Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2015, ZawodyWeb Team * All rights reserved. * * This file is distributable under the Simplified BSD license. See the terms * of the Simplified BSD license in the documentation provided with this file. */ package pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.www; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputSecret; import javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText; import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.myfaces.custom.datascroller.ScrollerActionEvent; import org.apache.myfaces.custom.fileupload.UploadedFile; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.JDBCException; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; import org.hibernate.criterion.Projections; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException; import org.restfaces.annotation.HttpAction; import org.restfaces.annotation.Instance; import org.restfaces.annotation.Param; import pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.database.*; import pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.database.hibernate.HibernateUtil; import pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.database.pojo.*; import; import pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.pdf.PdfToImage; import pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.www.datamodels.PagedDataModel; import pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.www.ranking.Ranking; import pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.www.ranking.RankingTable; import pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.www.util.ContestsUtils; import pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.www.util.ProblemsUtils; import pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.www.util.SeriesUtils; import pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.www.util.SubmitsUtils; import; import; /** * * @author slawek * @author faramir */ @Instance("#{requestBean}") public class RequestBean { private static final ResourceBundle messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("pl.umk.mat.zawodyweb.www.Messages"); private SubmitsDAO submitsDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildSubmitsDAO(); private AliasesDAO aliasesDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildAliasesDAO(); private ClassesDAO classesDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildClassesDAO(); private LanguagesDAO languagesDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildLanguagesDAO(); private LanguagesProblemsDAO languagesProblemsDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildLanguagesProblemsDAO(); private SeriesDAO seriesDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildSeriesDAO(); private ProblemsDAO problemsDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildProblemsDAO(); private QuestionsDAO questionsDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildQuestionsDAO(); private ContestsDAO contestsDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildContestsDAO(); private ResultsDAO resultsDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildResultsDAO(); private TestsDAO testsDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildTestsDAO(); private UsersDAO usersDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildUsersDAO(); private RolesDAO rolesDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildRolesDAO(); private UsersRolesDAO usersRolesDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildUsersRolesDAO(); private PDFDAO pdfDAO = DAOFactory.DEFAULT.buildPDFDAO(); private SessionBean sessionBean; private RolesBean rolesBean; private Users newUser = new Users(); private String repPasswd; private String actualPasswd; private Contests editedContest; private Contests currentContest; private Series editedSeries; private Problems editedProblem; private Problems copiedProblem; private Users editedUser; private Tests editedTest; private Submits editedSubmit; private Questions editedQuestion; private Results editedResult; private Aliases editedAlias; private Classes editedClass; private Languages editedLanguage; private UsersRoles editedUsersRoles; private List<LanguagesProblems> temporaryLanguagesProblems = null; private List<Contests> contests = null; private List<Series> contestsSeries = null; private List<Problems> seriesProblems = null; private List<Problems> contestsProblems = null; private List<Classes> diffClasses = null; private List<Languages> languages = null; private List<Series> currentContestSeries = null; private List<Questions> currentContestQuestions = null; private List<Users> users = null; private List<Roles> roles = null; private List<Aliases> allAliases = null; private List<Classes> allClasses = null; private RankingTable currentContestRanking = null; private RankingTable currentContestSubranking = null; private PagedDataModel submissions = null; private Date temporaryRankingDate; private Date temporaryDate; private Boolean temporaryAdminBoolean; private Integer temporaryContestId; private Integer temporarySeriesId; private Integer temporaryProblemId; private Integer temporarySubmitId; private Integer temporaryAliasId; private Integer temporaryClassId; private Integer temporaryTestId; private Integer temporaryQuestionId; private Integer temporaryUserId; private Integer temporaryUsersRolesId; private Integer temporaryRoleTypeId; private Integer[] temporaryLanguagesIds; private Integer temporaryLanguageId; private Integer temporaryResultId; private Integer temporarySubmitResultId; private String temporarySource; private Problems currentProblem; private Submits currentSubmit; private String dummy; private List<Problems> submittableProblems; private UploadedFile temporaryFile; private String answer; private boolean publicAnswer; private boolean deletePdf; private boolean ratingMode = false; private Integer ratingEditNote; /** * @return the sessionBean */ public SessionBean getSessionBean() { return sessionBean; } /** * @param sessionBean the sessionBean to set */ public void setSessionBean(SessionBean sessionBean) { this.sessionBean = sessionBean; } /** * @return the rolesBean */ public RolesBean getRolesBean() { return rolesBean; } /** * @param rolesBean the rolesBean to set */ public void setRolesBean(RolesBean rolesBean) { this.rolesBean = rolesBean; } /** * @return the copiedProblem */ public Problems getCopiedProblem() { if (copiedProblem == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context)) { try { temporaryProblemId = Integer .parseInt(context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id")); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } } if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryProblemId)) { return null; } else { Problems problem = problemsDAO.getById(temporaryProblemId); copiedProblem = new Problems(); copiedProblem.setAbbrev(problem.getAbbrev()); copiedProblem.setName(problem.getName()); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context)) { if (problem.getSeries() != null) { temporarySeriesId = problem.getSeries().getId().intValue(); temporaryContestId = problem.getSeries().getContests().getId().intValue(); } } } } return copiedProblem; } /** * @param copiedProblem the copiedProblem to set */ public void setCopiedProblem(Problems copiedProblem) { this.copiedProblem = copiedProblem; } /** * @param editedProblem the editedProblem to set */ public void setEditedProblem(Problems editedProblem) { this.editedProblem = editedProblem; } /** * @return the newUser */ public Users getNewUser() { return newUser; } public String getRepPasswd() { return repPasswd; } public void setRepPasswd(String repPasswd) { this.repPasswd = repPasswd; } public String getActualPasswd() { return actualPasswd; } public void setActualPasswd(String actualPasswd) { this.actualPasswd = actualPasswd; } public List<Contests> getContests() { if (contests == null) { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Contests.class); c.addOrder(Order.desc("visibility")); // FIXME: niewidoczne *na kocu*, czy pomidzy? c.addOrder(Order.desc("startdate")); c.addOrder(Order.desc("id")); contests = new ArrayList<Contests>(); for (Contests contest : (List<Contests>) c.list()) { if (rolesBean.canAddProblem(contest.getId(), null)) { contests.add(contest); } else if (rolesBean.canEditProblem(contest.getId(), null)) { contests.add(contest); } else if (contest.getVisibility()) { contests.add(contest); } } } return contests; } public List<Contests> getContestsWhenAddingProblem() { if (contests == null) { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Contests.class); c.addOrder(Order.desc("startdate")); c.addOrder(Order.desc("id")); contests = new ArrayList<Contests>(); for (Contests contest : (List<Contests>) c.list()) { if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryProblemId) && rolesBean.canAddProblem(contest.getId(), null)) { contests.add(contest); } else if (!ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryProblemId) && rolesBean.canEditProblem(contest.getId(), null)) { contests.add(contest); } } } return contests; } public List<Roles> getRoles() { if (roles == null) { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Roles.class); c.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); roles = c.list(); } return roles; } public List<Aliases> getAllAliases() { if (allAliases == null) { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Aliases.class); c.addOrder(Order.asc("name")); allAliases = c.list(); } return allAliases; } public List<Classes> getAllClasses() { if (allClasses == null) { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Classes.class); c.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); allClasses = c.list(); } return allClasses; } public List<Classes> getDiffClasses() { if (diffClasses == null) { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Classes.class); c.add(Restrictions.eq("type", ClassesTypeEnum.DIFF.getCode())); c.