) p).setProperty(schema); } return result; } private static Type typeFromString(String type, Class<?> cls) { final PrimitiveType primitive = PrimitiveType.fromName(type); if (primitive != null) { return primitive.getKeyClass(); } try { Type routeType = getOptionTypeFromString(type, cls); if (routeType != null) return routeType; return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(type); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(String.format("Failed to resolve '%s' into class", type), e); } return null; } private Operation parseMethod(Class<?> cls, Method method, Route route) { Operation operation = new Operation(); ApiOperation apiOperation = ReflectionUtils.getAnnotation(method, ApiOperation.class); ApiResponses responseAnnotation = ReflectionUtils.getAnnotation(method, ApiResponses.class); String operationId = method.getName(); operation.operationId(operationId); String responseContainer = null; Type responseType = null; Map<String, Property> defaultResponseHeaders = new HashMap<>(); if (apiOperation != null) { if (apiOperation.hidden()) { return null; } if (!"".equals(apiOperation.nickname())) { operationId = apiOperation.nickname(); } defaultResponseHeaders = parseResponseHeaders(apiOperation.responseHeaders()); operation.summary(apiOperation.value()).description(apiOperation.notes()); if (apiOperation.response() != null && !isVoid(apiOperation.response())) { responseType = apiOperation.response(); } if (!"".equals(apiOperation.responseContainer())) { responseContainer = apiOperation.responseContainer(); } if (apiOperation.authorizations() != null) { List<SecurityRequirement> securities = new ArrayList<>(); for (Authorization auth : apiOperation.authorizations()) { if (auth.value() != null && !"".equals(auth.value())) { SecurityRequirement security = new SecurityRequirement(); security.setName(auth.value()); AuthorizationScope[] scopes = auth.scopes(); for (AuthorizationScope scope : scopes) { if (scope.scope() != null && !"".equals(scope.scope())) { security.addScope(scope.scope()); } } securities.add(security); } } if (securities.size() > 0) { securities.forEach(operation::security); } } if (apiOperation.consumes() != null && !apiOperation.consumes().isEmpty()) { operation.consumes(Arrays.asList(toArray(apiOperation.consumes()))); } if (apiOperation.produces() != null && !apiOperation.produces().isEmpty()) { operation.produces(Arrays.asList(toArray(apiOperation.produces()))); } } if (apiOperation != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(apiOperation.responseReference())) { Response response = new Response().description(SUCCESSFUL_OPERATION); response.schema(new RefProperty(apiOperation.responseReference())); operation.addResponse(String.valueOf(apiOperation.code()), response); } else if (responseType == null) { // pick out response from method declaration responseType = method.getGenericReturnType(); } if (isValidResponse(responseType)) { final Property property = ModelConverters.getInstance().readAsProperty(responseType); if (property != null) { final Property responseProperty = ContainerWrapper.wrapContainer(responseContainer, property); final int responseCode = apiOperation == null ? 200 : apiOperation.code(); operation.response(responseCode, new Response().description(SUCCESSFUL_OPERATION) .schema(responseProperty).headers(defaultResponseHeaders)); appendModels(responseType); } } operation.operationId(operationId); if (responseAnnotation != null) { for (ApiResponse apiResponse : responseAnnotation.value()) { Map<String, Property> responseHeaders = parseResponseHeaders(apiResponse.responseHeaders()); Response response = new Response().description(apiResponse.message()).headers(responseHeaders); if (apiResponse.code() == 0) { operation.defaultResponse(response); } else { operation.response(apiResponse.code(), response); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(apiResponse.reference())) { response.schema(new RefProperty(apiResponse.reference())); } else if (!isVoid(apiResponse.response())) { responseType = apiResponse.response(); final Property property = ModelConverters.getInstance().readAsProperty(responseType); if (property != null) { response.schema(ContainerWrapper.wrapContainer(apiResponse.responseContainer(), property)); appendModels(responseType); } } } } if (ReflectionUtils.getAnnotation(method, Deprecated.class) != null) { operation.setDeprecated(true); } List<Parameter> parameters = getParameters(cls, method, route); parameters.forEach(operation::parameter); if (operation.getResponses() == null) { Response response = new Response().description(SUCCESSFUL_OPERATION); operation.defaultResponse(response); } return operation; } final static class OptionTypeResolver { private Option<Integer> optionTypeInt; private Option<Long> optionTypeLong; private Option<Byte> optionTypeByte; private Option<Boolean> optionTypeBoolean; private Option<Character> optionTypeChar; private Option<Float> optionTypeFloat; private Option<Double> optionTypeDouble; private Option<Short> optionTypeShort; static Type resolveOptionType(String innerType, Class<?