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); diffClasses = c.list(); } return diffClasses; } public List<Classes> getLanguageClasses() { if (diffClasses == null) { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Classes.class); c.add(Restrictions.eq("type", ClassesTypeEnum.LANGUAGE.getCode())); c.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); diffClasses = c.list(); } return diffClasses; } public List<Languages> getLanguages() { if (languages == null) { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Languages.class); c.addOrder(Order.asc("id")); languages = c.list(); } return languages; } public List<Series> getContestsSeries() { if (contestsSeries == null) { if (temporaryContestId == null) { temporaryContestId = getTemporaryContestId(); } Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Series.class); c.createCriteria("contests").add(Restrictions.eq("id", temporaryContestId)); c.addOrder(Order.asc("startdate")); contestsSeries = c.list(); } return contestsSeries; } public List<Series> getContestsSeriesWhenAddingProblem() { if (contestsSeries == null) { if (temporaryContestId == null) { temporaryContestId = getTemporaryContestId(); } Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Series.class); c.createCriteria("contests").add(Restrictions.eq("id", temporaryContestId)); c.addOrder(Order.desc("startdate")); c.addOrder(Order.desc("id")); contestsSeries = new ArrayList<Series>(); for (Series serie : (List<Series>) c.list()) { if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryProblemId) && rolesBean.canAddProblem(serie.getContests().getId(), serie.getId())) { contestsSeries.add(serie); } else if (!ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryProblemId) && rolesBean.canEditProblem(serie.getContests().getId(), serie.getId())) { contestsSeries.add(serie); } } } return contestsSeries; } public List<Problems> getSeriesProblems() { if (seriesProblems == null) { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Problems.class); c.createCriteria("series").add(Restrictions.eq("id", temporarySeriesId)); c.addOrder(Order.asc("abbrev")); seriesProblems = c.list(); } return seriesProblems; } public List<Problems> getContestsProblems() { if (contestsProblems == null && getCurrentContest() != null) { List<Series> series = seriesDAO.findByContestsid(getCurrentContest().getId()); if (series != null) { contestsProblems = new ArrayList<Problems>(); for (Series s : series) { contestsProblems.addAll(s.getProblemss()); } } } return contestsProblems; } public List<Problems> getSubmittableProblems() { if (submittableProblems == null) { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Problems.class); Criteria s = c.createCriteria("series"); if (getCurrentContest() != null) { s.createCriteria("contests").add(Restrictions.eq("id", getCurrentContest().getId())); } if (getCurrentContest() == null || rolesBean.canEditProblem(getCurrentContest().getId(), null) == false) { s.add(Restrictions.or(Restrictions.isNull("enddate"),"enddate", new Date()))); s.add(Restrictions.le("startdate", new Date())); } s.addOrder(Order.desc("startdate")); s.addOrder(Order.desc("id")); c.addOrder(Order.asc("abbrev")); if (getCurrentContest() == null || rolesBean.canEditProblem(getCurrentContest().getId(), null) == false) { String clientIp = getClientIp(); List<Problems> problems = c.list(); submittableProblems = new ArrayList<Problems>(); for (Problems problem : problems) { if (ELFunctions.isValidIP(problem.getSeries().getOpenips(), clientIp)) { submittableProblems.add(problem); } } } else { submittableProblems = c.list(); } } return submittableProblems; } public List<Series> getCurrentContestSeries() { if (currentContestSeries == null) { // currentContestSeries = seriesDAO.findByContestsid(getCurrentContest().getId()); // Collections.reverse(currentContestSeries); Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Series.class); c.addOrder(Order.desc("startdate")); c.addOrder(Order.asc("enddate")); c.addOrder(Order.desc("id")); c.add(Restrictions.eq("", getCurrentContest().getId())); if (!rolesBean.canAddProblem(getCurrentContest().getId(), null)) { c.add(Restrictions.le("startdate", new Date())); } List<Series> series = c.list(); if (!rolesBean.canAddProblem(getCurrentContest().getId(), null)) { currentContestSeries = new ArrayList<Series>(); String clientIp = getClientIp(); for (Series serie : series) { if (serie.getHiddenblocked() == false || ELFunctions.isValidIP(serie.getOpenips(), clientIp)) { currentContestSeries.add(serie); } } } else { currentContestSeries = series; } } return currentContestSeries; } public Boolean getHaveUnansweredQuestions() { if (getCurrentContest() == null) { return false; } try { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Questions.class); c.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); c.add(Restrictions.eq("", getCurrentContest().getId())); c.add(Restrictions.eq("adate", new Timestamp(0))); if (rolesBean.canAddProblem(getCurrentContest().getId(), null) == false) { c.add(Restrictions.or(Restrictions.eq("qtype", 1), Restrictions.eq("", sessionBean.getCurrentUser().getId()))); } Number number = (Number) c.uniqueResult(); return number.intValue() > 0; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } public List<Questions> getCurrentContestQuestions() { if (currentContestQuestions == null) { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Questions.class); c.add(Restrictions.eq("", getCurrentContest().getId())); if (rolesBean.canAddProblem(getCurrentContest().getId(), null) == true) { c.addOrder(Order.asc("adate")); c.addOrder(Order.asc("qdate")); } else { c.addOrder(Order.desc("adate")); c.addOrder(Order.desc("qdate")); c.add(Restrictions.or(Restrictions.eq("qtype", 1), Restrictions.eq("", sessionBean.getCurrentUser().getId()))); } currentContestQuestions = c.list(); } return currentContestQuestions; } public String getCurrentContestRankingHtml() { RankingTable table = getCurrentContestRanking(); return table.getHtml(sessionBean.isLoggedIn()); } public RankingTable getCurrentContestRanking() { if (currentContestRanking == null && getCurrentContest() != null) { Integer contests_id = getCurrentContest().getId(); Integer type = getCurrentContest().getType(); Integer rankingRefreshRate = getCurrentContest().getRankingrefreshrate(); if (rankingRefreshRate == null) { rankingRefreshRate = 0; } Date date = temporaryRankingDate; if (date == null) { date = new Date(); } if (temporarySeriesId == null) { currentContestRanking = Ranking.getInstance().getRanking(contests_id, type, rankingRefreshRate, date, temporaryAdminBoolean); } else { currentContestRanking = Ranking.getInstance().getRankingForSeries(contests_id, temporarySeriesId, type, rankingRefreshRate, date, temporaryAdminBoolean); } } return currentContestRanking; } public String getCurrentContestSubrankingHtml() { RankingTable table = getCurrentContestSubranking(); return table.getHtml(sessionBean.isLoggedIn()); } public RankingTable getCurrentContestSubranking() { if (currentContestSubranking == null && getCurrentContest() != null) { Integer contests_id = getCurrentContest().getId(); Integer subtype = getCurrentContest().getSubtype(); Integer rankingRefreshRate = getCurrentContest().getRankingrefreshrate(); if (rankingRefreshRate == null) { rankingRefreshRate = 0; } Date date = temporaryRankingDate; if (date == null) { date = new Date(); } if (subtype == 0) { currentContestSubranking = getCurrentContestRanking(); } else { currentContestSubranking = Ranking.getInstance().getSubranking(contests_id, subtype, rankingRefreshRate, date, temporaryAdminBoolean); } } return currentContestSubranking; } public PagedDataModel getSubmissions() { if (submissions == null) { List<Integer> ratableSeries = null; if (!sessionBean.isShowOnlyMySubmissions()) { ratableSeries = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (Series s : getCurrentContest().getSeriess()) { if (rolesBean.canRate(getCurrentContest().getId(), s.getId())) { ratableSeries.add(s.getId()); } } if (ratableSeries.isEmpty()) { ratableSeries.add(0); } } Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Submits.class); c.setProjection(Projections.rowCount()); Criteria criteriaProblems = c.createCriteria("problems"); Criteria criteriaSeries = criteriaProblems.createCriteria("series"); criteriaSeries.createCriteria("contests").add(Restrictions.eq("id", getCurrentContest().getId())); if (sessionBean.isShowOnlyMySubmissions()) { c.createCriteria("users").add(Restrictions.eq("id", sessionBean.getCurrentUser().getId())); } else { if (sessionBean.getSubmissionsUserId() != 0) { c.createCriteria("users").add(Restrictions.eq("id", sessionBean.getSubmissionsUserId())); } if (sessionBean.getSubmissionsProblemId() != 0) { criteriaProblems.add(Restrictions.eq("id", sessionBean.getSubmissionsProblemId())); } if (sessionBean.getSubmissionsSeriesId() != 0) { criteriaSeries.add(Restrictions.eq("id", sessionBean.getSubmissionsSeriesId())); } criteriaSeries.add("id", ratableSeries)); } Number number = (Number) c.uniqueResult(); Criteria c2 = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Submits.class); Criteria criteria2Problems = c2.createCriteria("problems"); Criteria criteria2Series = criteria2Problems.createCriteria("series"); criteria2Series.createCriteria("contests").add(Restrictions.eq("id", getCurrentContest().getId())); if (sessionBean.isShowOnlyMySubmissions()) { c2.createCriteria("users").add(Restrictions.eq("id", sessionBean.getCurrentUser().getId())); } else { if (sessionBean.getSubmissionsUserId() != 0) { c2.createCriteria("users").add(Restrictions.eq("id", sessionBean.getSubmissionsUserId())); } if (sessionBean.getSubmissionsProblemId() != 0) { criteria2Problems.add(Restrictions.eq("id", sessionBean.getSubmissionsProblemId())); } if (sessionBean.getSubmissionsSeriesId() != 0) { criteria2Series.add(Restrictions.eq("id", sessionBean.getSubmissionsSeriesId())); } criteria2Series.add("id", ratableSeries)); } c2.addOrder(Order.desc("sdate")); if (sessionBean.isShowOnlyMySubmissions()) { c2.setFirstResult(sessionBean.getSubmissionsPageIndex() * getSubmissionsPerPage()); c2.setMaxResults(getSubmissionsPerPage()); } else { c2.setFirstResult(sessionBean.getSubmissionsPageIndex() * getSubmissionsPerPage()); c2.setMaxResults(getSubmissionsPerPage()); } submissions = new PagedDataModel(c2.list(), number.intValue()); } return submissions; } public Integer getSubmissionsPerPage() { if (sessionBean.isShowOnlyMySubmissions()) { return 15; } else { return 30; } } public String noop() { return null; } /** * @return the editedContest */ public Contests getEditedContest() { if (editedContest == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context)) { try { temporaryContestId = Integer .parseInt(context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id")); } catch (Exception e) { temporaryContestId = 0; } } if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryContestId)) { editedContest = new Contests(); editedContest.setEmail(sessionBean.getCurrentUser().getEmail()); } else { editedContest = contestsDAO.getById(temporaryContestId); } } return editedContest; } public Results getEditedResult() { if (editedResult == null && !ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryResultId)) { editedResult = resultsDAO.getById(temporaryResultId); temporarySubmitResultId = editedResult.getStatus(); } return editedResult; } public Languages getEditedLanguage() { if (editedLanguage == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context)) { try { temporaryLanguageId = Integer .parseInt(context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id")); } catch (Exception e) { temporaryLanguageId = 0; } } if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryLanguageId)) { editedLanguage = new Languages(); temporaryClassId = null; } else { editedLanguage = languagesDAO.getById(temporaryLanguageId); temporaryClassId = editedLanguage.getClasses().getId(); } } return editedLanguage; } // public UsersRoles getEditedUsersRoles() { // if (editedUsersRoles == null) { // FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); // // if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context)) { // try { // setTemporaryUsersRolesId((Integer) Integer.parseInt(context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id"))); // } catch (Exception e) { // setTemporaryUsersRolesId((Integer) 0); // } // } // // if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(getTemporaryUsersRolesId())) { // editedUsersRoles = new UsersRoles(); // editedUsersRoles.setUsers(usersDAO.getById(temporaryUserId)); // } else { // editedUsersRoles = usersRolesDAO.getById(getTemporaryUsersRolesId()); // // setTemporaryRoleTypeId(editedUsersRoles.getRoles().getId()); // if (editedUsersRoles.getContests() != null) { // temporaryContestId = editedUsersRoles.getContests().getId(); // } // // if (editedUsersRoles.getSeries() != null) { // temporarySeriesId = editedUsersRoles.getSeries().getId(); // } // // } // } // return editedUsersRoles; // } public Aliases getEditedAlias() { if (editedAlias == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context) && temporaryAliasId == null) { try { temporaryAliasId = Integer .parseInt(context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id")); } catch (Exception e) { temporaryAliasId = 0; } } if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryAliasId)) { editedAlias = new Aliases(); } else { editedAlias = aliasesDAO.getById(temporaryAliasId); } } return editedAlias; } public Classes getEditedClass() { if (editedClass == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context) && temporaryClassId == null) { try { temporaryClassId = Integer .parseInt(context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id")); } catch (Exception e) { temporaryClassId = 0; } } if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryClassId)) { editedClass = new Classes(); } else { editedClass = classesDAO.getById(temporaryClassId); } } return editedClass; } public Users getEditedUser() { if (editedUser == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context) && temporaryUserId == null) { try { temporaryUserId = Integer .parseInt(context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id")); } catch (Exception e) { temporaryUserId = 0; } } if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryUserId)) { if (sessionBean.getCurrentUser() == null) { return null; } editedUser = usersDAO.getById(sessionBean.getCurrentUser().getId()); } else { editedUser = usersDAO.getById(temporaryUserId); } // temporaryUserRolesIds = new Integer[editedUser.getUsersRoless().size()]; // for (int i = 0; i < editedUser.getUsersRoless().size(); ++i) { // temporaryUserRolesIds[i] = editedUser.getUsersRoless().get(i).getRoles().getId(); // } } return editedUser; } public Contests getCurrentContest() { if (currentContest == null) { if (sessionBean.getCurrentContestId() != null) { currentContest = contestsDAO.getById(sessionBean.getCurrentContestId()); if (currentContest.getVisibility() == false && rolesBean.canAddProblem(currentContest.getId(), null) == false && rolesBean.canEditProblem(currentContest.getId(), null) == false) { currentContest = null; } } } return currentContest; } public Submits getEditedSubmit() { if (editedSubmit == null) { editedSubmit = new Submits(); } return editedSubmit; } public Submits getCurrentSubmit() { if (currentSubmit == null && !ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporarySubmitId)) { currentSubmit = submitsDAO.getById(temporarySubmitId); } return currentSubmit; } public Questions getEditedQuestion() { if (editedQuestion == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context)) { try { temporaryQuestionId = Integer .parseInt(context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id")); } catch (Exception e) { temporaryQuestionId = 0; } } if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryQuestionId)) { editedQuestion = new Questions(); } else { editedQuestion = questionsDAO.getById(temporaryQuestionId); if (editedQuestion != null && !WWWHelper.isPost(context)) { publicAnswer = editedQuestion.getQtype().equals(1); } } } return editedQuestion; } public List<LanguagesProblems> getTemporaryLanguagesProblems() { if (temporaryLanguagesProblems == null) { temporaryLanguagesProblems = languagesProblemsDAO.findByProblemsid(temporaryProblemId); } return temporaryLanguagesProblems; } public Problems getCurrentProblem() { return currentProblem; } public Boolean getTemporaryAdminBoolean() { return temporaryAdminBoolean; } public Integer getTemporaryContestId() { return temporaryContestId; } public void setTemporaryContestId(Integer id) { temporaryContestId = id; } public Integer getTemporarySeriesId() { return temporarySeriesId; } public void setTemporarySeriesId(Integer id) { temporarySeriesId = id; } public Integer getTemporaryProblemId() { return temporaryProblemId; } public void setTemporaryProblemId(Integer temporaryProblemId) { this.temporaryProblemId = temporaryProblemId; } public Integer getTemporaryAliasId() { return temporaryAliasId; } public Integer getTemporaryClassId() { return temporaryClassId; } public void setTemporaryAliasId(Integer temporaryAliasId) { this.temporaryAliasId = temporaryAliasId; } public void setTemporaryClassId(Integer temporaryClassId) { this.temporaryClassId = temporaryClassId; } public Integer getTemporaryTestId() { return temporaryTestId; } public void setTemporaryTestId(Integer temporaryTestId) { this.temporaryTestId = temporaryTestId; } public Integer getTemporaryQuestionId() { return temporaryQuestionId; } public void setTemporaryQuestionId(Integer temporaryQuestionId) { this.temporaryQuestionId = temporaryQuestionId; } // public Integer[] getTemporaryUserRolesIds() { // return temporaryUserRolesIds; // } // // public void setTemporaryUserRolesIds(Integer[] temporaryUserRolesIds) { // this.temporaryUserRolesIds = temporaryUserRolesIds; // } public Integer[] getTemporaryLanguagesIds() { return temporaryLanguagesIds; } public void setTemporaryLanguagesIds(Integer[] temporaryLanguagesIds) { this.temporaryLanguagesIds = temporaryLanguagesIds; } public Integer getTemporaryLanguageId() { return temporaryLanguageId; } public void setTemporaryLanguageId(Integer temporaryLanguageId) { this.temporaryLanguageId = temporaryLanguageId; } public Integer getTemporaryResultId() { return temporaryResultId; } public void setTemporaryResultId(Integer temporaryResultId) { this.temporaryResultId = temporaryResultId; } public Integer getTemporarySubmitId() { return temporarySubmitId; } public void setTemporarySubmitId(Integer temporarySubmitId) { this.temporarySubmitId = temporarySubmitId; } public Integer getTemporaryUserId() { return temporaryUserId; } public void setTemporaryUserId(Integer temporaryUserId) { this.temporaryUserId = temporaryUserId; } public UploadedFile getTemporaryFile() { return temporaryFile; } public void setTemporaryFile(UploadedFile temporaryFile) { this.temporaryFile = temporaryFile; } public Boolean getDeletePdf() { return deletePdf; } public void setDeletePdf(Boolean deletePdf) { this.deletePdf = deletePdf; } public boolean isPublicAnswer() { return publicAnswer; } public void setPublicAnswer(boolean publicAnswer) { this.publicAnswer = publicAnswer; } public boolean isShowOnlyMySubmissions() { return sessionBean.isShowOnlyMySubmissions(); } public void setShowOnlyMySubmissions(boolean showOnlyMySubmissions) { sessionBean.setShowOnlyMySubmissions(showOnlyMySubmissions); } public boolean isRatingMode() { return ratingMode; } public void setRatingMode(boolean ratingMode) { this.ratingMode = ratingMode; } public String getTemporarySource() { return temporarySource; } public void setTemporarySource(String temporarySource) { this.temporarySource = temporarySource; } public String getAnswer() { return answer; } public void setAnswer(String answer) { this.answer = answer; } public Series getEditedSeries() { if (editedSeries == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context)) { try { temporarySeriesId = Integer .parseInt(context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id")); } catch (Exception e) { temporarySeriesId = 0; } } if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporarySeriesId)) { editedSeries = new Series(); } else { editedSeries = seriesDAO.getById(temporarySeriesId); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context) && editedSeries.getContests() != null) { temporaryContestId = editedSeries.getContests().getId(); } } } return editedSeries; } public Problems getEditedProblem() { if (editedProblem == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context)) { try { temporaryProblemId = Integer .parseInt(context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id")); } catch (Exception e) { temporaryProblemId = 0; } } if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryProblemId)) { editedProblem = new Problems(); } else { editedProblem = problemsDAO.getById(temporaryProblemId); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context)) { if (editedProblem.getSeries() != null) { temporarySeriesId = editedProblem.getSeries().getId(); temporaryContestId = editedProblem.getSeries().getContests().getId(); } if (editedProblem.getClasses() != null) { temporaryClassId = editedProblem.getClasses().getId(); } if (editedProblem.getLanguagesProblemss() != null) { temporaryLanguagesIds = new Integer[editedProblem.getLanguagesProblemss().