> cls) { try { return Json.mapper().getTypeFactory().constructType( OptionTypeResolver.class.getDeclaredField("optionType" + innerType).getGenericType(), cls); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { return null; } } } private static Type getOptionTypeFromString(String simpleTypeName, Class<?> cls) { if (simpleTypeName == null) return null; String regex = "(Option|scala\\.Option)\\s*\\[\\s*(Int|Long|Float|Double|Byte|Short|Char|Boolean)\\s*\\]\\s*$"; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(simpleTypeName); if (matcher.find()) { String enhancedType =; return OptionTypeResolver.resolveOptionType(enhancedType, cls); } else { return null; } } private Type getParamType(Class<?> cls, Method method, String simpleTypeName, int position) { try { Type type = getOptionTypeFromString(simpleTypeName, cls); if (type != null) return type; Type[] genericParameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes(); return Json.mapper().getTypeFactory().constructType(genericParameterTypes[position], cls); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(String.format("Exception getting parameter type for method %s, param %s at position %d"), e); return null; } } private List<Annotation> getParamAnnotations(Class<?> cls, Type[] genericParameterTypes, Annotation[][] paramAnnotations, String simpleTypeName, int fieldPosition) { try { return Arrays.asList(paramAnnotations[fieldPosition]); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(String.format("Exception getting parameter type for method %s, param %s at position %d"), e); return null; } } private List<Annotation> getParamAnnotations(Class<?> cls, Method method, String simpleTypeName, int fieldPosition) { Type[] genericParameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes(); Annotation[][] paramAnnotations = method.getParameterAnnotations(); List<Annotation> annotations = getParamAnnotations(cls, genericParameterTypes, paramAnnotations, simpleTypeName, fieldPosition); if (annotations != null) { return annotations; } // Fallback to type for (int i = 0; i < genericParameterTypes.length; i++) { annotations = getParamAnnotations(cls, genericParameterTypes, paramAnnotations, simpleTypeName, i); if (annotations != null) { return annotations; } } return null; } private List<Parameter> getParameters(Class<?> cls, Method method, Route route) { // TODO now consider only parameters defined in route, excluding body parameters // understand how to possibly infer body/form params e.g. from @BodyParser or other annotation List<Parameter> parameters = new ArrayList<>(); if (! { return parameters; } scala.collection.Iterator<play.routes.compiler.Parameter> iter =; int fieldPosition = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { play.routes.compiler.Parameter p =; if (!p.fixed().isEmpty()) continue; Parameter parameter; String def = CrossUtil.getParameterDefaultField(p); if (def.startsWith("\"") && def.endsWith("\"")) { def = def.substring(1, def.length() - 1); } Type type = getParamType(cls, method, p.typeName(), fieldPosition); Property schema = createProperty(type); if (route.path().has( { // it's a path param parameter = new PathParameter(); ((PathParameter) parameter).setDefaultValue(def); if (schema != null) ((PathParameter) parameter).setProperty(schema); } else { // it's a query string param parameter = new QueryParameter(); ((QueryParameter) parameter).setDefaultValue(def); if (schema != null) ((QueryParameter) parameter).setProperty(schema); } parameter.setName(; List<Annotation> annotations = getParamAnnotations(cls, method, p.typeName(), fieldPosition); ParameterProcessor.applyAnnotations(getSwagger(), parameter, type, annotations); parameters.add(parameter); fieldPosition++; } return parameters; } private static Set<Scheme> parseSchemes(String schemes) { final Set<Scheme> result = EnumSet.noneOf(Scheme.class); for (String item : StringUtils.trimToEmpty(schemes).split(",")) { final Scheme scheme = Scheme.forValue(StringUtils.trimToNull(item)); if (scheme != null) { result.add(scheme); } } return result; } private static boolean isVoid(Type type) { final Class<?