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < editedProblem.getLanguagesProblemss().size(); ++i) { temporaryLanguagesIds[i] = editedProblem.getLanguagesProblemss().get(i).getLanguages() .getId(); } } } } } return editedProblem; } public Tests getEditedTest() { if (editedTest == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context)) { try { temporaryTestId = Integer .parseInt(context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id")); } catch (Exception e) { temporaryTestId = 0; } } if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryTestId)) { editedTest = new Tests(); } else { editedTest = testsDAO.getById(temporaryTestId); if (!WWWHelper.isPost(context)) { if (editedTest.getProblems() != null) { temporaryContestId = editedTest.getProblems().getSeries().getContests().getId(); temporarySeriesId = editedTest.getProblems().getSeries().getId(); temporaryProblemId = editedTest.getProblems().getId(); } } } } return editedTest; } public String registerUser() { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); try { try { newUser.setLogin(newUser.getLogin().toLowerCase()); newUser.savePass(newUser.getPass()); newUser.setRdate(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));; } catch (ConstraintViolationException e) { String summary = messages.getString("login_exists"); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formRegister:login", summary, null); newUser.savePass(StringUtils.EMPTY); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formRegister:save", summary, null); return null; } return "login"; } public String saveAlias() { if (!rolesBean.canEditAnyProblem()) { return null; } try { aliasesDAO.saveOrUpdate(getEditedAlias()); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formSubmit:save", summary, null); return null; } return "listaliases"; } public String saveLanguage() { if (!rolesBean.canEditAnyProblem()) { return null; } try { getEditedLanguage().setClasses(classesDAO.getById(temporaryClassId)); languagesDAO.saveOrUpdate(getEditedLanguage()); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditLanguage:save", summary, null); return null; } return "listlanguages"; } public String saveContest() { Integer id = getEditedContest().getId(); if ((ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(id) && !rolesBean.canAddContest(null, null)) || (!ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(id) && !rolesBean.canEditContest(id, null))) { return null; } try { contestsDAO.saveOrUpdate(getEditedContest()); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditContest:save", summary, null); return null; } return "start"; } public String saveSeries() { Integer id = editedSeries.getId(); if ((ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(id) && !rolesBean.canAddSeries(temporaryContestId, null)) || (!ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(id) && !rolesBean.canEditSeries(temporaryContestId, id))) { return null; } try { editedSeries.setContests(contestsDAO.getById(temporaryContestId)); seriesDAO.saveOrUpdate(editedSeries); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditSeries:save", summary, null); return null; } return "problems"; } public String updateUserByAdmin() { if (!rolesBean.canEditUsers()) { return null; } try { if (repPasswd != null && repPasswd.length() > 0) { editedUser.savePass(repPasswd); } // // List<UsersRoles> tmpList = usersRolesDAO.findByUsersid(editedUser.getId()); // // if (tmpList != null) { // for (UsersRoles role : tmpList) { // usersRolesDAO.delete(role); // } // } // // for (Integer rid : temporaryUserRolesIds) { // UsersRoles usersRoles = new UsersRoles(); // usersRoles.setRoles(rolesDAO.getById(rid)); // usersRoles.setUsers(editedUser); // usersRolesDAO.saveOrUpdate(usersRoles); // } usersDAO.saveOrUpdate(editedUser); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formProfile:save", summary, null); return null; } return "listusers"; } public String updateUser() { try { usersDAO.saveOrUpdate(editedUser); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formProfile:save", summary, null); return null; } return "start"; } public String updateUsersPasswd() { try { editedUser.savePass(editedUser.getPass()); usersDAO.saveOrUpdate(editedUser); sessionBean.getCurrentUser().setPass(editedUser.getPass()); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formPasswd:save", summary, null); return null; } return "profil"; } public String sendClassFile() throws IOException { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (!rolesBean.canEditAnyProblem()) { return null; } if (temporaryFile == null) { WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formSubmit::classfile", messages.getString("javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED"), null); return null; } try { editedClass.setCode(temporaryFile.getBytes()); if (editedClass.getVersion() == null) { editedClass.setVersion(1); } else { editedClass.setVersion(editedClass.getVersion() + 1); } classesDAO.saveOrUpdate(editedClass); return "listclasses"; } catch (Exception e) { String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formSubmit::classfile", summary, null); return null; } } public String sendFile() throws IOException { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (temporaryFile == null) { WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formSubmit:sourcefile", messages.getString("javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED"), null); return null; } return sendSolution(temporaryFile.getBytes(), temporaryFile.getName(), "formSubmit:sendfile"); } public String sendCode() { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (temporarySource == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(temporarySource)) { WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formSubmit:sourcecode", messages.getString("javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED"), null); return null; } return sendSolution(temporarySource.getBytes(), null, "formSubmit:sendcode"); } private void insertContest(Contests contest) { contestsDAO.saveOrUpdate(contest); for (Series serie : contest.getSeriess()) { insertSerie(contest, serie); } } private void insertSerie(Contests contest, Series serie) { serie.setContests(contest); seriesDAO.saveOrUpdate(serie); for (Problems problem : serie.getProblemss()) { insertProblem(serie, problem); } } private void insertProblem(Series serie, Problems problem) { ProblemsUtils.getInstance().copyProblem(problem, serie, problem.getAbbrev(), problem.getName()); } public String uploadContest() { if (!rolesBean.canAddContest(null, null)) { return null; } if (temporaryFile == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditProblem::contestfile", messages.getString("javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED"), null); return null; } try { Contests unzippedContest = ZipFile.unzipContest(temporaryFile.getBytes(), getLanguages(), getDiffClasses()); insertContest(unzippedContest); selectContest(unzippedContest.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditProblem:save", summary, null); return null; } return "problems"; } public String uploadSerie() { if (!rolesBean.canAddSeries(temporaryContestId, null)) { return null; } if (temporaryFile == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditProblem::seriefile", messages.getString("javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED"), null); return null; } try { Series unzippedSerie = ZipFile.unzipSerie(temporaryFile.getBytes(), getLanguages(), getDiffClasses()); Contests contests = contestsDAO.getById(temporaryContestId); insertSerie(contests, unzippedSerie); selectContest(temporaryContestId); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditProblem:save", summary, null); return null; } return "problems"; } public String uploadProblem() { if (!rolesBean.canAddProblem(temporaryContestId, temporarySeriesId)) { return null; } if (temporaryFile == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditProblem::problemfile", messages.getString("javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED"), null); return null; } try { Problems unzippedProblem = ZipFile.unzipProblem(temporaryFile.getBytes(), getLanguages(), getDiffClasses()); Series newSeries = seriesDAO.getById(temporarySeriesId); insertProblem(newSeries, unzippedProblem); selectContest(newSeries.getContests().getId()); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditProblem:save", summary, null); return null; } return "problems"; } public String uploadTest() { if (!rolesBean.canEditProblem(temporaryContestId, temporarySeriesId)) { return null; } if (temporaryFile == null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditProblem::testfile", messages.getString("javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED"), null); return null; } try { Problems problem = problemsDAO.getById(temporaryProblemId); List<Tests> tests = ZipFile.unzipTests(temporaryFile.getBytes()); for (Tests test : tests) { test.setProblems(problem); testsDAO.saveOrUpdate(test); } } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditProblem:save", summary, null); return null; } return "problems"; } public String copyProblem() { Integer id = temporaryProblemId; if ((ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(id) && !rolesBean.canEditProblem(temporaryContestId, temporarySeriesId)) || (!ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(id) && !rolesBean.canEditProblem(temporaryContestId, temporarySeriesId))) { return null; } try { Problems oldProblem = problemsDAO.getById(temporaryProblemId); Series newSeries = seriesDAO.getById(temporarySeriesId); Problems newProblem = ProblemsUtils.getInstance().copyProblem(oldProblem, newSeries, copiedProblem.getAbbrev(), copiedProblem.getName()); selectContest(newProblem.getSeries().getContests().getId()); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditProblem:save", summary, null); return null; } return "problems"; } public String saveProblem() { Integer id = getEditedProblem().getId(); if ((ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(id) && !rolesBean.canAddProblem(temporaryContestId, temporarySeriesId)) || (!ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(id) && !rolesBean.canEditProblem(temporaryContestId, temporarySeriesId))) { return null; } try { Problems tmpProblem = getEditedProblem(); tmpProblem.setSeries(seriesDAO.getById(temporarySeriesId)); tmpProblem.setClasses(classesDAO.getById(temporaryClassId)); List<LanguagesProblems> tmpList = languagesProblemsDAO.findByProblemsid(tmpProblem.getId()); if (tmpList != null) { for (LanguagesProblems lp : tmpList) { languagesProblemsDAO.delete(lp); } } for (Integer lid : temporaryLanguagesIds) { LanguagesProblems lp = new LanguagesProblems(); lp.setLanguages(languagesDAO.getById(lid)); lp.setProblems(tmpProblem); languagesProblemsDAO.saveOrUpdate(lp); } if (temporaryFile != null) { PDF current = tmpProblem.getPDF(); if (current == null) { current = new PDF(); } current.setPdf(temporaryFile.getBytes()); pdfDAO.saveOrUpdate(current); tmpProblem.setPDF(current); } if (deletePdf) { //PDF tmp = tmpProblem.getPDF(); //pdfDAO.delete(tmp); tmpProblem.setPDF(null); } problemsDAO.saveOrUpdate(tmpProblem); selectContest(editedProblem.getSeries().getContests().getId()); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditProblem:save", summary, null); return null; } return "problems"; } public String addQuestion() { try { Problems problem = problemsDAO.getById(temporaryProblemId); Questions question = getEditedQuestion(); question.setContests(getCurrentContest()); question.setProblems(problem); question.setQtype(0); question.setUsers(sessionBean.getCurrentUser()); question.setQdate(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); question.setAdate(new Timestamp(0));; String emails = getCurrentContest().getEmail(); if (emails != null && emails.isEmpty() == false) { HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().flush(); HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance() .getExternalContext().getRequest(); String url = request.getRequestURL() .delete(request.getRequestURL().length() - request.getRequestURI().length(), request.getRequestURL().length()) .append(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestContextPath()) .append("/question/").append(question.getId()).append("/") .append(ELFunctions.filterUri(question.getSubject())).append(".html").toString(); String subject = messages.getString("email_question_subject") .replace("%SUBJECT%", question.getSubject()).replace("%TEXT%", question.getQuestion()) .replace("%CONTEST%", question.getContests().getName()).replace("%URL%", url) .replace("%PROBLEM%", (problem == null || problem.getId() == 0) ? messages.getString("questions_general") : problem.getName()) .trim(); String text = messages.getString("email_question_text").replace("%SUBJECT%", question.getSubject()) .replace("%TEXT%", question.getQuestion()) .replace("%CONTEST%", question.getContests().getName()).replace("%URL%", url) .replace("%PROBLEM%", (problem == null || problem.getId() == 0) ? messages.getString("questions_general") : problem.getName()) .trim(); EmailSender.send(emails, subject, text); } return "questions"; } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formQuestions:save", summary, null); return null; } } public String saveAnswer() { try { String tmp = getEditedQuestion().getQuestion().replaceAll("\n", "\n> "); tmp = ">".concat(tmp).concat("\n\n").concat(answer); getEditedQuestion().setQuestion(tmp); getEditedQuestion().setQtype(publicAnswer ? 1 : 0); getEditedQuestion().setAdate(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); questionsDAO.saveOrUpdate(getEditedQuestion()); return "questions"; } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formQuestion:save", summary, null); return null; } } public String saveResult() { Results result = getEditedResult(); result.setStatus(temporarySubmitResultId); resultsDAO.update(result); temporaryResultId = null; return null; } public String saveNotes() { submitsDAO.update(getCurrentSubmit()); return null; } @HttpAction(name = "rejudge_submit", pattern = "rejudge/{id}/submit") public String reJudgeSubmit(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Submits s = submitsDAO.getById(id); if (s != null && rolesBean.canRate(s.getProblems().getSeries().getContests().getId(), s.getProblems().getSeries().getId())) { SubmitsUtils.getInstance().reJudge(s); return "/submissions"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "rejudge_problem", pattern = "rejudge/{id}/problem") public String reJudgeProblem(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Problems p = problemsDAO.getById(id); if (p != null && rolesBean.canRate(p.getSeries().getContests().getId(), p.getSeries().getId())) { ProblemsUtils.getInstance().reJudge(p); return "/problems"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "rejudge_seria", pattern = "rejudge/{id}/seria") public String reJudgeSeria(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Series s = seriesDAO.getById(id); if (s != null && rolesBean.canRate(s.getContests().getId(), s.getId())) { SeriesUtils.getInstance().reJudge(s); return "/problems"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "rejudge_contest", pattern = "rejudge/{id}/contest") public String reJudgeContest(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Contests c = contestsDAO.getById(id); if (c != null && rolesBean.canRateContest(c)) { ContestsUtils.getInstance().reJudge(c); return "/start"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "problems", pattern = "problems/{id}/{title}") public String goToProblems(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { selectContest(id); if (getCurrentContest() == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { return "problems"; } } @HttpAction(name = "questions", pattern = "questions/{id}/{title}") public String goToQuestions(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { selectContest(id); if (getCurrentContest() == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { return "questions"; } } @HttpAction(name = "ranking", pattern = "ranking/{id}/{title}") public String goToRanking(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { selectContest(id); if (getCurrentContest() == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { temporaryAdminBoolean = false; if (rolesBean.canAddProblem(getCurrentContest().getId(), null)) { if ("__admin__".equals(dummy)) { temporaryAdminBoolean = true; } } return "ranking"; } } @HttpAction(name = "ranking_date", pattern = "ranking/{id}/{title}/{date}") public String goToRankingDate(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy, @Param(name = "date", encode = true) String date) { selectContest(id); if (getCurrentContest() == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { temporaryAdminBoolean = false; if (rolesBean.canAddProblem(getCurrentContest().getId(), null)) { try { temporaryRankingDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(date); } catch (Exception e) { } if ("__admin__".equals(dummy)) { temporaryAdminBoolean = true; } } return "ranking"; } } @HttpAction(name = "ranking_seria", pattern = "ranking_seria/{id}/{title}") public String goToRankingSeria(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { Series serie = seriesDAO.getById(id); if (serie == null || (ELFunctions.isValidIP(serie.getOpenips(), getClientIp()) == false && serie.getHiddenblocked() == true && !rolesBean.canAddProblem(serie.getContests().getId(), id))) { return "/error/404"; } selectContest(serie.getContests().getId()); if (getCurrentContest() == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { temporarySeriesId = id; temporaryAdminBoolean = false; if (rolesBean.canAddProblem(getCurrentContest().getId(), id)) { if ("__admin__".equals(dummy)) { temporaryAdminBoolean = true; } } return "ranking"; } } @HttpAction(name = "ranking_seria_date", pattern = "ranking_seria/{id}/{title}/{date}") public String goToRankingSeriaDate(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy, @Param(name = "date", encode = true) String date) { Series serie = seriesDAO.getById(id); if (serie == null || (ELFunctions.isValidIP(serie.getOpenips(), getClientIp()) == false && serie.getHiddenblocked() == true && !rolesBean.canAddProblem(serie.getContests().getId(), id))) { return "/error/404"; } selectContest(serie.getContests().getId()); if (getCurrentContest() == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { temporarySeriesId = id; temporaryAdminBoolean = false; if (rolesBean.canAddProblem(getCurrentContest().getId(), id)) { try { temporaryRankingDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").parse(date); } catch (Exception e) { } if ("__admin__".equals(dummy)) { temporaryAdminBoolean = true; } } return "ranking"; } } @HttpAction(name = "subranking", pattern = "subranking/{id}/{title}") public String