> cls = Json.mapper().getTypeFactory().constructType(type).getRawClass(); return Void.class.isAssignableFrom(cls) || Void.TYPE.isAssignableFrom(cls); } private static boolean isValidResponse(Type type) { if (type == null) { return false; } final JavaType javaType = Json.mapper().getTypeFactory().constructType(type); if (isVoid(javaType)) { return false; } final Class<?> cls = javaType.getRawClass(); return !isResourceClass(cls); } private static boolean isResourceClass(Class<?> cls) { return cls.getAnnotation(Api.class) != null; } protected Set<String> extractTags(Api api) { Set<String> output = new LinkedHashSet<>(); boolean hasExplicitTags = false; for (String tag : api.tags()) { if (!"".equals(tag)) { hasExplicitTags = true; output.add(tag); } } if (!hasExplicitTags) { // derive tag from api path + description String tagString = api.value().replace("/", ""); if (!"".equals(tagString)) { output.add(tagString); } } return output; } private Property createProperty(Type type) { return enforcePrimitive(ModelConverters.getInstance().readAsProperty(type), 0); } private Property enforcePrimitive(Property in, int level) { if (in instanceof RefProperty) { return new StringProperty(); } if (in instanceof ArrayProperty) { if (level == 0) { final ArrayProperty array = (ArrayProperty) in; array.setItems(enforcePrimitive(array.getItems(), level + 1)); } else { return new StringProperty(); } } return in; } private void appendModels(Type type) { final Map<String, Model> models = ModelConverters.getInstance().readAll(type); for (Map.Entry<String, Model> entry : models.entrySet()) { getSwagger().model(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } private Map<String, Property> parseResponseHeaders(ResponseHeader[] headers) { Map<String, Property> responseHeaders = null; if (headers != null && headers.length > 0) { for (ResponseHeader header : headers) { String name =; if (!"".equals(name)) { if (responseHeaders == null) { responseHeaders = new HashMap<>(); } String description = header.description(); Class<?> cls = header.response(); if (!isVoid(cls)) { final Property property = ModelConverters.getInstance().readAsProperty(cls); if (property != null) { Property responseProperty = ContainerWrapper.wrapContainer(header.responseContainer(), property, ContainerWrapper.ARRAY, ContainerWrapper.LIST, ContainerWrapper.SET); responseProperty.setDescription(description); responseHeaders.put(name, responseProperty); appendModels(cls); } } } } } return responseHeaders; } public String getFullMethodName(Class clazz, Method method) { if (!clazz.getCanonicalName().contains("$")) { return clazz.getCanonicalName() + "$." + method.getName(); } else { return clazz.getCanonicalName() + "." + method.getName(); } } public String extractOperationMethod(ApiOperation apiOperation, Method method, Route route) { String httpMethod = null; if (route != null) { try { httpMethod = route.verb().toString().toLowerCase(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("http method not found for method: " + method.getName(), e); } } if (httpMethod == null) { if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(apiOperation.httpMethod())) { httpMethod = apiOperation.httpMethod(); } } return httpMethod; } private String[] toArray(String csString) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(csString)) return new String[] { csString }; int i = 0; String[] result = csString.split(","); for (String c : result) { result[i] = c.trim(); i++; } return result; } enum ContainerWrapper { LIST("list") { @Override protected Property doWrap(Property property) { return new ArrayProperty(property); } }, ARRAY("array") { @Override protected Property doWrap(Property property) { return new ArrayProperty(property); } }, MAP("map") { @Override protected Property doWrap(Property property) { return new MapProperty(property); } }, SET("set") { @Override protected Property doWrap(Property property) { ArrayProperty arrayProperty = new ArrayProperty(property); arrayProperty.setUniqueItems(true); return arrayProperty; } }; private final String container; ContainerWrapper(String container) { this.container = container; } public static Property wrapContainer(String container, Property property, ContainerWrapper... allowed) { final Set<ContainerWrapper> tmp = allowed.length > 0 ? EnumSet.copyOf(Arrays.asList(allowed)) : EnumSet.allOf(ContainerWrapper.class); for (ContainerWrapper wrapper : tmp) { final Property prop = wrapper.wrap(container, property); if (prop != null) { return prop; } } return property; } public Property wrap(String container, Property property) { if (this.container.equalsIgnoreCase(container)) { return doWrap(property); } return null; } protected abstract Property doWrap(Property property); } }