goToSubranking(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { selectContest(id); if (getCurrentContest() == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { temporaryAdminBoolean = false; if (rolesBean.canAddProblem(getCurrentContest().getId(), null)) { if ("__admin__".equals(dummy)) { temporaryAdminBoolean = true; } } return "subranking"; } } @HttpAction(name = "rules", pattern = "rules/{id}/{title}") public String goToRules(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { selectContest(id); if (getCurrentContest() == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { return "rules"; } } @HttpAction(name = "submissions", pattern = "submissions/{id}/{title}") public String goToSubmissions(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { selectContest(id); if (sessionBean.getCurrentContestId() != sessionBean.getSubmissionsContestId() || (new Date().getTime() - sessionBean.getSubmissionsLastVisit()) > 60 * 60 * 1000) { sessionBean.setShowOnlyMySubmissions(true); sessionBean.setSubmissionsContestId(id); } sessionBean.setSubmissionsUserId(0); sessionBean.setSubmissionsSeriesId(0); sessionBean.setSubmissionsProblemId(0); sessionBean.setSubmissionsPageIndex(0); sessionBean.setSubmissionsLastVisit(new Date().getTime()); if (getCurrentContest() == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { return "submissions"; } } @HttpAction(name = "submissions_username", pattern = "submissions_username/{username}") public String goToSubmissionsUsername(@Param(name = "username", encode = true) String username) { try { sessionBean.setSubmissionsUserId(usersDAO.findByLogin(username).get(0).getId()); } catch (Exception e) { sessionBean.setSubmissionsUserId(0); } if (getCurrentContest() == null || sessionBean.isShowOnlyMySubmissions() == true) { return "/error/404"; } else { sessionBean.setSubmissionsPageIndex(0); return "submissions"; } } @HttpAction(name = "submissions_problem", pattern = "submissions_problem/{id}") public String goToSubmissionsProblem(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) Integer id) { try { Problems p = problemsDAO.getById(id); selectContest(p.getSeries().getContests().getId()); sessionBean.setSubmissionsProblemId(p.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { return "/error/404"; } if (getCurrentContest() == null || sessionBean.isShowOnlyMySubmissions() == true) { return "/error/404"; } else { sessionBean.setSubmissionsPageIndex(0); return "submissions"; } } @HttpAction(name = "submissions_seria", pattern = "submissions_seria/{id}") public String goToSubmissionsSeries(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) Integer id) { if (getCurrentContest() == null || sessionBean.isShowOnlyMySubmissions() == true) { return "/error/404"; } else { try { Series s = seriesDAO.getById(id); selectContest(s.getContests().getId()); sessionBean.setSubmissionsSeriesId(s.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { return "/error/404"; } sessionBean.setSubmissionsPageIndex(0); return "submissions"; } } @HttpAction(name = "submission", pattern = "submission/{id}/{title}") public String goToSubmission(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { currentSubmit = submitsDAO.getById(id); if (currentSubmit == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { selectContest(currentSubmit.getProblems().getSeries().getContests().getId()); temporarySubmitId = id; return "submission"; } } @HttpAction(name = "code", pattern = "code/{id}/{title}") public String goToViewCode(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { String res = goToSubmission(id, dummy); if (res.equals("submission")) { res = "view_code"; } return res; } @HttpAction(name = "rate", pattern = "rate/{id}/{title}") public String goToRate(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { String res = goToSubmission(id, dummy); if (res.equals("submission")) { ratingMode = true; } return res; } @HttpAction(name = "problem", pattern = "problem/{id}/{title}") public String goToProblem(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { currentProblem = problemsDAO.getById(id); if (currentProblem != null) { Series serie = currentProblem.getSeries(); if (((ELFunctions.isValidIP(serie.getOpenips(), getClientIp()) == false && serie.getHiddenblocked() == true) || serie.getStartdate().after(new Date()) || serie.getContests().getVisibility() == false) && !rolesBean.canAddProblem(serie.getContests().getId(), serie.getId())) { currentProblem = null; } } if (currentProblem == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { selectContest(currentProblem.getSeries().getContests().getId()); return "problem"; } } @HttpAction(name = "question", pattern = "question/{id}/{title}") public String goToQuestion(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { temporaryQuestionId = id; editedQuestion = questionsDAO.getById(id); if (editedQuestion == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { publicAnswer = editedQuestion.getQtype() == 1; selectContest(editedQuestion.getContests().getId()); return "question"; } } @HttpAction(name = "submit", pattern = "submit/{id}/{title}") public String goToSubmit(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "title", encode = true) String dummy) { currentProblem = problemsDAO.getById(id); if (currentProblem == null) { return "/error/404"; } else { selectContest(currentProblem.getSeries().getContests().getId()); temporaryProblemId = id; return "submit"; } } @HttpAction(name = "delcontest", pattern = "del/{id}/contest") public String deleteContest(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { if (rolesBean.canDeleteContest(id, null)) { contestsDAO.deleteById(id); if (sessionBean.getCurrentContestId() != null && sessionBean.getCurrentContestId().equals(id)) { currentContest = null; sessionBean.setCurrentContestId(null); } return "/start"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "dellanguage", pattern = "del/{id}/language") public String deleteLanguage(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { if (rolesBean.canEditAnyProblem()) { try { languagesDAO.deleteById(id); HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().getTransaction().commit(); HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().beginTransaction(); } catch (JDBCException e) { e.printStackTrace(); SQLException ex = e.getSQLException(); while ((ex = ex.getNextException()) != null) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return "/admin/listlanguages"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "delalias", pattern = "del/{id}/alias") public String deleteAliases(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { if (rolesBean.canEditAnyProblem()) { aliasesDAO.deleteById(id); return "/admin/listaliases"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "delclass", pattern = "del/{id}/class") public String deleteClasses(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { if (rolesBean.canEditAnyProblem()) { classesDAO.deleteById(id); return "/admin/listclasses"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "delsubmit", pattern = "del/{id}/submit") public String deleteSubmit(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Submits s = submitsDAO.getById(id); if (s != null && rolesBean.canAddProblem(s.getProblems().getSeries().getContests().getId(), s.getProblems().getSeries().getId())) { submitsDAO.deleteById(id); return "submissions"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "ghostsubmit", pattern = "ghost/{id}/submit") public String ghostSubmit(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Submits s = submitsDAO.getById(id); if (s != null && rolesBean.canRate(s.getProblems().getSeries().getContests().getId(), s.getProblems().getSeries().getId())) { s.setVisibleinranking(!s.getVisibleinranking()); submitsDAO.saveOrUpdate(s); return "submissions"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "addseries", pattern = "add/{id}/series") public String goToAddseries(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { temporaryContestId = id; return "/admin/editseries"; } @HttpAction(name = "delseries", pattern = "del/{id}/series") public String deleteSeries(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Series s = seriesDAO.getById(id); if (s != null && rolesBean.canDeleteSeries(s.getContests().getId(), id)) { try { seriesDAO.delete(s); HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().getTransaction().commit(); HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().beginTransaction(); } catch (JDBCException e) { e.printStackTrace(); SQLException ex = e.getSQLException(); while ((ex = ex.getNextException()) != null) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } return "problems"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "deltest", pattern = "del/{id}/test") public String deleteTest(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Tests s = testsDAO.getById(id); if (s != null && rolesBean.canEditProblem(s.getProblems().getSeries().getContests().getId(), s.getProblems().getSeries().getId())) { temporaryProblemId = s.getProblems().getId(); testsDAO.delete(s); return "del_test"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "addproblem", pattern = "add/{id}/problem") public String goToAddProblem(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Series s = seriesDAO.getById(id); if (s != null) { temporarySeriesId = id; temporaryContestId = s.getContests().getId(); } return "/admin/editproblem"; } @HttpAction(name = "putcontest", pattern = "put/contest") public String goToPutContest() { return "/admin/uploadcontest"; } @HttpAction(name = "putserie", pattern = "put/{id}/serie") public String goToPutSerie(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Contests c = contestsDAO.getById(id); if (c != null) { temporaryContestId = c.getId(); } return "/admin/uploadserie"; } @HttpAction(name = "putproblem", pattern = "put/{id}/problem") public String goToPutProblem(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Series s = seriesDAO.getById(id); if (s != null) { temporarySeriesId = id; temporaryContestId = s.getContests().getId(); } return "/admin/uploadproblem"; } @HttpAction(name = "puttest", pattern = "put/{id}/test") public String goToPutTest(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Problems p = problemsDAO.getById(id); if (p != null) { temporaryProblemId = id; temporarySeriesId = p.getSeries().getId(); temporaryContestId = p.getSeries().getContests().getId(); } return "/admin/uploadtest"; } @HttpAction(name = "delproblem", pattern = "del/{id}/problem") public String deleteProblem(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Problems p = problemsDAO.getById(id); if (p != null && rolesBean.canDeleteProblem(p.getSeries().getContests().getId(), p.getSeries().getId())) { problemsDAO.delete(p); return "problems"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "addtest", pattern = "add/{id}/test") public String goToAddtest(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { Problems p = problemsDAO.getById(id); if (p != null) { temporaryProblemId = id; temporarySeriesId = p.getSeries().getId(); temporaryContestId = p.getSeries().getContests().getId(); } return "/admin/edittest"; } @HttpAction(name = "edituser", pattern = "edit/{id}/user") public String goToEdituser(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) String username) { if (!rolesBean.canEditUsers()) { return "/error/404"; } try { temporaryUserId = usersDAO.findByLogin(username).get(0).getId(); return "/admin/edituser"; } catch (Exception ex) { return "listusers"; } } public String saveUsersRoles() { Integer id = getEditedProblem().getId(); if (!rolesBean.canEditUsers()) { return null; } try { UsersRoles tmpUsersRoles; if (ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(temporaryUsersRolesId)) { tmpUsersRoles = new UsersRoles(); tmpUsersRoles.setUsers(usersDAO.getById(temporaryUserId)); } else { tmpUsersRoles = usersRolesDAO.getById(temporaryUsersRolesId); } tmpUsersRoles.setRoles(rolesDAO.getById(temporaryRoleTypeId)); if (temporaryContestId != null) { tmpUsersRoles.setContests(contestsDAO.getById(temporaryContestId)); } if (temporarySeriesId != null) { tmpUsersRoles.setSeries(seriesDAO.getById(temporarySeriesId)); } usersRolesDAO.saveOrUpdate(tmpUsersRoles); String login = tmpUsersRoles.getUsers().getLogin(); return goToEdituser(login); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formProfile:save", summary, null); return null; } } @HttpAction(name = "adduserrole", pattern = "add/{id}/userrole") public String goToAdduserrole(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { if (!rolesBean.canEditUsers()) { return "/error/404"; } try { Users user = usersDAO.getById(id); if (user == null) { return "/error/404"; } temporaryUserId = user.getId(); return "/admin/edituserrole"; } catch (Exception ex) { return "listusers"; } } @HttpAction(name = "edituserrole", pattern = "edit/{id}/userrole") public String goToEdituserrole(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { if (!rolesBean.canEditUsers()) { return "/error/404"; } try { UsersRoles userRole = usersRolesDAO.getById(id); if (userRole == null) { return "/error/404"; } temporaryUsersRolesId = id; temporaryUserId = userRole.getUsers().getId(); temporaryRoleTypeId = userRole.getRoles().getId(); if (userRole.getContests() != null) { temporaryContestId = userRole.getContests().getId(); } if (userRole.getSeries() != null) { temporarySeriesId = userRole.getSeries().getId(); } return "/admin/edituserrole"; } catch (Exception ex) { return "listusers"; } } @HttpAction(name = "deluserrole", pattern = "del/{id}/userrole") public String deleteUserrole(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) { if (!rolesBean.canEditUsers()) { return "/error/404"; } UsersRoles userRole = usersRolesDAO.getById(id); if (userRole != null) { // String login = userRole.getUsers().getLogin(); usersRolesDAO.delete(userRole); // return "/admin/edituser"; return "del_userrole"; } else { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "clock", pattern = "clock/{date}") public String goToClock(@Param(name = "date", encode = true) String date) { try { temporaryDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm").parse(date); } catch (Exception e) { } if (temporaryDate == null) { try { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar d = Calendar.getInstance(); d.setTime(new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm").parse(date)); c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, d.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, d.get(Calendar.MINUTE)); c.set(Calendar.SECOND, d.get(Calendar.SECOND)); c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, d.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND)); temporaryDate = c.getTime(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (temporaryDate == null) { try { temporaryDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + Integer.parseInt(date) * 1000L); } catch (Exception e) { temporaryDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 10 * 60 * 1000); } } return "clock"; } @HttpAction(name = "viewpdfasimage", pattern = "view/{id}/pdf") public String viewPdfAsImage(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id) throws IOException { try { String name = StringUtils.EMPTY; String mimetype = StringUtils.EMPTY; byte[] content = null; Problems problem = problemsDAO.getById(id); if (problem != null && (problem.getSeries().getStartdate().after(new Date()) || problem.getSeries().getContests().getVisibility() == false) && !rolesBean.canEditProblem(problem.getSeries().getContests().getId(), null)) { problem = null; } if (problem != null && problem.getPDF() != null) { name = problem.getName() + ".jpg"; content = PdfToImage.convertPdf(problem.getPDF().getPdf()); mimetype = "image/jpeg"; } if (content != null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) context.getExternalContext().getResponse(); response.setContentLength(content.length); response.setContentType(mimetype); response.setHeader("Content-Description", "File Transfer"); response.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"); response.getOutputStream().write(content); response.getOutputStream().flush(); response.getOutputStream().close(); context.responseComplete(); return null; } else { return "/error/404"; } } catch (Exception ex) { return "/error/404"; } } @HttpAction(name = "getfile", pattern = "get/{id}/{type}") public String getFile(@Param(name = "id", encode = true) int id, @Param(name = "type", encode = true) String type) throws IOException { try { String name = StringUtils.EMPTY; String mimetype = StringUtils.EMPTY; byte[] content = null; if ("pdf".equals(type)) { Problems problem = problemsDAO.getById(id); if (problem != null && (problem.getSeries().getStartdate().after(new Date()) || problem.getSeries().getContests().getVisibility() == false) && !rolesBean.canEditProblem(problem.getSeries().getContests().getId(), null)) { problem = null; } if (problem != null && problem.getPDF() != null) { name = problem.getName() + ".pdf"; content = problem.getPDF().getPdf(); mimetype = "application/pdf"; } } else if ("code".equals(type)) { Submits s = submitsDAO.getById(id); if (s.getUsers().getId().equals(sessionBean.getCurrentUser().getId()) || rolesBean.canRate(s.getProblems().getSeries().getContests().getId(), s.getProblems().getSeries().getContests().getId())) { if (s != null && s.getCode() != null) { name = s.getFilename(); content = s.getCode(); mimetype = "application/force-download"; } } } else if ("class".equals(type)) { if (rolesBean.canEditAnyProblem()) { Classes c = classesDAO.getById(id); if (c != null && c.getCode() != null) { name = c.getFilename() + ".class"; content = c.getCode(); mimetype = "application/force-download"; } } } else if ("contest".equals(type)) { Contests contest = contestsDAO.getById(id); if (contest != null && !rolesBean.canEditContest(contest.getId(), null)) { contest = null; } if (contest != null) { content = ZipFile.zipContest(contest); name = ELFunctions.filterUri(contest.getName()) + ".zip"; mimetype = "application/force-download"; } } else if ("serie".equals(type)) { Series serie = seriesDAO.getById(id); if (serie != null && !rolesBean.canEditSeries(serie.getContests().getId(), serie.getId())) { serie = null; } if (serie != null) { content = ZipFile.zipSerie(serie); name = ELFunctions.filterUri(serie.getContests().getName()) + "_" + ELFunctions.filterUri(serie.getName()) + ".zip"; mimetype = "application/force-download"; } } else if ("problem".equals(type)) { Problems problem = problemsDAO.getById(id); if (problem != null && !rolesBean.canEditProblem(problem.getSeries().getContests().getId(), null)) { problem = null; } if (problem != null) { content = ZipFile.zipProblem(problem); name = ELFunctions.filterUri(problem.getAbbrev()) + "_" + ELFunctions.filterUri(problem.getName()) + ".zip"; mimetype = "application/force-download"; } } else if ("test".equals(type)) { Tests test = testsDAO.getById(id); Problems problem = test.getProblems(); if (test != null && !rolesBean.canEditProblem(problem.getSeries().getContests().getId(), null)) { test = null; } if (test != null) { content = ZipFile.zipTest(test); name = ELFunctions.filterUri(problem.getAbbrev()) + "_test" + test.getTestorder() + ".zip"; mimetype = "application/force-download"; } } else if ("solutions".equals(type)) { Contests contest = contestsDAO.getById(id); List<Integer> submissionsList = Ranking.getInstance().getSolutions(id, null, contest.getType(), new Date(), false); ZipSolutions zip = new ZipSolutions(); for (int sid : submissionsList) { zip.addSubmit(submitsDAO.getById(sid)); } content = zip.finish(); name = ELFunctions.filterUri(contest.getName()) + ""; mimetype = "application/force-download"; } if (content != null) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) context.getExternalContext().getResponse(); response.setContentLength(content.length); response.setContentType(mimetype); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + name + "\""); response.setHeader("Content-Description", "File Transfer"); response.setHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding", "binary"); response.getOutputStream().write(content); response.getOutputStream().flush(); response.getOutputStream().close(); context.responseComplete(); return null; } else { return "/error/404"; } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return "/error/404"; } } public String saveTest() { Integer id = getEditedTest().getId(); if ((ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(id) && !rolesBean.canEditProblem(temporaryContestId, temporarySeriesId)) || (!ELFunctions.isNullOrZero(id) && !rolesBean.canEditProblem(temporaryContestId, temporarySeriesId))) { return null; } try { editedTest.setVisibility(1); // FIXME: naley warto pobra ze strony! editedTest.setProblems(problemsDAO.getById(temporaryProblemId)); testsDAO.saveOrUpdate(editedTest); } catch (Exception e) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formEditTest:save", summary, null); return null; } return "problems"; } public String switchShowOnlyMy() { sessionBean.setShowOnlyMySubmissions(!sessionBean.isShowOnlyMySubmissions()); submissions = null; sessionBean.setSubmissionsUserId(0); sessionBean.setSubmissionsSeriesId(0); sessionBean.setSubmissionsProblemId(0); return null; } /** * Validates component with captcha text entered. * * @param context faces context in which component resides * @param component component to be validated * @param obj data entered in component */ public void validateCaptcha(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object obj) { String captcha = (String) obj; ExternalContext extContext = context.getExternalContext(); String tmp = (String) extContext.getSessionMap().get("captchaKey"); if (!captcha.toLowerCase().equals(tmp.toLowerCase())) { ((HtmlInputText) component).setValid(false); String summary = messages.getString("bad_captcha"); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, component, summary, null); } } public void validatePasswd(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, Object obj) { if (!sessionBean.getCurrentUser().checkPass((String) obj)) { ((HtmlInputSecret) component).setValid(false); String summary = messages.getString("incorrect_passwd"); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, component, summary, null); } } public void submissionsScrollerAction(ActionEvent event) { ScrollerActionEvent scrollerEvent = (ScrollerActionEvent) event; if (scrollerEvent.getPageIndex() == -1 && scrollerEvent.getScrollerfacet() != null) { if ("next".equals(scrollerEvent.getScrollerfacet())) { sessionBean.setSubmissionsPageIndex(sessionBean.getSubmissionsPageIndex() + 1); } else if ("previous".equals(scrollerEvent.getScrollerfacet())) { sessionBean.setSubmissionsPageIndex(sessionBean.getSubmissionsPageIndex() - 1); } } else { sessionBean.setSubmissionsPageIndex(scrollerEvent.getPageIndex() - 1); } submissions = null; } private Problems findProblemFromFilename(String filename) { int index; int count = 0; int longest = -1; int min_index = Integer.MAX_VALUE; Problems problem = null; for (Problems p : getSubmittableProblems()) { index = filename.indexOf(p.getAbbrev().toLowerCase()); if (index >= 0) { if (index < min_index || (index == min_index && p.getAbbrev().length() > longest)) { problem = p; min_index = index; longest = p.getAbbrev().length(); count = 0; } else { ++count; } } } if (count > 0) { return null; } else { return problem; } } public String getClientIp() { return ((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()) .getRemoteAddr(); } private String sendSolution(byte[] bytes, String fileName, String controlId) { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); long submitTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { Problems problem = null; Languages language = null; if (fileName == null) { if (temporaryProblemId == 0) { List<Problems> p = getSubmittableProblems(); if (p.size() == 1) { problem = p.get(0); } } else { problem = problemsDAO.getById(temporaryProblemId); } if (temporaryLanguageId == 0) { if (problem != null) { List<LanguagesProblems> lp = problem.getLanguagesProblemss(); if (lp.size() == 1) { language = lp.get(0).getLanguages(); } } } else { language = languagesDAO.getById(temporaryLanguageId); } if (problem != null && language != null) { fileName = "source_" + problem.getAbbrev().replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9_-]", "_") + "." + language.getExtension(); } } else { fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("\\") + 1); /* * odgadywanie zadania z nazwy */ if (temporaryProblemId == 0) { String filename_tmp = fileName; int index = filename_tmp.indexOf("."); if (index >= 0) { filename_tmp = filename_tmp.substring(0, index); } problem = findProblemFromFilename(filename_tmp); if (problem == null) { problem = findProblemFromFilename(filename_tmp.toLowerCase()); } } else { problem = problemsDAO.getById(temporaryProblemId); } if (temporaryLanguageId == 0) { if (problem != null) { int longest = -1; for (LanguagesProblems lp : problem.getLanguagesProblemss()) { if (fileName.endsWith("." + lp.getLanguages().getExtension()) && lp.getLanguages().getExtension().length() > longest) { language = lp.getLanguages(); longest = language.getExtension().length(); } } } } else { language = languagesDAO.getById(temporaryLanguageId); } } /* * upewnijmy si, e rozwizanie jest wysane w jzyku, ktry jest * akceptowany przez zadanie */ if (problem != null && language != null) { boolean hack = true; int language_id = language.getId(); for (LanguagesProblems lp : problem.getLanguagesProblemss()) { if (lp.getLanguages().getId() == language_id) { hack = false; break; } } if (hack == true) { language = null; } } if (problem == null) { String summary = String.format("%s", messages.getString("problem_autorecognize_error")); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formSubmit:problem", summary, null); } if (language == null) { String summary = String.format("%s", messages.getString("language_autorecognize_error")); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "formSubmit:language", summary, null); } if (problem == null || language == null) { return null; } if (problem.getCodesize() != null && problem.getCodesize() > 0 && bytes.length > problem.getCodesize() * 1024) { String summary = String.format("%s", messages.getString("problem_codesize_error")); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, controlId, summary, null); return null; } String clientIp = getClientIp(); if (rolesBean.canEditProblem(problem.getSeries().getContests().getId(), problem.getSeries().getId()) == true || (ELFunctions.isValidIP(problem.getSeries().getOpenips(), clientIp) && problem.getSeries().getStartdate().getTime() < submitTime && (problem.getSeries().getEnddate() == null || submitTime < problem.getSeries().getEnddate().getTime()))) { Submits submit = new Submits(); submit.setId(null); submit.setFilename(fileName); submit.setCode(bytes); submit.setState(SubmitsStateEnum.WAIT.getCode()); submit.setLanguages(language); submit.setProblems(problem); submit.setSdate(new Timestamp(submitTime)); submit.setUsers(usersDAO.getById(sessionBean.getCurrentUser().getId())); submit.setClientip(clientIp); if (rolesBean.canEditProblem(problem.getSeries().getContests().getId(), problem.getSeries().getId()) == true && !(problem.getSeries().getStartdate().getTime() < submitTime && (problem.getSeries().getEnddate() == null || submitTime < problem.getSeries().getEnddate().getTime()))) { submit.setVisibleinranking(false); } else { submit.setVisibleinranking(true); } selectContest(problem.getSeries().getContests().getId()); submitsDAO.saveOrUpdate(submit); HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().getTransaction().commit(); HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().beginTransaction(); JudgeManagerConnector.getInstance().sentToJudgeManager(submit.getId()); return "submissions"; } else { String summary = String.format("%s", messages.getString("submission_not_in_time")); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, controlId, summary, null); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { String summary = String.format("%s: %s", messages.getString("unexpected_error"), e.getLocalizedMessage()); WWWHelper.AddMessage(context, FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, controlId, summary, null); return null; } } private void selectContest(int id) { if (getCurrentContest() == null || getCurrentContest().getId() != id) { sessionBean.setCurrentContestId(id); currentContest = null; if (rolesBean.canRateAnySeries(getCurrentContest()) == false) { sessionBean.setShowOnlyMySubmissions(true); } } } /** * @return the dummy */ public String getDummy() { return dummy; } /** * @param dummy the dummy to set */ public void setDummy(String dummy) { this.dummy = dummy; } /** * @return the users */ public List<Users> getUsers() { if (users == null) { Criteria c = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession().createCriteria(Users.class); c.addOrder(Order.asc("lastname")); c.addOrder(Order.asc("firstname")); c.addOrder(Order.asc("login")); users = c.list(); } return users; } public Integer getRatingEditNote() { return ratingEditNote; } public void setRatingEditNote(Integer ratingEditNote) { this.ratingEditNote = ratingEditNote; } public Integer getTemporarySubmitResultId() { getEditedResult(); return temporarySubmitResultId; } public void setTemporarySubmitResultId(Integer id) { temporarySubmitResultId = id; } /** * @return the temporaryDate */ public Date getTemporaryDate() { if (temporaryDate == null) { temporaryDate = new Date(); } return temporaryDate; } /** * @param temporaryDate the temporaryDate to set */ public void setTemporaryDate(Date temporaryDate) { this.temporaryDate = temporaryDate; } public Integer getTemporaryUsersRolesId() { return temporaryUsersRolesId; } public void setTemporaryUsersRolesId(Integer temporaryUsersRolesId) { this.temporaryUsersRolesId = temporaryUsersRolesId; } public Integer getTemporaryRoleTypeId() { return temporaryRoleTypeId; } public void setTemporaryRoleTypeId(Integer temporaryRoleTypeId) { this.temporaryRoleTypeId = temporaryRoleTypeId; } }